a tv' --A u. % ''V'-" ;. "iv -4j8B<B&'v'.- ? v -- - ,. yfr ||.vj|v -., ?j Uwtne hi Uq ywafaywmfjr th? gyby. Wrian efcurota. Tlja fol^Alo^ >i ? fr S-progr*?.**.-^ ftoabyurW pouterI encci OS SranKvtlBin and th?? pUHon ana***" campaign qf Iko.l'reebrterlan church 1. the United Watery, . .... ' -? Che wignUUHi IB <tg.eo Wtteyeq: 7:40^1o^ijUlioii of Uaatrrrac* vq^kAt jirrfi^fflrnj r.r?? ?r?. ceilaol-to Kruphajfzc ErnagoHitlo "" *'7 Campaign! ftcr, rfto. .Mhfr'idl. XIbemarle, 3:434: 1& Address'.. cjOKg-ated l'nn?u'nn?. W. C, gmllh. H'f!ib:ond. WBP^yiiSryf * IT, * j 9:20?Announcements. flenedifc* ticn. A ConfeNmc^ on fByangollani. B?;.' 9:30-9:4??Song 8?rvico. Prayer. HE'. ,V 9!40-10:It ? Conference Our dim Presbytery, with Report of Stat(sties Committee on GrangoUsin, Dr* v 10:10-10:30 ?Bible Study cn PdlBon*1 Work,*R0T. 1 E UattM.r 10:30-10:35?Song, all standing. Ef WlfrTra^'rflMiwn ? E ma aw ME III v J Newport NewarVa.,Eight -; 'lli 1^-1" Bur^lTOT? of the American frelgbte* Julia Lui'huuiiuLli. laiiiiilM ??? eueh In Checapoako Bay early Friday by the British tramp Inciralca&la, ntrlvcd here Saturday and told how 20 of-- their number had goae down with the ehlp without 4t chance A?r lilo. % . ' Half-era zed J?7 b*8 terrible Qght for life and by ibo'remembrancer el; : the awtal tragedy tbrouch vhichihc f. f ' t ~Tjadpaa?ed7 First * Oflleer Haiti at first iia'd that 23 persons hnd.gono down with the but subsoquently If was learned that /tbotg were only 28 persona in all on board,including the crippled wife ebCaptoln Gilt rj. - --7 ' ?y.il !?". -vport Mows. Va., JanjG.?Elsht aureiTQiyB of the- Julian tjuafcenbach. ?? aaataaed nnil win If In r.hnr.ggrnvfl sgZastai&im and toTd bow 22 fit the If fcumbpr hnd Konc down \plthont g^hance for life, WiV ~The fortunate eight of the craw were ? takdn frctn the rlggltflT OT thtfrSTTfn: 1 on iiblp by the? Danish ateamer ' i * f aytjahla .aifc brovi^ bye. J]i Tfxo hnc"zerb?Ah. -trfrm Fort.<Tv?fc pr*vto ^rmcior^, K whA.tb icdaaknalg-faujAt h<:r and, to* r jiaetlcrfTly iafof<ff**rfrti< V*$SS neu- or cf^rtr had a chance- for IT" Tbadly '4*m*pad -:5v* entity d'f PVy ot tdnk'|ts. draw of P S3L' and beach-<d m anvg herself. q*Pf^p' Gilbert cf ^ not ,re*r? ih?"i at nrat boon*. of i'f tlim<m? ??? f tot ,man a unanT?a ful .tte-n-a "t* Unas'ataVa >.* J tho *tr.-rr.V-<T . "? an? tn.tj? bptmi . tHoJ war- ' 'an oB. nan nt a Whtn laVar . board tho Pernor.'; ??n!? or."a warn ili>epj>.clo*a nr.d bad \ fi> ho glran br'tat'd traatmont, . V Gilbert *.?'.b.o "rat and araond nOIf woo oo opportunity .la. .Id"to * iiflno* nun i inc Fiiui^nai [ T. <W. Phillips ptaacd PMwfttlly away at tor horn* at 5/aet Second atrax Saturday laorulwg M 11 o'etock. after * UngerlDf lllner. at I oveiy two tuonlhr pom Blight a dlaaaaa. Tha deccaaad ?u M mora at ?F??d Mn lit Waahlngton Jpitoty,' dthere t her early ton wore happll* agent: ghfl la Btirrived by hot* huabend and aer.ral atacaa kiMt , wpkm MM. t Pknilpa far ' ruta had Man a eoncmtent tsetabar ?t tbe , ChrlaUnn church and on* at that ^ cburch'e beat woikara tor yaare. ska - waa a woman betd tn tha Terr higheat eat rem by all'dkiMa and her iror teytt nnitemcup topiary J f , *nie lakt and rttw M thla good ?onjan wka fittingly ?ald ycsterdap atn ternoon when tfcV-ftherbl eemcea ware eokd tic ted from the Chrlatlao L church by the factor, Rery *. V. L Hope The Interment was In Oakdala B cemetery. At the church tha choir r pandered enftabla kelectiona among r (be number being JU4uartet: "Oar r lag Down the Vatlap." ? L The memhaiw of. the Weman'a 1 Christian Tenipaaanre union, o ( . which the ilcceaaM wta an bonornd I - member attcu.tcdtla a body. At the 6U. ***** ? ?*. '?'it* ^Wt**L *' Chr;^i?mT'^x -warn bai cariK meaorto'mo? 8?? ^NggaGf PMfamir^ an dhnacmg ? 2:30-3:40?gong aerrico. Prajw ,'jC40-2:#??'Wbat ato ?o doing? ; Roport ot StaVwii-a Co??rt(lw ? flniacei , ' ' 2: H-l-WiUwM Appoint Bonenrsnco Oomnrfttoe; Ei blblt every mem&ers qnojr^s. J., v 3-30-1.60?Bible Study* Off 8tow - ^^?**30?'T& 'membn canvass. QufestionMr6 On enroHr* rfetn bcr canvAsa Prar J: Iv'KeOailto: 4f30=f : <tJ?Signing tfl> ?>wj? mem bcr canvaPH pledge cdrds. ' A 4: 4tM:te<>? Collection fof confer enee dipSWe. benediction. CSopInir Daulon?Herond Evrnlbg. 7:30-7:40?Song aorylee. Prefer man Preaby ter I at Campaign Commit toe. H. B. Soaright. * 7:45-3:16?Addreaa, Tbe'Cburel at Work. Rov. J. W. Paiton, Dan Till*. Va. enc? exponaea. -&i40-8:S0-?Addreas, Llle 'bm Leadership, by Dr. W. J. Martltt. from ^eiegutes.. 9:10-9:20?Soason of prayer. Ad te'ntBilK iliii.eili' f After m'Mit mm * 1 1ER1GIN SHII those-below. . Captain Gilbert ruade i whnn Iff sean, im shimming fn the einklng 8hlp. ? First Officer's Story. / "I don'* kuow bow I escaped. At tcT tho nhlp went, down I found my Belf dangling In the rigging and thor ictaycd. Not a lifeboat was to b had, so quickly-did the Luckonbacl go flown. 1 never "buffered such tor t.tiro fumy Hf - My clothes wer torn to shreds by the high winds am the seas beat me almost into inscnsl billty. Too much canqot be raid ii praise of .the daring bravery display od by tho officers and crew of tb Pennsylvania who rescued o.s^ ?*; First Officer Hunt. ^ y: * Tlie Kuckenbadh" tic* Irt about 2: feet of water. . 4" One seaicun hurried upTOujtitick nnbsctt^etmrngi-stap as~nTty'Vgfr '**1?! ite? r' *$$$thc r,i In Cap stick" an <T tl-a& r.f* kor a mo menf. Then t\h taolahi.p lurched he funnel broke loose-arid "the 'rfeamni iwiS^Sg s UJffiMlS WlfiS f ' J-'-y.. : Tie Wastoe pull' Ip aeheet (op^nr d tlife Tnorninq :y.*HU .flbocf 3 Vffvr rnpfts In attendance. Tbis mpkke I?h$ totav ye*i- 82< ; *tW mkbrivqir r tt^jretovd. Th ,lnryoRt enrollment prior to today *ra Vren at fib on ape and not Ij^fend^e " 1 ?>WPOT RMTBRJ^). J* r. Ntf-totfr fwiMjivWtflftp'IV*ft expa^a* offrn yr*n entered, at Pti" ??. l*t we-i a?M T^l ofiaMM to jf'vp sum* later on as aoo . rum Powder v ljc durlwj.Ii . grave tnis organization ?/p?aea-?l 17 . The following acted as paH*besrr era: J. It. Woodall. A. U: Wilkinson, I P. P. Whitley, "W. U. MeDefett. W. D. Wcolard and 8. F. Freeman; JT ttaecet? bar ash?. ?i. /ft; .* - MR. WS L.nYRI tr? /ra atm-em *r >>ir ? U ,* - * Mr. Charles Fljrnn, secretary of JLho *" Washington Chamber of Commerce.returned Saturday from ?v*y Born, ^ whare ho attended the Municipal din^ nor given at the Gastcn Hotel op Friday night ljut. In giving an nc. count of tUo dinner the New Bern Journal rays: i One hundred and tweutydjiye people were guests,last night at the first' annual banquet. given. by the.Net? _ Cera'.Chamber of ?Conimarc^ at t?e L; OtatggfrHdifr- ;?&? hauQPCWgyot ht J" tiiQ- lobby of the hotel. When tpe signal;to proceed to the dining-room was given the guests filed up the Steps and .Into the. spacious room which hod been attractively deeorafc^ Ied fcr the occasion. During the evening, there was a feast of things, edible, things oruiorical.apd t.hlass musical. . Tho praises ad New Bern were ^ung loyally; to the ally in nl^ lis future ^enterprises was given hearty a Volelng. . . . ? I- Tboroomhad been darorated witS! s. sftdtod lidsrjr firm mars Tlin trhVfl t had been placad in four .rowp for the gucats who prere.nqt t? j>he program lo spoal: and fAclng theso was placed - {he table for the spcaju-ra. When e the luyocatiQn .had been pr^u-jun^ed e by Rev* B. *F, Jluske, rector of (^hrtet ti Episcopal church, tfcv assemblage ml dressed itself to th*'turJj^y, . cruae berry sauce and olhe.r-tUugJ. At the ti and of the repast I-rliC Cutler. Jr.. - president of tha Ct^njbw/of . Com. a m$rcc. ssosl and-in n tew.well chc n v word-woiPO)ncd the- \ v ?{t?. *J& *? Mlj. I. > 3 Feilowinc, J#r. wise, 5 Joajplnmrf>nn)e^, fta spafty oi.^o upriag* ajir.-l>?HV> r?.??}?V i:1 PJ-?r. - S?tS ihw^M >raa>i?i .otrSW; r -WT5. )H4g rtBUt snFemrrt r^fefer bravery and patriotic service a^yl - their later. Iji3U)ix of industrial r, titVwlh and pMgraslvoner*.. He dea ttlrldPSHt HWt Bftn daatfced .to' i>o one Vt tW ^fedS-st" dirt??oft t' ?" t*&,m Msrj Ssn^?!wr j, toi the efforts of the chamber p/ ^ Commerce. He ttjfrtd-ihu. abolishment 1/ Q# WQhricliihttim wi8 th'> oOrto&waiioia * (PlHfhrVftftfrflr 'tniO wld^l^8? dq'ne there was no roaso^ why***^ f&MWNNm ? 6?te. *? ) .d ??/<-? >.., I .Other diaUngnieheiXpcahera tvero e frtrhdnrca ui|?a? etc rartnr and WWftiltftrtWdr ,.!#?..?'? a> ji ', p | | ft* i!><7rq ! '< \.. fi I < ; ACCBT*! PO91T10W. Ho wm lormntf* .cop^olaA *Uh, tka d Ho?t Pang eOomtinw. M?..flnmuel I- Retll nnocetuM-Mr. Brnddf Uio laty tor* plo?fc-' *r> r*T*^' KT^fW1.* i- { ;,u ^ '* 0> franl+UlllW* v i? ^ jj * ! Mr G. W. PUunan nod ?lte. o? AnII [ot^ Nf C., wtre gaeet* at Hotel U?M? ?*nday. - -? > K. HOVT mi RHTLT, LADIEH' e. Tailored Coat &ulta at 1-t oiff dur, las aale beginning Jan. Stk. lto 'A ' r _ ?) . while process wrTdWit watehlnr Uo city 4ms Tsfrrtowo homes of William Rockefeller, tie Standard Oil millionaire, ths lnd?at!Mui are he la proeeedttg ts7ly <)^;a yacht toward Bermuda or oMAo ofhir port where congressional a<t|au> Hn. era bother not. Advices from fruUJgfth. ok. Fyitiay night sUted tgat Yhr vera much sought nil man. whodi the Pujo money committee wants to 'interview, left jokyl Island, six miles from a steam yacht for parts unknown, but believed to be Bermuda. * Mr. Hodteferidr andails wife. SLC-I GOs:panl(:d by WUliain?G.' RockefelWte. Mfc, ift"ij'rad-afr Jekyl Island about three weeka ago. , Tfauy jtpok cjfj? that -their arrival should not. ho hera! Jed'abroad and j a m?am to thut end did not oceu- ] ^^*?s|yhjyr, wflpL instead j ttiey went {o^the Sana^ouci apart- | tRdrtasr,"?^.'.v?; ?'? -j Ull'lnfsVi Yacht 'Sulla. * ] x Tho. yacht Van ad. I*-. ty. j C. K. G. DllUagB, of NetrYcrk. which ? Sad been anchored off ickyl for aov- i %MU:4a|k prior to the ^vparture or "< the Rockefeller party, left the ialand t waters simultaneously. .with the departure of the;Standard Oil man, but. i It i? net kaowa whetbea the imUpfpi'-a < yacht wan placed at the disposal o: t Mr. Rockefeller or whot-ber the latter left>the Ulead on a abcretly char- t tered vessel. ??~r -?n - i Mr. .BinInge loll the island several dare ago and departed from Druns- t wick by rail. , ? The Rockefeller ptrty^dld not f lea ye JekyI Island by w&-of Bruns- t wick, jvtxlch is tlie cuBtvuiry router "S The Island In Owned by 14)0 wealthy men. and Information tonceming tlie f movements of the touch-wanted to-o&ain foria (fe i^wjire winter I '*.&*????>r?R-e?'' ' p?rt yum* e<r ac*twjaipw fey Hiey were 1 ftiet by a prlmfrg bead fyem tUg Uland 4 and conveyed'thltlier wifirair possl- I b\jpvecy. I t InfOVmatlffc, tt?ai , reached The t "World lust 8i#fct (Coin local sourc*j? ! Was .to the effect ttiat Mr. Rooke- f relief had been i:i Qeoixla aiace l)cc.. J 19, ^nl that Dec. 3CT advffos-in this "! city Utatlng thnt the patfTywan to J leave( Johyl Island hastily fjaduary < ~ '*r .ry v | It tie known that WUliafo HotAte.cl- "] "Icr la Tarrytcr/n u;> to at en: Or- ~ faTlot-hs and thnl -in aril Mrn T?n-\-- j efllerjthen urent to the Adrtondnckf i on q jcamp'.iig trip for three weekn. ! The jjjthcn returned to Tarry town }j remaned there for about three reks, ! and proceeded south ward. f. |i Bi?TT8BE :, |i BUM ST- SEW BERF >.?i . 'fTl># TiTnw " . ^T6 , 'j. wmis win l it- iio^ufij 4|0ri ug for WastoiDgtcn, where hr ?U1 axhtimo the body of F. A. Dar I ddqtt,. arlip_.waa drowned _ near tba . tixlvi. more than & year 030*..and. iitl ; It .to New Uofa ;cr pcrraarcu safei 1 >cht7 The dcccascc cres r. member < : the Brldi; ' n caa.p of the Ici prt>v 1 I Order of Wccdnien of th Wpr and they will ertci a njoni; men over Irs[".ate. rAr th? tier? r' it1? fftth ie. identity t jsjIJ not b 1 fibta Isbed and tha re::.air.? wor Ihiei ! ;a id Ao ~po^tcf'3 3eld." It Bijfd 1 Kon lods? cadesvored to pur 1 -a totriu thu-ettm*u,.-y-but _ to do?so .end 'dcfcditf to br'.nt the 1 maiqs here. < . j Stfr: Masrnfc STTRVICKS AT P. PI{K:iRVTERlA .\ CHVBCT b services at First' Pre3bytorIar fchruj : 1 yesterday vf?Tt of unusual Ir tUpe . A,very large congrogillor was l resent ?.t the morning $our, an' refcn , ncd for the Holy Communion. . O i j now member was recetved <y prt>< i slon of faith and admitted int' the I ill fellowship of the church. ? _ ]" V. ? Ltillam W*oolard returneIhst ipht from Darlington, 8. C whe she has been visiting .hor aunt lira George Onslow. ! ?hhiW GRWnfE I/ONHDALK CAMKKir isKKtitaa? nrt1. 10 yards to OMtamcr. J J .?top? - w L'AfcT ?. l?lU. ^ morrow sun. IRI10N REHEHffiSEO ffi SUM SCtOBL ?:4$fesaaer?rr-* f > i. ? ^Yae^rday afternoon was a~ great occasion at 'the Ft rat Met&odtsf eburch Bun day school as pleasant fcUrprlscs were In etoro for some of fie officers and teachers, Aher the regular business of Tho ^nEjAint,' airy" r jr. Bland asose and read the following resolution* which werot adopted by ' the school without n dissenting voico. Mr. Mixon was taken completely by j ftnrpV^o and he radj^nded feelingly. Tho resolutions follow: We, tho undersigned officii and teacher* In the Sunday sehool of -the | Methodist Episcopal Church, South, , Washington, N. C., jfealra In some afrproprlateway to show our npprp clutlou of tho faithful, earnest* and untiring, efforts of our superintendent. Mr.. B. R. Mixon; Therefore, we rosotve: First. That 4 Mr. Mlxon's persistent efforts for the success of pur Sunday school deserve the?-highest - commendation.? and- ' praise, not only of tho Sunday school, but uf,th? entire ~tnenx bur ship of our church,as well.^ ^ J Second, Wo knew no.t only 1 gives of. his time , and thought to build up the Sunday scfcqol, but f:v- , auently snenda monuv in consider ible gums when he believes It will ' knowledge of most of our members. 1 iri[1 with tin hop<> pf tn-lrg rpi;j)|lpirs- ] id- For thus d6Tng eoblT'fu sucrut, tfti believe ho deserves to bo openly :ommended by this" public e\pr??s.;ion if his co-workers. Thlrdi That the Board of Stewards >f our church be jrpquestod to eauso 1 heso reaolutions to be spread upqn heir minutes. Fourth, Tlfat a set of t'uesa resolulo'ns to be spread upon their iniu- 1 lies. l Fourth, That a set of those resolu- 1 ions be neatly prlntod in puilt und 1 uitably framed, and that this copy ' 'rained. bo presented to Mr. Mlxon as J t Christmas Gitt'froiu the Sunday * let c til?I'lTHinnts ^tn?7 Fifth. That our newspaper.! fee re- 3 iuc-3ted to.public LS*C resolutions. \ oiiuvu. f O. i?. Bhttrth-CrO. MofrHi, IT P. c i*uckman. 8. OGarty' N. 0. **rsrtyo!d, J N. "M. Kear. V. K. JaOtflinon. J. B. Ptoais, Mr*. Maitle Gordon. Mrn fcj N*. j" 5. Ttoss; Miss Eunlco Qlbbc. Mlsr ,'clia Brldgmar. Miss Anulo Brldg?an, M^s Marl' (jbwoll, Miss Julia ayo. MUs Adeline- I4i*y E *?tie Buckinan, Miss Maud iPaux, Miss ^ Emily. Harris. MLse Ethel Kessing^r, iflss Ada' May AyeM, M1R3 I^utce * aucknau. ,1 r , teachers' ^Suft- ^ . -U'?y ScliooJ^Wash'agton, NrC. Uev. R. H. BroQji^ ?as1.dv# Through Mr. C. C. M-arris. the. wliiitH piynvpfl ir Hrr i " rimtf; leachrr^M.vm. Krx.r, -jO hnod1 . ?omc u^?. Fh'.la'-fcva^cUw? , present<dtaaTt teachrrmr V >" Kewki M.jprJtU a ?u5<1 watfb fpb. This ( or as presenter}.by'Mr, C. I'. Er.,nid. Mr.-r>rs. J. V. Buck to an cud ,C. F.I Blar.il were .Eiren .band vow clothes | brushes, testing the high etsoem In J. rhtrh rfiiQ jr arn iirtit by ttvypctipol. I Xh? ocrasioa carried witli xnacq-j ries that vrjU evej lin^ r. . R?ras * * c . '. 1 * *r 1 -?. 4< Beginning o? Wednesday of tin--}, week -Hrfg?wtrf -by n , ducted at St. *Sviphc?? a Sjjisouaal 1 ?her.M*ea; l>ci>yw. fcct. u. MulhwSi.! wfco cWjjl-litou 'h9 eUi|pr.s|l{ >f ihiepsty sepia,w^pk? uo v^lh.hci :n chargo." The - Mft'MM t. HI Ul.T . Israugh the wee:: and dr. :t)QC9 I.trccl. t'.'v. ' {$?&?.-!&ki?, v'KiV&ii . rcc/.Led eerxnous ci- jjf.' . fo lcrsc's tttwttWe rt>pgr?gft*.^-^-v?-Kevp. 11.' D.. 'if.loca of .Che... -iiiy utarc^ ewv*?i: 1 eg n .. !o in th.t com.. - fcTr-ihc;, '* % Mr. C. P. Aycock. of P^i-'f ro, prc-3-jj dont' nemi e^avllo SdlUty D&tyl-of (iij i . ulasionera, in hero " ding a'l ega.ar mcetit ' of the fco.nnt. Mr. a our Btmtfa'.hn -no^'nr. i *. &ftjt ?-* *->?i:y "? *** j' Mr. M M. rom?* 'o* Stokes hfn morning. where he ha? the con- * ract to cone?V?irt a boiM'ng for the tki. ?.fc VR WITJ.'tU'. y v > rtOV'fi beginning Jan. 8tk. 1. K. ^ . ... % *? I . 8HM | ... IWhh jii A i v*^il"|l|"i ' FH.mii iiwh 1 The nvoat enjoyable social function : or the holiday season was enjoyed at Edward High School building, Friday evening. December 20, 191*. Prompter at 7 o'clock, the doors J were thrown open and the vlsltonj were Invited Into thu auditorium, where a very good program was rondo red, which showed the skill oi the < pupils, as. well as of"tHo teachers, rho cuntatu. "Santa's Surprise," received 'muclF" praise, also Little . Mothers." v> t After the program rendered by the pupils. -L. H- ILedditt. with an ulonuent speech, introduced our prominent visitor. Hon. Frank H. Bryan. )f Washington, who delivered an odlref5S on education, a sketch of^whlch ie gl\'eh as follovTB: I Ladtes and OCPllomcn: ? 1 deeply I ippt-eciate the very kind and com-}' I pltinontary wordB "of~my friend.' MY:j lnsiMlll Lu Uis lataaWntttlaa MS 1 WosLean was Invited to come down ' here and make you fin nddrois and j had to ^forego^ the-ptBaspre- da ac- that ii Is quite an honor to be a sub* . ttltute for so gifted ? man. 1 Ji Indeed jr*J>fffatmro to uic to-jL >e hero among ivy owu people andj' rotr-ii.e iny uivii pt-ople. for*T1 was!' jorn at Bonnorion. only a few miles! "ro:n 1:ere and the happiest dnvs off ny ilfe were tpoai.In ..field and for.-j'1 r'. with dty< and ? in at rov grand! atFori. f1 It is a great pleasure to mo to sec1"? his scct'ou of th? county ad van-ring j ilong icdusirial ai.d intellectual! Ines You people of Edward are. o 0 be ronrratulatod upon the <w.c?B3" jr ihich *you L4V0 put in your s"keo!s'& jid-thn iucecac that lias attended'P 'cut eccrta. * There.^is^no^nobler dut> j .nd girls. Th- boys and girh' of < ?- jS lay are the men and women of fo- L* mrrrrrvr. Titr.c in its flight, Is swift-jf. r than the oagle and in a few short ji] ears the children of this school "vr'.t! lavo upon their btcu'dors'.tbc Te-jk jK>n?lhiIities that". ik t .rusts upon'c heir pare lit*. * The purpose ,of this school is t<?-t rain each child for these respiranlbil- d lies and fit him for life and service.!?, 1 ?-ch ehlid la thfc; jcbuol could j*q-^; ilise ^I.e goldent opyc-rtunit fkut is t: lore offered*and put forth all tlie f, nergy to doveloo the <rod-p.iv?'ii fs?-l lilies, what a future would bo Ja!^ $ore tOr-$14ward! ?ln' tblu frtSTc ottfc'-j v r?> 'of America, theft? Is no lin it'to; ^ be. possibilities of^in> tffan.- it T< -ir fc hl# tl&t b:i? tn?r mj Hj..:;* day iir flovcrnor of' FTC ,:lrHp'I 1'!<J iVorv' ii knon' Ayooety and'! iioau, or e*w4. i/y r^.dca; o; United Su.les, v'iioes V.m'tr "' fooT; ;o knosv Woodrpr; Wllmn. T o-to N ' aot a boy Uero~tliat has not u be-*..; ipportuuity than Abraham Lincoln. (. Tfco .rut -ect of ednrat'c a 17 *0, j 2read ar.d vast. that it'.t po ^r.ljIliiiGS , J *rtn no: be Tti?n-lmed." .Charles T5. \yco<&. I-iprth Caruijp'x'a groaj. fjdu lationcl eov^mr.r, believed in* " - ir.-Vt-M ; " 1 iVr.,. Flo said ho oven believed 11 -y? ' 'na an.. Irish potato. F! <u. Irish..po:r.to x:.rs edit:?"**;?.* * *vr * * Nina*I. T-.-?r<i ri.fT'il T,"**a cu1Htr.'?l It h?* h t? r.nr th? nrtnrinil art?cl<r.-or fco'. '?iu*r. loliuto la i<d native t ? ; ?'>!!.run* g?hu i.c>n,w.* tic:i?, ?V lli? -.-I: * , a*. c?u^i.^ I cpod, .for. V^tl lJ: :.r?\ 'it id rtF'o V - ' for ai.livals. rtron >\?f r^"-1, *(??'- ? .~M ;>- t.-.-H < ;*/(? i rw \ lie aou'J r*rr-? at V- '. i tT"*rlr^ta r?? ?? hr~' ivorir ac^teSc^'.rat. T'ta oijlv viv to v:'~i > J , in i'fr !a to y~"f -r.'n>( r?v! t'v " tn tt?**"* **<^><[1 Wt* v6n' Vou't? rr-,v,1?. nnd U takfa a wp't .tralafd mind to ' jrenp o?ti! T hor^ o'<l ^nta Clat.i -will 1 h^W'iWa ?'**d VltH cn^l' for l?? i?oojfoMldmt? of. Jidtoaldi'ill hono nrrh Ittt'c **rl will hare a doll 1 bah* and i*?h 11 Ml* boy * dwm and; n h^m. ?r<|r ihnt o-w)>> of JTOU ttl*y Ippine bnrH aftnr th? holidays with; a d?t#r*?'r?Hon ?t? pnt forth ?tout offori ?T>q d.o'^^r he^t a? thftjfour *1 nraii T pnr+vfn no fan** to ^orry and ha ,im-wlwf th? holiday* a*o o*ar.1 ? _ - ^? " - *W ,JfX. jg- 1?? J ta "1" ' 'm "'.* j I ' 1 ' rr ^ J i" ~j kope that do boy gtlrl will be -' juilty ot the very grave tin of t>e!fiahaeas. And when you are blessed with #* the good things of ill* that yot^r Ail- * 1^ -i- riB >.w i lyuus ?re oepnvoa or oa fip- , \' 3& count of poverty, remember that the only way to fully enjoy anything 1* ^ ^ to share it with your friends. The- * fyfy boy. Rlrl, man or woman, that lire*-, ; fbr self atqne, is au utter failure, bnt Due that devote? hi* Ufe. to I those around him* happy Is tfrtqe . . IPM | blessed. " It blesses htm liT'srvesland 111 lit mi 1 * There- is no nobler ca1lthg^Uiaa-~ " I leaching school, except preach In k" > I the Gospel of our Lord Jesus yhrlst. S Xbe. responsibilities that rcstiv' upon. _ the thouidefs of tko "school teacher L are tearful. To them. ii:e young a)ijld. | l& intrusted. As"a tree is bent whe? j I it.Is yclng. go will It grow andean % yotin- mlntl is'trained. *0 wllfif be. | The tuturs of Edwnrd depend^ in a * I large measure upen Its school teach- | ..; I ers. The chaurcier.u of the future :ltiztns c.i '.his section are in your JtedyPg. M|J -God give-you 00 Eo Ja >vprthy?nf iho miff TfceVo Is nibr n inching.school than merely teach- | ' '^9^H rvii.voi man tiimojy uarLlo*?. the I :>HJ what there :# m (he- bocifcfljilt _j m iuiiulu an.1 hejrrr-rof Th\chil- "1 \ Irotv a rove for n!I that Is good am! | >0:1 uiif.v^ ^ X'-acli. tbon. to bo oh ark. ibTo one Ipivurd auo.litr. ToaoJ# them j leve jjvo?r homo, sl;ulr scLoor and ht?;r country. Te*? h tJTCla lfc?"lea- \- I on that ftrWaher Poou puts fo'bls | cuptiiuT pcvui: I 'I ho teacher whether roitscdoualr r ui.?*>a*cioa, l> is a pattern tor th? lit 10ton, and tho lift* and character | r tho tea hor will.lx- r*;',ef ted !n tho | Hut the whole p erouMSbiltfy .or I rrtrlr.^ aairTJUuTLi iak tii?v UuhJrea ' "<-t ?pon the teacher. Tho parent* I ii%f v;:y important duties to perbrut, and it is only with f^-operpUqa i '-3 I lint the best results eaniie obtained. ~ I ty lather was a-school rancher and I j uotv ot some of hia fiiTi-nltloa he r.uso ivuron.Li djd.uqt vvrl*iui_Ulolr tilioi j;:nl tailed ;.i i ? "jd.- with ' ??-fl ^C. te-Cter. It !u indeed a plouuM . v j 3 soe so each interest taker, in the | o.hpel (Jcwn here al.d It* is design I ia. .v<Jr<d'-iriJ?ior; ac^when ~A | Irc^u li-'-o-opemtlon, th< r* is bound 1 o bo success. vVherti- the hoHdays r.ro over, when ! >ld S^uia C^b; cuate aud gone. ' gitTe ?JFiul ret civ* your j JSristr..* i r vui?! - wIku the Chriit '?U. ; ..r<?- ;.:i I . lot us all;. ' ' 'ffi' . ;. V.I I ' '!- ' ' all . i i ^ r :;i ?o:i to > :. :.d tngc:! . : worJ; n t::v. ( a a..d r.-atr tl-.i.i iro best | fc- .J -l the efjjimy :'."d 3e.tv.atd - ; j"i p'aeo to live in. .''..-..Igbty God t . -.s b:c-r. exceedingly *vt:t in g:vynu she raw am: ri. I jy.d fertile tO'-iluufld on rinhth page.) i . mannper c\ Louise. returned yesterday n^^i- : *K ftoni Lrnlthurg. N. C. <* ?l*'p. i.^tl Mrs. Jatbes McClucr are } , fit-it ins rt^nt'ves and friends in Bel- jj - . gyANTKU?j*i sALFfi^Amns. ar> . ' J? Salesmen. 10 Wrappers. 2# OASh -'?| boys and girls. Those with expe- J rlonco preferred, but not absolute- ' I'f ly necessary. Apply at onse In person or by matt to Harry M. ?j <n^^H . toise-^.-'-1J Mr. Robert ah el ton. of Honsa. was J i ,% Uhtna ettuBnudsi. ^ r~* m i wi -** ^ y ,y ""' ,,- . -^?-v;^ '.; - ~~?

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