1 " . ,' y- , / "' KlABton, >C 0.. Dec It?TV?V, Carolina lutlroad Contpanr. a sow corporation,' hop leaned the Kl niton Sni)? 1IIU Railroad, owned ?7 the *- '-# lllnm BrottS Lumber Compenr. ol Kit ston, whlcn u ith a 1 lockage or about fifteen mil -a, operate. ,1. T to.voH wrier end log road between this fifty and the Oraooe cotra11 town, and tho Klnatpn-Carolltw ? lUllroad, from tWa city to Pink HU1. Both aptfiWwrm be operated an the Ca?snSk*Tlnllronii Com pan r. u?& der ono management. W M. Hayes, present general mar. ag? r oC tho Klnstoa-Cnrolinn road, will he with tha sew company in the oatne capacity. AU Indlcatlona point ? lo the Norfolk Southern aa being tha ^E_ nun' newer behind tha tranaactlon. Tu?? names of W. M. Hayes, gen. ujcral manager of the Klnston-Carollaa Railroad, and H. Manly, treasurer of the Ntirfojk Bouthern, and other wtcchholders of the latter on the article* of Incorporation of the new ' ' company, lead to this conclusion. The KInston-Carolina la owned hy the Roper Lumber Company, a subslOiarv of thb Norfolk Southern. The consolMatlon of the Klnaton-Carollna r'.'t the Klnston-Bnow HtU roads Into one iVto from Snow Hill to Pink HtXl, with Its ultimate extension to Chinquapin, In Duplin, several miles south o' Pink Hilt, will be witnessed by Focal bustaees Interests with approval. Oenemi Manage, Hayes states that the extension Into Dnplin la assured, and that It will t>? brought about at San early date. \ improved paseenger and freight :f services wiH ensue, and the opening I ; up of the new territory will make I Kins ton the logical trading center! fof the very richest section of Dup1 iln. long In encd of a market. - | About 35 nflles of track will be' used by the Carolina Company's l.lpea. t The lease beeomeo effective on r? FH8IBSPIISTCBURCfl ' SERVICES TOMORROW nitre will be regale, eerrlcoo at the Fleet Bertiet march tomorrow Hyitaa ana erenlag at the nana! SKn to whleh UM general pnblle hah a cordial Irritation to be preaent? The paator, Her. H. T' Dal ten. haa ^ returned froai an extenalre rtalt to Virginia dttee. The muilc promised T tor toetorrow artll be of the uauai high order. Saadajr school w)ll meet ' "5 promptl* at :?? o'clock. S.T>. Willie aperlnta&Bont. " ' HKRVICn AT COUNTY HOME. Re*. H. B. Sebright will preach at the County IIO0Q tomorrow afternoon at 9 o'clock. A good attendance ts desired. v ; IXVmKO DBFUY. The Shcrm windows at the enter# ; pr since store of J. K. Hoyt's are bpIvz watched by pedestrians dally. Mr. Henry Jackson, the decorator, lc an expert In hie line. 'rSi CHINA MUST p IN PENDIh ?h Peking. J>ee. 14.?M. Korostovot* the Rum tan minister, has .warned i China that a raptnre of their nego^ tiatlons In. imminent unless Chffea censes to delay . settlement of tbc Mongolian question. This is cons(4? ered as algalfteant ^ in vie^ of the China claimed the^riicht to control Mi n^olJa's foirlpn rolntionH and rujWn,| ironni te Monvelt* WMU II uuyw w UHBUIIO. nnriT AI/IITTHW 1111 I I1 VI1 I PH' IN VHCIIF 111 VuQUll Washington. Dec. li,?Regulattone to eouer working. o( the new parcel! poet intern, which i> to go into operation January 1. next, wire made public by Postmaster Oenoral tern will be eSectlre throughout the Oh tire postal service at the same time and will atroet overy poatofflcs. city, rural and railway mall tnmaponation route lntho country Every precaution will be taken by the poet Office to have tho maile moved with the usual dispatch, and all poatmaatera, superintendents and -inspectors have t?en directed to thoroughly familiarise themselves and their subordinates with every phaoe of the 'new system.* *! ,' , r. The regulations provide that parcel* of merchandise. Including farm and factory products (tat not books and printed matter) of almost every . description up to 11 pibundi in " weight and measuring as much as 1 six feet In longth and girth com bin- 1 ed. except those calculated to do inJury to the mails in transit, may be mailed at any postofftce for delivery to any addreee in the country. Delivery will be made to the homes of people living on rural and star routes 0 as well as those living in cities and t towns where there is delivery by car- t tier. Where thero lg at present no g delivery by carrier the tercel* win ? go to the post offices as is the case r with ordinary mail. " The postage rate for tho xone, P that -is, within distance not exceed- j lag SO miles, will be five cents tot t th first pound and three cents for each additional pound. Rates In- t crease for each successive one ot the eight iodm Into wjilch the country t la divided. The fti&xlmum rate be- , Ing, 13 cents a pound, which will t carry c pamyFnrroSs the cwhtlaetrtr 1 or" even to Alaska nod the Ftititp- j pl nee. For a fee of 10 cents a parcel may be idsured and If the parcel la lost in the ma! la an indemnity to the amount of its value not to exceed $60 will be paid; to the pender. The ajtr provides for the use of distinctive postage stamps and there ltTnov being distributed to postmastere for use In the parcel peat system a set of stampa of IS denominations. Parcel post maps with accompany- i Ing guides are to be sold to the public at their coat, 76 ceuU, through the chief clerk of . the Postoflice Department. ' ?. 1 i v-: } FOR WESTERN MAfUbjM'f-'' \ Mr. D. J.. Busman, president of tba Washington Horse Exchange, left this afternoon fbr Western markets, where he expects Co purchase a carload of young horses and mules to arrive here next Friday. Watch bis advertising space in the Daily News. 11 ?r. u. lyCsoiuji a. promiBCui man lof Belhaven, was here yesterday. ELAY ~ IG SETTLEMENT ?? j **-, which included railway connection with her Siberian line .nt'.prga * ?> other centers-. the right to Motion permanent garrlaona In these placos and free mining concessions. . REV. J. R. WARREN BIS RETURNED IB CITY I Kev. J. II. Warren, presiding <*d, er of the Coast District, returned . I yesterday from Charlotte. Ha Is . leaving today for Ocean View, MoreI head City and other places In Bast:|;??flEfr?^?'ncf5 ; ; _ ' [ vii i B\ I v V \ \ tOepyri*M.j / ' MAJOR RODMAI COLONEL SEC( Major Wiley C. Hodman has been ilected colonel of the Socond Inf&nry North Carolina National Guard o succeed Colonel H. Churchill Brataw, who recently resigned. The ilcctlbu took place yesterday afterio?n In Ooldsboro, N. C. MajoT Rodman received thlrtr-8< vn votes and Lieutenant Colonel Van I. Metts, of Wilmington. received hirteenThe newa of the promotion of ottr ownaman carries with It gratifkalon from all claases. for there i* nc nember of the 8tate Guard today *ho la more competent or worthy of i# tugtt honor. It le bow Colonel *nie/-C." SooiniT loiOa ft Motor totfmen for the peet eeeerai yeere. H . Rodman wm spoken of and his election to this high office la bul a fitting reward of bis valuable nervices. Col. Rodman has been a member of the State Guard since June 24, 1594, when he enlisted as a private. Hfi rHed acceptably through the varlposlttons ab a non-commissioned officer when fte was promoted to the office'of captain of Corfpany "O" In 19(f5. For the paat several years he has boon major of the third battalion, find has proved to be one.of the most pop tiar officers lo the regiment. Colonel Rodman is a West Po'ure* and Is well qualified for the high position to which he baa just been elevated by his comrades in arma. Washington la Indeed honored by the election and the Dally News feolt confident that the mantlo will be worn worthily and with credit net rrly to the city, but the State and phonal Ouard M^?lj. ^Copratp AI Bwl I , ^ ; W ;^M >) V ).y J, 1 / I Th? < ELECTED i )ND MOMENT WOULD BE RSSASiN ~ OF WILSON ARRESTED i Dec. 14,?Herman h Stefcberg, a 17-year-old boy, who 1c < alleged to have declared that he was i going over gWltW Jersey and shoot l President-elect Wilson, was arretted here yetesrday afternoon and held ] without ball. A loaded revolver nor found in bin pocket. Tlio youth was standing In front . of a police atatlou sMverlb^ in the t CO ?. Vlen a detective ...us 1 >r.ed t him: "ThJifennt j h?. cTbclared according 'o' i?.e I de.vdtlva. vIt*s no place i?u- ma to ] <..rir. I cannot go back to Kant*. I :u 1 '.tuld rather go tb 'iuM. but ' i u |M e to shoot Wilaon hbrt m: loss and all the judges flrxti the dfctective searched him ahtt i took the revolver away, arresting him'3 O k a ?:harre of violating the lusr pre-j hlhltlng the carrying of a dangerous j la court a fruit dealer, who form- : erly employed the lad. appeared as a witness to previous threats the boy had made to "kill Wilson." which led 1 to his discharge. In court tbo boy admitted making the threat# and was held without'bail. To Face Blackmailer*. Newark. N. J.. Dec. 1 ^-Presidentelect Woodrow Wileon may face In court here nest Tuesday the three men accused of threatening his life. subpoena was issued by a United States commissioner late yesterday tor the President'elect'a appearance and to make this possible he postponed examination of the alleged blackmailers from Monday to Tuesday. by which time It is expected the Wilson family will have roaehed New Vork from Bermuda. The letters which Warren Dunn. Jacob Dunn and Seeley Davenport, who were arrested Tuesday night, are alelged to have addressed to Gov. Wilson at Trenton, were opened by Joseph P. Tumulty. th6' governor's secretary, Mr. Tumulty also was subpoenaed yesterday. In his testimony aa to receipt of tho letter* la accepted aa sufficient proof Oovcrnor Wilson may not be reqyired to testify.'' [Threats in Letter? Were Demand of ' fS?000 orXtfe. [ Tho Issuance cr tuo subpoena** ivu described by Coinmtraloner [Stockton as a mere formality, but the commissioner hoped the Proei !SdPjWEai?..te? demand of J6.000 or life, an dons of [them romioded Qorernor Wtlaon of the fats of McKtoley and the attempt ] to kill Colonel Roosevelt. TTrt spejctflc charge on which the three men ate held at present. la ntlanae of the i mat la. Jacob Dona la the alleged j author ot the letters. I Alt of the men tare been known III) the Morris county jeglon tor I Fedora] authorities Intimated jr? iterday that they tad douhtnof Mine ' iw~Cooler i, I ? ? AYS 7W |fl ' t MWE R el" *1 Ia A el pi. CH i.i't If -1 W lut li V/V -.. ej iSEiiSmT E " t a .j. tb Rev. R. H. Uroom. paftdt tot the <*? First Methodist church, la expected !' to arrive .-here this evening r.qd fiii de tils regular appointment at the First tbMethodist church $uojlay morning lb md evening. Sunday" school will to neei at the regalnfi'bour. tlt/fee /dock p. m.t E; >?. Mixon superint t& endent A1 lare cordially InvKed to m? >e present. '' "'l" all . i???JJ? ' mi MESSAGE FROM LOST 8CHOONKR co \ IN BOTTLE. I '''J -T& . pa Chicago. Dec. 14.?X- ibrittle cbnajning the last message ' from the tei ichoon?r Route-Simmons. which wit.-, h* la/" crew fct aayfqteep. fpun^erhd in eV Lake Michigan a fortnight agto. 'was h? picked up today on the beach hear of Shelboygan, Wla.. according to a pedal dispatch fro rnthat city >/:'< p. The meacago was written 6A u Q] ihcet corn form a logbdok and ' signed by Captain Herman, Schuene- xr jiann. It read: "Everybody good-by^. l Eueaa ere are all through. Th* sea nnsbed over dockload Thursday w During the night small boat v.as dc washed overboard. Looking had ltl Engwald and stode fell -overboard Thursday. God help us." The Rouss-SSmmocs carried a car- Sl go of Christmas tree.s 'many of whi ch nI have been erArhed ashore. ? g* CI ATTRACTIVE WINDOW. 80 Mr. James R. Rues 1b fast proving ^ tp be a first-class window decorator. W The display windows at the wellknown firm of - Russ Bros, for the ^ holidays is being highly compliment- ? ed. They are among the .roost attractive yet seen In the city. They must be seen to be appreciated. tc Mr. C. C. Hodnell, of Norfolk, is w in the city on business. t! l *TRHT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, k ^ ? I ni Services tomorrow at 11 n. ro". h and 7:30 p. m. The PMtor, Rev. b H. B. Searight, will preach at both t< services. Sunday scho6l at 3 p. m. H Travelling men and strangers are cordially invited to worship with tin. N Good music. ?pi CHRISTIAN JTOITM'H. u Her R. V. Hope, parlor, will filj.jp h!a regular pulpit tomorrow. Sub- f< Ject, t|; a;' m.. "Destruction ?f Ifio- F dom"; evening. 7:30. "The Terf of 1 Abraham's Pokh." Bible school, 10 s! a. m. The public i" cordially /{a* d ? . able to bold the trio. The main evi- h doo^o 1? a similarity between the K handwriting In the letter* and that of Jacob Dunn. ^ Jj' 'if THE VOTING CONTEST AT & K. Hoyt'* for the most popular girl and boy is now taking on a.Btety pace. Girls, boys, get busy, only * 10 more days before contest close*. > Each 10c. cash potefeott uMllm m any customer to one vote on [both ft , prizes. TeTl all your friend* where E to J0 their Xnias shopping i. ? 1 == ffiMl I" HIIL ilubiKWii ?u buad bj> Belted " atra a>UiCal??lo?er tat* yesterday id M nkttUi mrthli Sssost- ? >?<d ?r?mln*tlian o< the gllesed h KluuUtn. Inn Me?4sir to Toes- 11 UP, ?jr ?m* It is sxpesSed thd P ilson fsrolly Mil* 'IM presebsd b* York front Berseods. 8 4%?-te?Ha?-wtlcb -WAaeaSaut.. icob Dunn* asd Seeley'0avenport. S M-werb )irrostfcd;,TaopldH3f 5 surged to hAvd addressed to MSesor WOeoo, st T?J?t?s. were ' Kmc J by JOseVh J> Tumulty.- the . CMTOSfSfeS 1* letter* . pr sufficient ; >Ot>r"OOvrrTror Wilson may not b? p quired to testify. The IsaiwWO:?* ? Aqtufoenaea 8 aft described by Commissioner ockion a'? s^ there formality, but 1 iDtaftect, wcul^ WP^f'sicin <mco(IJ . ? Tbr tbrto^a ba the letters A*ew la njfcWf df $5,000 Or llfei nntl oho ot *> ero /eir'adW M' u e fat* ?i ^Kl#^ofc aad i^e,htte^^t !? kill Kooaevelt vi -nrfj /j/notui' r ? TWe specie chatke ml whkb the ? rca mta arW held at/ present fern!*-'1 e ot-tUe npaiSji did v ICged author of .the letters. All Bt&aTe1>een known 111 ctu? Morris unty region for a number of ye are-, u ji.fJ'j*" jwli b rently ,h|rmi?i sort.". _ u Federalj q[nl$to^^ Wiuidljfa yea- tj rday that'thcy hair doubt* of be- it inawrtftil (# ??-? ?*?, fpg tt?t ? Jacob Dunn'*. 0 O -.ot i|J_ _ .J ui, ( ~nt)lw, it vJtaV/ b,vl |0LB . W' BBR W 4 i\',9'--:i.l ,.0 ./f /tCi.iwojotfll Ja fr ^ Hon It on ^ ?b? - U> M a ? tectlve and there confronted with H KlotlloBd wwc'ol the bo nee of r ?r bu^i^h^(iala on a white cloth, M is told tfce witness stand in the ^ tpreme yesterday by Mrs. ah-i e Jacobson.'who with her eon, Ed-|A ir and her son-in-law, the Rev.' harlcs N. Emelius, is on trial (or ie alleged mcrder of August Jacob- r| in. Doth Mrs. Jacobeon and Edgar Q ere called as witnesses. Emeliua Is e ipected to testify today. c Mrs. Jacobaon said a detective es- h rttd her to the district attorney's j. Bee, and continuad: (] "When 1 went in, right in (rent of e they had some bones on a white oth. Dr. Boone began to explain f tmething about the bones, and af- ' r that something was said about by the coroner was not there at ie time it happened, when he died, told them I was eich and did not now. The detective told me. 1 was Dt sick because I felt bad for my t ushand, for 1 hated him. And after ?: c said 1 had lied about the show, 1 I ild him 1 had not lied." 1 IEAi> TO HUM t rwfipaper supply (X>mp.1nv 18 formed. Richmond, Va., Dec. 14.?Applies- 1 on was made yflkerday to the Cor- ( oration Coatmlsftlofc for a -charter j >r the Newspaper Shpply Co.. of ] ichniond. capital $7,S0fr td $25,000. t* believed that the concern will lortiy sssnmo control q? a local i ally. ^ ; The officer b named in the papers re R. 8. Barbour. South Boston; W. I. Vincent. Capron, and-J. W. Hough, lo r folk. All .of .these are knovpn to he inareeted In the Richmond Virginian. ?w?:?_ ,v, VISITORS TO cm. Captain Shmuel Heater and wife. , rho ha^r been the gheat of Dr. and : Ira. P. A. Nicholson, left on the Horning Atlantic Coant Una train ar theft home In Bennetteaville, Oa. loth are,well and favorably known a twenty! vi '"f/V y\ f..' \*r,j* f, '-!> vlly f, .?r,* vj /JK? ;* _ j ? , ; ' .'3 1*8 CUUMKD NOT LESS TIM I M*W VICTIMS WITH AFATAJt.'.l ITV RATE OP 40 FEB CKJPT, 9 SATS HEALTH SBRVICH. 'J9 Washington, Dec. 14.?Pellagra J '3 ?readtt>e-iB<l increasing in uamkM^i s HJdmhed Skates and la the ? J i ?.f^0 victims with a csn faUUlr ' ate in of forty p?r eeiif, onfine UM. rtfrort 'ot^ J sSife^S^S'' rfnds. "the dignity of a public haaltV uestion of national i imm Ham i.t*; I cfsgs^s^l o ? much pcllacrstbero b u bm Is 1 *3. P?r oeijt. , Alabama,, .eases. ?.314; 'deaths ' M M; rat*. 17 rar raBI "** TITw ' -iS!??w!y ?He*r < Ir cy;.* ._., 'VlLtl '.,?* * . autlsOe* <jo. not V*'? ln? g suldantioB, .fiwlBM #}& W' \ "? .dftoft. ra, tU^pr prtTBlittt 1 r.sporadic ip.Uic xr fnited Suite*, but particularly /u u. IB tto;^ut?.,:,,,, ?wny2wj5p^^^j^r. -fijgm *" *n c.ti ;ic*wrrj-?!\;i **>.,* >, mpj London, I*ee/*4-rAW?tf??w Rffcfo ^1 W?4 6t?t?rAiJiDm#?rw Qnia, .i Hbbi-li seriously* M.;, He is $ it ffem Sastbmn atd.Mi to?dM|o^ I ih bvobme eSnsldenabtx. worm j dWfritftheipeacett vMkfc r Several s?ev 1*1 ties- are to sueaidnwee on him. B Tbfr Ambaiudor was net wait j ben <W* returned from America is * to be* Afterward he caught cold, ort Wbflch he was recovering whan J c ttiffflred a relapse after delivering A' 'Apfccch at the opening senates of re' University of Wales at Aberyet- J yth on October 31. which overtaxed | is strength. . j ,/^JSM lie baa been confined to bia room J t Dorchester House most of the time i nee that date. ..'ijfl The English winter weather-Is re* a arded as very unfavorable for V*** 3 >ns suffering from the malady wltb tj hlch the Ambassador ie affected. A atatment aent ont from tM * merlcan cmbassay this evening 1 "Mr. W. Raid's condition haa given >i ice to some anxiety in the past day I ffocts ot the malady, but tbe phyml- J lana authoriae the statement that i la condition * now s encouagring. 1 [e haa taken a turn for tbe better 1 bis afternoon and la resting easier." ;jj m\m cburci : ? SERVICES SUNDAY Tbare %urlll be ropular service* at' *| he Christian church tomorro-sr morn- 3 dr and evening at tbe oeual ho nr. lev. R. V. Hope ia expected to til 1 kin regular pnlpit. All are Invited to >e present. Jqfl * ' ''Mj HAYS BAKER. Tbe picture business haa ran over w vith me Just now. No poeolbto hance if the weather keepa good In a :nve any pictures taken later than uonaay ana Rei io?m 07 Lnntuwi, \jm rhe latest new a from all part* of tha J rountrj. There baa mvv bm nek | a rush for picture* before. * KJ .y'_. 1 RAKER'S STUDIO; I.OST?BKTWKKN WASHINGTON 1 and Aurora, one suit cane, contain- jfl lng one set white fere and ral- 3 uable Jewelry, etc. . Liberal It-J ward and no questions asked tf sertjjl turned to the Dally News offie# er fl Mrs. j. B. Porter. Aurora, Jf. O. \ 12-it-iwc ! j j.. COTTON UW... fl uait ooius. it i-r. 7 SMt 0?tu>?. ii.ig, iT1

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