During the Year, HS Tfct orator tor the memorial oxerclam Khodutod to bo palled off In f the auditorium of the public school 5 building tomorrow aturnoon Ml ' W. Taylor* exalted ruler of thelocal lods?. Is In receipt of the following SSHRani from Mr. John W. Cherry, of Norfolk, the Invited orator, which you Conditions compel mo to'stfy Is Norfolk. Was afraid of this at Ant. but the hoaor of Ofe Invitation npnlntod as well aa the entire membenhlp of the order, the Dally News take, pleasure Va announcing that H our townsman. Mr. John H, Bonner. has kindly nenariitnil to take Mr. Cherry, plaoe. akd though tola time ta ?bort alL feel eonfldent that ho will proro equal to the occasion and all ' ' who hear him bare a treat In store. W The memorial exercise* are to take - place In the pnbttc school auditorium tomorrow afternoon promptly at S o'clock. \ All the member* of the lodge are requested to he on hand at the Rlk's they will form In lodge procession id march to the ochool auditorium. Osljr ono membor baa paaard awar during the pa at twaira months In the person Of W. M. Williams A oology upon ble lira **d character ' Will bo pawawmaeod by A. D. Mac Loam. ?M. ... -~?i The folkrwlag program has boea i - Hon. H. S. Ward the Aurora Oa oast Thursday at Aurora. N. C.. the niriiidlr being tha Agricultural Fair. Hon H, B. Ward, ad thta - city, will dellaor an addnaa The fair ? achodnled fur Wednesday and Thursday of neat weak. Daub taber 4 and 4. All DM adjoining conation an cordially lnrltad to ataare In ths ogntaat for the premiums. The isay host king of crops. . '" 1 1 . , x MS AWARDED TO VE ', Premiems *CeTed by Ike Womui Por U largest pile collected I ^rlae or i.M iu paid to Jnsttn Randol,. , second largest, .to ; Andrew Hathaway; dHAir jg$:gM largest, to Clay Carter. Jr lie For the colored children the firsi nil prise or 16.00 was awarded to third grade ol the pshllc school, under the leadership of Jsete Partaam; second f prise $1.00 awarded to grade IB. th< youngest grade la the schoefc* TkM children ootlected the trash Iron >' :si and cleaned up 90 lots In the city Third. ??.00. They carry with them the best of al <>Br cltlams. Mr. Bsvle ind Maate Samuel Mayo I. ft yesterday and Mra lUwIa and eon. Master Jobh Bloun Mayo eapeet to leave Mondg#f??;'v; -"5*5=? 1 taker aaya If yon have a fatli. aother, Mater, brother ur cloaa frlea living any where in this eM<- world Pro 3 ; Oreat Ruler of tho t7kleet?,'$V ^ Look down upon nod Hew out work. And bo all glory thln?.. O, hear oar prayers for the honored T.?r,on*" 01. ,5 - ?3? ^ Hong br the chotr. Addrew by Bro. John H. Bonner Vocal solo by MIm Carrie Bow en Kglogy?W. M. WTlltmsx*?-"by Bro. A. D. MaceLan. * . SonK by the choir. v I Closing exerclsee; Doaolegy. benediction by Rer. R. V. Hope. The offlcera of Oka Washington lodge are: Exalted Ruler?B. W. Taylor. E(teemed Lending Knight?W. if. Knteemed Loyal Knight E. L. t.A 'a..n-iTi Sataamed Lacturlnc Kalnt--J. H. Sacnetarr? J. C. Maakloa. J. Traaaprar?C. B. SterHac . nur-j. n. HodKM. >r Sunr. w. Krm Chaplain?J. F. Taylor tuner Guard?John R. Calloway Tru.taaa?0w>. T. laart. J. K. Hon and I. F. Taylor Honaa commtneer. F. 1. Barry. the Orator at ** r .. . ' r>" , A gricuitural Fair The UDQMawtt. ?lsaae6 by the committee la charge WW mora than imuM the lore* crowd expected to be on hand. Balloon ascensions, honm racing. Fiddlers' Convention and the fair to conclude *Hh a grand ball Ik among the features. Delightful manic will be farnUhed by t concert hand. A gala time in looked for. People from all Motions of Eastern Carolina contemplate going and a large crowd from this city will attend. Reduced rathe on railroads. .. HCELLEfT Y1UDEVIUE i^wwiBEwa wi?j dw>pMt r?|r?t'<o th? ium. meat,'ac?fcerft, tonight cIoms lira oilgagemewt of'the vaudeville artist at the Lyric for tb? last half of the week, who have played to Urge and appreciative audiences. . ^ The attraction at the Lyric laat evening waa beyond par aafc.unques' tionably some of the b.-at acts bookplaying, to audiences who considered " thorn to be the "very beat." :u> ? Mica Pauline Josef, a Wry high. J class singer, received a warm ytti co?e and the applause she recetred J waa wfll deserved. and ike has a ? voice that greatly appeals to tb? 1 music lover. One of the main features of this artist 1st be four qqlek changes ahe mnkes during h?r nam I ber, and ber coattfmee are very pre^ ty. "Uncle Joth" clones the bill witi a laugh getter, ho certainly la Un 1 original "Josh" and bla act wen . great with the Washington audience 1 He is one of the beat of bla ktni r booked here and he was enjoyed nl . the way through hie act. t The regular weekly matinee take place today from three to five, will vaudeville and motion pictures, fo which the prlcoi will be Ave and tei cents, and to those who have no . wltneesed thla attraction will not rt " Bl,c'ot P" \ Kffy / -J* y 1 1 ? . I B v* 1**""^ I I 10^ rM ^*" I I ^IfM/^W Twice loas y-s-fW. , : -ft..! Nuw Vert. Nov. J? ?Albert ?i Pfttrlrl: nervine ft I'fe term la Sing Sins prtaon for t^c mtirder of William Mftreh Hlco at No. IH Madison avenue, wee called to the ofBce of Warden Jokn S. KvUhedj after Ue arrival of the first mall at the priao? yesterday morning and told'that bo haa been pardoned. ? Patrick will ba freed at pfeaa it la expected that ha win lose co time getting to No* York, f a ^Oov. Dl* did not anaot.a^l?jtU^ the Executive Mansion whoa bo toM 01 hia present to the lawyer wboaa adatence to death waa commoted to life Imprisonment by Go*. Higglnn alter he had spent fo?tr year* aad aine months in Ue death honae. aad bad carried his case to tbo United States Supreme Conrt. In a signed statement given oat by the Governor explaining what bad prompted him to exercise clemency In Patrick's case he said: "There has slerbT* boon an air of mystery In Uls-lmportaat case. Quoting from the minority opinion: "The atmosphere that surrounded the defendant showed that a fair and Inspartial trial was impossible.' VI truet that Mr. Pntrlek wilt Ote his energies ta a complete riadlcation or bis declared Innoconce. "During the past yetr X ham glveo much consideration to **! cm# aad | dressed to Wirttn Kennedy at Sing ^"ordlnsrlir Got I>tx ra assent to tu. prison wbtre tb, objort of his clemency M, confined with 1 rick*? cnse. - " J /Warden KenndOb^Twho Col John F* Fxrott, Bute Superintendent ' df Prisons, has takon a front later eat in Patrick, was informed ?rer tbo ' telephone of the pardon, and told ' the paper would arUn at the prison this morning. . . -'v Tho phone measage reached tlM Warden a short while a/tar Mr. P<*1rh* had,left the prison. where she That ehe anil r ...trick had noma Ink* Una pardon was to be granted was evinced by their conversation with '' both Warden Kennedy end his eecraI wry. Daniel Hlckei The prisoner whs saying good-bye to hie wife, when he remarked: ' "I'm expecting Important news from Albany very soon. It mar come r any day." S "poor fellow, ho haa boon talking that way oyer since. I kayo boon Con neotad with the pr'son," waa Hlek oy'e comment as he let Mro Patrick out of the office door. "Mr. Patrick la not talking oon aenae," Mrs. Patrick epoko up. "Whal II he aaye to absolutely tree. He wll V- get important news from Albany al k most any day now and be will wall 4 out of prison free. It will he sn sb ' T. -SS. a. ~ DIUPIFS" WL ^ ?~^y4fl to I nil lit Sentenced vto Die trnla lor New Tork Ul lrsrqod o tho grwatlnK ol the pardon from Oeo r. O'Neill, her hnskonfTs lawyer. 8h< woo for hurry-In* to am* a lor. bu O-NoUl dlaauaded hori'-Bhe plana t< he at the prleea door when the tor doe orrtree. jj,' _ Her rtalta to the prison hare boor onre a month, and each time tbi tared lust oeo hour?not o minute more or leeo. While the,talhhM ?IU him he waa In a call, she oiandlni two feet awat- The two wrrffaeo yrfsoa ta tlmo she will be ulmltte< to tho offlce and betpreeeut when th? "For the past /ear Patrick bai keen, per form in*clerical work, la Um hoepltal. Immediately on receipt o the pardon I shall 90 to bin aad aal him to coma Into the offlce. Then eh ail read the good news to him. "We shall provide Patrick with 1 new suit of clothes, a new overcoatit Kris* after Nor. 1?a new hat an< about lot In moaejr. Of the moae] 910 is that which always Is paid U prisoners tearing here. The othei 949 represents oce an done-h^lf cem worktop la the prtiffflr.--.yjft CK "No mas has ever left Stag 8tnj with a better prison record than Fat rick. In all the years he has beai here ha has not had one domerl against hi in; For the post'year h< ^c;:c" "rk" lifclpA It tkat fteoome EAST CAROLINA SCHOOL Wl TRAINING NEW! Th Mikado. UM Japanese open "SSrIK as besntirm u fairy land and th music isantranclnc ' Plana (or the opan ?n mad dnrlajt the summer ul soon aftr the opantns of school to the fall th parts- trore assigned and practice wa bepuo. There has been much cnttaui lasm In the school, practically all th faculty and hair the etudodts takln actlro part In the preparations There are 11 fly wel: trained votca In the oharnaea and the principal! I the caa! are trail chosen. fy,; Mlas MnHly. who has a trldo rept utlon as both dramatic coach an patting her best efforts into thin, i Tho JtpinMo costumes will t i furnished by a professional costun er. la the ataKo setting a charmJn ; Japanese background will be prt duced by cherry blossoms, wis tort > Tkla la ?. tar the moat ambltlov performance attempted bj the acta i "d' |In i araD nuxoBnaa ON. HOTUBIR M. tni. *???? FTMfte f&u T 1 r A Dally Km nu la talk lac u> . Mr. J. M. People*, or Ooldaboro. who 3 with Mr*. People* ?pmt TtaBbilrL Ins with Mr* People*' mother. Mr* , U. fc hrr, f?.<w rent M. Q. waa . ahown quite ea latereatLac letter [roe Hli m>M?. Mr. Jaaam H. I Voyce. who Is n? atandlas Robert > CoDeco In Oooataartlhaplo. Turkey t Mr. Vojee ban bees la Conetmatlnople > alnoe Jnne lut nod trffi be a atudaut u there for tbe nomine three yaare I Mr. Voyre lq writing to hi* uncle I sola* on. the American ambaeador s.hae appototed the Robert Collece as a place of refuse for the American reeldeata. bat Mr. Vojee aara be does s not ahHelpato ear. dancer f He describee la peitb atria tbe t many hardablpe eaoaed from the war I and alio wrltaa moat tatrri attnaly of bis axperlanooa la that tar away I coantry. There are 4*4 atndaota . mow ia tha collasa with *? lnatracI torn repreeeatiac flttaan dlBerent nar Uooallllee. > Thta ybaa* man la studylac the r coadltlona la Hie ape and la mora ? than pieaaed atth kta opportuaitj. [rmmnmmamji MMmai TOKTun Ml imMV I nTOwMH lUwCllitll Hn vuWil i II The cooKTsntioo* of th* Pin* 'ft Preebjrteriaa and Pint Methodist churches wlU vonhl? together tomorrow morning sod evening ud the pastor or the first Presbyterian church will preach at both hours. At , 11 o'clock the services wlU be held I In the First Presbyterian church end r the iiMirt of the set men will he: "Aggisssite end Progressive Chsrach ter of the Church." A At the evening hour tho services | win be held In the First Methodist ?. church and the Rev. Mr. Oesrtght I will end his series of sermons "On & Things to Come," using as his topic b Tor the evening. "Heaven." Good music is promised st both P services. 'All invited. i FISHERIES CONVENTION i f There will be. held at Wasklacton, N. C., December 4th and 5th, the noi< nuat convention of the North Cares' Una Fisheries Association The abject of this convention la to dlacuaa i- ways and means of savlnx the Sahlai d Industry of the State from its pree la cat (treat decline and It will discnea and recommend certain legislation ta >< the Incemhic General Assembly. I- Dr. H. P. Moore, of the United id) Stataa Bureau of Fisheries, has beer > detailed to see let the ooaveatlon la a. Its doHberattoae. Dr. Moore la a mar lot wide experience aad eminent abtV inllty and ban already visited the Stat< Mia anmber of times In the Interest ol I this mat phase of eoneervatloa. I The Hotel Louise will be hoadquaj lot the Bute Interoeted In the mm Kjserenthie aad perpetuation of thtr m WILL MEE WEDf Meetings Will 1* r Hall. % Official Be the Hotel L< ? -Tka IIMII tuuii co?v?stk>o tka North Carolina Flaharlao Aa elation will coaiMX la tbla tit* bald la tk? mta Hall la tka Baotfu Building Tka oUari of ika eoamatloh (a foala, amd parpatoata th? Bahlo, doatrlao of Motth Carolina Tka", kcUl kaadQoartora at tha aaaocUtl 111 ki th. Hotal Loalaa. ^ ~ j hat. amkpM tka folloala* atfn tlaa, program for iho eoavaacioa: Coarasttea aaHad to ordar. Oi right. ?mfco?i, Hon. Coll K. lUrdlog, u;or of fflttlogtea. KmopoBOO, Ooo. N. Irto. prroldti Objoct of roarwIM. iabfi rfj( Pratt, State OhM|W. ' ' WOT* of Jsfljlmtfn cotemltto,' i?o?, 4otl,mV. *tVH of arm Ttfao oouaty Rlatum of Industrr la North Car Una ml tho vrmooat' tin*. Hosortm from tmHom cbtmUmm Tho priaclgot mtmoo of tho Aortli of the ftohtoo tadmotrr. Dr. H. 1 Moor,. at lk? L. s. Btumma of Ptol ofoo. Rmpcrt of ounmr; mod trmmmmrr gpoalaumaut of oomotlltooo: On roooloflomo On BOBtomttomo mod moil moo log gloom. .i> . Ob Wgtmlmtton ejlwV 1-!.; . ^ : rKx-fAayor Sterfi Experience Kn-Mayor C. H. Sterling return) to the ?Ujr7?uhto| morning on h t>4 boot "Sterling" from Pamli. Sound, whore ho had a novel U w? aa thrilling ugertence oa WedneadJ night and early Thursday xnornln Tho Sterling was loaded with oyate do Wednesday and for tho aid anchored near Judith's island, U porpoao being to leave for Waahla ton oovky Thursday mooning. Wh< Mr. Sterling and his nrow mmmkm 4 Thanksgiving morning they found aaow Kora and the wind blowix batwen thirty-ft ve and forty miles p Pfc^r/V*'^ After viewing thn situation M sterling ordered that be boat endca i v* r -K." RSICIJEIEHCY FOR 10RVOTED CLAUD ALLE 1 Richmond. Hot. 30.?Nearly tbr hundred parpens triad to crowd is Governor xann's offlcea at noon y* Corday to attend the hearing ha h: granted to thoae who wished to spej pro or eon upon the petition* tb were to be banded to him for exec tlva clemency in the care of Clau Alien, condemned io death for pi ticlpation in the HUlsvlila cou aurdara. The hearing waa removed to t ball of the House of Delegates. R? soke lawyers who were coanael f tb# defense, Miss Mary Johnstc toe Rev. Dr. George w. McRanl and others spoke for the 79,000 pe ttoaers. John 8. Draper, comrrvonweaki attorney of rebut I, who proserin i Ilea, spoke by request in oppositi r to the appeal. Only a few persons asked tt \ the sentence of Floyd Allen be co > matted. Among .the reasons osel| ed ayp that Dei tar Goad was reepc 1 Bible for the shooting, holding > grudge against the AUens, and wai i ed to involve them la trouble; tl i the murder ban not been proven 1 k yond a dooht against the men, a > that Claude Allen was right in * I fending hfes father from the xttac of the ofieer*. ?- p r It la alleged that the death i Jodge Massie was doe to the shot - tended for other eBeers. - arguments 1 de<*latoh No, 77 f./.-* '? ? '* r,.;' > J? . i".''. NYENTION ~~ T HERE ON 9 4ESDAY, DEC. 4 9 ij-''.I i Held in the Elks Jl Headquarters Will I of AHmmmam Hemmiam, t:M o'clock. , PMMBXI fl ?li ! l ? ?i ?1 ? .1 ? ' H lp_ rropONa DIDrnfS tfCOISllOu. _ | :H 0 of the aaaocleilon. 'V y* |M Eleetlon of ofBcoro. ft the d(K?Mofi nfardlac proto poaed leglplntioa and the adoption of n- rooolotlono eoeertaa aoeb leslatatlon >f- cannot bo completed ol the afternoon H on seaalon. amdralnd aeeaton .lit, be J bold on ThBrMar. December 5th, at 1 It* 10 o'rtook '3 OS Wtdnmdn, J?l?ht n ofVeh. Entartalnniont and lomftaoa tea K dorod br the Chamber of Com me re. - I . and tmetaeaa men of Waektactoo d. Offleera?Geo. ff.'lwo, president: 'M Jooeph Hjdo Pratt, eeeretary anil >1M *r traeaurer Sxocntlro Committee-& H. Dan- 9 la lela.T.J. Marbhatn. W. H. Joaoa, C. ' 9 R. Starling. C. ?. Wallaee. JaHea iti Wood. * S. Raoaoo. J U ' Legislative Committee Joe T*y' lo*. T. C Weekloa. Frank Wood. . of J. Msrkham, R A. Num. J. W. Tayn lor, J.' It. Potter, QeOrtr? N. Iras; IjH chalrmau; Joseph Hyde Pratt, serreo tary. Committee on Arrangement*? . H. Sterling, We. E. Swindell. J. K. " ?e Hoyt, Joa. F. TayltF, Geo. T. Leark, jM P. F. J. Berry, A. J. Cos, C. A. Ffynm, 91 a- 8. P. Wlllta. Dues for membership in the North $ r. twepty-flve per year and are payable J9 at this meeting. All delegate* are cordially invited to become active t- members of the - association. Payment can be made at the time of registering. ng Has Great I in Pamlico Sound ?d or to eeek harbor in 8hell Point bay M is There was s heavy sea at the time 9 :o and in trying to reach the Shell Point >U bar on? or tbo crow, Mr. Howoll MU5iy yette, fell overboard. When diarov- ,39 g. erod he waa in the water at least >6 rs yards to the rear of the host. Hr. It Sterling ran aft and threw, hhn a ltte ih | preserver, waicn landed with hi * few g-'feet of him. He wee promptly token in on hoard, although exhausted (ram in over exertion. The Sterling finally a reached her place of refuse and left IB early yesterday morning for Wash- * 'M sr ingtoc, arriving here about tea y o'clock. Mr. Sterling states that at Sfl r. one time he thought all would he v- lost. ,:Jj ~ WSS BftVEN TO SMC 1 1 AT CHRISTIAN ClUitd 1 oe The usual services will be conto ducted at the Christian church San- jfl Ji is- day morning and evening, the pastor, . sd Rev. R. V. Hove, filling the pulpit. &k One of the features of the day will la at be the singing of Miss Carrie Bo wen. u- of Wilmington. She will sing solos de at both services. Miss Bowen will it- also sing tomorrow afternoon int be \ rt pubic school auditorium, the occasion being the memorial servioea held be by the order of Elks. Miss Bowen >a- delighted and charmed Washington ,'M or people lost year upon a similar oc>n, caslon. ti- MISSION HMlf) AT ST. I>> T 4J hatS (TiTTtCH NEXT WKEK i's ed There will be a mission held at 8t. ^ oo Peter's church, beginning Sunday, V December 1st, and lasting through iat December 8th. The mlssloner will be m- the Rev. John It. Matthews, of Barnm* senile, Ohio. m- Mr. Matthews has held many mis- '-}i ; a Bions throughout the Southern States *3^ Et^ ana id the prominent towne ol oar .. ^ i*t own dlooeee. Bo la a graduate of in- Oxford. Baglaad. la noud far hla ad acholarahlp aa a Bible atodeat aad la- ataada deeorredlr high aa a preaeber. k> There win be a Bible lecture each afternoon at t o'clock and a eeraroa I of each night at halt peat aeren o'clock, la- aad all onr people of whateeer creed or cbareb adulation are moat cordtal a It laelted to attend any and all of J he theae aerrloea On Sunday afternoon hie Paaaaihai tth. the aerrlce wll he for ! mm only '

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