Williams. Mis.4 The Washington I-odge, No. Ill Benenj^HHd Proteetlre Order of si Fi,**,r *"nu*' meraorlsd KM Iiijpi n to their departed lirothere Id the Pohltc he boo I Auditorium Sender afternoon at 3 o'clock and the occasion proved to be one, not only of Interact to the members of the orI S ganlaatton but the ctttnene r cur ratOne member, W. M. Williams, hat ' during the past rear. Since the organization of the lodge tare twelve members have gassed Into the Greed Beyond. With solemnity their asoae -ware celled yesterday ^ by the secretary of the order J. b \ Meek Inc. Jr., and an each name war \ udouiM an nitric talk bunion Phrlgbtty Tsaa anuSed out Title pari of the nhardeee always carries witb g MHiT of aadn.ee. The mntai> of tb? lodge formed at tbelr boot on htaih street mad meechedte the ecbool auditorium. !| | -"here (bag We aselgaed Mate el ,y honor {halted Holer B. W. Tbyloi prf wlft g a ad before Die opening ex< eroiaaa garwo a moat intereetlag ae cdtmt ?f the history of Elkdom, why H was organised. what It atsnils tot and what tt la doing /.(tor ble abort but laUwtlig talk prayer wan of pr: fared by Hey *. v. Hope. The. roll ^.,K eall was thru- ordered. ' The spewing' ode to the tune ol Auid LenrByue a as snag with a nil" gnd sptrH by ma so bare TWI wis folhioad by an Inroeatkm by tb< Cbaplala fteiK Tayloe The oeyi selection s>a a bong by the ebolr A with Jobn Smith aa aoloiat. Thp feature el the afternoon Ml > the addreea bp John H. Bonner, i rlaing yonag member of the Wash F Ingbon her and an enthusiastic Elb ' I Although On time -an short for Mr Banner to prepare blmaelf he proret eeuai to the eccaMon bud no eBor upon *?( dnsflfcr occasion bap ?*ei ^urpsiMd It. It wis k gM. TV speaker said in part: t tb? outset, tbo ppaakar itaUt that the 1 idgea of Bike all orer tbi United Stagea - were, on thin dap , holding mernbrtai aerrloea, and tba thla lodge rfaa eainmerooratng th< 3, memory of He departed. Whet IB, ; Bike eta.de <er mar next epproarbed * "The Order ef Elk. reeotSLea th. fact that a* than Mrettr unto hlm.elf and that BO inn dlath onto hlmael< | It beltevee that :the extant of Ittr utt fulneea la thla world la. meaaared hi L lu aervtoe in lu fellow man." la i eonetaa war, ghe. atalltnnnre of th, Shooting-A ffair < -Bra. D. T aafl Joahua Tajloe wr called to f>( r Or as. Saturday to fa ' , waa*ahot tr EaaoB Jtogdr.. a la. white, at the"home-ot the latter o laat ThaakaclrlnK Day. Roth the pby.leian', hare ana hop I : , tor thaaaoa'a rocovcrr and it was lo poaslhle to aiore him to Wa.hiagto: 0 , Hospital aa he waa too weak. Th I ( difficulty took place ?t the farm o ic/f Hogera. I The dlfflauty oeourred. It la allot Si ad/by Roger. asking Mlrelle, the lai H tor being In bla employ, where th are waa. Maelle replied ho did n< I . know Within a tew minute, than |r after Roger. Ii* ,the axe lyng o i ?ooi> thtk" He has worked for It He lu & talked II through the paper., H , alao ran boast a photograph tltlon' Kxcept WaahIngton tire MPMftDtAi i iVlrJlfllf Klfil j . rogram Attractive ' er exclaiming a* the ftnbfh. "In our day* of joy and gladness there is oomradeshlp which adds sweetness to ltta; In mmom of morrow, brothorty-lOT? and Empathy bind us Tho address then tnrned epon n aubject which we would Interpret 'Ltt*.' Hero It was that the speaker surprised (we might say I hie entire audience ,by hts word* of eloquence and tola depressions of deep thought upon th?i layman's rlew of Ufa As stated by the gentleman who followed Mr. Bonner (Mr. A. D. Median), ic waa something we all might do well to stop and thin* about. the concluding remarks were directed at the purpose? of the fraternity and the good It Is doing; that the Elks do not aim to be seed of "juvim IUO iHt |MiBBinwn w? I the address. u follow* "1 frequently hear the Blk'e -tnanI ner of life questioned. It has been ' aald that be looks too tightly upon life; that he occasionally wan dorr into forbidden holds and MVS ante which the World counts wild. To ah' peralons upon his character I turn a t deaf ear. Koowiag his Ideals. r? celring from him his generosity, rec1 Qgnizlnc lntnltlvely the purity of his motives, I do not question a* day I time the thinds which he might ~db I daring his life which are Subject to l questioning by those who label them eelvee 'bolter than thou." -1 only 1 know that the motto of the order le , good- enough for me. sad that I SrfO ' be entleded If the world urtU do to , m. ea the Klk doee. and write m> I feulta upon the aanda while It In ecrlbce my rirtues upon the endaddg . tablets of lose end memory." ThU . wee the esd of a noble effort by a I young man jast entering upon hie 1 tlfe'e career, and. If we amy edit H n r criterion, sane see le bound'-to meet i him on bin "pathway of life." After the eddreee Miss Carrie I Bowen. of Wilmington, chermod an ! with a vocal aolo. By apodal reqneet . the aang a eecood solo after the t eulogy by A. D. Mac Lean had been paid to the life and character of W. > M. Wlllteme. the only member who ! has died during the'year. " Mr: Mac t Lean was most happy tn his re, marks. -i . y V f'i f ' The choir next rendered another - selection-with Mlas Mary Elisabeth r Thomas and Mr. John Smith as soloa I.I .sMnw whlah Ike .leal.. : * ' ' b were conducted and tke benediction > I pronounced by Re/ R. V. Hope. ? it Been- Grass ursday A fternoon sitae ground and turned to Mlselftf ejand said, "You muat have been drunk _ (for thete lien the axe." Rogers at once went inti hi* house secured hla ? cpn +*& attempted to shoot Micelle. n but the Run tailed to Are. Micelle l>egrfed Rogers not to shoot. but Roge ere did not heed the plea, Aid ^ secend attempt proved successful. load abot off the collar bone and <> the upper ijptrt of the right lung, t After the ahbotlng Micelle laid In the mow fof several hours In* the > Rogers yard and waa do*, picked up l- until some passing taw him. Rogers ? was arrested and placed under all.-1 t POO bbnd ; I The affair has created no little exn citement In that neighborhood. ' 4 MISS BOWEN 3INGS TO DELIGHT OF BER BEARERS lc The feature of the W.Icm at the in ihrlntlan church Sunday morning la and evening was the ?ln*lnr of Mlas . ^?' , ^ v," ^m . vO/ /a ^E'i'y?*v':/ '^WtKEfyy' \ 1 i* ^fffSfrS fflw-ys? ' }',' \ i ji-r. - '' " - ' 0 I: E. SUM. pllp ? New Board of County Coroml?ioners Organize Today iat the Court Houae<- il< s,?-fW $ : Commtseioaer W. a Swindell. of tbia city, la the new chairman of the County Board ot Commlaaionera and Undaay C, Warren la the Conntr itCorner. Both Mloetlona will doubtlean giro aatutaetlon to the egilre eettntr,^-1 Today waa the time for organlaaUon ot the new board of CountyComelonere elected In Norerbber Thh old board met at 1? o'cWc* and after attending routine mathdra adjourned aba die and the new board mat at noon. ,V?*t * 'J' The naw board of Connty Commlaeloaera ta compoaad of Cbarlea P. Aycoch, W. 8. D. Shorn. H. Churchill Bragaw. w B. Swindell and W. H. Whitley. f.]Sr The new board transected the following business: Sheriff-O&rge K. Rick, and Rag later of Dead. a. Rum1ST and Treasurer B R Ml ion were worn Id to succeed tbemaslre*. after presenting^ their proper bond.. The followtag con.tablee were also Inducted IBto offlce: W. J. Sears, Pantego township: ^ J-' K- Holtdal. Richland township: W. 8. Burbege, Bath townehlp; B. T. Chauneejr, Washington townahlp: T. J. lowla. Chocotrlnltj townahlp: Jesse H. Stnbbs. Long Acre township: and L,. H. Roes, countj .urteyor. JUDGE BMGAW WMIIll (iREETEB BY HOME PEOPLE It Is more than gratifying to people of Beaufort county, those attending court this *e?k, to know that thair honcred\ count/man and townnisafi, Judge Stephen C. BriiNtV. la presiding at the Wist tw<* weeks of changed court*, Judge Lane holding the Robeson county court thte week. No man on the bench for th^ length of time baa gained more friend* not only from the members ?of the bar but tho litigants aa well, as Judge Brogaw. His selection to thin high <j?ce was a wiae one by the governor and hie election for a term of eight yeara at the last election goes to ahow that the people believe they hare In him one who will etasr guard their Interest and at the aame time dtapent juattoo when it U needed. A warm welcome greet/Judge Brag&w by his home bounty people. OITV CLF.ItK HOML ' ?ii I ** 1 t B| MISSION BEING CMDUCTED AT ST. ma's CHURCH ?bs* Kmr. J. R. Mathews, of Ran** ville, Ohio, formerly of England, ti conducting a mlsaion at St. Peter'* Episcopal church thla -week. There will be aerricee each afternoon at 3 o'clock and at 7:30 o'lock. Tha Oral service was. held Timer day warning and frota the very ftrat the preacher charmed and dellf hted hla Urge congregation. At night he delivered another thoughtful and Instructive discourse. At the Sunday school hour he addruaajd the students ?C . thl school. Her. Mr. Mathews is s bible scholar or national reputation and as a speaker la attractive and convincing. Everybody cordially Invited to hear him this evening. V. 4 V. PASSENCER TRAIN DELAYED The Washington and, Vaademerc passenger train was delayed in leavlng for Yandemere Saturday night until o'clock. The cause was a tire slipping from the driving wheels oi the engine of the passenger train bound for '# Par inch train left Bret the Washington and Vandemere had tp watt until th? damego could he rishted. Daring thi mat tiro paaaeugere on the VuU>( ton and Vanderacre gof into a dMB cultg aad (or a tlmo l-?xcltrtiuta refghed Bunco tap among the paeaen gem. The police were phfaned to: and aifj were carried to the etatioi The union services at. the Presbj; terlan and Methodist churches Sun day morning and evening were large iy attended and the services mud aojoyed. 3e?rlght preach ed at both oerrtees. At the mornln hour in the Paeabytcrlan church h delivered a sermon on the Progrea aire add Aggressive church and to a half an hour laid his large audi once attentively by hia strong" pN sentatlon of his great theme. The dii course has been^the subject of fa* orable comment by all who heard li At night tn the First Methodii church Mr. Sebright ^delivered an other strong sermon his theme bein "Heaven." and agaia his cohgregi tk? were charmed and delighted. The music at both services we well rendered by the resp^ctiv cnoira. Persons were receive OBCBHBBR t. 1?U.' ow?Cooler I TMEWT Aj ^UIATM REV. J. H. WARREN B*T BEEN REfURNED BE | Tire annual conference of the M. t church, which convened at Marshi > burg last week, bee adjourned a the Her. J. H. Warren has return r as the superintendent of the Coi | District, which embraces East* L Carolina. The conference will mi I next at Winston-Salem. N. C. The conference endorsed Rer. I Edgar Lowther. of New York cl i for the presidency of the Waphlngt i Collegiate Institute, which 'is to t established here. Dr. Lowther one of the first men of the M. church. The church is fortunate aecurlag^ftim aa the head of the e ' lego here. His la expected to arrl In Washington on or sbont the fl I of January to assume his duties. RECORDER WINBLEY IN DUCTEDJNTO OFF1 Recorder-elect W. B. Wlndlsy, w wee elected to the office of Recorc for Washington. Loos Acre 'a Chocowlnity townships, warn cwc Into office this moraine; before I I Clerk of the 8uperior Court, Geo. Paul. The Recorder tried his fl cms at the City Hall at 11 o'ekx , end presided with ease and dignl He has the best wishes of all I friends for a successful admintsti , tlon. I l r LYRIC 7 THKATRK TO.WJH. * ' ! rfC". " ? ? - t ? . v . j?? ' { The motion picture program at , Lyric this evening Is otte beyond j s and a' class <klplctures that npp L, to the old as/ well as the youiii ones, featuring a veA funny ptct t that haa laughs after laughs ]i then some to1 take home. ']' r . For the ltrMic three days of } week the management announ there will be no vaudeville, exhl! (ng exclusively high class motion ] hirM fnp IHa lMt half r^f tho w ^ they have booked some very hi ) The manager of the Lyric anno | 0es that his future plans are.' to - hibK motion pictures for the fl . three days exclusively, and the 1 * half! of the week will be devoted h vaudeville. Thia gives the publli li chance to seo the pictures for . first three days of the week, who g motion picture lowers, and to tfa e who like vaudeville, has the sa k- opportunity. The admission pri r will be in the future 5 and 10 c? for the first half and Itt and iO ci for the last half of the week, y. The program today speaki for r. self aad if yon afe looking tor hi t. class amusement, the Lyric offer ;t program very pleasing. g FARMERH' UNIOX. i Thar* will be a called meetia? s the Farmers' tlhion on Saturday, b cember 7th. at Washington, N. C. d ara requested to be pMlfeflfet.; & j COCNTY BOARD OF RD ('ATI MMMMI A ^ r ne? n AGRICULTURAL J ASSOCIATION FOR BEAl .... Dr. Joshua Taylo Warren Secretai \ Hackney, Jr., 1 A rized Capital $5 Fall. I WMhlactoD and Peaufort County < j la to bare an Agricultural Fair and I Um flrat exhibition -will be bald' next J fall. la the meantime aa aoon as the , race track la placed tn proper shape , there will be race meets held. The "Beaufort County Fair Association," < Incorporated, waa organised here to- 1 day with an authorised capites stock I of ISO,000 and $5,000 paid In. The I Incorporators are Dr. Joehoa Tayloe, < Dr. Darld T. Tayloe, J ease L. War- < ran, George Hackney, Jr.. and Cap- i tain George T. Leach. The incorporators named the fol- i lowing officers: President, Dr. 1 Joshua Tayloesecretary, Jesse L. ? Whrren; treasurer. George Hackney, a ? Jr. The purposes of the organisation 1 are to establish and maintain fair I grounds for agriculture, mannfac- t ' lory. Use stock, forest, horticultural a Band other exhibits. io establish and c maintain race tracks and grounds for e the exhibition of the speed of sal- * E. mats, motor cars, bicycles and other ill. vehicles and also for the exhibition b ud* ted Joint Discussjon of . ww m e ttons Requested tr i)r. ty, OQ Superintendent of County Schools, n be Mr. W. L*. Vaughan, Us sending out " Is the following letters to the school q E. committeemen and the public school H In teachers of the county, which eloK plains themselves: ? * [ve To the Somuittee: ? * rat Dear Six:?I am asking you as one tc of the committeemen of your District si and Township, to meet with the ei teachers of your Township m\ (he tc school house In District No. , pi ( School) on -J m [j? December , 1912, beginning at 19:30 o'clock a. m., tn'n Joint pi meeting of teachers and committee- A ho men. : -w ' lor 1 believe that a Joint discussion of tt nd school conditions will result In much ai >rn good for each community. T&e M he lowing nre questions we wish to con- n A. aider, and X ask you to think about 4c rst nu, or any part of thorn you like, and ? ck, come prepared to glee your Individ- ft ty. uai -views and advloe: re his 'Questions: (1) At s committee- w ra- man. what have I a right to expect of the teacher of our school? (1) si As a teacher, what have I a right* to tl aspect of the committeemen of oar t< school daring this term? (S) What t! the the committee should do to help the d ar, teacher make the school a success, t **1 (d) From the standpoint Of commit- tl l?r tee, why I believe the teacher failed o ur? 10 nave a sueceiwrui ecnooi. to? md why our school has not been as sue- e cesaful aa other schools In the conn- a the ty. (I) What special tax haa done a ?ee tor my school. (7) Why our school ? hit- does not vote a special tax. s pie- i orgs you to put aside other bus I- n cefc nesa for s few hotlrs aud Join us In e ?*? an effort to make thle the most sue- * cesaful year In the history of our t un- schools. t ex- Yours truly, irst W. L. VAUGHN, last t County Supt. of Schools. 1 to Richland Township: Thursday, e a December IS, at Aurora, the Panttgo Township: Tueeday, Deare cember 10, at Pantego. ose Washington and Chocowinity: ) me Tuesday. December 3, at Washing- i to?t t Bath: Saturday, December 7. at < "ta YoatOfrtlle. i Long Acne: Wednesday, Decern- t 't- bor 4, at Pinetown. i ?*- Dear Teacher: * a a Teachers' Meeting for your Township will be held at the school house in District No. , I cember . 1912. beginning at , ' of io:SO o'clock. You will be. paid for De- a regular school day, an dare re- J All quired by the Board of Education to j attend. This means a fulL school day. so bring along lunch. ON. A discussion of the Dally Program will bo held* and blanka distributed. rs ! , FAIR ORGANIZED I IFORT COUNTY ! HDK V e President; J. L. 1 y and George reasurer. Autho- M 5,000. Fair Next ? -' 3 of all kinds or athletic sport*. The around* are to be located on Hackney Avenue on the Taykw fanu. The association has already secured twenty acres of land for the purpose. The grounds will be placed in proper shape at once. The Bret work to >e done will be the construction of he race track and as soon aa this Is* lnlshed there will be races "pnlled ' >ff" until next fall, whcrr the assoNation will hold a first class agii:ultural fair. - ' This means much for Wa&bingtom md Beaufort county. This section * lias long needed such an enterprise nd as the men behiad the move are 11 men of fine business acumen and inow how it should be done, the pally News predicts that the unck-raklng will be crowned with eonipcuous success. It behooves every ttlien to give the enterprise their ncouragement and backing in every Lay possible. The community caaot allow the understaklng to lag or ' ' .'.lyj e a failure. I . . . > School Condiy Supt, Vaughan ?>u can gel a copy of Dinsmore'a reaching a District School," read hapter II on "Things to be Kept in ilad." Also study again Chapter V4II (page tea> on The Twrfhhr's ' reparation of the Lesson, and ChapMP XIX (page 275) on Proper Asgnment of Lessoaa in "The Teeebr and the School." Let me urge yon > do the above work, and come pre?red to' 00ntribute your part to the ieeting. Bring along your school register, roperly filled to the present thae. lso get.a copy of "Reading in the ubllc Schools," one of thv hooka in le Reading Circle list for 1912-1918 ad read the first part. ' * With your co-operation, and a lew ilnutea preparation for these -newt*' lira, we pan make them both intsV itlng and helpful. Tou will be paid >r the day, and it Is your defy to inks preparation for it Just as yon :'J ould for a regular school day. The committeemen of your Townhip will meet with yon a part of ae time, and disease questions of inereat. Among these 1 ask you to hlnk about the following and jot iown vonr ttaoOrht * from tim? to - Line, to that you can take part in j be discussions and give the teachr'a side: Questions: (1) As a committee- * % nan, what have 1 a right to expert , t the teacher of our achoola? (2) it a teacher, what have I a right to xpect of the committeeman of oor chool during this term? (8) What ay committee should do to help nake our school a success? (4) Vom the standpoint of the commitee, why 1 believe our teacher failed o have a successful school. Yours truly, W. L. VAUOHAN. County Siipt. of Schools. NKW ALDERMAN. Inasmuch as Mr. W. E. Swindell ias been elected a member 01 toe Soard of County Commissioners at be meeting of the Board of City Allermen at their meeting this evening it the City Hall a new member of be board will be named for the llrst vard. MRS. J. B. MOOKK KNTKRTAI.VS. Wednesday evening last Mm. J. B. tfoore entertained the Weat End t notion Bridge Club. Those present . mr? Mra D. T. Taylor, Mr. A. M. ? low. Mr. Oeorge Lurh. Mtaaes Unit Cox, Mary Cornell. Mattte Qrll la and Adaliaa Mayo. Mlaa Aaale Sox mart, tba blgheat adora. 'jc V : V V^j OOTTOM MARKET. ^ Lint Cotton, It l-J. " fi v S. . sSB'. ' < . ' -Li

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