r mmm dahy news fVULISHBD EVlAT AFTBRNOO> JtXCBPT 817NDAY. No. 109 Eaat Watt Street. Stared u aecend-class matte) ?c AaglWI 5. 1009, - at the potsoffice a Ej Iftaablacton. N. C., under the act o: P M^tk S. 1S70. K Oee Month w I .1! He Four Months 1.0( fltx Months 1.61 Year s 3.01 Subscribers deeirlng the paper dis continued wift please notify this of fe X ftce^ on date of expiration, otherwise . It will be continued at rffutat^sub R?? -crlptiuu rates until--notice ui stoj Hx 1' is received. i If you do not- get the Dally New; sromptly telephne or write the man tger. and the coruplaiv will recelvt mmediate attention. It is our de Ire to please .you. All articles sent to the Daily New: for publication must be signed by the writer, otherwise they will no he published. \V h'I'.NKSl'Ak . JAN. Yr>. 1013. . When Is the "report of the p- !> ?to tippmito- -rt?f? i \v r. > iii ;. ;.h nr. li> In- dm.', v piili * the riiy to own th?? waiei' worksl ? - If ?o, why is not some Mfotumilou K> ? oui to the public? :? )~ 1.. plsoat ure is in *e?ioii now , any legislation i- ontcmplati-u " tlays :.o:. nunc be slxvn. (Jive lit- no; i" ;iinv. <(oh't wait nr.*1.! the lir: laxi . . publ'slitiij tin- uanii'o > tito ? ?* -j -i: r??-* appointed by Chairman x\ r-n to n-'-otuno-mi y;>un i>> tor rf- x.o' utjy |-... ??ril?-rs. the natins of I .? : J * 1 * ami I: T O'n V t ,.pII It!!' !> |M>u U- ; KKI- H I.I i 11 "I.K.W ( > M! \\t| i ??i: tu.m nr.\< n. ' . .1. William ilc. . 1 w. .... , It.: i'.itu. L* . ? - : V x \ X . ' ,1,.. - 1'- " t-: : . " r. . II ir: . r* t ? . ' i'!V . [: I- IJo-k. Ml. : ?|.' ! : - b :' " ?'.:>< u> . 11;^ ! * ii' .tt'a -J .11v ft"li :.^!i .I'M'."" 1 ---"nf - - :?iv>[f'Vr? T* TP" VPMT _ 4 wax. r? -l .. ... -.* hk ulp.oi.- ... xvhis. * ~ To nntwai-:! app.-arate : appear?-.i -?i<.t.r7-"TlT-ii: :t'.on hi.- arrival ' !iar.? - W Kj. l?aril>?o:i. ? ! w !i > -xaniinml Mr. it ). ?. aM-?Tta!n if thr milir?' |i';>>na] ?clulition :* snf-h ilia* Is- ni.ir cai-lv Testify hi>i>ir*' ?h*' L ?'o:.}ir? .-vji-isuI , ! *i thl* ? ' - 1 '.J Ui?-b?r'i|?*n. b.-t>?r- J-.i?- -I? I" ' 1 ' I i i'^ \ L yo D / - f Be it ever There's no p A vast deal of th depends on the furniture this store will show yoi jp make home more ent Not only do we earn Ki~ romfortnbtr furniture, t\ of all those little tl ing home sweet hotr let us show you even i I SOUTH ERP T>/aceft< Washing . The bane of modern civ J reason is strenuousness, t 9 ? -Americans are the chief si How shall they red gem th I lives? The sun and the vv grasses ail? the waters con themselves. Thejrcall, "c B Come to our haven of resi I ration for that tired feelii out the poison and burns] sun shines the brightest ai * iest and the trees and grasi ' waters roll softest." COME! To Washington Park-byt reasons why yon should I J V I ' | part tire. t n ?-r| to ntnke public the I result of his examination which has j boon transmitted to Chairman Pujo j ]of the House committee CHOICE CUT l| FLO WERS \ Roses. Carnations and Violets I ? i.iu >. uur nriieuo arrangements in wedding outfits _ are *T?al to the best. Nothing finer 1u floral offeriugs than our styles. Blooming po* plants, palms and ferns In grea* variety. Rose bushes, shrub* rrip-\ evergreens, hedge planis and shade trees. Mail, t-leplione and telegraph orders promptly euvutcd. J. L O'QUINN 5 CO.. | RALEIGH. N. C. Phones 149 | ".< \T.i-. !? f1 iI : \?tt> ~ r Japan srcst;ri Hsme Industries. The Japa-nvM are making great , \trtdes !a the woolen Industry. and I ! -/ importing the iates' modern ra? htaery are striving to manufacture*; ( all classes of woolen gcc?r *^*1 :";a/ | *. market tn Taraa. I Electric L I Bitters ! 8 Made A rCs-w JVTan C? Hint. 1 8 "I trss fenifertog from pain in r.y 8 stomach, he .id and back." rritet jI. . 8 T. A!sl?>-.\ Jisleigh, IS. Cn'and tny | liver and kidneys did not work right, J cut icur bcttivbo; FAectric fitters re* itfc * a. r.?w wr.?i " _ J-'n.m i | i !_ -vSfcJ^ 'eel Home K so humble lace like home e comfort of home : you have. A look around i many "wrinkles" on how icing. r the latest in up to date hut trc make a speeiallings that go (ar to mak te indeed. < ome in and fvoti don't buy, ( rURN.CO. GoodRifnifare ?on, N.C. . i .<u ilization is "Nerves", tfie he remedy is rest. The nners against themselves, is mortgage on their own rind and the trees and the ubine to save' them from ome to our trysting place, t for the weary.and resto:,g?where nature drives [up the dross?where the id the breezes blow steads breathe freshest and the COME!! . tht-Pamlico. ' There arc my the homesite now. A. C. MA'l RAWAt.? WE WILL M\IL YOU $1 for rarh set of old False Teeth scot Us. Highest prices paid for old Gold. Silver, old n alchcs. Ri oisen Jewelry. Prrciow Stones. MONEY SENT BY RETURN MAIL Phila. Smelting k Refining Company ESTABLISHED M1YEARS 803 Chestnut Si. Philadelphia. Pa. TO DENTISTS We will buy von# Gold Filiogs. Gold -Scrap, and Platinum. Highest prices paid. 1 I 1 I Bicycles! Bicycles! 1 New Bicycle# $15 and up. '.Vo are ugenta for the Ravycle, \ Runt! lug. Standard, Ivor Johnson, Columbia. Rambler, Emblem Na- I 'tonal and bayten Hlcyelea. Held 1 /j , for cash of on time. We alee carry a full line of rej>a!rn-at a41 tlmea. j' D. R. CUTLER |T -v114 Market St. WASHINGTON, N. C Phone 233 '.I. ----- . I Cu'? 'a.* 3npr.'n^. i Tie hwy-jn of a light a'oel &?- ! (o be held qeatus* upper ipg h? I ".lamps to prevent person* from snot i ng is announced in :ho e , but many persoas ?; cou\tr.ccd that i > eronbar driven tbrvjsh th? j nvaleai ir Uk on!? verroivnent fur,* 1 ?r ? " T4 fwriteldt YO a C c I ^ NATION IN ^==== -ii 11 " rr I Our Mahogany j Bed Room Suits Are now complete again after several weeks of being broken up by the many buyefs. Why not exchange or sell some of your with most modern and common sensed made * 1 " r* Mahogany - Pieces. Buy genuine mahogany and avold.'its getting old or out of date. We also have In a good assortment of old pieces In Chairs. Rockers, fables, Settees, etc., for Xmas trade. JEFFERSON FURNITURE COr | OWN YOUR HOME, j A new series of stock in THE HOME BUILDING J j$ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION will open January 4th, | 1913, at the banking house of The Savings & Trust J Est Co. Pay for your home on easy terms-and own it. ( JNO. B. SPARROW, Sec'y. j HORSES AND MULES _ _Just_Received lOO Head oL Horses and IViules ALL BROKE. AGES RIGHT Washington Horse Exchange Company B. L. SUSMAN, Pres. - ~ ~ ^ ^ -- ^ > - - - ? ?' 'r?rr-r-r*?. ^ ?as For Moving Picti UCAN WRITE PHOTO PLA EARN $25. OR IflORE ^ g?mw i nwat If you have ideas?if you qan THINK?we will 'sbnw you the secrets of this fascinating new-profession. Positively no experience or literary excellence necessary. No "flowery language" is wanted, a The demand for photoplays is practically unlimited. The big film manufacturer? are "aeTiag hoaveu and caith"-lu tlisli attempts to get enough good plots to auooly the ever lnrreaslnrr damand Th.v ... ? ?' ? offering S10and more, for single scenario?, or written ideas. N Nearly all the big film companies, the buyers qf photoplays, are loTated in or near NEW YORK CITY. Being right on the spot, and knowing at all times Just what sort of plots are wanted by the producers. t>ur SAI-ES DEPARTMENT has a f re in endouY" attvantage over agencies situated in distant cities. We have received many letters from ttle big film manufacturers, such as VITAGRAPH, EDISON. ESSANAY. LUBIN. SOLAX. IMP. HEX. rfELIAN'CE, CHAMPION. COMET, MEI.IES, ETC.. nrgl?i us to sead photoplays to them. We want more writers and we'll gladly teach you the secrete of success. tati/AH ? : We are selling photoplays written by pple who Tever before wrote a line for publication. Perhaptfiwe can do the same for you. If you can think of only one good idea every week, and will write it out as directed by us. and It SUM. tor only 125. a low figure rfc-rgB: ?TmqjflUI ClgB You Wi I Earn S100 Monthly For Spain lime Work. rn I? F Send your name and addreta at once for, fret copy rjVEtEi of our illustiattd boot. "Mating PiUuie Hgywrlltn" Don't hesitate. Don't argue. Write n*w and iearn Juat what this new profession may mean for you and your future. AL AUTHORS' 1*43 1 STITUTE hew . . "t a'. ! . 1 ' ' - ^ ' v "1 -ICL' .rV'1 lr- w ' wk-steY, ,"CvFlMIsl*' ** - > fflp < xt-t. v-ool iNignts the'^ouse at the^'proper < -temperature. Can't light ' :* the furnace yet as It is ] too warm during the ', middle -of.the day, but v 38me heat Is needed in ahe morning- and after sundown. >' ; j: I Use a Vulcan , Odorless Gas ' Heater <^- BpllfMfl I Makes a room comI fortable in five minutes J Positively Odorless Absolutely Sanitary ' Washington Light 8.Water Cor = HOTEL RAYMOND ] "[ 42 East 28th Street J I ? (At Sskssy Stsliss.* hi " New York City EUROPEAN PLAN $1.50 Pyfty WililP AMERICAN PLAN $2^0 Per Day and Up ? * Apartments accomodating 3 or more , persons . from $4- to $p.OO per day. 4 Special rate* by the >\r?-k or, month, Inspection * invited. Reference ricbnrd. A quid family * hotel, recommended ladies vuilimc New York 4 City alone. Upon request by teller or Telephone 2S4i'M*dlion Lquare. a meswncer will meet you I at flatiqn. _ . , . , . ... _ ? MARK A. CAD WELL r ire Plavs! YS AND WEEKLY N, I - I ' 2^ j * it (I 1 'l k "* ill Corner Mala and lUrtot W. ? MM I Orer Brown'* Dru* Storo. # ' Washington, If. V. *? : Li_:?_? . . ?. I B. JL DftfiMJr. . f > twy&fnwi? "M DANIEL A VOM '. We prsrtk? lntim?ee?ts! ? ? * 9 p 1 - " ftnipn^^B Wllwr 0. Rodman. . -1 Wo. B. Rodman. Jr. RODMAN A RODMAN * 1 ttornoro-nt-Lnw. Washington, North Oarottaa. , * * jjfl ? '-TT'.Vr" i' -: 1 ". wSsss^rt 1 Wn praoUo* Cm tfc* Own* of tfc* ' ' Wnt Jndlclal District ar* U* B ' Fo^nrnl Co art*. jo? a. aomnB . Itumi-u-U. . . 7 ? . C WASHINGTON. K. O. 1 v^a ' / a A. PHILLIPS A RRO_ . MM FIRE INSURANCE. ' *mnm m m mmM ... ?. U. * ' ' ' * ' ,? * * * d * * ? a a^H ' W II. QUI SOB fl AtUrM74i4Mr Wufaii|toa, Rovtli OaroUui Practices In all the Oputa. *lBI "' *. w ' John H. Small A. D. lfariliTtd ^ Harry McMullsn ' ? ' Small, MacLeu A McMalUa Attorneys-sVbaw * Washington, Not Ji CaroUaa ' * naa ?. ' _>.? at 1IARRY Mi ML IXA N. fl ' ?? Attorney-at-Law. ' ' ' Dr. Rodman Bldg., E. Uj?a St. . 'Z^M Washington, North Caronaa. * ' I i " * . . "" ?. Edward L. 8fewart, a Washington, N. 0. *: ' - ^ Aurora, 0. ? 1 STEWART Jb THOMP0OH " . d Attorneya at Law. " Washington and Aurora. N. 0. * ? a nni.T.TW f* RARHiisn a - --a AlWIMJ-UrUw 1 ' Office Barings A Tnit Co. BIdg. a Room* t and ?, Washington, N. C. a 1 NORWOOD U SIMJtONN $ .*' '5} Attorneyat-Lsw Washington, N. C. m a i a ?w m ..-vr, TH08. 8. LOMJ, v Attorney-at-Law. Washington, N. 0. r C2^c 2nd Fi?T. HlfcfWH Had ' ' ' Trust Building. Practkea tn all State Courts. SCHEDULE Qasb. at ElUm C. leaytji ffoiLh ? ~ Craak Monday. Wataisiy, Had Wrtfr rt ? A. i IWD ??lriiT. *. i ? *. p titvm ?i 'Ddiii * n a a . mmrinM. . ' 1 lull! Hii of your HUM to moot tko demaodfl of tko Bute, ttorthlMtr kad tke SoksoM. ftoM0 mmt 1i?d MtUo j* oiH. Son teas ItoW lue tin uUMkn H ?> Tkta Dcemkar It. 11)1. OnMILlMWl ami immfrmit ?~. STOOKHOI.DEIU1 MMRMB. Tkm will ka a maatlap af tha * Oj tockkoldara at tke Palaaa Barber ' M hop Co. OB Monday. January ?th, J tor tka purpooa* of electlnx (Ifflrrm ^ lid directory for tha aoiotiK roar H. M, HOI.BBOOK_ ^ \ Manager. . J,

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