^ . KNOX HAS MAD Thinks Disputed P lomatically Settle Be Roferred to a - - TTHenmsion. Jan. a?.?aecrqwry Knox's reply.to the British protest I = ~ Thrapmmlm, of Awmrtfarn 4 shipping from Panama canal tolls as- a suretf the British government that i . domestic coastwise'trade will not be ? permitted to extend'operation into < . foreign competitive fields and that I increased tolls will not be laid on for- 1 eign shipping to balance the remlashm to American ships. If Qreat Brit- c ain is hot satisfied on these pdints 1 I. America proposes a special com mis- i i_ - ' slon of adjustment. a HOW ABOUT ft BOND ISSUE j TO mm ROADS ~ Notices have been sent out requesting a meeting of our citizens to be ' held an Monday, Jan. 2 7th at 11 1 o'oclock a. m. for the purpose of dis- | cussing the road situation In the j county with a view of ascertaining c whether or not Beaufort County-eei* -j have good roadrf. This meeting was r called at the instance of Congress- t man Jho. H. Small and several oth- c ers who are specially Interested in the work, and there will be present . at the meeting Mr. R. E. Toms, the ^ Highway Engineer of the United States Bureau of Public Roads, who c will talk on the subject of good ( road,. ; ?.. c While It has, been Impossible to j send notices to all people Interested in. the XQod road movement. notices e have been sent to a large number of ~ "dtfiTCttliena requesting their presence !Vlt. 'X?"?eftd'requesting them. to 4\fge_the .at; . tendance of others who sre especially-!* Interested in good roads. The object of the meeting Is to 11 have our cltlsens enter into a full ^ -and lruilh dlfci^Trrn-nr tr> mwd 1 sltuatlcn In the county with a view T of tating some definite and deter- c mined action towards having good 1 roads In the county. ^ While It will he left to the meeting to determine what shall be done, it is H understood that the concensus of opinion, so far exercised, Js that the county gfiflUiq m icgiitful ail a uulll in road work and that proper leglsla- 11 tlon should be secured to.enable the * qqueatloB of issuing bonds for build- d lng roads.to be submitted to the vot- 0 ers? ) * It Is a well-known fact that by t&ly/ . lng the proper course we can have^ln 11 our connty a good system of roads by having a bond Issue, which will cafl fo/ the" paytoent" of bpt very 1Ktle more taxes then are now paid. In ? ntsfcuwa w??htnr*/vn T^nar Acre. and Chocowtnity Townships, there Is Already a special" tax of 10c. for roads, while In Pantego and Bath Townships, the antiquated system of ? labor for working the roads obtains.' The taxable property of the entire county Lb approximatel]mtne million ' dollars, and a bond Issue sufficient to build a good system of roads throughout the'eounty would not require more than fifteen or twenty ceqt" of road tax. The largest prop, nrty holders of-the county and heavier tax payers are wise to the fact that good roads will add to'the value of ibelr lands many times the cost of special tax necessary to obtsln~them, and aa a unit are endeavoring to get Interest awakened in this movement. stand bow little good roads would ^ cost them, and the wonderful benefit * that It would be to them, there la no doubt that great Interest would be manifested In the good road move- 1 ' ipept, which 1b now taklhg by storm * the entire country. 1 While the Legislature 1b In session 1 euoh legislation as Is required to meet the situation will hare to be enacted. c . and It Is the ob)6ct or this meeting : /taggi+n iighn some form of bill to be submitted to the' Legislature and a x v full and frank discussion of all of our t oltlsens will be desired upon this c measure. c - ^ ,T ' * T" "" ? Do You 1 'i ?11i.' iiL TE REPLY TO AS TO CAKAL oints Can be Dipd, but if Not Can Commission. a ? The communication Is devqtiil~,Ut 1 be purpose of reduetng to the small- ? *st point ami number the issue upotf c which the governments failed 16 7 tgtee as to those?only two?It la e contended that they are entirely Bua~ eptible of adjustment by dlplomatto a ueans, and without recourse to arbi- r ration. 1 If this cpvrse should not prove acceptable to the British government, it ji s suggested that the whole contro- j rersy -be referred to a spclal commis- t ilon of lnQoiry. t JR. A. K. TAYLOE \ PROMOTER AGAIN I i The friend* of Dr. A: ft. Tayloe In 4 his section will be glad to hear that a le has been promoted from Lleuten- 4 int Surgeon of the Second Detach- E nent to Captain Snrgeon. Dr. Tayloo 4 iaa been advanced several times re-r r tently. He waa the only surgeon in 0 forth Carotin to-be -detailed by xhfl. i! lational government for service on he Mexican frontier during the reent disturbance. * COTTAGE PRAYER MEETING. t ?? The pastor .of the First Methodist hurch. .Rev. R. H. Broom, will hold royer meeting this evening at 7:30 'clock at the residence of Mr. A. 3/ Emery, on East Water street. The neighborhood cordially invitA . ONE CASE BEFORE HkfOltllEK. * ^ "* * "6 Ben G- Jones was found guilty thla norning of being drunk and disor- P lerly on the Washington and Vandenere train, and'fined ten dollars and . OIT Once before this man?wan ^ harged with the same offense, being t( he first white man tried by Recorder V. D Windier. h CARED HIM TO DEATH ' 11 WITH WHITE CAP NOTE ^ New York, Jan. 23.?A White Cap * Btter, discovered yesterday in "me lermltage," an old, ram-shackle J welling In Patchogue, L. I., probably at^d the unexpected and unexplaln- 11 q death a year ago of Oilaon Ruland, e * lovable old recluse who lived in the lace. fi The gentle Old fellow, who had ? >een one of the characters of th^ vllage for a score of years, declined in ^ lealth in amazing rapidity in a week, rithout any apparent reason, and ** rda rifcpBl lifeless fiom some allmont ? hat doctor could not discern. . Ruland was a civil war veteran and a comfortable circumstances. He c< ;ept to himself most of the year, liv- o ng pn his pension, but at Christmas, tj ecause he bore a marked resem- g| lance tn the accepted likeness of anta Claus, he would always appear * bout the village clad in the saint's ostume. He had fat cheeks, laughing blue * yes and a long white beard. Children rould follow him about the streets, .nd be^would give them toys, candy ind coppers. He was erratic, undoubtedly. He ^ iad a hobby tor collecting doorknobs (] nd would show his rare visitors sevral bushels of them. An old ship's el] was muuuied In his garaeg~nd ^ ie would ring it at sunrise and sun- _ ' I He died soon after Christmas of 911. Yesterday, representatives of * he estate searched his place They oudd $181 hidden in an old crock, c nd In a crevice of the house a threatmlng letter, decorated with sk ull and 6 rose bones. and aignpd "White Caps." n ii. . . ' a It it therefore hoped that thla t neeUng will be largely attended and h>? atithnaUill. lit w. -I " " '" VH, auiiyvn Will, ve gnm to the effort which Is made to eo- <| mre good roads io oor eounty. d ? i 1 Want B T. ' .WA8HIN3T0N, NOBT1 Rain Tort 11 ~ - ,r. HID till ' OPPOSES BILL The regular annual meeting of the tnd Loan Association of thff City was ipd oLan Association of thla city, was leld in the Basking House 'of the layings and Trust Company ofthis litar and was well Attended, a large najorlty of stock being represented lither in person or by proxy. After the adjournment of the ItoclMiolders. the ndwly elected directors unanimously adopted the foL owing resolution""''* "Resolved 1st, That whereas a hlli ias been introduced In the General tssembly of North Carolina, permiting Building and Loan Associations o borrow money without limit, and hrhereaa the limit as the law now tands is 25 per cent, of the amount >aid in. Which we deem sufficient. That we the directors of the Home Eulldiqg and Loan Association, of Vashlngton, N. C., believe that the tasaage of said bill wonld jeopardise he Interests of the stockholders, in Jlowing associations to incur Uabtliles that it might be difficult or imlossible for them to discharge in imes of flnanclal stringency. "Resolved 2nd, That the Secretary if this association b? directed to coraaunlcate with our representative and enator. Inclosing tms resolution and equestiup them to oppose the passge of such a bill/*' The secretary of the company, Mr. onn u. sparrow, maae a detailed reort to the stockholders for the year ding December 81st, 1911, which bowed the business of the compiany Q 0 be rapidly increasing and the Q tockholders were highly pleafeed Q rith tho fine showing made. The b ompany no&r has 1,557 shares in Dree, $43,00<Hoaned out on approv- v d-first mortgage and 185 sharehold- b rs. 576 shares were aubscrlbed dur- A ig the past year and the company e#ln Ra "new" y'eyT.WlIh every prus~ jj ect for a still more successful bual- a ess than ever before. ThiB company ^ 1 doing a fine work in this city, ^ uilding many fine homes and help- , d build homes and pay for them at ? bout the same cost of their regular a ouae rent. The followering dlrec- g >rs were unanimously elected by the tockholders for the ensuing year: W. ^ !. Swindell. F. J Berry, B. K. Willis. H C. Kugler, B. G. Moss, E R. Mixon, h 1 " J ci Braaaw, Jr. and ^ no. B. Sparrow. Immediately after a tie adjournment of the stockholders. cj ae% newly elected directors met and ^ lected th following offlcrs: W. E. ^ wlndell, president; F. J Berry, rst vice-president; E. K. Willis, sec- 8 nd vice-president; E. L. Stewart, at- ^ Drney, and Jno. B. Sparr-w. secre- n try and treasurer. ~ ? d ROURAM OF NATIONAL CORN SHOW IN COLUMBIA. h ti Columbia. 8. C., Jan. 24.?The f( omplete program for the two weeks f the Fifth National Corn Exposi- o ion, which opens here tho twenty- ? sventh of this month, was announc- u & by the exposition management. ? he program -Includes a number of w [nature days, on each of which an w ttractlve series of addresses by dls- ^ ingulshed men. and significant w rents will take place, directed to the peclal agricultural problems under _ onslderatlon on tbos^Thtye. J Following is a summary of the so-weeks" program: Monday, Openig Day; Tuesday, South Carolina ay; Wednesday, Lire-Stock Day; liuraday. National Farmers'. Union liy; sTidty, Natiuual Bducaitiw ^ ay; Saturday, BoyB' Day, closing ex- tJ rcises of exposition school for prise dinners; Monday. Winthrop College ? )ay; Tuesday, Corn Day; Wednes- E ay, Thursday and Friday, Rural Life o Conferences; Saturday. Cloalng Day, ? xhlbita will remain Intact untij mid- 8, lght. / A number of speakers of natlohrlde reputation have accepted Invlattons to deliver addresses. b Mr. Richard JohnBon waB a viflitor n a the city from Beaver Dam -yeeter- ii lay. . i. i . "* i aseball? onight in * CAROLINA. FRIDAY AFTERNOO: iht And Tomori %?! Raleigh, Jan. 14.?The house of epreseatativaa debated and voted or mora than two hours on the Jusice resolution. substitutes and intendments, find adjourned this af?rnQQn_ until |. to in or ro w at 10:30 rltnout nuallf. UyiUg By iht* ivuurd id vote -what It Intended td do about he whole mat(?r. The result yesterfay was so pie sharp remarks on the tart of Mr. Williams, of Buncombe, iff. Dpughton of Alleghany. Mr. Speaker Connor and others, the burlen of which' wae that the original luthor of the resolution was not so nuch Intent on getting the views of listinguished gentlemen on the probemt of government as he was ii^ gaining some ulterior motive in the vordlng and advocating of his resoluion in the house. And they-.killed he resolution by a vote of 60 fo 55. What added epfte to the whole dlsusslon waa the amendment of Mr. teavis, of Yadkin, to the Justice resilution inserting the name of Colonel loosevelt for^hat of Senator La Folette, he declaring that Col Roosevelt , ras the choice 'of the Republicans, nd If the invitation was not for parisan purposes then he saw no objec- , ion to his proposal But there was bjectlon oT~a dectded sort, and the mendment waa voted down. iBGRO UOAng FIloM THE LOCK IT. John Whitby, a negro, broke out , f the local lock-up yesterday afteroon between four and four-forty-flve 'clock, and has not yet been appreended. T '* On January 11 th?4* arehouse of 1, Ir. C. G. Morris, whb conducts a rokerage TraMnesB,.i'?& broken into admuch of the stock stolen. The ofcers at once suspected Whitby. buC fwas"not uhUT yeitmlay that-he-wao rrested. After locking him up. his ouse was searched, disclosing two arrels of flour, two tubB of lard, four boulders of pork and one-half a keg f plate miuu. Returning teom un< earch the officers found a crowd round the town hall, and the negro one for parts unknown. ? The cells have a small iron-barred Indow, but in order to let in more ght and air. there is an opening lgh up near the celling, which 1b ??iv hv tt^pden strips It waa simple matter for the negro to limb up and tear out an opening , irge enough for a man of some a&tl- , jr to crawl through and drop tc the round in safety. Whitby is an old offender, the last i me he was in court being about a lonth ago. when he was charged ith stealing a pistol from Julie RedIck. Several people saw the negro as e was making good his escape, but ley did not know lie was uildei ar?- est. ?' i Sometime ago a white man broke ut of the lock-up by cutting his way ut with a pocket knife. The scar is ppn the door where he attempted to ut It througlt. but finding it too ?fnk, he simply cut 7through the all and escaped thourgh an opening hich may now be easily recognized 1 y the newness of the wood with hich it was repaired. . 0 GIVE FAMOUS (MATH GOOD FRIDAY EVENING The firRt practice will be helo this rgntofc at eight i/clocic:;fof:ISo-?awita to be rendered Good Friday rening by the choir of St. Peter * Iplacopal church. This the fam us cantata, "The Crucifixion," aud ill be exceedingly effective when , ung by this excellent choir after eeks of preparation. The St. Peter's church choir will 0 assisted by soloists from the other holrs of the city. There are some otably well-trained singers in WashMfton. | Prof. Will K Smith It director. Do You City ROT! WILSON OFFER p IN^GAROtJN Josephus Daniels 1 to Trenton to Ex] ' Asheville as Sumi Trenton, X. J., Jan. 24.?National b< Cotnmlttc entan Josephus Daniel*. of c< North Caroliua,i-an>e to Trenton with t? a dulcgatic;; tc offei tIn- President- m elect a summer home at Asheville. ri The delegation wan armed with pictures of all the desirable sitee In Aahevillc. gil-lut? him the option of ^housing a house already built, site anywhere he desires, or handsome lot upon which North Carolinians pro- r; pose the erection of any kind of resi- a: dei.ee he desires. Govcronr Wilsou lived for a time in North Carolina und attended di school at Davidson College, lie has ft many relatives here, and in Chapel ci Hill, the seat of the university. rt The President-elect indicated yes- 01 .erday that he was not especially anx- a ious that a reception or any other te lubstituto be provhled for the inangjrahball. which he opposed. p He was told that some doubt had]la . I K. JANUARY 14. ltlJ. row Colder SIM Washington, Jan. 24.?The tariff on cotton manufacturers may be cut to a minimum advalorem as low as Ave per cent. The minimum under the Underwood bill, that was pressed by the Democrats in the house in .1911 mm 1912. auti mm su fui umnis as the tentative basis of the Demo- > cratic cotton revision program, is 15 per cent. This was the development today after the ways and means committer had heard witnesses representing i bcth the Southern and Northern cotton' industry. The committee room was crowded all da& with manu- i facturers, importers ar.d others interested v in the revision plan, under which tho Democratic i leaders contend the burden resting I upon people because of the cost of ] cotton' clothing, will be reduced by more thai} $80,000,000. i The American Association of Cot- I ton Manufacturers, dominated by the i southern mill owners, went on record \ for a compromise reduction. In a schedule, presented by Its former t president, Lewis W. Parker; of Greenville, S. C.. who was accompanied by I a committee of the association, rates I were proposed that dropped the minimum advalorem to 10 per eenL BUDDHISM GROWS FAST IX VMKJtlCA. r "One of the most startling~Tahttl c confirmed by investigation is that < Buddhism in Seattle. San Francisco t and Los Angeles is aggressively ? propagating itself from these centers" says the report of the Homo Missions v Committee of the Federal Council of 1 the Churches of Chiist. "Buddhist temples have been erected in which. ^ cultured priests administer the rites t and ceremonies of their religion and7 tjirourhr a- "" seriei^of ? - -aro L* reaching large numbers of Americans.I< especially women." . , t UNOFFICIAL |< New York. Jan 24.?Feel A little}l sporty? Wolli Iwo'e a gon?l chance! I to make a bet on the weather. You a can- play Uncle Sam's stable of fore- i casters or Just centre cn A. J. De i Voe, the non-union weather seer of^ s Hackensack. N. J. The oddB are i even. This inside Information came t from De Voe: J* ' Winter will begin now 1 predict a blizzard over the Ohio Valley wed- T acsday and snow will fall here Thurs day. Cold weather will prevail till April 1. Ice a foot thick will be cut In the middle of February. I expect c the worst storm of the year frhra Feb. f 7 to 10. The Icemen hereabouts need s not despair." j Uncle Sam's local commissioner \ suggests stringing your chips on this: n "There'is no sign of a storm over r the Ohio Valley, where the pressure 1 i? nigh.?Hiih pmssui. ?< ?., pM? > duces storm. There is a slight area of c low pressure over Montana, that Is the nearest storm centre. It will be ( warmer. It is always safe to pre- \ diet cold weather in February " < Now. gentleman, step up, pay your t money and take your choice. t r ['ASTRO CROWS ANGRY t WITH AMERICAN OFFICIALS t New York. Jan. 24?General Cipri- i ano Castro, enraged at the refusal of | the special board of inquiry at Kills % Island to permit hint to enter the r country, ordered the three members \ of the board from his rooms yester- v day. When they demurred, he called' bis valet and tried to throw them out.jf "I will not talk to you! away!" he t shouted, when the officials sought to 1 question him further concerning the killing of General Parades In Vene- I zuela. .The board, its two interpret- ? era and its stenographer, all talking I at once, tried to calm the Venezuelan. < but without avail. He summoned his? valet and reached for hie gold-headed cane# When the officials withdrew t Castro banged the door shut and \ locked it. . t The appeal from the board's deci- : slon against Castro Is now pending in I Washington. < Want Yo 1/ at Eigh BE 01*- HAND TONIGHT III FOR BASEBALL DISCUSSION Don't (onset the bawcball public neetfng in the tewn hall tonight at 8 >? >'clock. If everybody who. has an tt" pinion on t\tls matter will be on I or land to express it. or support it wnen I jht x pressed by somebody else, there Cc v ill.be nodirtlcuily iti filling the town tall. Whether you favor the proposition (> i^nfj' Jfi|it(]fHiJ ilsrtm ! W< mow bow you stand. Exactly the- hh "eps which ought to be taken can be he letermined only by g a uKing tTiVsmitT uent of the people. If Washington lecides to go Jn for this, there ar?* mportant details to be considered. | ~ idii unit1 uut i an1 mm. uhl u' tin.;" ictlve promoters. Then a valuable!tn dece of information sought from you |"v s whether or not you will a'tend the ,0! Tames if the comparatively few buslless men who are willing to assume he responsibility succeed in getting " laseball here. j gr HIHIII.> MH IKll CmtfS ^ INDICTED FOR FORGERY w< Boston. Jan, 24.?Said to be want- * * d in Philadelphia and in New York '0| oi/ passing cleverly forged checker ^ i pretty young woman of twenty th rears is under' arrest here charged vlth several worthless check trans- w' ictions. In a search of her apartments it 36 Falmouth stret, in (he BaCkr|,? 3a.v, an outfit that might well belong " "It *>?Q Penman" was disc overed I '* ind confiscated by the detectives. if1 Gowned like a daughter of the ex- P' lusive Back Bay society set, withjth vhich she mingled as the daughter jth >f a New York family, ifie girl, under he name of Abbie L. Moulton, won M bo confidence of a number of busi- to iess men in a very few days and pass- C< d several checks for varying r.t (mounts up to $200. It is claimed that she has been uaking repeated trips to Philadel-! >hln. New York, and other cities' vithin a day's journey, passing; hecks on the claim ffiaTstie had ex- by laustcd her funds on the trip, andjTl vould then return to her apartments ! Ml Dieerent colored inks, various eras-j Mi ts, paper of various consistencies gr md textures. and stub and fine penslTl vere among the things dtsco^ereo in.A< ier room. The Boston police refuse to allow j ?er extradition to any other city if, I* ipplication is made, until the charges;tr >y merchants In this city have been 1 f* lisposed of. Tt Is rumored that a bill will be in- I tb J J Ik. 1 t kl.. . ~ K. prevent the wholesale slaughter of mail? or partridges by limiting each man to 15 birds, and also to change the squirrel law so as to make the T >pen season from Oct. 1 to March 1. *>1 4 >ur City t< t. ' V V:' > v n* 'if- Z>i?4 Ca^t?1m *? ' ' . ! , r- > * I I - 3 J No. 1S1 ffj A MOUNTAINS | Heads Delegation plain Advantages mer Capital. ? ll Ben expressed by members the ' ^fn ingressional Inauguration ccoimlt?e as to whether a reerptloti Sn the it nnti j lit llw. I'.pH.il rn.ilil I... or inged, as the governor rocommend]. "I shall be perfectly content with ay arrangement the coiumlttee_may luke," said Mr. Wilson, "Suppose Uiey are unable to aringe a reception either?" > wag iked. | shall be perfectly content." sS The governor was urged ayaiu toiv to visit the Panama Canal betre it is filled with water. ati'I iuillited that lie would try to go. Tlep'sentatlve Covington.* of Maryland. tiled to point out the desirability of trip to tlie canal before nex^ Sepniber. "It all doponcLs oti how lot.g the ~ji :trHordinary session of CoagrcHs sts." said the governor. M HAS FIVE WIVES AND NOT IN TIIRKFY PITHFR IU1IUUI UI.UUU I New York. Jan. 23. -Three v?ive?, ung, friendly toward one another, id not unattractive, faced c hurled \ elM. a little, -wfjitr-ited-eisar-tnak. when he was brought before Mag;rote Herbert in the Harlem Police urt and charged with bigamy. .."j \Vbile lu prison, before the hear- / c. VVeiw had detrfbd the charges ?-*tt1 almit hint-and bad predicted he iuld soon bo free. But- when he ** "Ji w the three with s children." and then saw < Wi;.- S lping anotHef~To take care or Tier " he, hts- attenrprpd -Tto defeat >M ended guilty. He was held in $5,0 bail for trial. f ""By the time hi* case comes up In higer court wj^jBJI_be_ablej<> *1 ing," said Assistant District Atrney l*oui* Hleler. who prosecuted tu. "But that w ill not be neceaaarjr '.Jj cause of bis plea." ICE | Cambridge. Jan. 24^ ttagtimo and and optra by mice soloists and prists is the last word in Harvard's j >rtd of psychology. The songsters are hi the care of larles Coburn, Harvard's psycho ? ? "=>e air ???r ui Hibbc fs Ltetl mice. They are females and ey tome from New York. Whether . ey are the prima donna type, or hether thry are merely of the roadway chorus slrl type, remains -be seeuT , A New Yorker found these mice, bo is said, in his tool chest. He was tided inence uy llie wiuuil uf llielr . j ping. The canary-like ton?* of eir voices prompted him to notify ? X, , V c |>"JIUUIURII Si uriiuiient which referred the matter to r. Cc-burn. The latter made a trip New York and got the mice. Mr. >bnrn will try to breed more singing . ice by these Iflrat ones 1\V PARTNERSHIP FORMED V hX)K RICHLAND TOWNSHIP A law partnersb'p has been formed Mestrs A. D. MacLean and W. A. . M lompaon. this partnership to be rorioted to Richland Township. Mr. acl.ean is the law partner of Coaessman John D. Small, while Mr. lompscn is a prominent attorney of . ururu.? Turkey is not n good loser. She banfen licked, and there Is no good Id ylng to conceal the fact from tyerowo K>ple or anybody else. The Chinese nre said to Mke egg* tat are many years old. China would *>' f a paradise for the egg trust and the tld storage houses The proniioed sliakenp of the New ork pot Ice lm? failed to materiallM* . at the shakedown continues. jS _ ?/> i M I -9 "fJj ^ " & JlH

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