address tor Bishop John C. Kllgo, of i ? Durham, In which he scored existing. ] conditions In the Stole and appealed ' ( of the Anti-Saloon League Conven- ] tlon. The meethjy whs held In tht> : J Flrmt H?MtM rtupib aad, deepite two rlrtj dtffMUlUU, IU null ?f 1 tended. Many delegatee arrived duting the day and the out-of-town at- , tendanto was unusually good. The < aoaisons today consisted or addresses by prominent preachers snd laymen and the adoption of resolutions call- ] lug on tAe Legislature for stricter , llouor laws. Judge A. ZtJBlalr. of , Ohio, addressed the contention last night. Resolutions commending the General Assembly for its position with ' reference to the Webb-Kenyon bill ^ pending la Congress, asking the Legislature to pass a stringent blind tlgf" ^ er search and seizure-law, requiring railroads to show their shipments of liquor, and asking thai the quantity of llqnor to be received by any person in this State belimlted by law were unanimously adopted" thl# - afternoon at the meeting of *he League. The adoption of these resolutions followed spirited discussions of the llqnor evil In all parts of the State by mlniaters?and laymen. The mdis was concluded tazt ntgbt with an entertaining discussion of -T7--the llqnor-question from a Judicial and moral standpoint by Judge A. Z. V % Blair, ef Ohio. LITTLE mjmIS ARM The many. Washington friends of Mr.s J. A. Rawls, of Kew Bern, will y be sorryto'besr that her six-year-old ? son, John Bloufct Mayo, broke hia arm at toe elbow yesterday by fall^ ?? iiw *? ?.oa_aU?Ljt8Ptw?g?tgri & w pronounced the break a serious one, the elbow being the vry worst place ? at which tbe'arm can be broken.?It b will-be several days before the little fllow will be able to be,out again. Mrs. 1?awIs la an old resident of ' Washington, she having lived here up Is -a few months ago when nhe moved to Now Bern. J 4 . Mt. and Mrs. C. P. Taylor and a?l_ < w" ? ???- j j' Ellsworth, of Ashfork, Arisona. and Mr. J. W. Crone, of Norfolk, will be ( guests at the home oi Mr. and Mrs. | W. H. Ellsworth on 8econd street unI . til afterthelr silver wedding, which | takee place tonight. B STARTLING RMPORT ON ? OOMM^OIALIZEP VICE. New York. Feb. 1.?With his evidence reduced to the matter of fact form of a card index, Shnyiel H. London. formerly prosecuting attorney of B1 Paso, Texas, who said he waa , seml-officlally connected with the de- ( partment of Justice at Washington, has laid before the aldsrmanlc com- 1 mtttee Investigating police conditions 1 here, the result of his seven years' i study ot'WKiy Pi?d' IHMIg. ' r 11 t .He ca,Hed New York the capital of ( ? commercialised vice and said that j with the assistance of fourteen j agents placed at his disposal' by the ( government he had carried on in- j vestigatlons "from Fairbanks In He declared *hat his census in t New York revealed that there^wpre . 6,100 men profiting from commer- f If-v*- '. ' elallsed vico-ln-jrhlch -26,000 worn- t on were involved. He charged that L i ttnr j He beUevtJ thpt only Individual po- , licomon were concerned in the bUBi- , r nrsn and doubted that the humber p" of these officers would exceed 100 t out of the' 10,060 hfitt on the force. , j&. After thb solicitation of t - many of my customers who waijt i| * something bptter than the Nation- <J at, I hav? added tho Loose Wiles 1 | :t; - * Biscuit Company's lino of Sun t L-? Shine Cakds, tho finest made, 4nd j would he glad to haws you inspect Kr>v-" same, especially when yoa^want something better than the ordinary < ^Kp*||p when haying entertainments. Their i ?. Brandy Wine. Clover Leaves, San i k J Sana, Sun Shine Citron, Golden !<#' Flakes are some of their leaders, If but we have other brands besides their oyster crackers and soda blsk cults. Very respectfully, Chas. M. Little. ' ' ^ 1-19-1 wc i : lOflSES school auditorium laat night (or the purpose of picking the teams and alternates for the coming inter-highichool debates. From the ten speakers, six debaters were selected as 'follows: Jamie Fowls. Jesse Woo lard, Hubrt Bills, William A. Blount, Chas. Praetor and John H Taring The last two W6 filltirutw, whllu?ttre?ftrwt tour wlfl compose the two tpams, who will contend against. Elisabeth City and New Bern. Tho question reads as follows: "Resolved, That the Constitution of Morth Carolina Should Be so Amehdsd as to Allow Women to Vote Under the Same Qualification as Men." Laat night's affair was spirited from start to finish, the young men pitching in to each other with a vim which show^ ed they meant business. Weighty authorities were cited, and durlnt the period of rejoinders, books and pamphlets flew hither and thither [ft* bullets. "Head tMs and let K teach you a few things," a speaker would shout as ho banged down a took on his opponent's table or wav(d a pamphlet under his nose. One ipeakersald he wiTsorry that his ipponent. (Jesse Woolard) bad been tullty of the groe msls-statement that women had voted in Utah for 40 fears, when as a matter of fact they tad onhr' voted sixteen years. On re|olnder yomng Woolard popped open i book saying forty years; the gentleman of the affirmative opened one on Bis part ^utviag. sixteen years. Thus here was a deadlock. Fortunately, ;he gentleman of the affirmative was ible to produce two mors books saying sixteen years, and claimed the victory, 3 to 1. Jesse Woolard, however, failed to see It that way, md impertubably remarked, "They mal be wrong." Each one of the ten speakers was peffectty at ease on the rostrumend Base and grace. " ' These debates all ..come . Ihe Hhe welling, SHfluaiJ If nmMHlil ion advances tbe cause of the sfflrmalive at home against Elizabeth City ind efends the negative at N?w Bern. ~ An interesting Tact of last night's contest is that seven of the ten tpeakere chose to advocate woman lufTrage, while only three upheld the traditional viewpoint. Oqt of these three, howver, were selected two of he successful contestants. msiem hi the 111 sms Washington. D. C., Feb. 1.?Clprlino Castro, former president of Venezuela. was yesterday denied admistion to* the United States as a\lsitor, >y Charles Nagel. secretary of commerce and TahorT; The VeftezueTah's niwaverlng refusal to?answer ~ the [uestlon whether, while president of lis country, he was a party to the illling of General Paredez was'the tauee of Secretary Nagel's order for lis deportation. . Thp cabinet minister sustained the wl*er?*? report of the immigration LUthorities against CaatroVn the fround that bis declination to aniwer "may In Itself constitute an adnlsalon by conduct" of thw-commlerton of a felony. The Immigration ftW bam tmin. Mill Thii'ffnti Cflik. Meted of fonuntUIng a fcrlme in vol vnoral turpitude, providing it is not >urely a politc4l offense. The selrejrty held that the murder of Peredei ?as not. a purely political crime. Furth'or, the secretary declared hat anvallen was compellod to ahiwer "yea" or "no" any pertinent luostlon regarding his admlaaihllity. :f permitted to reTuse he maintained hat ' the immigration service might lust as well adjourn." The yonng daughter of Mr. Hugh >edle, of IJyde County, was operated ipon at the Fowle Memt Ah ' "rfoBpital rhsterday. .. COTTON MARKI I .... Lint Cotton, 13c. Seed Cotton. 4 1-Jc. Cotton Seed, ?I6 00 ' _ 11*11 ? in itft An i ran I ii* i ifiip [II m > i mas msEiF i ?Norfolk, rriiTWwiUtBm H Cropsey. Jr.. 28 years bid, aoo of William a H. Cropaey. and brother of the late r Nellie Cropaey. off Elizabeth City. V for whose death Jim Wilcox Is aerv- o lng a thirty year sentence In the pen- I Herniary of Norths Carolina, took his life at his home la-Berkley last night k acid. H? cx nixnttlbd th? ai.I In Ttnr tI presehce of hit yohng wife and their IE 5-year-old danght^, at their home at c 11? Berkley.areaak. 1 Adye^?ltles tM$au?e of being ^ thrown out of employment, because I of strohg-driuk and being pressed by s hla creditors, w4a4he reason assigned by the wife vien she' told her story to the cdgoner with tears streaming down k& checks. p His wife is a daughter of A. C v Stokes, a liveryman of Elisabeth City, n and-is 24 years old? r In addition to Jill parents in Eliza- \ beth City, ihe decpaaedman Is sur- si B i f^^mT ^ I m I > V I 1 B = WABHIWOTOW. NORTH v J ^ttVeamer: pmr *? ? ? TERR ing the debate yesterday on the | Work* resolution for a constitutional amendment limiting Presidents to one term of six years. Senator Marline of New Jersey made statements | which many of his Democratic col- I leagues consider to hare been rery I I m$Vfm and cmbaiisasMl. they I I bullet m that lie full lulu a tiam*t fur I him hyaena tor Dixon of Montana, I the manager of the Roosevelt cam- I palgn last fall. While the New Jerseylte was deliv- I ering his full and free answers to the I I leading questions put by Snator Dix- I on, several of the other Democratic I I senators, including especially 8ena- I tor O'Oorman of New York, showed I I unmistakable signs of distress and I made futile efforts to Induct Mr. Mar- I tine to desits. Senator Dixon asked I Senator Martine if Prealdent-elect I I Wilson had expreaesd himself as fav- I I oring one term fcr Presidents. The I I mnreriru In the affirmative. I "Has he inade*any public declaraI tlon that he will hot again be a can- I I dldate," continued the Montana sen- I I ator. I "Not in tllflSe wurds," replied 8enI ator Martine, "but ho has declared on I I two r three occasions that Be believed I I in the on e term principle." I Asked if he knew of any undprI standing between Wilson and Bryan I Martine said that he did not. I The whole tenor of the New JerI aeylte's remarks indicated his belief I that the President-elect wbuld feel I himself pledged not to seek re-elscI tlon at the close ot his approaching I term. Senator Dixon expressed tho opinI ion that the one term resolution was I aimed at Wilson and Roobevelt. and I^nthat certain gentlemen in the House I of Representatives were eager for its I LdOptlOB. ? DREH BY MAIL UHPOFCLAK. I ' ' i JMi'l"* *" "" ' " " Several parcels post delivery men are smarting today. They are nurs tnW bee stlnss as the result of their experience with a hire of bees. . fa? hire was mmiiM trom oak- ' Lane, Pa., b7 Mary Austin to a friend here. The bees apparently had been securely fastened In their hive but It was necessary to make arrangements for them to get sufficient air. When the package arrived here it was regarded with groat curiosity by delivery men, who gathered In the IMBPUBg WUU1. ? One man's curiosity became so great he picked up the hive. At that moment a husky young, bee, who' thought summer must be here because of the warm weather, made his way out of the hive. That bee was followed by another. In a few minutes several doxen bees were playing around in the assorting room. They alighted on several de^ livery men and proved their stingers^ after a winter's rest; were in splendid condition. , In the confusion, howeve.r there was one roan who knew what to do. He walked bravely to the hive slid fastened the opening so that no more bees could get oat. He was elected unanimously as the person to deliver the package.?Camden. N. J., dls- j, patch to New York Press. Mrs. H. R. Baird, of Petersburg, Va., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Nichols, of this city. i There Are More v : Than Foofeh' If you had something for sale article cosi you. and second Just would not sell It to th$ first peta could got your price. But. are you as ctfreful as a bi from his lack of care arises muc hastily Is usually not well done; be wool turns out to be shoddy; after ttae first launderlhg and b< Do your shopping with thoughts Read the advertisements of ti Using In The Dally Nexs today; II ently every day; shopNrith thei II no causes for complaint. YlVdd By IIV6 lt?tfl*f'Wia two broth' t era. c They are Mrs/' William Brooks, v South Park avenue, Brambleton; ^ Miss Mamie Cropsey. this city, and g. Misses tula, OllVdWidCarrlc Crop- n ey and"Duke Crepsey. Elizabeth a City. si Mrs. Cropaey bfts a* brother, J. T. w Stokes. 175 York Mreet. this city. n The body was t?|raed over to Funeral" Director E. L?8"Coxfov preparation for burial. TURKISH CRUISER i DESTROYS GREEK I : JWAg#PS_: ish cruiser Hamldleh yesterday at- g tacked and etaroyed three Greek war- c ships In,harbor atatampalla. & Turkish island in the Aegean group. * The onslaught Is not a violation of t] armistice, since Greece failed to sign 0 the Bachthe protocol. ^ a London, Feb. 1.?If the Balkan al- a lies renew war against Turkey and win, they will not be permitted to u HHUI6B-WW IB EUFblW tttt UWJ "g ploase. The powers' ambassadors yesterday decided to force them to \ leave the final territorial settlement s> to a general European conference. The Balkan envoys will not leave e London beforo the end of the week, w The powers are hopeful for peace, w v Constantinople. Feb. 1.?Turkish T peace delegates have been ordered to s return forthwith. " LOTTAGE PRAYER MEETING HELD ON YKSTERDAY > Cottage prayer meeting was held " at the home of Mr. M. S. RoBcoe of Nlcholecnville this wpek. The at- g tend^iCR wa3 exceedingly good. . Mij. W. G. Lamb. Jr.. of William- p. eton, is in the city. it ! lr / nr" Foolish Buyers Vyti I l~c ! 1 -wv/iivio? v y iiy i ~ oc you would know first what tho TJ what you wanted for it. You w>n trying to buy ft unless you th i it -r - "M "* ^8? st xyer? Most people are not, and '.V to th complaint. That whieh^i done M what at drat glance seemed to y< a shapely garment loses lte fit ot > on.' Bad ware Is never cheap* S1 y? ind care. d, be reputable Merchants adverread them closely and perststse merchants, and you will have ' T >AILY FBBEUAHY 1, llll d Colder ?7inu KDSIB _ lEfflt The following unique Invitation, Baled with Irlah green, stamped 'lth tha letter "F." waa ^received Wednesday by sonte fortunate ladie> f our town: 'ataey Darllnt: This la to apprlso ye and let ycz now of a jollification in honor of he Booh Club, to be held atlhis adbmrhnmiy^lRTtlBilii at 9 p. nr* 'alth, 'tla wllklm ye'd be on yez ould make It convaplent to attlnd. 'he tolme'll pass plisintly; 1^ thrust, rlth tay-dflnkin* other diversions, te kindly plazed to R. S. V. P. and ay If ye can come. Yours for the Ould 8od. j MARY PAYNE KOWLE. / So the. Addlsco Club met at the ap^ olntefl hour tor the "Jollification."' rhlchl proved quite worthy of its ame. At the door, the guests-were ecetved by Mies Fowle. Miss Ethel 'oole and Miss Elsworth. In the abence of the Dresident. Mr*. D. T. *yroe, ttata trregntar meeting was t ailed to order by Mrs. F. H. Rollins, j ice-president. After the minutes t -ere read and approved. th<f~tun be- t an?each member responding to t all-call with an "Irish Bull." Long g nd merry was the laughter occa- j loncd by this first "diversion." This t &b followed by a program of Irish B leloldles: ^ KUlarney?Mr. Jaa. L. Fowle. TabTeaU. "lrtsh Exttes " Song. "Oft in the Stilly Night." ' [ra, J. B. Sparrow and Miss Mary E. homo*. ? Poem?"Will My Soul Pass thro' reland?" Mrs. Margaret Phyne. Monologue?"KUlarney Blarney." Ilea Jane Myers. SOng?"Where the River Shannon lows." Miss Katherine Bragaw. Story?Read by Mrs. L. L. Knight, ccompanied by tbe piano by Mm. R. .. G'. Barnes,. blanks being filled in fth muale. -Irish Lullaby, Miss Kuroegay. "Come Back to Erlh,**~Wrk. W. D. rlmw muT . The prize for the musical story, hlllaleh, was presented to Mrs. J. i. Grimes. After this "diversion"* the guests ere ushered into the Ululug-ruum 5r the "tay-drinkin' In the cenro of the long table was a pyramid f "parties," a big flag of Old Eirn t its apex?and Pat's dearly beloved ompanion?the little pig. with a red pple in his mouth, was not missing. A new member was now presented 3 the club, Mrs. S. R. Fowle. who gve (His ?ft "May your shadow never grow less, lay you live to eat the chicken that cratches over youF^rave." The "tay-drlnkin" " proved u very ntertalning "diversion." but th^re 'as another to follow?a contest of rit?the "Blarney Diversion." in rhlcb tbe prize was won by Mrs. J. Lawson, and now the hostess bared with the ladles Borne of the R. 8. V. P's." Every one was full j. f Irish humour. This Is a sample: j "Mary?Frend of me bosom." t Faith! 'tis more plascd I be. since 1 ^ )ft the Ould Country, whin your ap- j rlsement rached me late risidcnce t the top of thla morning. Sure an' { 11 come, since ye so kindly say j Right Smart Vlctufcle Prepared." ^ If I can't come?will bring me for r rlts. t Yours a wearin' of the green. As it was almost time to wish the , Dpular hostess the "top o' the morn- ^ U' " the club now adjourned, wish- # ig for themselves many happy re- t irns of such "jollifications." 3CJETY EDITOR RESIGNS TO OO RACK OX STAOB. ' Asheville, Feb.'l.?:Mlss Ida Ham- g 1UII. fl.l1 tliu past ft re yewr >%nerw 4 litor erf the Asheville Citizen, has I signed that position effective Saturp and leaves*this city Sunday for pw York City, where bI.r wll\ spend ree weeks rehearsing with Miss drgaret Anglin'a ctmipnny. "Green .ockings," preparatory to making a ur of Canada and tbo Pacific coast, isa Hamilton, for a number of saw, playhd with Mrs. Fiekc and her stars and is a talented actress io camfl to this city, about seven t< ?ars ago In search of health, and j, iring the time that she has been are she has completely recovered. c Miss Elizabeth Tayloe is visiting In arboro. ? -g t Mr. F* B. I>ewis, it home from a n nsiness trip. ' e - e ' I V I ? IMIISft, MILD ICETIIK IMM The laymcn^of tbe vmrtous churcbKlth their kives It they like, ire earnestly requested to attend the nesting-to be held tomorrow afterloon at 4:15 in the First Methodist ihurch. Dr. H. M. Bonner, of New tlern and Mr. J. Leon Williams, see etary of the New Bern chamber of wttMWCS, will inakn the principal mR The purpose of the great laymen's movement which has swept the county, the evangelization of the world n this generation, is very ambitious It first thought, but it is said that when one catches the contagious enhusiusiu of a laymen's meeting, the project appears by bo means -iwposof accomplishment. All of the good Bingers of the various churches arc specially requestid to attend t'ue meeting tomorrow, is the music will be made one of he fhiet features. Every minister in the city Is actively interested in this movement md in securing a splendid attendance I omorrow, though it should be men- j ioden that the initiative comes enirely from the laymen, who have tuddenly waked up to the fact that j t is a shame to place the burden of j he country's religion upon the boulders of the women and yhiliren. Mr. \V. 11. Rasdere. Klnfon, I vas in the city yesterday. MUG TO BE GREAT= Jffl Washington. Feb. 1.?Prospects hat the largest crqwd that e\rr gathered here for nn inauguration will vitncsB the ceremonies Incident to he induction into offlce of HPrTsTknt-elect Wilson were apparent at , he "Booster Day" meeting of the in-j kugural committee yesterday. According to flgurcH made public | wenty thousand National UoartiIs-' nen and members of other organizations have deflnltely arranged to ateud the inauguration These figures, iowever, indicate only ? ixSrHon \.T he big hdst that Is making arrange-, nonts to visit the capital Plans are now complete for she stand from which tha new President, tnd hla family will review the pa ade. The stand, directly in front of he White House, will bo a rep ilea of he Montlcello homo of Thomas .lef'erson. A small forest of cedar trees vill surround the place and in the j tranches will be hundreds of electric | Ights. Calcium lights from across he hay' will be thrown on the Presi-1 lent to 3how htm to the crowds '.n | -afayetto Square There is apprehension here lest Dr. ' <estpr Jones of Culpeper. Va,. who! s getting together a pack of fox i lounds for the inaugural parade, ope in pome of the old houu' dogs] hat were kicked aroun' a: Baltimore j uat after the Tammany braves \otod : or Champ Clark A trainload of' llssissippi hounflr are still at large nd about Baltimore and Wnshitigon. Mr S II. -Boyd, of Richmond, was 1 egistered yesterday at iho Louise. M4 blr ir hist ciemm There will be a sacramental service I aniorrow,. In Iho evening, the sub-! get will bo "The Glorious Liberty." The pastor extenda a cor<h^4 wp!omo to strangers. Mrs. C. M. Brown, Jr., gave a re option yesterday afternoon between ho hoars of 3 and < in the afterloon. A full report will be publish-' d tomorrow. r 7T ^ m# ^ % No. 11* ^9 ' '- >"*- j ' ?4B lis nice it pin ifl UIDO, Iff III I IM fl A telegram vu received last evafling from Norfolk ?BnounoiBR (Ik> death at 6:15 oV>uk In the Protectant Hospital of that city of Dr. Handerson Snell. the prominent Washington dentist. ' - TO Dr Snell was born in Washington County about 0 years ago. and has rwlJnj iu this til* for (ho pad ?6-oe f 30 years. Kor some time past he nas pyj been suffering frgiu aathma, v. hid) was followed by, paralysis Home months ago he left for Suffolk. Va., and shortly after entered the Pr*itetf- tant ilcHpital in Norfolk. t I)r. Snell was prominent iu >ocal affairs, uud enjoyed one of the largest A - i dental practices In Eastern North' 'Carolina, lie was a well-known mem- .Ajr bcr of the dental society. Dr. Snell owned one of the best antTmoat complete private libraries iu this section, and had tb? reputation of being one . , I of the best read men of the city. He , was a member of the Masonic order. ' ! The funeral will take place ia the J town cf Treswcll. hi** old homo. ERECT lEMi11 TO GOV- 1 ERNOfi AYCOCK ^ Italcighl N. tV.^Jaii, :'.l -In the* . senate Senator Ward introduced, a 'Join*, resolution for the legislating ! committee on i orporavioti commis ? ' Jfl !'siqn to inquire into and report the advisability of repealing. the provis- * i ion of the revisal so as to leave the jjjj inwi h?.uJ cluasv iron clad ~ liiSuLiLaiAtiUayy m vaniirin.a mcmur- , tul to congress by the legislature for the repeal of ilie It ret and second pro .vises of the-interstate commerce act. , >3 | Hepreaenntiive Mlntt Introduce! t? 41 the House a bill for the erection of ju ('harks ?U. Aycock Memorial Educational Building, which provides for. 'issuance of two hundred and fifty : thousand dollar* in state bonds, the |i>uilding to face Capitol Square. J The House set' the Senate bill to | increase the power of building and llnan aganrtar^f Ti rn timTrra-mnnrr .n ?71 la special order for Thursday of next I week. The committee on amendment would prescribe 30 instead of I "i0 per cent of assets. ' Houses changes in the state-wide I primary bill which was set for special crdcr for last night has been 1 changed to Wednesday night of next I week. The House passed the bill directing the corporation commission to in!vest!gate the division of the Cape [Fear and Ysulkin Valley Jiallroad. j which runs from Wilmington to Mt Airy, by the Southern and Atlantic t v Coast Line and report to General Assembly tor prosecution for conspiracy j in violation 01 the Sherman anti-trust law. ! Th? House tftbkn* th? 8yke?* bill? to punish for falsi statement* In procuring credit. The Senate passed the bill provic ing 12 peremptory challenges by defendants in capital caBes, and fonr for Hastate. ' -$ GASES TRIED BEFORE " RECORDER TODAY Before the recorder today. Arthur Moore was fined $10 anfl cost* "for violating a city ordinance. Stella Rice was fined S3 and costs for the same offensp. Stephen Khorn. charged with ob- ' taimng a ham under false pretenses, was fined the costs* of the case, amount far* so on M* W. T. Bailey. Jr.. leaves today a Business trip. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS r~. IN TODAY'S NEWS ?apu4ine. ' * \. C. Hathaway. J. K. JToyt. * J. L. O'Qulnn. ' vj5SB Lyric. *

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