jL n IIIn lilii |tl||Hr * -^F al a VIU lllullx i???* ; WMhlwtoo, Nor. 4. ?In til* maintenance and canUnoanrc of | maant river and harbor projects daring the fiscal year ending June , SO. 1114, an aUoerance of $800,000 5 * m*de tor work on the inland waterways from Norfolk to Beaufort inns let and as allowance of fl.100.Q00 for work an the harbor of refuge at . The entlxnatert of the navy department for improvements at the Norfolk nary yard during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1914?, sent to Congress today amount to 'iffO.iOO. ,V which is $140,000 more than the es^ tlmates for tho present local year, which were cat about SO per cent, la the furtherance of the Democratic economy program. The cut at thie KK aeeslon, if any, will probably be m\\ lighter. H&\\ aggregating $54,746,J / 09S for Improvement* to river and Su' / \arbor works throughout the eodny ) V during the next fiscal year were I hraHted to Congress tdday >^n the I. Wnual report of Oenersi William H. j Ixey, chief of'-fclie engineers of the V .7. W?. ijtfe sum is $16,311,372 . feater then the amount approprlat\ / | daring the last fiscal year for the line purpose. Of the total, 848.^/??.0t0 b^lydljc H50,aoo for eai^y emlnatlona, surveys and contingenr cles of rivers and harbanC for which fe there may be no speeitl npproprtaI, tlon sabmfttedi'4s to be provided for I. la the npfujar fiver sad harbor apt propriMri b\\\ at .this eembon of h Aurora To P? 'r.>n-H 11 rH j A great day Is promised at Aurora ! i ^ today and tomorrow and tomorrow ' ' R the crowning' fugture. A special train I, to bo run on th? WaahingI ton nnd Vpyidemgre train tomorrow morning and return tomorrow. This la tor the purpose of giving nil eitlaeni un.opportunlty to visit the | Rant attractions. Addraa* by Hon. ?FISHERIES wtMnnepnY V * The tonowiog gasSgatoa to the K Flshehrlea convention was In the city I " nat night and nre registered at 'Hotel Lioulse: Thos. Meekina. R. B. Ktherldge and Ws i. Bright, of Haft U teo N. V. H.; J. Hyde Pratt, Cll?p?! Hill; L. B. Qaulel, Elltabeth City, UK , R. R. Daniel", V D. Hymen, f M H s> I*. Wancbead. rt.-Q.: A ,C I Onard, Mate" II arbor; Prank Wood, So H. O. Wood, Julian wood. Edenton: T. H. Shepherd. Edenton; X. C |W. Hobbs ar.d E. A. 'CWodwln, Hertford, Jr DO R/J PABH THHOrciH. (' Julte a large number of doctors V Ipassed through the city yesterday af W ... ternoon eia the Ncffcik Southern er , r?. routo lo Newborn to attend the an |* nttai meetng oi the Seaboard Medic*: Association,/which'convened In that ; i : town last night. Among those wen jj? Ernest BlasiHJCl, a noted nurgeoi. 'I of New York city; -Dr. R. la.,Payne L jHm, of Norfolk, the orator of the a* ffioslatloa' this year; Dr L. A. V/ll J llama, of Washington, !>. C., and Dr * F. K. 8tewart, of Philadelphia. I-ROP. SMITH HERB. Tbo many fyendei of Prof. Wtt Smith wee* .more than (lad to ee. M Urn In tha city yeaterday. Ho-lj ui P . . honored member of the inimical pro H^eeelonnl and rinre hie aoloi.ro in thh | eecton hae made friends that are le( 1 ? *re going to offer to the houw jbegun, M1.937.M1 to ta be provided by Congress in the sundry clrU appropriation bill. Estimates for Improvements in clyde: Virginia?Potomac "river. #53.000; Norfolk, for continuing improvement. deluding .pftoMhe. tk.reto and cbannel at Thimble Shoal. $1$.7,500; for maintenance, including approaches thereto and channels of the eastern, !; w mi tern and southern branches! of the Elisabeth river, and I channel to Newport News, #30.000; i for continuing improvement, Includ- ' ing approaches thereto and channel at Thimble Shoal, 00; inland i waterway, Norfolk to Beaufort. N. C. $800,000; James -river,'$76,000; ? Upper Machodoc creel. $3,300; ' Onaocock river, $1,000; Pagan river. < $1,000; Rappahannock river, #26.000; York. Mattaponi and Pamoaky ' rivers, anil Occoqoan, Lower Macho- 1 doc, Naqdau, Aquta and Carter creeks, $15,000. . &> .?- ?|V i ; North Carolina?Cape Fear rive*, i fyr continuing Improvement by the construction of locks and dams, in completion of contract, $300,000; I Beaufort harbor. $$',000; Beaufort inlet. $10,000; Morebead City harbor, $3,00|t Cape Lookout harbor of refuge. #|;1QO,000; Bay river. $1, uwq; <_'ap?*'ear river, tor eompiBimn i Improvement at and tlelo* Wtlmlgnton, *3o2,9??; Flaking creek. AL-. I 500; Nenao and Trent rlvere, *I2r 000; Nam river and water*aja to Beanfort, J5JP00; NorthaMW. Back and Cape F*J> rlvere. 511,0*0; Bv'ift crert, 5500; Waecamew and Utile day and 1 hursday ; " ' % e H. S. Ward, balloon ascensions, horae racng, dancing and other attractions are promised besides a fine exhibit of agricultural* sahl bits. It will pay any clUsan Qf Beaufort county to visit this flne exhibition of Eastern Carolina exhibits. Crowds are expected Iron all sections aad those who attend have a rich treat in DEMOCRATS WILL PREVENT THEIR CONFIRMATION Washington. Dec. i.?President Taft sent more than 100 recess ap, pointments to the Senate today, and immediately indications of a movement among some of the Democratic . enatqrs (^prevent tfceli- confirmation became Senator Qore, it was said, would vuw luyyutv ?="= ? colleagues In heading the movement. The campaign le directed especially against nominations which, it Is claimed, hare been postponed from time to time, thus bringing the new terms elope to the beginning of the Democratic administration. Democratic senators claim that the ' President already% has deprived the k Democrats of the privilege of appointment fifty thousand postmas[ terB by placing theia within the civil service law by a single order. Most of the Democratic Senators , expressed themselves as favorable - i reodj completed and aUnda ?ll'uprlatalr In tha jnldat of a grova or treat. Tip. grove laada ltaalf admirably to outdoor (oraat ashlMfa. and will be turned Into aa Imitation Tta- J tloaal Poraet, ta show the manner la * which the National Forosta now ba- ' log ealabllshad to the Sontham Appalaehlana will be > admlntntored. Fire look-out eutlona, gre-Aghting equipment eaabea, tr lie aad brldtea * will illustrate trow the tureen me nt la preparing to protect the fore eta t) from Are. tioaacrvatlvo tqrithoda of logging, aa the gbrernnrent requires hall be practlaed upon the National Foreate. involving the reduction of unnaceeaarjr waate and the piling aad hurting of bruah aa a Are prooantlon, Win also ba afcon. The dlaplar lnilde the building will be an entire departure front anything of the kind attempted before. Commercial ashiblta will be oonaplcuotuly \ locking. The eahiblta will, all have rafcronce to conaervatloa. and will portray the effect of foruetn tn preventing eroalon and regulating atroam How. tha damage done by forest Area and InaecU and means for combating these arils. . the BclentlAc handling of tlmbar production and uae of wood by such mean asa improved methods of sawlag and the introduction of abort and odd lengths of boards, and other re- ( Bulla of forestry investigations. L :'~ Mr. Don Carlo# Bills, who is in charge of Education Co-operation In % the V. 8. .Forestry Sorvlee and has j prepared the go Tern meat's forestry 11 sxhibiU at all the recent exposition* \ 1* to be chairman of the forestry . committee for the Knoxvllle exposition. Mr. Elite ie also the secretary 1 of the exposition's nattotial advisory 1 board sf which (word Pinchot, tearm?lr cbl?i fapJUr-*f tk?. o. 8. i, * chairman. A Mil providing for a government exhibit and building at Knoxvllle was introduced in Congress last session and la expected to come up earbill provides for exhibits from all the bureaus which are concerned.witb-con servation, such as the geological sur- * vey. the bureau of mines, the chll- & drea's bureau the bureau of cduca- P tion. and the several bureaus of the 11 department of agriculture. Under 8 this.bill the forestry exhibit would be & greatly enhanced by 1 the display which the U. 8. Forest Service would cl make. * ' ' m - - ...... - 1 ^ ITiGALLHD FOR LHTTKRS. J List of letters remaining uncalled 81 for in this office for the week ending November 30th. 1&12: P Men?Simon Battle, i. Bary. M. r' A, Cutler, J, Q, PUon, JyF. Floyd, n E. M. Oriflln.' Samuel Harrison, * Tkos. Hackney. H. JlnkicP, Joseph 11 Little, Jutloua Martin, Joe Mauris, * flte Wtlllsms. Nonjjn "Wtldrr, Cornell t Winiams 1? -/Hi * WcmfO?MlsS '(leorlott* Jtrsrin.}* Mrs. Georgia ^ Mi*/ Maggie .b Canute, Matilda Uav ,?mWr rw-j1 ers, Kettle Grtffln/hlrl Ma?(lr God- * ley. Ktnno Little, M ajr Ma Ah a Latham. Illegtable. Miaa Iffhggie Partiam,J* Mm. Hattle PhllflfdR Mr*.Arabia 1 Robinson. Mrs. J. B. Stowe, MarjrH Thlter, Mary White. Lenor Wllllaias. 0 These letters will he'ianr to the iltsd letter oSlee.tJJecember. 18th, e JSlt. If not delivered befofe.ln rail- < Ing ror the shore, pleme'ra' "adver < Used" firing dato of flit. t HUGH PA01-. P. Mr-? 1 aiiSsiaWpll i FtNflNCE COHiflHTTEE Washington. Dec. 4.?^There does not em to be any doubt here that f Senator Simmons will be chairman of t tho Senate Finance Committee. . 1 It haa not been hollered at any \ time since the election that Mr. 81m- * 'mons would be opposed seriously by t any one outside of a few newspaper 1 shops for that position. > . Mr. Bryan, unles^ be < hangar; Ms i mind, it not going to oppose Mr. 8im- ' mons. Senator Oore la not flghtlng ? him. H really looks gfe ^ -y j Iwf terw^ &zr?T-?onal in- ^ ABOLINA, WEDNESDAY AFTERNO ghl and Tomorrc IjBiili-W Bia w Y\ I n a. ,n" y n PK?w>,??niiniin un i *rCy Indignantly refoM and declared ?IV Mq he asked the ImoaU to Invest fetdjaaia WILL COST 823,1 RUNGOVERI THENEX1 Washington, Dec. *4.?It will cost si 821,416,465.14 to conduct the afdrs of the government for the fiscal ei ?ar ending June 36, 1914. accord- tl ig to the estimates of the various peaker of the House by the Secre- yi try of the Treasury. , 3; This amount which does not In- 1? lade any provision for the postal ct srvice, whjtth Is expected to be self- Is op porting. Is an Increase of 373,- fc 76,348 over the appropriation m^de $: >r the present year, by the last aee-^ tl Ion of Congress. Of this Increase 318,313,230 ap- 11 ?r. In ti* estimates of the Sec-lie alary of the Navy and 310,597.397 m ^presents the increase asked by th* 7 avy department In the approprla- h ssaela The estimates would P*i>Idp for .three new battleships to be tt ,M flow* da*na Th* y, 'ould make up for the lapse of one hop from the two bMtkrrtlp?^ww*? a rograrn Of the department, caused y tne action or the Democratic a Ionic in prgjtting tm. hut a 4ing)fc, $ hip at tfce iMt session of Congress. n Another JBwvOOO.OOO Or more of tl he total in create la shown in tl?e es- < imates fof the payment of pensions, b 'he amount 4?ked for la 1185.280,. n ?jjf'*W^I e Last year but 1165.146.4fo was ? xpended for pensions. .An Increase 11 f about the srtife amount appears in F he est I met e* for public WQfIs i tuj V he year.; TleconslructiAn of pah- 11 ic buildings planned for the year'ti IREGON WOMEN ARE ROW IN POLITICS i . ? t Portland. Ore., Deo. 8.?Woman p rxerclsed their newly acquired right i o vote In a half aeoro of Oregon cl- j, lea yesterday and In all placet playid a conspicuous part in the repult Newport, through the women's vhte. r -emaioed "dry," bat at Ttllamaok, * he women lost, the "wet" ticket he- ? ng successful. * t Oregon CIty'a woman canlldate for nayor was overwhelmingly defeated, rhree other cities held monlclpal "lections and in every ease from 80 io 40 per cent of the voters wore , women.f, ? ^ J;.' PRAYKR MBKT.NO There will be ptwtr meeting 1 >t theelty this eml>i In the ????? ^ >AIQ ON. UBCEMBEK 4. ItU. >w?Cooler ______________ IN FROM SENATE* * Wkt^Si pips 'II. Hfe *t ii jjV n tt| fi Ti v, jja ^ *C 115,455.14 WENT FOR FISCAL YEA] lows SO increase of 91,011.6 rer the appropriations for the pr It year, 98,722,100 being naked : lat purpose. The work to be done during ( ?ar on the Panama Canal will c< 90,174,482. which 91,130,5 ins .than the appropriations for- i arrant year. Of this sum $6,789,5 asked for the purpose of guild! >r the canal sons. This year t 8,825.000 was appropriated for f< flcatlons at Panama. estimates forecast anpther I on dollar session of Congress, i i the total estimated for, the Po laater General estimates that 928 91,508 will be necessary to condi Is departqent (pi; the /ear. T; aiwiit will be Supplied out of I petal revenues, and will bring I >tal estimated appropriations for I Bar.vup to 91.105,208,983. just how the?e estimates will fi t, the bands of the Democratic r ffity In. the House la the subject Or able conjecture. Some dl u phasing appropraitlon b my TO I M>w atKapreenient Detwt ie House and Senate a* In the 1 e&sion. But the supply measures e passed on the baste of the ei lutes submitted today will go 1 ffpot after the Democrats hare t f full control of the government i i Is expected that the attitude of lojiee majority on the question oivoil lu the estimates will forcr ho attitude of the coming udmii ration. ======= COUPLE MARRIED. Mr. P. M. Wilkinson, the old t. F. D. carrier of the county. \ las been actively engaged for >ast. decade, was happily married lla* Mary 8. Koonce on Wednest! November 20. at Leggetta. N. C., n "arboro. The bride and groom iow residing at U^e" home of rroom near this city. The Di 'Jews extends rongratulatlona Hit Irishes. SMSR. tofigS A WKIXOHK VI8ITOK. Mr. T. W Ford, of the J. B. I en and Company, oyster packer) Baltimore, arrlred la the city : terday afternoon. Mr. Ford la t looking over the property of barren company with a view of a Ing the necessary repair*. Tt t>een threo yoara since he was 1 last and hla matty friends are i 1 ] FISHERIES COF MET CITY H A SM< ?H J The Second Annual CoifNtka oj f the North Carolina Fisheries Sfcfdcia-I tloa. representing all the count lee oi Eastern Carolina, met here thlJ mooting in the city hall. The oM Jec^pf the (etherise is to footer end perpetuate the Flaheriee Institute of North Caroline. The convention was called to orJ der by the president, Mr. George nJ Ives, of New Bern, after which the prayer was delivered by Rev. H. bJ Searlght, pastor of the First Presby-I terian church. The addren of wel-j , come on behalf of the eft y was mad J ' iffiT.HAniEVSCUMS I* piERSMST. PETER'S iH^lThft largest congregation of the H Week ^greeted Rev. Mr. Matthews at Hi; 8t. Peter's church last night. The HI service was reverent and impressive, lei *nd the sermon ohe which will never Ei be forgotten in the lifetime of those who heard it. Tho m^siouer took aa his text the 19th verse or the &tb t chapter of the Gospel according to St. Matthew: "Whosoever therefore shall break one of these last cose> mandments, and shall teach men so . he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same lat shall btf called great In the kingdom fir. of heatin." The speaker first showed why.^our evangelists wrote th# gospel, instead of one account being sufficient?how each one. Matthew. ?? Mark, Luke and John, covered a different phase of the Saviour's life and ministry, and how the four separate accounts are necessary to a proper understanding of Christ's mission. Then reverting to the text, he took the ten commandments one by one. [J and clearly, concisely and vigorously [V analysed them, bringing out many new thoughts and fearlessly showing up the evils to which men are prone 30 to close their eyes and ears, es- It waaf.a sermon such as is rarely for heard here, and it is unfortunate that the whole body of our cltixeua could he not have hoard it. ost Mr. Matthews will preach again 67 this afternoon at 3 o'clock and todie night at 7:30. 22 ng Colonel T. B. Davideon ie register>ut ed *t Hotel Louise today. or- i.i .. ,1 ' j'i- Senate Begins Imj ? of Judg act ? y* Washington. Dee. 3.?The Senate the . . , tjie of the United States yesterday began the ninth trltfi by impeachment within its long history of a public officer hre sworn to uphold the constitution and lka-fl rvf Iha IlnUml fifufix of Robert W. Archbald. former judge KB. for the Eastern district of PennsyltUs vanla and now a member of the Commerce Court, was summoned to ast face the demands of the House of to Representatives that he be "impeach9ti, ed for misbehavior and for high nto crimes and misdemeanors." alt. The House, which brought the 1mmd peachment charges last summer, is the represented by seven- ' managers" jn. who act as the prosecutors in the ast trial. Tboy are Representatives Clayjis> to i of Alabama; Webb, of North Carolina; Floyd, of Arkansas; Uaris. _ of West Virginia; Sterling, of Illl? noia; -Rowland, of Ohio, and Norrls, of Nebraska. Judge Arch bald's attorneys were lest early at the capitol, prepared for the rho convening of the court of impeachthe went at 12:30. The House managers held a short ' ? conference early in the day. and perlay fee ted their opening statement to the iear impeachment court in which the are <* ? against Judge Archibald was the Outlined, and the line of evidence made known. A. S. Worthlngton, of Washington, ftnd who with Alexander Simpson. Jr.. oi Khialdelphla. who will represent udeg Archbald throughout the case, followed Chairman Clayton with the statement of defense. >' i r*r- The charge against Judge Archi of Hid aroee la connection with private fe#_ and oflclal acta both aa a Judge ol the Court of Commerce and aa Unit#re ed States District Judge for Middle tke Pennsylvania. He Wha impeached tak- by the Honee of .Representatives at has ter a full investigation of the factt iere by the Department of Justice*and ex tied tended hearings before the Hous? Judiciary Committee. ' , rvENnoN ALL TODAY t-.J OKER TONIGHT | by Una mayor, lion. Collin H. Hardin*. an* the response by lbs president of the association. Mr. (too. N. ? Iran, of New Bern. | wee held In the city hall and attendI ed by a large number of delegates from all parts of Eastern Carolina. Delegates have been arriving since 9 yesterday afternoon and the meeting promisee to be a-great one fo: this section. Tonight at..the Elk'r. ball the visiting delegates will be given a "smoker." The DaHy News gladly welcomes the representatives of this great industry. '" . t r\ . V ; * : I'zfl KRESIBENT-ELECT WIISM BHBS TAfilFF DEBATE " Hamilton', Bermuda; Dec. 4^? I Wood row Wilson heard yesterday the ' I first tariff dlscuaaion since his elecI tion as President of the United I States. He visited the Bermuda ParI liament whore he was cheered and I sat among the members for three I hours listening to the debate on (be I vegetable schedules and observing I the methods of budget legislation. I m reply to the welcome extended Mr. I .Wilson said: I "I have been Interested In theI ?>??. thinking th.t If w pv.rT liar went through the items of expenditure'and revenue for 12 months there would be a ooneffiftous performance which would/excel anything the theaters could ever produce. Bat the idea Is an admirable one, because It affords the House a constant opportunity to review the changing circumstances of the colony. I have 'admired the businesslike manner of getting through the estimates." While walking from Government House, Mr. Wilson said he thought that a yearly revision of the American tariff schedules Buch as obtains in Bermuda would bo Impracticable. It would be impossible to discuss the estimates and revenue simultaneously but be wlBhed the United States would adopt some budget scheme. The President-elect was a prlnel- ? pal in a "flrst-aid" case this morning. He rescued a honeymoon couple who fell from their bicycles in front ot his house. The bride was slightly Injured and one of Mr. Wilson's daughters assisted in bathing her wounds. yeachment e R. W. Archbald The managers appointed Jay the House to prosecute the ca^e before the Senate asked for an immediate trial last August, but the Senate declined to hasten lta consideration of the case. During the last week acores of subpoenacs were issued for witnesses who will be brought before the Senate by the House managers and by Judge Archbald's attorneys Iq concoction with the trial. After the House Committee on Judiciary had concluded ita hearings j last spring it recommended that Judge Archbbhl be railed before the Sonhte under impeachment proceedings. The last time the House had exercised its Impeachment powers was in 1904 when Judge Bwane. United States Judge for the Northern district of Florida, was called to account for misconduct and was acquitted by the Sonata. In presentln gthe cose to the House Representative Clayton said that the Judiciary Committee was>of opinion that Judge Archbald't "sense of moral responsibility had become deadened" and that he had "prostituted his high office for personal v profit. The principal charge grew oat of the Katydid Culm Bank deal. In this charge It waa asserted that while the Erie Railroad Company bad pending berore the Commerce Court two suits. Judge Arcbbald corruptly taking advantage of hie ofQcta position, induced the officials of the Hillside Coal and Iron Company and of the Brie Railroad, which owned that company, to agree to aell the coal company's lntereta In the Katy did dump to Judge Arcbbald and Edward J. Williams. JZ ' , ; ' In bit answer Judge Arcbbald denied that ha bad acted corruptly or ft bad taken advantage of hi phesltlon. - ioorrow it i-,. c otto* M. Ml.