partment has Be( % V /.'. ^ ' No M?ta? hava boon eSoclod i horgo de today In n itatoment by the railroads of the country. The carrlom ?Uln Uat tb, only vray ibe aDon&l dflfteit of tbe poatofflce da,art Mj^ ^ nient k? bean reduced ha* been by catting down the amount paid Ute railroads for hauling mall. Declarls* that the entire burden of the annual postal deficit has been plaeed upon the railroads of the country. the statement Issued today by the committee on railway mall pay, r pi ftey* -'4 ?- ' "Daring the ten years from 1991 to 1?11 the department took up an enormous Increase In business at a BII-ULJJ WWCHUII ? um. 1UI rail triMportrtion Md at a largely lnfor other purposes. itj cost tb* department, for purpose* other than railway transportation nearly alfte-testha of |126.*48,CS0 to add tliat amount to its cross receipt* (although for these other purposes it had previously spent leas than seres tenths of its- cross 'receipts) while It required less than one-tenth of the same sum tops/ for the added railway transportation that the new business required although at the beginning of the period rall-i way transportation had coat more than one-third of the gross receipts. This startling comparison tally warrants the conclusion that the powe ot Congress sad the department has been exercised to force upon the railways, by reducing the payments for tMlr servloss. the burden not only of the eCort to elminste the annual postal deceit to eliminate the annual postal deceit but of considerable Increases in other forms of postal expeuditsre. No reference to rural free delivery will serve to explain * " away the conclusion suggested by this comparison especially since only a fraction of the coot of that serrlee represents really an additional net outlay. 1Mb service has permitted a ; 1 raductioa of one-third In the number of psnt, offices and ha* been In many eases substituted for star routs errlce and the savings thus permitted ought to ho credited to It before determining Its cost. "The lucres ses In postal expend! ?r Jill! i.?t n?"partod ? was DM la which steady and ut? ? = J COURAGE *T ? ?? U*m A>AMS Urnm Courage. . tagt m the art of til ling calmly in your adot with- < oui stirring and without getting excited when the Braes Band gate by your haute and . turns around the > corner. Courage, steps out of the crowd. It etande alonc. Courage is native Nerve Courage it neither buBdosing nor bare bluff?it's not in siiher fln\uranr Itut physical merely, but ? mcnl-moeily. Courage u naked Right put through fire and brought out uncraeked an dunbroken. 1 Courage it heartworth making iettlf felt in deed*. It never traits for chance*;'it m&k* ekanke*. A day without tome Oour- I age sprinkled in il l* a day , little worth while. Pot Courage makes the Man?and there never teat a real man * ' thai didn't nave Courage. Courage i* a thing born in you?but it is alto a thing much luetrrd by tue and eui ' Ovation. Tela tf, tomorrov -and every dag- hove Courage. 11 makes the heart glad and the snul tlronq. It start* imiUe inthe system and stirs up the kind of gtrctdaiton in a man that makes him go out and hie ^vmderUM *um ' Vou ran never fail if yoi have Couraac- - but vou can t | Have Couraqc f ^ a 1 M 3# NO ECONOMIES ^ " inual Deficit of Deiii Reduced Only vn Amount Paid g Mail. i I live Increase# In the co#t t>r llTing made necessary considerable increases In the asdarles of postal employe# and In the cost of p<Mt*l supplier precisely a# the railway# ware impelled to Increase the salaries ana wa#es of their employees and were \ obliged to pay higher prices for their | supplies. In other words, the purchasing power of the. American dollar, and of standard money everywhere. greatly decreased and this decrease affected the pes toffies department as It has affected erery business _ undertaking. But tile pare basing power of the railway dollar decreased exactly as that of all other dollars and It was unreasonable and unjust that White this change was in program, ijthe louses whic bit entailed M the postal service of the government should be. shifted, as It has been shown the thejTWBW.To the railways which were, at the same time. Buffer- inn far greater lessee from the 'sfme cause." I vssas nrnans iiinivee lift MUKft mutu BY CHEAT NUMBERS Washington la fast taking on the Christmas air. A3! the fctorss are being visited not only by cltlxeus of cm Washington bat from the country, eager to see the many attractions on ti exhibition suitable for holilay gifts. o; Dally News man met a visitor from t< the country this morning on the street and when questioned as to why y he was In the city replied: "I am s Jqst here to see the pretty things displayed In the ahow windows. I am d now making a tour of every store and If yon can believe Jt or not but I am more than interested.** This is but . the opinion of a large number who sre coming, to Washington to see the Xmas display. * i * SPECIAL 8KB VICES. u h At the C. If. E. church tonight Rev. R. A. Carroll. D. D.t formerly g of New Bern. N. C.. but now P. E. sit the Washington district of the j Baltimore and Philadelphia confer-. f ences of the A. M. E. church to- t 1 n < <.?>. OnhUof "Will ln? In flalf.TW. fence." All are uked to oom? out and hear him. Seats free. t It. B. MIS ttlMLY HI 5 AT BUE 1ST TOO SUET; One of Wnahln?ton'? oldeot and 1 klAlT oatnomod citlxens in the person of Mr. R. D. Walls la critically ' 111 at hie home on Weit Third street. 1 He haa been confined to hta bed ainoe < Thanksgiving Dy. 9^ years be haa been an honored citiaen of thla coun- ? ty. He was a brave Confederate sol- i (Her. His friends all over the coun- i ty will regret to learn of hta indisposition and it la to be hoped ho will soon be convalescent. NKARS COMPLETION. Thn naw residence of Mrs. HudneU, corner ot WhSblngton end Second f streets, Is nssrin* completion. I1AKER SAKS. I ' t; fc fi s <pg *.Sir: The picture business with us Is ne. Lots ot people who haven't bed their ploture token is ii.,oj peers. Hose snmed up the courage ones more and bed their llkenev toft. I en for their lortd ones. ThTs Jrlll 1 ear lost advertisement this pear We wknt to thank the pnhiic enernllp fol their kind patronage Wo hope our efforts hose not been In vain That our work will bear opt oar Imprint manp generations to come. We tbenk poo. And hope to share e good portion of ponr trade In the peer m*.' BAKER S STUDIO. LOST?BBTWERK W A8H1NOTO N end Anrora, one nit esse. contain log one set white fare end eel uabie Jewelry, etc. Liberal re word and no aneetlone naked If relumed to the Dolly Hews office er Mrs. J. Porter, Aurora. H. C. - lM,l~ ? ^^?DmSr ======= jOUNTY CORR] GIVE INTE BROAD C7RKKK ITEMS. The weather still continues very :ld. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Boyd and ro children of near Zlon was wlaitrs around Brood Creek Saturday afWBOOSt^jS'".^ Mr. and Mm. C, C. Cutler visited [rs. O. U Sparrow. . at Hawkln's chool House Saturday afternoon. Mr?. w. T. Latham spent Satur%y afternoon with Mr a. Qoorgo Suliean. '-'v - v> Miaa Ira Green will leave Saturday >r New Bern, when she will rial I rienda and relatives at that plane: le wish her a h?rrj Xmaa and i leaaant trip. Miss Nellie J. Latham spent Satrday night with Misa Lanka Whit?y. Glad to know that Mrs. E. W. Alllood la Improving. Mr. and lira. Jeaae Whitley ant! It tie daughter. Miaa Golden, spent rom Friday until Sunday witl heir daughter. Mrs. Prank Whitley ,t Pantego. v; Miaa Essla Latham la still rlaltlni ter sister in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cutler ant laughter. Miss Leila, spent Sunda; rith friends at Jaaaama. Mr. Ottla W. Woo lard .of Bros ?- U. Pn?1.? Up Tltlna Ullxood ol Jmnm, >pwt a whll Sunday. night the (neat of Mil Laura Whitley. "Hallo" Ptnetown. Don't g< oarrad before you gat hurt. Hal I coma again with all tha news TO saa road. Mr. aad Mra. Tom Singleton an children attended church at Boca mary Sunday and waa guesta of M and Mra. Joe O Woolard. of thi place. There waa quite a crowd of jour folka want to aee Mr. Mack Blac Sunday p. m.. who la getting alen noehly. Mr flam rmiMiRH nf TODT cit' spent IWV night with hl? const Jesse Latham. Thoto was quite a crowd of mui visitors fathered at the homo of Mt W T. Latham Sunday night. - ' ? aiKaunon raws. We have bean ahoent for quite lour time, so thought we would wrl again. .. * ItJM haence mflcea the. heart grt fonder, so I've been told so mayl wi- w.ll hntd a dearer spot In i readers heart after this; See! Mr M. O. 8'aroton. of Plnesvll held services at 8ln?Ietoa's SnbdJ There was quite a crowd out to he I him. red ihey seemed to onjoy 1 [oeyooit fee i Mine Ltaale Harlson spent Sett dr . t 111' a| i ritmday srtth Miss C. tie Singleton i Mevi t.-r? p?ele and Alfr | Bobdrai.i el Macedonia, attend ch'.trh J .rleglrton's Sundn/. I Mr red Mrs. John Mitchell, plnevll a, epent Sunday at Mr. B. j some of rCr snorts U?0 nxpootl to attend 'he xevst entertnlnraant JABOIJMA, THURSDAY AFTHRNOON. ight and Tomorro STUNG! CRACKV ! A "~1 ole parlor aaif" r fo?.* 3.50 V I' MANpvi setr IRNlTOftfe., <=og ^ j ??K) ^ RSAi ESPON0ENTS = RESTING NEWS: Mtse Laura Bodges. of Old Ford, ^ spout a few day* Vlth ber sister, Mrs. J. Wesley Woolferd. Inst week. Mr. Green rfgleton and sister, I Miss Parthenlai were the guest of b , Mr. 8. 'L WlllKrd and family Sun- b No, PlnetowiL* we haven't giving ^ you the forevewfareweil, as you see n , we have coaiflKck once again, and n will try to mB-odcs a week after . : Mr. Jodie Kgberson and teacher, Ml88 Bullock, of Carolina Institute. , were the gud*;ef liise Myrtle Wll- u . lard 8an?a&;. tl Some of our young people attend- t ?d the partr ?t.Swaiaalaod Saterday n night. u For the first time In quite awhile . we are ires irom any sickdobs in our _ neighborhood, which we are very glad L . to ?ay. * Hogkltllng is the order of the day 1 now. [ Preparing for Xdm will keep us ! busy next week. Hoping yon all a merry Xmass and a happy New r Year. j We hear the wedding bell* are to ring not far away ere the New Year c 1 dawns. Somebody will be heart C y broken, but boys jnake the beat of it 4 you can. It could be worse. c d The party was quite a success Frl- ( r day night, and the teacher feels e grateful for the aid all renedered in ( ? *? t Jake, which do . you hellere In, pa- ( lt tronlalng things at home or abroad? t 0 "Doesn't charity begin at home?" f m Ahy way that Is what the good 5 ^ book says. , 4 Messrs. Snodie and JqjJie Harding. , r. I Buck JUid Nellie Qatlln. of Vanfce^ Iboro, spent Wednesday and Thurs* (day with Miss Znla Wlllard. They M all called to see Misses Annie Hodges ? land Lticie Woolard Wednesday night. J Some or our young men gat worrled with the girls and take their fa spite on their team, but boys your Qf time will come yet. Lg GELBAD. a. Mrs. Nancy Galloway baa been quite ill of malarial fever. L; J. Bishop went to Aurora Friday afternoon, a, J O. Latham, of Belhavdn, is here to Tloitlng hi. olator, Mr*. Nun Oallowny. '? J. wS Utkun. J. B. Qlturd and ho Nn Walter Tyson. *f Blount'* h* Ctook. wero ho Sunday. | C K. Cutler, who hu boon unit* Is, sick. Is up again, ty. I W. O. Touts., l>. la HU1, and O. B. ar B. On tier wont to tho randuo at ChocIX owtnlty Cross Roads. Saturday." - . A B. Touts, returned trom Richir mond, Va.. Saturday. <1 ?t- Brmgaw. roo saw 1 am brooking a now mulo. Well, 1 didn't know It, ?a but If I am, I am coin* to uot him AILY Dscaam it, mi. w?Cooler ii TXT?|crietR-uP? I Ain't the y lotw ontnw MRS KLAPP NO BETTER. Mr*. C. M. Klapp. who ha* been idisposed for the laat three week*, i liitt ahntif Ihn >?mm Rha hnlila han " wn wall but Mams to have a bard ght before her. Her friends wish er a speedy recovery. c OLDEST BUSINESS MAN. Mr. Isaac Buck Is now oelebrating r Ls thirty-flfth year in the market r usiness In Washington and also en>ys the distinction of being the old- v it citizen here now in active busless. His many friends wish him isny more happy and Joyous returns. DHRI8TMA8 ENTERTAINMENTS. [ E The different Sunday schools of ? ie city are now making prepare- ? ons for their annual Christmas entrtalnmenU and the pupils of the J sspectlve sCHAols are anticipating I lem with great pleasure. ML RODMAN RECEIVING CONGRATULATIONS DAILY Major Wiley C. Rodman, who was ecently elected Colonel of the Second i forth Carolina Infantry, National ' tuard, in succession to Colonel H. 1 ihurchlll Bragaw. who resigned, is ] lally receiving congratulations from j ill parts of North Carolina over his Jectlon to this hlgji and responstbla raaltlon. Colonel Rodman will fill i he position with credit nut only to Le guard, but the State as well. His (election ls one that carries with it reward for faithful service. Under his fupSrvislon the second regiment will make great progress for h? knows military rules and tactics from A to f | - V EXPECTED FRIDAY. The Washington Horse Exchange Company expect a carload of horses and a car load of mules from Western markets tomorrow from 8t. Louis by express. FIXE SERVICE. The prayer meeting service at the First Methodist church last evening was highly enjoyed. Beginning with the service last night the Acts .of the apostles vrlU be studied. bkixo tcMn nthm. 'i he Oyster Canning Factory building Is being torn dewn. It looks as If the owners of the plant will not | open their plant here anymore. This is to be regretted. NO PRAYER MEETING. There will be no NioholsonviUe prayer meetiag held on tomorrow evening. It has been decided by those Lb charge to dispense with his usual weekly meeting until after the hMElhhwa til-i-lil. - ' -sH** practically oohiplbiia). The concrete floor betas nlaced IX vviiviww uvva --'"R ; V ILfllll aLU IIL |VV1II I I 111 I In | ^1 III INSEIF DEFENSE Greensboro, N. C. Dec. 19.?the tat? rested Its case against William 1 K Blair for the murder of Ooo. O. < *hompson, former Southern Rail war 1 lvlslon freight agent, today and In he afternoon the defense called j Hair to the stand In his own behalf, i n a recital which consumed three l ours the witness described the loci- ; lenta surrounding Thompson's visit ; o his home, by invitation of Blair, ; nd the codversation which culmimted in aa attempt by Thompson to i trange him because he threatened o report Thompson for alleged false eports unless he rescinded his order llsmlssinjc Blair as chief clerk in the ' relght office. i "When 1 told Thompson that an- i ess he treated me fairly In the mat- i er I would lay the entire matter be- i ore a superior official he lunged at ne. threatening: 'D? you. I will till you.' His face had an expression if death and there was a glare to Ma < lye like that of a wild man. Thomson lunged and strnck at me and 1 re- i rested, seising the pistol as 1 pass , >d through the library. 'D? the plsol,' shouted Thompson, and again he i ushed me. 1 fired and continued to i etreat. With the second shot he i elted my throat and was choking ne. I emptied my pistol and struck ; tim with It being he fell. I believed : f 1 did not shoot he would kill i ae.w During thl? recital Blair came : rom the witness stand and In a high- 1 he jury the position of the pistol and o-enacted iDe manner in wnicn ne , etreated before Thompson. The defense will close tomorrow. It ; iras announced. < CONDITION ABOUT THK SAME. The condition of Mrs. T. W. Philips remains about the same today. , Ihe has been critically ill for the last two weeks at her home on West to*- nd street. mmm FOR XISFI The Washington Public Schools rill close for the holidays tomorrow ind will open again on Monday January C. Several of the grades have pre-' pared attractive exercises to take place tomorrow. The first exercise will be in the kindergarten department. This is scheduled to take place at 9:30 o'clock. The other grades will have their Christmas exercises between 13 and 1 o'clock. Anyone in the city desirous of witnessing these LIGHTS REMOVED. Due to an inability of thfeCity Aldermen and the Boar dof County Commissioners to agree the electric lights which have displayed on the county bridge for the past several months bavs been discontinued. The in vogue. It la to be hoped that the lights all way across the bridge will be resestablished at no distant day. They not only add much to the attractiveness of this popular thoroughfare but enable pedestrians to see their way without difficulty in crossing. RECORDER'S COURT. There was oply one case before Recorder W. B. Wlndley at the City Hall yesterday. Clem Morris, white was Indicted for forgery. He wai adjudged guilty and bound over ti the next term of Beaufort County So perior Court. WBbOOMB VISITOR. Mr. Fred P. Latham, of Belhaveu N. C.. arrived la the city this morn lag via the Norfolk Southern. Mi Latham ts one of Beaufort County* popular citizens and a warm weleom< la always his in WashfhgMv,;: ^KB J JJ3T-1-'- / ' \ 'yi- tuti I W |ll. 1 I Loodoa. Dec. ?t>?Mm. WkiUlaw I Raid bu decided to accept ttia afT | ?f a British warship to courej Jpn ; body of her Ute husband Ml ' United States. The arran^|i?fe sill be completed between the^jp. J lab Foreign Office and the AmarioMr . ' State Department. Hundreds of applications have been received bwtf prominent persona for seats la Westminster Abbey for the memorial nsnviae In memory of the late aisbsa tador, which la to take place PrUvr. ; Hearty tributes were paid to the late United States Ambassador * Wbltelaw Held at a large meeting ^ today of the American Society, ptanjr;.'.4 appreciative speeches were made and resolutions were adopted paying re- * ipact to bla memory and expressing ' * lympathy with is family. The president of the gathering, Walter Blackman. said that no name would take a higher place than that of White law Reid In the long list of Illustrious ambassadors sent from 1 the United States to the court of St. James. Consul General John L. Griffith spoke eloauently of Wbitelmw Re4d u a powerful _bond of union betweaa j the United States and Qroat Brttala. I Several other speeches also were 1 made by prominent Americans In J London eulogizing the dead ambassador. A resolution of sympathy with Mrs. Whltelaw Reld and of appreciation of the late ambassador's character and public aervloe #as passed to- *jj day by the London Luncheon Oleh. which la composed of representative business and professional men sad of which Mr. Rold was the only hea- 1 orary member. MAKING IMPROVEMENTS. A concrete platform has been plec- ?j od in front of the E. Peterson Ommpany wholesale grovery ou West **: Main street. It Is a decided Improvement. -jM MUCK I If; OPEN Ml I exercises is at perfect liberty to hepresent, lira. W. R. Brlght'a gradewill donate auitable gifts to the la- '-.jJ mates of the County Home. Tfcer will go vis automobiles to the coaalar ^ institution and the members of her grade are anticipating this one arte* \ with a great deal of pleasure. The Dilly Newa wishes every student ef the city schools a happy Christmas and they deserve It for they have J done excellent work so far this aa?slon. ?TBEATRE A SECU I ON LAST EVENMC The attraction at the Lyric Theater . .9 'last night was highly enjoyed ny the large crowd present. The pictures were Interesting and laughable had ,d too, instructive. Manager Sparrow j Is making this after-supper place of amusement a mecca for pleasure | seekers. The show last night was o*e of the best shown at the Lyrla Cur jH sometime. ATTRACTIVE WINDOW. Mr. Mitchell, the decorator at the Harris Hardware Company, has again demonstrated hia ability as a window doco rut or. The display windows at this well-known place of buslnsas have been much admired for the past two days by pedestrians. He is certainly an expert in bis line of work. Mr Motchel has also decorated sev| eral display windows for the holidays I which goes to show his worth in this jl SIDEWALK COMPLETED.. 1 k ' the concrete sidewalk In fVoht at a the publle budding has been cotapleted and adda much to the attraa j tlvenesa of the structure. v -SM Cotton Sons. ?M. L

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