l "r; ' . .I '. ^ ir | Secret Service Mc &~J?- " .' They Have Broi a Gang That has the Government. Cincinnati, Ohio. Not. 20 ?With UkftfrMU today In tlx cities ol men aliased >7 the government to constitute a monumental gat rich quick Chain of swindlers United States secret service men declare they have brought to the surface aa organlxation that has mulcted small corpora lion, inventors and promoters of $1,- i 600.000 In the last throe yean. The . iirreets wore made aa the result of j secret indictments returned hare by the last United States grand Jury. Those arrested were: P. D. Mln- < yard at Cleveland, Ohio; George 8. Hannafoad, Chicago; H. B. Warren, BocheoUr. N. Y ; Mason G. Worth. Maw Tort;' Thomas Pishwlek, Boaton; A. Brnc* Crane. Newark, N. C. Indictments were returned here against five men who are alleged to j. have constituted one link of the chain. The five are Mlnyard, Hannaford. Pishwlek and 3. R. Long and J. Hft, O Malaatm. who are said to be In Canada. Thd other arrests ^were \ Ths three indicted in Clncin- anil w?Q be returned here (or trlnl. 1 i&V A federal grand Jury at Rochester I tflinAaald. -will be empaneled to In- 1 branches of the alleged < vwhlie the grand Jury at Buf- i N^^^kiWUl convene tomorrow to < tnM^fikcnae. *dtfpM?C evidence which result- i - ed i**|36pienU. it is said, waa 1 Jurr hy n woman', I JVfifenage, formerly em- : jfAjjpfcwBWmDgrapnsr by a firm of 1 M'nyard fteeakw .and Malcolm. Dief* <|WAttorney McPhereon today held 1 conference with Mian Kromnge, it was rakl rhe would am ty gpThe plan of operation It is charged . in the ladlCtments, waa for' members CLEANING UPBAYIEEIS A READY RESPONSE The clean tog up day aa suggested by the Wowaw' Betterment Aseoclation for Wedaeeday, November 17, baa already met with a generous reasons* from all classsa of cltiaena. - , VJ? The oMM of tb? uiocIaUh U to h?re clou ?nu for TtekkacwtuK "881*'? and untoa* oomotblac oafonoca hapJj pona ft wtti occur thla roar for tha Brat time fa jeara bv The member* of the Womua' BetkfWwe, terment leeoelaUon aad the mayor of the etty are to be commended for !&>-? their tboughtfulneee la tble direction. J LEASE MllFE TOJDECEnBER 13 20.?Governor Mann^yseUvOsy morn tog gran ted t loyd a respite until Deoember 13. They were sentenced to death in the electric chair November 22 (or their part to the Hlllavtlle court ?.... murders. That Claude Allen's case would be appealed to the Supreme Court of tho United States, on the constitutional grooad that hie Ufa was placed in leopard? twice tor tho same of . dfcfl 4totonse;;'..wps jbii statement made by the doomed youth's attorney. Judge N. H. Jlalrstou, here res tar day HTUWARD*H M BETING. The last meeting o( the board of Stewards Of the First If. B. church (or the-present conference year will oonvene in the BAraca room of the church tomorrow night at the usual f, hour. Bvery member Is urged to be Bj&> ; present. v- ffil Yon can talh about your ntlver and gold, and shiny medals for Christmas present* They w?l pot count much if you ore going to take true friendship In ooMid.ratlon. Tour llkonm in a nte* .botogr.ph I. th? brut and I QUICK SCBSIS" :n are Jubilant as lght to the Surface Been a Terror to of the concern to sdvertlse their ability to* sell stocks for promoters and Inventors. Those who answered the Advertisements were, told that the stock could not be sold at its true value unless guaranteed by a reliable guaranty company. The customer was then recommended. It Is charged to George 8. Hannaford, who conducted the Chicago Dc bent life comI*ny. Hannaford. the indictment statee, would guaarntee the atock, charging ane per cent qf its par value. The promoter then would be informed that a purchaser for the entire lseue Pad been found providing the propoittioa was. found worthy. charge rating as high as ontrthlrd or some Limes 4 5 per cent of the par value 9T stock, would be made for this Investigation. Afterwards the promoter was Informed that bis proposition had proved to be no good and was dropped. 4 The indictment charge* that the nrecAAds from th? two lamtlntlnn. were divided among member* of the brokerage concerns and the depenture companies. No effort was made to sell any stock. It declares, and f only a perfunctory Investigation c siade of the merits of the different I Enterprises. g The individuals sod corporations s named in the Indictments here as c baring been victims of the brokers s include the Bitter Valley Fruit and s Products Company; the Folding E Fibre Company; the Ooldfteid River . Bead Mining and Milling Company, " the Tucson Consolidated Mining | Company, the Derbyshire Manufac- ' Br.dl.y, 11U.; W. H. Morey, Rockford, Ills., and J. H. Wiasow, Milwaukee. Wis. o FOOT BALL ffllEINORFOLK > ON mrnrn m' The attraction of (he season will * be the football game in the City of v Norfolk on Thanksgiving Day. Reduced rates are scheduled over the a Norfolk Southern for thta auspicious a Bvent and doubtless a large number t of our citlsena will take advantage t Df the low rates and attend. This c event Is always looked upon with great interest and this year promises e no exception to the rule. e MIICHTFK PUTT BW ! uiiuuuiuiiu uiuiui nun OFFIERS FOR IK VOIR The annual meeting of the Daughters ?f the Confederacy waa held at the residence of Mlaa Mac la Myers, corner of Bonner and Main streets, yesterday afternoon. Quite a number of the delegates were present. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Miss Lena Windley; first rice-president, Mrs. Samuel R. Powle; second vtce-presldeqt, Mrs. W. H. Call; secretary, Mrs. D. T. Tayloe; treasurer, Miss Jennie Burbank; registrar, Miss Marc la Myers. The xrfeetlng was enthusiastic and all those . present anticipate, the greatest year In their history as an organisation. BlIWi ARE OPENED f- : . V&jfSr FOR DESTHOVRItS. a ' " Washington, Nov. 10.?Bids for the construction of new torpedo boat destroyers, opened yesterday by the Navy Department, were: ] Cramp Ship Yards Company. Philadelphia. 9841.000 each for three shlpe; Fore Rlrer Shipbuilding Com- * pany, $854,600 for each of two; Bath 1 Iron Works, $889,000 for each "of i two; Newport Newt Shipbuilding 1 Company, 9884,000 for one. or 1 8991,800 each for two; New York, i Shlpbotiding Company, 9$li,f^ \ VISITORS TO THE CITY. i | Mr. J. C. Overton and wife and J. i W. Mayo, of South Creke, were I [Washington visitors yesterday. They I returned yesterday afternoon. (j jL WASHINGTON. NO ? f-'alr 1 l? i'l , |i.i,n'ti!iffj(f; Agricultural Fear at Aurora * The Agricultural Fair Hchedoled or Wednesday and Thursday, Deember 4 and 5, at Aurora. N. C.J Tomlaea to be an affair not toon forotten In Beaufort county. Not only re the cltlaena jof Beaufort county OCdtally invited to be present but ill thoee in adjoining counties. All ye naked to share in the contest for irctniums. The very beat kind ofj mm FOUNfi GUILTY New Tork, Nov. 20.?After being ut for an hour and ten minutea the' ury in the case of the four gunmen barged with murdering Herman ( toeenthal returned a verdict finding ill of the defendants guilty of murler In the first degree. Justice Qoff finished his charge to he jury at 1:36 and the Jurors lm-i nedlately retired to consider their Srdict. Justice.Qoff in charging the jury aid: "If the State's informers committed the crime, aa the defense conends, was it reasonable to assume hat the informers would invite the [unmen aa witnesses? "If Jack Rose had lied, be said, in wearing that the gunmen "did the hooting, why then did he not go furhe r and swear that he actually saw cxv vrnrnm or to* <je-1 endants. "These are circufiuU&ces or you to consider," cautioned the ourt. As in the charge to the Becker jury I uatlce Ooff ruled that Rose, Vallon nd Webber were accomplices. Justice Ooff remanded the prisonra until 10:30 a. m. tomorrow, when e wUl fix the day for proDoanejBgl entence. T* The entire proceedings in court I rfter the jury came in occupied only even minutes. The gunmen were brought in by four prison wardens I nd a uniformed policeman. They I teard the verdict with faces unmovd, staring straight ahead. I On the way back to their cells the honvlcted men, except "Whltey" Lew- I s walked erect. Lewis went with I lowed, head. The crowd ttr the court I oom received the verdict without Itomoostration, and the nowa caused I 10 visible, excitement when it reachI id- the throng outride the building. miNVKSTKiATK TARRING OF UIRL.I h'orwalk Ohio Not. 20?That the Huron county grand Jury wilt b? lummoned Friday to conaldtr addl:tonal eridenee la connection with the erring of Minnie La Valley at Weat Slarkageld taet Augur-., and that .here la a probability of aareral nay ndletmenu being retnrnad. waa the announcement, of Proeacutlng Attorney Don Young hero yesterday. Brneet Watch wan conrietad taat week of aaaault and battery In connection with the tarring. Ft re other men el ready are under indictment for "rietous oouaplraoy" In eenaeo Hon with the tarring, an daaother will he tried for perjwy. V jy . - - ; vjjS1 ronlgtit and Tomi i * >LANNuB I V " 1 Comes Off December 4 and 5 crops, stock, poultry and all other kinds of produce will be on exhibition. It is the desire of the manage- d ?<wt w iuo w wn person a prize Q who offers a creditable exhibit. The ^ Aurora Agricultural Pair Assoc! a- t tion this year promises to be the j, crowning event of the yule tide sea- g son. Reduced rates are promised on Q all railroads. ?* 1 c CHRISTIAN ClUBCil - ~ shhhmibiwi ]? ? The annual Convention of the Disciples of Christ of North Carolina ? held its opening session at Parmvllle ] last evening; from 7:30 to 9:30 p. m. The attandaace was surprising- 1 ly large. Both the eaat and west a bound train which pams at Farthtille ** at 6:33 p. m., were crowded with vis- *' itors and delegates to the convention. 0 The seating capacity of the large au- a ditorlnm of the Christian church was t( taxed In lta Umlta during the evening n services. This wee net Uiphrte# for ? the Aral service of the conventions, 6 which will last four days.. The song * service for the evening was under the * leadership of H. C. Bobbltt, paster of ? the Christian church, of ttock-. Mount. It was participated In by the whole congregation and was very in- 9 spiring. Devotional exercises .were F led by Thayer Parish, of Jl C. Col- & lege, Wilson, N. C-. after which s " most eloquent addreaa of welcome 11 was given by C. B. Mashburn, pas- & tor of the church at Parmvllle. The n mayor of Parmvllle then welcomed the visitors to the city in a few well lj chosen words, and a response to the *j address of welcome was given by L. n, T. Kightsell, of La Orange. After this Richard Bagby. pastor of the d. Christian church of Wilson, delivered k an excellent address on Mlnister'al Relief, in which he showed the ne- e cesslty of bringing financial relief to *1 the aged minister who have spent *\ their liTer in fighting the battles of the Lord. This was followed by the convention sermon, delivered by W. *, T. La Prado, of Durham. The raeet-'v| lng was presided over by C. W. Howard, of Kinston, who la president of bj the convention. V 'TO BK JATIJCD ONE MINUTE. Woodstock, Va? Nov. 20.?Joseph tj Sheetse, a married man of near Edin-; l burg, was found guilty of unlawfully^ secreting Miss Dora Oets, of the same ? neighborhood. After a trial lasting J more than four days, the verdict was U 1 cent fine and one minute in iall. H The defense "was set up that the I girl left her home because of Inhu- * man treatment. ' WILL IHOUISB CAPITAL 1 RTod OP COAAT LINK. Richmond, Va., Nov. 20.?Atlantic I Coast Line stockholders 1* annual * meeting yesterday authorised the meently proposed 90.000.000 in- 1 crease in the capital stock of the railway, making $79,000,000. | The incumbent directors were re elected an dthey, in tarn, re-elected 1 | the preeeat offlcers of the company, i ' V ? IKWOON. NOVKMBKB SI, 1911. arrow- -Cooler . ,-v -;K .:? V B < rwo Engineers 1 Killed, in Rail- . road Accident J Richmond, Vn.t Nov. 20.?Five e*d and many Injured Is the result f a head-on collision early yesteray morning near Qranlte. N. C.. boween the north and south bound 'lorlda-Cuba special trains on the eaboard Air Line. The trains crashd shortly before four o'clock. The slegraph wires are torn down and ommunicatlon was cut off many ours. The known dead are: C. H. Beckham. Mutineer, of Hal- ? Sfe - _ c W A. ^aTsonT engineer. of Rillis h. jj O. V. Priddy, express messenger, f Boyklns, Va. ' Two negro firemen. Trains No. 81 and 84 are through ^ rains, running between New York nd Jacksonville. Train 81, lesvsa . lew York at 2:30 p. m. for Jackonville and Tampa. It Is composed f steel sleeping cars, drawing room ^ nd Inlng cars. No. 84 corresponds ^ ) 81, northbound. Conductors Tilgh- C ian and Shaaaonhouae. both of P tlchmond. are among the injured. _ lellef trains are speeding to the ( rene, with surgeons and wrecking quipment from Norllna, N.'C., Ports10nth, Va^ and- Raleigh. Details at Wreck. Mr. C. H. Beckham, engineer sn eaboard train 84, and Mr. Will A. 'alaoo, engineer on 81, north and u outh bound paasenger trains, were 11 astantly killed at* 3:40 this morn- ? kg. when thai rtrains crashed t?- tl ether in a head-on collision a half N ill? north of Granite. N. C., a at*- 11 ion 7 miles north of Raleigh, and * he firemen oq both engines were p tiled. Number 84 was runlng 42 t< ilnntea lmto. having left Raleigh at a :22, an bonr alte. Mr. O. V. Prid- a y, an express messenger of Boy- h Ins. Va.. was the fifth victim. e The trains were scheduled to pass If sen other at Granite, hut No. 84. he crew, probably misled by con- a using orders, pushed out into the n srknees and met No. 81 at the edge fi f an embankment and curve. En- tl lnes, express cars and baggage cars b rero splintered, but the first-class c assenger coaches and Pullmans on F oth trains escaped serious damage, p he passengers escaping with' alight n a The injured were rushed to Ral- g igh on two specials, the first reach- * here at 9:28, and the second at y T:l5. A relief and wre<fklng train, f, rlth Drs. J. R. Rogers, James W. f< ifcOee and H. G. Tucker aboard, left ? taleigh at 6:16 and the physicians * eturned on the first relief trains rlth the wounded. They are: d J. T. Bryant, baggage master on t <o. 14, Richmond; scalded on head o ind hands, not fatally. ' d Willis Pope, negro porter on 84, \ lichmond; scalded. fl Rountree, express messenger, I lichmond; Injured Internslly, prob- d ibly fatally. a Brown. express messenger, s fsoghn; Injuries unknown. Dick Graves, colored fireman on 11, was killed IneUntly, and Jim e luffla, colored fireman on 24, died t i few mlnates after the accident. ' FIrsWI^ TARES PLA( nSTOMA SEXTETTE CLUB ' CURS THEIR AUDIENCE Tha Boatoala Sextette Club charmfrd thsix audience at the Public! School Auditorium loot evening with Lheir delightful music. The club unSor the direction ot C. L. Stoats. vac! fcbly assisted by Miss Rebecca H.j indreti, soprano, and her voice was aauch enjoyed by the music lovers' present. This was the second numPer of the season for the Lyceum I Course. The following program was rendered: t. Overture "Ludovlc," Herold? Sextette Club. 3. (a) "Dernier Sommeil Do Lai Vterge". Massenet, (b) "Evening' Breere." Langey?String Quintette. 1. Fantasie for Clarient, from "Pre| aux Clercs," Pnradlp?Mr. Staats. i. Arle from "La Relne de Sabs," Gounod- Mis# Andrews, j. Violin solo?-Scene de Ballet, Op. !00, de Be riot?Mr. Kicker. I. Selection from "Romeo and Juliet," Gounod?Sextette Club. L Cello solo?"Serenade Badlne," Marie?Mr. Torgrove. I. Song?"Heaven Hath Shed a Tear,'^*Kuchen (with clarinet obllgato)?Miss Andrews and Mr. s Staats. I. Serenade?"Nlcoise," Volpattl? Sextette Club. 0. Selection from "La Tarantella," Jahobowskl?Sextette Club L (L MOYT BiVES AWAY ' HJUNROIE PRIZES III DEC Two beautiful prizes given away at . K. Hoyt's well-known store. One > to be presented to tbc most popukr girl and one to tbe most popular oy. Tbe prizes are to be displayed 1 the East show window- at the well nown store of J. K. Hoyt from now ntil the closing date. The contest pens Monday. November 25, and loses Saturday night, December 21. ..Tbe lady's prize will be a hand- , ome 219 doll and the one awarded a the boy will be n "Widow Jones" 10 suit of clothes. These prizes go , 3 the most popular girl and the most ; opular boy. They are well worth, i irivlng for and doubtless all those : ntering the contest will do so heliev- , ig that the contest will be spirited i ad enthusiastic from beginning to ad. Watch the show window of . [ojt's tor the display and then look I >r the contestants to work out the lan of success. MHMT UNDER PILE CDfHMS IS HIS FATE Raleigh. Nov. 2(f.?To be caught , Oder a pile of coffins while select- , ig a casket In which to bury his life, who died Monday night, was 1 be fate early yerterday of George tew ton, an employe of the city sanlary department. Both legs broken, t everal ribs dislocated and the chest ushed in was the extent of Mr. Newon's Injuries. At the hospital this fternoon. where one.of the legs was mputated, it was tated that the man j ad rallied from the effects of the ther and would likely recover. lie) ? over 60 years old. Further developments into the j lurder and burning of a young white i&n Saturday night disclosed the' act that he was Paul A. High, nndj hat he was emnloyed as a laborer i y one of the Raleigh lumber con- 1 erns. He and his brother. Lonrle,' Ugh, Saturday night bought half a int of liquor from Logan Greene, a egro, and Paul returned about 11 'clock. Shortly after that time nexoes In the neighborhood heard creams. Coroner Separk and a jury esterday began investigating the afair. Robbery is the motive Resigned or the murder and burning, as High ros known to have $11 In his possesion. Only 51 cents was recovered. Hon. WU'-fum Jennings Dryon adresaed a large audience in the audlorlum Monday night on the subject t "The Making of a Man." The adireaa was under the auspices of the Poman'i Club and was for the beneit of Rex Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Iryan arrived in the city early Monlay and were entertained by Editor nd Mrs. Joseph us Daniels at dinner, everml townspeople being invited. (X)XMNED TO HER HOME. Mrs. C. M. Xlapp has been confined to her home on West Third street luting rttxe past several m tliiw with fcver. *? & - . ' . , boat race ;e tomorrow 1 Start From County BriSfta H at t JO P. M. Stx Boats Have I Entered. Tomorrow promises to be e Hoist , day for the mot or boat o woe re and enthusiasts as the Orst rare of tho season ia to be "polled off"-at 3:30 o'clock sharp. The rsce h to start at the County Bridge and end at the f Norfolk Southern bridge. The hosts I are to run ten time* over the eOuree ' t and there will he friendly rivalry over the outcome. It is stated that Fuller's boat does not beat both Smith and Gallagher that be will he the loser to the tone of $10d. The Fuller boat has a handicap of three minute* and forty seconds. Six boats have already entered the A conteat. The following owners have stated their intention to be at the starting line on time: Robert Fowle. Mr. Pratt. Frank a. Mom, Dr r. t. I Gallagher, M. a. Smith and C. h. 1 Fuller. The judges so far selected for the occasion are Captain Samuel 'J Baker of the yacht Thetis and Capt. j C. L. Morton of the t. 8. Naval Reserves. No doubt the contevt will be \ witnessed by a large number. Last 9 season several of these races were hfld and proved to be successful ia 73 every way. death enters horb of mr. waters un November 14, 1912, death's 'M angel entered the home of Mr. aDd Mrs. L. V. Waters and claimed for Un own hia beloved little eon. Harral, who was confined to his bed several 3 days, but a more patient sufferer we *3 haven't known. He leaves a heart .3 broken mother and lather, sinter and jfl brothers, besides a fcost of frienda. The moat sincere sympathy is extended the bereaved family and all that loving bands and skill could do V was done, yet the Lord saw beat to 9 take dear little Harral to be on high >9 with Him. Harral was a bright child and was like a sunbeam in bit* homeHe was little over 2 years old when he was called to be one of God's an- M gels. Why should oar tears in nor- M row flow when Godrecalla Hla own -jfl and bids them leave a world of woe for an immortal crown. Is not even ^ ' jl death a g&ln to those whose life to God was given gladly to earth. *1 FIFTH ANNUAL GOWflfTKM 1 IT RALEIGH NOV. 26-21 '12 I The flfth annual convention of the .*3^1 North Carolina Drainage Association -'M Is to be held in Raleigh Tuesday and ufl Wednesday, November 2d and 33. ]3 and will be a convention of mueh is- J terest to all the progressive citiaeM of the State. Since the passage of the North Carolina Drainage Law, over sixty drainage districts have been organised in eastern, piedmont ' 3 and western North Carolina, cover- 'a ing an area of approximately 900,000 acres. Tins represents probably the $1 most felrile land in North Carolina, including, as it does, tbe swamp jy lands of the coastal plain and tbe overflowed creek and river bottoms of the piedmont section. When reclaimed. the agricultural possibilities Jfl of these lands are enormous, and tbe \jm better health conditions which will result will undoubtedly make tbe i sections drained a hundred fold more attractive to the settler or tbe Immigrant. Consequently the importance of this work can not be over-eatimated. In view of the fact that it gives to the state large acreage of wonderfully 'fertile land, and makes large sections of tbe state more desirable an places of residence. ;fl An interesting feature of the con- . vention will be illustrated lectures on the afternoon of the 27th?onel?y .'JH a representative of the E. I. du Pont H do Nemours Powder Company, showing the uses of powder in drainage and agricultural work, and another ?1 by a drainage engineer from tbrf U. <3 S. office of Drainage Investigations. ifl who has most Interesting slide* showing processes of drainage. ,'^V " It la also of interest to note Hon. John H. Small, Congressman from the Sixth District, will make addresses on this occasion. cvH 11 citizens of the state interested Jl in this work are cordially invifed to 1 attend the convention and take part; oH In Its proceedings. OOTTON MARKBT. ! Lint Cotton, IS cUi. fleed Cotton. 14.60 Cotton Seed. $10 per ton. ;<\V-' JraSlflA<;raS^^^V c vv'i' ' > i

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