JL ^JL i-~ "~ M 9 \ . -t . Was Robt E. L We represent, among < i?red his home. "Ari now than then. Show tl _ J ifctiTfli pndhave vour he l*hoao H far it. / First Insui L \fr'r-.^: ?- _! - - w Bov^ HHMtM * ee a Safe Guide? >tben, the rery c^iapiay with which he ingtoa." IB 1939. It hihoii|cr and better . he same wisdom tod foresight th-?t Lee nac insured. bVm. Bragaw & Co. ance Agents In Washington, N. C. m York Coaoa tirkncr ? MMES W. COLE V WOOD & CO. I EtS and BROKERS. S Grals and Provisions, 78 Pfciine St., J tufk. VaT f ork Slock Exchange. New Cork Cot- f ibrd of Trade aad other flju?rlal cew- J Qj Solicited. Investment aid Mar- / hrea Careful Attention. J jgggig 1 O MANUFACTURING ENGRAVERS IA)Ul5VILL?,Kr.U-Sje YMEWS ttNGTON, N. C. it irOCAi/ EXCLUvSIVR LINE.T T CAN WRI KJ U EARN 352! We Will Sh( If you have ideas?if you you the secrets of thft fascihatin no exBe.rieitcs.or literary excelli lancuage is wanted. - The demand for photoplays is pr manufacturers are "moving hearer get enough good plots to supply the offering flOO and more, for single Nearly all the big film companies cated in or near NEW YORK CITY. * knowing at all times Just what sor ducers, our SALES DEPARTMENT agencies situated in distant cities. We have received many letters f such as VITAGRAPH. EDISON, ESS REX, RELIANCE. CHAMPION, CO! send photoplays to "flfcera. We wan teach you the secrets of success. We are selling photoplays wr Perhaps we can do the same for good Idea every week, and will writ sells for only $25, a low figure.* Yob Wi.l Earn $100 Monti PI) 17 T? Send your name an r iVLL of our ilheatrated hi Don't hesitate. Don't argue. W ^ new profession may mean for yon )NAL AUTHO INSTITUTE = , A ' \JV? * * >* . ? w *tj ' I X 7" a ^ers-L L-- ?. Unmans fit age Ptrntlti look with horror on Bkln Eruption*, Blotches, Sore* or Plmplee. They don't hare them. For ell such troublee use Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It glorifies the face. Excellent tor Ectame or Salt-REapm. It enre* sore lips, chapped hands, chilblains; heala burns, cuts and' brnisee. Unsurpassed for piles. tivrct The Harfty Drm mors. rr 7r-r NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of a power ol sale contained in a deed of trust executed by A. C. Scott and W. A. Scott and wives On Dec. 29, 1911. which la recorded In tke office of the Register of Deeds of Beaufort County In Book 172, page 273, I will on Mondky, February 10,^1113. at 12 o'clock noon sell to the highest bidder fox cash the following described tract ol land; demand for said sale TRivtne been made on me by the owner ol the notes after default in payment. That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being In the County ol Beaufcrt and State of North Carolina and in Chocowfnity Township: Bo, ginning at an iron stako at th< mouth of a ditch that runs east ani! west, about 10 feet north Of'the git I house of W. A. Blount, thence running south with said line to the Guxx Run Canal at Fowlcs; Blount's act Shull's corne.r thence with yM m>i in a southeasterly direction U Blount's and Shull's corner, thenc< d-uc west with Blount's and Shall': line to the center of said canal at th< .Green J?ikc Well, Blount'a_ and Shull's corner, thence north with th? Jot canal to the southeast corner ol the Kin house cut. thence due narlt with tlio ditch of the gin house cut to the beginning. Containing 6< acres more or les9. Sale to be mad* at the Court "House door. Washing ton, N.-C., January 43, ??. W. C. RODMAN, / Trustee. 1-14-4 wc [>ving Pfetu TE PHOTO PLA' 5. OR MORE \ >w You How! can THINK?wc will show g new profession. Positively ence necessary. No "flowery actically unlimited. The big film i and earth" in their attempts to ever increasing demand. They are scenarios, or written ideas. s. the buyers of photoplays, are loBeing right on the spot, and t of plots are wanted by the prohas a tremendous advantage over rom the big film manufacturers. IAN AY. LUBIN, SOLAX, IMP, HET, MELIES, ETC., urging us to it more writers and we'll gladly B.1K10 \JBL '-V' 1 . itten by people who "never lattor ?^? yoa. If you can think of only, one e it out aa directed by us, and it ily For Spaie Time Work. d address at once'fortfrse copy x>fc, "Morktf Picture Pliywritinf rite n?w and learn Just what this and yonr future. * ?T * jR.S'* 1543 B _ NEW ' r /"\T 111/ Q ( f; ?-n*?-'*V^ IS NOV ewis iI11IMI IHII1 llllili! t|j TIPS FOP RSAO BUILDER8. \ *? - i % *' Qe oVer the whole of tho now ] | gf . coating ovary day or two with .. . tha tjjo mai oaytr lgayt tba v ?1 ; stone in. ridgesT^ If yOW hava no ring gauga ra- at " m,mty adviea that [ Into your mouth should ba bra- '! P? kan Smaller. ., y'-. v ? ail Use chips for binding newly th . laid stones together and ramam bar that road sweepings, soda'or wl ; grass and othar rubbish when nc , usad for this purpoaa will ruin ?] . tha -baat road avar constructed. ^ Remember that vaster _\oorn or I rounded stonea should never be ] tit . uaad upon steep gradients or . rr, they will fail to bind together. _ Remember that tha middle of *) "l #*"tho road should always ba a lit- . at tie higher than tha aides, so thst ? ja I tha rain may run into tha side [ . gutters at once. Never allow tha water tables. 1^ I gutters and ditches to clog up, ; i I r but keep thom clear the whole ., fcj ? year through. Always do upon your road In I ! wet weather and at onoa fill up I > with ohipe any hoi laws er ruts > I | where tha rain may lie. I iiniiiiiiiuiiitwiiiiiT Co^gBhout For Joy. j I* "I want to thank you from the hot- nc >m of my heart." wrote C. B. Rader. 1o f Lewiabnrg, W. Va.. "for Ue won- H: erfnl double--beneiKI-got from m Uectric Bitters, iu curing me of b oth a severe case of stomach troule and of rheumatism, from.which I a. ad been an almost helpless sufferer as 3r ten years. It suited my case as in tvough ms4e iust for me." For dye- c. epeia, indigestion, jaundice, and to Id the system of kidney poisons that &T anse rheumatism. Electric B'tters ? ave no auperlor. Try them. Every B< ottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only efi 0 cents at The Hardy Drug Store. r0 gt NOTICE OF BALK. so "lT " " w< Br virtue of s power of sale okn and all nf the land a United tn lalsey Williams In the dirision of ^ homas Wahab Sept. 30th. 1837. 8ee * deed to the said Malsey records in Ci look X, page 397. Beginning 'at a oict on Pamlico Sound bearing N. 4 W from the Northwest corner of he light house lot. then S. 64 E. 83 -p5 poles to the Northwest corner of he light house lot, then ?. * B. 81 # -2 poles, then N. 47 W. to Pamlice % ound and with the 8ound to the be- 4 inning. Saving and excepting the | leces uf aald lot herctofoie cunvej- -f d by said Malsey or her heire-^- J fhich said piece of land -wan convey- ^ d unto Effingham Tuthlll toy War- ? an Williams and-" others by deed ated 28 July 1897, and recorded in look ?, page ?, of Hyde County >bieh said. daMfeAi* referred, to and tto lade a part hereof for the purposes W f a description, excepting the pieces Ti f land the said Effingham Tuthill hi as sold unto L. M. Broome, L. B. di dthlll and Lona lludpell." m This the 17 day of January, 1918. W. B. RODMAN. -*r- Trustee. _ els Post [I" OM Kw weal i??o effect *"Tto? bmu ca (oyoaby Paresis Pda si s lew ial tk?< wiU 1 and forward thf IM nl Ha? Mil. ^ ur Business feel that wMh Omr eoadde Sodt *? ly coeeere la Eotaera North CweSgM. wwffl take rood cere^oflyoer ti wlsswp toy Percek Pert. Send m your order Itsgss* yssteti t EE a card giving you tbe law. A Service." dware Co. - NOTH K TO THE Pl'BUC. J Tku .nndaralcncd. Lake Landing M anaportatloo Company, kTllll " j ye, notice that It will mil, at 10 JB lloek a. m , on the lit* day or M 'bruary, 1011, at Wyaocklni. N. C.. . ^ the warthomie of the und.ratfned mpany, ? certain lat ot peach treee. ar treee. apple treeo, (rape olaee, T ,d atraw berry plante. con?l*i>e4 to * J. Van Mndley Nursery Company, ' llch aald perishable property has t been 'claimed by the consignee, though the consignee ie actually rare of Its arrival at Its. destlna>n, for the purpose of paying the Ight charges and ot)?er espensos [ The said Codfeany on Mid articles ove described, as Is provided by ?? to. '<-> This 17th day of January. 1?1?. . ? tKE LANDING TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, r John L. Mann, President. 1^17-4 wp notice. Knrlh Cirnllna UaJ. Pa.mHi "V't' mob Heirs: p You and each of you dre hereby tided thai at a Sheriff sale of lasd r taxes at the Court House door In yds County, Swan Quarter, N. C.? i Monrtayr the th day of May, 1IH, ? ling the flrat Monday in May, 1912, piece of land listed by the County the Tbos. Mason patent, situate# , 4 Swan Quarter Township, Hyde >unty, between Mattamu&keet Lake id Swan Quarter, adjoining tbe 8ainnah land owned by Ai & W. T. " trry? Beginning, at Jdhn Bowen's atermost corner in Clayton's line, inning with Clayton's south 89 de?es east Z to poles to James Ma- . thence sonth 24 degree* as; 62 poles, thence east 120, $$$ nee south 66 boles, thence north \ west 420 poles, and from thence j-:thw f^rst station, containing ?0$ id penalty thereon^ and a further m-m U ?d awll His endst ?ned being the last and. highest bidt at said sale purchased said land the sum of $2.57, tbe amount of , id taxes and co^t. You and each you are notified that unless said. k . nd is redeemed in tbe manner proded by law on or before the flrst ondsy in May. 1913. it being tb< " h' day or May, 1913, the undersigs- " I will apply to the Sheriff of Hyde lunty for jt deed for said land. This 15th d*y of January, 1913. A. BERRY. i-i7-3wp MTOCKHOLDCRB1 MEETOHi. I A meeting of the stockholders of . 1 ,xrwt Qwp" - ?< I ashington, N. C.. will bo held an aeeday, February Jl, 1913, at their M CBlctng, house, for thduslectlcn of rectors and such other aa ay properly come before them. .JNO. B. SPARROW, 8M. 1 1 -14-tfc 11 J ... VAODBVIUE JOBBY FOUNTAIN \ And His EJacatod Paay. I IOTION PICTURES ' fl 'THK VIUilUE VlfJKN," A Story WMh * Mom. U "AKGUIHHKD HOURS. rmAariMlMM.. i TUB IHONV or FAT*" A VMaampfa Dim*. dmlwltn - - lOc. > I?e ^ OPEN FROM JM tojll.AA P, M. Tbit Ad U Chanycd Oriiv PUT A fflSWB WANT-AD