HE?* VOL. 4. |.;>V v-f. II II _ ; l" V - V t n 11 ir t it ... cid6^ to Agrce to roMteetleoi.le. Ja. 33 -The pu? eowctl ol the Ottomen . mpir* voted jrreterder H tevor ol'accepting the prepoeetn pot forward fif thj Europ.ee power, for the jjypope of' ?l_ ttrlegldg eboet the ^duelon of ??* . . Hb V 11 J* \n(c ,.t Iho Piimn. it,he close of the morning hour lEflMG TQIOfiROW NIGHT IN MTEREST OF BASEBALL i 1 ;? -* ail mwhlll?fant, attend the irfeeting in the town*hall at- 8 o'clock tomorrow bight Fgyettevillo and Coldsboro are already actively interested. Fayetteville to- determined that i! there it an Eastern Carolina League that town shall he in it. This iftjj-' r waa., dsmnnatratai when the paopoati tton was broached in the chamber of ^ \ commerce and$600 was raised within a few moments. 3 . Washington business men do not wish thin city left out. w " " * Mr. B. L. Susman. president of the I Washington Horde Exchange Co.. returned last night from Bt. Louis. Mo.. I I * . where he has been to purchase stock, u 7 = ON CCTTON GINNED Tne government issued this morning its offlcal report ot the cotton ginned up to January 15. The amount sinned during the season, as shown by the report, wm 13,091,600 bales. Mr. P. B. Parr, of Raleigh, was a I visitor yesterday. LpTthT 1 / s .#& / HjoJ'S /i'v' the note bended to the Porte on ^ ' January 1 by the European ambassador? at Constantinople ceiled the Ot_ toman government's attention "to the i grave responsibility it would assume it by resistance to their counsels It ' should prevent the le-establishment of peace. It wopid only heev itself to blame if the prdldngetlon of the war bad ee a consequence to put tn r question the fate of the capital and perhaps to extend hostilities to the Asiatic provinces of the empire." The document contlneed that "In I Aat case the Tj^klsh government * | Jeduld not count on the success oftfte' '=*= HOUSE III rut mviTiTinH ttHrtfffHiHiUH rnmrn Raleigh. N. C., Jhn. 23?Efforts 1>y ^Representative E. J. Justice to secure / the adoption of a resolution introduced by himself to invite Presidents-elect Wood row Wilson, William J. Bryam aad Robert M. La Foil?ttt to ^ - address the House bjp?*hi.?boot yet heard lathat body during: this sesiutroductlon of this resolution, to be acted upea by the House only, followed the defeat of Mr. Justice s Joint He said he considered tht action | 1 of the Seaate In defeating the Joint . resolution Tuesday with reference to this subject as a distinct discourtesy |> to the eminent gentlemen whose names were mentioned in th?\ resolution# He waa proceeding to further 1 ram a she when M>i Peeghtnn arose fn * the point that Mr. Justice was opt of ordetr, as a motion for unanimous consent was not debatable. The motion was held by the speaker until > -r ;nt fakes Advic in Powers and De Terms. efforts of the power* to prefer*?, I from the dangers against which the had already warned it and whlc they once morp warned It to avoidThe powar* 4hen advised Thrkey t consent to the cm^don of Adrlanopl and to lear? to them the fate of th *- -* Heavy Turkish Ixmea. The Turkish loaeee in the nava battle with the Greek fleet off th fcardanellea January 18. totale four officers and UHHy-stx men kit ed. while 16T others were Wmraded. lit the course of the light a Oree shell exploded inside one of the tui rets of the Turkish battleship Torgn Reis, killing and wounding every ma in It nod disabling both, of the 11 inch inns, . . . The Tnrktah battleship Aassr-1 Tewflk was also badly damaged. Th Turkish gunnel's declare that they ii flic ted important losses on th Greeks ROOT GIVES EJBEIS# Hit/ tHi lit/ ult uuLjcrvii Washington, Jan. S3.?"Shall w Inform the world that the Unite Stales la false to Its agreement falsa to Its pledged word? Shall w baVe it mad^ knoov< of you? That It Is astute, cunuinj slippery?" f . -With this vigorous.denunciation .c the attitude of this country In th Panama Canal controversy^ Great Britain. Senator Elihu Roc closed a two-hour speech In the-Sor ?lo jesiUfUay, with an appeal ISF U submission of the Panama questlo to arbitration or the repeal of tha section of the canal law, that woul give free passage to American coast wise ships. 8peaklng from the experience of member of President. Roosevelt' cabinet, whea the Paaima sees! see was purchased, and when over 25 ai bitration treaties were mtfdfe-wlth foi elgn nations, Senator Root delivers the most vigorous speech that he been heard in the Senate for aom time. i Ho said in hla speech that Senate BrandegOe wl]p call a meeting with! a few days to take up^Snator Root amendment. Led by Senators^ Ro( and Brandegee. both of whom'o] posed the original passage of th provision, "a determined effort will I made at this session of Coggresa 1 change the law before It "tfSss inl effect at the canal, so that the caus of dispute with Qreat Britain will \ removed. Senator Root declared that tl UAlWfBUfltr would violate-dirof i pledges and promises to the work would be guilty.cf "false.pretenses in its advocacy of arbitration, an would proclaim Itself indifferent i National honor and integrity, if "refused to submit to arbitration or i retreat, from the unjust position had taken. PARTY AT MULE FOR juntiif umdtqv ruic mm wrolWwWa There will be a party given by tl Woman's Betterment Association the new school building at Pinevil Saturday night, January 26th. Th is for a worthy cause and the publ is cordially Invited to attend. Mr. w. C, Mob. or Rtebmond. w In the city yerte'r/r City Ha . J iLc a * . * Items^ef Interest . >/'; 1 the Surr *35 /X**, 7 * ' . FMtOO. a Tba Rev. Mr. U>Haca Blind hia res- . nlar appointment at the Christian church Sunday morning and evening, b 5 ?Mosafs. Israel Dtmbar and Bertrtey Btatesberry wore buainesH visitors ta T I Washington last week. They pur^ U F chased a horse each. J1 Mr. Blden Allen and Miss Iha Dun- p bar, both of this place, were happily h married at Pantego last Wednesday. 2 [? Mr. Topping officiated. d Misses Delia Jjpien, Ruth \llen and ?. Beasio^Manning, and Messrs. Tommie r? Allen, jAumie Allen and Charlie :? Misses Delia and Ruth Allen were a 5^ 'visiting friends and also waro doing 61 tjome shopping In Rop^r last week. il Gray-to sM? working ow ? ? his house and hopes to have it comV pleted soon. ^ ^Mr. D. R. Paul is doing boiuo buildf TMF-T1IT. vm. ' C ^ Miss Sarah Patrick, from Mackeys, ** n is visiting friends at this place. ^ Mr. O. F. Davis and wife were vis- ?j d iting friends around Mackeys Satur- nj f- day and Sunday. Misses Margaret Tuteir and Ella a a Hooker, our teachers in District One. ^ a attended the teachers' meeting in ^ 1+ Waguliigluii flaiuiday. * an. iuuiuub liaw uuu .hiss l.cjul ^ Carter, of Pjmtego, were the guests of ld Mr. F. J. Harris and family Sunday * afternoon. P > Mr. Herbert Allen left Saturday for Washington City on a free trip given n >r by the Hon. John H. Small for hip u n success in corn growing. T " " h 4- ~ . wan. t< 9- . ' ? ^ ' """ e i?. Miss Myrtle Peacock spent Sunday _ )ft afternoon and night with Miss Lil- a Han Oden. to je Miss Emma Cutler attended service F )e at 8t. Peter's Episcopal church, ii Washington,' last Sunday. ie The parochial workers of Zion 18 church heW a targe meeting at" the *1 home of Mrs. C. H. Cutler Saturday Afternoon. B Mr. M. Whitley attended service t Lo at the Episcopal church in Washing- r lt ton Sunday. a to The friends of Mr. Ralph Cutler K will regret to learn that he la again u very lit. ^ The friends of Miss Nannie -Cutler, who is also on the sick list, hope M she will 890n be out again. ^ j jg Mr. Edward^ Sparrow arft Mrs. day last week with Mrs. M. H. Cut- 3 ler. Mr. Arthur Cutler, of Jessama, t ,n gave an oyster roast to the young r ,e people Of Zion and Jessama Satur1 . day evei^ing. All present report a <3 ,c delightful time. 1 Mr. Ifitonry Harvey spent Sunday ? afternoon krith Mr. J. M. Alii good. a8 Mr. John Bragaw held service at y Zion Sunday, and was greeted with 11 Friday ARE YO CAROLINA. THURSDAY AKTERNCK t T" *7 ?A rr?A .: jj f,?'' ; , From MfVtdmt/ Country Ij^^H^E-AttrAMYe congregation. J A gr^at jnany zfan people attend-11 B aerVlVe at Batljlast-week. hffldM y Rev. John R. MlBthews. J . -JiSbi^, 1tr4Matthevs spent f horiday night with Mr. and Mrs. 11 [. H. Ctttler. i im puDiic is cord ally Invited to a arty at Woodard' Pond school ou8o the ftlgh*t of Friday, Januarv 4th' , Tb^Pe ? night, Janury XSr-Tor the beneHt of St. Stephn's Episcopal church. The publictis ivited. SUM. AriilMDttItt, Of gMMMi >n, spent part of lost week with the [isses Congleton. Mrs. Cabe Cutler and Miss Dora ongleton were visitors at the heme rMl. P. Q. Alllguud lUBl TftursthtTr The friends of Mrs. Prances Alllood will regret to learn of her illess. / Mr. and Mrs. Will AlUgood. Capt. nd-Mrs. Edward Bell, Miee Ardell Waters, Miss Llllie Alligood, and [essrs. Garland and- FraQk Baker QT"> ?? *?"> h .* xtrilllam A. Congleton Sunday. The afternoon Sunday school was el] attended, many visitors being I resent. ? Mrs. F. G. -Alligood and Mrs. J. T. lobertson wore visitors in town Satrday afternoon. The friends of Miss Juliet PinklDrft6'lin been vtny 111.rare glad o learn that she Is greatly iraprovjr "Mlas Dofa"Congleton was a guest |' t the home of her coubIii. .Mrs. w. it. Voolard, Sunday morning.' Mrs. Gilbert Bright and daughter, lertha, visited friends in Chpcowinty Friday and Saturday. PINETOWN. Rev. Mr. PrescOtt filled his regular .ppotntment at Shiloh Free Will Bapist church Saturday and Sunday, and reached a noble sermon Sunday to . large and attentive audience. Messrs. Rufus W. H. C. and Samlet Boyd were business visitors to Vashlngton Saturday. Quite a nthnber of our people at^hded the burial of the late Artillery raters Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Boyd and chllAr. H. H. Waters. Mr. Hardy Harris made a business rip to-* Hunter's Bridge Monday ' nornlng. Mr. Samuel Boyff, wife and ctailIren, were the guests of Mr. Boyd's >arent*i Mr. and Mrs. Rufus W. Boyd, luhday. y r Mr and Mrs. Geo. V. Boyd made a n?lt 'to Vr. O. M. Whitley Sunday Continued on p'.ge 2. Night B U~A BO; i- r. _ .% ' . V'-- ' y v .-^ AILV > W. JANUARY IS, ills. ow Colder 7""~ yy, owffrvtnr ra^EgES|s|5g^ Bfti J11 I ?Goldsmith in Boston Globs. [iO. HOME PROSPEROUS INMftTESJLOOKED AFIE Aab^Im If becomes my duty to brit Iwtore you a report of the work i be County Home. Another year h~ )atsed with its opportunity for doir good. ?? Standing at- the threshold of ll iew year may everyone feel that it i privilege to administer to the nee< >f others. We ilnd this need to the weal >neg of earth the inmates of tl bounty Home. We feel glad to repo hat the ministers have each rospen *d to the Gospel call when required Service Is held.atHhe nira SfUftHidf afternoon oyone of tl xOfilslarB of odt town. Some of'11 nembers of the W. C. T. U. and m i?lf attend CTcry service. The meetings are very much.ei fjyra v? TTOThCfftf esnsrnrpr o^rsT^p ul to all of as. Mr. Eliar Bright Is still superi: endent of the home. There are 19 li natoj, 10 p'nd 9 colored. Five persons died at the home du ng the ye&r; two white and thr< colored. The home is kept clean, and tl nmates comfortable. Mrs. Leens and MIsb Rumltfy st! arry the money, frbm the cbur.ch s Metles. which gives each white i nuti* zn cents JJgr ttlfmtli. Dr. E- M. Brown has just flniBh< lis year as county physician. learn ho has been very faithful at kind Through his efforts he had tl rounty commissioners to screen tl borne, which has proved such a coi Tort to the inmates. Another physician has been a pointed. "If He ddes~in>t ^lo h1s"du kve shall know it. Last summer a other convenience was added to tl home?I wrote n pot it ion, and had signed by some of our citizens, as ing the commissioners to placqatel phone in the homer LawyerSii mons presented the petition for tr The request was granted wbi makes it very convenient fof t keeper. ti i During the holidays Mr. J. H. Sli mons and myself gave a Clirlntm tree: fruit and confectioneries, wi suitable gifts was presented to t superintendent and his wire Ail t inmates, both^vhite and colored, ai hired help. Mr. J. H. ^Simmons ga the confections and fruit. Mr. Zoi Leggett distributed the gifts. M Simmons the confections. A suits! program was carried out, >Revy R-" Broom was in charge of tbV?ei[ercls? All the ministers of our town made sh or t nddreSs, amlw<r ?had - "spec i Christmas music. Miss Bessie Cor ley presided at the organ. The mm was fine and the talks were goad, felt proud of my ministers. Sin January, 1912, Messrs Brdo'm ar Hope have preached twice.- Rev. I>i ton once, as he was away, he had visiting minister to fill his second s pointment. Mr. W. B. Harding held \wo sei Ices. At each service hatf fine mus aseball \ OSTER . aT | , T r M? V r'\'' -r:V":;J^BSp:i*fj+rjw')" -.*>-*j.' /1 i f immr juutntoti IffliDU i epcopu m run -?AiT.ni.li 111 I nr. Ul liUUlI 111 llltl 7 ~ ISIAL STYLE Columbia. S. C.. Jan. 23.-? Before the legislature in Joint session and & crowd that completely (Hied the assembly hall, Gov. Cole L. Blease was Inaugurated for the second time as Governor of South Carolina yes_ terday. The oatl) was administered by Magistrate P. Caskey. In his inaugural address the gov_ erndr severely arrakanl the newsnapers of the State; advocated the abolition of football at the State University and charged that the president of the State University had tried to divert an appropriation from the Peabody fund from Wiuthrop College to the University. In his inaugural address, the governor said that God had never given any man more truer friends than he had and spoke of -his well-known motto, "Of what shall a man be proud if he is not proud of his friends?" While he was makiDg his remarks concerning his friends, the governor held In his hands the Bible which had belonged to-his father and on which he took the oath of office. RHc scored "aristocrats" and said they would applaud the curse words and vulgar songs, of little "Yankee show girls." but when the Governor oi noil in i arowna useu ine worn at ? "Hell." they Faid.. "ain't it awful." ** He reiterated his well-known reiR marks about never - ordering out a military, company to protect a negro >? who lays his hands cn a white wontis an. He scored the press, espeeally is denouncing the three leading daily papers in" thp State. ry He Hald that he was not through 1G pardoning people, hut -referred to a rt request from some legislators asking for a pardon for one person and the transfer of another from the peuiten10 Itni.IMX?i AMI l.OAN SPH K- HOI.PKI1S AUK M^ktina; i!is__lcsaj. >* Building and Loan Associaton are holding an Important meeting this afternoon in the building of the Savn" ings and Trust Co. The meeting be= gat, al liitii? r?e - - - , - conducted by Mr. Edmond Hurding. ?? who presided at the organ. Ke>. H. B. Searight preached three -II times and conducted the funeral servo ice over tl*e remains of an Inmate, a n- foreigner. Rev. ft. P. DaUon couduclc(i__ the Idh^rrJ UI'MIss -d Pinie Merry on the morning of the f? 30th, the same afternoon wo had the Christmas tree, -so on the same day ft? was mingled sadness with gladness, ft? We, highly appreciate the service of n- those who have been kind in carryin gthc ministers, and others to assist P- in ih** meeiags. ty - Th?~To*luwing-Hsr hare- been falthn ful: Mr. Zoph Leggett. Mr. E. It. Mixon, Mr. C. G. "Morris. Mr. J. 11 JLL Blimnn > Mc?- W- n MitUrMrftPk Wilis. Miss Rachel Kuniley, Mrs. I'e" Leens. Mrs. Hannah Banner. Mr. Edwards, Mrs. J. P Jmkson, Mrs. John '? Pulford. Mrs. W. T. lludnell. Mr. John Sparrow. Mr. Frank Kuglor has he been kind in sending his surry. also Mrs. M T. Archbell. Others have m" been kind in attending thfc services, as On?? of the greatest favors we have th had bestowed in the work was given he by Washington Daily News. All the h? .pieces and notices have been printed nd free of charge, not only at the pros v? ent time, but for years past. Such [>* kindness can never be forgu'ren: we 'r- highly appreciate the service ?lven 1? by The Washington Dally News. H- We * have given a sketch of the iB- evangelistic work at the ?CounT> 1 n Home. BF" Till1 ?iy tiaaiiuf nlwmys -brer i?" smooth, but we feel that much gooc dc has beer done, and the service hni 1 been helpful to others, and to us. >?? May we all be more faithful an id other year, and regard It as a bless *1- ed privilege, to work for the Mastei a In brightening the pathway of others LP- MI8S BETTIE FURROW, Superintendent of Alms Houtte Worl *v- of the W. C.-T. U. ic. Jan. 1913. VillBe D 9 , vs ~1 *0. 1*0 i . ' " ' '* -m IvFIiimF" Unfllb raitilfm Z m TiEinsm m i till 1 . . . .?- , Washington, Jan. 23.?The. Nary _3gM ! Department is considering plans to attach the naraf militia to the fleot which will make the . Initial trip ? 'H i through the Panama Canal. The naval militia on the Atlantic coast will go through the ills ditch in their own ships, while the Great M; Lakes organisations will foru. part of . ')"- <-rc\vs oi Lilt Atlantic rtmnrxn 1 fleet. This information has been commu nieated unofficially to officer? jof tho I naval militia so that'the militia will have sufficient time to arrange for the trip. As in the mobilization last October, tliu navai-militia u ll- be en ' listed temporarily in the regular . navy aud will be discharged at tho conclusion of the cruise. | While the program for the trip has i not yet been determined, it ii.probai ble that the lleet will sail from New York, down the Atlantic coast, proceeding to San Francisco after going "jM through the canal. At San Franciseo a grand review and sufficient shore leave to give officers and cmwb of all ships an opportunity to s*h tho exposition grounds wltl be Matures of the expedition. 9 l.ieut. Martoli to ( ? With Tht*m. J Lieut. Charles L Morton, of Washington. X P., who 1s in the naval reserves. will make the trip through the canal to the exposition ia San "Francisco, thus making the Initial passage through the ranal. PRONIINKNT COUPLE UNITED IN MARRIAGE Yrsterdny afternoon Miss __khnly Mar JoTteg? Of*AurSra."Vas r.:xrried to Mr. John Boyd, also of Aurora, at ' the home on Fast Third street of the v cousin of the bride. Mr. Laurence The ceremony was performed by wrv j ^i.'t'rewy.fgfwfnr wr* *cpiw-- ?^ copa! church at Franklin. N. t\. who is an old friend of the family. Besides the slater of the bride. Miss Cecily .Inna? n <wm- ^ mate friends witnessed the marriage aarvica. Yuaturdav afternoci. the young couple took an automobile spiu alone some of Washington'* good roads, and last night they left for Washington, D. C\. and an extend-' 1' ed trip North. The father of the bride. Mr. it. a JtUlfV tn ll tltghtv nTHt'lf'T ttH' 'W ten of Aurora, where Mr. and Mrs Boyd will make their home in future LOCAL FIHAI RECEIVES SHIPMENT OF STOCK The Washington Horse Kxmango Co- received two car loads of horses ajid mules. The .Washington stork* " market ? real stock is usually very ^ active, and these animals are expected to be shortly disposed of. lilt; S|\(.l\(. AND DANCING ' ACT AT LYHIC TONIGHT ^ Today's program at the Lyric of- " > fers new vaudeville acts and an eni tire change of program throughout f.i > the bill. I Shaw & Swan in a high-class sing ing, talking and. dancing act head tho J. i list as vaudeville entertainment, of- <i ' fering new and latchy songs and a g-wj i good comedy bill that is fully wortli your time. j The motion picture program also r has some of the best subjects that: can possibly be secured, both comedy i sod dramatic, ib*? feature picture of ? I the evening consisting of a roaring i comedy, "Mixed Trunks," one of those side-gpiltting smashers. Today's bill at the Lyric is far be yond excellence and if you are lookr ing for a good laugh and an hour's . entertainment you will certainly find It at the Lyric today. Mr. J P. Rawln, o? Suffolk. V*.. was among yesterday's visitors. iscussed j Jj fj Mitivm Xlch ^s

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