E See display in 5. 8 $1.50 Doll to R" 9 fl No phone orde | sale ; H Aft IVuxli] H *?*ew VI . H PATTERNS. EVERYBODY AGREES thai this has boon an exceptionally pre nrav-aiul I he re is abnndaut cause U ^uteuvd what you have made, by i If fc-l. don'i wait another d.iv. Phone } First Insurance Aj Ask Yoor Neighbor l*1"'1 '"* of Washington Citizens Can Tell You A1I About It. *i Home endorsement the public ex- ui 9*csmion of Washington people, b< ?ho?ki be evidence beyond dispute * SI u It?J Doan's Kidney Pills. Surely 01 Ike experience of friends and neigh- T km, cheerfully given by them, will *mny more weight than the utter- s< iww ef strangers residing in far- tl awsy places. Head the following: N W. J. ll&rdieon. 119 E. Seventh w X*-. Washington, N. C . says: "1 am g< U confirm the public statement " a mimhtr of my family gave in Janu- (t jry 13tl. telling of my experience tl with Dana's Kidney Pills. My back n iismhli J for months and my kid- ' eya were disordered. Tho kidney ue?yctioms gave me a great deal of T ?nysnn. especially at night. After I hetd used two boxes of Do&n's Kid- ? way PUIs, procured from tho Hoyt Blew.', I was entirely relieved. 1 have not had to take a kidney ^ For sale by all dealers. Price 60 Mcmts. Poster-Mi lb urn Co.. Buffalo, Slew York, sole agents for the United . StaM. I Resember the name?Doan's?I ^ asd take so other. ? - - c NOTICE OF BALE. ft Uwtb Carolina?Doaufort Counly. ' v iVarris Hardware Company and oth-:t ess en. Washington Lumber Co. . la the Superior Court. Notice of ' M-i . t Under and by virtue of a d?rree; v of the Super.or Court of Beaufort ' 0 Itsasty in the above entitled action! she modersigned, A. M. Domay, re-1 etdvss of the Washington Lumber! eta si posy, will, on th4f22Dd day of! r November, 1912, at 12 o'clock, noon, 1 p*m tor run, oo iou ngneai Dioaar, T Ufor? the Court House door In said! c r*Ma(7, the following described pcr-| ( wmal property. to-wit: Omm > H. P. boiler, brlekod In.: 1 amd tS feet of Btack for same; one. t 24 BL P. boiler, no stack; one 85 H. t P. Atlas engine; one ropc-foed clr- B cnlar 7-foot friction wooden log turn-! p Ier; one direct drive wooden log jarh; one 2 saw power edger; one 2 I sow trimmer complete and new; one t 3? swing cut off saw; one shingle t edgsr; all other necessary shafting. [ a betts* and gTater portion steel split' , pulley* some of them wood, extra 1 ' nw and fixtures, lumber wood * frock; lumber flat; yard room neces-j I nary to opttratc the above mentioned 1 e saw mill; one lumber flat, rapacity] , ft m. feet; 30 rafting chains 30. feet long; one log Jack for taking up. sunken logs; ore blacksmith forge.i band drill, anvil and other necessary t toots for doing light repair work; j sill building and one-half story.j j wooden farme, "open." I The purchaser at said pair w'-'.l b-; 1 Mnninvl ? ? ""j i . I, I r tm deposit with the undersigned 2t> J 1 p*r cent. of the amount bid. ' i Haertver Washington Lumber Co/ " Try a Daily Ne Just Receive! I Horses ai THE SAME GOOE ALWAYS Washington Horse E ? B L SUSM east Show Windo be on sale Friday 98c Each ;rs received for thi: Strictly < K. HOY WtahialUa. N. C. " 1 > 1 I sptrous ) Cti' in all lines of busi- ] >r Thasksgiving. Bui have you touring your burnable property? 1 SI or 266 this minute. iVM. BRAGAW & CO., rents In Washington, N. C. PARENTS ANO TEACHERS. ThjuiiandM of people are complain g every year that the public schools t " not "making good." They cannot sderstand why the great majority of ' ith grade, fail to pass their examin- I :tons, become discouraged and drop ;t of school, says the Columbia State, ho small proportionate number of raduates they regard as proving that jtr.ething Is radically wrong in the ifceuie and methods of Instruction, ot for a moment do they remember hs( they are asking of the ;hool3. If they would compare ?elr outlay for education with te outlay for heating or lightig their homes and then compare the ?Fults, they would agree that no other lvestment yields returns worthy to e mentioned by tho side of their inestment in the public schools, yet icy Insist that the schools should acompllsh for average boy or girl ten Imes what they do accomplish. The aether or father who will give to the hlldren In the family an hour of as lstanco each day will have no reason o bo disappointed with the school sys em. If they will three times a year isit the schools and spend half an our in them, learning at first hand rhat the task of tho leathers Is and ow much the taxpayers have asked he school system to do, they will con lude that wonders are being achieved t nominal cost and they will be coninced, moreover, that In respect to heir own children t.hey may not exiect the working of miracles unless hey set themselves to do faithfully .hat is physically beyond tho powers f the overworked teachers. There Is a widespread use of '.he va. >or, or Turkish bath. Even in arctic upland the use of a Turkish bath of ery primitive form Is common. It onsists of a hut attached to every ami, says Harper'B Weekly. In the r.iddle of the hut is ralBed a kind of teeblve of the rough BtoneB and in his a fire la lighted. When the | tones become red hot they are drench, d with water, so that the place is Uled with vapor. Then enter the lather?, who are armed with birch wigs, with which they belabor one mother until all are in a state of prouse perspiration. Then all leave the lut and roll in the snow outside. This ast function, it will be observed, is quivalent to .the cold plunge which la he final experience in the Turkish j nth as known to us all. For purely material comfort, for a 1 mdded life for the. rich and onr with ^ ew splinters for the less fortunate, he old world offers advantage above ; kmerica. says the Cleveland Leader. I The chances for the education of the-, ye ?rd or.r l:\ beautiful j.lctures and i llnh-Mj-lUm will c-urft you. J :ws Want Ad. 1 a Carload id .Mules i RIND WE HAVE SOLD." ,xchange Company AN. Pres. w of special j H ? special doll Cash s L " .J .!!'! T- ' >' 1 'I Prompt Atteatloa Given to Mall Ordeis. -9 in worthy S535*Sre superior to uum af this new land; the deference paid to money?even in countries supposed to be monorchia! and caatle-rlddea? Is more marked than It Is here. Europe is an Ideal place for those who love luxurious living and are able to pay for It. In giving the amounts of dressmakers' bills for royal ladles an account says that Queen Wilhelmlna heads the List with a considerable lead. But while she dresses more expensively than the empresses of Germany and Russia, it Is to be remembered that she has one great advantage over " those Imperial ladies, as she. and not j her husband, hold the pursestringa of I the family and has the last word when t it comes to orders in the case. I In Bavaria even husbands and wlvea ar? forbidden to kiss one nnother in public places, including the railroad \ trains and stations. This may seem | a bit drastic, but perhaps Bavarians are so happy though married, that the manifestations of tbls joy have to be 1 withheld*from "the single and envious 1 Iiortlons of the commnnity. 1 i It is true that the theater today In its more serious manifestations is . nearer to every-day life than ever, for , realism has developed In It, says ] Judge. But too much of its effort is < frothy, and thus of little ethical force, and too much Is also shear vulgarity. i A New York man wants a divorce ! from his wife because, he claims, her J eyes made him believe his former a G nan coo was untrue. A sort of combination of the light that lies and she couldn't make her eyes behave. I j A unique court-martial Is the board i of Inquiry convened in San Fraucisco ' to try two cavalry horses for kicking ' a mule to death. It might be called an equine board as well aa unique. t Oysters are now to bo electrocuted j to stop danger of typhoid. The hu- | mane part of the public will be shock- ? ed to death at the suggestion. ^ t Babies may be worth $90 apiece, but 1 some families would And it difficult to realise on them. I Divorce fs on the Increase, but it doesn't seem to Interfere with mar- ^ riages. Aviation ha? developed ail manias j except a mania for safety. A pair of valuable opera glasses, lost 23 years ago. have Just been re- i stored to the owner by the finder, t whoso conscience urged their return. Evidently, the speed mania of the age has not as yet affected the operations < of the average conscience. * For purpoBeB of fancy balls, the mod- { ern society woman loves to tog up In ( fashions of a bygone day. But wouldn't Bbe raise an awful holler if she had to wear them all the time? t < A San Francisco woman was granted a divorce because her husband tore up her valuable hat9. Why didn't she 1 apply for a separation on allegations j that he was insane? Government scientists are perplex- | ed to decide whether a decomposed .( egg Is a rotten one Why not gel 1 the opinion of an amateur Hamlet? "Marry and you kocp out of trouble.'' says a visiting scientist. Hut it all depends?it all depends. A western city is about to put woman cashiers on its pay-as-you-cntei C3 rs. < an it be that grass widows are ro *pcnsiblt? for the t-pread of hay fever? Porto Rico's New Wonder. From far away Porto Rico come reports of a wonderful new discovery that i3 believed will vastly benefit-the people. Ramon T. Marchan. i of Barceloneta. writes: "Dr. King's , jNew Discovery is doing splendid i work hero. It cured* me aboat five I times of terrible ronghs and colds. | also my brother of a severe cold in | his -ehest and moret han 30 others, who used it on my advice. We hope this great medicine will yet be sold in overy drug stoTe in Porto Rico." For throat and lung troubles there is nothing; better. A trial will convince you of its merit. 50c and $1. , Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by The Hardy's Drug Move. The "correct' gk v; social and bovine foond in ' '% Gentemeri A matter of pr? women ol exacti *'*' -?: .qpaation of ecomw who place rah>e al From the least exj fmest grades, one X^rtiemrri Qoalit ' taraerf; eVery gloi to be tiNi beat of I JamnS. ( f/^- YHkbeAvrFZ i ai aiy i ji I "Hjdift-Americana ain '(oqjf." says h<> Charleston (S C.> Nevfs and Cour r. This may be true, bat the for- a dgoer who says It ta going to get In-, j trouble. . j That' pfcfladelphln. woman who baa n >eea takai to a boapltaL becaoao aha h mnnot atop talking prenenta u w b lanal caaa. Ordinarily I ha rrrbal orm la -Will not" H ; lh Airmen seem to be working on the b wrong end of the problem. They il ihcmld not seek to d la cover how fast ;hey can go but should try to see how. tafe they can render flights. a ? \? People who insist on dancing the k grixxiy bear" even whet} there Is langer of Ming shot for doing so may >o paid- to have enthusiasm that is U worthy of better cause. J h IK A Chicago man. struck hy lightning, t was cured pf bis rheumatism for - 24 ' lours. Tha method may he all right, r Hit the.faculty of making;It prac 1 .leal cornea In securing your bolts on ti ichedulo. New Zealand has introduced a Jet- b :er meter by Which mall is registered a tnd paid for without the ' use of Ii itampe. Moat be rather inconvent ; mt for each Individual to have to lug i letter meter around. 0 . . . .?r?7 ' o The government .is said to have dls- d overed a way of making Jmperiah.ble broad. It may be very scientific, jut it will probably Bet people to t onging for the bread which the moth;rs of the nation used to make, and which was never allowed to get to he stage where its Imperishability >ad a chance of being proved. frost on ihe ragweed Is iKiellck* nough for hay faver sufferers. Mount WrangcJ Is in an rrupllon-' Yonder if It's a political disturbanca. Aercplnne Hdes can now .be bad for 1 apiece, ambulance charges not In luded. It Is announced that sneezing ipreads the measles. A meaeley sort if stunt, isn't It? Six girls constitute a -crowd." nc :ordiag to the Harvard library rulce? ^ >r three companies, to b? exact 1 Before long, says sciential*, we'll >e making eggs from air. Hope the y tir won't have to be foul", though , The inventor of ctreoa lemonade lied recently, showing that all men eventually get what la coming to them. 1 "Intensive housowark" ia a phrase ? ecently uttered and brings .up a pic- I ate of much toll on the hands and 1 trees. I 1 The death of a "living Sheldon" la * eported by a foreign paper, no doubt 1 !ue to one of the ilia that flesh la ' ielr to. . I - \ Tea Came to Europa In 1666. j Tea la native to Japan, China and j Upper A**nni 1? the lal'or country < it Is found In a wild atate. The , plant has been carried to many coun- ( tries and grows with ahnoat as much , vigor as in its native lands. J.I Tea was first .ntrodufad to Europe k ?i? I ? (CM! Th? lonvoa nil . "> I"" "t the cofTee plant nave long Veen used J n? a substitute for tea try tb? lower J r!:iss*8 In Java and Sumatra. In ap- J Mrancc. tnrte and odor this subatl j twtc compare! favorably with thr Chinos? production. J Church Advertising Paya. j *1 b-llevo newspaper adsemeeracnt I of church services paya ta avery way. j [t p&ya financially, at laast. with on, and It certainly paya,In the securing of a larger hearing tor thfB pplplt mes- 1 ?age Yet 1 also realise that such ad- j rertlatng, to be effective or mako apy j special Impression. most be the an- 1 nouncement of some tmuaual topic which has sews value. The ordinary tharae does not attract tbi't kind of attention. Success depend* on the I phraalng of the subject and the way < It Is handled In the pslplt This kind < of church pubUelty fTap art In It- 1 elf which must be tttjwfuily studied, J as a business man studies hie kind of 1 advertising."?Rev. P. H Rrsady, < >aad Rapids. Mich. Meet %'' I i * nre tor every is demand is II Gtem rfereoce with an tastes; ? ny with those v & u.{ (J tx>ve pries. i- /?' i J.n.hp totip .ttoMlard ?f I ST"1 I i TM9T r jycwc ??L lunch every flay In tch rata tea la another form of speed mania hat Is reponslble for many deaths That BL Paul woman who wrote a orWith h^odjlSBaftpfchenflpd er r.ubject with S food understand>? Some men sre born liars, Rome are, to tys for a living. and some lie ecause Iheir wires sre too tnqals* Its. bw eommaa' people feel swfiitly me)j. Some mew psr more atleaUOC 5 their decs then they 06 to the* usbsnds, bat then may be the decs rowl lose. A woman In Washington was marled eleven years and never told, It. "hlR Rhstters soother long-cherished radltlos. Another defective goIT ball ' ha* roken late prist, by exploding. but S a rule it Is the defective golfer who I explosive, rood ??ppU<* y? to so throosh Iho still. ??d Ik* q?sceU*Uon of K*c?pl n packages el ecgh should be eo? ineted gently. "People eonld live On half this rod hty, sat saw." ssys a physician. Also erhapa we coaifl get alocg with k*ff 1 manv iWilnr# * Acd applsi may product red cheek*. a fruit grower wra but greee pplea malt a little boy Mas. There la a shortage la tha cranberry rop. but thaa Car no shortage la the urkey crop has bees reported. Explorer* la New Video recently iavu tound a prehistoric flat. bat area ho Janitor had become extinct. That electricity can care hunger ha* leen demonstrated by many a rho haa mingled with a lira wire. Once upon a time a man le knew a mushroom from a toadtool. A Large family survived htm Good Time to Advertise. The preaent time lb peculiarly fa irorahle to enterprise la advertising The buying public la looking for new slothes and new houae furnishing* ifter the wear and tear of the wm ner. At other time# of the year you lave the dead weight of the buyer'* indifference to work against. Now he buyer* are coming yopr way, theii mention and Interest are excited, and the merchant merely has to persuad* hem that >a has the goods and tbi -slues |l I* a *niu1 lima In rlvnrllaa m-Son payers do not expect quite the low prices that can be had at off seasons Joods sold now bring a profit a lollar spent In advertising now should lave the loss of many dollars on goods that mutt bo disposed of at a aasriflcs later to get ready for another ?asoa If you Hove exceptionally good rai ies for the monoy, tbor will bo mors likely to attract attention now than it oft season times, becanae there tf less price cutting now to compete with. The merchant who has bought his sooda at reasonable prices will find them exceptionally welcome at this season before special sales base, ho iun. Tell the pohlle afoot them; thej will respond. Poster* In China. Illustrated sod colored posters an t splendid advertising mesne In Chins is well as elsewhere. The Japsasgf started to make use of this method tnd the United 8tates and Bngtaad followed suit. The text on these poet sra la, of course. la the Chinese la* longs. In the most frequented thoi* oughfares of the otUss t? the attend*! empire poster* can he seen on every mu* wltb lb. iuturf. ud tba idYulxH nf uw ifdiltr MT*rtt**A.?AbMrt Ub MM I 1 J ? .? . .? . I a J li th parttbt j t J * l 11tit tnen discord trousers " Tush? *Look *** ,*t tfre( lyats' *op>t or the men art tw ,l,,t ** ?**?tat? ^ I axlrama dlllgen** In verify!** *h hla tor leal Biota that appe.ir In bit aorrlt tain alluatona and loeallona. One o(|d<> maalco 16 flail tba anoint laacrtptlon J1" nvon tba arall. * It loll He lea Artaatrong I ^ Sn'SiTto dlacover ahera I obulatal thla data, so ?aa particvfcrtjr analoua H, 19 Tartly, ft. One morula*. accompanied a*J by Mrs. Orcnu, I set oot on what seem- utnfnutn ^ Roasters. Just received aloe Itae -jq Auntnra wakk t i < j J V * whleh we lute* marked . *& *&- *? Mt, sro^rlr ItsmlMd am* ni?l. 1 within twotee mosths Ac* this N. h SIMMONS, A^Mey, . ' ' ? Wattbingtoa. M. (!. li-tfc-fwi . . i =^g otice of ixrawi mmhui en OOlmtACT. _ 'North Carolina?Beaufort County. Superior Court?Before tke deck. J. A. Wllktenon ud otkero to. W. *r ^ rtotfeui. ud Mb*a*. ^ The Boar* of Drainage Oeuaalafilooere ot Broad Creek Dtatrfot win on Neveuker 2) at, 1)11, at 4 o'clock V* P. M . at Paatepo, Nerti Carollaa. 77 let (be eoatraet tor tbe cokatTuottaa and completion ot tbe aula and iuV *T el diary aonats ot Broad Greek Brain- au age Dletrlct. and all otker work ladMeat thereto, an deeeribed la tke taal " report Of tbo Kngtneer and Viewers Bled wltb tbe clerk of tbe Superior 11 Court of Beaofort Cenaty, Narth ? CaioSbt eo Adgnat Slot. *???. the ~~ pfoin anl qpeatMMtav aeeotapaay- w lap eaua wb'eh *tl be* subetaatfeHy I followed. Tbo roatract wTTI be lat I. to the lowest reeponstkle bidder, eltb- U er ae a wbela or ta eeetdeae, a* tbe Board ot Oral nape Cowatealaaera akall deem aaodtt Bdraatageoue for the dtrtrlet. Sealed bide In wrltlai . aid be Med with tke ebatrwaa, er Wttk J. f. Clark. Baeaotary te the A Board, Pantec*. K. "bT or before J November Blot, 1012, at 4 P. M. The 1 BmH ot Drainage ecuMwn 1 roaorre the right to rejeat any and \a? Uh. or to eaee?t Wo same to , "he), er la yart. Referaaee la Bade I to the l*laal Bert at the ear* at > Viewers tor toe a??re adnata rardaae and aaotM at vtahk to Da tot and ether tumi.T isfbratettoa tout he %1 had IM> aphMasfttaa tar ??? I Wetelere dofto epos am at Us I aaaale at the toatrtat whteh aw he * ir,-e eT.ee. a?W tftoaare toraad Crash Mstrlet i..,, f? 1 ?-t-dwr I 11- miiriiir "in-iiffii ~r~~ 4 W??W?' Wnal rn? rttr-4rr^?fc ran. ?. <11. TX. aMrtr. m w MOTM or lut iJSfe I Bactaalag at a iltS 1*j?oat .( ?|^pl | Dt^owfriber, 1912 Q*>. L. SWINDELL, CovtnfoaloBer. ================ .1 licycles! Bicycles! No. Morel* US utt ?. W? tn iiHta (or ttolUrrcM. lollri. MiiMii Iror Jotoaoa. EoJdatlt, lUjAbtov,' KiHiii N%M.aal u( Dortaa iwWH Mi '1 at Oaafc a# 00 Ml. 1?o alaa'can? fan 11a. of ropatro *t *? Mm ?. R. CUTLER 114 Market St. WASHINGTON. N. C Fhcm m SESwtom raomica miun MONDAY. NOV. IS, 1*11. X> ., . 3#e. catekoM. irowB, 40 oonls. nwiMtoi. yvuag, as ? ? u ??c. >1 "*o 17o~ 3?l "?*?* l?r to JO. aarf(a?a So (o ?w ? ?www ???? .* 7 Hal Vile*. JU m 14* BHU KM IMm, It ?-3 (I* itM *>1 MO n:..-. Mtoir U HI*. ..'.t:ll.74,: *m u U? w to a taale the Pmi will Ml n. r*. Prleo Ik. ixmnun hooch. HkHss Uk 4*7 g.ehti.d M the xartor to the lut will mad teeU rat of the lata 7na? B. BttUBod Ate, this la to aotttr *1T MWaaa Has slalin asalast Mid totals to mat nau oa or kafm the Mth r of Norm.her, i?|?, or tMo'ao. TUt he iliiltf la hard their xrrarr. All ftmnm lad*lad to i oeld aetata are herahj eo tiled u tka laaodlate wont Thk the Ih dar mt Noreaher. 1111 M. B. BOIUTOBD. 15-?kc BrectMor VAUDEVILLE RALSTON & SON" IN A fto-fffl "MUTT & JEFF'V COMEDY ACT (OTtON PICTURES Hr > p *"*nui OHANUK 'K' % P^< '! or MOOMM h &raTO,neim' V & ,.vjfB ilmlMl? - - Ito. *ao< rtMMOM Mi M IMA?. V,