| men omit os~ *U.I?SH?n ?i3CT ATTMSNOOM J?XCEPT SUNDAY. No. 10* Sul Vlltc 8tr*et. Kntered as second-class matter ' August 5, 1909. at the potsofflce at B? Washington, N. C., under the act of March 3. 18T0. ? ft>V <>? MiaUl ? -11 _ E. ? Foot Months . 1.00 SI* Months : !.># ? One Year 3.00 ?? Subscribers desiring the paper discontinued will please notify this offer fice on date of expiration, otherwise It will be continued at regular subscription rates until notice to stop ?&.. is *eccdred. If you do not get the Daily News promptly telephne or wrrtc-the man- ? sger, and the complaint will receive /nfmedtato attention. It is our desire to please you. P " All articles sent to the Dally News for publication must be signed by - ? - - - w not Ue FRIDAY. JAN. 10. 1913. 4YI)KaHXTr ITEMS. fh Mr. George V t'redle. Jr. oi Norfolk, Ya.. von iu our mld?i a lew duyts f !ace. He visited hie father and mother Mr. and Mr* Geo. T. Credl* at I'.oae Bay. and kia grandfather. Mr T..m V fredle. at Swan Quarter. '"is grandfather i* R"> years old and i' nulte feeble. Op Saturday evening late, the 4th instaM. Mr W. J. Harris, returning from ? the couuty to his home at Swan Quarter, in his automobile, t-ame contact with mud so deep and that his auto refused to go. and h tc pped with Mr. \V. K- Swin ? dell ' the night. Mr. Joe Mason and of rs cave him the helping hamT ' on ?' . morning and li? wont on his xva rvioiclrgv .*:.am:t Wt-:hunts. ?? Punpn. has 'a' d ti? West I .AS' _ Vj >?tn MeKlnnoy ha.- moved fro:. Sett ill l.ake and taken charge m !, ivrh lafta lu^ow Fatriield. " It. Wdltanw has moved front itv :? - all 1-imTto th. 11 C. Carter ;;r": K:iiriI*H!. T?. j 'hlovvs i'ii .toward* ~ SiTi'** i-.' - Yv-tluuci Ure"f.. a I mar : 'he f :v. . t th II > l?av npo-' v. .. :u!\ i .i d ???? traj' . at! traps t.d?b"d ot iwo """Mcft. v* t rvr.k t.rjsi year be had t 'ter. CL-cn trip* -roam and L. . _ ! tCJS'. s. / "k\V. -.w NYlU f; he goes u, - . " ? .iiMit'*." har-' .% . ..... ?> tho r . - i:r.: ?.. n:n?-."hil.'s ;i:ni a i HOME I i;i)M WKST. .\ s-.i>r;an. j resident o; the* W.or. .i u 11?'!'- Kxrltar.ee Comli.ii. -. re turned from Western ,.t-? . .. r.- i-.e purchased or.c I ot.-.i . r rs.-s ;'.:td ruuies. dlUl (1 Jl? .\p'" , :,i iirvtii' today or loiaorL vow V* h"t?e?'t Hancock. Jr.. of New ttei . - the guest of his tin ! '. Mr. l"ra: l 1 rd it: WHAT e should know :? tit. . or.i .nation on the lock of toi" T" It reads. !1T. .1 lutt-? le of GOWAN'S rNELJONIA PREPARATION PREPARATION and he pre ared for paeunionia. eronp. Ids and inflammation, and ingestion trouble? lams br....-.,... _. . (toreness in iUhmvi ?nd test relieved prompti). External and Quickly absorbed \.l druggist*. Sl.'Ki "0 2"?c. NOTICE OF HA EE. I r j. ?nrl by virtue of a mortgage ~ from .? S. tiaton and wife. El ma H. Caton. to the nnderslgned. Sidney K. Warden, dated TJecember T3. 1911. ftftd recArdnd In tho Register's office I or tieauiort county, North Carolina, in Book 166, at page 232. ttfe undersigned will on the 10th dayflf February, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, sell for CASH at puftlic auction to the Highest bidder before the Court House door of Beaufort County, the rollow n? described real estate, towit: KLj> Situate, lying, and being in 9tate of North Carolina. County of Beaufort, and in Richland Township, be" log "itt'tlif Town of IMwufd on the Fast Bide of the Mill Pond, beginning ^ on the W&shlngto annd Vandemere Railroad in the New Road running from Edward to the Old Sandhill Road near Wm. Crawford's store, and runnipg Southwardly with the said road 35 yards then at right angles with" said road to P. Stilley's line, Hfc. f-\ thence with P. Stilley's line to the Washington and Vandemere Railroad, thence with said railroad to the Bjr. " beSln^iing, containing one acre, more or lass, being the land described In the aforesaid mortgage. K& This 9th day of January, 1913. WL. SlONKT E. WARREN. HAKKV McMULBAN, Attorney j / " t -j g NOAH PREACHED (4 I * 120 YEARS Trying convince Itee peoyU- that h* offered Ahem a goo4 UU|. -B_ yet. not a single person outside of Noah's family believed that I Noah's talis were pa?a on facts. But Noah did have the. facts I Th?r Though the -mutmudeg riaieuiea 'tne ^tlme came when the | house tops were tilled with weeping and walling people calling in fl i . jjr a voice of repentance, "Save me Just this one ttmd I I anil forever hereafter I'll pay attention to a higher ) order of living."" Their decision was made too late, I 1 the germs of their folley had caused them-to f M too long . and they- prematurely perldfredL-B -j Mark you this, many who sneer at and disregard Dust and its danger are not only goiug to prematurely per-. ish but selfishly drag down some other members of tltpir family, most likely their children. J LISTEN: Of all the deaths ofT those between ^ rhe age'oTTS and 4d"whether of Diphtheria, Pneumonia. Typhoid B Fever. Illood Poisoning or any other trouble, one out of# every I three die of Consumption and' dust is the cause of most Consumption. Dust is also the source of infec- I tion of man*- cases of Pneumonia, Diphtheria, Typhoid I Fever. Influenza. Blood Poisoning and colds. Therefore we can truthfully say. "Dust is the greatest enemy of the human race." p. B Satisfies prove that five years work as a street cleaner in the I large cities makes the average individual a consumptive. Before I p. ^r, entering the New York street cleaning department I every man is examined and only those free from or- B 111 ganic diseases are employed yet one-third of the New B im York street cleaners have developed tuberculosis and I KM most of those free from the disease have not been in I the sevvU-f live years. If*this excessive amount of dust is so fatal I tha-^ along the most used streets of busy towns is j? I positively dangerous and even very small quantities is sufficient to keep many in ill health, therefore, the less dust the hotter. If your phyician will acknowledge the facts he ^ \ < . ill U'll you that of all who die in Washington. North Caro- I linn, including infants and. those from old age. one fl ' out or every ton die from thai dreaded disease called I Jgm* "The Great White Plague." Consumption, and Wash- I TB, .uyioa is no exception- It's the case throughout the I -owns and cities of the word.1 in some, where there is I more duet ts mu?h worse. Infection from dust Is fl i - tienMb'e for l?h per ret;1- of the ?onsumptivrK. I P'W av.- i>* i or.sua,ption's greatest < ncniy. I Pure nir is the greatest prevcnTitrrvr-of Pneu- - - VW* fl monk., l>'j?!:ih??riH. cold- and many other, di-ease- ^ J || ^0^ .-"m'?k?? U a form o: dust. _ :1 ' 11>,> <*W>| '*u* p-jnr a*r1 Sb 1 Mi. - free air . almost if not aitofci'thcr pur> . Lj ? The less busj the street the less dust. No ?lu?t lises from the river. Without the dust the house is easily kepi dean Wide iivrntits also reduce the dust. Summing up all these feature> proves many f reasons wh> Washington Park is less dusty ami -.ho air purer, therefore healthier thai:'any otter section in Of nround Wellington Thin is valuable knowledge to the homcseeUer and housekeeper, and if you are wine you will not wait until the door? are closed end tie old ark fiosiine away before you Ret inside where the ""hi st authority of the world will tell you L'NIJKH SUCH PURE AIR CONDITION'S YOU AND YOUR HEALTH ANt^.IVE LONGER THAN WERE VOl' TO REMAIN ALONG Dl'STY STREETS. Science ? J has proven this and the learned men or today are preaching it. * The North Carolina floard of HnaH^ is preaching it just as hard as Noah ever preached, and you who read about Dust and its danWw cer though fail to get away from it. n%pd not "ho surprised 1f dt any ' time feme ... memurr of >our family is carried away mueh before Ag the-r time, as were those who refused to follow Noah. Kov your home the best ia none too good and ? as it won't be long ere the best Washington Park lots will be sold. You had better not delay seeurln one of these best lots W TTTe prices art certainly bargain prices. LOOK OUT A M The old Ark is going to move. Someone else wll> VH be at the wheel, then It will be too lite for you t? get on Yonr opportunity la now, right at this mlnutA "Time and tide waits for no man. ana wv1 C * tide of those seeking the best and purest air and health Is flowing to Washington Park. Better aecure a lot today;. ^ Ton ran build now or hold it until yon get font m-, docks In a row. Now don't wait, come at onof, or you'll be sorry Yon can now get extremely K choice Washington Park bargains and be aaf^,. Act today. ^ % " A. C. HATHAWAY; ^ HRS. GORHAM BKTTKB lorabla tod?7. Ska ku lu? condna It will ba trmtlfTln (to the m.nyj1? h? ho?? 'or th. put mml Aai trtaada at Mn, lean P. Oorhaia toSauffaring from an attack of dipt L I ^Ecuk and of Kamaxiti/ own, destuuf Often, four eues are) bfefcter thaA too in. tracing the> river of- siuxess'to IK source, a/rul can. trace the successful riVer of theirlives to small be^ inning I started in, the rujkfc directed. ? "The bank is a. persistent"reminder c^the^necessiGj that* lits on. everyone xo sifstejnah'rgJlij and, safely deposit their earnings, r und jwe_U\viie,your_ account". Bank of Washington I Jena (has Havens, Pres. J. K. Deaihtaa, Caahier Our Mahogany, -Bed Room Suits S * T ? - :.i._7 ) t* Are now complete again after several weeks of being broken up by the many buyers. Why not exchange or sell some of your old Oak Beds and Dressers and fill the place with most modern and common sensed made Mahogany - Pieces. Buy genuine mahogany and avoid its getting old or out of date. We also have in a good assortment of old pieces in Chairs. Rockers. Tables, Settees, etc., for Xmas trade. JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. _ JQSr-F^FAYLOE Phones 128 & 124. 120 Market|St. Carries the Most Complete Line of Famllv Gpocerfcs. ALWAYS FRESH ANDjRELIABLE Polite pierks and Quick Delivery. | OWN YOUR HOME ;| A new series of stock in THE HOME BUILDING J [ fS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION will open January 4th, < i 1913, at the banking house of The Savings & Trust | | " Co. Pay for your home on easy terms null own it. 1 r J The Parcels Post \ Oa lMt W?4??Uay. >?a. 1st. tW- ParoHa rod bV wed ?a*> elfrefVrMa bmn that a my kr|e taker of Meat n?y be araf to yon by rtrctb Pod at a low rata of roataae. y We hare nrnfef a special department that will attead t> ill wlwi an! forward them T. Ov Catain mm fS? Hra< nl (rial Mil. We Want Yqnr Bnainess I ThiMd.ml.iliWiilmKMfwvMlbl rtfcnit amflHt atoct .1 r?l. 1. mm WW? Im Smn?W kr hmkHk M n ?|,i -I'hnkmrfMknMibiafaKi mnl We will famish YOU FREE a card giving you the rates of the new Parcels Pott law. "At Your Service." ~ : r &S.iflh IPSSB KsHHp Cool Nights Rafter difficult to keep the house at the proper temperature. Can't light the furnace yeT as It la too .warm during the middle of the day, but some heat Is needed in the morning and after sundown. . . Us&ft Vukan_ Odorless Gas ~ Heater HHSffnnm ffjf ei . Makes a room comfortable in fire minutes Positively Odorless Absolutely S?iUry Washington Light 8 Water Co. HOTEL RAYMOND 42 East 28th Street - (Al fcWtr 9*tiw.1 New York City ^ . EUROPEAN PLAN 91.60 Per Day and Up AMERICAN PLAN 92JM> Per Day and Up Apartments accomodating 3 or moit | pen* inn fmm -JUL- to *3.00 per. - * ? ' * | . a. A. Dami Jr. _ :.- ;;*'^:pfl) " Wathlnjton^NortH C-Jii.111. ' W? pnodot t? all U? mmx*. ' > ^V#. ? # ^ A ' A WUW a >?? I ? W?. B. BotaM. f r. : Bnn.'-"" * .?.'y -;-?? ss j :? * ' - * m ' ^ - __________ : w ..wSSSffi. : w? motto* (a ?M Omm ol U. : ? : - JOBS n. MMOUB itlllHI III,. ; W4janjnmw,*.a - ~ - a " WASHmoTOlf, a. c. ? ? ?';? ? ; * ??? a*I * D. Mm * Practice? In all the Ctowta awe . * * *?a i?a? ?a?a?w-?a?a j ' John H. Small A. IX MmMM u Harry MeM Allan a Small, Madman A HiMala Attorney et lam * . ^W^tnfton^WoiJ^Oyolfca^ ' : . . . " . ' l s . > I ; m _ ; " ' A1! ? " 1 " i, Edward L. Stewart. * a Washington, R Q. a Amman. R R / STE WART A TBOMfM ! < * \ \ ? , OOLLIH BL HABJMDVa a Mlocnty Bin office Sartey A Treat On. Bd*. ' ftooma 8 aad ?. * a Washington, N. C. ! NORWOOD L. SIMMONS * Attorn?y-?t-L*w WuhlBftOD, N. 0. * ?,?" # I toon. 8. um, AitnuMt-Ut. WukluMa. N. c. UBm 2nd Floor IHNI?i l"d Tract Bulldta*. FtosMwb IB all 8UU Coarta. a ? t a a a a a i -- _ ? -T? *? TMii- t nhw ti lMiaal^a Oraafc Hwlw, WihnNw. 00* ? - FrUar at ( A. lb Una NaA 1 ' Friday at 1:M P. ?L ? t. v. Tinas. Wpir. a ?: i i. , . TO TAX PAIJUWI, U. _ 1 am la iwd ot nuawltaM IB. drwaoda of Uf 00^ ?+ <*aai7 - aad UM Schools, noota an aad aattla at aaoo. Toot law IwRn >93^ doe alaca httaat* M. AM*. TNIl Dcembar II. 111*. SSttSHU . 11-tS-lttc Thara will be a maatlac at tha . -.$j Moekhollata ot tfea Pa lata Dor bar J euop UQ. on aionaay. J^nmjry 6tb. I