Ik-1 flL * % /l f 1 ^c^V .frA-~'f*'~ ?rv ^ bottom Book on Socond ?m by drtektea eorbollo uM, tb, body not botes dtenrrorad nntil abont 11:?0 o'ctofk HI. mornlot It ooo ulowlld that Mr. BwdlB 1^. did lot COM down to bryokfMt?nb? boar (Iron abora Mr. Orant: ham, mooogor of tbo bonoa, wont up to lb room to aeo what was the mot tor. The door wao found locked, dad eatrance was MUtM By must HF- Haihln. Mr. Owate wao f.aad . \ lylog la bod. Ike cotar tucked snugly aroaad him. bat a buvrlod OramI nation iisdoaed the fleet that the body wee oold and atlt. An empty bottle ef carbolic add told the story ^ plaia eaeugh B The flew I as lines had been writB? tQHM a typewriter wfcich ha kept M in. hie ream: 'Wire J. W. Brooke, | Wilmington, k. o., -and nave mm Wr ?TlillH? W. L. analh, BMUM 11. It aad Mra. U 8. Swale. Shexlotte, N. C. Also wire Mm W. B. Street. 1*1 Craven street. New Bern. Youia trtSy. h. 8. Swain." M MISSES CHARLES AND W CARTER AT THE LYHIC FI r The egering at tho Lorric last g?-- ovenlBB wmaUted of a very high,t fleas fsedCTlllo act. and excellent * motion tares that well pleased its m thm Misers Charlaa A Carter In n K * uinglng and dancing act made their I D ret appearance, offering some very I ? K catchy songs and a talking number, these artist were exceedingly clever throughput their act and their con| 4 tnnn were very attractive. Today's program at the Lyric of1^., fere an entire change In both vsndevlDe and motion pictures, as appears in their ad. that appears on fourth t? page, which gives every indication ef 7 The many after supper amuse meat eoafcore And that the maaageraentdeea all within his power te government has had a num. jI here abont two weeks ago to con/ plele arrangements of this sort, and the Otis hlerator Co. also had a rep). remtative tn Washington to see to the 'Installation of a modern etaraj ter equipment v'" j When it was em that electrie i never was unavailable for the presi . eat, the Treapury Department ofl^ date decided not to have any elvator */' a| all. When the city eleotric plant * _. gsWin shape to -furitteh It * frobable that tl t.? Work ton. Credit for the anpronriatton Is hew tedly universally extended to Cesgrossman John H. Small, It ha k / /% lj f i % ij i ====== ATIIAM HOUSE Mr.. SwaJu VH Mmed la the insurance builniw. and had only been a resident of this cltr about a month He gave so Indication of any unusual despondency, add hie friends hare noticed nothing out of the ordinary ip his manner the last few days. He always seemed well supplied with II among his acquaintances. One of his fellow boarders says that Swain exclaimed to him once, several weeks ago. "Oh, what is life anyway!" but his remark aro&sed no suspicion that he was piannlHf aF that time to take hlipself out of the world. He is survived by a wife, who was with him here until two weeks ago. It will be noted that he requested that she be notified In h*s last mesThe ?ororner. Dr'Joshua Tayloe. iu uumuiuueu el uiiub. pi. taj* loo lias ileclaied sa Inqnsst -unnw essary, It being a?plaln case of self destruction. Bo tar ss lb known the deceased was a mai^of steady habits 1HM. glUIM mi HFFECTS6TB DIVISION The Naval Militia Bilt which has Just passed the Senate and has passed Its third reading In the House and .? so certain of final passage that tho Bureau of Navigation la In correspondence in regard to aumqier exercises, has a direct bearing upon tho Sixth Division of Naval Reserves. w'th headquarters In this city. Lieutenant Charles P. Morton la Id receipt of a letter which runs In part as follows' "It la the Intention 40 take each of the militia on the coast upon a cruise with the Iowa, touching ct each trip, either Bermuda or one place in Canada, ending each' crttlae withrtarget practice. Fpr this jfrmporu i'een pWM^eeMMWMMdy so that when returning from a trip thelowa can steam up to the range and carry on her target pficDorW fore landing the organisation." Pay for the officers and men and all expenses such as travel and subsistence Is ef course contemplated on these cruises. The officers are requested to get together and go into the details thoroughly, and for this purpose there will he -a meeting on board the 111frlda at New Bern Sunday of nil the officers of the Brigades. The meeting Is arranged for Snnday so as not tn Urtarfm with ttin bnrtMM of th? officers. SHERIFF RICKS Til ? JET MURDERER Sheriff George E. Ricks, who has ftft for Raleigh to place Jess Whitley, a white man who has l>een eonfined for safe keeping In the county' Jail, in the State hospital, will stop on hie return In Chatham county to bring back wfth him the negro who shot Mr. Owens at Plnetown during the lajf Christmas holidays. The sheriff has been working upon this ease for sometime, and has received much commendation for the manner in which .he has followed it up. DECATUR'S OLD FRIGATEWashington. Feb. 11-*?Decatur's od frlgste, the Philadelphia, with which he defeated Tripoli's band of pirates, now lying In the sand of Tripoli Harbor, will probably never be raised. The navy department will not endorse the bill introdtfeed House j>y ^ ?J' { 000 "to recover the hull and guns. Lieut. Commander Rlobard D. White, naval attache at Rome. Italy, has made investigation and has reported to Washington that "nothing of value can be recovered and that the amount needed to raise it would be too much for sentimental "purposes.* Mr. C. B. Paul, of Sydney, is in the elty today. Mr. J. B. Klllingsworth, of Beckwlth, la among todgfii visitors. tng very doubtful If any one with a law Influential poaltton W tha House could have pat tbe project through. The building would be a dlatlnct credit to'any ofty In the Stale and attraeta much attention from visitor* ' I CAHOUNA. TUBSDAT AJTERNOO> athcrt UNS^TTI Iibid purofrj^ wi mm II i Jim 8 _ Washington, Feb. of L the disturbances In Mexico cfcty came 1 tSL-Waabyutoa TMtcrdar afternoon - la the form of unofficial dispatches ? to the White Mouse and to the State, 1 War and NaT/ Department*.! a Inasmuch as there are' 4,000 T Americana in the Mexican capital, as * won as aomeiBing nm lo.oub other C forelgnors, whose lives woultPbe ent dangered In the event of th* over? throw of the Madero government, * the dispatches caused intense'appre" hens Ion. Tho dispatches were more or less - conflicting.* however. and. ptndlng " the receipt of official lnfonfiatloQ, ? President Taft ordered that no " movement of warships or troops bo* r made. Ho did direct, however, thai - orders for the dispatch of ships or 0 troops, or both, be held In readiness. 3 The hoods of the Stnte, War and 0 Navy Departments arranged to ro1 main on duty the greater part of the ; night. If necessary, awaiting definite ' news of the disturbances. It was 0 expected that Ambassador Wilson or r Consul-General Arnold Shanklln at Mexico City would telegraph the * State Department the situation In detail. In the event of telegrapmc * communication out of Mexico City * being cut. it waa hoped that Consul William Canada at Vera Cruz would be able to send some word. The latter, as well as Ambassador Wilson and Mr. Shanlclln, had been asked t by wire for full details. It was from :, Vera Crus that the administration' Earl} : ?E.a. i.'tTT" =}--^? Get Bej t " i i "I couldn't find m/ else," a to a friend one afternoon, aa i waist counter. "What," she answered "70 In theM loVely waists? Of e were looking forlt now." "Tea, 1 waj^ "Well, whateeuld 70n espe noon, and you take a thlrty-sh than anything else" "I'll know better next tim< The moat rehabte march an II moat Important money-earln| Read The Daily News eloeely you will always bo posted and I I ^^1 B B WASHINQTON. NORTI " Wc 111 K ?4 j_ PltUbort, r?b. fl-Wkll. th< Rev. Dr. A. W. Arundel, rector of 31 Mark's MtfMBPPal church hero, con tlauoa to preach socialism to crowd od congregations. both on Sunday and weekdays. Bishop Cortland Whitehead has Inaugurated a plat uf Buy"cult to drlTo Dt. Aiuudnl fiun Ihla disease.?Previous to aecepttoj the rectorship of St. Mark's Churct which U In the mill and settlemen district. Dr. Aruhdel was rectpr o Trinity Church here, the wo<hles and most exclusive In Western Ponn sylvan la. Dr. Arundel became rector of Trln ity lu 189T. Displeased with the q1 titude of his wealthy parishioner PWIffl ULB cnurcn. he oedHBfTRn!| vert to "Christian soclallaxn"' sn< preached It from Trinity's pulpit For this he was driven from thj charge of the parish. He onterei upon his duties at St. Mark's In spit ot a written proamnion on tne par of Blahop Whitehead. When application was made by Di A rondel for the Bishop to come ,t the pariah and confirm a class of ore 100 ho was astounded, after mucl delay, at receiving the following re ply: "The Bishop of the diocese regret it will be impossible to fix a date"*fo confirmation at St. Mark's this year. miEOIMET Timer Tonight is the date for the concer of the Commonwealth Male Quartet which comes to the Public Schoo Auditorium tor a performance a 8:30 tonight very highly recom mended. The quartet has been greet ed with ' enthusiastic'' approval i Rochester, Richmond, Nashville Charlotte, Oklahoma City, O lveston Milwaukee, -Houston',iuid many ott In Richmond, the work of th quartet won the following. com There is no good to be accomplish ed by picking flaws In the work c the "Commonwealth Male Quartc .Concert Company." whtch appeare at the City Auditorium last nigh It Is necessary onlyNto say that th gredt big audience roared with mirt and applauded with .infinite happ nets and delight Every word, son chime, story, poem, solo, duet, an quartet that the organisation apokt sang, sang or told.M~ MANY WOCXD BR DKTKCI'lvigi Washington, Feb. 11.?-Followln the publication throughout the code try several days ago of the d eat rue tlon in Washington of more tha 870,000 In counterfeit money, th Secret Service Bureau has been be sieged with applications of would-b sleuths who believe they can hel: the government run the counterfoil era to earth. From time to time th list of applicant^ has grown, untl today there Is a total of 4,500 o: hand. "Every time a big arrest or bii Job of some kind Is made by th^e 8e cret Service we get additional appli cations from would-be. detectives, said William Flynn, chief of the 8e cret Service. "Most every man wh thinks he has detective ability drop us a line asking for a Job. We bar the counterfeiters pretty well li hand now?and no vacancies to th Ptaf." > r ==? 1 flrst loarned of the trouble, t The State Department at 1QV30 p. _ m.. sent second Instructions to the . American Ambassador to jua?te an Q immodfatn and full report 6fTlhe dls,f turbances. Late tonight It wap l( feared by officials here that communidation vfQi Mexico City had bean Intormjtfflil f Hio mo?|*n Bent by o the State Department had not been j- return^!. f >-UulW States Goneul A loose B. l? Garrett at Nenre Laredo, Mexico,; ,f telegraphed the State Department at >t 10 o'clock lajst night that rumors 4 were current In Laredo that a mob t. of soldiers and civilians bad broken e open the military Jail In Mexico City h yesterday afternoon and liberated L_ Felix Dies and Bernardo Reyes, and g that after his release Reyes was shot d and killed, while Diaz made his esi, Secretary Meyer said yesterday aftornoon: ? "If ttw apti?are correct ike nary certainly will be ordered to proH tect American Interests in Mexico ^ City, and I will expect orders lust as B soon as the news la authenticated." a| "I hare heard nothing today from H; Mexico City," said 8enor Don Rlcardo e i Huorta, Third Secretary of the Mexip can Embassy. "One cannot say . much in the face of news like this." g I "This Is good news, if true," said j United 8tates Senator Thomas B. Q Catron of New Mexico. "It will bring j about Interruption by the . United | g States, which must sooner or later K send Its troops across the border and stop the riot and anarchy In Old .. Mexico. This government should ^ have intervened before. It most ln0 terrene now?fsr better now than H months hence." e *' ?????? a The "Circle of Ten" is meeting e'this afternoon with Mrs.-Joe Harding. r. Buvers rt Choice xplalned ^worried-looking woman he camo c^sconsolately from the a couldn't got anything to lit you ourse, you don't mean to any yon ct at three o'clock in the aftert. Ton know that also goes faster ?J?* sighed the ^disappointed one. ts in Washington advertise their ; opportunities In The Dally News, and constantly every might, then I be able to shop early. ' 1 1 ==J i : " ^ 1. rVBBltART 11, 1*1). -ED fluUluiuu Tin I! Last Bight at the public school Captain Wilson H. Davennjr, flek octittfy ot (? Katlonal Rivera an er, G. H. Hunter, who felt the subtle f and glorlons thrill as the vessel pols. ed on.-ihe crest ol a sea mountain^ ; both bow and* ?-??rn in the air and" Tour propellers turning above tho water, of having personally '.riampbl ed over every combination of wari l|ke elements of weather and wave. Tie experienced Mr Hunter said . that never before had a ship been ; known to be without support under lindL end and to hr supported only . i amidships. Not a rivet was started, he raid. The ship wan lively, solid -land >-pontaneouH as a single plank. , yitjdln#'gracefully and buoyantly to ! the forces jjt nature. > Then she dived, head under, into a hole in the ocean, her propellers f "SpmnVrig^bui "of water?- *' The next, vr&ve broke all the wini dowe out of the whcolhuusc. MiiasUI ed the forward windows in the . lounge, burst in a door dpehlnCTIhro t lite lounge on The port side. carried"' i away an entire length of rail on tho . boatderk and tore ofT tho matched I celling from the overhang of the . | wheelhouse, extending over the boat. deck. II At the height of the storm there 11? that class was Mrs. Pulia Richardt son, from Rotberham, Bngland, on her way with her two children, Ylo. let, three and one-half years old, and I Connie, nine months old, to ioin her 1 husband, a sawmill hand in Cart bonado. Wash. r On Wednesday V relet became . very ill with diphtheria, and Dr. B. f Sydney Jones, the ship's surgeon, performed an operation, but the child died early Thursday morning. r At eight bells of the afternoon i watch in lowering, gloomy weather. . Staff Captain F. G. Brown read the . burial service. The mother, with ? her baby, stood w the port side, at t the stern. As the captain began the , ritual there was a burst of sunlight through tho clouds. The steerage thought it would be a nice thing to buy a sleeping berth for the mother from New York to the West. Then the second cabin took it np, and Anally first class passengers. Third and second class paaseng rs contlbruted more than $30, and the saloon $191. A voyager who had been overlooked in the contribution sent anonymously $26 *o Capt. Bjnwn. and that made $252 lor Mrs. Richardson to add to her original capital of $26. BEFORE RECORDER. W. H. Barrow, colored, was yesterday afternoon tried for stealing, $60 from Ed. Dempsey, colored. The case was dismissed for lack of evidence. Mr. R?H. Wheaton, of Raleigh, was registered yesterday at the Loniee. i ?" : 1 Mrs. Nancy K. Hamilton is in the < city visiting h?r fsthcr, Mr. J. L. i Paul, at his home on Bonner street, i ' i propriated. It aims to secure an an- 1 i anal appropriation of not less than : 960,000,000, as the minimum i amount that will meet the needs of worthy projects. 1 i "The man who today en lints in the 1 movement for deeper and better wa-11 : terwaya, and who lends hie moral and material support loyally and continuously," said Captain Daveany, "will i leave a legacy to the eons who sao> ceaee. his breadth of vision and hto patriotism." s ?? .Jj X? 1X6 11 1 urn m msPKo 9111 a hkad TO KUM ;l \ ,.*fj WMhlnfton. Feb 1 n ?The mute 1-jH iMt ol|ht ptKKl the Webb Ua?or _; LjSj bill already puaed br the house u ? substitute for the eKnyon-Sheppard till. V. " The Webb bill would prohibit ahlp- < menu 01 intoxicating liquor* from ope slate to another whcu ln(cuilwl ?1 to be received or sold In violation of the law of tho State to which the shipment la made. Friends of the legislation now will seek to have the houso concur in tho Senate bill, which differs from tho bill passed by iht? house cnly in number. "Should that^be 'done Ttnr-bltls will not be considered in conteromco, QUI CTgTjTBPgTCTggW by Hie eenalo will go to the Preside*! Rn lil9j!gutt=?=="" " ture. The substitution of tlic Webb bill for tbe Konyon-Sheppard bill came at the close of prolonged debate wa