LECTURES BY SIRES THURS DAY AT SC There is No Adr Are Cordially Ii a Distinguished Below will be found a syllabus c each Of the three lectures to be d< llmeii by Dr. Bikes.thla week In tb school auditorium. The hour fc each lecture Is Indicated. The thr? lectures,form a series and it Is hope ? that our people will be present 1 hear all ^hros. Dr. Slkee is a dii tingniabed scholar, and a speaker < ability. He will entertatu and li struct all who hear him. There W no admlalson fee. A C are cordially invited to be present i the hps?u named. The lecture ou lines follow: Thursday evening, November 1 lftlS, . I o'clock?Political Partle Lecture 1?Prom Washington I Jacksott * V ,V Parties during the Revolution. Shall the Federal Constitution 1 adopted? t The popularity of Washington. K Quarrels In his cabinet. Game-cocks iw_a?^cck-plt. Hamilton and theTcommerclsl li tercet. Jafleaaen and the ngrlcultnre ii t*r~t Hamilton?the leader of the F?< erallst. Jefferson organises the Republics Who were the orlflaal Democrat! V Martha Washington's contempt f< \ them. Issues of Federalist a and Repnbl / cans. The ftnt political revolution Jf 1801. F H l#. Was Jeflfcraon a greet presidents We"" The me#'of 1812 and the youi men hi Congress. The Hartford Convention and S cession. *?V ? '>v - The end of the Federalist part Victori of New Orleans. Was there aa "Bra of Good Fe? Ing*" The "Scrub * race for the Prei dencj. f-i ?? i Thprtjdumph of Jackaon. the ei of the eld regime. Friday .afternoon. November 1 1912?Political Parties?Lecture 2From Jackson to Lincoln: Did Jqekson eplit his party? i?v _ ^ n : ! " n r rrsi jucuiy rape ' Eighteen T&aj "is the eighteenth annive nary of tile establ ishraen t of a Ami paper in Washington. On Novemb 12, ISM,-the Aral issue of the Was lngtoa' Msssengsr greeted the ell tens. The paper at that time was i \ sued from a small platen press ax only three columns. Within a sho tlnw it eras 'ncreased to a four cc I umn p-r^r. Subsequently the Was J* N lngtoa Colette, a weekly paper, w; purchased and the name of the dai was changed to the Oasette-Mease ger. The paper was iesued for se eraf .years ander this name. I "^y 1 RANI TEAM OF KJF P.^ i "" * _____ The Rank Team of Pamlico Lodg Knights of Pythias, will leave'tl fV afternoon for New Bern, N. C.. f . the purpose of attending the Dlstki meeting of that order tonight ai also confer the rank of Knight up< ! a candidate which Is to be furnish by the lodge. The rat team of this city was Invited to cc B3? fer this degree. Thoee who loft wer W B. Harding. W. K. Jacohson. g C. Kugler. Collin H. Harding, P. ?; Maxdell. l?. T. Shaw. Chaa. L Pan r> Dr. A. S. Walls, 8. C. Pogram, H. I^tham, Charles Fleming, Robert Fowle and Capt. W. H. Kllswori ^ They expect to return tonight on t VASH i "i' hfjiSS dr. e. w. day and fri:hool buildin< nission Fee and A: ivited to Attend. 1 Scholar. >f A woman and a widower in po tica. 0 Why Jackson broke with Calbov Van Buren. the allck pojitcl&n. ,r Why Clay organised the Wb 16 party. d The Log Cabin oampaign. Ha :a Cider wins the presidency. V Polk and the Mexican War. >t How Clay and Webster lost t i- presidency. How the Whigs won and lost. 11 The last meeting of Clay. Webat it and Calhoun. t- Triumph of the Democratic pari The Free Sailors. The Kno 4. Nothings. s. Rise of the present Republic, to party?Jno. C. Freemont. The various phases of the slave question. >e Did the failure of the Whig par cause the Civil War? Two great cause# of the war. The rivalry of 8tephen . Doug! and Abraham Lincoln, a- Lincoln and the war. Friday p. m.. November 15, 191 a- 8 o'clock?"Wealth and Poyerty."Lecture 3: 1- What constitutes the wemlth of nation? in The motives of economic actlvil Does property Instinct measu i? civilisation? ?r Production and distribution wealth. 11- What la a Just distribution wealth? in la the spendthrift a better frie to society than the miser? la the condition of the mass of p? iK pie retting better or worse? Dlff< ence between concentration or weal e- and large-scale production. Have we too many millionaires? y. Are the fruits of progress shar by the masses? il- How many poor in the Unit States? A- Difference between Poverty a Pauperism, id Causes of Poverty and Riches. la greater diffusion of wealth p< 5, sible? ? Charity. When is It wise? Economic schemes for the red) tion of poverty.. . . r Started Here Years Ago Loda T- The Gazette-Messenger wag I 1r ally purchased by a stock romps 9f and then sold to Mr. C. L. Stevei h of the New Bern Journal, who chai ed the name of the dally to ths Wai in g ton Messenger, After running the paper for a ye ld or more the business went into t rt bands of a receiver and wai pi >1- chased by the Tidewater Printing I h- When th-j name of the paper u ss again changed to the Washing! ly Dally News. Since that time the \ n- per fcaa freen under the managemi v- and control of Mr. Jaa L. Mayo, pr ent editor and proprietor. A HAD DKATH AT ED ALIA. y Martha Thompson, the sweet lit R daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Thompson, died suddenly at 1 home In Idalla on the Monday nlj e' of September SO. 1912, after onlj 18 few days Illness. or She was taken violently 111, a ct all that human hands and skill cot id do was done, yet the Lord saw b 3n to'take dear little Martha to be w ed;Hlm on high. Martha was a bright child and v J like a sunbeam In her home. 8he v n" unusually smart at school, thou e: a little over nine years old. when i p. was called to be one of Ood's ang< P. Little martha was punctual in 1 ie, place at Sunday school, when, a T. to he there, and always had a brb p. and ehesrful smile for every one Lh. ghe leaves s mother, father, t he slaters and four brothers. Mr. G. 1. Swindell conducted i burial services. The litis body t laid to.mat in the cemetery at ; rore to ow.lt th. oomiea dor tor he oil. ... Mor the Lord Mod up th. hrol br hsaru of mother ond fother end th 1 door one. end enable them to live Pxj'i H.r''('! V ' I WASHINQTOK, NORTH CA1 >alr T? l 1 S it? n. Ik U I he or | ry VIEW OF LAKE AND FORES I tj K The above view shows the Fore* this building, as an annex, will ba ere< alte on the grounds, the elevations belr a" ment district ' 1 " 11" i I NATIONAL CON8CRVATION EXPO- Pi SITION, ' l? . m ?n?? ? I a Knoxvllle, Tennoaeee, September and fG October, 1f13, Provides Attractive n y Grounds For Amusement District. m re The section of the grounds of the w of National Conserratlon Exposition.' Knoxvllle, Tenn., September and Octo- j M of bar. 1813. which has been set aside as' the amusement district, will be ar-1 b| nd ranged by landscape architects with a i v view to making' the location one of J ar *>- ?tr??r>d^a7 aUjffSlrenosa. Terrace aa lh Bulgarian A ttack o ? ? oS_ rd the most unique dtsfelay and ar- is ingement of grounds evfr seen in a wl ldway section. The lay of the land of such as to permit of 4 street that ag ill traverse the section from the main at iteway on the lake to the lower end. pr 'turning in a gradual curve to a point at: ssr the beginning and again winding ca ward the upper side of the grounds be ick to the lower park dntrance. This no 111 afford a series of tertgges, and the co nusemont places will be go arranged. pL 1 to rise In tiers from th|J^ks froat^ sU n Turkish [ Still in Progress irlan troops from entering Conantinople. In this connection there an idea prevalent in Sofia that me important diplomatic action Is loot to this end. With regard to the difficulty be- ** reen Servia and Austria, the Vien- ^ \ Relchsport, in denying that any immon action by the triple alliance ^ 1 Belgrade Is Intended, says Austria tfa as no egotistical plans regarding lbaala. but is only anxious to pre rve Albanian national and political oedom and, in this object, has the tpport of Germany and Italy. But. le 'paper wdde,-the^ tfrgre-assurance bJ r 8ervia that she would not fortify ^ er harbor on the Adriatic would ire little security and her pAaage trough Albania can not b^fipn- ' ,d?j. wl According to an inspired atateient, the view of the Balkan allies that an autonomous Albania, in- Qt ead of contributing to the peace of l? Balkans, would be a source of ^ arpetual trouble and disorder among >e Albanian people themselves, who Qf ave never been independent, have > national feeling and are of variJ8 religious faiths and nationalities, w 1th nO common language, not even a immon alphabet, the disorders. It is rged, would inevitably spread to tho irroundlng states, and. instead of a srmanent settlement, Europe would s left with a troublesome Albanian til uestlqn on her hands. se - - in EMMS WITH RABIES ; KILLED BY IDE POLICE . V. ni About a month ago the police of m ie city killed a dog belonging to Mr, j| harlee Venters, which had every Inlcation of being mad. The police E iarnlng that several doga had bc-en T Itten killed'ali those reported. Slice tc aat time several dogs In thai city ^ ave developed rabbles and In con- w sgnence the police have killed be- gl ween fifteen and tweity doga that u 'ere bitten by the run-mad dog. B ' Captain John W. Keyes, of Raligh, N. C., one of the clever conuctora on the Norfolk Southern N tailway, was hare last night shaking w anda with is many friends. T 5,'> " f Ik Mr W. T. Ballsy. Jr., waa a pas- a< rnger on the Washington and Van- la eaaere train this morning from A>> ? * f - ? < AILV OVEMBER 12, 1212. rrow.-Coole|if' j c I wi H n t D| H VATION EXPOSITION. irratlon Exposition. To the left of a ings will occupy the most beautiful * akea, drives, buildings and am-osethe buck of the grounds. It doe* c t require a stretch or Imagination to iture the appearance of this section t> ten Illuminated at night. This plaa part of the general landscape work itch will be carried out In all parta a the exposition grounds. The manement feels that one of the greatest Taction! which the exposition can esebt to visitors can be formed by lllsing tbe natural beauty of the lotion In modern landscape work. A utiful park Is quite as necessary as le buildings and exhibits, and tbe-loHty lends Itself to tbe most artistic ins t&at a landscape artist c'qjiid de- y a?in ISM ^ ? ITRIC PWM LAST ' NIC9I WAS ENJOYED 1 gain last evening the popularity 2 the Lyric was attested by a fair ie audience that greeted the offer- 3 g at this place of amusement. "Morrell and Jaeger*' in a singing 4 id talking number held tbe boards, id while their act was a very highass one, and considered to be a 3lg Time" act they only drew a iry few hands. Their singing was of w ie very highest type and "Real" f nusement lovers seemed to appreate it, and their costumes were very >at. but as a general thing it takes medy to get Washington's applauso At the act deserves credit, and the ghest praise is all that can be said d '? d Tonight the above mentioned arits appear in an entire change of ogram, offering an entire new act, * Ith real live comedy. The regular ? otion nicture bill todav hlcfclv fea res a beautiful "Biograph" and n hers that are equally as good. t The offering for the last half of e week at the Lyric will be the c 3arlyle Comedy Co.," eight people b Fering new acts every night. t 'EEK OF PRAYER BY MISSIONARY SOCIETY E The Ladles' Missionary Society of c re First Presbyterian. church is ob- a irving a week of prayer this week ii connection with their society. Meetings will be held in different f irts of tho city each afternoon this ,| oek at 2:30 o'clock. * y The first service was held at the r aidence of Mrs. J. J. Johnston on rest Second street yesterday after- s >on. This afternoon the society will s eet with Mrs. F. C. Kugler on East ain street; Wednesday afternoon 0 le society meets with Mrs. W. H. llsworth on West second street; hursday afternoon the meeting goes * the residence of Mrs. Howard Tigwall; Friday afternoon it meets j ith Mrs. W. C. Mallison on Bast | scond street and on Saturday aftrnoon with Mrs. E. T. Stewart on ast Second street. HUGE POTATOES. Mr. J. D. Thomas, ot Cbocowlntty, I . C., presented the editor toJcy i lth samples of bis Yam potatoes. I WO Ot them welched fire and one- 1 alt pounds each. They were much 1 dm I red and shows that Mr. Thomas 1 i aa expert farmer. They were rale, i 1 on the farm of Mr. Mat hew i there. ? V. NEV mW/Kmm " rHE WASfflNGI SCHOOL ATT \11 Citizens Shou the Following R Explain Itself. A careful nnavlsis of the school 0119us (white children) in Washingon reveals the following facte: Report of superintendent concernng school census, attendance, etc., rhite school, made to Board of Trusses, November 7, 1912: Total school population shown by ensus taken in June . 1912, 885. Of his number the following are not in chool: 1. Those pased compulsory age Lmit (16 to 21), 134. These are disrlbuted as follows: a. At work, occupation known. 73. b. Occupation, if any. not known, 4. c. About whom we have no information. 22. d. Miscellaneous. 15. 2. Attending school or college Isewhere, 4 3. 3. Graduated from High School nd at work in Washington or elserhere, 15. ^ 4. Married, 15. 6.Now teaching school. 3. 6.Moved away but uames still on ensus, 22. 7. Below compulsory age limit iut not in school. 62. Tb?&e are distributed as follows: a. Work for their own or carents' upport, 18, b. Not found by visitors. 11. c. No reason given, 23. d. Can but will not come, 4. e. Cannot pay booh fee, 1. t. 8tck. l. g. Fepble-minded. 1. b. Will come later, 4. (Of these 62 eleven are only six ears old; Ave only 7; three only 8; ia.o+tr^Wly !? tbe ?*hm* re 12 to ui years old.) 8. Total on census not in arbool. 94. 9. Accoutred for by census actally attending school, 581. School Attendance? Those on census d81 . Living in town bat not on census 79 . Living outside corporate limits . . ; ? 69 i Kindergarten t under 6 yra.). 49 Total 778 YILSON WILL ANNOUNCE DECISION VERY SOON Princeton, N. J., Nov. 12.?Presiient-elect Wilson indicated yesterav that he might make an announcejetn within a few days as to whethr or not he will call an extra seslon of Congress to revise the tariff. He had intended delaying any anlouncement aleng this line until af er his return from his proposed vaation, about December 16. It was uggested to him today, however, hat Congressmen would beuettt by n early announcement in that they rouid arrange for accommodations t Washington lor a definite period. I hadn't thought of that." said the overnor. "Of course, 1 don't see any mblic need for announcing my deision now except, perhaps, to quiet ,ny speculation as to whether there I going to be early action or not. "1 had fully intended to wait beore announcing what I was going to lo until after 1 got back from my acation. 1 was going to hear and aad opinions in the meantime." "It's very interesting from conenaus of opinion on the extra Boston." "You mean the opinion in favor -f it?" he was asked. "Yes.'? He would not say, however, what lis decision would be. 1MIFLYM invents NOVEL ELECTION BOX Mr. Prank Flynn, of this city, has nvented quite an innovation to the ray of an election box. Hie device .?o arranged that all six boxes can * locked or unlocked at one Una. 91a patent la now on exhibition in ke city ball and must be eeea to be typrcciated. All who have aeea Ita rocking* pro nomas? It a ancceas la (very way. vs 1 Mc. 43 rON PUBLIC I ENDANCE LAW . Id Read Carefully eport Which Will | Summary? I From the above statement it wlIT be seen that the census taken in Vi^H June enrolled 864 Since then we find tbat the number moved away is 22 Fly going over the census and getting lists of pupils who are out of school, we find that the number who were not enrolled on the census is 73 The net gain is. 57 I Making actual census sow. . . .492 (Citizens are invited to examine thiB report carefully.) As will be seen from the above 'there are sixty-two children in Washington between the ages of 6 to 16 !who are not now attending school. | The "Attendance haw" requires that I I all children between these ages shall attend school unless they can show good reasons for non-attendance. At a meeting of the Board of I School Trustees, held at the public I i school building. Thursday, November 7th. the following action was taken: "We find that after a careful j analysis of the school census the ? Superintendent reports that there are now sixty-two children in Washington between the ages of 4 to 16 who are not attending school. In ac- J icordance with our compulsory attendance law it Is ordered that the parents. and others who may be responsible for these children, shall > J put these children in school within {ten days, and that a notice to this | effect be sent personally or otherjwlae to each parent. Against (hose jwho fail to meet this requirement, ^ Ithe law will be enforced both as to ognize exceptions to the law, and i shall require those who plead these exceptions to prove same."' It is hoped that all parents or others who are responsible for the the non-attendance of the sixty-twe children mentioned will put fbem in school at once so that the children will get the advantage of the school as early as possible. Respectfully submitted for the J Board, N. C. NEW HOLD. ' Superintedent. SPEAKER LiARK PREFERS TO REMAIN IN HOUSE Hot Springs, Ark., Nor. 12.? Speaker Champ Clark declared last 3? night that he would not be a member of President Wilson's cabinet. "Even were such a position offered 5 me I would prefer to remain where I am," he said. a _*v Mr. Clark will speak at the opening of the Arkansas state fair here | today. Return* Still Incomplete. St. Paul. Minn.. Nov. 12.?Return* * from last Tuesday's election are still incomplete in 26 counties of Minnesota. The following figures were given out today at the office of Secretary of State Schmall: Rodevelt, 1 IK.OSS; Wilson. 99.375; Taft, 61.894. The vote on the prohibition, social labor and public ownership tickets have not yet been tabulated. JACK JOHNSON HOPKK TO SECURE HA Hi TODAY. Chicago, Nov. 12.?Jack Johnson, champion pugilist, who is in the county Jail here under indictment on charges of violation of the Mann white slave law. hopes that security satisfactory to Federal Judge K. M. Land is may be furnished today on 130,000 bond required. It is said a number of persons in Chicago are ready to put up real estate in tbn amount renuired to set Johnson at 'jfl liberty pending his trial. # ? -- * NBW ADVERTISEMENTS IK TODAY'S NEWS ''g i Wilson Freckle Cream. Sodlaso M J.k O'Qnton. \i Capudlne. ' Boston Bather Shoe Cs. Howard Winfleld. { Spencer Bros. x .J J. K. Hoyt. tyrte. The Hub Zemo | .? #