m * FARMERS' INSTT TODAY AT ( A farmers- InUtlM > bclnr b?ld E In the eitr today at lie court house. w -Mttair farmers are ta^own to at- * UK;, ... /* '- - ? u ?L ^ betwejeatantaLoBe *aa.hald ? : at Bath aad yesterday at Aurora, b A"' Odd It raporta are tree exceedingly at L enthemaatlc aad helpful meetings at h ' stern bald mi both pkaMa.' N frS: Thaai laaUluten are urnier UM ail- XI apiece of the State Department of X I'r: Agriculture, and the diacuaaione em- in brace aminos pertaining to anil !m- In proaemant, lire stock, marketing, p ate. '-.T""'"" n A eoaen'a laatltato la being bald a I , In conjunction with the farmers', la ai | which honaahold economics, borne V cQBTthlMCie, capkerT, bmllh In ihr hi home, education of children, and tl J topic, of like interest are discussed, si year's subscription to a farm di paper will be given for the bsst loaf ti of bread baked and exhibited by a tl y CRUHS II V KILLED BY m / Soda, Bulgaria. Feb. IS.?According to dispatches given out here yea- id l/t teniey the Turkishtroops yesterday c< eeembled the whole male Christian n I ^ "population of the seaport of Buyuk m { Chekmedje lin the village schoolhouse and massacred them. P Subsequently they killed all the w '? Christian women and children ex- ct l . : HP-- ' ^?- waa no flghttnf y?le?iay w fi,. either In the Oalllpoll peninsula or K; rj at the Tchatalia lines. ;c ? The bombardment?of Adrianopter ' however, continues. - 01 ,4 "im COIPERRGE HI!' I. ORDERS BIG MEW BOILER' ? - ? tit is apparent to the most careless * - - observer that Washington Is expanding fast as a manufacturing town. The latest indicaUon of this fact Is ? ? the Installation bj the PemlluuOuup" ? "Tl ? er?geXd.~?f~a targe 181 horse power W ^ _____ ? HIGHEST POINT IN tl WK8T VIRGINIA. J West Virginia's highest mountain *' is looted In Pendleton County and t( [1 "Is hnown as Sprues Knobb. Its altr- M tude, according to the United 8tates d Geological Surrey, Is 4.860 feet. The lowest point; In the 8tat* to on f Potomac Hirer?S40 feet abore sea 0 * lerel. The raersge eleration of the 8tate Is about 1.500 feet. ,. m riiV. ?ms IT .WRSIpl Ki Br. IM L four. * ^mtaeat I ^ Wk physician of Spartabburg, but formIll . erly of Washington, is rfaltlng- his T l'| brother, Mr. t. M. Potts, on Bpnppr u street. "THs" & the irst 'yfitfTDr. g IJ Potts has paid his home etty In seren * W YORK, ft lli? IU|ira? fUiUli III U* DMIW VI I'M IB;. New York Is Mount Mirflf. .0 Adl-lfi rondaek punk, which rtm kill feet tl M aboee n> lerol. according to the United BUtes Oeologlcal Sorter tha Bute la pollinated at ?00 toot. Be' The aeoretarr of the Haley m Club, b I - Mr. *. H. Bard tag. haa laauad a call u I tor a mooting of thu orgahlaatlon to- t night lit I o'clock In Worthy * Eth- ? erliCa Drag Store. AH anambara a ? are urged to ha preaent, nad hear tha t< A natter to be bronghr np at thin t WT Tha frlenda of Mr. Jaaaa Mayo will a bo aaddeoed by tha newa that at the t hear of going to preaa he la Making t ' J 1-"^1 V W ^^''J^jj't'* :J>V'.' ;_ 1 ' . ' : TOTE HELD 20URT H0US1 - f Irl or woman living on the farm. 1 In this premium the bread md ore at leant 75 points, according the WMhodof Judging In the oo wt by points. A year's subscript^ littritm to a maa eiH&Itlag. t] Ighost scoring on five ears of cor Id to the boy under 17 yease Of ai nrtnr highest on hep ease uf iur o -premium will be awarded unle .e exhibit baa merit The following ladles and gentl en who are directing the farmer stitute work being done at vmrfoi Jlnts around this section, ara toft gistered at tha Louise. l|r. O. 1 srren. Mr. R. O. Hill, Mlsa Wai id Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Hntt. Some or the farmers who ha nought thsli fauilllua Uiiu LUWU H Is Institute have brought lun< ong with them, in order to stay i %j and miss no part of the instru in which may be conveyed to the rough the various discussions KID nniM in flDHUI IU -jm Washington, D. C., Feb. 18?Fro lent Tart and the cabinet are in a >rd that Congress shall share tl >sponsiblllty tor any intervention exlco. day of conferences between tl resident and his advisers end< ith the understanding that shou >ndltlons In Mexico City become : uch worse as to demand the lan in lay before the houses of Co: rese the fall facts of the situatU i a special message. ~TcT'?Very"~prelimLnaryjFas arran 1 for the action which might folic ich a coarse. Thirty-five thoasai len of the army, navy and marii sorpu were pat In readiness for tl lovement. The first brigade of the first arn ivislon. Just created in the re-o an I rati on, 8,000 men Ih all, ai le nucleus of an expeditionary for f 16,000, was put on marching o srs ready to entrain for Newpo ?irsnspsi ait under steam. Between 8.600 and 8,800 mar in r the Atlantic battleship fleet le Gu&ntanamo naval station we rapared for immediate movemm > Vera Crns, where they might 1 spt ahpard ship ready for landti > blase an avenuo of escape fro exico City for foreigners, as thi Id at Peking. IYES WIFE ALL SALARY; NO WAN; SAYS JUK Baltimore, Feb. 18.?"A mi ian at all." declared Judge John obler, of the supreme bench Of Bi morl, in the Criminal Court Teste ay. /tT The dictum was delivered aft homasf Nichols had MSh arralgifi ?r ndn-eupport and had promised ire his wife ail his salary ea< eek. "1 don't want you to do that kid the judge. "A man who giv \$ wife all his qplary Is no man if: The mafT*la the treasurer of U unity W Should be the Una i&l heed fh feaUty as well as tbeoi . mpq ifcust take some prtde in t m that; he Is a man and the head tie house." / It Vm araqged that Nikola, dmltted that he wai making ft4 reek, should give his wife M ? wee :l'.v ' , WIT t THIEF KXTKK8 HTDRE The Rural Bine shoe Stare a: be Fire and Tee Cant stern we oth broken Into from the rear Si rdar night or Bander br e pel btef. Nothing of nine was tehi teea only the back room In the ah h?e end the warehouse behind t m cent (tore were ihreded. X ranee waa effected In annh caao reeking a window ,? rblle the ten cent Mere mteeed n f )lctur?H some cakSS some can< ? iy j ** vBS ' yii-. XNGT ========== WASHINGTON, NORTH CARQL! Weal =j-?-!' -== 1 IS I0.K I s nmsNCcn MAN uilnnutiil nmn in ? Albany, Feb. 13 ?Harry V. Thaw, Be' slayer of 8tantord White, has be-. sight heuis ,h daily, .It was learned, has made a *j. changed man of Thaw. He no longer complains against confinement, nor _ does he criticise the officials over k!xn. Thaw's altered demeanor is said tc ? date from the day. several weeks ago, when he was taken to New YorkJo testify in .the suit hrooght against his mother, Mrs, Mary Copley Tbaw, for the collection of a debt. The official in whose charge Thaw vlalted New York reported afterward that Thaw expressed a desire ta return to Mattewan Asylnm IJ as soon as his testimony had been taken on the stand. Thaw at that || limp had (?een nctlngTin a bookkepper for a few days and seemed anxious to get back to his desk, a- The most unusual self-imposed o- chango in Thaw's daily routine reic Isles to bis meals. Up.'to the time to. that-he took up bookkeeping Thaw j used to have his three meals brought le in to him from outslds the asylum, id He used to partake of all the season's Id delicacies, omitting nothing of a bo culinary character calculated to d- make life more endurable behind BgOlpcximL ~t-,?1 a: Now Thaw ea(8 only the priBon ,n fare, soups, roast meats, bread and COHee. auch M nre anpplled -to th? y bdieriagnatee. . _ .. lW The fact that Thaw's mother-flo id longer makes her residence In so tie cottage wiililu a stone's throwof t,0 the asylum and undertakes fewer I trips to Mat tea wan to visit him, in] iy connection with his changed attitude, j (r_ gives the Impression that be proposes jd to give up flghtlDg for his liberty for ce some time to come. The opinion' prevails here that Atrt torney General Carmody's determi40 TtfitfT " 1 *f ' ,a"iM as to make easier and lees expenM sire for the State to? light ?haw's xeat psated attempts at liberation, may re hare some bearing on-Thaw's evident resolve to subside. i>e " Ig DEATH OF MRK. WARNER, m ?:? sy News baa. been received of the death of Mrs.- Potty Warner of Old Fort. 8he had reached the age of 84, and was exceedingly well known In the oounty. At the time of her death she was keeping house for Mr. > J. P. Bonie, she being up till recently in good health and very active for I her age. > in ' 10 NOTICE OF THANKS. ? I J* Mrs. John R. Kesainge^Xpd children desire id express. to their ir- friends in Washington their proJ, found appreciation tor the nympaor thetlc kindness shown them ' their iid teceht bereavement, to , ch "Mn 8. R. Cleary Is in Norfolk on MlW, - ee I L ' " A Small 7, 4 sag ot k Sink a G ko * Too may spend aa you (0. pa *- tunltlee to save which are edrei s I but yon mill and sooner or later nrt II A loose, here-andthere snpe n II money by forsettlmr the Talma lt. || Care la expending the email ty (J eoonbmloal housewife K II Hrery might la Ha aqrertlala oe || the way to many opportunities he || ela] sales .are adrertlsed by th a- || aaeb as soaps, itbboas. and no by || ay o? the reenter prion. Bat || yon will and that the pennies m- constantly every night for oppo re. II but dollars. t# II I' * .v'~.? * " -Syxrif ... jf ON E WA. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. FIB: Ihcr: Rain or Sn ? I UBS E New York, Feb. If.?*Che python In a large non-venomous serpent," TOTTTTTOnmieFEByaerBrmTenr tral Jarl^JZoQ-ypfttrrdsy mnru.ug uu he paused solemnly before a group Of keepers In the Primates House of the menagerie. This monkey house Is being remodelled Into the finest plact^of the kind in the. country. Thei-e Is to be a fountain tp. the centre and the cages will hare scenic baokgrounds painted fcytfjp artist from the American Museum of Natmi History. While the work has'boea jgolng on under the eye of Louise F. lie Roche, as the representative of. ffcu*k Commissioner Stover, the pytgons have been, packed away in a beak Yesterday tho work had reached a point where the snakes conld be put back in a cage. "Now/^said Bill Snyder,-'"when T open the box grab tho big fellowr hv the tail and we'll carry him to the edge." He stooped, reached Into the box, end brought up thirteen feet of mottlfd, squirming reptile. "So!" he continued, "they haven't. been fed for two month* inri thev are & bit hungry, but they are harmless Right there the python agreed with Bill that ho ??? hungry ? He squirmed out of Bill's hsnds and feM In with a swish on the pavement Uke h ? Hn.v Km wAnn/t DAvnn font r> f tl'm. (i self about LaRoche's legs.. Tbrerf other snakes of lesser length glided out ff the box and scattered sh*"* the bvJttdlng. One shfnner of .the bl4e of the cage of Baldr. the rinr tailed 'monkey. who got the agufr a.? wed: - The ltvo otlrsrs^rwki^ii'1' colling by means of hot steamjplpee. - For Are minutes there waa th? liveliest tlmelfiat Central Park ereeaw. The hot pipes thawed th? embracing La Jtoche'B 'eg*. looked pyjhons 0.?i_?ypdJ>jg Kate, the one inquiringly at Bnyder. as if to ask: "Shall I give him a hug?" "No, Kate," said Bill. "I have a Juicy, rabbit waiting. Don't bother with mis gentleman. You couldn't eat him anyway." . Kate permitted herself to be unwound and waa got to the cage. Then the keeifflT* "wt r*aaA plber~ runaways." "As I was. saying, they are perfectly harmless." remarked Snyder getting his oolor hack'. _ "Apollo kUM one and"? 'Yes, and St. Patrick nut 'era all out; but I'm no Jteollo. nor St. Patrick. either." said a keeper, disappearing. ** COURT WW wit rn?. VENF HffTIL TUESDAY Superior Conrt will not convene until Tuesday, It was officially ahnounced today. It was to have hegun Monday, but a delay of one day has been found necessary, for the reason that all the attorneys desire to be In ft&lelgh Monday, when the question will come up of the redls trlcting of the State ? _ y ' ' . s Mrs. J. K. DMighton is In Raleigh ' at the bed tide of her sister-in-law, who Is dangerously ill. r - j ' ' . ' ' to " s Leak Will reat Ship. ring no attention to the oppor- . rtised by progressive merchants, that little expanses count up to > r ban quickly squander all her i of the little purchases, amounts will quldkly repay the g columns The Dally News points tor stopping the small leaks. Spe. ? merchants. In small things, tlons, there may be just one penwhen you add them all together number a dollar or two. in The Dally News closely and ? rtunlty to save not only pea a lea l< partment.s newly furnished In the n lost expenslvo manner. The neigh- ^ orhood was one of the best. Evl- Q| ently prosperity was coming froui m ome source. fll "PresentVy he entered, smoking a e) tgaret. He wa? mu*M. pbout 5 feet & Inches, weighed about 120 ponM^h-'b nd was a typical * n*n oX?/,1 ?*>oold thlntfe r *oVeid"W?*T fed in wel fanned: .He ^ ras very pleasant and talkative. His ^ to**** wb about bp ro"ow?: p "He had been working alone on fa he cancer orob'ern for "ftwn wr" bad exhausted a'l his means. He d ras connected with no hospital and c( >?d ro aid from anv one. He had 1 I'scovered the germ of cancer in the tj ilood and had also found a remedv ^ n a serum which would absolutely ^ ure all cases. t] "I asked him his methods of find- n ng the germ, but he said he was not ^ irepared to demonstrate It to me as ^ ils laboratory waa in disorder. 'I asked him iriir Had published u mything, and he gave me a short irtlcle, .merely stating that he had^ ound these germs, but giving nothng of his methods, nor any proof, ixperlmental or otherwlso. that tho, germs' were really those of cancer. "I then asked him about nis seum. This was prepared by a pro- ^ ess which fee kept secret; he injecttd it under the skin, not at the site if the cancer. 'I asked him then If he was pre-! lared to sel! the serum to others. To his he answered that the French n ,'overnment would not allow him to ^ lell a serum unless experts ?wou'd e ass on Its value aa well as Its harm- 8 essness. With this he broke out p nto a denunciation cf governments a n general and the medical profes- 8 Jon In particular. becauW they in- 11 erfered' with his freedom In the mat- c' er. He was very anxious to know a f he oonld do fetter In America. He ^ raa very willing to connide ar propo- n ition to buy the right to use his 8' fctnody elsewhere. *l later inquired 4|hont T>r. Odin's ^ (rofesaionai standing end found that |? waa connected With no hospital, | o fa/ as I could leant; that he had UU?U'UE : ??TU _UWJ?L. uw ?A lemonstration of his discovery He c] ins never done n? w-.f on lines of search or >,** ; -n thttf any ne known. In Hhoht. he claims to ' iave made the cos'est discovery of be ace, but n 'hrvyc n his previous & rork or prescr* evidence supports M ll^jflMpk. ',?( "He did no' r 'o be over- e, dyed that he he t 'onnd the greatest ioon to the human race, but he domed very nossyr "To me there was a very sad side b f this tntervtew **e ?ook me into* d lisp rlvate of*c* and thawed me a arjce number of nrst of them ti torn Atner'cs we*? from un- ft ortunate encore"** fro*?* the worst r if all disease*?*** ?\ deaoeratloa, p ire snoetl'nv to *?* m'??rahfe little b hsr'atsn for ro?va? this has, ?eMs? a'twnd'off the Farm- * l*?' Inttltnte. j* i v. * >A1LY Rt'ARY 11,8 ltlS. ow Ml 1 UEIEI IE SIIS: Our readers may remember the ]| ^UMUttaal niUsr. which rprmily I W>fd reording nr ? uberculosls "cure" in the form of 8 i syndicate letter by & newspaper ^ correspondent. The preceding week he newspapers had a similar sensa- a lonal letter by the same writer con- t coming an alleged discovery of the oncer germ by a Or. Odin of Paris. a )a account of this publicity. The [ournal of the American Medical As- r. (J as ton Odin, a report of which ras published In newspapers ~ broughcut tho United States. "With a very intelligent interpre- I er, I went to his address, as given " y ..the directory, 63 Rue Vaman. L his is in a cheap quarter and the laco proved to be a very modest partment house. The Janitor laormed us that our doctor had Just -j - rioa InvnlldM. c ' . . i'. . ----*'. -J. * '\vY* ';' H* ' - V -', ^ '. ;,- ?i FIGHTING STILI IN < Mexico City, Feb. IS.?Mexico's apttal was torn asunder again yes- ( erday by shot and shell. It was not ! ntll 9 o'clock last night that the fire 1 all quarters ceased. General Fe- , x Diaa, in command of the rebel 1 ttMh sMUIli r"1 ' ' 1' nd around the arsenal. b?,fi h>?lrt hUj. round againBt the federalB and had! < ubjected the city to a -more terrible ] ombardment thhn tbat of yeuterday. ( He had enlarged his zone of action 1 nd had Bent forces against the na- 1 ional palace. But last night Madero was o'pti- \ listlc. Throughout the bombardment 1 nd the almvot continuous rattle of 11 man |BII ad RISC the preal- c eat wont about hla work in the 4 alace apparently unperturbed. He 1 jok counsel freauentiv^v.itli thr il^ ance minister, Ernesto Madero. e 'rom time to time he was in conver-' a ation with Genoral Huerta. the s ommander-in-chlef, regarding; plans r f attack. His courage was great, t is confidence remarkable. lcy. These bills came ffrom com-1 it littee on minority erports. Senator n ayno Introduced a new divorce btli.-n ut in viow of the vote taken later si a other bills of this kind, it is pre-| icteck that it will never get beyond i jmmltteo. : \ The Jackson county bill passed^ts ilrd reading in the House, after pro>ngod debate, but not until it had een amended so tha't a majority of ae "qualified" voter*_of the county lust actually vote for the removal'0 f the county seat from Webster to *' ylva before the end sought can be ^ * ached.?TUla uiuiUUm UilU- Oon-lf* Lined in an amendment offered and D rged by Representative Ray, who 11 fTered and urged by other amend- a tent that was defeated. This roquir- 8 d the county to indemnify the proprty owners of Webster in an amount E qual to. 60 per cent of the value of D uch property as assessed for taiaon In 1912, He later substituted 11 5 per cent for 50 per cent, but tht tbo city, from the roofs of which federal sharp-shooters and machine runmen had attempted to rake the nsurgents In the trenches and beilnd the barricades of the arsenal. . Shells from the heavy guns were veil timed, the explosions throw in* lerhapsi hundreds or thousand* of rfTrrf" '"r ? 1 earing for a time at least three lulldlngs of the p'eked men from the " cderal troops. Some .of the Rebels* shells and not i few rifle bullets reached ttmmatimil' palace, but none did scrloasSjaoii*e. It Is not believed tbaTT^Taz *e- J9 iously contemplates at the present fine an attack on Madera's headInarters. _ , -' 4 minus 3 WMl i "J III 4II 1 Princeton. N. J. Fol>. 13.--Hrmi- ,3? ent-elect Wilson announced ?lettitely last night that he would not ** . ' take public the nemos of h* cablet until he sent them to the Senate >r confirmation March. 4. . - - * "1 will follow thn yood oM-faeh- _ ^ >ned method." -he said, "and not take any announceTnent until the aroes-of the cabinet merlTbf r-u rn' " cut to the Senate " ; 'JNCENT ASIOR FORCED 10 SHOW BADGE New York, Feb. 13.- While row da were swarming about a burnag flve-atory apartment house at lOB. 124-126 West 36th street al 30 yea teed ay afternoon, a juuak ? 1 nan pushed his way through the p<>ice lines and looked up at the fourth nd fifth floors, where flames were hooting from the windows "Get out of that!" called a policenan. as he started for the young nan. "But I've a right to be in the Ines," replied the young man. 1 .J tave a Are badge and am an honorary member of the Fire Heroe's Or- . ;aniration.'* "Put that Are badge on bo I can ee it," cried the policeman "Jleter put the other one on too." The young man obeyed. V little ater the policeman waa told the outh was Vincent Aator. The fire burned oat the apsrtoenta on the fourth and fifth floors. ? X)\FEDERATE VETERAN DEAD. Bath, Feb. 13.? Another fonfedSfl 5 ite soldier has passed over the rivrr. . jj Almighty' God in His inflnite wi's lom has aeen fit on Februair 5th, . ^3 913, to remove from us a'hind fa- Vi her and loving husband. Alfred : lalley, into the great beyond. But till we hope that our loss is hia qwpsl pitn and point the bereaved ~ amily to the lamb of God that tak iu uku) lot; sin di ior woriu, ana reparo tofaeet him In'peace, where orrow and trouble la unknown. He volunteered in the Confedpr-v te army In the year of 1861.as* a rave soldier and through , four ' Jji ears of bloody warfare discharged la duties faithfully as a soldier. He leaves a widow and one sorr nd a few other relatives to moufn da loan. At the time of his death, rhioh was caused from appoptexy. e was In his TSnd year. Interment raa In the old family burying ground" t Ndrth Creak. There he awaits the saerreetlon mora whan all shall be udged according to deeds done iir he body. Mr. II, A. Hvilu left thi. aftertoon (Br Relelck. OOTTOW MAKUT. ' Umt Cotton, It I-?. Sml Cotton. 4 l-?c, .. M Cotton good. llt.M ' . ..[ytajfl