? ftitcffd M MMnd-clin ntttoF &- - Aegwst ft. lftOft. at the poteomo# el M Washington. N. C.. under the act ot P 1 ft 70. R. ... r On Month . . . . .ft .St rocr Months ......... ?C... 1 1.00 g ?* Months ....;... r.io m.i ?. ' 1 ' Subscribers desiring the peper dls r eeatlnsei win plana a noUly Ule of. E hoe on date of ezptrstion. otherwise ? Ot will be conttnued st regalsr nub*. eCripUon rates ontil notice to stop de^not get the Pelly Mows ,1 promptly telephne or write the manr. iger. end the complaint will receive immediate attention. It is oar dosire to please you. All articles sent to the Delly News L for publication must be signed by / the writer, otherwise they will not Sr. hn published. "WEDNESDAY. JAN. 23. 1913. JURY KKKOKM. R.- "We have sometimes heard in North Carolina the sarcastic remark. "It Is p : egainstthe law to commit murder In % Virpjniu." This ueuaiiy ali. r iwww flagrant acquital in tills State or some Eft.. {I ^ocvirtion in Virginia of a criminal whom everybody knows (o be guilty. Most of the States of the Uhion are entirely too lenient in enforcing such laws as that relating to murder, and might in this'respect take a valuable leggon from England.^ but conditions i'v are ' hanging: It has now becdme Impossible to shoot ' down a man or r~, steal 1100,000 iu New York City without serious personal risk. i Yiyglniar- is noted for her enforce- ' met: of the law. and her method of I sometimes selecting jurors from adT*? prohnhtr has mtirh to <?-j with her success. The passage' fof a bill through the Xtrih Carolina j General Assembly granting permission to select Jurors from adjoining t counties places this State upon a 11 rtior* equal rooting. We will never^ HtluQit rfeat Virginians are naturally j more law-abiding than we pro. 1 < OMl'I I.SOHY KIHt'ATION. J H'trrah tor the compulsory cduca-L _? uo? bill! It t? the State's duty, first.jt to make schools attractive, and se'--ji on'!, to see t hut they are attended r The.,old rft that p.ir? nts have a right i. e. ta^kfretty-twh n? they ph'nrt* with j| th?- r children is ottt of date Tliisj is a new age unit new social spirit. ] T* the sneering enquiry, "Am I my brother's keeper?" the modern answer ts emphatically "Yes." No mar. a right to lower Jht* quality of mjr future cttirenshtp by deiiberechool. though of course special at i. L 9roT'g'?n jthould he made for poor ?hv)<Jren. as is done in this bill. TO REHEARSE WEDDING AT LYNDHURST TODAY Miss Helen filler Gould. her s Ilarre. Plntey f. Shepjrrrf;-and--hHw* 1 Gould's two little nieces, Helen and Dorothy, who will be flc.wer girls at h^r n:o<l/ti r. : If.mnrmu- ir.,1 \lr Shepard's brother, l/ouis .1 Shepard, who will act as best man. will go from New York to l.yndhurat. Miss Gould's country home, near Tarryt?wn. this morning. ^vt is probable that the party will drive out in Miss Gould's auto Two important details are to be st-TYled innaj?mf marriage itc-mse is to bo procured and the wedding rehearse?!. The liren.se will b*- got from Robt. Dashwood. t'lerk of the town of rrrorrrmnr?Ttrev "may mi1, e m I'terK H^shwood's office on - the way to Lyndhurst. or he may he asked to come to l.yndhurat to save Miss Could the embarrassment of being stared at by curious crowds. By taking his seal with him the Clerk can issue the license as legally af~Lyndhurst as in his own office. The hour for jtae reharsal has not been rpade public, but it is believed it will take place in the -alter n/on. Tbe ceremony wll be performed in the drawtn groom for sentimental reason. C If was I pihla room that George Jay Gould. Miss Gould's brother, married Miss Edith Kingdom and here the children of hp'f"other brother., Frank ft. Jay Gourd; we A ^histened. L * . <tmXy About Seventy-five Guests. W? Tb^TteV^T^jfte^ 'feuaaoll. pastor of the frvip^tomu'PMs^^iejian churc^, p * will %<t atttie'/ebdarial After the rehelokaf %!e V dinner at LTnMWftfyfe that Mr. She^aFa *m rl^muti'^ftiere over N'w y It was said?yearerday that- not more than (SWffifcf Mould attend the ceremodj.l ld< ltidlhg'dlfi k the members of the'ttefald MMoCRippe ard families except W/. 'WbepBtkl'# r. ^ in i?m Among" tftc presents that arrived j; at t yndhurat yesterday was a silver dish the gift # Miss (Jon d's {aCragAwtol. nte^ lO^cWi?>iAaT>h^n T BCrl 6d< " It was expected yesterday ?N< Mlsi Gould and Mr^Shepard would get heir license to Marry at the Crtyj Hal . and crowds gathered in Cltyt . In Wmhiagtoa Park. A Mt iMih b?r kM .prcadteg wife, fow little owa tii kit me now, kere" Tn Washington Park, al) sanitation ta beat. park, of plearar* of playgroaads a. re XrwU fall of children keep mot* dear oar, sone horse will knock do area, says the lark; says the breeu ure, come and be free: t"'~y to be akM|; l? make your jr yon most tU of me. come build y?? cottag*. w cozy, I , Come build your mansion, so gran n room, twill be gay?most month il? Washington Park?Picturesque 1' The V.: *' ^ Tov ? - - ?>n ?*? ' j^liL/ 4 ru tell ra 1 y"" I . a? com u - ^ YniiH gad _ _ Mu ?-?- ?. *mi Wha . Her R-nthea ^Kmf. <,. * w? *r? ?' % 4 A To be well Your soul ?. ~ _ _JN? Come COM4 On tt Hall, Park. Chief Clerk Scully said in the late afternoon that they probably would get their license in Tarrytown or one of the neighboring villages. Then the crowds dispersed. "This is going to be my last talk rn matrimony." laughed Mr. Shepard whon seen by a reporter yesterday afternoon in his office at No. 165 Broadway. He was in a humorous mood and declared at first that he could not talk for publication, ex-j plaining: "I have just been to luncheon." Drives Off A Terror. The chief executioner of death In :he winter and spring months is pneumonia. Its advance agents are -olds and grip. In any attack by one >f these maladies no time should be ost in taking the best medicine obainable to drivo it off. Countless housands have found this to be Dr. King's New Discovery. "My husband relieves it has kept him from having onctimonTa three or """four times," a*rites Mrs. George W. l*lace. Raw'lonville. VL. 'and for coughs, colds tnd croup we have never found Its squal." Guaranteed for all bronchial icectlon*. Price 50 cts. and $1.00. Trial bottle free at The Hardy Drug Store; j Nails. AtUerlctt Iihm the honor of having mntlo 1 lie first cut nails. toward the rlwc of the eighteenth century. Before that nails wefe made by band, and their-fhiit.ufooture was a Imuaehotd indnstrv. Cut null* arc made by machin?*ry fiora plates rolled to the proper <vivltli nud thicknesa. They, may b.> fnadt*- of -steel- or of -ma llea-hir- -iron. Wire nails, though originally a French invention, were brought to perfection lu the United States. A PFSfligjte. "I siu afraid my husband i? leading a double life." "Heavens! What has amused yonr suspicious?' "He sneaked 50 cents out of his pay envelope" last week and tried, when I found It out. to make me think he had done it by mistake."?Chicago RecordHerald. A Long Timo Out of Uaa. "A man told me," says a cynic in the American Magazine, "that dnriug the Sun Francisco earthquake he and his wire uneir aown ami began mo i<ora's Prayer, but forgot it in the middle. it take* time to renew an olil IKqunlllt au'-e."' , Reserved. Thomas ? Tlint Miss Warilejgh is tutlier reserved, isn't she? Jack?Very much so. 1 reserved her for life last night. I.OTP, a rough, smoke and money enu%*?t Song be bid.-* French Proverb. .\N %l(*K A I. TO MOTH Kits. A Doty the Mother Owes tjX-Her t'hild and in Herself and to Her Family. In these days of star-shooting; the days when all kinds of reforms are being handed to the parents, the mother feels that she has great responsibilities. And she has. She must not. only bear and rear and nurse?and love, and often lose her offspring?but she must ever keep her ear to the ground to know what e.vil may befall the loved oi^e. This is not a patent medicine advertiaement. It is the relation of a fact. Pneumonia and mumps, and scarlet fever and meaBles come along and all the lis that childhood is heir to?and the doctor is called in. and generally he pulls the hopeful through. But It Is generally understood these times that of all the diseases that rob homes of little ones CroUp and Pneumonia are the most insidious. They baffle the skill of physicians, often: possibly tbe physician is not called in time This is why every home snbtun "be sjFppTled with a bottle pi Cowans Preparation, the celebrated arffl aPve'kns remedy for Pneumonia %r? ffroufc. Colds?applied externall* A<^nev? falling to relieve the sufferer. Buy a bottle today; try it and you will thank your stars that to tbU mr~ tftlJMrAff GwJWhtndle it. Take no substitutes but get Cows us. JL C Try the Da And i NORFOLK RAIL ROUTE ' NIGHT E ? Schedule in Effect N. B?The following scheduli only and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE North 2r3S~arm.-t>attT^=Nigbt Express Pi 10:40 a. m. Daily-=-For Norfolk. < | West. Parlor Car service. J1:50 p. m.?Daily exceut Sund iy fo West 5:50 a. nj.?Dally except Sunday .for necta North, South and West i 3:20 p. m.?Daily for Greenville, \ Car Service. ":2a. m.?Dally. Pullman Sleeping elgh. Conogcts North, Sonth an South 4?av a. m.?Daily-for-New Bern, 1 ing Cars. 0-: 45 a. n>r?Daily except Sunday tc 3:30- p. m.?Daily for New Bern, i For further information and r ; space,, apply to T. H. Myers. Was W. A. WITT, Genl Supt., Norfolk, Va. ... . Polls a Pool Plot. When a shameful "ISpt exists bi tveen liver and bowels to cause dli tress by refusing to >act, take Q King's New Life Pills, and end sue abuse of your system.?They gceitl compel right action of stomach. lir< and bowels, and restore your healt and all good feelings. 25c. at Tfe Hardy Drug Store. NOTICE OK SALE. | I hereby notify all pejsons that tfc firm of F. G. Paul & Bro., Tilma Paul, sole owner, haa this day sol his entire* stock of merchandise, coi sistlng of groceries, hay, etc., ale style of flrin and good will to Hug Paul who win coajtinna tha lrnaiaa at the present stand in the Bam ham building, Main street. Washtni ton, N. C. All persons holding ui paid accounts against abovfe firi prior to January 1st, 1913, .pre r? quested to present them at once ( Tflman Paul for settlement. AH pe sons owing above firm prior to Jai uary 1, 1913, dame being due. ai requested to make settlement I once to Titman Paul. The said Hug Paul takes charge of bustaess a January 1, 1913, as sale owner an proprietor of the firm of P. G. Pai tc Bro., Mayhew Paul as manager, wish to extend my sincere thanks 4 ' my many customers tor their pai patronage and favors and earnest request a continuance of the saa with Hugh Paul who will conduct M| business under the eajn? trm nam happy New Tear and heat wis* to all. This January 1st, J013. TILMAN PlfL ifcmcm. I hare thfo day qualified before tt clerk of the Sapbrior Court of Beai tort Ceustj at executor of Um lai will of Uriah S.^Leggett. decerns? All persona ladehted to his ostat are requested ttf make immedlal settlement with me and those holi fled to file the same either with m or with said clerk, duly itemised an verified as proscribed by law, oil > this notice will ha pleaded in bar I their recovery. This November tOtfc. 1912. If. D. LEOOKTT. Executor of Uriah S. Leggett. dec'l sXS-t-two k*\ . x : - ?? -f': .*?$/. , ,,*1 f?I t~a; r,4.^;; . - Jj it" 4 Wt| -' * ttl ii limH & ?r <" awrti Mi _ . ._..... ' -' L i ;.. . , Ufa dR l'mrk: '''" ifX-feKSi *1 | ?,hri*?i- "aft"*-' BUT . HATHAWAY. Tf^l; ? Hy News Set Result s SOUTHERN ROAD OF-THE 1 Ml W Ma ? ? _ .A.h'KtSS" January 5, liUJ. * s figures published^Ka InformaUon WASHINGTON. Bound. '*ittman steeptng Cars to Nnrrflrr?? -onneets for all points North and r Belhaveo Bound. __ Greenville. Wilson and Raleigh. Con-*'ith all lines. Vflson and Raleigh. Broiler PfcHor Cars for Greenrille, Wilson and Rald West. ^ Bound , J GoIdsboro and Beaufort. eservatio^ of Pullman Sleeping Car hlngton, K. C. . W. W. CROXTON, Otn'l Passenger Agent. ^!| 1i Oiii? Bed Roo Are now complete weeks of being broken u ers.?Why not exchange old Oak Beds and Dress with most modern and Mahogany Buy genuine mahog. ting old or out of date good assortment of old |] I ;sra, Tables, Settees, etc. I JEFFERSON Fl I 1 fti9?r tog* g J I ^ '** ^ * I r AND LOAN ASSOCI AT ?j \ 1913, at the banking hei "l I Co. Pay for four hoax ,|| JNO. B. s ?<t.t i f(> v'* ',? -?/*A V *JJ,BLROJ?E.\N PLAN AMERICAN PLAN **** rmOmj tm* Up | Notice Is hereby given to ell perhninm u "Scott a ann>." >u :hlo <u toe* dlooolred, N. L. SawW4 ktwUtw to W. A. Scott. Tho boat boo. will heroolter ho ooadtictod bf tho sold W. A. Scott. With whom .11 poroou lndobtod to tho sold portisrthip should oottlo, sad tho sold >r tho sold partaortblp. *" * '" **n?l^"awi'HL^B ? W. A. SCOTT. 1-i-Ue NOTICE OF RALE. 1n J *- m oAMor af ool* rnh loin, d Iw ' vBdUl * ptTwPT Ot MIS LUflUROvQ AS a certain deed of trust executed to ?o by Bffllngham Tuthill and wife. Anted July 1th. 1999. and recorded la the Register'* ofDce of Hyde Cooaty. In Book B. page 166, I will tell on Monday, February 17. 1911/ at noon it the Court House door in Hyde County to Ihe'hlghest cash bidder a tract of iand on Ockrmcoke Island end In the County of Hyde mnd more particularly deecribed as follows: it Deinfc on Ockracoke Island and being all the lands allotted-to Malsey Williams in the division of the lands . of Thomas Wahab. Sept. SO, 1837. See a ded to the said Mai Bey recorded in Book 4, page 397, and being the same lands described in a deed of part to the party of the second part, dated March 4, 1890, and recorded in Book 6, page 24, of llyde County RecordBL whlcb is referred--to- for a description of said lands. This January 17, 1813. W. B. RODMAN, 1-17-4 w* ?r* ? TriUMO. UTOCKftOLDifiRS MEETING. . The annual -meeting of the atoekkelders ef the Home Building A Loan Association will be held at tha banking house of the Barings A Trust Company oa Thursday, January 281, 1918, at 4:^8 p. ra. JNO. B. SPARROW- Secy. 12-38-tfc TU? DAILY NEWS WANT AD. inqany m Suits again alter several ;p by the many, buy- or sell some of your II sera and fill the place common sensed made - Pieces. I "J- '! ' ''I iny and avoldjts get- I We also have In ar I Ideas In Chairs, Rockfor Xmas trade. i 'i -ii . i.in. ii .. i4I- . 11 RN1TUREC0. :;>g -**'-* -- { ION will open Jamrnry 4th, 1 mt of The Savings A Trust * on easy terms aaft own ft 2 -Snm'J a _ II Cool Nights I I . temperature. Can't light ' the filmar^ y*f ? ! I? J * some heat Is needed la ~ the mottling and after < sundown. J OsenrVukan Odorless Gas Heater n^H L.r ""^T Makes a room earnfortable in fire Pontmlr Odoriest - J I AUofanfr Smmktr | I WsshimM UdK ft IMsr to. I < xonoK. i Notice is hereby given to the cltl tens of the City of Washington, that < the Board of Alderman thereof, will present to the "General Assembly of J North Carolina, a bill ukluB to be 1 aothorited to submit to the votera < of said city the question of issuing 3 bonds for Water Works, Sewerage ] System, Plre Alarm System, and to < build an extension to the Electric a Light Plant. t This 16th day of January, 1913. ? COLLIN H. HARDING, Mayor. l-l?-30tc * WE WILL HAIL YOU $1 W mnnrn'M' , mm**M ?U3 Ckui at miiMHi. At WV will kmr >-?or G?M FUIa?fc G*M Sen*. MjftggL Mhe?fct? mU.NOTK'K OF DISSOLUTION. To Whom It May Cepcern: Notice is hereby given that the copartnership heretofore existing under the name and style's! ** . Q. ltorrii k Company," doing business in the city of Washlngtoa, N. C.. is this 4ay mutually dissolved, the said c*-partueisblp?buelug?been tuiapuswl ut Coolldge G. Morns and DeWlvt C. Ross. The said DeWltt C. Ross retiring from the said business, and the same will be hereafter conducted in the name of and by Coolidge G. Morris, and all debt? and obligations due and owing by the said firm of "C. G. Morris A. Co." are assumed and will be paid by C. 6. Morris, and all debts, accounts and cbosea in action due and owing to the said firm of "C. G. Horris A Co." are the property ~oTT ~ and will be collected by C. G. Morris. This January lfth, 1913. creraomnB, IXIWITT C. ROSS. i-if-iotc ; VMBKOTOR PRODUCE MAMDR WEDNESDAY. JAN. 2t, 1918. aiekesi. young. Its to 4*. || TMim*. grow. lit] Lonhb ehlna, each goto UoJI ?S 1 ??p w ? '! ?">? \**m. i" ? ?....M?n orr MM. a ?M. Kti? ...,4o (o tfff U I K Gnom Hideo lit Door Skin Mat .. .. Door oklo eait . . l#o Rood Cotton. . .......3 1-4 to 4o lb TOO low Arm OMMM procuring i In tkt Snporlor Court of BeaufortII County. exchMlToly, tklcl ho. kOooU Bttward U Stewart wlH continue!} the practice lo Washington. N. ?.. a* If heretofore. o04 W.-<. Thorapaoa will remain I* the practice at Aurora. N.II 0.. a* heretofore. T EDWARD U 8TEWABT. I . W. A. THOMPSON. ;-'Vi ifc* i.. ' * ' l"' tfpANuti!"*^ wmT* * ' VMktaitaai, MifltiiMlM _ Wn prftcOe*U mil jkMMA ?> * ? . ............ BODMAS A BODMAM - * - * * AC *" '* WMtduim. lortk flMoita. I ?.*'' "'* " 4 "IV " ,*V? l*v. '*' ! * ; J iTrX^B > . .,?:"?'. ...' . . . . >??..?...... 1 i "?-^g=- { ? t " f 5 ? ? ? a m m Pmeticao la iD tkc Oonta aas aa aan.a? ? * t, i--* L John H. Small A. D. M*flft*M : ? Attoraajr?*VL*w * (WuUa|toB. N?a (MM ' ' -r > L. HARRY McMULUN, f v' Attorney-nt-I-nw. Dr. Ro4bu Bldf.. K. Mate fit. Washington, North CsrsHna. o.-i-fjo Jgva a n a ^x ,Trr * ' ' WwHtLMmt. 1?> jomm,, M o- - I TKWABT * MOWeew"' " > > a i I' . , . ? n'V: , ? a a- a aa a jo fn m m I * - . % ' * " ' lT ' t , , II ' 1 1 ??aa : - " i JC OB WOOD u SIMMOBS .. m ttornoy-ot-Lov ? a Washington, N. O. ? a a a a ?a a a WWrTTSORST 5 ' Attornoj-nt-Law. Washington, N. C. * Office 2nd Floor 6*nsg? and mat D sliding. Practise* Is oil * Bute Courts. ".a ? . , * a a a a a""? Bicycles! ^ Bicycles! ' 5 114 Mutut at - ' mi. u in.iiijim i I i 4s wiUHmCton It c Phone an . I' 'n"i V H/m ' I i mwai i'1.1 fuai-a ; < \ M and fresh when Mimed. FREE DELIVERY

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