y/ All placed! to Special attant.oa paid ^ all ads farm on: sbaTea v- 1-11-tfc L ISODUTW Mill HAI.K IHB.M-. H. a*?a *?T<>- l-ii-iu WOK K\J,K?i M FKBT I1KABT : Timber 4x11 tram I to II feet 1 "Idag. E. Peteraon Co. j l-2:-3tr T ? CXOAK SHAH BAST MA1K street Vridga Mob da# afternoon Db?% u.wb and for a cfcitd o! etoonC 10 roared age. Finder reW * tur? to tins afflca and be rewardC ad. 1-tl-Stc m FOK HALS?73 Hb-gHHd 8?? P k"o.TTi IT^TT laj, Edwards, N. 0. ?w? HAMS AHO /<|>K\IB IMtfc at Ceatrml Market, phoaa <11. 1-lo-tfc 31(8 Sanaagea at Central Market. * ^|i:...;. ?sr *4 fAU. CKtTKAI. MAJtKKT WW delletoee Pork Chopa, Chipped Bear aaa Beneleaa Breakfaat BaTHrr~'t uu? :d- r.' ?' WMt BALE?HULL tfyAKTlTY Ions Maple cotton aeed. Aitrtat J. O. Mayo. South Creak. N c. ' MUl i. , ('HlUM 4* CKXT8 tt'AKT. PHONE 2711. Mre. Parker. 1-ld-taeekfrl-trc PUIUHt FOB laid?Tf?: OKA AXIOM fa rat of the late Prri Wallenu den, located one-hal^ aaile freca L Chdcowinlty. containing XI* acrea W of cultivated land, one large dwetlIng konae on same, in soed condition. aeveral ontkoaaea and harna. Uae of woodland civ en for t fire-weed and other peceaaarr farm purweeea. Pnaaaaaloa (Iren at enee. Rental for fcaah or 1 .aot en time with appeared aaenrItr. Bee Harry Cawtkorae, Adaar.. . Ckneawlnltr. N. C. o- H. u MaaM aaewa. attorney. Waak uytee. C. M 1-l^idtc that la etaaa ta drinl tap it gfoail the 80r awry. Rlar J. B. Peed-ai phone tittle FOB KENT?THAT 1 MU.l, OOMinodfooa krick atari neat to Ike Market Monad on the orecr of ' Market and Voter afiroeto. wiM kr ythCate of wharf. Addraaa lit, Ira H. Hardy. Klnatoa. If. C. lMtfn. Ill SEED CORN "WKSONA PROLIFIC" a YHM.D FOR 1*12 WAS 4 153 M BUSHELS PER ACRf. f are." la Beanlort Co . oa N. S. K. 8. ttS2tt*2$2rS2. A IwMbd ?MNiotof cveMly Mtocted nuifclifl, fbe c apply lasts. Ad dm. \ S. K. MCE. N, S. Kail read SORfOLK, TA mmm. ? wrauivn ?oupmor I.UUZL? H fore the Clerk. HJdmimi ft Kdwarilx v&X:: .'SaS^S v- H : E U. Gay lord, and nil other helre-n8latmmnr. uwmd unknown, of Lurana or Sonnnn OgMgrl, AMMIMJ f To *. B Onylord nod the other ssrscinrjac Yo?a*a hereby natlOed th#t so *>. tioa has Hm lastlttjted br this plainl.urnnn Baylord. decerned, In lot Hp. 48 hteNnta Town. Washington. N. 6. BonoiOrt Coanty, N. C.. on the tkth day of Velrnarr, ???*. "4 upsonr or demur to the petlUon In this cause. -or relief is.r.ro pnyed for wlU >o Witness my hand this Jsnjisry ,18. 1818. ' , Clark Superior Court. < , Mr. H If. 8*on rat. Who has hesn L eondmating the recent sale of the r lamM B. Clark Co. hhs left tor hie IffSSra ?oc*B?d VSUSZ MS." An InTsattgatloo Wl gmu UMaiatSoe of tti? ooisaaiiB Km tacky fnrolabed concloslr. erldeuce that Ike dlaaaaaln oosatloa ... tor*? pxmlac. also called spiaootlc. csrakn commonly tens or ( rnMU*d!tuUaaa"^?< To control thu IImk and present lbs unaffected animal. from contract lit*r i hl ?======1 Photograph by Kentucky agricultural exinrln^Mit nation - *OU>T CORK tlliAHRT>~VOa OKBEBBOII'lMAX. amr?0]-rih in houks, cam.* and . MOLU. * . ? tans, aa a large of the cases has been fatal even urben receiving Skillful. medical attention. Very few coses have occurred sifter n complete change of feed win, uncle. On one farm a complete chiU-.-c of feed was reesmmended to check ami six cases appeared altnu ! simultaneously between the. fourth ,nd seventh days folldwing the change, out no further cases were reported, and It la safe to conclude that the infection galiifcd entrance prior to the change?of reed, after which time the disease bad beea incubating in the cases noted. + 'the acute form of the disease ha* been more prevalent than any ot&er. especially In horses and mules. Ani. ma Is so affected succumb in from two to three davs from the tifne the first Be it ever There's no p ? A'vast dljealof th< depends on tire furniture this store will show you to make home more ent Not only do we carrj comfortable furniture, ty of <0T those little th r< Mjk boate?sweet bom let us show you even i Oe/pratU l^ook i - * *- _ i' -? I- m __ -v- f* ! Tr 1 K. K. W1IIU. Ws?ter Cnntte. V? i Co? Co.. 1. . Bonner, mini. M. B'v ""'TV \ '*'"'1 \i teJXH "r ? v4.| I *ik^(l?^wrtiSS | maeh ?w who Koto thousands | as (armors who know tha value ; tha dtapoaflWl ts' work to tbs ; lino -F*f? and Fireside Peultry Wiah.ro In a Notahall. Krect scratching shads faclrg tbs sooth or cast. Das clean atraw Uttar. Bos that drlsUoc rsaalls arc dean and provided with dean water. Provide int. hard aad alien; also charcoal ?rlt. Glae a dally supply of green feed. Knap a sharp lookout tor chlAes pox. If a few warts or pimples ippaar oa comb, wattles or atallda. fsthe with . dlasgar an<t walar, dry and than op ply/ carbottaed glyaarlti. fat apaott -halt. in tha drinking water. Keep prom lww?w?H Thrto in repair ami I ace that all vermin I. Jestroyed.Amarlcan Agriculturist I Winter Pruning. I Warm days between now aad spring I {nay be used to advantage, cutting Wt I dead Umber or branches that ara too I I rrowded among orchard or shade trees I er shrubbery. 3a careful la prualas I to cut close to tha shoulder so that tha I Wound may readily heal next stsson, I It is well in tha case of trees to paint I I tha wound deer with some cheap paint I In order to present drying oat sad I cracking. We're Gaining In Wisdom. 1]^ It's slioefctag the number of farmers . who will excavate corn shocks from the snowdrifts each winter, tot not.so I allocking as formerly. Silos nnd shredders hare reduced tbf number.I Ornuce JrnVl Former. > Cruel. Mnu?l '(before the laughing hyena's cnge>?How provoking! Here we're I boen twenty minntes. and the hyena hasn't laughed ouce. Ella Strange. I and he's been eying your uew hat toa Her Opinion. "Woman Ls considered the weaket Teasel,"- she remurtu'd. "rind yet"? "Well?" he queried as she hesitated. "And yet." alu* uuittuued, "iriau la srteuer broke."?London OpMM^ Nice Present. Oroorq (looking over the prosenta>Dlri Mra. Qrtiinptis give us any thinert . Bride?Olif ye*: She lias glren us'Just six mouths to lire together.?Chicago I News. . so humble lace like home 5 comfort of home you have. A look around many "wrinkles" on how icing. ' the latest in up-to-date but we make a special ings that go far to mak e indeed, tome in and ? J [you don't buy. | fonfSjc!^^ ' mal Regulator '4'ri ' t gPgpMM O. **Y??r Dtmay tack tf H WU." Jot ut worn mbo?t Pntti CWpoNi '# ' ' ' '-*)< I Taylor, Harrj?on A Phillip#. A. J. \ * Little. VV>i - 1 : ^ [ ?UUL.r*** tM^u4*oU>?r ?rmo( p*r*ou) ' i^r^ssw: Mkuu. Tki MM MemM t? < IMMlltJlUJM 1?? ??n ** wMlwtina. but m ft pi?<f of ? o o ' H nooMu ' Mr. Loo Stewart has t?ft for Van doner*. o o Mr. T. B. Hod gee. of Old Port, i member of the County Board of Edu cation, is in the city today. ? w Bar. J. H. Griffith, of Klnaton, h In the city today. . ? Mr. H. c. Smith, of Cincinnati Ohio, Is a visitor today. R',. . T *. Mr. W. J. Orothans, y>f Chattanooga. Tenn.. is registered at th* Hotel Lojlse. " * * t .Mr. E. H. Robinson, of Bath, la It the city. ^ - Mr. W. R. Lany. of Norfolk, Is on* of today's Tlsitors. Mr. H. L. Manning, of New York Is registered at the ^oulse. Rev. D. Tucker, of Greenville, -ii n the city. ? Mr. J. Segulr. of Philadelphia, Pa. la in the city. LUNCHEON GIVEN MR. WILLIAMS MONDAY BY MRS. CARTER. Mrs. H. W. Carter entertained at i Btx course luncheon Monday at noon In honor of Hon. Robert Ransom Williams. the speaker at the Lee birth day exercises held Monday night. The entire dining room was decorated in national and Confederate dags, and numerous pink lights made a beautiful effect. White hyacinths constituted the floral part of the decorations. In'the center of the table wai & fort made of flags, the centei one being a large Confederate flag and the others graduated in slz* down to the very smallest. The place cards were pierced with small flags' with white ribbons at tacbed to the ends and leading to th< center of the table, where the souvenir cards were concealed under th* ion or nags. ^ The hostess said: "Instead ol drinking to our honored ones we will puil to them,'- and at these wordi fevery cnny ptrtteft-'hftr -white riWxm bringing forward the souvenir cardi with beautiful pictures upon th< back of them. These place cards which rnfirasrnferi vneinmi- dopcd General Lee on horseback, were ex ecuted by Isaac Hughes, and elicitet 'considerable favorable comment 01 the artistic genius displayed in th< sketches. SIX-INCH LIZARD IN STOMACH 14 YHARS Mauch Chunk, Pa., Jan. 22.?Bar ney McNutly, after suffering frotn i peculiar illness for many years, hai dislodged a six-inch lizard, which hai bean in his stomach since the dayi of the Spanish-American war. ** Added to KcNulty*s suffering eam< a tooth ache, and when he went to i dentist the tooth bad to be extracted He became weakened from loss ol blood. His stomach became unset tied, and while it was being emptel the itzara was ulUlOdged. Tim uuliuul was alive and measured a trifle more than six inches. McNulty was a private in the Porte Rico campaign in 1898. He does not remember drinking any lizard, but he recalls having drank water while lylivg on his stomach. He Is convinced at that time or else that he ainned ?r a llsard egg. Hia health is now mucin IBjp uiimju ~'rv,".: ~ I Home Endorsement _ v i I Hon deeds Of Washington CUUem Oka Tell To* AU About It. Home endorsement, the public expression or Washington people, should b? evidence beyond dispute' tflfcawy Washington reader. Sural? I this mmBhS of friends and neigh-1 ban, cheerfully given by tbem, will carry mors weight than the utterance* of strangers residing In farsway places Read the following: R. 8. Butler, )1? Harvey St.. Washington, N. C., aaya: "I suffered from dull pglns In my back and Anally I procured Doan's Kidney Pills from the Hoyt Drug Co. They certainly gave great relief and after thai my condition waa ranch llAttadda ewery way. I publicly en J ayins; noons Kidney Pills at that time and now I am leased to say that the bene At 1 received has been perPor sale by all dsalera. Price 5A cents. Voster-Mltbnrn Co . Buffalo. New York, sale agents for the United States. , V V- / i t Remember the name^?Poan's? snd take no ofhog.^ ^ J N. I " ltal*uk ? A W. stxroa, UurdUn of Kitkarliu , ciark Hd Ai! W. Styron. 4 dm late , trmtor or (Catherine Clark, Da , By virtue of am execution directed <9 tk? oDdcrplg&ed from tha fiuperioi . Court of Beaufort County la Uu , above entitled action.' I will on Wed 1(13, at IS o'clock aooa (which said during the flrat throe days ol I thsfrgg ular February Term of Beaufort Cyunty Superior Court) at th^ , Court Houae door of aald coaaty. ffll i to the hisheet bidder for caah. to aati led t*id execution, all the rlahl title and Interest which the afM Kathe. rlne Clark ha^ or A. W. Styron aa Ouardlan of Katherlne Clark, or A W. 8tyron aa Administrator of Kathi ertne Clark, deoaauod. has la the fol lowing described real estate, to-wlt: Itoate, lying and being In Beaufort County, North Carolina, in Pantego i Township aad described aa follows: On Pungo River, beginning at John Blsbro'a corner on Pungo Rlv. er;' tanning thence South Fifty-Two (St) Bast 8lxty-Siir ( ) poles; thence South Thlrty-elght (St) But - Sixty-Eight poles (6t) to the point ? of March; thence South Thirty-Two " (S2) bast Eighty-Eight (SS) poles to mouth of Herring Creek to a 1 pine; North Forty-Five (46) East Eighty (St) poles; then Northerly with a line of marked trees which dl' vldes the present sold land and Samuel Clark, which line was made aa a division line between Henry and * Samuel Clark, running with this line so far aa a ceurse North 81xty (10) West serosa to John Elabro'a line, 1 will include One Hundred (100) acres to the beginning on the River, It being the same lot of land which ' was set apart to the said Katherlne Clark in the division of the lands of her father, Caleb Clark, which la of ' record in the office of the Register of Deeda of Beaufort County. 1 This January l?tb, 1913. B GEO. E. RICKS. 8hertff of Beaufort -"County. 1-18-4 wc v . i WALTER CREOLE A CO. PtofW ?0 t 92. - ?.1 . ) WHY NOT Give Us a Trial? - We handle everything in Staple and Fancy Groceries with quick and efficient service, and we feel sore a trial order will convince you it will be profitable to give us a share of your patronage. CLAUD A. LITTLE, "lite Store Around the Center' | \hqrses a1 Just R lOO Head of Hoi ALL BROKE. Washington Horse 1 B. L. SUSM I l' Try a Daiy N( " Navigation on tha Ouga. One of the very crooked eat streams anywhere Is the. Osage rtfM In Mi* - souri. In that region they tell of a farmer living on the banks of that rivi er who had a small.flutboat which one day he loaded with produce and floated down to market, six miles away, lie exchanged the produce for goods at one of the stores nod loaded his goods lu the tlatboat 1 "How are you going to get your stuff - home, Bill?" asked a friend. "Got a ) steamboat to tow you back?" "I am going to float back," was the , response. "How are you going to do that? 1 : don't understand." "I guess you don't know much about 1 this river. It doubles on Itself Just lie? low here and ran* hack to within less Sfeatrvr quarter o-f-a-mHe-ofmy -plage i I've got a landing on both banks and t . team of hoc&ea than can drag the boat over from one landing to the other."? * ^nn*ni ___===J, Balkan Ballads. In the Balkan countries the ballad 1 makers hare certainly been at least as > important a* the makers of laws. Serrla's national ballads, commemorating the-glorias of the Servian Emperor Dushan, the fatal battle of Kossovc and the legendary exploits of the hero " Marks Kralysrich and hia horse Sba gill, Iff Of UuluciK. (uupuiUuu9 nuj, ' sung to the accompaniment of a guitar k with cord* of horsehair tails, hare i kept national feeling warm for cenj turlea. In recant years the Servian i government published a popular edl tlon. In Macedonia Sir Charles Eliot i beanl a schoolboy recite a Bulgarian poem which took an hour and a quar * ter, with a simple but significant plot The pasha of Sofia summons a Bui I garlan hero who is his friend and tells him he has orders to execute hlra. I The Bulgarian asks why. The p^sba says ha does not know, hut he mlut > do it, and he does.?London Chronicle. Floral Dsath Legends, ' By the Mexicans marigolds are known : a? death flowors from an exceedingly i appropriate legend that they sprang up on the ground stained by the life blood I of those who fell victims to the love of , gold and cruelty of the early Spanish settlers. Among the Virginian^ tribes, too, red clovor was suppOMg/to have sprung from and to be colored by the blood of the red man slain in battle with the white invaders. In a similar . manner the red poppies which followed I the plowing of the field of Waterloo , Ararat said to have sprung from tha blood of the killed and wounded la that famous battle. According to tradition, tha Danteh Invasion u? the cause of the daneweed, a coarse, asteraceoaa plan) common In ttngland, a* It sprang hm th# bipod of Danes slaifi In battle, *a<; IT cut on a certain day in the year it bleeds. TbnffweuX elder, for the sema reason, 1* called da oe wort and dam klOod -Suburban Life. < Queer Book Titles. "These ok| hooka," said the anti qu?rj ss am pointed to a dingy uppei half, "?ra curious for tholr titles. . | ' "Hera Is a volume of sermons printed In Sslem in 1708. 'Sermons to. Asses' Is Its scoffiful name. ?"Here Is a book dated 1743 that Is called 'Look to It or 111 Stab To.' It Is \ tees ties ss polygamy. ~ , " "This is a pamphlet by a spinster against the young men of the seven-1 teenth century. Its title Is 'A Pis sertation on the Pertness of Our Youth In General, -Especially Such ss Arc I Trained Op at Tsa Tables.' "A return blast to that dissertation is this other pamphlet of the seme year: 'Quippee Far Upstart Newfangled Gen i Mew^roen; or, A Glass to Ylew the Pride of Valngloftous Wobid.' " V.| /v .. _ L . Bojlioxi's amb'utui , in cflrkj life shou The vaQrld. is ever man. vwKo helps I To catch tkt I ambilioru i*uidtt? take, advranli^e. portan-ities. -A bank, acco sicLtred a, necessa. individual's care encouraje tjoafo oar banking foe Bank of V GROCERY AD\ FOR ECONOMIC) JOS. F. ' Phones 122 & 124. Carries the Most < Family G ALWAYS FRESH F*ol?tes Clc Quick I WHIN GRANDMA W8PKOT8 THK GROCKBIHS bought hero she haa to admit they are betjer and cleaner than thoee she used to get. For this is esesntlally a clean grocery store. We are just as particular in keeping out dirt as we are in keeping out interior edtbiea. That's why particular people prefer w. CHAS. M. LITTLE Start 1913 With economy, the ' "lieat la Un dwp?F ?THE? QUALITY GROCERY timely (jiypFi-H " j Id be cncflu?^ei *1 reutt) to ?ui 'f: ' uifc, Ofts^skouli _ eoxit day's Of : ant ts now con.rtj ad.jun.ctr to evmj er a/n.d we, vuouliL take advantage of! tidies. - Washington J. K. P?Mhi?i ===== /ERTISEMENTS \L HOUSEWIVES. -1* *V ! ' rAYLOE ISO Market;SL Complete Line of rocerics. and reliable :rks and 1 _ Jcllvery. js. | m --i Come Iato Our Store and takjo advantage of crur e ilr?air low prices. as f*lfo wb: 12 lb. bag Best "Superlative" H#w Ob 12 lb. bag newly ground Com Meal 30c Rest l^af I-ard Mc _ Best Herring Roe, can Me Four large. Bright Mackerel J5r 1 T>oz large Roe Herrings 3bc Cod Fish, 1 pound cakes \ 7 tie 3 qta. new Souer Kraut lor 3Se 3,1b. can Pumpkin, fine lor pies Mr Large, bright red Cranberries, <*1. Me Best Mince Meat, a new arrival, ltcflb Best Creamery Butter 2c& Good, better and best Collees 2# to 3Sr All things sold cheap. . pure food crock** ' ; . I J. fc. bonner. Pray. PhoL 2fcl 128SoolfeMufeElSt. = 1 NOTICE. Raleigh. N. C., Jan. 11. MAS. ' J Under the rules as adopted bjtke '? House, it la doubtful whether is* ?* ate laws can be passed at fhe pre?- \ 5^ ent session unless the ConitltOtlciaul requirement of thirty days' notice i? given. . Any parties therefore who Analns 0 any private legislation passed at this , A session of the legislature win chre the notice as required by taw a?d Will please forwar dtholr bills to am Ff] la promptly as possible. y.;,]W * ^ W. C. RODMAN. SID MULESl ' I v I -l eceived mmm and Mutes AGES RIGHT. Exchange Compaay

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