J. R. Mathews since last nundaj gfi Q| closed with the service last night. Yesterday teas a feast of roo things at this church. In the mon Ins the gifted speaker delivered sermon of power and Iji the aftei noo,. spoke to men only The l>r| auditorium was full of men eager t hear the gospel from such a worth and glftttf ambassador of Chris They were not disappointed for the hoard it in it* rtmpliclty and plair noBH. A Bpade was called a spadi The men present were told of thel sins and words^ from the speak* were not lacking toexpress then For over a half hour he told in ^ graphic way the story of Jonah an 'made the application to this day an time, HUB Wythevlllc, Va.. Dec. 0.?8idi Allen, on trial for his life, charge with the murder of William M. Po ter when the Allen clan shot up Ca roll county court house, Saturdi waa a wltneea in hi? own defens W He tald his preaenco in the ,cou room waa duo to- the fact that I waa under bond to appear aa a wl nets and not to any conspiracy. I denied that he shot at Judge Mass or at Ccoimonwealth'a Attorney Fo ter. and after telling of hie fllgl to Des Moines, where he was ca tured, be stated that it bad been b intention to wAit until the exctt inent over the shooting had di< ^ -Jj; -"*1*?^ U>en l? r^rr" W. Bolnm. who waa the Site's chj witness, testified that he saw Prl Allen and Wesley Edwards in a dri store after the verdict in tho "tri of T**>* Allen had been announce This, the defense contonde, ahoi that no conspiracy existed. I . ?: JJ. That Deputy Sheriff Prank Fowl stated after the ahootlng that She Iff Webb fired twice at Floyd Allc was (he statement made by Peter ' len. Cameron Montgomery tcstlfl that he hoard Deputy Clerk Queer berry say be had been prepared f the shooting for nine months; whl Walter W?tb of Pulaski elated lb he bad drawn his revolver before t first shot waa tired. This evtden is in wbfport of the contention of t defense that the court officers h prepared for troyble wit htlic Alle and that they and not the Alle w?r? responsible for the tragedy. Only lour more witness?* ramc to be examined, and argument In t t ? ^ case b expected to begin today. ?thsmial artist p is making m *. ;> . ?- i 6r,c of the youngest, tenaorlol i tisU In the United States is Jo Angus Mae Lean, the 12-year-old f Cv . , of David Prlcb, colored. Ho le a a of the most-'popular barbers ir. 1 father's chop and does work thai satisfactory to all who call. cov.-eleciIlease i ; y tpno apolo! i'V Washington, Deo. 9.?Gov. Colo I Ulease, of South Carolina. wh< rmnarxB creaien stormy scenes the Richmond conference. v femes* Uu- first governors to arr Saturday for a < onferonco w nun's ?t ? downtown hotel a To ?11 Interviewers who aafced atx ! apologia* to no man for one wor. Jgfc KRItli'.H KNJOVKI). ! WS CHARMS HIS PREACHING q The singing of the male choir wan .1 one ot the features. No service iu WaBhir^tou in years was more thorr. owghly enjoyed. 1 On lost night Mr. ? Matbew* dla d cossed the Ufa of Elijah and JEllsha and frora them presented a discourse a that will long linger In tho hearts cf e Mr. Mathews has done a wondero ful smonet of good In Washington y and a warm Welcome la ever bis t. upon his return. He speaks the y gospel and too, he Hues It. J* i- A- generous offering was present ed him by the congregation last lr night In appreciation of his services, r To took the city by sto+m. Not l. only Is he a speaker of magnetism, s but ho presents his thoughts in much d a way that the smallest child can d readily digest. Mr. Mathews will never bo forgotten. fn n nnuin rtii fiirnn B. 0. KUfft L'tWtltt ADBRESS ON I C.DAY On Friday altcrnoon last the patrons and children of the C^yton (school dintr'ct were honored by having Mr. B. D. Rowe. of Smill. to speak to thetxy. Mr. Howe spoke In hit erer eaay, though forceful manner. about the groat work cf the late Charles B. Ayeock. Ho also laid special stress *?n the responsibility ^ that now confronts every school pa^ Iron of this age,, for soon, he says, ^ "That the leaders today will soon pass sway from the stage of existence.ond then the task'of leadership will bo devoted to the coming hoys and girls, then their success will he marked In accordance with thb prepj? oration which they have received." ^ His speech throughout was.fail , entreaty for the patrons, urging them t? heed thfc necessity of supporting the school, that the coming gehera^ lion might he bettor able to meet the _ demands of cltisenshlp#n "jT? ocnu ccnipo m? ' ?|it) Dtblrl SEKIw Uf il N f IftTHDK m HIVIUIIUU al Chapel Hill. Dec. 9.?The board * of trustees of the University of VB North Carolina by recent (action deemed it advisable to Inaugurate, a cr series of public lectures throughout !r* the college ybar. these lectures to be n> delivered at periodic times by emlLI~ nent speakers and thinkers of ed America. The flrst of thla series of LB" lectures was delivered in Gerrard 0r Hall Thursday ntght by America's 19 foremost poet, Edwin Morkham. auat thor of that celebrated poem. "The hc Man wKh the Hoc." The lecturer ce ranked Poe and Emerson oa the most he distinctly original geniuses that ad America has ever given to. the world. ns Mr. Markham in drawing a contrast 08 between poetry end science emphatically asserted that they both were lin oa equal basis relative to their quest he for the unbidden truth, and that poetry Is truth and something more than the fanciful, the term popularly .s accorded to poetry. Stephen D. Weeks, a garduate of in Univorsity of North Carolina. II anA nn? m Kl.ln.l?n (? > V.n.llo.l States Bureau ot Education. is the author of Bulletin Wo. 27 or the na*r" tional education department.^ Just la.sued. Hie topic for dltcuMton is the ou "History ?! Public School Education ne In Arkansas." Of particular local Intercst to Worth Caroilnans la the 18 news that Mr. Weeks Is at present fa engaged in writing a bibliography o.r North "Carolina. The- William Simpson Pharmaceutical Society of. the University re*U reived substantial encouragement Ir If Us endeavors to advance the-profee don of pharmacy in the State thii L* week from Mrs. Charlos MrKlmmon jge Of Raleigh, in the form of a cunt at price. as j Teams repreuenting the Unlver hre'elty, A. *.M. cf Raleigh, Wake.For Ithjcst add trinity colleges wll kontes rt- for honors In n -cross-country rur md here next, Saturday. The festeet In ig. dividual sprinter will receive a prlw jut of n solid gold medal. This rontcs re- will servo an p. medium of cementlnj athletic relations between the va no- rloua 8tate colleges Into a cloee 1 I bond of friendship. . d I Present conditions in China am the opportunities before the Youni Men's Christian Association and ttai cfcurclUr the State w*ll hi the topi of dim curse of Arthur Rugh. of Nei rt?- York city, la an ? hut 600 in 1897; and during this pe-jj r'iod 225,000,000 copies have been J, uiDuiuuiL-u. m auii iHTSBUKHion an ; area of 623.000 square miles, equal] to that of Germany, France. Groatl Britain. Ireland and Italy, has been] covered.' I I, PROHIBITS SENDING CAMPAIGN FUNDS. Washington, Dec. 9 ?Senator ClRpp, chairman of the committee investigating campaign funds, Saturday Introduced a bill to prohibit the ending of campaign funds from one | State to another, to aid campaigns of candidates for President, VicePresident, Representatives or Senators. Tho moasure does not represent the concerted actlorf of the Investigating Committee, but was presented by Chairman Clapp as his suggestion of the remedy for excessive' use of iponcy for campaign pnrpoa . -- .. In . > statement to. the Scnntr. be ddcland sucb n bw> would prevent the "dumping" Lt groat cunts ol money Into outlying States by wealthy communities lit;- New Yort "This bill In aimed to meet the vice of gathering funds In large cob, iers end then aendlng them to die* tent stntoB to Influence the election f Of President. Vice-President, mem ' bare of Congress or Senators." said Mr, Clapp. .frjj t At his roues*, the bill was referred directly to the Investigating sub1 committee. Senator Clapp said be - hoped the measure woeld form the - basis for a bill to be passed by the t Senate at this session. .. . ? 9 Mr W. U nambni, of Orsfnvltle K. C.. was a Wasblngtoa rlsttor yesterday i w--Cooler i s i i i i W' * ON EXPOSITION. 1 I\fc:\ J*'-.; , %< ' .; ' ' > -\ J % DiTiclon of Tenneaaee, and win oofla. etc. This Lulldln* will eon- 1 he' dateat and variety of natural ? T ' ? . ================= PRESIDBIfT TflFT 1 SPEAKS 10 : ESf ElflfiS t Washington. IW 9?Pnmlil#nt I raft In a speech to Ift governors Saturday urged the adoption of uniform State legislation which would make possible In this- country the adop:ion of a system of rural credits and ow Interest-bearing loans to farmers. similar to that in vogue In many. Suropean countries. "We are not going tc adopt a sysem over-night." said the President. "It is going to take a considerable ength of time before the country thall receive Iho benefit of it, hot he earlier we befcin the agitation J?o earlier we shall achieve the Pardee we have in bringing the matter o the attention of the public. "There is no subject," continued he President, "of greater import ince to the people of the United )tales than the Improvement of ag lcultyrai methods, the keeping thorn ip to date in all agricultural efcranunities, the securing of pro its to he farmer, the attracting of the roung men of the country to faming aa a lucrative profession and the losrerlng of the cost of producing tgrlcultural products and lowering I >f the cost of producing agricultural products and lowering of their prices :o the consumer. "We have great capital in this :ountry and we have farrnig pnrop-j ?rty that ie producing farm products, at immense value. It wpnld esem i :lear that with these two elements J It would be possible to Introduce a third br whlc hthe farmers engaged i In producing thee rops should be able, in view of the value of what be produces an tdhe value of the laud on which it la produced, to obtain i money on the faith of the land and i the faith of the product which wttlj enable him to expand his acreage and j better bis methods of cultivation and ; production. An eaay exchange be-1 tween capital and farmers with proper security baa been established In European countries where the rate cf interest hash een lowered so that the farmer is practically on the same basis of advantage in the borrowing of money as the business man. "If this can be. done abroad it eg?. be done here, and if abroad we find that government institutions adapted to form the conduit pipe between 1 capitalists and fanner* are succoss- ' fully operating, wty should we no! adopt them here?" While conditions In this country! ard in Europe are somewhat differ-: ent. the President mid, yet by modi-! flcation of the Europesu plan the ' I.I.. ?m,M ?t.J a In *Vv?J butted States. The following committee wae named Saturday to draft nniform rural credit legislation to be refjowroendt-d to the States: Governors O'Neal, Alabama, chairman; Johnson of California. Plalsted at Maine. Foss of Mnasachu-i setts. Hadley of Miascurl. Harmon of Ohio, Mann of Virginia. McOovern1 of Wisconsin and Carey of Wyoming The White House conference last-i ed lees than an hour. In addition to . President Taft, Secretary of Agrlculture Wilson, 8enator Fletcher of Florida and I)r. Lillian Johnson of the Southern Commercial Congress made short speeches. Final adjournment was taken shortly after*4 o'clock. ?-v?V Many of the governors left Washington Saturday ntgkS for their homes, although remained over to attend the dinner of the Gridiron Club or t? ?u*s?e la pblitlc*I oonforenro. with the S.nuta and Tfoaao. . spj-nsar " ONLY FOUR CA ON THE CRI The third and last week of th Corcmber tern of Beaufort Count luperlor Court convened this morn hg at the Court Houee with" HI fonor. Judge Stephen C Bragau residing. - The laat week of the court wll ?e for the trial of criminal taose ind there are only four eaaea on th locket?an unheard of record I Seaufort county tor a number s 'earn. The charge of Judge Bragaw t be members of the grand jury th! aornlng was lu keeping with hi eputatiou as a jurist and expound IEW BEAD OF CHEMISTRY APPSIRTEDBY PRES. TftF Washington, Dec. 9.?Presides rsft and Secretary of Agrlcultur rames Wileon, after mcntbs of cos ilderatlon, Saturday decided upo he appointment of Dr. Carl Alsberg * chemist In the Bureau of Drug ind Plants, as chief of the Bureau o Jbemlstrv of the Department of A( iculture. a position that has hoe racant since the resignation lai iprlng of Dt. Harvey W. Wiley, th famouB defender of the pure foot aw. Dr. A la berg* nomination will b tent to the 8enate probably befor the Christmas holidays and the Prci dent and Mr. Wilson are hopeful i sill be confirmed. In Washlngtoi bo place of Chief Chemist with it attendant duty of enforcement a he pure food act, is regarded ii nony ways as a non-political posl ion and hope was expressed by olh *ials that senators who have qn lounced their intention of opposin; dr. Taft's nominations would no nclude that at I>r. Altberg. Dr. Alsberg has been in the De Mrtment of Agriculture four years tie was educated In Columbia Unl rerelty and Sir pas burg University I Germany. ^Ho ohgajrsd lh i*ebearc1 cork In Germany fot- several yeari tiefdre "coming t0 Washington he wa n charge of the department of bic .Cgital chemistry at Harvard University. The President decided upon thi ippointment only after careful con ilderation of the claims made fo; )ther chemists. 8evera| times rc^ ports arose that he had decided upo i chief chemist to fill Dr. Wiley' place, bat they later were proved ei roneous. His decision to name Di Alsberg was made only Saturday. PROflPBCTS FOH SETTLEMENT IN WAR < KIHIK llRIUHl London. Dec. 9.?Prospects for satisfactory and reasonably rap! settlement of the Balkan xrar and c the (treat European intererts depcct Ing upon it, seem brighter today the at any.time since the allied armk took the held against Turkey. The envoys from the Balkan kinj dori*. Creece?if Greece derides I participate? and ttie Ottoman Er pire will hold the first meeting of tl peace conference next Friday. A the same time Ambassadors of tt great powers at London, charge with the task of protecting the lnte esta of their countries, will meet i a sort of court of appeals to watc advise and admonish the peace del gate6. To reach even this complicated a rc.Ege.uent. has sprained all the r sources of European dlplomsc There have been tiroes in the In mcnth when even the consent of a the governments to a friendly gat crlng appeared beyond the range possibility. Austria consented ye Lefday to .ioin the ambassadorial co fereneo and Germany, which sto< aside awaiting the decision of Its i !y. announced its acquiescence 81 crday. Th!a will be by far the mc Important assembly or diploma since the Berlin conference after t' Ruseo-'t urkish war, Giants, like B march. Beacontfield. Salisbury ai Gortchakok, to be -sure, will t tread the stage but their sucbessc who do will have an equally imp< tant work to perform. One question charged with t possibilities of disaster Is Serrfi unquenchable determination for Adriatic port and Austria's deters nation that ihe shall not hare Servian official newspapers make I plain, however, that the little kit idom has made up its mind to ta instructions .from the Pftwtot* so 1 ns public opinion In Servla ill let 8 hr ot the law. The charge was ona;4| r of the very beat ever delivered la : Beaufort county and goaa to show that our home people always make * good. Judge Bragaw la presiding - 1 > over the courta of North Carolina - . with dignity and ability and as the ' 1 Dally News has already intimated '! e the coming of our dieting*tefcfAjfjH 4] e townsman to preside over this court ^ a carries with it a pleasure that ia f catholic. The court will in all probability 0 either adjourn this afternoon or to "\^3 s morrow. Solicitor Ehringhaus, of n a Elisabeth City is prosecuting the criminal docket. MRS UNION NAIffE I DELEGATES TO CONVENTION . <9 t Raleigh. Dec. 9.?Between 900 ,$8 e and 1,000 delegates and visitors ore expected here this week for the anq nual meeting of the North Carolina j, . Farmers' union, which will assemble vj B tomorrow afternoon and continue In ; session through Thursday. Many . progressive steps will be considered' V q and offlcern or the union believe that lt the close of the convention will find e the organisation stronger in every -ta 1 way. Dr. H. Q. Alexander, of Mecklenburg county, the president, will ? again h?? a r.inrtl?lat?? fr,t- r^lortinn and It Is said that Prof. C. C. Wright/* | superintendent of public Instruction of Wilkes county, may enter the race. The opening exercises will he public. Governor Kltchin will be among . ' those to welcome tbe delegates to * Raleigh. THE FARIRERS UNION I MEETING ON TOMORROW The Farmers' Union held a very interesting and profitable meeting at the Court House on last Saturday afternoon. The delegates selected to ^ attend the 9tate convention were: Captain George J. Studdert, Mr. Hennlng and Mr. Hamberry. The convetnion la to be held Thursday and Wednesday of thlf week. HAH IIETCR.NKD. Mr. Howard Wlnficld has Just re- -I j turned from Western markets, where he purchased a carload of hor?e? and [fm a carload of mules. See hia an- j nouncement elsewhere In today's Dally Newa. Mr. L. L. Winder and son, of p Elisabeth City, are here today. I a territory ns Oriental diplomacy and . j th? help of friendly Powers can save if! tan can mako probably will reduce I. for her. The best bargain the 8uln his subjects in Europe from more >8 than .000,000 to less than 2,000,- jj | Besides, various difficult questions to will arise ovor the commercial status n. over the disposition of the Turkish >1 lf. debts attached to the conquered SB lt country and the final status of Adria- J lo nople. That the peace negotiations prop- . ? ,r_ er will be less complicated than had aB been feared !? promised by the two . h facts that Turkey and Bulgaria ap- ..-Jl e. pear to have reached an understand- i irg already and that the dlssensidh f r. among th-s Allies portended by the . e.;failure of Greece to sign the armlsy lice Is mostly myth, a pre-arranged 5t pian having been agreed to by the | tU Allies that Greece should stand out , i I Ij. so that her havy could continue the -a 0j blockade and acquire, the islands, ' lg_ which ai*" Greece's natural share of n. the spoils. jd' London was selected for the con(j. ference becauso England Is nearer Lt_ neutral than any other great power, .-*0 ar i both Turkey and tho Balkan States * ls,onslderin* be, n friend; because mo ch le Powers have the ablest ambassadors a- In' London and because Sir Edward Grey, tfce British Foreign Secretary. ';vjj o; abo will naturally hold a commnndTz Ing porttlon. baa a unique reputation ^ )r_ for honeo*. among European dlplo- /'$l mate. for sale ? nroor, caiit, ( mn plows, cultivator, single tfnd dou- ?3 ?t. ble harrow, planter guano dint ributor, etc. Will Ml these articles . lt vary cheap. See t. B. Bell at the lg. AutomoMIe Place. 12-7 3tp | n COTTON MARCH *. 'Ill Lint Cotton, 12 1-2. wn S?m| Cotton, lt.lt. A*5?S wl Cotton flood. HI.