rJiirged (?r at (he rata of ona special attention paid to all ads ? raeatead by atll or telephone. lfoat Do. ii?r * Wli * < OB KALB lO? HAKHK1S OF ? cere. Wltl <1 i vl dfl_ vliotssale and i m? "1 rstklTera profit to the man who ! ' WMumpdon T K6 ittftyr Bd ' ward, n. c. l-se-iwp i 1-? ? PQB SALE?A 8ECXJM>.HANU GAB j iUKI^ OSW condition at a bargala. Apply to .Bally Nowa. ( KT ' - I'lidtw??? ~~V 1 S* ft KtW .U'liEH TRUCK LARD PUB ] =*?- rtnt. ' A.'C. Hathaway. * I lrK-tfo -V- fc"; "l>, I l OltDAHtH TAKEN von OTBIWHS ' u and ?i livered any part" of city. lie. ( dry n. .rf. Pure Pood Orocery, , gar J. fc. B Phoaa 1C1. , ^2 I W??* IH WAIHHNTOK TWO MU?KS , and ono .? Urn?? _L FAMILY WAITED TO OCCJUPV W-fS --Waw ea piano m?q tend . tffcCY ] " ""I rarm oa shares. A c Hathavay.'] 1-88-tfc A ? fljp FOB SALE?75 BUblM . SLED J' corn. crew^L from doable o >?lt( stock, raited 18S bushel s vB oce i un M irnr. ?1.T8-per bu?Sel..! V. O. M. Edward. N.C. O. K. Sllf-ll l?y, Edward.. N. C. unit, I I , ' k f ISO ?-T DL'Olir.1,.1 IT r,n " ^ At a ml oi only 12 1-2 cts per bushel. GjoVra on "Wcnouu Denonsirstios K Farm" In ltcautort Co , on N. S. R. R. HI Tan tots nda otdiltrv cultivation A Halted amount of can-fully winded teed win kc offered lor tele tt |2.St per buskel, afckes shelled or eeti Baca Hctt ' exile, lot tingle bushel orders; free with two boeheb or imore. Ordert filled tt w j recehed, while the supply kefs. Ad ?. liiMK, N. S. Hail read NSRPOUC. VA. _ H Mkf * WathJagtoe two exile* fo?? I and oaa ailla dead* wnosei>MiE. / .i ? . .1 ^ .. i frost B H llHraM aad wife, dealt M{[ K^lOlf, North CaroUaa. In elddftd rilU ai> the day or Fehrtt arf, an. M 1* o'clock, boob, hell >dor auh at gakltc paction. to the Hots* dao> ot yde Oaaaty. the fat lowing Oaarlhad real oatye, to-wtt: dlttfata, tylac. aad Mas la the H^_sta|d ! north Carolled. Coaatr ot H Hrda a?4 to Currltaek Toonaklg. baI gloalag at ThaiIda Dumber^ S. W. Uae aad aa the aoatk tide or the cBBhl. tkaaco N. U Boat 1?? polak. H r-tkpaco N. IS Waat 10 pole#, thence . N. 66 But It* poloa to Jamee Dan bar e Haa. thoaee Booth JO polka. X thence 8 13 Beat 610 poloa ttteace N.' II ilk poe'.t to the Brat station H. H. Urerman i part bolag ' This the 23rd day January. 1911. K'V.V W. J. 8BARS. Mortgagee. ' \> 1. B. road,. Owner of the Debt. &jf 1-1 4 -bn W BEttXv FOR ?SMAIX QUANTITY, lostf staple cottoa seed. Address ( J. O. Mayo, Sooth Creek, N. C. ' '1-18-liap J fl iiK^Ht 40 tiwre IjO&nl. 1-BWX t 871*. -Mrs. parker. 1-ll-tueeAfri-tfc FOR SALE?TO HE SEMVKRED Feb. 1st. Pore Bred Berkshire 5 jgtsy Plgyitfib ?JUII ration .lays < It is easy Tosee his OnlaL i Enlightened^ , i ^InqnlaiJ Te Passenger- And what is . r*" ^-"that corlunathing you re carrying? bailor (wlib winch creek -Thin, uiuin? It's the rotAer does, and ibis is his bat?Princeton 1 ; SEED CORN "WINONA PROLIFIC" xmx? FOR IA12 WAS:' L I l>? m A BI'CULM C DL'D AODO K Yon A and are troubled,as some stipation, heart flutter or now by sending for a trie Insta This new food-drink age in many homes. Whi from the harmful coffee /*" Instant Postum reqr ful" in a cup of hot, water Grocers sell if every' Send for sample now "There's ?.? Punas. Fsb. S?Itmni dou"*c,on"" rerj h.nilnoms au? yossn m. Miss Ella Hooker played the wedllng march. The grotgnalfien and PBniflp vort-.MMi flaymon Paul and Miss Delia Allen; Kr, Steward Harria and Mias Marr jaret-Tuten; Charlie Manning' md Miss Matilda Paul; Mr.EoniuIue hooper and Mlaa Luc/ Harria. The brldea were very charmingly < tressed as follows: MUe Allen In rhlte serge and -Miss Cooper In ?l'll.u uieeyMie * ? The bridee* maids were all becomngly attired in white. The church vas charmingly decorated in arches >f ee0art mistletoe, sud white cliry-i kanthetuums. The large audience was well seated "rr'i >nner Allen. Fred Paul and Tom-1 nle Allen. Immediately after the wedding the bridal party returned to the home it Mr. C. C. Paul, whore a reception iras held. otTbrribly killed v ONCEUVEB HERE V. D.K ? A U.I.., tl .nan wkb killed here instsntfy Friin. by n freight train, who la said to saro been from Washington. N. C. Ftg" Wih c>H fh l*o~ at ISe walsi.hU irnia but ofT. and his akull fractured, ie was hnrHd Saturday, after a ver-j lict of accidental death by the coroter's Jury. ' As the rei"'< of :nqulrles. It developed today t: t ihc name of negro iras John Baltic. :hai tic- was probacy from Washing a. N. Q.\ md posilbiy. had a sistc.- living in that jlece. /V f.AYN'OR'S ASSAIL*. VT 1>J? \D. Treuton, N. J.. Feb. * ?Jartee J. Gallagher, who on Ausr.rt L J9W, ihot Mayor Gaynor of Nov i'ot-k. it he neck, while on Hobokon *Pler. lied today of paresis in th- 3fnte isylum. Gallagher was confined to jrlson here and one year later vas eraovod to the hospital. . MALL FIRE IN CITY SATURDAV AiTFKNOO.N. Saturday afternoon the Are alarm was given and the department ruahsti to the curum1 uf Fuuttfl thU HaFrey. The blase, which proceeded from a negro aback, turned out to be a very small affair, however, and was easily extinguished. The Halcyon Clnb will give a German this evening at the Elks Homo. While this will not be the biggest dance of the season given by tbls old end exclusive organisation. It will be a most delightful affair, and will fittingly help to close the'' prelenten season. ? . s jPOSrtW CEREAL I Enclosed find 2c S? of Instant Postam. I! Wnmev bSj Address jtjgS Grocer's Amt M KowtaA. Will rxii a m mere UalUTy meet mer- J k?t or better rerletr et more ree?oiuble prise. And what to more we cut oqr meats to ault our cutomera. If you are not already one of our customore, there le no better with the njwrlorlty of . our service than rlghtf* V "?? v - ' i I..? P?id Her ? CmeaO Dr. Joboeoo oerer tad iflHRg IUI Willi Wllltillinrulr. W ?- w la ted tbet once when tlr* siddooe. tbr greet actress, called 00 hlra la Bolt court and the servant did oot readily brtaf ber a cbajr be aaid. "Too see. madam, w he rarer joe go there art oot A llttl# pig. Juat Hke n growing plant aeetb sunshine. Id both cases It seems to be a sort of toulc tbat makes the beet development passible It Is a greet mistake to keep ebeep In a warm pen In winter. Their fleece protects them, and if they are kept dry they will regnlre nothing else. A cow can lire or maiuteln herself on roughage and she can lire and produce good pasture gross wit boot eoneentfates, but with the ordinary farm roughage the cow' must hare con centre tea to enable her to produce proflta bly- ^ Haw Unseed oil ie the beet remedy for constipation. It acts more quickly thnn nny of tho other simple remedies The cow, having n very complicated digestive tract, is very hard to treat for any bowel trouble, but raw Unseed oil will usually act In from ten to twelve hour* Give n half a p?n? ?t n a ana ana. repent In three or four hours i till relief U brought The Title "Mite." In the ecTentcentb century .the epi?bot miss applied to fern alee was concuiored a term of reproach. MARK STATE HIGHWAYS. i Telegraph Poles Painted to indicate Various Route*, j C. Gogdno Heel, state superintendent I of highways of New York, has designated several innlu tiigbway routes ?.f | the state by colors for the guidance of l SMimuohlllsts^-ThU- has Iteeu done in accord; i uce with _ tho suggestion nf Frflblc IX r.you. secretary of the Xew York Hitipe-Atftmnoblhr aastxlaUflKT"'" tire routes have been designated with colon, red. blue, yellow, green and brown respectively, and state high way employees bare been appointed to begin marking the routes at once. Telegraph poles atoug |fcg llnei'Wm ba painted in colors by local automobile clubs and tbe state will paint the top rails ef fences and bridge approaches. Colored disk* will designate routes through cities and towns and maps will be prepared showing tbe color scheme and ontllnes. Connecting' routes will later be iW*igm>ted by combinations of colors. Co., Ltd., ~ attle Creek, Mich, / rtamp for trial tin Xtol||(|m|j| "" 'vWWw | ' - y ww! ' ' * I re a tjolfee iny coffee drinkers are, with I nervousness; you can take a il tin of nt Po is rapid]y taking the place o le tasting much Tike Java it ii drug, "caffeine." or any othe ilrea no boiling. It is made b and adding cream and sugar yhere?90 to 100-ctro tins 50c t a Reasonn for P _ x L ? yrs?r,-> . TU'? DAILT N1WB *tfl V? * plMMd to r *tn llama, auch u mutmnt.-, waUiM*. * ? lata w>? OUMT uwi oT???61B * interest. with the "e?*-t* ot thoee * present, tor tW "Society No*.'" * eoifloiQ. The ttenu ahoeld b * indorsed with the nemo ana ad- * dreee of the tender?not for publication. hUt as elUetter of seed reith. Knjfr 4i * irr?*~ e - Q 'e e' j? Je 1-sl PIMOtlld. eeeeeeeeej Mrs! II. W. Carter erlU entertain 1 at bridge tomorrow night. ' e e e ? 1 [Mr. J. B. Balaley. of ReldevlUe, ? arla~ln the city'yesterday. l ? Mr. R. W. Ward wga'among Jee- < terday's visitors. 1 Mr. J. A. Sfalnn^ nf Reflial W In- J the city. 4 9 9 I Mr. J. JEd?aids,.'f ftiuuw:ir? J Visitor today. g / c Mr. J. F. Latham, of Jemma, waa among yesterday's visitor*. Mr. T. C. Sugg, of Hertford, was a visitor yestorday. Mr. D. O. Bell, of New Bern, is In the city. / MI W M. Eley. ot Wilmington. In a visitor. V * Mr. R. C. Flanagan of Jessama, is registered at the Lout?. ess Mr. Paul E. Jones, of Farmville, is Tnfhe fclty. 0 Mr. Claybrook Jones, of Asheville. is in the city. Merarer Wr W, Bracket! and R Hopkins; of Ridgewood. N. J., are in the city today. They have been hunting at Ocraeoke. N C . nnd are now on their way to Orangeburg. S. C. ' ??? * Representative W. C. Rodman, of ^ Beaufort county, arrived in the city 1 yesterday aftd returned to Raleigh to- ^ t i t Mr. William Woolard. of Bath, is in I the city. Rev. C. D. Malone. of Chocowinity, assisted Rev. N. Harding at 8t. Peu r'? Episcopal Chngrh yesterday. _ _a_a_a_ ? ? . la .viaitiag., her brother and sister at Delhaven and Pantego. * | r Mr. H. G. Mayo, of the Southern furniture Co.. of this city, who has been in the Washington Hospital ill with typhoid fever. Is now out, nnd ? hi# friends are glad to see him again. 1 , ( Mr. R. B. Cowell, formerly of this 1 city and ex-Captain of Company G, militia, who now makes his home in Rocky Mount, wafe 4tf the ctiy yester n Drinker leadache, indigestion, conStep In the right direction stum f coffee as a table bever5 absolutely pure and free t injurious element, y stirring a level teaspoonto taste. - 45 to 50-cup tins 30c. OSTUM [North 0H>?. Ilvthe Superior Conrt. Stair Hoapltal at Kalrifh r I *? ^ A. W. Ityroh. Guardian Term of Beas-1 fort County flnpenipr Court) at the Court Hon? door of ?tdouuul/^ MtT to the highest bidder fdccakh, to satisfy said >ati7|?fi " >t?ht hh> thd interest which the said Katherine Clark had* or A. W. Strron aa Guardian of Catherine Clark, or A. W. Sfyron as Administrator of Katharine Clark, deceased, has la the folowlng deecrihed real eafie. to-wit; Heeter lying and being" In~Baaufort bounty. North Carolina, in Pantego Township and described as foUowfc: On Pungo River, beginning at tohn-Blsbro's coiuer~dh Pungo JUrtr; running thence South Fifty-Two 62) East 91xty-Slx__lMl_sel*L haooe aenthfr TUir Origin. U8) East llxty-EIght-poles (?8) to the point if M&rfih: tbsnrn Smith TKIrfw.Twn 32) East Eighty-Eight (88) poles o the mouth of Herring Creek to a tine; North Forty-Pire (45) East Eighty (80) poles; then Northerly rlth.a line of marked trees which dlides the present sold land and Sam- tel Clark, which line was made as a llrlston line between Henry and lamuel Clark, rawing with this line o far as a course North Sixty (60) Vest across to John Elsbro's line, Include One Hundred (100) icres to the beginning on the Hirer, t being the same lot~of land which ras set apart to the said Katherine Mark In tbe~dlrtslQn of the lands of ter father, Caleb Clark, whigj) is of ecord In the o?,ce of the Register of >eeds of Beaufort County. This January 17th, 1913. GEO". E. RICKS, Sheriff of Beaufort County. l-18-4wc 8olitary Confinement! The punishment which replaced the leath penalty in Itary?namely, life lmirisonment with solitary confinement -?a considered to bo much worse than ; leath itself. Murderers sentenced to Ife imprisonment Invoke death to end their sufferings. Isolation, complete In the very sense of the word?enforced idleness, lack of exercise and ' lufflcleot food and continual aurvell- | lance In a cell so small as to almost render any movement Impossible?such Is the fate of & murderer In Italy. Sol* i Itary confinement lasts for five long- , rears, sometimes for ten, but convicts' mh> hardly -bear etjfor-mor* "than ~*UT months. Invariably they are iosane I long before the term expires, and of- ( ben they commit suicide. The fear of solitary confinement acts as a preventive to murder as much as and perhaps! jnueh more than that of capital pnnishment. It la Quito Jtu* that the cases of murder have not dlminlahed to any great extent in Italy since the abolition of the death penalty; but, on the other hand, they have not Increased.?Chicago News. Qeroian Justice.. A. carlo** i Hast ration, of the princitfirui igymnmity tprMa ib afforded by a civil damage salt growing oat of the breaking of a plate glass wlniow in s German town. A witness had testified as follows: "As I was passing down the street in front of the window 1 saw a big stone come whirling through the air. I did not know whence it came. I saw It coming through the air. and I ' had just time enough to dodge to save myself from being hit by It." The witness was sharply questioned apon the point whether the stone that broke the window would have struck him had he not dodged it He was then dismissed. Eventually the decision of the magistrate was this: "Inasmuch ai If the witness had not unfortunately ducked bis head the glass would not have been struck by the stone, be Is hereby adjudged responsible for the breaking of the Window and la ordered to pay to the owner the value of the same."?Chicago Orchard and Garden. A neglected asparagus bed on tbe piece is of little commerce*I rsloe. end to Sake up tbe old crowua aud reset tbem would be uawlse wbea young plait to can be obtained at a moderate oust and a new bed pi anted at neb leas expaaea Sera all of the wood, ashes sad apply pwSnah, wMcb la a neceasefy etc ntent of fertility. In edition to Mr pint food value of sake*. Mew baaeM tbe mechanical conditio* of tbe aou In toeklng It mellew and ftfeBIe. When tbe teatperutar* drepa en low tome of ibeae elgbta bang a Ugbled lantern la tbe cellar, a boat a feat from tbe door, making sure It ceaoet fall snd aet lire to tbe boaae. Tbe beat tram u mag be enoagb to save tbe frail tad vegetables from freeaiog. aa rna sitae grsoe in* teaobec waa questioning a boy about Napoleon's dun aetroaa Invasion of Baaala and the anbaaqaaat retreat from Ifoecow. "What dkl tbe French do theer aba asked. "Tbey ma away," aald the boy. "YMrthat la what they did." raid the tear bar. "but Tan away1 la hardly the correct phrase to nee. Whet should you hare aald 7" The here Ada lighted up with under"Tbey beat Itr bo exclaimed proud|y.?Finite City Span ' -V i'/) At'- , ie-M i. / . | Bo^hooi's ambiJb in, e&Hq Itfe sHo f . "World is eve i SS \o Kel^s mait vu i J* Toafc.,'^ ?ftmbi-Uon. tfW v? taicc dlcluunti^fe. . portanLtiej. -A b ew-co^fcraije^ou, fo " "oitr bankuijC} vfac " "Bank ofl I | JoulWBuveu, Pltl. GROCERY AD\ ^ FOR ECONOMICS JOS. F. 1 Phones 123 & 124. v' Carries the Most ( Family G: ALWAYS FRESH Polite Cle Qu Ick D ??? .m'VHiXG YOV SEE >n our shelves counters you can be sure Is good groceries. We do not bundle the kind whose only merit is a fancy name or a pretty label Try aur canned goods and see hovr~~moch be?*T-rttt*T -tnstw TBtm^tTir^dTnary" kinds. They won't cost you a cent txtra either. CHAS. M. LITTLE. _1 Just Received. |, SUN SHINE Cakes and ' r^rCradi.err. i>ome in and see them QUALITY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE J CO. Plum# SO 92. . - O Ever Try Little's Suburban Grocery We are selling this week extra nice Yam Potatoes w The kind that are not! cold hurt CLAUD A. LITTLE, 'The Store Around the Corner' J ! C . ICON WOOD?(Mm Nr. Y?A S J. LEON W< ( , BANKERS and / Stocks, Road*, Oolta, (Ma J Cnrpwls BalMiafi Norfolk, Vm M PHwte wtm to ttnr York SU C mm Bxobapco. Chlca*? Board of f op*. S ^rrmtnmUmcm RoapoctftaBy Soli [ |1m1 Accouti Stns Co Try a Daily N< r the small qift r timely qivethn^ lorn to catcJi the ?sk/ nUL be e?vc0ur i BROKERS.' S and Provlxioag, 78 Plume 8C, I 11 >ck Rxchangc, New York OM> i Trade and other IbmH?I tew 1 I2S?* Atuiiiiiir1'1 ~r~ S ' ews Want Ad