r mH ?V.lt.aKBD avtmr attlckmoof rxcsrr sunday kr ?11M But w?ua Kmt E . Entered as MOMd<l?N mtttei 7 AnKt.it 5. lt??. at tho potsofflce a ? Washington, N. C.. under the net o : ? M^eh >, 1170. Four Months . 1.01 Wp~r- ?tac Months LSI HBfir One Year . 3.0< Pr.-ijar Subscribers desiring the. paper die continued will please notify this of Qee on date of expiration. otherwta a It will be continued at regular sub fey', ; eciiptionr^rates until notlco to stoj So ' Is received. It you do not get the Daily Nowj B~- nouipi.y telephna or write the man &ger, and the complaint will reooivi immediate atteution. It is our dc Irs to please you. r'? * .. All articles sent to the Daily News for publication must be signed *by the writer, otherwise they will no' be published. U-. ?^ J, wc;r AV , i'V 1 Yr.T!T~ ~ ?*!.,; ' ii ;;t ; itui.-i Ui.arry wlrtum V. >. s Uub> l?i\iui. ul IClUabot ? ("iij ??;?! Uik-bt-oJ t'ro' " ' llr;,-. ' I {'JI?HM1I'J M'M'I! i'.ayr ..i th.- lur.ur Misses Susa arid F. lit!) Williams. i.e.r,- IJragaw S?i vaJ jour.u jmoj.I.- enjoxe'fl th moci;. Mr II I? Williams* horn Kri> .. rrilili' la.-.t Among thusu pret ?nl Ituby IHxon. l.UHai [In, t and KiltlU Williaini l)02> .,nd M.'t'- llfaUT". an?l Olli < 'haie.v r. M?*srs Jakl.auouB'ei Ko, avers. (irmly Siewns. .Tarnf* and -v f.- and others inclut! mil- ril'-r. Vn- r 'he l atnh trcai gut:." were played in wllbii aU par loor Ml had n delightful time. Iti.- ;s this? A man puts up thro> mile* telephone win- Mow man: finst.v 1-44 of a mile apart are use*!? i ' t nil z>-' in line for nevt week \KW.s UtOM \< "UK. V. and Mrs. W T llowcn *pen Sunday with Mrs .Mar> Harris Messrs. P. F. Osborne and .1 j? Harris :nad- a business irip rn Wash ltiKtor. Monday Miss Entelle Faux, of Washington is spending a few days with Misi t'lnn^li navenporl There was an enthusiasttr meettni of the patrons of the Osborne schoo ? Friday fwcht a; rh?? sfhooi bouiw- ; neat^irn was KhhaCribed for the pur pose ' ? building a new house Ou people have at last realised thai the; need a new house and !hey are go in^ to build one ' Ethel How en and Maul Sw indell were the guests of Mis f?'?th Harris Saturday night. Miss Odessa Crumpler. of Pantego spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs g- Harris, who srtil continues tt be quite sick The pie party at Osborne schoo bouse Saturday night- was quite < j sTrrress $34 65 wjn raised for tir hoflefit of the school building. Quite a number of the young mei \rrom Wilkinson were "vlsltorH at thi place Saturday night. M, ffff AMf HE ft ummt HI AHY ftftf1 } Y? tu'l win any re* ? afoot, homtack, I auto, engine r*b or, noroplwM If your hoed acbo HICKS CAPUOINE i f* Mtbo ooowo ? currs beederhe whether froi Ma*. cold, rrlpp or nervnwnene. 11,, nk plMNr.lte takes i?l< klT iffrtin, Ki and sec i g" *ro* * lores.'Truil tii* ll?r. Captain and Mra. C. 8 WMchard l&i of Vandeioere. N. C., wore In the cltj Something going on all the while, around here. Newest matrimonial whim it bride's at thirteen?it's taking like wild fire. f A r.f* plan has been inaugurated lately?know what it is? Thirteen for lb?- execution of marriage license! pitch-fork holes instead of the-clergy, mas'* signature. Mr. Van I pock 1ntrodcrd the plan ami it is generally K *u>nc?-i? U ic bu .the moat destined foi sueces* of nay method followed during a dozen decades Oi.-l> five out of twenty or so item ixor* r*sponded last week. llurrj hack 'mm your vacation and visits? l'iD? el>, Small. Idalin. Walla Walla Itroa t"r?ek. etc.. and let us heai fron tdu. Wonder what has beoonu of iv Hruv. 1: Kyeil Girls? Harriet t gu. --* Tee. Hee* he ii> out .laketilh ' You liav< beet tardy I?*r?- aln-adj You knox who*. *hre.- lime* m'ai so ronv along an.1 ir out ;tiat .1 n*:-? inoozlrd ka-t'" ziini: iirmimi will < ' l Tor.' U i:;? '.? -,-.?! -. -: li. mi. .. 1 ^1. . ? ? Imrrv-i.i, .. ii ' /. : 1*11 l .',1.'I..i ?!>*. I ".: !.?? \ i-.i ml ? : miu tilt i;t- Iliiil ? Jt'rw* r "Hlll'll* 4?i-U til ro?'. S:.. fi * -a . a :-; i .? l> i *. i. . ww I lit :o I.i. i>s|' ***" ,r'^k M: rt Hi i coiiltl m< tiirs .?> ... ' ? ' ivv On ..... n t? by r. !!> h. two l>> ihi-msi'lvt! Win ?'? > v.. iii r> H?-.ir I fir** . if l:s ks Mi l r;,.. una fl.-w ' . k* I.. Jo.. Tn-r ami l;?nii1) tori: orl> Arl:in.-, havi- lately m overt i u* i; -|? r.?n? . fit- tun it. \\V e* i J NOAH PREACHED ft' ? ? ?91 ; B 120 YEARS 7 Trjln* to cOBTlac* tba paopla tbat ba olarad then * food lb tut. t . Z8?. not ? .lu(le ginog out.Ida of Noah*. family bollcrad tbat > Noab'a talks war* pa.od on farU But Noah did haaa tba tacu | ? and though tba muttHudaa rtdtaulad tba ttmn cams whan tba 1 ^ JS a voice of repentance, "Save mo Just thla one time 5 jfaf7 and forever hereafter I'll pay attention to a higher } order of living." Their deelcion was made too late. the Kermi of their folley had caused tHem to delay i f M too long and they prematurely j peril led. Mark you this, many who sneer at and disregard Dust and Its danger are not only going to prematurely perisb but selfishly drag down some other members of . j their family, most likely their children. j LISTEN: Uf all the deaths of those between J the age of 15 and 4 5 whether of Diphtheria, Pneumonia. Typhoid -Woc-d tmy-othd'r teoubkyono out of ovoiy , threo die of Consumption and dust is the cause of most Consumption Dust is also the source of lufection of many cases of Pneumonia, Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever, Influenza. Blood Poisoning and colda. Therefore we can truthfully say. "Dust Is the greatest j enemy of the human race." JiSatieties prove that five years work a? a street cleaner In the I large cities makes the average individual a consumptive. Before rn entering the New York street cleaning department every man is examined and only those free from organic disrates are employed yet one-third of the New York street cleaners have developed tuberculosis and most of those free from the disease have not been tp lite service live years If this excessive amount of dust is so fatal tfca| along the most used streets of busy towns Is jQ pobiti^yi^laiiKeroua and even very small quantities Is sufficient to keep many In ill health, therefore, the lean dust fhe better 1 If your phyiclan'wlll acknowledge the facts he w|l! tell you that of all who die in Washington. North Carov f-, linn, including Infants and those from old age. one ^ ?ur ?r every ten die from that dreaded disease called "The Great* White Plague." Consumption, and Wash.ugton Is no exception. It's the case throughout the *V^ 'owns and cities oi the word.l in some, where there is more dust it is much worse Infection from dust is .n r >. ii-'h".- for tii per cent, ol the c onsumptives Pur.- ,rr is ec-n.-innpiien's greatest cttcuty. " i Pun ait Is the greatest preventative of PncuL '= ?>!in, D:ph?h**r:a.-Coids and many other diseases, it 1 a" I'usty ;rr i* never pure, w i I Smoke is a'form nf'dhs* :r" Ok - " r. r. Dusr free all-is aDuotft if not altogether pure is; j Q M The less bits} the street the- less dust. No dust r.sr- from the river. d * Without the dust the house is easily lu-pt c.ec.u J Wid.' avenues also reduce the dust o Summing up all these features proves many _ re ii'oils why Washington Park less dusty a ml the ^ V purer, therefore healthkr than any other ctlen * fSB in or around Washington. This is valuable knowli dm- to the r.oineseeker and housekeeper, and-if you IwM wise you will not wait until the doors an- doted *'i n .. t.M ark floating away before you 6*t inside where the | h?>-r authority of t. ?- world will tell you UNDER f^ j Sivn I'l'UK VIK CONDITIONS YOU AND YOUR j FAMILY WILL UNDOUBTEDLY HAVE BETTER TO REMAIN ALONG DUSTY STREETS. Science J hus proven thin and t he learned men of today are preaching it. * The North ?"aro!?jia Hoard ot neaitn IR pfPacpinfe IT 5# . just as hard iis N'oali ever preached, and .. BB you who read about Dust and its dan VV >i'*r though fail to Ret away from it. n?ed ijoi be surprised if at any time pomo ' ^ wmticr of yonr family is curried away much before .. , T their I line. m> were those whof refused to follow Noah. For your home the best is none ton Rood and as it won't be long ere the best Washington Park lots a^^B will be sold You had bettor not delay serurin r>n? of these best lots # n The pro es are certainly bargain prices. ^ f'-jyjygyi i -BPTWpBWBH BHHflHinHriBBB^BH e S " <? I.OOK OliT ^ M The old Ark.is going to move. Someone else will > ~ be at thp wheel, then it will be too late for you tor get on. Your opportunity la now, right at thla k minute. Time and tide waita for no man." and th* tr ?-V* tide of ihoae seeking the best and purest air an# health is flowing to Washington Park. Better secure a lot today.; n ^ You can build how or hold It ontil you get your* ducks in a row, Now don't wait, come at onfif AQp or you'll be sorry. You can now get extremely r IflSHK choice Washington Park bargains and be safe.' Act today. ^v ? . ^ A. C. HATHAWAY. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmrnmmmmmmm . ? | * .I.. ? Mr. Jamei it. Orlrt. of Chorowln-I Mr. obi) Mm r a smith ?r n I "jit jr. *m among the apeak ere at the I N- C. are Washington vieltoi M Red Men banquet last erasing la the Mr J W. Willie. Jr.. of Merefce 1 Elk's Hall. ** Icily, is here todar oa baelneaa. ... ?M , .' K ,? KBIL <>?&,Q v - -WwlwWifHMaWW^UIB . . 1 . bSSber^I^ two On. truci^ the v river cf success to Lh source, cwtol can, trace the, ju.ccessfu.1 riVer of ' their lives to small be^uvnirujj started in the rujkt direction.. The bant is a perststenireminder of the necessitij that" lies on everyone to" systematically and, safehj deposit" their earningst z- *we invite. Vow actouAti ?* Bank of Washington ; - . Joullu Haven*, Pres. J. K. Doutklon. C a skier _ ? ? ? ? <? fm mm* w ? Wei S> Our Mbhogany i Bed Room Suits j Are now complete again after several _l 1-s* ~f K " { ^ 1 ?" I ?. ?iwnvu ut# 117 '?c many nuyct^s. Why not exchange or sell some of your ofd Oak Beds and Dressers and fill the place with most modern and common sensed made Mahogany - Pieces. Buy genuine mahogany and avoid Its gelting old or out of date. We also have In a good assortment of old pieces In Chairs, Rockers, Tables, Settees, effc., for Xmas trade. * JE^RSONFXIRNITURE CO. ? ? / TA8TK OUR PRMHERVES _ and you'll have to adrnTt""*that they W O more than equal those that mother JA I lifted to make, And if yEiiL.Lak-e_pridc _ ~ in setting a good table try also our. ^ spices, tea. coffee and other groceries, IfeSlVH Ib^t w. The trial will cost nothing, for our prices arc no mere than you p^y now ff cGjti any way for thingH pot nearly so CHAS. M. LITTLE. * ^8?\ | IIR1KPK FROM R. F. I>. No. 4. We are sorry to note the illness of Mr. Charlie Ro^erson. one of the efSTlto! All ye itemlsers""Now WWlHSrilil Hie UnlUI^Sa&bim that Xmas Is over it's back to school BC^??1- \ ? .. Mrs. Margaret Cutler and children, and work Hope*yoU" all Hp^pt a , . . _ r - .? ^ t ? , v. . . Linda Earle. Cecil and LeRoy, spent pleasant Am as and may have a pros- . , . . . m, * . J* one day last week with Mrs. L. HorperouH New Year. Rev. 11. H. Ambrose filled hia reg- l0P 'U 6r' . . . .. * , , . . . .. ,,w we are glad to note that M&steT ular appointment at the Christian ? ... . w _ j . ...... . . Howard Jackson, who has bean, yerv church (Reaver Dam).Saturday and ... . . . ill with pneumonia, is very much IraSunday. r Rev. Mr Rlackwelder preached an p ... . . _ _A . . Mrs. M. L- Cherry was a guest of interesting sermon a* St. Stephen's .. : , , , ... . . a . .. . . . Mrs. W. A. COngleton for a while ch.iMh Sunday afternoon, which was . i, . . Monday morning, greatlv enjoyed by a large and at- ... . A : .. Singleton and .Plnevllle, what has tcr ve audience. . , , . * . , ... . ^ . become of you? Are you taking a Mr. nod .Mrs. C A. Cutler spent ... * _7v _J:. , , . . . v . . ... nap like Rip Van Winkle? _ Mil-day night ?nu Monday with hlsj mother at Zlon. | ' sjMr? Sadie AlllgoOd and little Somebody clelma to hare macOTereo da UK tie. too. black, ano* In the AIM. Bttt Mes^er ??n?. spent sna aitemoon ^ he can finda lot or It -fn Pttte.last week with Mrs. W. A. Congleton. ' * - -'"j" ~ vr-r-.-rACv^ Miss Larcy Woolard, of Hawkins- Plants and vegetables are to .. I??.| vine/'Spent Sunday with her cousins,] raised hy electricity. As far as rroituj Congleton's. ?" concerns*. W. alrood? have I*? X Miss Estelle Hodges returned Sat- trt# <qrmU' \ urday from Robersonmllle. where she a female fly lays 120,000 eggs la a 1 spent several days with her cousin, single season; but that's because she Miss Millie Roebuck Jg three-fourths of her tt-ee , We are sorry to note the illness of over 1L Mr U A Plnktaam'.i family. Hop., ? ^ ^ they may soon be well again- ball ta a cur. for "Mrr?- Srldaotly Mr. J. T. Congletou, of your city, Elbert Isn't raxlljr Intprr.LctT 1; ?o; J waa a guest of his brother, Mr. M. E. ococant outcomes, I Oeogletort Bttnday. ?? ^ Mr. Qrover L. Hodgea and Mr. How Vlanno H^lpa BrIU.a Johnnie Congleton. were vleltoro at "Leetoroe for Hrfdeg" la the name si I Mr W A. rongdlltm's Saturday tka Utaat court* otaAod by the VM night. . ; aeao Inatltution tor nonutar inxr.ua If ^J^Eaw. bul rw'r. . (..In. I . ~ v^,. ?,?wo Ail oyer the city. The leo In th.>?m^.. You oupht to h... ^ win g0TCT rach ?bk<.u I n fold crown flt with proctoua atonoa booaa-konBIn*. cooMnc. hyalone nl? I and tboy should not h* Imitation. mentarr pbyalolorr and lh? earn of I ntthnr. children. Jaknrllln. don't you. worry * th* Tbooob mainly intandad tor than* - lu.mla.rn or* oil analon. of oor Jon. ^o tr. about to b. or hay. Juat tana ? ,hn,.. mirrtnA an ylrli orar 17 wilt bn adMs ? ; ; M; ? ,, .. aalttad. The oonraa will Uat for alrf* M.r Joahna Alllfood. wife and _?nlk. ,b b..?_ ~!L. n children. will lanra tor Panama neat gmnlaaa a work. A amall Tan It - part ?Itb them Hewanr, wlab Uatn aaa obtain llohata tana. ?li? / jjQQQO^^y * 1WH : Chilly Mornings Ccol Nights r Kather difficult to keep the house at the proper temperature Can't light * the furnace yet as H Is * too *arm during the ', middle of the day, but some heat Is needed in 7 the morning and after " sundbwn. I T C \/..l yqg a v uxuui - Odorless Gas W'Heater ;!/: r ? A ffiTifffivfcM ? Makes a room com fortabie in five I Positively Odorless AHWr SaniUry I Washington Light i Water Co. | - HOTEL RAYMOND i 42 East 28th Street (At Kabsray Blslisa.l New JoA City i _ KUBUP1AV l'LAN 81..10 Per Dav anil I n ' * AMERICAN PLAN I fBLOO Per Day and Up _ Apartments accomodating 3 or more * persons .from $4 to 95.00 per day Special rates by the week or month. Inspection * ThVfictfr nrTcrearrMrlrtsfttt-- A <fGW M notcl. recommended tadirs visitioc New York City alone. Upon request by letter or Tdepboor 2Sk5 Madison Ixjuan-. a mtMcnrcr will meet yoti at station. MARK A. t: \DWF.I I. Why is a brick mason like a locomotive? V 1 " t ?1 Because he has a. tender! A tender steak, ' i -u^_ U* rTjuiwy cuu|;, Direct your footsteps To Our Shop. Cursiwsaro shtrp. Our cleavers, too? We'll trim them up ! Just right for you! " CeatntpHnti Uiftetl I Phone 422." T . r W.'V iZpjt *'!.( IWKJVIIX MAIL YOU $1 ' (wwhwtotaMPikcTNtbuitlk High- * MONET ?NT ?Y EKTOEN HAH PWfe Tuillhf k RiUt| Coapaaf ESTABLISHED JtiYEARS ~~ 863 Cbemt St. PlilMHpBte. I aaasrfeS35tf" '-"L; Bicycles! Bicycles! 1r" N?? Blereig* 111 ud ts. J W. ? UUO tor th. tanih II RMdta?. Standard, Iw JotaM. Columbia, Dubkr, >mblam National and IMjtan Blaralaa MM for oaok of on txaa. Wa alas nam a fnjj tin* of r??aln at-Ml ttMi j *? R. CUTLER j; tSul 1M M?lwt St . " 2 WASHINGTON. N. C i i IH' 2M Hi 1111 WMkllMk M. V. I * .11 ft B. A. Datlftl Jr. s 2 ^ .J r "liMS " r WaohUston. North CoroUno Wo praotloa In all Ua ooiltn. ? .Ooooo. I . . ? I WUar C. toximan. a | Wm. B. Bodnu.jr. RODUAN * BODMAM H. A Wort Janiaa n o? Wu pnwttou ta tku Cuurt M tfcu Tint. Julie 1U DiatlMt >r< Ike Fulurul Court*. * loan H. uokhxb ?mm> m I mm W AHHIHUTOH, ?. a A |V*jJ. * m V u. A. PH1L14PS A IM, FIBS LN SURA NO it W ASHHf C/TOM, . 0. I W 0. GBUCn iminfotw Warithi?tft?. north OmAr Practical iDttt Oi Court* " . m -v* %i *" Jobn H Small A. D. MmLom ~ Hurry HeMuilaa Small, Hirlmi A M'""11 Attorneys-ai-Law ? Washington. Not Jb Carolina If ARIIY MclfULLAK, ^ Attorney-at-La*, . ' df: "r~~~ Washington, North Carolina. * * ? o a a anno Edward L. 8towart. Washington. H. ?. W. A. Thompson. Aurora, K. R, STEWART h THOMPSOB * Attorns* at Lav. ? Washington and Avon, R. 0. ? ? a a ? a a a a ; anno t * COLLI* k. HAionro 0?? BatfaST+TMOsb BMg> * Rooms t and 4, # Washington. H. C. - KURWUOD L. HiiftiM A tto rnej-at-Law ? m WuhJngtcB, K. C. * i ??THO* ?r MMf < r - ? r? Attorsej-at-Law. Waaklmgton, N. C. Office 2 ad Floor Bgrtaffii Mad " -N Trait BaUdlas. PimOMB Is aU But* Court*. ^ i iii .ii i ( . , MJUMJUI 77-^: .-"in-. * ~ Oubrit llln C. lum (Balk Cm* nhIui VWhBv, ma THUa U AJ U. hmmt IPat lastoa Uoadir, litinr H4 ? Prt<Uj it 1:SB P. M. . ' *. U. TATLOR. * - O..111. totwcjpa nap. ? Hun In BMd or your nm to nuet^ demands of tfco Oottntr a ainofl MUaMnM ?? rsi. Donnter HiillM. }< ti (WORM R JUOM. 1 I . Sh?rin Bfiatort County. U-M-ldtt ' ,J ,^| rh*M will be meatU* at tka Ckfcoldfirs Of UUl_Ko1m?Barber >p Co. cm Mtftdtf, January fib. the purpoee of Oleetins offloero t dir^tora lor th? amine yaar

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