MM 'Mrcrtiseiwls cent a word for each lnaertiat.. Bpe. lal attention paid to ail ads n^lvej 1,, mall ar talepbone. UtVMTKIW AT SWIMDELUtllLltml PlaS Co , tic. quart, dollar gallon Nothing delivered. U-ll-?wo that la claaa to drink, try ft from the Star Dairy. Ring J. D. Peed', tphone. t-il-tfo >-OK RUNT?GOOD DVtLUKG houe, Eaat Bod tract, on SooUl R aide Sea H. B. Mayo. ll-?-tfc 1T>R THAMBKUnNO AND XMAH i Wr. b. T. McOonen. of R. T. D. No. 3, Boa 69, announcfs to tfcc Newt rvadefs that ho to mow ready to fill orders for hto famous wines. Old wtae. ? l-t gallons, for $3.09; new Mish wtoe, 1 1-1 gallons, :$t.S9; ctiurch wines, 11.15 a g*V 'Ion. 11-1-tic WOMEN ?A MONEY MjllBt Guaranteed Hoatory to wearer Our propositions beats all otbera r- >10 per day. Write immediately -QUAKER CITY M1LL8, 84 So 16th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. I 11-11-16 tp ^ * WANTED?OMAU BEOOND-HANl Iron safe la good order. Must to cheap Apply to C. H. Sterling. Jl-lt-eod-tfc FOR RENT?THAT LA ROB, Mil mod ton, brick atom ant fa th Market House on the corner o Market and Water atreeta. will the privilege of wharf. Addrea Dr. Ira M. Hardy, Klneton, N. C. U-I-tfr KOKUK A DUDLEY HANDLE! Both Ins hat hoc meat and Its prod mete. Phone ?*. City Market. ii-d-Kc ; W' ?~z^r A Cg?" *"** * flaw. K u! who BoTTiwpaMd^^T^ulM y?llftiea. vaa found to ham W! i | Yflll In I nulea MMdpI a .. f ? " NOTICE or SALE. North Carolina?-Beaufort "County. Hnrrln dlardware Company and otl era en. Waabington Lumber Co. In the Superior Court. Notion a ' oale. Under and by rlrtue 01 a doert .ol the Superior Court of Beaufoi County la the a ho re entitled aotlo the uaderatcaed. A. M. Dumay. r eel ? of the Waahlncton Lutnbi u Co-'ipany. win, on the Had day i Tsovemoer. mi, at 110 ciock, boo f -welt tor oash. to the higheet bldde bcrare the Court House door In aal Co mtj. the following described pe ec; al property, to-wlt: One 80 H. P. boiler, bricked 1 an l <8 feet of stack for same; oi H. P. belter, no stack; one 88 ] P. Atlas engine; one rope-feed cl -culsr 7-foot tricilon wooden log tar -?r; one direct drive wooden li Jock; one I saw power edger; one -saw trimmer complete and new; oi ^ 18 swing eat ofT saw; oae shlng edger; alt other as esses it shaftln belts' nnd grater portion steel sp -pulleys some of them wood, est sews and txturee, lumber w<x ? struck; lumber flat; yard room nee? eery te operate the above mention saw mill; one lumber flat, capacl 10 m. feet; 80 rafting chain. : feet long; one log jack for taking 1 sunken logs; one blacksmith fori hand drill, anvil and other neoeasa tools rtor doing light repair wor mttl baUdlaa and one-half eboi wooden farm., .fa,." 1 Tlx pnrckaaw at (aid aal. wMI required an a guarantee of good tall to depoalt with the undtnlaned per cent, of the nmonnt bid. A H. IJUMAY, V.-" Receiver Washington Lumber C rc 11-18-4 we ?? >;, f NOTICE OF BALE. IR Ondtr ui bT Tlrtu. ot > potrtr I 'UK ooutulned In ? crtnln mort*. dned 'from I. W- Aeklw U> W. Prlrott, >whlch said mortgage deed dated August 18th, HOT. and corded in Book 143, Page 867, Be ^ fort County Records, the underal -ed will, on Monday, December 9 181t, at the hour of II o'clock, no< at tho Court House door In Beauf 3 County, offeT for aale, to the. high bidder, for cash, the following scribed real rotate, to-wit: Lying.and being In the county Beaufort and 8tate of North Cn llns. and ln the town of Belhaven Beglnlng at a utake In H. J. T ping's llae on the South side of M street; running thence South 67 East with the said 8ooth line of M street, a distance of 74 feet t? take; running thence South 20 W a distance of 161 feet to Pungo i erf running thence with the moand Ing# of said fly r In a Wettwar Cf?rse, to 8 J. Topping's line; r beginning, containing 1-6 of an to, V. II I ool md ??.. recor I El 111, PW> 41" II . time sufflclent warmth for tho habit* ipeodj ud this baa bam eolred by a almpla If ha i out effectlre form of crib warmer. daring Tho aided of the baaalnet In which iho stj the baby Baa are cowered with aabea The too boarda and beneath la an slectrle coal V haaur or foot warmer, with cable ,im is, couplings and ewltch which allows the In tho current to be rcgulnta4. In a wane- One air chain bar bctwbsa the baaslnet and a rac? the root-warmer la a partition, no con- entere atructod with reference to the babj'e nothln poatUon la the crib that the beat la not b< rejected to tho lower end of tho baa- paarat alneL The cblld'a foot are thua kept boiri! warm, while a lower temperature la Juet maintained at the head. lied f Mlnan Beauty and Utility. For the eeeantmath time la three judrci years the mloroeoopio South American Aa 1 atate haa-undcrgon# a change of ad wu t mlnlatratloo. and the new potentate. tha ? , President Casper, the three hundred 0Ter , . end second, had aummonad an artist. otnl? ztzxsszr *r *r ^ want something striking.- ha do- He pmplt . I hare her# some sketches I made my troal self. Look them orer, and ha tnlded . by these Id see an tor as posslble.Ths artist azaalaad them ear* Thi thlly. basks They ware gorgeous iltba Oreen else < OOAU Tied with crimson raits In r.ft > oruiMtiioMi tmHn an.. , with KUb 01 Cambridge blue AO of lb' the colon Of the rainbow were thera and "Ah!" ho aaM, taming the pagan dally "Thl. la artdantly for the nary, thin aotlr, for tho WW, thl. for?thl*?What la raatb - thl. far, with tbn tohg plana oa tha soma a threeooraarad hat. tha bright ratlow poor f drwaa, trimmed with purple and?- ,n0a r mat.- explained tha prerHent badly a Wately, la tor the aocrat poUaal- i i.i i . ii and LAME OMLY )H THE CHEST S physically Small Man, With ghreaad ??or*' 1- Heat*, Mad tha Laugh aa tha snij ?lg fallow. tar. Being a Urge man?bodily, Uat la? Wh Singleton generally glrea ua tha ptp. U Ha bar a naaly habit of Inflating Ida are t two-yard chart and glaring pityingly leal l on oa. tha amallar fry. Tha ataS held mean , . whlat drlra laat week, aad there meat war hardly anything aim In tt hat ad r | Singleton tor qtftt. a whUe erta 1 g Then IfydUton cam. In. Mydlaton'a tharr g nor quiet man; little chap; generally anl*.eomaa la Uta everywhere, but come, la put the auna. Tha eoararaatlon A. got to brawm and mnacla. It generally char] flora whara Singleton la At Uat golnj , Mydleton clapped In. "Look hark. Singleton, I'U n|v you Ho .. to eren halfuiuld t mtuurs mom tht i . sound the waist than yon do." with m! W? all stared. and Stagletoa near rt tr ehohod. Ho i. Til take yon." ho grins ed. "and ohlol e- tire yoa Ore to ona. If you like." will tr "Dono!" aald Mydleton. rota. ?f Then, In tha drasalngyroom Single? ton ran tha tapa round Mydleton, and A ft cried contemptuously: Is be Id "Thirty-four Inchest An broad eallh r" across tha ahoaldara as a herring agon across tha forehead." ft Mydleton'a face fell, bat ha plekod Ac ,, It n again, and, placing tha tapa ?ght roond singleton ha callad loudly: hour B_ "Flfty-ulne Inehaa!" Than, to tha tha ,g atake-boldar, 'Til take that thraa 1 pounds. Please- g no "But bowr- Singleton aald. peral He -Well" said Mydleton. -the big ream A. cheat was yours, but I measured round ly at lit up There's been an awful akrlnksga ta gy Singleton.?Loudon 1 Tlt-BUn wkic t? SPEAKING AS A FINE AST 10 ' Many Man Who AtUmpt to Abdraaa M [ * Audlaooaa Cannot Maka Them- 11 K JT aalvaa Haard. ?g? 5? Its Speaking U one of thoee erta which be people seem to think It unnecessary to A th, study and laan. and the probability Is a P SO that moat speakers Of the kind snso- tkey ttooed are blissfully aaawara of their la al Inaudibility. Doubtless their TOloe re'e sounds oomfortably In the empty B< paces of their own cheat and head, that and this prevents them from knowing spe< that It does not penetrate to the en dp In n of tory apparatus of other people .ge To be a lecturer. It la not only ceo F! T Clearly to know your subject, but the at I art of enunciation and audible delivery hua r M; to.. I*. learned aUtu And tha '"cl m- UJ that ft la the proof, the let up. T ui- that couota the raw of alL Your In t th, atory nay ha aran told bat If It la oat Ufol yn * ? made yoor afforta can he count- ?1tl , ed aa loot. The printer that haadlea Jour copy U the man to keep yoor T area on. aar da- to 1 _ ?< of A Fond du Lm Judge holda that a T ro" woman may ?lap her mother-in-law. ^,lt; Bmro she can. If ehe waita to run the . op- chance. aln ' One Boeton girl haa learned to tee T . by auto-suggeaUon. Thla method of op seeing la not recommended to poker f e.* "Uj"^ Ity -lv' They at til peratat In calling Thnnkaler airing Turkey dayYou don't hear dly anybody calling chrtut man "Oooee un. day." do you! n ! A Hew York prteoner eiplslned that k he geta thlraty every time the moon ^ " Wnga. ??"<* la ? t?od an arena. Ir? " .jT" ' * b" ll^ cl'ntorTtb^r. Wrrf to ?uM tb hla peregrinations throughout he ite. * UI best of Flynn's ffyers wu a tIj lack atalHon named Dueky Pete, v a thoroughbred and able to go " best of company. , ,'j * day Plynn visited a town where w > meeting was In progress. He la d Pete. The people, knowing w k Of the horse's ailtecedenU and ring oyer impressed by his ap- a ice. becked the local favorite y against the stranger. as the beasts were Ming sad- K or the race, a certain Judge Mo- th iee. who was the "oracle" of at art of the state, arrived on the ei ? and waa made one of the race ai L took kU die, on tb? auad h. E old of tho folly of tl? ovn?r of trange entry. Roajxing his eye he track the Judge instantly roo>d Pete. "Gentlemen," said Monee, There's a dark horse In this as you'll soon find oaf was right. Pete, "the dark horse," sck until the three quarter pole s reached, when be went to the with a rush end won fterace. t| Big Advertising Wests. hi i business man's waste paper S it has. Increased 100 par cent la t< luring the last seven years. The tl loads to the inquiry, Why? The _ er Is to be found In the man effective and undigested circular * other advertising matter that " pours into the offlce of every 11 9 business mm only to find a E ig PUM In the waste basket k of these advertisements are * 0 that their typographical appear t] condemn them; aome are so ' written that they create no b to purchase; others hare merit carry * naesssgc, hot the mee* 1 has been sent to the wrong per Much of tBe wests basket could lml nated by the employment Intelligence In the preparation distribution of advertising mav y -Knocking- >s Bad tualneaa. you knock your competitor yoe old you are maktng a psycbologerror. True. But what does It i? Simply this: that the normal al tendency Is fair-play If your lolatee that standard In the beyntad. you will create a repulsion, by spoiling your chances for a ?A. T. Osborn New York poUnemsn was dialed for being too easy." Is he ; to bo the goat, we wonder? w sad aha win be this winter. If floesa't have an evening gown a rim of fur around the bottoml ston's mayor la going to hasp tens. And right hem Is wbsre he lose the suburban gardener Canadian preacher says his parish itter than heaven. He mlaeed his ag. He should have been a press * i English actor laosd himself no : In n corset that he died. He was id to keep In form, do matter what ooaL man In Ohio went Insane after Latently reading the congressional rd. Bnt hla mind never was orarrong. * kothar crying need to a carnation ih will sprout a pin with which It be attached to the lapel of a. s coat the oyster la a suffering creature ires human beings one good exle at least It keeps quiet about wrongs. London couple hare married after reuty year ooartahlm At least should be certain that their lore mm flff a week alerts spend all r spare time arguing about the reitlVe merits of the latest models aster cars. II fashions are being displayed rail openings. AU-the-year-around bands look alarmed, as usual, on It occasions. . tie craving for wealth still rages be breast of the humble but beau- ! I chorus clrl. One has lost eloped I i an Iceman. hat proposed baa on the tee of >planes la war should be enlaced nclude the use of those machines tlrcua stunts. ' V , he sending up of two lieutenants h every aeroplane la the British ittoo oorpe seems * lamentable its of material ho English aristocracy has taken bicycling again. The English artsracy never was noted for Its abll* to boy gasoline. The Cartel's PscuUarf^ T&e camel alone among animals .. not paraptro with Its entlra ikte pnr.plne. omr In th? bnot of tb. :k. and ?o when travollnz In n? m bant doe. not re,uInn a dentin. ' moisture evaporated through the d Bo^.Woc^ Penny or For 11 red, OTcr.orksd and runurn system. there la nothing better ea Beer's Emulsion. It builds up e system, (tree strength end with. It side digestion by building > the stomach. And et the seme me builds up the whole system. ow_ls ths time to get your body rong end healthy, before the spring Bather comes, which as you know, the hardest time of the year on eak people. .Jj-iV . We ask every run-down. nervous ted, weak, or sufferlng-wlth-weakinged person to try a bottle If Bear's mulalon with the -Understanding int if It does not do as claimed, he lall return the empty botle and get isctly what he paid for It. For sale id recommended by - Worthy ft therldge. . J' -i ???#r-? NOTICE. North Carolina?-Beaufort County, la the Superior Court. H. M. Btovall ra Mary William to rail. , The defendant a bo re named will ike notice that an action entitled above has been commenced in the uperior Court of Beaufort County I obtain a divorce a .vinculo; and He said defendant wiH further take otiee that the la required to appear t the term of Superior Court of aald Dunty to be held on the 3rd Monday a February. It IS, at the Court louse in aald county in Washington, r. C., and answer or demur to the omplalnt in said action, or the plainIff will apply to the court for the euec aemaoded in Mia complaint. This the 2nd dor of December, til. OEd. A. PAUL. Cleric of the Superior Court, 11-3-4 wc . NOTICE OP SALE. ITader and by virtue of the powei f Mle contained in an agreement lated April 9. 1911. pad a nubsetaoat agreement dated May H, 1912, ?etween J. A. Wilkinson and Wm. H Ichuette, the uadeMSpned, will on rhursday. December 26th. 1912. at iooa at the Court ijouae door In thi own of Wiahtnctow. N. C.. Mil u tie klsheil bidder tka following de erlbed tract, ot land: Lota numben <1.'jft Yt; ??. 56 IS. 5*. 57. 55. 51, 55 and 54. gi Aown by plot duly recorded la thi office of the Reclater or Deed, o Beaufort County In Book 151. pad SSI: aald land balnc n portion of thi land known aa the Albemarle Derel upment Compeny'e lead. Said land wad conveyed by deed bearing date April ?. 151*. end Mm It, Idll, from the Albemarle Derel opmeat Compear to Wm. H. Beho atte, and are recorded la the office o the Reclater of Deeda of Beenfor Clnnty In Book 170. pace 556. am Book ?. pare This Hth day or November, ltll WM, a 3CHUETTE. 11-tMte NOHCh. I North Carolina?Boaufort Coonty. Tho uderalsned, baring booa ai pedatod and duly qualified aa ad aaialotrator ot Iha ostato or B Meore, daoaaaad. all pereona hartn claims acalaat aald estate aro not: lad to exhibit the ant before hli aa or before the 11th day of Mi Toaabor, ltll, or thla notice win b pleaded la bar at their raaorary. A paaaoam Indebted to aald aetata wl alaaaa make Immediate payment. Thla 11th day ot NoTambar, ltll 1 w. RII,BT BROWN, Admlnlatrator of BU Moor WARD t ORIMES, Attorneys U-U-?wo ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTKAE. Hariai anatlflrd aa administrate upon the aatnta of Fred Wolfande deceaaed, tbla la to notify all paraoi Indebted to aald estate to pay aaa to undacalaned. All peeaona barn etalma addtnat aald estate will A name with the undersigned for pa ment. properly Itemlxad aad rarige within twatre montba from thla da AP- thla futUo mill V. nl.adod l? w. of pttmosk. TM> Nov. 14th. ltll. BARRY CAWTHORNE, Ada>. Frsd Wolfenden, Dec'd. Chocowlttlty, N. N. L. BISOCONS, AttonWT. Washington, Jf. C. 11 lMNrt NOTICE. I hase this day qualified before t elerk of ths Superior Court of Boa fort County ss executor Ot ths II *IH or Uriah #. i-eg?ett, deooaai All psnons Indebted to his est* are requeetcd to make lmmedti settlement with me and thoss ho Ing claims aanlnst his estate are nd lied to til. the same either with i lor with said clerk, duly itamised a ] tni* notice win ti" p/eacea in bar j their j <ic?rery > ? i Society^ # Tto DJlILV NEWS will to *, tltotot to rocotn It*mi. wak to toWHtotonUowokaiont torttto. tau and other pews of personal interest, with the names of thoee if sat, for the "Society News" eolumn. The items should he lndersed with the name and ad dress of the eender hot' for * publication, hut as a matter of rood faith. rmoKALi. Mr. William Watson, of Hyde county, is registered at Hotel Louise, t t t t Drs. D. T. and Joahua Tayloe went tp New Bern yesterday afternoon to attend the Seaboard Medical Convention. t Mr. George N. Ives, of New Berar president of the Fisheries Convention. has returned to his home, t t t t Drs. John C. Rodman and P. A. Nicholson are attending the Seaboard Medical Aseociation in New Bern, t t t t Mr. Charles A. Flyan went to Aurora this morning to attend the Agricultural Fair. t ttt The many friend* of Prof. Will B. Smith were more than glad to nee him in the city yesterday. He was en route to Aurora u> am in tne music at the fair. ' t t t t Mr. George Freeman left this morning via the Atlantic Coast Line for a short business trip. t t t T Mr. R. C. Flannagan, of Wilson, Is a boslness visitor. t t t t Mr. 0. B. Lipscomb, of Tarboro, was on our streets this morning. Rsb>Mj4lmi will owe in. \ ? ITKM8 FROM R, F. D. No. 4. Rev. H. H. Ambrose filled his regular appointment at (Beaver Dam) Christian church Sunday morning.1 1 His sermon was greatly enjoyed by a L large congregation. > Mrs. Margaret Cutler, of Tangle* wood, spent a few days last week - with her father, Mr. W. D. Dickinson. at Pactolns. She came home 8un? day. > Rev. H. H. Ambrose and Misses 9 Fannie and Alice Hardison visited ft f Mr. W. A. Congleton's Sunday. s Hope all. of onr Itemisers spent a 5 pleasant Thanksgiving. We were visited by the first snow of the season Thursday morning. 1 Looked for awhile as if we were gor ing to have a large snow. Don't forget the hour for Sunday * school. S:S0. Come and bring alt * yonr friends. Visitors given a cordial * welcome at all times. Our Sunday ? school was made quite Interesting by a talk from Rev. Mr. Amborse Sunday afternoon. | Malter Jaepes V. Wiley DlskiaH I son. of Pactolus. spent Thanksgiving with their lister, Mr*. Cabe Cutler. - Sorry to note the illneaa Of MIm Bra Alligood, who is Buffering Ten much with her throat. H Mr. James Ashy and family moved ^ to Hall Bwamp Wednesday. I, Mr. J. M. Alllgood and sister g Miss Matilda and Miss Ardell Wa f. ters, of Washington, were guests ol n the Misses Congleton Friday night. Mrs. C. A. Cutler and Miss Dora 4 Congleton were guest of Mrs. J. R II Hardlson Tuesday afternoon. 11 ? An Englishman haa developed 5 stlnglees honeybee that la a bettet worker than the bee that stings. Hur e. ry with the klckless mule. One may openly oonfeea an unhoh curiosity as to what the woman con duetors of Philadelphia will say whei ^ the trolley slips off the wire. Q. A designer says that ft.48 la enougl as for a dress for a young girl. It ma; le be enough for the dreaa, but f wouldn't convince the wearer. in ??. . A Philadelphia woman haf beei declared tnaane because she "talk incessantly." But how does this dli tinguiah her from the normal? ar ATI." A ??.! ILum htta Ko.n anwta charged with hanging about cam terlea and attempting to flirt with th woman and glrli. A glare oltapae. C. ? Why not afalp the hoya who are po aaaaad with a daalra to ha "had mat down to Mexico or Central A merit and let them beoome rerolullonteti It wouldn't hart na, and It might < thr real reroloUoaleta noma good. A ltOTPI DAMS J.ADTH APPBA To all knowing auffrora ot rhoum ut tlam, whether muacular or ot -A >d. Joints. acatlca, lam began, baokaoh to peine In the kldnaya or nauralg it.- peine, to write to her for a hen treatment which haa repeatedly can all of thaao torturea She tee la ,u- her duty to naad It to all anltoro me TOBE von con euro youraelt ^ ehan'ga o? climate * "ring n'eceieal or other (anr^odu^^h this old and tale bank and av of carrying it in your pocket home? If you have any bill* to pa; have a Legal Receipt for eat addition you can have a com v. i- cial affairs without keeping i Enjoy the many advantag iancaa which we offer. Bank of W Jmtku Hitcib* Pm. ' ; ' 1 GROCERY ADV FOR EC0N0M1CAI ' IN BIDS THIS GROCERY STORE jon will find everything u clean u can be. The satisfaction ot knowing thatthe grocerlee yen bny bare are as carefnlly bandied a atbey are In your house is well worth jonr ha ring. When to this elennMneea are Joined standard qualities and always moderate price* jonr approval of this store most he complete and continuous. Big line Are works tor Xmaa. CHA3. M. UTTLE. The Best Is Beechnut Sliced BREAKFAST BACON SOc. lb. In Kin Jara. Try on* Mr. Newly packed Bauer Kraut In bulk 10c. quart. Let us send you a quart, or more? Now pack herring roe, 10c. can. The same you are now paying 15c. for. All things alee proportionately m cheap. We want your good bustPUKE FOOD CROCEBY CO. J. E. BONNBR, Pray. PhoaeMl 128 South Market St. ! JOS. F. 1 Phones IIS & 124. Carries the Most ( Family G ALWAK^FRESH Polite Cle Quick E " f 1 = CENT Pure Eoo Be sure your meats,ai insist on. r Nature demands \vh< we have. Qeanliness is a natural co , We guarantee to please yc 5 E.L ARCH Pbooe No. 42S. I 4 | A large and complete I Cloaks in ftavey, Gray I we will offer at special ; I nn ^ ALSO AN ASi SW EA * In IM White, Na\ n prices from SI.00 W St ? -A iv aJkt?llftA^kt lo ?Ctr>UOH' I HmAH SI-MENCE !"7oII?"~"1 1 R COTTON f|B ' ? y not place your money in oid the worry and dancer or hiding it around your p, pay them by check and h and every payment la plete record oi your finaa i complicated act of boafea ps, facilities and coaveaashington J. I. Daadhtaa. Cashier ERTISEMENTS . HOUSEWIVES, nwaiasa mi ... 1 "HALLS" i ,5j I Java and Mocha | COFFEE I "The Taste Lingers." t ?THE? } OUALTTY GROCERY . WALTER CREOLE & QL Phons 90 m 92. rAYLOE UO Market St Complete Line of roceries. AND RELIABLE ' rks and hell-very. 'RAX. d Market e Sanitary. This we r jlesome food. This ndition on our premises. iu. Give us a trial order. BELL, Mgr. 9 line of Ladles and Mimes , Brown and Tan which prices ranging from ) $15.00 r.t.w iORTMENT OF TERS $?? ' rey and Red In all sixes, 116.00. Bay ejiriy mnd ^ d BROS

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