mn m mi 11 . Balkan Forces Are 1 Preparations to R? the Waft to Success J : ?>\ London. Noir. ?No serious I fish ting la reported Mi tho Tchatalia tor tlnee where both aid* appear to be pee waiting the l?ue of th# armistice ne- Tui xotiatione. Meanwhile alt the nece*. bol aary diipoeitloa* are being made ftp t?l r. resumption of the war should the ear negotiations (ail. * ' 'jf ' hie Bulgaria le ?hipping hex forces Kla from BalonOti in Qrefh' transports, alw presumably for transfer to Oallo- the poll Penineula where Turkey la ateo ten atrengthoning her fovtvee by Anato- key linn troope. Hereafter an attempt w? twill be made by the allies, aeeisted J by the Oreek fleet, to take the Dar- of daneUoe. box I j The rest of the allied forces, liber- for a ted lb Macedonia will be scat by rail log i mm speedily as possible to reinforce fro the Balgarians attacking the Teha- Ita r talja linen. Their pieces will be tak- 1 en by the Bulgarian 1912 recTulu wo who, after thrsf we^ke training are tan being drafted Into lffteedonia for gar- ly rioon duty. mu The only news of military lmpor- sitl tanoe tonight ia the occupation of ml] Ochrldh, n large town near Monastir, oth by the SerrUns. The positions at Ta; Adrianopta and Ccntarl are apparent- Ita | ly unchanged. ria I Official ntatemente Issued at Vlen- ( ! ?a r outline to deny the reported war Pei prep* rati oat Letters from Vienna flrn hare reached London however, con- Yoi firming the reports that the strength cry of the eta different army corps la be. me: ins isirenan il and that a large num- in ber of isearrteU have been called out. the Rome, Hov. 28.?The Saltan of feri Turkey bee made an appealer the Tel nood offices ef the Kins of iValy to in] bring about a more Conciliatory atti- wot | ,T"- tude on the part of the Kins of Jdoa* > < log advantage of Qoeen Helena's re- Ro latlonahip to his family, urgee her wh to do aQ 1a her power to disarm Aos- by trian hostility so that Servla may se- Eu euro th# outlet to the Adriatic which pre >she eo much desires. Is i Usual Thanksgiving City Public Sch* In accordance with |he custom of net previous years the Public Schools B<c will have their regular Tbaakagtvlag exert tees Wednesday, November 21, , at 12 la the auditorium. The ehU- be drea are expected to brlas some gifts to be distributed to the poor of the ter r SSSL *-**** t>? Y?rlsu6 iiureM* vUl km eWga of the 4o-- chi CFi). LMUT& .Willi ii 1WBUM ! -... >!(? n**3ii?4w? ? ? ! ) Brlhaven %n Uit Saturdd^ met with wil a painful, If not serious accident. Til The tongue of th?/w^ciia _fe^cam6 f0J loose la some wdy g?<fr In roofre- fd quence being that bis skull was crashed. "While his condition in still 1 precarious it is lit J>je hoped that he will recover m ? ' mi ON WHBTERN WkKTH. ~ bo Mr. B. U Busman, president of the wl Washington Horse Exchange Co., is in tit. I*>ute, wWlre he will pn^ane for his company a cat load of yomig a 1 horses and car load of young myles'. especially for the big sale that this Ja concern will conduct at the Aurora Agricultural Fair, December 4 and 5. eo: ?: ph Mrs. U *. Kldd baa gone to Goldsboro, H C, to visit her sister. Gr of Messrs. B. B. Latham, W. C. To- ad ten. A. F. Ndwardn, Harvey Purser, Warren Tnten and Harmon Rowe, all of Rdward. N. C.. are In the city at- tnj tending sourt. ? ?? bu BAVS I1AHBB AND HAKKR HAVH. Ci II jvt want only one Cbrletmae vrnnent. *M that it to to k? tor that down a OA ??#tt In* dollar.' In om single plot are, and we will giro you to BAKER'S STUDIO ee H i' . / \ k 1 I *JLm JL. JB,. JB Proceeding With jsume and Push sful Conclusion. l)b communication to Kins Vks ^mmanuel, the Sultan recalls the co recently concluded between key end Italy and the deelre of h coontrlee to Uee in amity and irifre the reciprocal relatione, and ueetly requests the King to uee Influence with hie father-In-law. g Nicholas of Montenegro, and ) wltf? the King of Servia. with object of Inducing them to offer n? possibla of acceptance by Tur. eo that her dignity might he edi idmlral Bcttojo. former minister marine, in an Interview on Alila Mid that U Dmrasao waa (renamed to a commercial port, 61 lowor Italy'* economic expansion m the Adriatic to the Dunabe, ty could deelre nothing better. ?l(h reepect to Avlona, Italy aid never consent that that import port should be possessed director Indirectly, by a great power, cb less that this commanding poon should be transferred into a itary base. In the hands of ajyy ar country than Italy It would eo ranto and to endanger ly'a strategic position in the JLdtlc. Constantinople, Nov. 26.?Kiamil ina* ins grana vizier, toaay conned the fact that the arrest of Che jag Turks was doe to the .dlscovof a plot to upset tha govemat. The matter .he said, is now the bands of a court-martial, and law would take its course. Re-1 ring to the Turkish posit on at iatalja, he declared that it was passable and that tha Bulgarians aid learn this' to thetr cost. ^ompsUnlna of Europe's tndlffer. ntb,t eta is behind the Balkan league, Mb .1 tpu. in feet, engineered Russia It will not be long before rope feele the consequences of Its * eent policy, for a strong Turkey leceetary for European peace." Exercises by ooh Wednesday ;lons and see that they are dietrlbd to those who deserve it in all la of the elty. Mrs. 8. R. Fowle rhatrman of thi^commlttea. everybody la cordially Invited to present at the hour named, rhe exercises will be brief and inestlng. There will be no Thankaing speech; only exercises by the Idren. 0.0. F. CONVENTION AT GREENVILLE NOVEWBER 28 rbc district convention of the Inpendent Order of Odd Follows 11 convene is the town of Greenie oa Tbundsy, November 28. The icwlsr program has been arrangfor the occasion: Convention will assemble in the 11 of Covenant Lodge, at 2:30 p. Will form in procession and irch In' a body to the connty court oss at 3 p. m., where the meeting LI he open to the pobllc. 1. Convention called to o/der at ?. mf by tSw. Pn&ilpe, president. 2. Addrcai. of Welcome?Dr. P. L. toes, of Covenant Lodge. 3 Response to adderse of welme?Norwood L. Simmons of lalsnx Lddge. 4. Addressee by Grand Master and and Warden of the Grand Lodge N. C. (Public can now he request to retire.; 5. Report from Lodges. 6. Selection of next piece of ubeetI T.UiseeUaneone bnslneee and new 8. Adjournment to meet at hall of ?venant Lodge at tifO p. at. 4 Conferring'of the Initiatory Dene by Covenant Lodge. 1 Qood of tho Order Tel*, cl?og of tke Lodge. ?. Refroohmont Connalttoo wlllj n. nfnrtauto la loRco room . ... \ . ? ' ~ . ^ I M'4 li II \^l 19H ~Wk. UmI Q?n. NaUon A. Milts to at OawKtu of Ufcort*." amk vtU kfas i Watooaof Georgia. What brought t of the Rcnu Catholic church Couple Married ir Furniture Co TERRIKf fANIC CAUSED Bt FIRE IHA SMW Bllboa, Spain, Nor. 16.?A terrible panic was caused yesterday afternoon by the cry of "firs" at a moving picture show hare. About 60 children and others were hilled. Only one woman up to a late hour last night, bad been found among the dead. ' The number of Injured ia not known, aa mOflt of them were taken home by friends. The scene of the accident Is a farce circus, which had been converted into a continuous cinematograph show. As tbn price of admlnioa was only two cents the building was crowded BT Its capacity and for the meet part irlth women and children. Tbe operator of the machine lost his nerve wbei^ a- film ignited sad creamed "flre.,f He was ana bio to entingatah the flames himself without difficulty but the effect of his cry upon audience was Instantaneous. Almost everyone In . .(he bull din? sprang up. Police and attendants were powerless to control the panic Stricken people and were swept away by the surging mass which sought to light a way to the exit. Scores were knocked down and trampled and many were crushed to death In the passages from the galleries and to the streets. The disaster caused frenzied citizens to gather outside the building and the authorities had great difficulty in carrying on.'the work of rescue sad sstricatisg the deal and Injured from the piles of wrecked seats. The manager and other employes have been crested and held pending as Inquiry. INIERDENOMlNATWXftL BIBLE CLASS MEETS ?1> The Interdenominational bible clean or the city wilt here its drat meeting oyer Brown'l drag etore the evening at S o'olock. Ml the naewihere of the respective Sunday school bible clessee ere urged to he rnmel tor the parpoee of ornenlaeUoe. Here after the dees will meet each week. Some member of the reepeeUn churches will conduct the dees. No 8nT5 NOKXB fiwinn, TOMDAT ARI ii ronlgbl and Tone < II II Bt t, ? Vh' H(>' 7 [ft: ' 11 ^nr If ^ B \i I B ft { I 01 ft U u m v' 12 . ii > H^Mll 01 ft w >1 ' > I ' I It I I ? I b. I 81 HRI u ft r u Bl hi wF^<' ci X l^ v .1 ; nv/sr& w Uie head of a now society called Tht U< la associated farmer Congressman Tom pi hs order Into beta* la a mystery, bat P* nrtanlty to pautt MMr daminnlatfcma li< hi r\ ^ 1* 1 a i Jefferson j mpany Tomorrow [J a ?? ? Interest centers In the marrLayo ot the cou?U> la tka Jeffenwn Wurnllur. " Company's show window tomorrow c afternoon at 2: IS o'clock. 8oe the " advertisement of this unlquo event 1 eUewlMn la todu'n Dally N,tr?. " The couple will receive the handsome salt of furniture offered by the company for the Ural couple to unite " their hand and heart in the window " oi this well known business firm. ?miautt?Br ; ?. i c. sher: Br * m Chapel Hill. If. C.. Not. 26.?The ^ movement launched by the literary societies of the Urtvsrsity of North d< CtMlaa a few wvWpi to form a l< Mote-vide debating union of the high 2 schools or North Carolina has thus ti Car met with admirable suceaa. The U plan which provide* for the forma- 01 tion of a net-work of school* for stimulating debating In the secondary ^ schools has nlrendy.been responded f( t^by ? representative Bchools of the State. The list loclndes the high school* of Raleigh. Charlotte, Saltsbury, 8tatesvHle. Winston-Salem, Qj Oreasboro. Washington, Henderson- c viHe, Oxford, Lenoir, and other fore- n most schools in the 8tato~--The com- aj mtttee promoting this debating on- n ion have been active In arranging t( the query to be debated, the prize R that la to be awarded, and othev ^ technicalities towards making the union a thoroughgoing one. The ?ri?. nominally the "Ayeock Memo d rial Cup," will be a contribution of v the local chapter of the Tan Kappa n Alpha debating fraternity, which r chapter ta comprised of inter-colleg c' Into Carolina debater*. o The North Carolina Drainage Association will bo to session at Hal- ? eigh oa the dates of November 16-27. , ' The University will bs isprssaotsd by p ' Prof. William Cain, professor of u nHiWSllia He to totsrsted to the |; ' faith din pus of work of this aaturs, t sad his advice oa the subject will be c 1 altogether worthy of conalderation c ' at thin meting of the drainage asao- | | station. Ho will address the anuria. - 11 doaht'but what the outcome will be ! . hwostofsl and rusuUant ef much a good. c ! " ! NOOK. Novum 1?. IMS. trrow?Cookr HHTi M IK IMMT R1I Washington, Not. IS.?Concrcu ill reconvene nest Monday for the a at short aeaalon of Repttblleu eon- o ol In national legislation. Cons- b fcratively tow senators and ropro- ? intatlvea bar? reached Washington, N at discussion has been active dur- b Lg the last week among thoee early a t the scene over plans tor the win- H it's work and prospects for tbe spe- tl al tariff session next sprin. when e< 11 branches of the government paaa w ito the hands of the Democrats. c< While tbe vexing questions of the ti iriff is not scheduled for conalderaon this winter, the three months of Q ke short session will be crowded e ith legislative work. In addition U i the annual grist of appropriation o Ala, Congress will be forced to die- tl use of a quantity of general and spe- o hi legislative matter eft pending p Ith the adjournment of the long ses- g on to August. d During the early part of the uea- tl on the house will be busy shaping ti Impropriation bills, while the senate ti disposing of the impeachment trial G r Judge. Robert W. Arch bold,, of the p Hnmerce court, set to begin Decern- G it. c Several important measures will tl a pushed for early action In the mate, among them the resolution of 11 kfcator Works, of California, to lim- tl the President to a singe six-year b: rm, the Shoppard-Kenyon bill pro- oi (biting the shipment of liquor into lu "omoinon states, ana lae vocation-?Lu education bill of Senator Page, of jci Mrmont. The bill of Senator Borah ih eating, a department of labor la w 0 scheduled for early counldera- pi db. ei The department of labor bill has C< Leaed the house, but that body ould still have to act upon the voca- oi onal education bill and the stx-ycar m residential term measure if they Ui issed tho senate. The prohibition ai l?or measure will be pushed In the >use by Representative Bheppard. of ei axes, who will succeed Senator tc alley In the next Congress. Ener- 31 ?tlc efforts will be made in both cu iuaes to secure legislation amend- ei g the Sherman anti-trust law and II mlttag contribution ti polltca) N impalgn funds. H Senator Kenyon'u bill amending H ie Sherman law, which has been be- pi >re the senato interstate commerce f? immtttee, will undoubtedly be t? rought up for early action in tbe P mate. ot Meantime tho committee beaded r Senator Clapp will probably form- h< late a measure limiting campaign la mtributions, based upon it9 exten- el T6 investigations. Several bills on O lis subject are pending in both B ouso and senate. ..... X Efforts will bo made during tbe isalon to repeal at least a part of m Canadian reciprocity tariff agreement. The attempts failed last Bummor whoa the repeal was attached to y trioas Democratic tariff bills. lj Congressman now In Washington s< a not expect any action on currency m gfalatkJn-durtng the short sessions. nil on fhn mhiivt "Hin Rolotlnn r>t le University to the Public Works r the State." Tho debating union of the Univerty has recently, consummated plans >r ntriangular debate, during the q. lonth of April, between the unlvertes of North Carolina, Virginia and Z shns Hopkins. Any new schedule p f debates by the University of North arolina recounts its notable achleveicnts In the field of debate. In the im total of thirty debates with Dtod universities from Pennsylvania > Louisiana, Carolina has lost only lne. This Is a record unsurpassed g \ fJcuthcrn univerrltlcs. ^ 1 In a race contest hold by the track | epartment of the University last Wednesday, a member of the freshian class won the medal as the wtfest mllo-cllpper against seven ompetltors. The wlner made the a ille run within 4:58 3-3, of time. f, The advanced cleaaaee If the phar- li lacy department have organised a i Dclety for the purpose of furthering j harmaey la North Carolina, and for t be purpose of dlscuslsng subjects of g sterst to druggists. The society has e een fitting named In honor of one fl 4 North Carolina** pioneer pharms- ( tots, of several years ago, the late c fr. William Simpson, of Raleigh. , Rev. Lewis 8. Chafer, of the 8cor t ksM Bible School, of New York City, t as during the past week conducted t i Bible Institute In the Presbyterian! i tkurch of Chapel Hill. |< ^jE?v mm GRAVES OF GBRFEDERATES Washington, Nov. 22.?Bo for m n honest and careful search bj on* t their own lenders on tb? field o attle can assure, every Confederal Jldier and sailor who died in < ortbera prison and was burled nea; t now lies beneath a headstone 01 lonument of marble. Oen. Jamet L Berry, ex-Sena tor from Arkansas ?e only surviving meznebr of tb< imm lesion entrusted by Qongres; 1th this task nas Just reported tbi >mpletiou of bis work to tho Bee re try of War Tbo suggestion that the Nationa overnmeot mark these long neglect d graves ramo originally from th< ite President McKJoley in the cours* f one of his speeches delivered ii le South and took forui in an ac f Congress March 9. 1906. This ap mprinted 1200,000 for marking th< raves and t reated a commission t< 0 the work. In the past six yean ,ve Elliott, of South Carlioooetata SO commissioners, ex-Hepresenta e Elliott of South Carolina, ant overnor dates, of Alabama. havt a seed away and it has remained foi eneral Berry, one of the few llvinj onfederate Generals, to carry oui le work. General Berry's report will bt anamltted to Congress. It abowi lat the General found and market! y headstones and tablets the bodiei t 22,461 Confederate dead, includ tg all positively known to fall with 1 the terms of tne act. In ever) ise where it. was possible each ol ,e*e graves was marked with a white arble headstone similar to those aced over the graves in the Confed>ate Motion of Arlington National ametery. In caaea where the identification I individual graves was impossible ODumcnla were erected with bronze ibleta attached, giving the names id commands of tbo*c so honored, A monument of that character war 'ected at Point Lookout, Maryland, i mark the bnrial place of about 3,84 Confederates. Similar monuienta have been erected by the gov-nment at Chicago, North Alton 1.; Indianapolis, Ind.; Finns Point, . J.; Philadelphia, Shohola. Pa.; arrodsbnrg, Ky.; Kvannviilc. Torre aute and Lafayette, ind., and other laces. There are about 4.4 00 Con derates buried in Oak wood cemetry at Chicago, about 2,400 at Finni oint and a smaller number at each f the other places named. The graves marked with Individual ftadstones number nearly 10,000, a >rgo majority of them being in cem;eriea In Bmlira, N. Y.; Columbus, bio; Rock Island, Ills.; Jefferson aracfes, ho.; Springfield, Ills, and adiuon, Wis. CHILD ILL Elwin, the 0-year-old daughter ol fr and Mrs. J. R. Wyun. i? critical r HI at her home on East Male ;r?et. It Is to be hoped she wll )on be convalescent. fdlTOI HANK KT. Lint Cotton, 12 6-S. Seed Cotton, f4.60. Cotton Seed. $21. Mr. B. C, Flannagau. of Wtl?on, N .. is here today. OK KENT?SIX ROOM HOI sK East Main street Apply to 11. E Hnray a Son or Mr*. J. A. Haw Is ll-2C-2tc jreat Game of F< on '1 hursday i A The Donaldson JfaWtary Academ; nd the Washington High Scboo ootbaU team will meet on the grid ron at Fleming Park, this city, 01 'hursday afternoon (Thanknglvln; >ay). It is to be hoped it will b he beginning of an annual Thanks iTlng game for Washington. Whetb r the future games are played her ir on some other field depends upo: he support given this game by th itlsens of Washington. In othe rords, if yonr patriotism is of the ype to bring out a libera) support e his game you can depend upon (ame in the future ever? Tbankagti ng. These games means lots for th ity. They help the city financial)] 'WWW LAUD A FAT 1 I FEDERAL JOB '; Washington, Nov. 32.?It ie pres dieted in Washington political rlrf clee that North Carolina will have ., | 9 tha post ol Commissioner of Inter- t , *.] k nal Revenue under President- elecf Vi-.J r upon the fact that the position gen- IJ 3 r erally goee to a Southerner and thaVv .? *3| i it la North Carolina's time to haveVyV i. It Royal E. Cabell a Virginia b has it now. He succeeded John W. s Varkes of Kentuckv. ? The position pays $6,000 salary. - The commissioner has the selecting of two deputies at 4,000 each, and 1 a uumber of other well paid officer* - It requires more than $350,000 in e salaries to run the office. b Several North Carolinians have i been mentioned in connection with m t the office. A. D. Watts of Statesviile - Co!. W. H. Osborne, of Greensboro. ? A. H. Boyden. of Salisbury. Charles ? A. Webb, of Asbcvilie. and Famo?-l s L. Rogers of Franklin, are on the t list of eligibles. It is said here, however, that Mr. 1 Watts would rather be Collector of t Internal Keveoue to succeed George -*j r H. Brown of Btatesville. Mr. Brown t receives $4,500. Those who know t Mr. Watts believe that be would prefer Statesviile to Washlngtbn. It is a fact of common knowledge among i North Carolinians in Washington I that Mr. Watts has tiwd of the cap< ital. He came here Nearly, if not - altogether, 20 years ago with Hon. John 8. Henderson of Salisbury and ' bas been here off and on since. Ire' dell county delights him. He likes to go back to the. creek where he liv ed when a boy and drink now and then. INDICTMENTS KKTVItNED AGAINST SOCIALIST*. "ort Scott, Kan.. Nov. 23.?On a Federal indictment returned here . against Eugene V. Debs. Socialist i candidate for President; Fred I). . Warren, editor of Appeal to Reason - a Socialist newsnaner nubl.'shed at - Uirard, Kan., and 3. 1. Sheppard, War rcn's attorney, Warren and Sbeppard , were arrested here today by a dep, uty United States Marshal. The Indictment charges "obstruction of justice by inducing witnesses to leave the country." Warren and Sheppard were released on (1000 bond earb. The oft fense charged In the indictment is 1 alleged to have been committed in connection with the ca*e of J. A. I Wayland. owner of the Appeal to 1 Reason: City editor. Pfelfer, of that paper and Fred D. Warren, accused . in a Federal warrant of misuse of the mails in posting obscene matter I concerning the Federal prison in Leavenworth. Kan. ! Wayland committed BUicide severjai weeks ago. Attorneys for the other two men filed a demurrer in f the case in the Federal court in To peka, yesterday. Judge Pollock 1 took the case under advisement. I Debs. Waren and Sbeppard were -.a cited for contempt by tbe Federal*'->>-**95 court in Topeka three months ago.^,^5 1 on the same charge which led to tori' ^4 ; day's arrests. Tbey were diaeliargec<>'i^2& cd at that time by Judge PollocltyS^^^H At the hearing of the contempt case ^ J. P. AlcDonough of Kansas City, formerly a prisoner in the Leacen. worth penitentiary was a government witness. He testified that the defendants had paid him $200 to g'j " j to California and not testify in the I tbe misuse of the mails case. -! ' ! j Mr. W. 8. D. Eborn, one of tbe lour Dtroota this morn ins oot Ball Here Afternoon at 3:30 IT.socially. They show your interest in 1 your home team by going out and glring then your presence. This will * be a struggle for the hone team, not Q only in the game, but in the expenses. B A word to the business men: Heree tofore the Athletic Association has h called on you for subscriptions. Tonr i- liberality has been fully appreciated e in the past, but now in a business a way you are asked to give your best . 1 e efforts financially towards the socr cess of yonr home team, t Tickets are now on sale at the f drag store or you can phone 386 and n they .will be' sent to you promptly. ,-:$g Special rates to part lee of twelve or ? more. great contest is looked for . '18 r. on Thanksgiving day.

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