VOL. 4, r? > - - * _ ."^ . *.;'^ -> *' t-i',1; j ? - *? ? oniruT ni it imp 1111 111II 1 *ll 1 ilia II ) UIIIUIIK I " * 11II if I Artii to lTsAlngton to the Inauguration ~ hi Pinuiwl Wllhiu. Lieutenant Morton has extended i an invitation to Adjutant General Lawrence W. Young, to return from J Washington, D. C.. after the fnaogul ration, ?Uh the. Sixth Division. This invitation haa bean accepted, and the members of the Division look forvrard with keen anticipation to the preasnee* of Adjutant General Young. -Company O and the* Sixth Divis ion, he tag respectively integral parts of our two great groups of fighting men low the protection of the coun try Irons invadere and for maintaining laiw and order, are working toy ; 11 gather in marvlseM harmony,, .dt.x clared Lieutenant * Morton. "The enthusiasm of the men. hPd the improvement they have manifested have been wonderful," remarked the UOUtenant, "and the citizens, should take a great interest in our Infantry and. naval brigade as a matter of loaal pride." DIVERTING AND TRULY | UMBjlEjCT AT LYRIC Advance notice was given some ~~ time ago announcing the engagement of the "Musical Bells" at the Lyric Theatre for the last half of this week; and the public were very eag ?p to witnees this attraction as they . have received the most favorable reports from all theatres. To eay "The Musical Bells"' was VMUi M..14 k, < I. tiwu wwuia uc yinui^ iv ui vuu iui|u ^ a form; they captivated their audience last evening from the rise to fall of the curtain and presented unquestionably the best act that ever appeared on the Lyric stage. > The musical instruments used by ,t?, T-?'hese artists are different from all others, pnd rendofed* home of the * best music ever heard of Its kind. One cf the features of the act was the sblectloas from the Consldenna, which It one of the four now used In this country. The popularity of thlh act was the effiniirbf dn?TT Their costumes received much praise and their personalities -were perfect. TMsy tMiy Offer an entire change 'In muatc, featuring a. pUaologue in addition to the regular program, and , H- !s c trite a pleasure to recommend an act of this hind, and We endorse H at one that will plsase the ^ most fastidious. v1<tffj. Mr. Jamea N. Waters of New Hern, is among the day's yjaltors. MKH. HOFFMAN DEAD. Ob Iim?? U Mr*. R. E. Hoffman dlad at Ootd Hill, N. C Bhe waa the wife of Rer. R. *. Hoffman, the Bajitiet minuter who waa ata^ UonM for am* time at Chooowtaltr. 1 - and'ban many frlenda la this eeo| Hon. The jjmalna were tahen for hartal ?o Leoleellle,- KK her old home. Ik. ? \ , Mr. Xjealte Kanfman of Orleana. la reentered at the Louie*. la Mi the eltr. lJeeieaeet Ghaa. U Morton. who ban J act been la Raletoh attendln* a roeetlna of the North CaRrttoa National Qoard Aaaftclatton. ratnrnd to . fall ot anthualaam tor the (uture or tho local military and naval eompa Olee. The meeting -waa In the rtnterect ot % ravtaal bill on military af. falra, pravtding tor an IBCTeaeed appropriate*. which bar, been Introduced to the Houee ot BepresoataUvea The bill to In aood ahape. and hae eaatly panned the Committee on Nairn! Affairs, being championed by Hepie?ataU>e W.-^ Rodman, who ? 1. rbnlmtnn ot tola committee. The hill In aoer before the Committee on Approprlatloan, and hae every ?pv peanuim ul gouig uiiuugu. Lien tenant Mpftom suites that the x naval sail it (a of North Carolina has now been placed upon the same plane of equality with the infantry. Henceforth, all will share in the appropria! kwiaalfl:^ _ ,The Board of Aldermen and-the Board of County Commissioners hare both recently appropriated $50 ? . apiece to the city military company aed naval brigade, making 1200 al^ together. The "boys" expect to use this money for the phrpose of going 4g Tpra ' Rnlaigh, Feb. 7.?rXTvrgg gftgr Kr oVlock last night when, after hearing argument for more than three hours, for and against the creation of the county of Aycock, from parts of Guilford, vn'a^tni and 1'. idoitt, * Qtflford, Randolph an* Dertiebe the II' a*t Committee, cities and towns. Representative Gallatin Roberts. of Buncombe, chairman, decided by a vote of fourteen to seven, t? report the hill favorably. It was one of the most Interesting and livyly hearings had at tli> session of the Gene^aly Assembly. inert' mm i imgg iiumui i uf ny redentativee of ^everal cities and counties present when- the committee began consideration of tho bill to icreata the *tw county with High PciSnt as the county seat There were pretty large delegations present from High Point 'and Thomasville in favoT of the new CdgratT On tho Otter side were numbers of delegates opposing the county" from Greensboro, Thomasvillo, Leaington. Asheboro'and other cltizcns opposing from Randolph, Guilford and Davidson counties.the counties from which the proposed new county will take territory. lid SMS KOTES The chief event of tho High School since mid-term has been the organisation cf classes. The officers elected in tho four years of the High School are as follows: loo. '' ' Beerstary-Troasnrer?William A?gustn* Blonll'. '' Critic?M. A. Hauler Sorgeant-at- Arms ? James Howard. 1 t The High School Athletic Anoclat%n kaa also boon a suecasa aa<L ws hope It will cohUoae to lie It stents ., >*r. \ *" . ' t * JHp In the First YearD. President?Hilton Hndnel). Vice-President?Jam? McKecl. Secretary?Freds Wllllaros-'l Treasurer?LUlIe" Bell ^WTTTTk. 1 Janitor?Carmer Cordon. t'oniidisu IJlisaboth Carre w. . .. Ia the First Year A. , President?Bcrnico Nicholson. Vice-President?Ncta' O'Brian. Secretary?Ray Warren. Treasurer?Elsie Kelly. Janitor?Christopher Columbus Williams. - " v Comedian?Samuel Blount. In the Second Year. President?Francis Charles. Vice-President?William Augustus Blount. , Treasurer?Margaret Handy. " Secretary?&lna Willis. Janitok?Charles Flambow Proc1tbr. ' Comedian ? William Peobody Jones. In the Third Year. President?John Cotton Tayloe. Vice-President?Bybilla Qrljgn ~ Sdcretary-^Joscphene McLeritrr*. Bowen. -Treasurer?Mildred Lee Rumley. Janitor?Boots Bfoore.Comediane?Albert Doughty and Bush Whitley. In the Fourth Year. President?Bruce Clinton Hodges. Vice-President?Ella Lee Wright, i Secretary anfi Treasurer?Violet Stllley. ' Janitor?Sattle Csrreeh- = Comedians?Olivia Jordan and Helen 8hanr. The Cornelian Club for pirls is ! purely m literary club and this club nae not neon organised to proauco militant suffragists. The following officers have been elected for 'thia term: ' President?Josie McCullers. Vice-President ? Annie Booney atmr~ Secretary?Laurie Branch. Critic?Bailie Carrow. j Adalser?Miss Kelly. The John H. Small Debating Society *for boys baa been a complete auoceaa since it was organised In. 1909. It la generally beltoved by ail aagacloua people who hare heard the youthful orators In thW club debate and declaim, that some of its members will undoubtedly turn out to be some ol the greatest orators of the JOU^century. The following ofJpsiiriiave been electde for this PP-'<>'%bu?' :'x/ ' S President?James L. Fowle. Vice-President?John Cotton Tay \JrnrnmMBM *~W f ^ TT I 2?|IE%?ps r=? ?? I ^ ,]* .'.i \ v f' I J. * NEW WHOLESALE FIRM FORJMNCTOfl On March let there will be added to our many wholesale commercial enterprises another large wholesale grocery Arm?James Ellison & Co, They will carry a large stock ol everything in the fancy grocery line, and will cover through their travellnfc. representatives quite a large territory adjunct to Washington. Mr James Ellison, who has boon genera] manager and vice-president of Ellison Bros. Co. since* the fnnrTdaiinp-^Q the business, has~ disconnected himself with that firm to organize this srtaMlfoi"?-nt. Prertoua tn that ht was a member of tho firm of E. R Mlxon & Co., and is well known throughout Washington's territory. Mr. Jos. T; Ross, who has also been with Ellison Bros. Co. since c short while after they began business, will be a member of the new firm and will represtnt them on th? road. Mr. Rosa is one of tho moat popular salesmen that travels out ol the city and has many friends. Mr. W. E. Swindell, one of Washington's best business men. and dlleuui 9*m national Bank, h president of the new corporation. With these welVknown business men at the helm, wo bespeak.for the business unprecedented success. predominant in the High School athletic field of the State because of th< Qualities of such athletes as th? Fowle brothers, Weston brothers Moore, Tayloe, Jones, Harris, Howard and Meekins. The following of fleers have been elcted for thii term: *, President?John Cotton Tayloe. Vice-President?Robert Respa&s. Secretary?William Blount. Treasurer?Brnce Hodg"B. At the last meeting Boots Moon was elected captain of the 1913 basoball team with Mr. Huggina and Samuel Richardson Fowle, Jr., man irsrs. - ' Mr. T. N. Alston of-Henderson, it in the city today. r\ xr v . UP IQU j i What You > ' "I am a judge of creases," a ing hemlock. Many of us w the Impression that It was crea ment. ~ ' In the same way your self-i poor values J* the heUaf that buying Is the germ of disss tls many reasons for the increased You cam avoid dlsaatlsfactlo of living, and gain a truer ft things you purehaee by relylni not In business for a day?th? Dally News. Tt will repay you to read tl News elosely and constantly e " ; - J ^ i < 1 -J' JBM'S M fwM t L J1S WIFE Aiken, S. C.f lfleb. 7.?Frederick O. Beach, the New York-society man, I yesterday took the stand and swore I jthKt- he (Ld assault ' j upon his wird.^Mr^ Bench took the Island and testified that her husband Id'd not assault her. Today the jury :|M Aiken?tuuiiii ' fiimeis-before I which-Beach is being tried for the I offense, is expected to decido^tfiether or not he did 11 the evidence in the caw'was In when the court adjourned yester; day evenfng. Three hours today | I havo been a'lowed for summing up; ,' arguments, after which Judge Spain ! pi will deliver his charge, the last act! jpreliminary to giving the case to the) .Jor3r- - TIEWW Wf-M ; "THE CRUCIFIXION"! All who have so kindly* consented 'jSiuiucr's Crucifixion on next Good j M Friday n.ght arc requested to meet '.at St. Peter's church tonight at 8 ! o'c ock tor rehearsal. About forty "tof the city's test voiceB are taking 'ipart and under the d reetlon of Prof. 1 W. E. Smith rapid progress la being made. On Good * Friday night a special! service wl'.l be he'd at which "The Crucifixion" will be given and a'spe-l clal collection wl!l be taken, the pro' c.eeds of which are to be placed on an. * electric motor for the organ. In St. ' Peter's church. Mr. *H. E. Brown of Raleigh, was in the city yesterday. Mr. P. D. Thomas of Raleigh, Is a visitor to the city. ! leally Know Are Buving? aid, the peasant, when he was eatonld be apt to eat homlock upder m If we reTlad upon our own Judgi reliance may cause you to buy you recount*? high quality. Blind faction. It may alio, be one of the r cost of living. n, lower to aome extent your cost imllfarity with tbe values of the 1 on the word of the man who is 9 merchant who advertises in The 10 advertisements In The Daily ' rery day. "t";t tv .u.Vv " . " " ""77.. - . , v * i I id Colder I 1 ? j 0 fa \ gfo* - < ?Fox In Boston Herald. 9ETJM PR?HSS~ : Of C03IIHISSI0NBRS1 . C . ? 4 Tho following Ifi the official record * of tho recent aeaaion cf the Hoard of ( County Commissioners: Monday, Feb. 3rd, llllit. < The Commissioners of Beaufort c bounty met this day in regular 1 monthly session. Present: Mu^frs. y W. E. Swindell, chairman; H. C. t UragawV C. P. Aycock, W. S. 1). Eborn, W. H. Whitley .Minutes of'last msaling.read.and < lip&rdVca. Ordered that Carter Clark (co'or- j ed) of the city^f Washington be al-jj lpwad f2.00 per month repularlyjj (Physical disability.) Tt Ordered that W. H. North of the \ city of Washington bo relieved of poll tax permanently. (Physical disability. ) ( It appearing to the satisfaction of j the Board that there is an error in ? the valuation of Mrs. Marcella Eborn's real estate In Bath of $1,- { 000.00 ? t It is orderod that she bo relieved t ,of the tax on the same. Amount of rolief $8.00. (Error list taker.) t Ordered that Hi it. Hedges, super- 1 Intendent of convicts, bo allowed to 1 pay. his assistant $30.00 per month. ? Tt appearing to the Board that t Henry Morris (Colored) of Richland j Township Is charged with poll tax , twice. It 19 ordered that ho bo re'leved of t tax. Amount of relief $2.00. t . "Ordered that Mrs. J^flnle'Cohen, a j non-resident, be allowed to list for < taxation two lots in Nlcholsonville, ] valued at $200.00 Tor 6 yo&rs, that j Is. $1,000.00. Amount of tax ( $8.40. It appearing to the satisfaction of < the Board that there la id error in ] the vacation of J. M. Duke's per- < sonal property in North Creek School _ District of $225.00. 4 It is now ordered that he be re- t 1 th? to. a? an?,o Amount of relief $2.47. It appearing to tho Board that J. B. Thomaa of Bath Township Is charged with tax on real estate valued at $400.00, and It further appearing that he does not own snld real estate, It la now ordered that he be relieved of thft tax on the .gftmgAtatount of relief $8.20. For satisfactory reasons, tho Board increases the vaUiatfon of J. T. Bovd'a (colored) real estate in Bath Township from $280.00 to $400.00. Amount of tax 98 rents. Ordered that $250.00 be and the same Is hereby aopToprlated to the North Carolina Hoolcwonn Commission to help defray expenses for the treatment of the citizens of Beaufort Count* Ordered that Dr. John O. Blount, sunerlntendent of health, be instructed to malra arrangements at once to ket ,T. B. Whitley (white) and L<ewl* Qrsddy (colored) In the State hosWal. Ordered that J. A. ahd 8. W. Wilkinson be allowed to work the con ieto for 80 days from the expirat'on of their nr*rent contract, under h? Mm? conditions as stipulate* In ?*M contract. Be It reso'sreA tho Ra>m a? r"n*'* CommlMloDcn of BMafort < Comty: ? mmm. --NEV I 4-^J '' 'cilollS tS 1 BILL I Washington, JP*>6b. V.?Tire" d Senate committee on commerce yes- d erday acted favorably on Senator d limmous' amendment to appropriate I 1,190,'000 for continuing work on ? he harbor of refuge nt Pann Look- J >ut. -The committee framed the 1 intendment so as to make IG0Q.00O J ivailabk: immediately and the re- J naiuder for continuing contracts. J JGHT INFANTRY BRILL TBKIElri ___ At S o'clock tonight Company "(i 'j. mown as the Washington Light l:i-j< !antry, will hold their regular weck-t1 y meeting. The boys are all onthu- J1 liastlc, and are^ bustling to get ready j 'or the State and National inspection j. vfcick takes place February 27. '\ . Whoreas: The Norfolk Southern 1 il. R. Co., is maintaining a danger- j )ua ral'.oard crosairg between Wind- nlll or Jack's Creek and !tun>oa'K<t Jreek In the County of Beaufort and 1 j lear the town of Washington, and J sompmiate-of Us dangerous and un.l. lafe condition having*come to this!. Joard, asking that same be Imnicdt !} ttely remcdiod. [ f Therefore: We respectfully "--j,. 5uoat the Corporation Commir.sion' >f North Carolina to compel thy L Norfolk Southern R. R. Co. to pro-j, ride a suitable and safe crOF; in;r a(' j his point. This 3rd day of February, 1U13. This resolution unanimously par-*', ?d by the Board Ordered that W. E. Swindell. L\ 1?.;r kycock, W. H, Whitley bo. ami theyJ tro hereby, "com missioned to moell on relative to building a concrete! 1 .ridge over Jack's Creek. Tuesday. Feb. 4, The Commissioners of UcatiXori j bounty met this day pursuant lo ad-1 ournment, all members being prrs-j nt. Il Ordered tbat Major Chapmanh 'colored! of Choeowinitv School nis. I; rict be relieved of poll am) rood < ax. It It appearing to the satisfaction of'j he Board that James -N. Boyd, of11 xtttk?*rrr?TuwnMDp, is rbmgw) t with $7.43 property tax, aud it fur- <" her appearing that he does not own ] he property, It is now ordered that i: jo be relieved of same. Amount of |( relief $7.43. !l It appearing to the satisfaction of < he Board tbat there is an error in j :he valuation of E. H. Whitley's [? property In "the City of Washington , pf $900.00, It is now ordered that's le be relieved of the tax cn the h tame. Amount of relief $"910.. j (Error list taker.) ^ j, "Whereas, the Methodist Episcopal , Tharch intend^ to 'establish a col egc in Beaufort County on the proji- t ?rty belonging to John H. Small, adioining Washington Park, aud the | authorities of said collogo have ob- 4 ained from the Board of Aldermen f )f the City of Washington <ou-jj tent to extend to said college the ne- j rossary lines, pole?, and other equip- 'j nent necessary to furnish lights and | power for the said Institution, and', whereas in order to do such work, , A v_ - ' i win ue necessary 10 opiain tlifi x lo'irsent of the Board of County t Dommissloners to cross Jack's Creek, ( Bunyon'a Creek. r,nd Jft pass along t *10 County Road with the poles, c ines. wlres_ and other equipment n*-_ j cssary. ^ .Now, therefore, bo It resolved by c he Board of County Commissioner!* 11 >f Beaufort County that permission j j s hereby granted to the Washington , Municipal Electric Light Plant to t sross over or under Jack's Creek and itunyon's Creek and along tho Coun- x y Road with Its poles, lines, wires, { md other equipment, attaching such | equipment as may he necessary tq ^ he bridges over said creeks, to the . ocation of said college of tho Meth- , >dist Episcopal church; and a per- t >etual easement is hereby granted to t maintain said right of way. I Ordered that J. P. Bishop be al- , owed to raise the bridge gt the Old, Broad Creek Mill two feet or mote for the purpose of conveying lumber loss the eveek.presided he will have it done la a, good workmanlike manner, and keep the bridge In as good nrder as it now is, without cost to (CoaUnoed on Fourth Page.) j ^9 !PJB? L - No.iis?^jg^H f w n - IM O ? g?. k 11 n 1 L raiiti .9 rotu? speeches against and in Lavor ^ if the State-wide primary bill, by ' ||W Representatives H. A. Doughton and \ frfafl I. J. Justice, respectively, the lloujpi h|H ^ttnlnv adnnti-.i a mntlnn hv tfrn- ) ?^HI csentattvr Walter Murphy that the ? ustlce J>iil, with all substitutes and uncndmcutu offered, be referred to \ special eommitie of five to be appointed by Speaker Connor, to take he whole 'matter u?dcr considersion, draft a new primafy^fcll and eport to the House within seven lays. Thu mHT6n~was~carried_?iTh~ ui .111 j mnuu.s tiujt'i tiuu. ' ! The Stewart mileage bill passed ho House, after having been amend d beyond recognition, lb docs not equlre railroads to pull mileage on rains but require them to carry tbo vifc'and ihlldreu of a purchaser of ;n intrastate mileage book of 1,000 ? jb 111 lea at two cents a mile or sell ickets at two cents a mile at the tfa M'UOfi or the company. tdch*? mi?etgrt books tiiust be interchangeable '"t!| itt(1 r.ny railroad in the State must stand ready to accept turh mileage MMjrd by the other roads in the ttatn or roll tickets at two rent* a Tille. The Stewart auti-tipping bill waa o 19. The Sena.* pasted n pre at nany important bills on their final coding, and a numbi r of new bills rt importance were introduced, indti.ling. one by .Senator Little, cf IVafce. to drain Waluu* creak; one i> Senator Uanle!. to encourage road Juildlng by authorizing a State bond *,j sane: one by Senator Mashburn. to ;:k?* convicts from railroads and put .Lptu to building public roads, and me by Senator Pliarr, to provide a imttaftcnt k?nti f.or the it*f.trnne? ft'psjrixaont. <> 41 [fl ERftBicftic wmm " is DIFFICULT l ? Tlie eradication of hookworms urn taper i? one thing; in the field it is mother.. On paper it is pottrLh if. ndecd. not easy; ir. ibe field it :s . i liSicult. is not Impossible. For now but we knew it is a product of soil oilution. wbnt is simpler than to >revent it? Wc have cnly to pettt?smt?iiumMiwii aim insmuisi > 'hange! Thp thing is done. J Thin there is another way Treajr .11 the sufferers, have the 'xpolled, and there will be no one eft to spread the parasite^ and it i? lone hgain. ADd there ir stfcl another way. l-el verybody In the hookworm territory wear "hoep. so as uot to come in con- i.'jl Act with ihr polluted soil, and again ts eradication is certain and complete. Three separate at d distinct net hods, either of which will be -omplete and effective according to he thoroughness with which it is mrried out. These theoretical considerations iave been aired through the press ind from the platform, uuli! it' seeius that the man who doubts th?? 'easibillty of*hookworm eradication n its entirety is. to say the least a\ jack npmbcr. """ ? ^ Whether we undertake to elimi ' late the hookworm by the prevenion ot-eoll pollution, or by the" treatment of subjects or by the protecItSi nf (hn nnhtlr aciiml rnmlnr -in ontact with polluted soil, our surom? rniwt hoallv r?u upon the ce- i operation of the people at .large; for who ran prevent soil pollution on- _ }tj| ess the people will it to be no? Who an treat the sufferers unless they boose to b?r treated? Who can orcn shoes upon the children, if they ind their parents do not elect that hey shnll wear them? The primal task, then, that we nust set ourselves is to win the inelligent, active co-operation bf, the >nblic. This is not only the first v 'jjjS sork, bnt it is the most important >art of the crusade. It Is the sine lua, non in hookworm eradication, ind unless we can do that we might ia well abandon the effort In the beginning; and tfc|s is not the task of i day or of a year?it is the task cf , % (Continued on Page Two.l ^ m COTTON HARKIT Jj Lint Cotton, It t-i. .j?| Seed Cotton. 4 l-?c. &RH Cotton flood, ?! *

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