Favorably Impress* of Farm Exhibit tality of its Citize The third annual agricultural fair tor the Aurora section vas held Wednesday and Thursday. Dee. 4th end 6th: This fair was a great suewma exhibited, and a number of exhibit* were especially meritorious. the same wherever Crown The writer can emphatically nay that thle fair -ran the equal and In softie respects superlor to some of the county fairs In the Piedmont section. H wsa the purpose of Vr. J. T. Latham, the U. Demonstration Agent 'of the county 'b awaftl the prW to tt*e com club boys daring other dotfe? connected with' the fklr he was unable to'tot ell. the rsporlr In shape. The following an the prise-winners end their reopeetlVe prises swarded . ecoordlng to the manner In which the state prises are swarded. The jrleld counting 90 points and the cost per bushel countin, 90 points This makes the ant prise CP to the bor relstng s large amount of corn at a nominal cost per ' busbflL Forth* aUte pri.ee this oomety la In the ilrst dittrict, which comprise. Cue counties ot Camden, Currituck, Pasquotank. Perquimans, Chowan, Washington, Tyrrell, Dare. Hyde. BeaaCertwnd Pamlico. It la Terr encouraging td UOse concerned to Bote that six of the eeten dUtrlct prises ni'tc Beaufort county boys. The dtstriet prises ere as follows: AWARD Or PRIZES IN BOYS' is ' CORN CLUB iid. i Oewdacted by U. B. Department of. AfTjeuUure. Stefle Department of Agriculture and A. A u! College '* PrlSSs awarded on the .basis ef largest least cost per bushel, yield counting 50 polaCw-afccT co.t 50 mm pri*. in BUte?FTw trip to WaabtactoB, D. C., ottered by Parmer<U^k>n; |50 Py the HMtinc. Seed CoftKSMUpwWJMh by Georga Watt, Jr., Kiwatira, N. C.. 184.7 buahels. cost 18c. per bushel. r,"? . Writ and second prises In the tlin trirt nrn tree trtpe to the National Corn Show at Columbia, 8. C.. glcsa by 4be Southern Fertiliser Assoclsllon. Third prise, |15, given by State Department ot Agriculture. Fourth prise, 113.50. given by the State Department ot Agriculture. Fifth prise, 310, given l>r "the State -ttapartment of Agriculture. Stath prise, 16, given hy the state Department of Agriculture, Si seventh prise, 13.50, given by the State Department of Agriculture First District?Counties of Camden. Currituck. Pasquotank, Perqui,? mans, rt: ,-tan, Washington. Tyrrell Darn, Il7de, Beaufort. Pamlico: '? First prise: llerhert Allen. Pun go, 83 bushels. cost 14.|e. peg hush Second prise: l.utUer Paul, Pun go, }60, bushela, cost 10c. per bushel Third prise: Arthur Hollowell Tyner. 110.5 bushels, cost 31.8c. pel _ hu-hel. Fourth prlas: Karl Nor float. Ran somvllta, 108.7 buaitsla. coat 24.4c .t per bushel. Fifth plrse: Tluteell Bishop, Pan tegrv 105 bushete, cost 27.8c. pei Sixth prise: Henry Hurts. Pun . hurst, Psctolus. ?3.? bnshols, cos \ 35.3b. per bushel rire?sssrded"o w,' in'u.'g'T . r\ jk TWjk id by the Display ? :s and the Hospiboyo the county trip*, thareby send- 0 Ins tour hoys from Beaufort to the a exposlt'oa. " .yfeff B Hlfhlmd rilei ebsniss r, First: Karl Novfleet. Ransom- a vUle, 109.7 busheU, coat 34.4c. per bushel. fHa .1RB;IG9 tl bushel. trip to Colombia (county.) Second: Howard Whltehurst. Pac- n toluft, 93.9 bushels, coet 29.3c. per p bushel. $10. ' ji SflThJrd: Barl Vamortwlck, Facto 1- e us, 74.4 bushels, cost 35c. per bushel. n fourth Herbert Jackson, Pac- d tools, f4.9 bushel, coat 3tc ' per bushel. $5. b Fifth: Usury Green., Pan teg o. c 94.1 bushels, cost 43c. par bushell. P| >' i. S Sixth: Samuel J. Williams, fl Washington. 90*bushels, cost 37 l-4c. fi per hushell. 32 50. Seventh: Roscoe Radcllffe. Pan- , tego. 75 bushels, cost 30 l-3c. per t bushel. $3. f, .f. Lowland Pilanalin i ii. First: Herbert Allen. Pun*?. 83 bushels, coat 14.1c. per bushel, die trict prise trip to Colombia and $4 county. 1 Second: Luther Paul, Pungo. 100 * bushels, coat lie. per bushel, district trip Columbia and IS.60 county. J Third: Henry C. Harris. Pungo. 100.1 bushels, oost SI.Sc. per bvahel. county trip to Columbia exposition Fourth: Murray Mldyettak BlA, CO 1-1 bushels, cost lie. per bushel. ' *10 county j>rise. t Fifth: Harry Broom*. Aurora. 57 1-4 bushels, cost 55c. per bushel. 1 17.60 count7. Sixth: Bryan Harrla, Pungo f 61 1-6-bnahols, coat S4 2-?c. per 1 burhal, $5 county. There arjo many others who made 1 very encouraging yields who dedenre J recognition. because of their efforts Two.others who made good yleldt rnd stpod vrry -cloee to the top acorer are: Thomas Crisp, Washington, yield 76 bpshela. coat 37c. Howard 8mlth, Ransomrllle. yield 1 7 5 bushsls. cost 41c. ' These were on "high" land, and It may be noted that every boy oa "low" land won a prise. * / ?"S . At the Aurora Fklr the boat ten earB of corn exbibltad ware by a prise-winning Corn Club boy, Roecoe 1 Radcllffe, of Pantego. This friendly rivalry contest has undoubtedly paid a high ;?er tpprit 1 Interest on capital Invested In Beau- [ rort county ana no doubt wui wrv?* to bring the county Into prominence ' u a progressive agricultural section. One prominent tanner of the Pactol- ' us aectloi (Beaufort county man) 1 who' has a prise-winning thirteen 018) year old boy in the contest, says that it has done more for his community than any agitation of his day, especially toward the making of belter corn at less cost. He says that It has stopped the shipping In of corn from other sections. Much credit Is due Mt Latham, the U- S. Demonstration Agent, for his deep interest and helpful instructions t0 the hoys. Leta lend all encouragement to the farmer of tomor. row, by endeavoring to make rural education as attractive and profitable and Inspiring as possible. V; . - ' ' SPENCER BROS. SHOWING NOVELTIES FOR XMAS The well-known linn of 8pencer HroB. has now on display one of the most attractive displays of Christmas toys ever seen in Washington. Their entire sedhnd floor Is devoted to tbts display and it will pay any '.it*, n to view them. Their bargains iv presented aro certainly within read :>od and in keeping with everyone's ? pocket bock.- 1 TO. -I Th? AUutlC fowt Un. ta h.Tin* - "M gW* C? fBfSU* ? am Le.tr. rtr?. col ^TieT^ui.'^wm ? t??? WW" 1? <"??? ?l ? ?ollo.U?i wu to, I H"rm ??? t?t PtopertT ? I IcallnR a b?ryel?t wa^ ad I lr *>? *'^'JSnco* to t* I adged .alKr *" rlod ?, tot, I oo.tr to*4* lontbB. ' cburged "ltl I I"""' He",^V?>.ai?t.1<o| C.toeton ?? ? |M ,j ... etns dto.b ? w ft c. 8to? *?q ?<> * """' !!t *q HEAT DAY PHBRIStD AT EPISGOPAL CIURCH SUDBA1 K/r -,f't v 1 ' A. most Interesting day la prom sed at St. Peter's Episcopal chard omrorov. Her. J. R. Mitbeva, wbi ins been conducting a mission at his church for the past week la t >e- the. speaker. Each evening durln b? p?.tWMk h? hu tan beard b arge and attentive congregation! sjo embassador pf Christ has evh d sited Washington who made a mor avoreblo impression. ;V ? ?:. vTomorrow morning at 11 a'clocl here will be morning prayer aa lermon delivered br Rev. Mr. Math rws. which Is to be fallowed by tb floly Communion. On Sunday afternoon at thro >'clock Rev. Mr. Mathews will ad Iresa men only. His subject will b 'Wrecks." On Sunday evening at 7:30 Mi llathews will preach again. Tb Sunday night service will be the cloi ng one of the mission. All are cordially- invited to b vresent. ontf hear this distinguishe ?uu gifted yfeeattcr. * PI NEVILLE NKWH. One of thg prettiest weddings tht las been In PlnevJUe precinct i many days occurred on Wednesds avenlng, Dec. 4 st I . o'clock', j Ware's cbapel, when Miss Susan Klli ibeth Mlxon. daughter of Mr. an Mrs. J. B. Mlxon. became the bride < 01 r. ?. at. v.;anaay. i ne cnarcn wi beautifully decorated with beaut ful ferns mod potted pleats and lot of wild wood flowers. The Mendel ohn's wedding march warn. deftl rendered by- Mrs. J. G. Mlxon, < Bunyon, to thd inspl/ing strains? < the familiar march. 4The brldo ar groom entered had stood before tl Relating clergyman. Rev. J. 1 Brldgere, pastor in charge, who pr nouneed them man and wife ant death them do part. The bride wi richly attired in a handsome suit white marquislte and-gloves to mat* she carried a shower bo'uquot.of II les of the valley. The groom WJ handsomely nttlred in black. 71 ushers were: Mr Fred Sheppai and Mr. Charlie Woolard. and MI Butlly Mitchell was bridesmaid. SI Was beautifully attired fn white all Mr. Charlie Woolard.was best ma Miss Martha Boyd was rich] gowned in a pink sick and Mr. Oti Woolard was the waiter#, ^fter t marriage there wa? i grand rece tion given ^ the Wride'B home. The brldo la onpv of Plnevtll? charming. , attractive and popul yonng ladles' She wa# * prlee w< worth stilting for and She conn her friends as legion, all of wtft wish her dvery Joy. The nbmber h?ndiO'n.B and awful presents are numerous to mention. We gladly welcome Rer. J. Brldger* back fd onr circuit agali ? fOXClt*:TK FMIOR. - -? . V Tho city Is living a concrete lie placed In tint part of tho bulldl '.Mr M. .Vl ' Jones has the (Mltrac *1- A ?Z -1 ' *" ??. m^- Hp* TW"^! "' .^B : CAROLINA, SATURDAY AFTERMX . <S|Kih? New York. D^c. 1.?4 wit* of cleanliness is sweeping over the boys of thcr country. The Boy Boost* of America ere ott*Tji crusade nilott . dirt. They *dtoer over tU.O00 Those boy* are following a plank of the Scout lew tin Vhloh they must subscribe. This*plank says: "A scout Id clean. He keeps dean in body aad thought, s .ands for clean ' speech, clean sport, clean habits and ' travels -with a rlsps crowd.' 1 As the reealt <Of that promise, 5 scouts are givlagttore attention than " boys usaaliy do ioJLbelr fInfer nails r to their teeth and to their hair Clean Owr naita. white toeth and f well combed hair are among the requlremeau for a?boy scout. But hf r mast look after his shoes, and kesf f his clothes neat. All these rules " however, do MifMpvent a boy froix 5 having lots of fun in csmp, on hlkei r and In the outdoor? sports which an arranged by the scout masters 1 .They are just part of tho drill tc which a boyscdA gladly yields li r order to enjoy the. sports of the or * t?i it } Cleanliness 'among the ecouti 0 has taken still anJtper form and re ' late* to the cltfffl Boy S<outs haw 8 proved theaselovM helpful In man] ways in cleaning up citiea and bos scout* of Beverlyitblsae., picked ?] paper and rubbtkhfrom the street! The Boy Scouts tn Now York devote* I aereral days to tilt general oleanui [ of the city. In fbledo. Ohio, th< boy scout* proved lielpful to the cltl i. tens' Committed, Which insisted ot b better sanitary conditions through t> out the municipality. In 8yracua t and Rochester, .'New York. th? 0 schools were-halted one day whili g the boy scoutt cmrled on a campaigs y of cleanliness!, Monougahela i. Pa., the boy scout*; went out on i r crusade against tin cans, o Out in Portland, Oregon, the bo; touts c eaned up the back yardi k and vacant lots : 22S it r of Personal Health am Sanitation, e A special .reward is offered t< 1- every scout who states the rules To c the caro of the teeth, the principle that should govern his eating, th< r. effects ot hot and cold baths, and ala e the effect of aleohol and tobkcco oi i- the growing boy. The aim of the leaders of the Bo, 0 Scoots of America is .to 1 in proa d upon the boy that cleanliness in bod is preparatory to cleanliness ii thought. They want the boys to ec gage in sports, but always to rem em . ber that tbey must tie on the level. a . 1 sunday school class 10 MEET MONDAY NiCH *t 1 18 The Interdenominational Stiada 1- school class la to meet over Brown' store, corner Main and Mar ket streets, next Monday ".aything ^ >y 8 o'clock. A rull attendance la d< >f sired. d , CAPTAIN CliAHK BETTER. te . iufe: ?:'v ;"s, 3, It yrtll be gratifying to the '?Mnt o- of Captain James E. Clark to Idat 11 that his condttipn Is reported i ta much better today. For the pas of week he baa been Indisposed at h h residence on East Mala streets , ?pflstod b?oers faiher ; ' IS tUTIUUY U mi n. On account of the actions lltne ly of Roy. ,R. H. Broom's father he W Lie be unable to fill h!a regular pull be Sunday morning an deyening. T1 ip- condition of his father Is very crl cai; ' ?*s This Is to be regrotted- by all tl ar friends of Mr. Broom In Washingto all Tha Dally News received a tolegra t? to this* effect this morning. ?MSMA cfliiKCH SESyi?E_F0R SUNDf Therd #111 he usual services at t Christian church Sunday raornt or and evening The pastor will prei ng on Sunday morning from the thee un "If I were not a preacher " Bll gt . >AILY >N. DBCIM BKR T, 1*1*. ow--Cooler IE OPERA MIKADO TO BE PRESENTED The Japtneae opera, the Mikado, will be presented by the Literary So eUUee on Dee. 9. A well selected caat, charming choruaes of fifty well trained, freeh, young voloee. toetumes from a professional coat timer, picturesque Japanese stage setting? all combined will make an entertainment of remarkable charm and beau, ty. The opera Is full of uproarous fun. Thanksgiving Day was quite restful holiday. The central feature of the day was the excellent turkey dinner. Miss Rankin, director of the , dining room, and her force, bad the tables artistically decorated. The I show added interest to the day. k^laa . Louie Delle Pieman, president of the . Y. W. C. A. conducted a thankeglv, log prayer service Immediately after ; breakfast on Thankgslviug Day. i The fecnlty waa represented at the I Teachers' Assembly at Greensboro i by Pres. Wright, Prof. Rsgsdale and . juioavs vrruuaui auu .'htujucu. rtv feasor* Austin and Ragsdsle attended the meeting of the county superintendents which preceded the assembly v V Rev. C. E. Madrey. pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle in Raleigh, who recently conducted revival services In Oreenvllle. visited the school and made an inspiring talk at assembly exercises. Rev. B. P. Uuske. ot New Bern, formerly pastor of the Episcopal church of Oreenvllle, was recently a welcome visitor at the morning assembly. Rev. C. M. Rock last Sunday evening conducted the -T. W. C. A. services, talking on Systematic Giving. SERVICES AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH There vrlll.be services tomorrow at 11 a. m. and 7: by p. m., preaching StAt TMgnT tne regular monthly offefa ing for foreign missions will he taken. Extra music is promised. At u the evening service the pastor will ibeeln a series of sermons on '*Tfco * Heroes of Hebrew History. * e ? PASTOR ft P. DALTON > OUT OF THE CITY 7 a Rev. H. P. Dalton, pastor of tbe First Baptist church, left on the - early Atlantic Coat Line train for Petersburg and Richmond, Va., this morning. He anticipates the pleasure of shaking hands with a number of old friends on his trip. Expects to return to Washington in a J few days. HAWKIVB SCHOOL HOUSE. y 1 Miss Estelle Spencer was the guest of Hiss Susan Braddy, near Jescama, it Saturday night. * s |fr. Wm. E. Baynor and sister . Mfss Cor^, also Mrs. Charlie Baynoi spent Monday in Washington fOisp pins! Some of our people attended dl Is Tine service at Beaver Dam SuBdaj n morning. is . Mrs. Ann Bwain still continue! t, verr SI) at the home of her dough (s ter. Mrs. Lemon Walace. We are eorry to note that Mrs Dorothy Woolard is on the sick list We wish for her a speedy recovery. 1 Miss Eetelle Spencer atended th< 1 meeting of the 3eaufort count: teachers at Plnetown Wednesday. Thanksgiving Day pased off ver; quietly hero, the fall of snow boimi as something unusual for Thanksgiving ill Day In this part of the country, dt On Wednesday, Dec. 4th, death en he tered the home of Mr. and Mn tl- Isaiah AJllgood and took from thei their eldest son, Isaiah. He was sic he only one week, being taken 111 wit n. pneumonia last Tuesday night. A itn that loving- hands and a skilled phj sfhlan could do waa done, hut Co In his infinite wisdom knew best, an called him from this world Into th Oreal Beyond. While he ^fis y?t 1 his 23rd ye^r, in the prime and vlgt IV of young manhood. May the lx>t * comfort the bereaved family an friends, and may they realise that H lie hath dqne all things well. . ich ft visiting city. Hkl Mb. Kl?fe l? Collec, ,( Ko -Vd?2r?--jTf**1f $ '/-/*' , *..'' ? i ' - . : ; ; J / i .. . - -- ^dWWn 1 ? BISHOP WILLIA PREACH St : $ ._ i sr.-? '.i^yL Bre^i 1- * ??T The conference contlnuea with Inr i creasing In tercet. aH the pastor* hare finished their reports. The chnrac- i ters of the preachers >miH with the ' exception el onev B. Bunnell H 1-**-+ J. H. WaiM? were admittWHsU UhmrT eling connection. Have: C. D. Price, JT. W. Miller, J. Alexander and W. H. Pritchard were elected to deacon's orders. Bat little time is being spent In speech-making as is the case often in such a body. It is etrickly s business session. There has been an increase In membership and finance this year, which surpasses any in the history of the conference. . The lectures delivered by Bishop Williams from time to time are electrofying apd uplifting since he took charge of this onfereuce seven years ago its growth has ben enormous. His sod* ly life and powerful words sets In motion all with whom he has to do. His ministers and members lore him and gladly follow where he leads. The woman's missionary society I held their meeting yesterday at 3 p. BRA?AW BVflVGVtAMB. ? 1 ' Well, Thanksgiving Day has again departed for Its usual annual journey. Are-we not a little sorry? Were are really as thankful as we should bare been for blessings which we have shared during a year? And do we realize that while we cannot retail the event upon which we might have manifested'our thankfulness In a more righteous manner, -there is yet open opportunity for those of us who- have fallen short to humbly and sincerely extend thanks to God for the great and many blessings He has meted out to-us? Thus ' ws see that Ged Is ever pleased when people really and truly approclate His gifts of greatness and purely. Every day then, should be a day of thanks to God lor our very existence Did you not realy delight to see the beautiful snow fall so peacefully, yet majestically* illustrating m> vlr-l Idly, a power vastly supreme, and flooding the world It seemed with beauty, presenting everywhere, scenes of grandeur, far surpassing any attempt by the bauds of men ? I did want to get out and let the snow deoorate me. but somehow the greenwood firs Invited me with a curious frankness which affected me warmly, to linger near. So. knowing of naught else to do, 1 enjoyed the beautiful snow and jotted these lines: The day has come at last, hooray! A day that thanks should reign, 'Twill be a twelve-month and a day. Before 'tis-here again. Today Thanksgiving be to Him, For blessings great or small: Bestowed upon us through His will. He lores and blesses an. i The sun is hid by massive clouds. And snowflabes (lift the air; r The world tojlay Just overflows. With beauty everywhere. The silent fields', the barren boughs. The rustic garden wall, The house-tops steep and hedges 3 H.at, r And leafy trees so tall. i. Are wrapt with tens of thousands, yea; Of starry feathers bright, ? And overtopped with blankets made f Of purest, snowy white. y Just see the flakes so pure and soft, B Now watch thero hurry by, B To rest on every blade and bush. , And hide ihem from your eye. ?. And, look! hero comes a flock of d them, k Quite fast they aodge around, h To see If they Uave overlooked 11 Some object on the ground. | > .'./ >. V.;.vvV-. d Ah, there! how slow and peaceful A; _ . now, ",vtv te The scow flakes move along! n A gentle brcese to change the course, >r And hum a wintry song. Kf - "" -- '? i'S* Id Now see the ck>u<fc. they break apart Ie The sun comes out to cheer. And smile on each and every heart. ! '.o Who sheds a Joyious tear. ' -;v With ann so bright and snow w r- With sun so bright and enow s< niMk.fiTi.* DM n Th.nl. Qod tor b.-?,r,s.; do It, * . . ' ia J* J 1 y- v "i* * \ ' 'f'yi vTHj^B INDAY 11 A. M. W* <i m. Mr*. Ids Robsrts. sUts frcildnl 1 bslnx et tfce WssMnston district ?r?lidsd. TkUr snujr.rssty sermon ess presetted Isst denies ?r Her. f. W. Ctldfrti), of Kntberfordton, o made geod. Rev. Caldwell it a >ue preacher, careful teacher, aid j will succeed an* where.... There will he e banner given to the lady who reporta end pay# the largest amount over 910 of mission money. It la frequently predicted the! Bethel wUf ! carry away the banner. The are here from far and aefur. M&vr the sermon and a aplcy address from the bishop laat night, the oBcerg or the Woman's' Missionary Society were elected aa follows: Mrs. Ida Roberta, president; Mrs. Sterling, vice-president; Mrs. Rodgers. treasurer; Mlas Oaorgi* MtUs. secretary; 1 Mrs. Addle Steven, Miss Carrie Cot ion, a?n?, josaie nei?o sa waders. ?agers. I|t , 4 ',1m Bishop R. 8. Wlllams will pre** tomorrow( Sunday) at 11 a. m. All wba. are bleaeed to bear b?ui will he ') greatly benefited. SIXTY MfESMC 1 B00XW0U DISEASE 1 -i'- ' " 'c % The County Commissioners of Bay- ^3 wood, Hoke and Union counties made .A? appropriations Monday fer procnrinc .tla State and ooanly dispensaries I for the free examination and free treatment of hookworm disease. This campaign has swept the State an the 9 three counUes named togetbey^wlth 9 the fifty-seven which have preTOusly procured thla work fatal sixty counties. The actual visual repults of the work It seems are. truly woaderfai: The campaigns have been conducted In fifty-four counties with the results that more than ISt.OOS micro- j Bcopic examinations have been made, 3 exceeding 100.000 persons have been \ treated, and an entirely . new idea ^ with regard to home sanitation ere- . ated. | This health work la now in pro- I press In Anson, Franklin, Lee, Henderson, Iredell, and Scotland connties. The seven North Carolina physicians, Drs. Ferrel), Strosnider.-PrMgen, Covington, Hughes and Jacochs, the hookworm campalgtTfcT the Stat* will go to Little Rock December ltth to rttend a conference with the sixty ' odd representatiTes of other South- , era States. MRS.' ALLKiOOD ILL " The friends of Mrs. T. C. Alllgood will regret to learn of her being very sick for the past week at her home on East Seventh street. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. In the absence of the pastor. Rev. John R. Carroll, of WintervlHe, N. S C., will preach at the ll*a. m. and 7:30 p. m. services. Mr. Carroll la- ) a professoy In the Wlntervllle High ; * School, a promisingtfoong preacher as well as educator. vThe people of Washington will do wbll to hear him. Sunday school 9:30 p. m., >!r. 8. P. Willis superintendent. A cordial j| welcome to all. ** FOR SAUK ? Bl'GOY, CART, 1; plows, cultivator, single and don- > ble harrow, planter guano distributor otc Will ?f?U th??P nrttolPK & very cheap. See C. B. Bell at the ' ^ Automobile Place. 12-?-3tp . Send me your route and box num- 2g her. Address me Thus, Vance bo ro, N. C.. Rt. I. Box 97. There Isn't any dirt inside the fiten diciensiona of that mysterious d hole. Pinetown. Did you really intend to ask how many square feet of ?lirt. The hole contained or didn't contained or didn't you rather aim -ij t0 ask how many cubic feet of dirt was In the hole? Find six consecutive number* whoso sum is 99. .1 COTTON MARKET. ''9 \* Lint Cotton, IS 1-2. Seed Cotton. $4. 9. V ' Cotton Seed. 111. < - i .

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