It may be I h?? as to yours. It m?y bur r--..' J SORE IT NOW * Wm Pint Insurance / HlM IMa day aaalldad u tfea I I'll U tha laat will aad taytaaaant atttahta Jaaaa W. Maora. deraaaad all vaaaaaa ladabtsd to kla aaUta art aaaaaaOad la atkka Imiaadlata aattla OHt wKk ma. and tfcoaa holdinj 1 HRlut Mi estate arenotlfteir 1 o fla lb* same with me. duly ItemMiad verified as prescribed by law, { else tbla notice will be pleaded In bar | eff Mr recerery. Tkis Stita day of December 1911. i Try ttie Dal] /Mia u jOnly ! 1 S??? TTOTTCE TO THK PUBLIC. ~[7 The undersigned. Lake Landing ^ Transportation Company, hereby }; glees notice that it will sell, at 10 o'doek a. m , on the 15th day of ' J'ebruary, 1913, at Wysocking, N. C., at the warehouse of the undersigned ' . timpany. a certain lot of peach trees, rear trees, apple trees, grape vines, strawberry plants, consigned to tha J. Van Lindley Nursery Company, Nfhich said perishable property has not been claimed by the consignee. .Jthongh the consignee is actually tion, for the purpose of paying the C . LEON WOOD?Members New York } J. LEON W< ( E \NKERS an f Stocks, Bonds, Cotton, Grain ]) Carpenter llolldinf Norfolk, Vi \ Jf Prlvato wtres to \ ?w York St \ mm Rxrhanit*, Chlca^.i Bot-d of { en. j V?rree??on donee Ileapectfolly Sol ^ gina! Account* dives Ci DAILY i " WASHINGT - fiXGI/USIVEr I/OC [HH - forTthls exci The Pare that a very brge nuiltbef of item* nuy ul % rale. of poill?r. Wf have arranged a spr< attend to mail order \ To Oar Cnifanifri on I Wo Want Y< I# The imail >? well a? ihc lliir item*, and w are in position to ?er\c yo|i brtler Ikia i e Bragaw 4k Co. igeats la Washington* N. C. JNO. V. MOORK, hM?Ur of Jmm W. Moore, Dec'U-SIVE> lrt ytmcml'/ ?i"i.i-f. -mf.rl'.-e* .? lir-yopr Wirier uccupati un,ifrlTyc>-a\v1./t. roil wlilrcndyo-itiotm per. fc/ ret ?;n mulL 1 wili ?1*> Mod yon f ? t uutouilWT1 liisitrnttoar bwtfljj wbr ?rexaci i aot .e. jErery woman she*, id have It, Ur.dlr ^^martl?T8 asoprrevton.0*1enn told r^TiiL*il!t!!iI!i .tff! "They ran Tray," aald tha bdjr. -Yet. that la what they Aid," aaid tba f teacher, -hot 'ran away? la hardly tba comet phrase to use. What should you have wild?" ; Tbe bay'# face lighted up wttlv uadeestanding. "They.beat It!" ha exclaimed proud I -1 tr?Rnnw City mar. a A Chlr\??? Oath. t V. \ -In rhlna the oath of brotherhood ir h thJkeu by breaking a-cup." d **If that worked In tbla country .our a coot no aid be sealed to He for Ufa."- 1 j Louisville Courier-Journal. ' ' L-J - H*--'1 '4 What It Wee. f Guaher?Everybody la crazy about - this bouse. Busher?Wbat-la it?a awol' i hotel T Qua her-No. It* a private lr j 1 uatfc asylum ?ChaperreL "of'w'ai y Cc IS NOV .ewls 4 1 X INIBPIBATIOIJ Mcrccntpy j* yf A groat doal of improvement .. ; work lags for tha want of an in ") spiration on the part of some '* tt willing worker, and a large lg * * amount of effort is being expend- "' I! sd from *sheer, force of will. " | Wore it possible to oombine in- ? 'k epiration and will and supply the [* v, combination on demand to every ,. '' organization now struggling to "! improve its environment, what *j >r > an impetus Would be given to >f * * the movement in general! * * K Tl ! 1 Ml! M 1 I 1 1 I 1 HI I I HI It >f ?: - " ~r . -PLANT- -HWJT- TffEES- - - -I ,1 IN THE SCHOOL YARD. ; \\ 5| A Teacher Who Tried It Tells of Her , n Agriculture Is now being taught in j > many rural schools, and great stress n Is being, laid ou-ietbaw'school garden, d From practical experience ns a teachK\ er I And that fruit trees planted on^ 0 the school ground prove far more* profitable and interesting, says a writ-, er In the Amerlenu Agriculturist. The 8 school usually closes in Juoe. when ( 0 the garden is making its greatest . d struggle against weeds. Very few j ( e children can tend to the school gar- j ,f den during the summer months, and > h when the fall term opens the garden jj t is overrun with weeds and presents , 1 ; a very discouraging appearance. Of- , 0 j ten in the spring passing ablmals , e cause great damage in the garden, and ( j little profit can be made. . * j By the (growing of fruit trees prac- j < tical lessees may be given on plant- , log, pruning. fertilizing. Mirarlcg. gathering, packing and marketing the 4 fruit The worlr can be done daring ( the school term^F In the winter out- \ door work proves very Interesting, and < | the prunlqf of trees can be studied by j pupils bringing shears and doing the . work under the guidance of the teachf er. The formation and development f of buds, leaver and fruit can bo wpteh-" i ed until the fruit is well developed. t 3 j Spraying can be done in both winter r and spring, *nd in the fall the gatherf ing and marketing can be done, s The first year I had fruit trees on * the school plot the pupils cleared $5 from tho sale of the fruit and applied | r the money to improving the school e building. Great interest cud. bo.arous- J *j " \ } a Free to You and Evory Slstor 8u#? s erlng from Woman's AJImonts. r I am?woman. ? _ - *' ? niinii*aanlTaiInji ? ? I ?.r.vs found the cure. t 1 will mail, frcoof anytcharffo, BthMM r?*1 with lull in - rrectlotsn to atiy snrfarrr from t'* ailiagnta. 2 wont to tcil (H women about i tLi" E_y rtr/lcr, for Ycoractf, your ?l?wrhter. .u rluotlitr, or your atner. I want to - ll i' U >oc a*yt fcoei;?c -onrj'urm at htm'. witU- r , I' tt Iht*iuJ ? ii?fi'.oCrjii n rtMc! uid?n O.r.i I K5t:tiuiu:, .-nv.-R. TCKttwiTrofota kwfti-j S . ;:t f L. ? / fer/.utbca any Awe*k , ..ikiv ly>?./? *tx) itrro I cn.rc f; ::r< -is.-# a t?Sr? V! s-7?"*ir* ? rt m :T Vtet. t?itoi*\?o? ???! {.; >'. *. i?TT.'(MU*i.;tt? iu-'j.'iit *!;; ? >,* UK Is \ l Ut.-*.jo?a C'tiv .11* .u:ur. n ifty trir?\ ? ? Jw v /% itl a tiai^f.tfiacw.rifcir. Jrftlt&ti h .vt*'. i?:o&Br?c*. ?* i * fJ.: Vv.w- ? yet, a tv-jkit (r k _u j n vfrti* Im t'.. I r/fn to yet J ;.ut y n C%\ | i>fr otullj-. q *..* nn-.!r. j*i w*.cu, tl tno ttycCW=^aco33plrt?stvitii and .fyoi ' ~ l>cnatanimifc C-eXttoWt&u twooouteaclaT- *' ? Ln-fell iri rrtcfiiiti-, t-. :? Kohrrwrr.u U ;*ir?sv>. untir'jlr ireeU. pl?.V/;r;iy _ iImIBT lor;?-wowjntyj Wmcu iCteuiNcVh " :i mtrr. Br.rt h'.-7 cuiytheuattfT^ am to *!aifr fcyjajf. Tbm wLeu th-(Jc?t<,r ?jt> little Ins than heur ;?u f ?X,f S lhat rurlou* thin* yon al? carrying Sailor (with winch crankJ-TUs, ma* It's the crank what they nunSnr WITH tax up the doc watcb.-Jndse. In tite Family. thai-Why Old you tskt off your ha ? that ?trl? You don't know fier. & rotat Jack?No?er?but my brothe loan, and this la Us hat-Prlnretoi t?*ar. Man is the.only animal that hnowt to thins, that can learn nothing. with >ot betas taught-IUny. . >hingt( )St $ KjV1*' - vvSSffi - / " [ r f ON Comp eu in u scuooi wnen practical inun can bo obtained. The gardeh calls ft much more labor and Is discouragln far-tooth teacher and pupil. In place of the shade trees usuall elected the fruit trees will prove a attractive and far more profitable bot financially and morally, for ever child will enjoy school better if be ca carry his dinner outside and gathe ch&rles or large, sweet apples tQ ad to It You who have known this rea lze the affection felt for the old fi vorite tree. _ ; TO ATTRACT TRADE. ^ A merchant to* bo suecessfuF? | must not depend on hie regular ' trade alone, but must be con- . I etantly reaching out after new * 1 customers. Make your etore so ! ' attractive that whan a new famT~. \ ily comes to town the first place " . they will want to go will bo to ! your etore. ? RURAL KANSAS PERKS UP. More Money Is Being Spent on Im provemonts Than Before. Farm improvements are going on li central Kansas this fall in greater nun ber than lu many years, according t the men who make the country town in that part of the state In motorean There Is bnrdly a farm but on whlci lome Improvement la being made. It tuany Instances the improvements ar aew houses, large barns, granaries o illos. It Is said that at least 80 pe ?ent of the new houses going up wll t>e modern In every respect with tb possible exception of light. In man; icetylene plants are'being installed. Xwvor before is ns much work bclnj lone on the roads us this fall. Bill ire being reduced, hollows are belnj llled and the level roads are belnj Irngged. Old wooden and tin bridge ire being replaced by concrete bridges -Kansas City Star. CAMDEN'S CURB MARKET. 'Farmer to Housewife" Idea Gets Fim Footing In Jersey. Camden. X. J., is one of .the la tea Hies to try reducing the cost of llvlnj iy establishing direct contact bet wee i irodneer and consumer. The two farm rs and two fish dealers who showet ip for tbo opening of the street tnarke lid a fusbing business at prices geher illy below those demanded by th< tores. The service has grown rapid I] rom this small beginning. The farm its' corb market was authorized J>j rty ofdliiftow. PamrrrK itrcTBtprtTwi o, poy n license fee of $1 a year, and belr standing ns bona Ode ngrteultur itn who raise what tbey offer for uh a Ibe market la investigated by tb< ity authorities. Tuesday. Friday and nturdny have been set aside as maret days. Illumination Assists Polios. An Indiana city has reoentiy utilized special street lighting system that ad been installed for ornamental film i(nation to assist the police In esse ol n alarm after the .lights have been irned off. at night. A controlling witch In tbo office of the chief of poce enables the lights to be flashed on hile officers are scouring the streets. A Straight Tip. Geek (?rbo has already wearied the nests with many aonga)-^Now 1 will ntf /on one more song and then go una. Lady?Pardon me. bet do yon Itach much Importance to the order t your programme?? Pltegeude Blattr. I si $22.00 Values $15.00 Values ? ' ! gey YOI: [ - ~r~_ T_/'T"MiaiKaBB3 Dn's Gr AT any. NOTICE. North Carolina?Beaufort County, y In the Superior Court?February a Term, 1913. * h Estello Coffee Moore ^ vs.. " William N. Moore, d The defendant**hbove .named will I. take notice, that an action entitled i- as above haa been-commenced In the Superior Court of Beaufort County to secure a divorce "a vinculo"; ther take notice,* that he ia required (o appear'at {be*terra of the 8upfrlor I Court of said County to be held on * the 3rd Monday in February, 1913, ? at the Court House of said County, Lyin Washington, N C, , snri answer or : demur to the complaint In said ac; tlon, or the plaintiff will apply to the ( Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. < GEO. . PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. This 7th day of January, 1913. ? l-8-4wc i ^?r S01DBYDRU6G1STSEVERVMQI r II Mr. J. A. Lewis, of Norfolk, is In e the city. L NOTICE OF BALK. 8 I By virtue of a power of sale conK tained in a deed of trust given to me by E. Tuthlll and wife, dated March L 4th, 1899, and duly recorded in the ofilce of the Register of Deeds of iiyde County In Book 24, page 6, I will.on Monday, February 17, 1913, at 12 o'cJoftk noon, at the Court t House door in the County of Hyde, sell to the highest bidder for cash t all of the following described tract I of land? 1 "k cbrtain tract or parcel of land I lying ?nd being, in Ockracolte Town= . t ship. It being on the Island of.Ockra. coke and all of the land allotted to i Malsey Williams in the division of i r Thomas Wahab Sept. 30th, 1837. See - ja deed (o the said Malsey rooemddd in 1 I 'Book X, page 397, ^Beginning at a : t point on Pamlico Sound bearing N. , 64 W from the Northwest' corner of ^rthe light honse lot, then S. 64 B. 33 l'l 6-p6 poles to the Northwest corner of 1 the light house lot, then N- 8 E. 31 1-2 poles, then N. 47 W. lo"Pamllee Sound and with the Sound to the beginning. Saving and excepting the j I pieces of "said lot heretofore eonvey; ed by said Malaey en her heirs? i which said piece of land was convey.ed unto'Effingham Tuthlll by War- 1 jr.en Will lams and others bj deed dated 28 Juljr 1897, and recorded In j ! Book ?, pace ?, of Hyto County which said deeds are referred to and made a part hereof for the' purposes of a description, excepting the pieces ' of land the said Effingham TuthlU has sold unto L. M. Broome. L. B. Tuthill and Loaa Hudnell." This.the 17 , eaatermost corner In Clayton's line, rnnning with Clayton's south 89 degrfina east ilftft pni'its rn Jamrs Its- ? son'e line, thence south 24 degreeswest 62 poles, thence east 120, thence south "66 poles, thence north > 86 west 430 poles, and from-thence to the first station, containing 209 acres, and was sold for non-payment of taxes for the year 1911, amounting to .77 cents. Including interest >ni1 fh?r?on .nH a fnrtW Sum of 91.80 cents, and the undersigned being the last and highe? bid- - + der at said sale purchased said land In the stB* of 82.57, the amount of said taxes and cost. You and each of you are notified that unless said land Is redeemed in the manner pro- ' : aj vided by law on or before the?first Monday in May, 1918, it being the ^ 6th day of May, 1913, the undersigned will apply to the Sheriff of Hyde Connty for a deed for said land. * ?This 16th day of Januaiy, 1919.?; A. BERRY. ^ l-17-3wp Japan Fosters Home Industries. The Japanese are asking pert ttrtdea In the woolen' industry, and by Importing the latest modem ma thlnery are striving to manufacture w *il classes of woolen gcodr *\st market to 'spam Mr. H. P. Harrison, of Baltimore, j registered at the Louise yesterday. M Mr. C. Klotach, of Baltimore, \ was registered yesterday at the 1 Louise. | EffHii VAUDEVILLE 1UAW- A, a??AV mw* ? ? ? "'A RILL FOB TONIGHT. MOTION PICTURES JNT1RB CHANGE OB* MOTION PIC- |j TORES TONIGHT. ' H Vdmlulon - - lOc. klOc OPEN FROM 7:M to]l 1:00 P,' M. Thlc Ad M Chnted Dtlh- - WS TRT A NEWS WANi AD '