w JH - . tend. Promises For Eastewi Car The Aurora Agricultural Fair cornea o? tomorrow and Thursday and tt promises to be one iflHit nmu w>&tu ^ AWAY THIS AKMG Marie, the bright and interesting daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Mayo, phased away this morning at the hongs Of* her parents at Sonth : Creek, a/ter being ill tor a* week with pv < croup and bronchitis. The fttttfral Trill take place tomorrow. All that L ' loving bands or the akill of the physician eouid dq was performed, but all without avail. She today sweetens the battlements of heaven by he* preeehce. The sympathy of the entire county -'sties' out to the grlpl stricken parents. They should remember that the L<6r0 gave and thai the Lord hath taken away, bleaeed be I m , R. H. BRflOR'S RETURN The news that Rev. R. H. Broom y has returned as pastor of the Firsi Methodist' church will be received with great pleasure by the entire city Mr. Broom has been paator of th? y* First Methodist church here for th? past two year* Sndlihifter his leader ship the chureh has progressed alon* all llaee. All his partehoners look (or a graat-ydar 'of baefulneae durini mt. ' ^ _ It la alao gratifying to know thai L Presiding KWer u?dm mi omp n V turned to the district for enothei B.; KBGY7LAU rOMMUMCATION. There will be a regular communl " cation of Orr Ledge, No. 104, A. P : mad A. M. at their hall t^la evening corner of Third and Bonner streets I at 8 o'clock All rlsltfng brethrez cordially invited DR. TAYIiOJZ RRfTTR3S. Br. D. +. Taylor returned fhli [ H morning from Rockingham, N. C. i'.v where ho was called by telcgr/iia U | Tlalt Mr. Pick Leak. who leertU !!: m?.v UtVjfr. Jjlm: ISfthe of Rockingham'! a ( moat pr. o.isn^clttgenll.. J DK.in LITTLE HWEHTHEAKT, I* In 'our letter you say thai jmu wnuk . rather hare onlco photciiririh of m, for n Christmas present than any. thing nine. You shall hays'it and i ;V little later On rotf can'have a large I *' /^T^>' j ^ ' J i edm*. <-'* ^ \ y ^ ' I I m J ILr u wM h / a i *tlI .. ffgW "' / m iilH I Hh I* GRICULTllRflL Flllll V " j i Expected to Atto be a Gala Time olina. here at 10:30 a. m. and arrive at Anrora about 11:30. V He turning, leave Aurora at 4 p. iQ m. and arriving at Washington at 6 ... ed T?e fare from Washington will be only |1.10. Ay i An opportunity will bo afforded to de view some of Beaufort County's fin- aa est agricultural products, pne of the Qr features'of tbe Thursday program u will be the address of Hon. H. 8. J Ward. A .gala day time Js expected and Jn the people of Washington are going au i la large ,ptimber.. Gl GREAT CROWDS STTEHDING " ; MISSION JUT. PETER'S i The service at 8C Peter's church last night was conducted by the Rev. be ; John R. Matthews, who Is holding a an j week's mission here, as noticed In rl, yesterday's paper.- The sermon. Ba preached from the text "There Is Joy rit in the presence of the Angels over one s(nne? that repenteth." was wonderfully strong and of an appealing (0 ' tnederneaa that want straight to the g, hearts of those who heard the speaker Mr. Matthews has a splendid ^ command of English, hot attempts fo no flights .of eloquence. His words \ are well-chosen, simple, direct, and m his illuatritions, chiefly drawn from bis own experience, drive home th# truths that he teaches. By apeejal request the sermon tonight la to be upon the subject of I "The Ten Com mandmaata." and I those who have heard Mt.Matthews ta deliver this In other places where be f has held missions, declare it to be th ; a message and lesson of marvelous C? I power. W While this service la not for men A. , only, a special invitation la ertendtd Cc j to all the men and boys of the city R< . 'to he present tonight. If you cannot : attend more than one of these terv- Ai icee, let tonight be that one. A< ; h, SENATOR 8I3IMONS M FAVORS gnCK ACTION de ; a 5 . < ee r Washington, Nov. io.?Senator F. M. Simmons arrived today* Ask- ch ed what he thought the short session! jg of the present Congress and tha ex- 01 ica session or tne next congress ?*? . would do, he aald: "The short session will not have time to do any more than to get rft| -y* ' of the appropriation, or supply bills * and numbers of smalt bftlefc/!We A Democrat* wit! prepare for the work v, of the extra session. Which promises ln to be the- most Important session of ,n Congress In tfi years. v ? "I doubt if Coarfrees bns time to 1 consider anything seriously bnt the tb ' tariff in the extra Session. For two 8fl * years or moro we have dlscnsned the ^ r tarrff. and know ertctly the situation w * ^e should revise the tariff to a Democratic basis; and then turn to the truft and curroncy problems. ^ tfhe trust question has born consld- Rf er?d. and Congressmen know pretty 1 tcII what 1* needed In the way of 9 ^ddltlojial legislation. The curten" cy question ties not boen considered I in a big way, and before proper laws tc r can be passed we must Study the q| f qiyylMia H^ejNrtfrr ^ .:.'w^ 0;v u "V do not expect Congressmen will 8. - stay here Jong though next Summer tJ " to paBs tariff, trust and currency leg- y, Islation; ' but the country' should b know wtfaft sort of ohanges we are c going to inake in those Important tf matters. I favor careful, but im mediate action." a Mr. Simons has no doubt that he J Will be chairman of the Senate Flrnptce Committee which will consider the tariff and currency measurer Mr. and ^frs. BitaTpons are at the Jl sleigh Hotel temporarily. , Representative Page came in to- s when Mrs. Page arrives they will c II keep house On Columbia road. \ IjUtedtnan at the 8t James; Mr. Small 1 | Jm boarding house near the capital 1 I 1 1. ?? 1 t p. . , r . , , . J? WJ _ 7 | ** . *1 f**atr Tonlg I n ?m#ii nn ?$ ' IF" P If Ilf1! CD I I III In I T if A motion prevailed tha^ Alderman I jgler be placed on all commKUe H r occupied by Alderman W. E. II rlndell. /;' ? J 'i&?| The street committee was author- H ?d to purchased all shell nccemarv n r the streets of the city. IISS SMCHViElL AT HOME I n THE MIDS CUIB ?s i from 8 to 11. Tfaoie enjoying e evening were: Mesdame* H. W. D irter, John C. Rodman, A. M. Du*y. George T. Leach, J. K. 'Hoyt, C. Hathaway, J. B. Moore, Henry ?per, C. W. Warren; Miaswi Lida Mlman. Marcia Myers, Flora CoopBatelle Davis, Bethany Camper. ? T ?nle Co*,- Mattle Griffin, Mary the lams, Spbra Palmer and Julia wh] ?yt. a V At the conclusion o^r the-game a lightfui fouT-cotrrse luncheon was *?u rved. As Is her usual custom. Miss 1 itch well proved herself. a very, yea arming hoatesy On this Occasion. I ejr/i i - ' ' , -V"ald? EABOARD RBD1CAL ASS'CN IHbETS IN NEW BERN ~ I >... .. \ ? ? rv* ;j * j The seventeenth annua! session of m<] e Seaboard Me rmZK.V ILU , : = Mr. W. H. Carty* one of WmWdj. FA gt'a highly esteemed rltixens, Is lite ill at his residence on East Wa:r street. He Is tho father of Mr. J amur-i Carty, manager of the Crya- ard U Ice Company. For a nuxpber of foe ears he wea" employed as engineer am y the Old Dominion Stoamship tan ompany. running between Washing \ * >n and Tarhoro. . \ ? ?M IT. PETEITS"VESTRYMEN i S ?FOR YEAHt COl The annual election of reetrymen alo raa helS yesterday by St. Peter's 4 o 'arish. and the following were ha hosen for tho coming year: J. d. to Jragaw. T. H. Myers, E. K. WflMa, V. D. Morton, H. S. Wird, -P. H. tho Jryan. S. F. Alii good. D. W. Bell, J. Fr I Bonner. Dr. J. G. Blount. J. F. wl Undolph and J. O. Bragaw, Jr.' op Tho new veatrT met lut nt*ht of- ed er eorvtco and orp.nlt.ed wllj, the nr olIowlDK ofBcera Senior Warden, ip ON DI I '"S t h^ffi -.' iKHH 1*4211* ?* ' IJ.'.^v* ,. V'^^l I ' aX7 Alexandra, dowi|?r qacen of England :^?sr2a^r?.M. ev. JR. H. Broom R To Was) 1 he North Carolina Conference of met Methodist Episcopal Church, ? eh has been In session in the town A rajettsriU* tor the past week ad- >u* rned yesterday with the reading B the appointments (or tho coming B r by Bishop Denny. E lev. J. T. Gibba, D.'D., presiding F ?r for Washington district, has F n returned and Rev. H. H. Broom Glyi pastor of the'chnrch here. These F ointments will bo read with pleas- & *by all our people irrespective ofjtrj. omination. * n looking over the- list of appoint- ton, its the assignments of those well It ?wn to ,Washington will he read a h interest. Rev. A. P. Tyer is ro- Cla Bed to Oxford station; Presiding 6 - *?. * '- * ? ? - T ui uUlU URfHV IMT. It. U. ~ 9 ^man, D. D. Rev. M. T. Plyler Is son! ^rned as presiding older of tho fl tatoelh City diatrict; Rev. J. E. Eld terwoed lias b$en returned as pre- E IBS Optor 0f the New Bern district; su J r. A. UcCullan goes back as pre- E In* elder of the Rockingham dlB- C; t; Rev. L,. E. Thompson is made Ho] siding elder of the Wilmington ley;' 'T'ct- Wa] rhe following are the appoint- WII LMWW>KKr h / "H TO INSTANT DEATH. J racksonvnie, Fla.. Dec. 3.?Rich- haS| I Frayne, an aeronaut, fell 3,000 J*1] t from the air here this afternoon Uy; 1 warn instantly killed. Three thouid persons saw the accident. the rhe aeronaut waa thrown from hit \ it in the .parachute Jnst attar ho ?'U f cat loose from the baDodn. fHit iy landed In the driveway of the ~|el ergreen cemetery, near here. hei yslcians say that evary bone (n his rfti IT WW broken 1 Together with J.ck Croebr. bl? or upon toe. Unit ntarted en eeeen- J" n at the TrKOonetr Pair here at o'clock tbla afternoon Both man d tadleldual pararhutoa attached ^ CtoebT eererrd hte parachute (rem wh > balloon I ret sag a moment later ~ B msL mi A1LY . DECEMBER S. ItII. ^ Cooler ^ I ALEXANDRA gjfir': :V H " jp * , ha* b?en in such poor health of tr*+t anxtotj an# is slaty *igbt arc attacks of Lnttooasa: eturned iington Station its of the Washington district: residing Elder, J. T. Oibba. urora Circuit: J. W. Hoylo. ytlen Circuit: Ambrose Burgess, ply lath Circuit: J. B. Bridgers. iothel Circuit:- B. A. Nutrell. !lm City: J. M. Aehby. 'armvllie Circuit: H. E. Tripp, 'airfield and Englehard: D. C. an. 'remcnt Circuit: R. R. Grant, (attamuskeet Circuit: J. W. Ada [cKentree Circuit: W. J. Coringsupply IC Pleasant Circuit: J. J. Lewis, outh Rc^cky Mouu;: Marrln J. rk St... A. B. Thompaon. i>nlnn.K...~ rt I .... I. II T. * ? M.u>vuouuiA viivuii. n. n, uince. prtng Hop* Circuit: B. T; Wat'afettevllie District: Presiding er, R. B. Johns. Iladen Circuit J. M. Whitscn. Pi J. luckhorn Circuit: L. M. Chassin. Ireenville. Jarvls Memorial, E. M. rle; Nashville Circuit, 3. T. Ruttx; Tarboro , Station, J. B. Jones; shington Station. R. H. Broom; son Station, M. Bradahaw. . > CRISIS IN JAPAN. Pokib, Doc. 8.?A cabinet crisis arisen over the refusal qf the lister of* war. Lieutenant Genera! shera, to accept a cabinet decision acting the scheme for ineraaslni military forces in Korea. Lfter a number of extraordinary Ings, Premier SatonJI informed war minister that the cabinet ad ed to Ita position General Uye -a then Indicated bis intention tc t*?. .< It is doubtful whether the emper will accept his resignation. The *8 and general public support th< >lnet. Lieutenant General Uyehera wai pointed minister of war April 3 12, to succeed Oeenrai Ishlmoto o died the previous day. /ft" Mass. He was tl years old. up irrled sad his only living relatlva brother. Charles Frayno, oon with the Whitney eteble. . Ighton Bench. Crosby, who wu Iness pertner^of Frnyil^,. nine e. n a seii Delegates From All Carolina to Attend ings at City Hall. Mm"-: El-riESHS i IF BILLPSSSES pot Washington. Dec. 3.?The first hea public bill Introduced in the House the when the third session of the 62nd Cor Congress opened at noon yesterday, pre was a measure providing for the ven- feat atoning of ex-Presidents of the Unit, ed States and ther widow.s The bill, f||i which was Introduced by Represei, U|i tative DeForrest, of New York, proTides: X "That any person who has held, President of the United States, shall be placed on the pension roll at the E rate of $2,000 a month. A widow P?r of a former President shall be pen- tbo stoned at the rate of $1,000 a hl? month during her widowhood." ann Representative DeForrest also In- lcB' traduced a resolution providing for a aeci constitutional amendment limiting ,(,ei the tenure Of the Presidential office ?' to one term of six years nnd another ?n ' repealing the newspaper publicly fea- en*1 turee of the last postoffice approprla- hoIT tion bill. bret ????tion F. C. KUGLER IS ELECTED ?V ALDERRAH FIRST WARD | , llr. Frank C. Kugler was elected T last evening by the City Board of Al- _ , Seal dermen as alderman to represent the ^ First Ward vice W. E. Swindell, re- ? evei signed, who on yesterday was elected , 3) chairman of the Board of County . be c commissioners. The selection Is a .. He t wise one as Mr. Kugler has served coni In this important position before and den1 proved to be one of the most useful mo\ members. With Mr. Kugler on the nan board of City Fathers the Daily News !he feele confident.*tbat the affairs of the *n city will be Well taken care of. la s _ Jest I*AC?> * * > v/- , th< t Mr. M. B. Wilkinson, of Aorant; rf I wan a Washington visitor yesterday. ! o Dr. H. W. Carter went to Green " ' ' ii iT i" ' .''SH MM 1ERB TQ10118W Parts of Eastern % Business Meett vjM 'he North Carolina Fisheries Astation will meet in second annual lion In the city hall this city torrow morning immediately after arrival of the Norfolk Southern aenger train. Delegates are ex- 1*9 ted from all the counties of this tern section. *he object of the meeting is to er and perpetuate the fishing intrles of North Carolina. 'he program of the meeting waa l9 dished In Saturday's paper. The dquurtera of the delegates will be Hotel Louise. The Chamber of M amerce and ritisens generally are paring quite an elaborate social ure for the visitors. liTINCUlSflEO PHYSICIAN VISfTORJB HE CITY I >r. Clarence Porter Jones, of Newt News, Vs., Is in the city-today guest oi ur. n. w. carter, on way to New Bern to attend the ual meeting of the Seaboard MedAasociatlon. of which he ia the etary. Dr. Jones is also ex-presit of the association. He is one the first specialties in Virginia the eye, ear, nose and throat. He >ys a lucrative practice in his le city and among his professional hren occupies an enviable posi- ? The city is glad to have him i guest if even for a short while, left this afternoon for New Bern. 1BCT0RS jSJIEWBERU J oday New Bern entertains the board Medical Association. About hundred visitors wil attend. The ling meetings will he held at v,1 ) in Griffin's Auditorium, and will >pen to the public. The first pubneetlng includes addresses cf wel-' e, the annual oration, the presit'a address, and an illustrated ing picture lecture'oil "The Most gerous Animal in the World? Housefly." Dr. Ennion G. Wilis. Commissioner of Health of ginla, will furnish the film, and lated to describe his Satanic May. the Fly, as he is known. If by chance Dr. Williams Is not able ie there, he will send the fly film the doctors and the publie will treated to a moving picture fly ? ' loving pictures aro rapidly feeling popular as a means of teaeba lot of elementary as well as ntlflc principles about public ? :J lth, hygiene and sanitation. By i means we are now able to see jgl etly how flies develop from tiny s to maggots and then into full wn flies without searching ough manure piles, garbage cans. The dangers of Impure water, prevention of consumption, and f care of babies are some of the er subjects taught by means of ving pcturea. A number of states eadv have a number of films or i or more moving picture machines ich are sent abojt on health earn other the state, teaching scientificths about health by means of pices. A few years ago Dr. Oscar vllng not only made Louisiana faus by mens of a health car. but ' A do the state literally clean up. w they have a health train In that t? which goes about carrying a tlth exhibit, demonstrators, lectar. moving pictures, etc. They make irt stops at various railroad eta- * yH no, giving lectures and showing tures at night. During the day f exhibit is open and the hookworm $ clalties examine and treat hookrm victims. This Is proving a ind success, and other states are * opting the idea. California and chlgan have already done great rk with their health ear*. Man- ! d haa a apedal tahereuioel* ear. IT should wot North Carolina haw teelth ear to cam a health exhibit I % Ting picture health aim*, and .3 akwortn dlapen?arr etc.? Whether act we ha*a one will depend upon , j i coming legtelature. COTTON MARKET. 3 . .|Jj Cotton Seed, $21.