m/? * * TOI*. 4. ' Chair Next Fri Mann Intervenes Rlehmond. Vs., Not. It.?The j State Supremo Court yesterday re- < fused to frant a a?w trial for Floyd Allen *Bd hla son. Clauds Allen, eon- 1 Tictsd of participation la the Hills, rtlls court murders. They wars sentenced to death in 1 the slsctrio chair at ths penitentiary 1 bars Friday. November tl Governor Mann, it Is believed, will 4 not. interfere with the execution of * the court's judgment. Floyd Allen was convicted May 17. I a peel heal ly for the knitag of Com- i monwealth'a Attorney WMUtm Foe- 1 tor. Hie eon, tried on the charge of I hilling Judge Horn too L. Maaeie. was 1 convicted and sentenced to fifteen i years In the penitentiary. A second i : im = NIOTT HFT!?: 1 . DELIVER OPENING AQOIESS Wuktastoa. D. C.. Iter. 1,.?Th. ninth annul eonrnntlon o( th. N?ttonnl Rhrara and Harbor. Omenta I whkii mw%m IB Ull* CIV/ on UfWU ber 4 to continue la session three dare, gives abundant prom lee of being the moat largely attended convention thle n?nnlatlon baa bad sine* 1U reorganisation at th# old Arlington a decade ago. President Taft will deliver the opening addipea and la expected to etlll further emphaaisn his poeltion looking to a broad and atatesmaahke poller br the national government, la the treatment of the waterways of ?>. vthe country to the end that^all mar he made aaviggbia. And after the present administration la ended progressive elttbena In all the states will look to s democartfe administration to carry on the work of rlvar,' harbor and canal improvement now under way on the ground that ths platform of the Democrats Is even stronger than the platforms of other parties with respect to this vary vital question. The result of the general ejection, whlel it does not affect the advancement of sentiment for waterway improvement in harmony with the doctrines of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, has in a number of Instances changed the personnel qAgfce committees of both bouses having to deal with river and habror appropriation*. The Senate Committee on Com> marcs, which consists of seventeen numbers, lost two?Messrs. Bourne 5 of Oregon, Republican, and Percy of 1 Missipslppl. Democrat?while Vtbe { House Committee ?n rivers and bar- 1 bors, oopsiMlng of twenty-oae memMcMWVj^MMof Lousiana. EUerbe 1 ' ofc SdMb iroffna and Boehne of In- ' diana. L.vwreace of MaasbchaWtta. 1 Davidson of Wisconsin, Young of 1 Michigan. Rodenberg of KBlaols and * Kennedy of low. MWMr ; The only memberWWhe^ Houec Committee who will continue in Con- 1 crees le Mr. Ranedell, who hie been 1 elected to the 8enate Hie dlstlngn- < Ished service not Only In the Honee 1 but ee preeldent, since Its reorgaatia- 1 tlon, of the Nntlonml Rivers end Her- 1 bore Congress, should In ths very an- 1 ture of thtngs pleoe Mat upon the 1 Comsserre. Committee t?T the Senate. ' The n Claude Lose in ? Supreme Court, Die in the Electric day Unless Gov. Irial mu MMmnt for tba killing of Attorney meter reeulted In e conrletion for mtlrder In the Irat degree. July IT. The appeal to tko Supreme Court for new trlnlr. decided adrereely to- < lay, tad teen pendlnn for romo time but Virginia ofKtali tare proceeded j! lib arraagemeata for tba executloo If the men, beltertac that no clembody would be etewo. j; ' The HUlerllle uourt toaea ohootlng In Marrh, when tba Allen clan reaentId tte conrlctlon of Ployd Allen on a / BI nor Ctarse bp tilling Are pereona In Ike court room, la etlU holding attention In Virginia bedaaae ot tba trial of Sldna Allan, the clan loader. ?oui undar way at WytberWe. MswMiasin = CUE AH TROUBLE5 I WgeMagtee, D. CoNor. yL-Are- _ port WU clretloud recently that the mlMW of oqoattori oa the banks it tha Cksoanska aid Albemarle ch- ? >a) had canaad tha war Oeaai laseml ? la hold ap tha- panh? of tha prep- th irtj until tha MUa aoaM ho fnllr In- Tc reatlpated. ha appropriation of ?c liPO.OOO woo maOa at the last aaatb?I th s'orlolk to Bhhlalwt Inland water- ?l ? nopraaontatlTo Small, a member ea. >f tha rtrara and harbors oommltteo ha >r the Houoo which drafted tha Ml i>ored Incessantly for puaj jMn, In- * " it'tnted inquiries to determine the ln Kjurce of the report Mid the real to itatUH of the project. ^ Subsequently Hepreeentatlve Small las given the following statement of 8U ihe status of the project up to date: *" "The purchase of the canal as anihorised at the last session of Centres shas been placed In the hands P? rt Major Wnslow, who U the district DO engineer at Norfolk. The search of :be title fa being made under the department of Justice. The canal prop ?rty la divided Into two parts, one 1 known an the Virginia cut and the th Jtber known an the North Carolina iut. The search of title to the prop- 00 irty la Virginia has ben placed in lo the hands of Mr. Lawrence Qroner, Qnltcd States district attorney, Norfolk. and for (he North Carolina cut Bl m the hands of Mr. H. T. Seawell, h0 Lvv r!J i-- : nA aitimet attorney ror eastern North ? Caroline, whose postofflee Is Carth- an ige. ,nl "Am preliminary Major Wins low Bl repaired the company to mark the boundaries of the right-of-way with thl substantial cement monuments. Mr. atl BurweJI, manager fer the company, da has already located the monuments ? [or the North Carolina cut and hopes :o complete those for the Virginia I ;nt hy November 20. Both district Utorneya either are angaged or will won he engaged in searching the Itle to the property. It appears that here are no squatters who will give Tc my trouble. Aa soon as the two district attorneys report the titles satisfactory, the deed (will be prepared sad the money paid, hat the date of *r aonsnmmntion to indefinite. - ch the opinion that M the work ought to be completed and Oka title passed by Oecamber 15," ^ A* the election did not chute the ot party complexion ot the House, the b< spportlonment ot the Klrers end to Harbor* Committee wll remain the ac same, with Mr. Bparkman, of irior- lo Ide, as chairman The new hem- b] ben. asenmlnd the preoent members dc reelected will he reappointed, there m wUl he three Democrats ud are Re publicans. Reel dee the chairman, the reelect d Domocrata are Bnrieas of Texas. Humphrer. of Mississippi, Tayloe of Alabama. Bdwards ot Oeottla. Small ; of North CaroHaa, Boo tier ot Mls onjl, Oallather ot nilaola. Drtecoll ^ 1 1 11 . fr'alr T f^h v -\^ r -4r * ico?rmiKj i i i ? SERVIANS CAj *mmm the foreign warships to guard b b streets leading to Pera. The a kali German warship Lore ley was u signed to protect the railway ata- h >n. .v ' It According to the same message b< rfect order prevails in Constantl- v pie. tl Great Battle Opens. T Constantinople, Nov. 19?1,0:45 p. s ?The great battle between the ilgarlans and Turks is on all along a e line of the Trhatalja fortifies- d >ns. Nazln Pasha, the Turkish & mmander-ln-chlef, sends the ft>|* h sing dispatch: .'./ * Ul'r I* "The battle which commenced It terday morning with an attack by % ilgarian Infantry lasted until one o ur after sunset. The enemy, who anced chiefly facing our right wing cj d our center, was repulsed by our p fantry and artillery Are. Three g ilgarian batteries were destroyed." d AH through the day the sound of n e heavy guns was heard In Con- tl tntinople. . It ceased only with rknees. The firing along the en- e EMBERS 8F CORN CLUB It SHOULD HEED NOTICE > the Members of the Boy's Corn Club of Beaufort County: 8 Notice Is hereby given that I have ^ _ 8 ranged with the Aurora Fair Asso- ^ stion to have boy's corn Judging 4, id prise awarding day at Aurora in a unectton with the Aurora Fair on b xorsday. December 5th. I want II ery boy in the club to be in Aurora h t that' day and bring 10 of the v?ry li et ears of corn that be may be able n elect from the horn grown on his e re. These exhibits will also ? al- p #ed to enter for premiums offered h ' the Aurora Fair Association. Boys > not fail to send your reports to e at once or to Mr. W. L. Vaughaa. Yours for successful farming, JOHN F. LATHAM. c - Collaborator. ^ OOMI TO NORFOLK. Mr. J. c. Rodmu left thle morn. K Tie the Norfolk Southern'tor NorIk, iter ehe expect. to epeod mr- \ ?1 den. WkUe there ehe will be t sveet of Cel. end kn. W. B. i odmjta 1 '" r . ?' * ft . W , I V i ! tTH CAWUNA, TU?BDAY A.FTM1 pturb stronghold Ire line wm Mill); preparatory ? an lnfantry'e|Wk. The Turkish battery kept firing lgoroualy. Tbe Turkish ships in the ea of Marmora abated the Bulgarin poaltloaa.. Undoubtedly the fleet \ tho Black 8ea alao took part In ke engagement, tkeagb details from kat point are lacking. In Uxe afternoon the wind shifted nd it eeemed l?r a time aa though ke battle ha^'thfcAod^fot again the oomlng was heard and the more-; tent of troopa could be observed not j ir from the gatea of thf capital. AI etachment of several thousand from | ka TchauOJMIldk wa^^fstfaeed by I reah troopa who had been held laaserve near the city. The refugees behind the lines egan breaking camp oarly in the day nd moved . back toward Constantlople. Tbe Greek villagers, who eretofore bad remained admirably idifferent to events, prepared to Aaert their homes. While calm proailed there was a deadly tension in ic knowledge that the fate of the urkish army and Constltnople was t stake. 8everal members of the legations nd other foreign residents witness escribe as magnificent, on the sea of [armora, and the shelling from Sight arrows Blyuk Chekmodye lake hd over the plains toward the north, he flashes of the guns on both sides erh visible to observers over miles f low country/ ; nimiD too cuy ?very military presution wm taken. Pickets were osled at various points and patrols uardod tli? streets. ( The arobassaors held a meeting at the foreign mtstry with the commanders of le Ottoman gendarmerie and delaed measures for the safety of forigners. mm FALLS SENSELESS ON BIS STEAMER Captain Robert Burrus, of the teamer Blanche, plying between Washington and Belhaven and ladssvlllo on yesterday while sitting a the main saloon of the steamer Biking to friends, fell to the floor in n unconscious state. He was rought to this city and carried to he Fowls Memorial Hospital, where la condition is still precarious. The fcte reports from the hospital this aornlng are that he la atill in a oma. Dr. Rodman is his pending hysician. His many frleiras wish 4m a speedy recovery.. PI-RCHA8IJWJ STOCK. Messrs. H. H. Carrow and Claude larrow. of the Haseel Supply Comany. are now In 8t. Louts purchaatvg horses and mules for the stable* - FOB VWTEEN MARKBTH. Mr. Howard Win field la now In Western markets purchasing a oaroad of horses and mules. Due antouneement of their arrival will be Bade through the Dally News. !a35 INOOK, NOV KM BUI If, 111*. iorrow - -Cooler 'OURS" i", NEXT MISTRESS OF white uniicc ihtcdti vvuiib uuudb niitibrii Mrs. WflOdrow Wilson, the nex "Mistress of the White House." hsi accepted the position of Khnorarj President of the Woman's Auxlllar* of the Southern Commercial Con gress. Mrs. Wilson accepted the poaitioi on October 16, in Philadelphia, whet she and Miss Jessie Wilson held ? conference with Dr. Clarence J Owens, menacing director of Thi Southern Commercial Congress, relative to the purposes of the Congress and the plans for the Woman's Aux iliary. Mrs. Wilson la a native of Georgt: and- la - Intensely ie?erested -not:-sal] In the development of the South, bui also of the nation along lines of general education, vocational education and In the solution of all economU problems, both urban and rural, at they relate to the home as well as tc the business world. The first congress of the women ol the South will be held In Mobile, Alabama, at the time of the fifth annual convention of The Southern Coxerclal Congress and both will b< coincident with the opening of iht Panama Canal. The full Cabinet of national officers will be announced in a few days It will include the following, vlx: Active President, Vice-Presidents Treasurer, General Secretary and at Executive Committee. President Duncan U. Fletcher will appoint State Presidents for the sixteen states Included In the territory of the Congress. These will in tun Appoint taeir cabinets and count) presidents. The county president! will organize clubs of fifty, one clut for a couu?.y. Dr. Owens made the announcemen of the selection of Mrs. Wade Hamp ton for the office of General Secretary. Mrs. Hampton Is the daughter-in-law of General Wade Hampton, of South Carolina. She will b< located In the Southern Building anc will work In co-operation with Managing Director Owens, of the Con gross The aims of the Woman's Auxiliary will be the name as for Th< Southern Commercial Congress. Th? power of organized effort 8f th< women of the country will be brought to bear on the questions the Con ay. Plans E Ab indicated in yesterday's paper cu Wednesday. November 27th, will be of observed as Traah Burn Log Day. of The Woman's Betterment Aaaocia- Mi tlon desires to clean up the town be- co fore Thanksgiving' Day and asks mi every citizen and property bolder to pi aid in the work. tei The following plan will be follow- tri eu to attain this end: ax A prize of five dollars will be of- tb fered to the white boy who contrib- fla utes the largest pile of trash; one of hi three dollars to the one who contrib- co utes the second largest, and one of th two dollars to the one who contrib- )y. utes the third largest. Each boy who desires to help in bo the work and get the prize money pli should get busy rlgbt now. do to th> each merchant and householder and to secure from them the right to get all col the trash, old papers, boxes and other inflammable matter on their prem- W isea on tbe^25th and 24th of Novein- at ber. Then make arrangements to , suitable to the steed obtained for jev< i| those afternoon* to haul the trash &e-|Wi GREAT SHOW AT ~Ti THEJ^YRIC THEATER Among the features on the pro- 1 gram at the Lyric last evening the ltd >rWilaon & Frank ford-* act In a high- E. class singing talking and feature bui dancing was a novelty, opening for for a three day's engagement and wan d?r well received by the audience. pre Mies Frank ford's dancing was one 1 of the main features and was exceed- pre ingly clever and pronounced to be fcul tfnt of rb* MR imwn b"?|tfc0 and her costumes were beautiful, the Uttlc artist wearing a Harem ekirt different from the majority of acts, ren but rendered a blend to the act that ?le was very high-class and entertaining. to Mr. Wilson's songs were very good, ^a however we have beard better, but are taking the act aa a whole no crlticiam *rtli can be said. The motion pictures 07 were another feature well worth Hei mentioning and some of the best we l>r?' have seen in some time. Today's program offers an entire change of program in vaudeville and pictures. PLANT Kl'XXllfi DAILY. 1 C.t W. S. D. Eborn, manager of the Attl Farmers Ginning ft Milling Co., of frlc Uunyan. N. C., announces to the pub-> Jl/t fKaf ?hfl n/?w o-!nw.l?- n|anr t- ...? i nlcg every day and Chey are pre| pared to gin for all that come 3 promptly. They have ginned 80 ' ba'cM and every one Is pleased with ' his turnout. Highest prices paid for ^ tint cotton and cotton seed. MRS. PHILLIPS INDISPOSED. ?? (te The ninny friends of Mrs. T. \V. n*8 j Phillips will regret to learn of her lbo ( indisposition. Bhe is now confined fo her hoTne on West Second elreet and her condition Is thought to he precarious. call . and ? tional education, held In the Senate cor ; office building last December that at ? federated the national federations on cor t this subject and Las actively con ducted the campaign alnce. r The Southern Commercial Con1 gresa called the conference on Rnraj 1 - Credits held in NaaLviLIe, Tenn., last F April, presided over by Hon. David c - Lubin, of Rome, Italy, which has ret sutled in the plan now fully work- j - ed out to send a commission to Bu- foo - rope next May to make a study of ant a the systems in operation with the ter - view of solving this question for the i American farmer. Many national or- ? r ganixallons have given endorsement 3 - to the plan. The commission will go * - from New York, April SC. The Southern Commercial Con- ] gres will hold its fifth Congress at a ] time to enable the thousands of dele- 1 : gates to go to the Canal for the for- | - mal opening ceremonies. In these * t plans the Congress has the endorse- J - ment of the Deportment of 8tate of i - the United States and of the Pan. 3 American Union. Secretary Knox and J ^ Director Oeberal Barrett are gtelng < -(active co-operation. e *> " m 1 IS1 BURNING DAY j nt Association to fl ior to Thanksgiv>e vised. $ i red. Haul all of this to 1h? farm JB Dr. 8. T. Nicholson, located hack n Mr. B. B. Nlcholeon'8 residence on srket street, and place la a pile. A mm it tee of the Woman's Betteren t Association will hare charfte of jM ling the trash so that each constant will be protested and his . ? ash properly labeled. Bach citlsen id property owner la requested by e ladies to hare all trash and Inmm a bio material on his lot or la a bouse collected and placed In a nvenicnt place on those dates so at the boys may get it convenient- | Jk The trash collected by tbe colored ys will be placed In a separate ^9 see In Dr. Nicholson's held and e same amounts offered in priaes the white boys are offered to the iored boys. The Big Fire will take place on edneeday afternoon, November 27. 3 p. m. The Woman's Betterment Associan desires it to be the biggest fire er seen in the neighborhood of ublaglOD. S? IRISTIAN CONVENTION III ! mm fl! FAK1VILLE rho annual confervr.ce of the Bine gc Atlantic Conference of the M. Church will convene at .Marshall g. X. C., to morrow and will last one week. Blehop Theodore H?nfon. of Chattanooga. Tenn., will aide. rhere will be about one hundred j achers present and at last two >dred laymen and visitors. Anion*; .V ji IfLMJ -if I 1 , ?? ?W i"" atxraarag xob aonrei riiPt i rorn shlngton will be Rev. J. H. War; Rev. E. A. Lowthar. D. D.. of Bt. phen'e M. E. church. New York, proposed president of the college be established here; Mr. P. H. rrt-u and wife, of Asheville, who the gueats of Rev. J. H. Warren. 3 ? evening at Moreheod City, Rev. Lowthar will preach. Bishop ideraon was to have been the acber, but be could not reach the n In time to fill the appointment. IX THK CITY. fcr. H. E. Tripp, of Farm?ill?, N, was here yesterday en route to 'ora, N. C? to vielt relatives and ;v nds. ;k IIKTL'RXS HOMK. ' j ilrt. Charles Alllgood left yesterfor Hyde county, where *he ext? to make her future ome. HOHTON1A 8KXTETTK CLUB. rhla cumber Is the attraction at Public School Auditorium to- ^ bt. being the second ncmbeT of Lyceum Course. nBliUUB tXJMML"NCATK?X. rheer will be a regular communiion of Orr Lodge, No. 104, A. F. I A. M., at their hall this evening, ner of Third and Bonner streets 8 o'clock. All visiting brethren ?vi* dially invited to be present. COTTON MAHKKT. j :d Lint Cotton, IS ct?. -yj ieed Cotton, $4.60. Totton Seed, $20 per ton. >oor food or lack of nutritious d, food not properly prepared. 4 I overwork and underfeeding foaconsnmptlon. 4EW ADVERTISEMENTS t IN TODAY'S NEWS ^ * Iallett * Davis Piano Co. * dri?. ||H toston Rubber Shoe Oo. . :9| lonthem Distilling Company. * J V. C. Hathaway. J !, K. Hoyt. r am* - Clark. Wlleon Freckle Cream. .V'bH 1. U (VQuLan. . * ? .. .y., ' ':;V 1 V; vvVi"*'\