I IUUIUIIUI11 I*] ^ ^ The Fteberla Conrentlcu .dj.om ed Lie ,?(?W ?IW???.; ?f?r .!? Ishlhg one of the eery bat .....Ion. in it- history. Most all of the delegate frofn the entire Ehsten.secUM' oi-W h.ve return,! to their respective homes, retrying with them thetrery ben Of Impressions 01 feaahlhgton. The Contention sccompUffced w|i?t It met for, that le, the legislation suitable to alt 1 oneerned ea sub mtttod by the propei committee and this legislation will" be submitted tc tbo next 6eaeral Assembly for itt ratification. The fish and oyster Industry is great and rltal one to North Oarollni and It will'be gratifying to the peoplt of Eaneng'Carolina to a now that t measure baa been drafcd that meani an arnleebte adlastment. The contention was called to or der In the city hall yesterday morn lug at 11 o'clock by the president Mr. Scarce N. Iran, of New Bern, ant the opening prayer was Made by Re* H. D. Seartght. The dtlegatae wer welcomed to the city hy the mayo elf the city, Vr.ColUp H. Harding The reepoaee was made hr the peas ldent of the association. Mr. Oeorg N. Iraa. The object of .the mentlnj eraa elated by Mr Joseph Hyd Pratt, the Stab! Oeoloclst. Th, other prtaslpal speakers of the morn ing were Hen. A.VW Orahant. ol j ti ran villa .otraty; and, Dy. H. F Moore, of the V. 8. Bureau of Pish erles. Their addresses were amou r* nrBbcnw&jEiui TW MB B?S PAltK P'.v, '"'J i>1 rtwtv *;> 'New' tiitn. Dee."/ 5?*imoat sccrr of Intereatlng papers Were rea and dlaciuMd yesterday by phys cldhaVttHndtng the annual session c th? seabed Helical Sciatic, whinh eoi'seaed We yeaterdgy. A ippnR the papers rand at yestei day'a Maaloa iwWiw (he following: "Malaria and Hemorrhagic Fe **?Dr. Wm. f. . Grigfi, Orlenta H. C. . fr-||'" . ul . ? ? - "c : "A Pie* for *0f? Dla, nos'.s T>f Wli*?a Public HeaH ProblemV?ur. Edward Jo Woo. WHmlngtnn, K. C. ' -Intussusception in the Adult, wll Report of a Cafe"? Or. J. L. Nlobo aoa. Washington, N. c. "Helpful Hlnta on Union and Noi Ualow of Long Bones"?Dr. A. I Tayloe,"Wadhlngton, tf. c'. "Common Errors'tn the Dlagnos and Treatment of ArterlorSelerptl Antecedent Cases'?Dr. Tom A. Wl llama; Washington. D. C. ^MnMjot Wounds if the Into k tines with Report of Case"?Dr. : S. Priml-csd. New Bern. N. C. kj "Renewed Prophylaxis and M f ntcipnl .. Conlsol" ? Commission Hand ; ?' you are just aa welcome aa ?ho ft era In May. Will insure you a r nd time if you haven't lot the io< * ache. Seems as though Singleton h he giro us a forever farewell > I Turkeys farlnn common aro K- llraKaw. Mr. H. H. Waters la on the list. Hope ho will soon reroycr Mtas Sarah Boyd raturned In tha Saturday attar .pending say iv- mouths with her sister. Mrs wll sk Modlii.. at Jamaatrtlla. M. < | Washington, Dec. 6.?The Conc 1 r r easlo Dal c o m m laalo n ^anointed ~7~ ^ , , near the end of the laet season or [ p-ongress^t* ?JeslJgate^liie purcbgge J Farmers' Ualon, will undwt^y a* WK-lally (p aaCMlnln whatter there 1. a combination among the foreign goe- ' , M ?:rnm?nt.H for the holding down of prices of American. tobaci>.fT! (* ? " " The charge haa b.ott mndo that ? all of the European, government* )f combine in the employment of out purchasing agent and thua render * ucAQ pvMPNf'F m i* iiigiii iiiWiiiiis in ?-t,?dfbf r.'to" ?"w~- w -,7. THE ARCIBUD THML it t , Dec. i.-Wl,h U. i 1 Senate a reconvening ?.?a a .court Of Impeachment today. Judge ItobL j" W. Arehbald. of th? ,? erty to him. were of iJPPl Pr? JJJ Archbati's friends and acquaintance? s-i K from Soranton. hla former home. M *. B4*?ri i *Il)lfma and Cfcp. -ft . Conn, named aa concerned In the deal; WUllam A. S*^y. president of ? apparent owner of the coal damp: J. Ti H. Rlttenboune, of acrantpn, and . George F. Bronwell. of New York, T? i? t ... o.i. uiim.j Epla Ug acuw?i ouiiviivi Wl !?? wra lamuw ? >o Company. were among the flrat to venJ ceetlfy. .. TdJ *1 Judge Archbald hu Indicated ?h<" 1*. hie Intention to.be preeent through- in tl out the trial bla place at lbe left of laid en the Seiyuo desk ana awaiting him Bleb ?t again today, and from that poalUon suet he coold'haye a direct view of tbe rira witnesses as thay .took the atand. lag The proaecution la holding the prtx ?? door todayi but thp line of Judge the "* Archbaid'a dafanie waa clearly lodt- Are cated by hie attorney in hla general and B statement yeetarday. ? ?. ' ? a*M * ? The ganatn wHi conrene daUy at com 1 o'clock M a court ot Impeachment; COnl b? and the aoaalona art VPectcd to run abal u?ju ? o'clock. of 1 E {Ware than 1*6 sHigaem are on- Boa der subpoena by the House managed Wa; a" and Judge Archhald'd dttorneya The | BOY ISM BY 1 r, % l illfUiJif lk* W ? ' J' nai n> Danville. Va? Dae. 5.?The third 8. I ?- hinting fatality of tbe aeanoa waa Stai hls recorded here when Donla Cohen. Chi of aged Oftcen. eon of Morrle Cohen. Ind waa ahot and Inatantly killed hy Gna- Net iau sleCarwItch, the aame age, near con Pumpkin Craak. be s a Coroner Pitta, viewing tbe re- p. . " mains, was aatladed that death was I "d* due to an accident. Cnrwltch will of pP* be given a hearing In court on Thura- roll day. fy. * j ' ':> - tfck ;ent Carwltch was in the act of reload- out 'od lag a breeeh-loading ohotgun, with of hit three companions standing near- J. in t by. Aa ho was cloning tho breoch L.o1 vay hie thumb c aught tho hammer, all ow" which anapped and exploded the ret ??*|fun, the ahota taking effect In Co- of >th" hen'a face, cauaing instant death rr.e REV. MATTHEWS AGAIN " nc It DTC BCiDCDC " F^; I Xm I m I I m,l ? M /I JLJr t and Tomorrow 1 1 ' '^p UjmMM M SB * ?3B , 'i^fj -V - Malilon Pltnay. * . wwdn^MMr the State of Nr t. He m???# WrlMio tarns la cone ;rwi' erparteaaa. $ ?rcdHMBFWv .jt" y ? .1 .. at ylored MfythocUst. Cftfgren* H* North Carolina annual eon- clt ra of the Colored Methodist >!: fit v uv^HHW, v Ub copal church 1" America con- "" id her* yesterday wRh Christian * pie. of which Rhv. F. ?. J. Mar lo pastor, "Thle conference Is 36 third Episcopal restrict of the church and la presided peer by f op R. 8. Williams. D. D., of Anas Ga. Bains delayed tn bis arts the Rev. J. D. Jonai. preeid- f elder of the Charlotte district, eeded to open the conference. At D hnnr of 1 ft n m h< slnwin "init We Yet Ally*/' etc. This done BC fervent prayer offered to Alhty. he reed, end made e timely M mentj .op the 103 psalma. The fereace then proceeded to elect e M Irman pro tern. Upon e motion lev. 11" O, Laagford. Rev: /. W. etta. presiding elder of the y shlngton dlatrict, WM rtbCtwJ. K session wee continued by electRev. H. L. Johnson, at Our hem, etery; Rev. 8. H. Sterling his nstnt. Rev. R. O. I^ngford was ted fitatisttchtn- Ad the racing * he Joint board df'finance provid*pr, The preeldlng eldsra were ' te committee of committees, Revs. u sterling. Q. H. Ptei end J. C. ei ntop were elected reporters to the * istlen Index, the Ndrth Cnrollne N ex and the Washington Daily li ?' inference Thursday evening. Do- ^ mber 5th, from 7:SO to 10 o'clock. Program. 9 Sermon. ?? Address on behalf of the cltlxeSs Son the City. Rev. C. E. Askew, A.Hi. ten Response, Rev. O. Roberts, A. B. veAddress on hehalf of the ritlaena c the city. Dr. J. M. Lloyd. t Response, Rev. R. O. Langford, B. Address on behalf of the city hools. Miss Katie R. Truman. Response, Rev. H. L. Johnson, Ar . . X'fwt. ?V" A m52 Address on behalf of the church, ? rs. Ophelia Price. * Response, Rer. }. C. StsntOn, D. D LEVEN HUES IK A RAIUOAD WRECK? ZaneavlUe, Ohio, Dec.v 5.?Eleven ead, one probably faulty Injured, la ie or reck score aa a result of a rear- Itl] ad collision between Cincinnati and ^ loakingum Valley passenger train R! o. 43 and Cleveland, Akron and Co- tea jmbus passenger train No. ltlijp Kt hlch the rear coach of the Clere- fri md, Akron and Colprabus train was be sleacoped. .. > XJ* 1] I1SCHARGING GRAIN S AT BAYERS' MILL I ~| be The schooner Oold Mine, of Jnnper Bay, *1. C., Cgptala LeRoy Ped- la leg, in command. is discharging a argo of coMl at the Harens Qratn Id dill. The tW boat Rosalind, of Rose (I lay, la also discharging a cargo of [rain and cotton at the eagle giant, nc rhla large concern da now running >n full time. Everything la hustle da ind hustle there ' ' Oi fyJ ?e J'V fo KKffH FROM WALLA WATTA (il 1? fo Messrs. Ottls Jordan. Harry and m Kick Waters made a dying trip to hi Washington Saturday afternoon. Mr. Ottla W. Woolard eaa la this Pi salghborhood Sunday afternoon. a ^Mr Bryan Ada^s was In our midst ot Krtnasa ?a In?rfa V rtlakt ci nan . B,luraaT n,*ai,I" 1YE wEWS OF C CO RE TO THE '.';? . Si'S^T MXlrtLU: ATOMS .** ?- ak Duth Creek what uextr W? r. U ' ' ' i. onr la not* U?t Kdwerd ked N MaU attack of aidnvtako-tinko- ?t nrlta It lut wet. g, . D. 4 ee?e tkta tu baca tie p, let autumn In 71 rear, An4.a It od music. If so, take Jakerijle .'.a ike. Oilead.snd Plnetown and all i J le rest of the qnllldrtver* 7011 can it and come down here and hear it hand play. We thlah it -will do m food. Elder George Vause. of Ayden, la Small this week looking after his rm interests. Mr. C. R. Tuten has the. smile at won't come off. It's Jefct a fine ?y. The stork rlsited the boms of Mr. W. Sprnill last week. It's another jjH ill Monday afterftoob. ^e Maid kt chicken he had for dinner waa food he coaldn'it help ft oladia wept to your city on has!- ij ?sa Monday. Mr. Leroy J)Uon went to Grants- j ?ro Sunday. Our school s yetting along so 'j iceiy how that I cant think of a ngle thing to say shout It so I S iesa, I'll nor try. Hog killing time has 00me ao hog id hominy will he plentiful for ah lie. - :*1 r. ? k.f4 * :;J? There will' be a joint meeting of le committeemen and' teachers at urora cm Thotsday. Deeepaber Tlth. t which time and place we hope to leet every teacher and committeetan In the township as we want to J se more enthusiasm over schools lan we hare ever seen before. RIVER ROAD STATION. i*4 TfefiilupfMM. posssd very quietly iere. We wer4 not annoyed u ?e imve been heretofore by ut there was plenty left and some q >f it remained on the groand until he following Monday. I do not renember erer before baring seen iere such a snow storm on Thanks-, firing day. Mra. Thad Congleton continues to le eery 10. Miss LUlle Altlgood. of Magnolia. ias returned home from Greenrille, -I ifter a pleasant rlslt with Miss alien Proctor and other friends there. Mr. L. M. Sheppard has retsrned . ;y?| tiome from Royal, where he hba been several days attending to business. ->j Miss Josephine Alllgood, of Broad Creek, and Miss Martha Plttman, of River Road, were guests of Miss LJ1lie Alllgood at Magnolia last Sunday. Our public school Is progressing successfully, the children and every ?j one seem to like the teacher. Mite Bertha Martin, nrr mwt. Mrs. Augustus Alllgood end da ugh- 9 ter. Miss Llltte. of uagnptla. and Mrs A. J. Sheppard and son. Mr. >? Rred, of Banyan, were (nests of Mr. j and Mrs. L. M. Sheppard at Holly Glen last Tuesday. Miss M. M. Cherry has been quite , ' sick for the last week, bat Is bettor ;>! ' 'iij.'-fe Seed Cvtton i 4 0 h