ijpfianded. The committee appointed br MlL. C Warren, chairman, pursuant to the tesolntioas ndoptel at the last Democratic County Convention, met on December 13th, 1911. to consider an dsuggest amendment* to tbo acta ^ creating the Recorder's Court4 In'the Washington, Belha*?#?"aad Aurora districts. A. quo ram of the appointees being present, the committee organized by electing Mr. A. D.' Mac14>n a. ch*lm.n .ml Mr. L. M. Scott, aa secretary or the meeting. Tbo general pnrpoeo of the meeting was stated to be to consider. <1> The salaries to be p \id the I (reorders and Clerks ot said courts: ,lli The revision ad redaction of I ccms and fese la said courts; and .3) Tho guarantee of trial b> '.nrr In said court u-hrn dcmande-1 by tup person indicted? " 'th.^ i committee was that these three fes\ teres should be etnbodled in amendments to the acts creating said courts upon motion duly seconded the following resolutions were adopted: Resolved. That the Senators from this district and the Representatives from Beaufort County he requested te Introduce bills amending the acta mating the Recorders' Courts for tbo Washington. Belharen and Aui :ra districts in substantially the following form: (1) "The Oeneral Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Section , Ofte: That section eight of chapter 74. public local lawe of 1921, entitled. "An Act to establish a special Br criminal oonrt In tho City of Washf: ? 1 iqgton and In Washington Township, ljong Acre Township and Chooowlnlty Township, otc., etc., ha and. the tamo hereby la raapoalod and said wjeKht act la farther amended by adding thereto the following: Section Two: Th? RprnrHor nf Raid court. In lion of all ?thor fees and costs, shall .receive a salary of seres tjflve dollars per month, and the olerk of die said court, In Hen V of all other costs and fees, shall receive a salary of twenty-flro dollars per month, which salaries shall be payable mopthjy by the Treasurer Oil Beaufort County at the same time and In the same manner as now prescribed for payment of the salaries of eonnty officers. Whenever a sub, rtitute Hecorder or Deputy Clor* shall be appointed and serve ln place of ibo regular Recorder, or clerk ol said rQart, he shall be entitled to th? aalan Of such Recorder or clerk, re pectin iy. during the time engaged fljhd the fame shall be dedutoed front RffftvjM U|e rnoaithly salary payable to suet Recorder or Clerk, .Section Three: The costs tsxahh iA sale} Recorder's Oourt shall be th< same as are now taxable In a Jus tlce's Court for aU cases of^ which i j odiiuc ui iuo r?KD wouia nave final Jurisdiction. that in (6 nr. thi coats la the Recorder's 'Court foi casee which may now be tried by I : .. Jaatica of the Peace, or which boro t afore were triable by tha Mayor'i Court, thajl be the- same aa era noa prescribed by layy la Juatlce'e Oohrts: and In all other canes triable "by til said Recorder, the coats shall'be th, same aa la the Buperlor Court, fe cept that a fee of one dollnr shall bi tamed fdr trial and lodgment upor each defendant oohyleted. .ohoylder that In all 'caaei before the Reeordei witnesses and Inrora shall each hi entitled Id fifty eenta per day "am mileage, hot only two witnesses ti sepport of any material fact shall b, allowed to tile. Erery d-fendan oonrtctsd nod adjudged guilty b: ..Id court. Or who plaad? guilt: court shall eol'-et all coatB and^One lines tmtnwM and collected durim each nreeed'p* month, either wit' the Ro?rd of C'luimissinners o Denttfort Oonery. or with the 01-r ? be Re uC ?d and ial-by Jury When Ij V. . . ?? floes imposed, with a minute of the proceedings and of the Judgment of thg court in each case, which record or docket shall be open to inspection at all times. All costs and fines so imposed and collected shall to payable >r?ekly by .the clerk of said court to ibe Treasurer of Boaurort County, who shall credit the saao to the gen'' era! county fund, but the fines so collected shall bo held by tho said Treasurer for the purposes now prescribed by 1 iw.tr- ft} U . fotioa jfoui In eyery case of which the Recorder way bare final Juiladlctlon, the defendant, upon demand therefor, shall be entitled to a trial by Jury, but before making such demand the defendant tttlfst baro ploaded "not guilty" toths warrant 0..-K1 I* The procedure in the ' MMffl .Coift upon demand for a Jury, as a forbid, shall ho the same, as nearly as nhsjKAe, as Is now provided by law for a Jury In Justice's Courts | and the costs taxable against the defendant therefor shall be the same as In Justice's Courts, except that in all cases of w^xlch a Justice of the Peace would harp Jurisdiction, the Jury^ shall be drawn from the Towpshlp in which the alleged offffnco was committed, and In ail &her cases an eqnsl number ot~ Jurors shall bo drawn from Washlurton. I^org Aero and Chocowinlty Townshlos, hut this requirement shall not apply to talee~mM** jwbpf piay be snmmouwl from the bystanders, or ?a the court fnay direct, to make up the Jurr 18 the reynlar panel be exhausted. The costs for a Jury , In the Recorder's Court shall be the same ss In a Justice's Court, except that Jurors shall ?rh receive fifty cents ner d?v and milesae: and'In esse of conviction. ' the defendant, "hall he taxed with a i tn^y tax of three dollars, which sum I Shall be deposited when demand for. ; a Jnrrli made. I 8eet*on F'ce; The "Board of CommJaafonera of be*mfort County mav. i at ai?T Interval of a?x monthc J*<)hh i and after Jn?e 1. 11?13. reduce the : month!* aalarv n?c?b1e to Mid ReI corder or to ea'd Clerk. if the or. n?e?? of ro?*H>irt'n(r the a*>d com* : ?h*t? he fn?nd to recced the coeta - and fe?a collected therefrom. Beet ion Btx: Bald Board of Co?Or > ty Commtaalonera may, at -any wrat lar meetloa. annotot a aubatftate ? Recorder and*a Deauty Clerk to * eretaea the function* and nerf.irm the . of the recti lar Recorder'and 1 Clerk, reanertlraty. fa eaaa of his or 1 their ahaence or #?*Mllty. Reet?oh Re cm: Thin Act ahail be 1 In force from and after Ita ratlBca* t'on. and any act or nm-rteloa 1n con" aict herewith la hereby renealed In I an , as mail Mnfllal mav i IIia said ewnvi ee ft# prdreedlnys ?# herein nesecv'bed." ,(? "The General Assembly of North Caroline do onset: Section One: Thot section flveof chapter 7rt." public l*Wi of loos,Entitled 'An Act to create a ft^orajsrra r<555E$per6B5LoZ BelhaWn-aml Pantcgo Township, etc.' be and the! ante hereby la repealed. . Section Two: That sa|d Recorder shall exercise' thccfunctiona and pexform the duties of Recorded, as well ?? of Clerh ofjpald Oenrt anshall receive. In Uen of aU othor ftes and costs, the ism of thirty-five dollars per month, parable monthly by the Treasurer of Beaufort County at the same time and In the same manner as prescribed for payment of salaries to county officers, provided that at any Interval of six months fr'rtm and after June 1st. 1918, the Board of Commissioners of said county may reduce the said salary If It be foond that the axpense of condncflnf the said court si needs the teea and costs J collected therefrom. ' Mill i iiii /r\ CONGRESS TAKt IMp| .UNTIL lively maneuvers marked*" the cuoenro bckneh op ses- of SION?TAFT8 MESSAGE WAIT- ??? . ~ . * : ret! bd. . froi ciai Washington, Doc. II.?Congress ^ve adjourned for tho Christmas holi- ate days yesterday after some lively 3ior maneuvers to get President Tail's to j message into the record, secure ac- wh' tion on the ynaidvt'a recent appoint- 8P? | Archball impeachment trial to the point where they may be disposed of nr early in January. The house was |([ 1 unable to get a quorum and adjourned after a 17 minute aeBSlon without even having received the President's i message. | The message waited for four hours l to secure entrance Into the Senate, the When that body convened at noon mo | the Republican senators asked for hot immediate consideration again of ton I their demand for an executive sea- to aion to take up appointments. Tbr Democrats consented to the plan and a< nntll tne impeachment trial automat- mu Ically took the: floor at 1:30 o'clock attl the 8enate fought over the filling of presidential offloes. with the debate carried on behind tightly closed IIfl doors. It was not until the impeach ment court adjourned about 4 o'clock ;T that the President's-message was rooelved and read. Both houses of Congress adjourn- ' ed to meet on Thursday. January 3. The 8enate sitting as a court of 4xn ?. peachment will reconvene Friday q January 8. The house money trust ? committee, winding up Its session ?UI with J. P. Morgan at 3:30 adjourned tn? until 3 o'clock. Monday. January ?. Practically all bualness. of Congress ' will etand In abeyance throughout e the holidays' and a majority of the er membefh of both houses will leave n I Washington for the vacation. aja I Tlia Oak a lint nnn an. polntment, that of John H. Brown, 4 poetmaater at Concord, S. H? In ti^ta^ttd^half W^WMilT, d?- ___ whoee term as Interestntereobimoice comnlHjonsr axptrea, December II. 00 Senator Hoke Smith, acting fojjuany tbf Democrats, offered a resolution tbr w< the epaflnnatton ef army and nary appointments, but the Rspnblloan teuton loatited on starting at the head ot the Hit for the eoeal deration w< of postmasters. ?o Objections by Senator Hitchcock, Democrat, that the poatolHoe appoint- ? menu had not received consideration f" bir tho fnll mombenhlp of the pom- *" office commute, drew the dectarattea by the full membership ot the postofflce committee, drew the dectratloh from Senator Lodre that. If this point was forced. H woeld be ambarra sains throughout the adinlnlstralion of Wood row Wilson Senator ,n Lodca declared that tho annate had B ^ I V ' I l sir \ nJs^\ TV*^* :s RECESS AFTER XMAS sot to show in previous change* administrations the senate always Armed the appointments of the ring presidents, met a sharp reply nt Senator H6ke Smith. He deed that Pfgjjdeut Taft hrd sent r 1.S00 appointments to the sep during three weeks of this scsi, while PrafMent Cleveland sent but 40a appointments during the >le three mdhthe ot the lift ConCULAR SERVICES AT - FIRST BAmsrCHURGB There will he m.uIm aorvlnu in Flrat Baptist church Sunday riling and evening at the uaual ir?. The pastor. Rer. H. P. Dal. gives a cordial Invitation to all be present. Sunday school will st at the usual hour. 9:JO.o'clock. P. Willis, b upe tin ten dent. Good ale at both services and polite and Wtlvo ushers. All welcome. ItlDAY ROSE NOW ON . IN RESPECTIYE STORES Washington today is crowded with fcpeetive Christmas purchasers, m street looks as if it were akin Broadway, judging by the large Bber of visitors on the street. Ail stores are today being thronged h spectators and bargain banters a Daily News has already given i visitors an insight of 'what was o and they are rushing to tbd city ajfreqwanos.'' '* from now until Xmas morning the to rent places of business will be ed to their utmost. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS. Iftrfftw ??f Y|T|L*W Hudnell LUHeton Female liege to spend the holiday* with At mother. Mrs. L. B. Hadnell. on let Second street. rhe condition of Mr. ft. D. Walls, 0 is crtically n ut his home on ist Third street. Is reported to be better today.- r 'hristmas Song St First Pr Thar, will be aerrtoea u unuel t?Itrrow at 11 a. m. asd T:tn p. m. the moraine tba paator. Key. rt. Searlght, will praaeh on t Tim iy *.'1?. "Ood Maalfaet la the ink." There Will ha no narmoa at night 1 elaborate muatoal program will rendered laataad. Including a rlatmaa caataU. called "Prophecy ' r-Mll?t,- being the atary ef rl.t'e ad rent aet to aecred tnu.lc . choir. .Minted by a large thorn., re boon practicing this hcsutlful 3 w--Cooler v PPY | | mop millu onrivo ?r mm nunn arana ?i TIE CKMN CHURCH The usual services will be held at the Christian ehurch tomorrow morning and evening at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Bible school meets, promptly at 10 o'clock, A. P. Ourg&nus superintendent. The pastor. Rev. R. V. Hope, will preacji at the morning hour. On Sunday evening at 7:30 b'dock, Miss Etta Nonn, corresponding secretary of the C. W. B. M. will apeak. Miss Nnnn la a very attractive and. Interesting speaker and all who hear hey will be amply repaid All"*,. cardiall, knritfd to be pro*, ent. INTERESTiNC SERVICES AT ST. PETERS TOMORROW There will be morning prayer and a sermon by the rector and at this service the sacrament of Holy Baptism will be administered. The Sunday school and the Bible class will meet at S p. m. At night, at 7*30, the Rev. John R. Matthews will preach hnd the Holy Communion will be administered. To any and all of these services, the public generally, are invited. OFFICERS RAID STILL ONJHOCOWINITY Two hundred gallons of beer, fifteen empty barrels and a still pat oat of commission near the heed of Cbocowlnlty Creek, was accomplish, ed by revenue officers yesterday. Deputy Collector C. C. Pagan, Deputy Collector M. L. Wood and Deputy Marshal J. A. Potter made the raid. They found the still near the head of Chocowinlty Crock and without ceremony proceeded to destroy the plant. They sucoeded In capturing about 200 gallons of beer. The still proper had her-i pulled up and carried elsewhere before the revenue officer* reached the scene. . HOLDING HER OWN. The latest news from the bedside of Mrs. T. W. Phillips Is that she U holding her own. Mrs. Phillips hsi been in a precarious condition for the past se-reral weeks and her condition has glees- be rfrlonds much concern. # 11 1 ervfce at esbyterian Church ' t ' composition tor Moors) orooka, sot It promises to bo ono of us bosi mnolcsl sttrsctlona ooor rood-rod it Washington. TJio other hymns sot ports ot the^perrlre will ho In keep, lag alth the occasion. Hsrk Herait Angela Slog, Holy Night and It Cam< Upon s Mld-Nlght Clear. An offering mill bo teksa at tb< evening somes for tbo organ (sad Sunday school at ? p. m. Visitor, sad trSTOllag men an heartily wet ?* * p| 'iTrfiiiy r?-" iPSrxirfc MI FOR W mm~ KQUCUILTY SflYS JURY Greensboro, N. C., Dec. 21.?Th? Jury In the case of Wa. F. Blair charged with the murder of Qeo. G Thompson, former division freight agent of the Southern Railway, re turned a verdict of not guilty yestarda?. ' Blair had been employed in Thomi son's office and his defense was that he shot Thompson In self-defense. AIL INVITED TO ATTEND Iff. E. CHURCH SUNDAY Interesting services are scheduled for the First Methodist church to* morrow both morning and evening, The pastor^ Rev. R. H. Broom, is tc speak at both hourti The subject ol his morning sermon wll be "Living Epistle," and at night the topic will be "Christmas." Good music la promised. Sunday school will meet at the usual hour, E. R. Mlxon, superintendent. All strangers in the city have a warm and cordial welcome to attend any and all rcrrlces. KISS BROWN A REISER OF THE COMMITTEE / , It will doubtless he interesting news to the many friends of Miai Emily Brown, of Chocowlnlly. whe iMlUUng Iht Meg?.oJ Oratory. Boston. Mass.. to tearn that she was a member of the committer which staged the original musica farce, "When Pat Comes Home.' This was presented by the fieshmat class snd proved to bo the cMmax 01 the season so far as the college ii concerned. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS. Misses Edith and Sue 3room daughters of Rev. and Mrs. R. 11 Broom, are home from Littleton Fe male College to spend the Ctaritmsa1 . holidays. They were accompanied by their school mates, Miss Ira Shav ender of Pantego, and Miss Clan Jackson of Plnetown. COMPETEXT TEACHER. Miss Elizabeth Bright arrived las evening from Monnt Airy, N. C. where she is one of the teachers ii the public schools of that town Mia . Bright Is one of the best lnstructon for her age In the state and he: ' many friends are glad to know tha . she is making good In her new home 8ho la a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W , R. Bright. GONE TO FAYETEVH.LE. Mr. George VanLoom has gone t< I Fayettovlllo, N, C., to be at the bed side of hit sister's daughter, who 1 critically ill. He wiU also spent : Christmas there. M QUITE HICK. Tho numerous friends of Mis Mary Cutler will regret to learn o her tndtsposltlon at her home on Eas Second street. Miss Cutler la one o {the popular clerks at the firm o ' Bowers-Lewis Company. All wlsl 1 her a speedy recovery to health. . PTTBLIC LIBRARY TO CLOBB." The Public Library will not b open either Christmas eve or Christi maa Day. Patron? of the library wll govern themselves accordingly. HOME FOR HOLIDAYS. All the young ladles ami youn men frofn the respective colleges l| the atrfte arh dally arriving to spen] the holidays with their reepectM 1 parents. FRF.K, BEAUTIFUL ART CALEN der. Whrth 25 cents white the last; to all who spend as much a! 11.00 cash. 1 have a fell lint of frelts, nuts, etc. A large assort meat of oandlea. Also roll lln< groceries. Including Ooldmedaj Fleer aad old-time mess pork 1 Here la where the workman'i ?| wages go farther. 1. B. Adams I Phone ft. 11-10-11 HOitiffflffifi vs i < ?, . -v ' * iNTIONED H ILSON CABINET 1 ( SENATOR OVERMAN L'KGKtft JOHKPHUH DANTKJLH FOR A PORT- 9 FOUO. Washington, Dec. .?!*?"1 tond' J Governor Wilson * good listener and J, a poor talker." said Senator Overman, of North Carolina, who returned yesterday from Trenton with the expressed hope that Joseph us Dan- r\ iels, of. North Carolina, would Ik given the Postmaster Generalship In. 'iwB the new Cabinet. , Senator Overman Bald he received ; :?jj I 90 promises from Governor Wilson ? bnt that he believed Mr. DanMa would bo brought into the Cabinet. j Many, Senators and members of the House ore expected tovisit Governor &9 Wilson 'during the holidays. Most L of theln are keeping their plans se- fM cret. however, and will slip ever to .-"<9 New Jersey with as little publicity as possible. Senator Hoke Smith, of Goorgia, ',^1 and Gore, of Oklahoma, ure two Democrats who will visit tho Presldent-elect within a few days. Cabinet dlscnssion has brought a number of members of both housea 4 into the range of possible secretaryships since the return of Governor !tjl Wilson. These include Representatives Pn- ..a -jflerwood, Burleson and Henry: Benj ators O'Gorman. Hoke Smith. Gore ' JS I and others. All of these men. and many other t leaders will probably discuss the Incoming administration's affairs with the President-elect before New Year's J OPPORTUNITY Opportunity is a Homo, thing?not a nothing; also | something Real?not a phanAnd, too, Opportunity is an ' >jj Ever-present?here today and ? here tomorrow. By momrnts, > hours, days, weeks, months,? 4. yafljw.- eh*, hoveit|> t seen and unheard?exxmas ! her Spirit is jell a mi?seized/ I Then it is that the man moves?catches her mcani ing?and fcclinq couraqcou* " " f ly, grasps at her call and her ? message and moulds it into deeds. Opportunity is the hand of progress to the alert, and the "handwriting on the wall" of failure, to the groggy and the slothful. For of all mcssenr gers of light she?Opportun- "S j * ity?is the one most patient, ' 'S ' most fair, most just and most considerate. , Opportunity is no rcspeetor of persons or of seasons. She is ever on the job and she ever waits and waits and waits. t The man may fall forever asleep ? but Opportunity? At this actual mi nut: she J| - our off arte have not been In rein. . That our work will bear oat our lee- J print rnaur generatlone to come. We ji thank poo. And hope to ehare a "j I good portion at poor trade In the- '& ? pear 111*. ;r|., 'f\"' 'V