8 . ' SDK ' ^ . * i HUiH LUunu H tin tmtmHftriffci4h# Comwon w#Hh fcave 4 ii the * i luMMrlia and it ?u tplmild, bo- d ft ing both oonlcal ind eliMlcal. tl F On Friday n*ht February SI, * W- *010, jolut dahatea will (aha placo ii all o?er North' Carolina, between 8 5 the towae that ha to Jdlhed ue High t Behaol Debating Union. Since Wish- ? T tngton has joined this onion she will d . uphold the affirmative side of the I ; } tIon of North Carolina Should Be 80 f ? / Amended as to Allow Women to 8 Vote Under the Same Qualifications , as Men," at home, with such ora- 1< tors as Hubert Oscar Ellis and W1U *3 ~f?:?11am. AoRQBtas Blount, while euch r f flotnt ifmksia as James bother I Fowle and Jeaeo Wheeler Woolard ? win apbdtd the negative side of the 1 Query against the debater* of New < I Bern. 1 Plea bo honor these boys by com- 1 log op to the high school auditorium 1 nest Friday night at 8:10 o'clock, i ^ tor yon will eh'Joy the debate and < K " will learn much about the great and < / ?ra*|3 t question confronting the mitediBttttt today. IM uunwiiiii emu ui im wssh lngton High School held a social < meeting ta the auditorium Friday ??afthfiffla, JU?t _ oocaslon being St. Valentine's. An interesting program , tT was fendOrod, Which consisted of: , F History of 8t. Valentine's Day? j W Itoancr ArohhelL ' Instrumental 80I0?Dance of the ( ? - Winds?Margaret Wells. ^ .1 Vocal Bolo: Blag Me to Sleep? , > Saltio Carrow. lustra mental Sol* The Palms? . Evelyn Roes. After a' lively repetition of the cloh'a yell, all repaired to the Drx mgntlc Science room, where delight-' Ij^"' ' stating of hot chocolate 'and beart_ . nkhped sandwiches. The valentine Hchem? was cerriad out in thb SficdY-m aliens of the room, hearts on ribbons f itiMg diagonally across the room. ' and shaded lights shed a soft glow shaped valentines attached To each ' of the cope. The club had as their gneats for the afternoon the entire school faculty. J The baseball prospects are very ^ good fer this spring. gtfTflhee there is to be no league team 'here, we are ? taiiy tn emit around s petition asking for yonr sapport, which we surely weed. Although not leagues, yet we feel that Chore Ape some good '.* games la store Tor'theIdveth of base ban. j^p5V The choir la an '"honor to the ftckool. It naa -rendered aome excellent muulcwl tSromrto# with the help .| of it* iDBtructr***, If la* Kornegle. ? _ mwcmms ?e* act *' . "The Mm ul1 the Que the cosunt? oactr Tb?e dve4,y(.n I,. , . excellent Unghtag JMt. and one that -well ] ptaased i xalled (nu.rbace oompantes un- i erbid the llcenw compulot, who li *y Into the Utate treuurr maox ?6htand? ot doIUr., anfl oompetc I li ?r busir.eee tgataat the law? of the o tate. The Quality ot the protection o Ionft u cheap, aa many Insurers 1 w-ra to their sorrow.. The licensed c companies not only help the State in C aising re venue, bet pat Up sufficient Iwarantee to Insure the payment of t every Claim. They are compelled to I: ifford protection, and the insurance t commissioner urges every Insurer to t aqulre particularly Into the quae- \ ion of whether the bompaay -want- a ng to Insure his 'property Is IU I tensed ; otherwise there is no oer- I atnty ot tha clalmhcloa paid in case \ >f damage. f TWflmmu conw ; I then . waiqp sentenced to nine BOntha and Jhe rent to ona roar. IMIH' dgotcc, the Dayton aoernary otthe oompany, Waa given the Igbteat sentence of three monthe. Will Bt*?nB. Iiaaamiif; Alfred A. Phomaa, of Deytpn and Jonathan B. tfayward, of Went Tor*, irere gtvao >lpe month. In *rtl. ' 0A|iOBTK<8 OF THW OOK. FBDBRACT MKET TOMORJtOW Pamlico Chanter, U D. C., will meet at the heme of Mr*. D. T. Tnrloe tomorrow (Wedneeday afternoon) at t:IO_ O'clock All member, are urgently requested to .be P resmi V The treasury la very much depleted and fund, are needed to meet tare, and other obligation* of the Chapter. ; 1 saAmsfeauiai.1 ... IfWII VI |UIIU UIIW < : WUKSb IN RUHIl|< El Paso, 'Texas, Feb. 18.?Rebel 'orees began storming the palaro mrly this afternoon with a twe 1 Tench oanbon, said a private telegram reeelved here yesterday from Marlso Olty. An unconfirmed report, satd to hare been transmitted over Lhe wlrts below Juares, reported that Olds occupied the palaco at I o'olock feetorday afternoon. Censorship continues lost night, however, on the Mexico City end of the wire. The rebels have advanced their lines and appear to be getting the 1 basToTthe Bglitlug. =*-1 The opeartiene- today were of a ae- J rlops character. An American nam- < Bd Gibbons was wounded ~ WhlH " croeaing a street near \he embassy i this afternoon. i Mexico City. Feb. It.?The Meal can Federals were prepyin* last night to use dytfamlte bombs In an i assault on the^Dias positions. A sustained "attack by the Federals against the Young Men's Christian Association building this afternoon was repulsed by the Rebels. It la reported., that Fruuclaee De La Barra wll be arrested at the first ' eeeostunltv tor Alleged canaplracr ln_ J the rebellion. I President Madero yesterday re eelved the reply or President Thft> to \ his (tlepio protesting ar*tnst possible Intervention. In which Pr?8i: dent Taft assured him that the re-' ports of the Intention of the United States government to "land forces In -i Mexico were Inaccurate. "I never expected anything lens than this," commented Presldeht Madero on Presided t Tart's massage. , ^ragari ft as satlifsfetory -lAd j pjy?QMW-tflt^7MiUpTT JBffWF 0 Tff JAIL ewmt M>. 18- John- H. ' Mttnon, VTMMaot of (tn-MotioMl < -ash Regis te Crompany, who. wh*fc ' 18 other officials of the company, sere convicted of criminal violation i it the Sherman anti-trot law, eras 14 lentenced today t? pay a fine of fi, 100 and to serve ope year la JaH. ^ The men were convicted last Bmrsday of having violated the TlmVoal section of the Sherman intMvjmt law. One M th? defendants waa given hPin mtlii In fall whUe threal ^ a * B u ' "jRl ~~T, i n""i' ? ; May of the Washington pbyalism'ate making preparations to at- a be Trl-State Medical Society, com- ti rising the two Ca to Unas and Ylr- r< inl*. tn ho hnUI In \nrfalk Plhni: xi ty 18, 20 and 21. At this eonven- bl Lrtplstead Tayloo and Dr. D. T. Tay- p T The Washington physicians say li hey feel assured not only of much 1: >leasuye "But also of great benefit t rom a scientific standpoint. 8 1?t IX 'RBCORDKR'H COURT. * a L>OMie umpoen, colored, was lned $2.00 and costs by Recorder W r> tiii? """''"i fnr ihm1! e 3stelle Moore was fined $2.00 and 1 oats for violating a city ordtnanoe. ifternoon for assault with, deadly reapOns. r Chamber of Comn Favors t The Chamber of Commerce held I n & special meeting last evening, the time for their regular meeting being ? still some weeks off. The .members present enthulsastlcally ratified the proposed 1)0011 lane". and sent the following telegram -*?'*? W c. Rodman add >nator George J. Stndflert, of this end also to Mayor Charles H. Harding, who ts new In Raleigh: "Resolution maTsnmsly adopted by Chamber of Commerce endorsing proposed bond leans, anil requesting amendment | ^7Va???.j doiu?.) -= 5* "CHARLBS A. FLYNN, "tleeeetary." The tobacco warehouse question "" taken am.and discussed dt-aomo ' 'oath. It ds.understood that's ?en- 8 ileman wtH eo?n rislt Washington t with a sietr towards leasing thegreo- b toaed Ware house. Sinoo a propoet StTwITmn** *o?etlme ago for tb? I i-%ae of the new stem- fc Plan Your flow often you (to through ototl ttee. elerk'o qnery, yon reply, "J J Dig you over mod to title k the I Irony rglueble time, end hecomee Why ftp* do your looking et 1 thet ere pot revened for enythlJ Look ety the edvertloomonto In toU roe where yoa cea got the t ore thet en the meet feehtonebl rored by the beet gnoooro. I vory one at the more hen te < Newe bee eomethlng which will ti vertleemomte In The Delly Norre e eight end eero ell your time doer i fx^f fl I W I ^ft' J J UNA, TUESDAY AFTERWOON. F1 l I nuuLu unIv11 Jf'l. v Raleigh. Feb. JS.^-Mofe than hall -Aiadred bills pasted their final B] jfag hi thn tinilt ttt ftrgresenta- o, * ? yesterday, saver al do seek local a: >11 call bills passed their second thnn t this period of the session^* 1911. tl 'or this reason a number df mem- J' era yesterday insisted on b^jldlDg a ? ight session, but some desired to go H > the show last night, and Re pre- " sntetlve Murphy called attention to f> be fact that the House ?{dttld be u taking no real prof.rca^ to cpnsiil' r tore bills than the clerkji office o 5rce could handle, so a motion to li djourn, at 1:45. until 10 o'clock b 5day was carried. h A 16IBI roilJlullUM IIIIIWIUK?Hrrn- lamp P. Battle for Mb service to the tate, rendered in writing and pub- B thing his history of the University, 'as adopted by a rising vote. It hod ? 1 ready been adoptod by the House. x] be Senate also passed on filial read- ' ig the bill to amend the Revlaal resting to the time when Justices of 1 be peace shall make returns to the ^ uperlor Court, limiting the time to wenty days after the original trial. u, nd to amend the law relating to 1 nditlng the books of private cprpor- 1 tiona T ' & The following bills were introducd by Representative Rodman of .. bis district: ?** * r To allow certain citizen* sj "Long i las fonnrtilh in tula YhPstocfrlp^f. ' For prtoectlon of game tn Beau- t ort county. z : v nerce $250,000 Bands G nery, there seema no reason why v ^mo for making Witehlngton , tobacco market should not go fc?gi i> tm/mUl compiL'tiop, The contract has been let for ths ;etting-out of the Washington booket?a publication which will aim to iet forth in convincing fashion the itrong points of the town, "backing ip the assertion that Washington la i good town by numerous photo^. traphs. The photographer haB been lere several days taking plctufe* for ise in thla boaft*w- * WSHMfiim HBIDOUm The loeal rejureeentatlve pf the i?nernatlonal Harvester Co., Mr. Iheap, ia trying to secure a suitable louse for making Washington Ms leadquarters. Mr. Howard M. Brooks of Bath Is pre today. Hi .ti" wi.i c o Shopping ' , ?& MM iio-me. \\]Z '* ti * es and in aapwer to the atten- Q] at looking." J t "Just looking" takes a lot of very wearisome? B tome, during the odd momenta ig In particular, t The Daily News. They will lalatleet vuh fabrics, the eol- y e. and the deeigaa that are fa- ? e< who adTertlae tn The Dally ?' itereet you. Read all the ad- li loeely and oonetaatly every tl a town for buying. li W V mvor ii. Hit. irmep HE IMS I g iffit Now York, Feb. 18.?If for a >aee of sereral^oars a disillusion- d i divorcee wrote clover magazine t) rticles lampooning marriage and n omestic happiness, and wrote them ti > convincingly that they were ap- b roved by the cynics; and if tnie ait- TI lualoned divorcee was really sincere si ad believed all that' she wrote b bout the marriage farce; and then a the same disillusioned divorcee a ?at to ?urope and fell really in love b 1th a nice young man, and married b lm and came home "radiantly hap- a y after a glorious llorreymoon," e ould her clientele want to know the tl newer? v o Certainly they would. It'is the nswer to that hypothetical miration Xi lat'ls bothering the friends of Mrs. w osphlne Hilda Sampson, that was, ho is now Mrs. H. Bryan Owsley, si [er reading friends knew her as h Hildrlc Davenport.". And the II rlenda and readers are asking the ii u est ion. "Why did yo~u~cffifflge your mind?" d ne old inquisitor askod the charm- n jg >frs. Sampson-Owsley. Her big'a Iik* o^ca traveled across the hotel tl )bby to her tall husband. n "That's why." she confessed, jb lushingly, and that was the be?t an- 1? wer she could give. b This charming, reformed cynic, \ rlginally a Toronto belle, befcome h He wife of OhnrleB W. SampBon, a b hlcago business man. but divorced in 'n Dono four years ago Since ti !?cn many 'lever magazine articles * nd xq least nno hook. llhe Opinion. a hop," have appeared under the pen ame or "Hildrlc Davenport," and bey all aimed their barbed dartB at \ be alleged wnaluta-M of matrimony i d the dccoitfulness of Cupid and lymen. Davenport truly might have tu Dlogonas In disguise, for all ^ t tow n-in the-bottle pess'm: ?n ' cgardlng eveiy romantic aapc>:f. vf He. ji'Bat.ttiera'i nn.article bar, jtmJA. he current laeuo of a eodety xnagaine, protested an admirer. "In rhlch you declare that marriage and. inpplnesa are incompatible, especial-1 y Where marriage Ta~remarrUige^furt me or the other, or both?" | "Oh,"all that van Just the result f a mood, you know," said Mrs. )wsley . Betides all the editors denand cynicism. We are a nation of ynics today. "But really bow did you come to ake the plunge againT" the InttrroPW persisted. "As I told you," was tho still smllng answer, "my cynicism has been noody but not permauent. After 1 ras dtforced four years ago, my otheT and 1 went abroad. In Louion I met Mr. Owalfey for the first ime. After that well, I made a lumber of trips to Europe. Our narrtsifce is really the culmination of i romance of several years, for we 'Wf good Trtenda from the very im. "Marriage is bound tu be a great f a few wimple conditions are oblerved. In the first place husband ind wife should be whole-heartedly md devotedly In love. Each should Ind complete satisfaction in the ofhtr. Then the marriage should not Rko place too quickly. A strong riendshlp, with respect behind It hould first be developed between an and wswsaa. And when the marlage finally has taken place, I beleve that two things are essential? mrfderation for each other'* point f view, and children. "Women goto the dlvoree courts ?r frivolous and childish reasons, In threat many They ask /or a ecree on grounds of extreme obesy, acute Methodliwfr, the ingrowing tee, and such things. Divorce is ke the'surgeon's knife, to be need nly as a last resort when all other nuedles fail." f I a liOCAL CONCERN PLANS NEW WAREHOUSE. . The Washington Horse Exchange t>. has purchased the property on . le west side of their stables from [ ir. J. Havens tor th. or | tooting npon this lot a largo, tally infppod wanhoan for^the storage r arm Implements. In order to do thta, the old bnlld? mast be removed, and work to ,. lis end will begin shortly. r? In Mr. b(areolae Cooper of Old Foiej I among today's visitors. * j* " Mlm l inmtr: iim Ksdpm City, Mo., Fob. 18.?A ozen men lined up In the street at n he^polnt of his revolver, proved P< lore than a highwayman could con- h; pol here yesterday and when they hi egan to break away at the ends of tl :c unc, nre?Bandit?commenced tt hooting. After fatally wounding n tr oy. and barely missing several men T1 ltb his bullets, the bandit turned in nU ran, with his intended victim at al Is heels. He was overtaken two at locks away but was rescued on the tc rrlval of the police. The nttemptd hold up took place not far from " he new Union station. A number lc f men wbre standing on the corner, di ajoying the afternoon sun when the abber who told the officers his name m as D. R. Lecper, sauntj^d along, ft "llanda Up, everybody," Leeper p? kid, flourishing a revolver. No one oi esitated and all obeyed an order to u< ne up against the side of a build- tl ig. Finally Leeper's hat came off and own tbo line he started with a com- m land for everybody to "shell out." m .t thut instant two or three men at tfl ie end lumped from the line and on, and I^eeper began shooting. A A ullet passed through the lungs of H raiu'iH Flttgora'd, a IB- rwr-oiu oy. Ho piobably will die. A. H. loon, a saloon keeper, was graxed y n bullet and one man received a ullet bole through his hat. ui ris revolver enpiy, uvepvr niari**u o run, followed by the crowd. Ho T ras overtaken, but the police arrived 1,1 nd look him to a station. liiim li LAST EVENING ? At S o'clock last evening, the lallo? of the W. C. T. U. and quite a urge number of visitors, met at lira t j 2. T. Stewart's to do honor to the C( nemory of one of tho world's great- Bl il 1U1T?ghw?wWM>?di m The following Is the Interesting C( rogram: it, Hymn, 'Eventide." Mrs. Hardy, Jmsee Thomaa and Stewart, accoa-1 r >anied by Mrs. Z. N. Leggette; Dible Q leading, Mrs. Bjrrd; Prayer, Mrs. W. 0. ). Woo lard. Misses 8tewart and g nomas; "Other Refuge Have II Jone," Mrs. Hardy; Poem, Our'^j Cime of Prayer, Mrs. Fannie Serggs; lynm, "Lead Kindly Light"; ad-i^ Irene on Franees Wlllard, Mrs. M. E. 3Ilee. president W. C. T? U.; Duett,'. 'Beautiful' Cihd.'^Urs. IfuiOj aiid-l it toe Thomas; "Miss Willard's Great- I *t Gift," hy Mrs. 8. F. Alltgood; | Hymn. "L/ooktng thia Way." Mrs. Hardy, Misses Stewart and Thomas; Poem on Miss Willard's laat words, 'How Beautiful to Be With God,'' lira. E. T. Stewart; Doxelogy. t A neat little sum waa realized to >e uaed for the Willard Memorial p fund. Several extra donations were ^ ?ent in from Rev. R. V. Hope, Mrs. n Id. T. Arch-bell, Mra. C. 1. Bryan, ^ JIM Sue McClner. |, This fund pays the expenses of t( emperance lectures all over the ^ Jolted 8tate*. MoBt of us are too rnorant of the life and, influence I ?f thia wonderful woman, Miss Wil- j ^ ard. Probably no other one woman ^ las done as much for the Christian jg ithsenahip of our country and of the'p rorld. Our older people can reraem- j >er how great is the change in the d emperance sentiment during the last K IB years and It is largely due to her ^ rork. "ibe address hy Mrs. Giles ^ /as extremely Interesting and in- h piring to every listener. Th"i music lso waa a most delightful feature of ^ he exercises. The little poem. "Our 'tone of Prayer," left the audience w ' <* * Wiflttori-fMwrtloB for ew. tf| rin* on flisa wriarfl'* great work, ? etnhidlng each one of that day when ^ ?e Lamb shall bring before the 'T, reat White Throne the "Gulden ^ lals full of odora. which are the jK rayere of the saints." p* The world's great altar stairs ^ rhat s'ope thro* darkness up to Pr nan is?w*? rf^ inmi.Hi m Tboro will be a meeting tonight"'1 ' "?a T.ihrarr Association in the brary rooms st ? o'clock. Tbl? to "l IS until meeting, and oareral IraJrtant mattora are to bo brongbt I Officer* wilt bo cloctcd. and tho ?liey for tbo next year outlined. ' **i^* ? *? 1>? ji. . ' I 1 x#. wr I III ESS^-^ -. - MitN , TATES HOT ^iETiff I ? 1 1 London. Fob. 18.?Danger of a ipturo among the great European | >wers over the Balkan imbroglio IL8 not yet pa?ed. No progress 6 sing made by the ambtuwadora at I eir conferences toward reconciling l u wldelj dirergent views of Am = __ I la Hungary and Russia regarding I o bduod^ry or?Albania. nwui I dlcations seem to point to an early I >andonment of the ambassadorial tr.ninf to b^n?r Oif> <'ii.-o t>r.w. -ic t the same platform. * ?= - - . . . _ . -u, ."Difficult and serious," are the deriptiona of the situation as given i diplomatic quaterrs in London to- . ay. Montenegro has further inflamed attera by making another appeal >r Dussian support. TUIh latest np sal closes with the -words "Scutari ' death." Austria Hungary continis resolutely to refuse to consider ie scvorance of Scutari Trom AI - - ' ... No date has been act for the next eetlng of the ambassadors an no im edlnto means of dissolving the 1?11_ Efc^lgck Is apparent. DDISCOMM ' "imsr MEETING rv * The Addlscu Club 'held its teat, eeting with Mrs. Frank Kugier. he Club was called to order pomptly at 3:30 by Mrs. F. H. Rolns, vice-president. A goodly numer "wns present, ready -uveojoy the uMghtful program always provided, fter the usual items in response to ill-coll, there "was a paper on "The Tonders of Ireland," by Mrs. John Land ot the Shamrock" and finds it harlcs. The Club is exploring the ill of interest. Two little maldB len nppeared oc the-scene and serv1 refreshments, hearts, varying in ze and colorB-but. every one as fcRTa* sr. valeirttney owrr. - And m- ? implete the afternoon's pirturur? iro little lads, whoso bright eyo* tade one sure they were not Cupids; ave each guest a token?a head f Irish green, as ful of Bweetneas as ne might expect from the dear old atnt. The Club then adjourned, voting le meeting quite worthy of both tie' popular hostess and good fit. . alentlne. MMTA m BILL - Washington, D. C., Feb. 1*.?8uportcra of the Webb liquor bill in oth houses of Congress were dismayed yesterday to learn that the >1)1 had not been sent from the muse where if w?? last vpted OP. o the Senate until late yesterday afsrnoon. Before the measure couls e sent to the president for his aigature or his veto, It had to be reamed to the Senate by the House nd enrolled by the secretary of the enate. The bill did not reach the resident until last night. Under the constitution the presiprt has ten days in which he may Ither Blptn or veto any hill passed y Congress. At the expiration of Hat time a bill becomes a law If ha. as not acted either way. Supporters of the Webb measure Dinted out tfitn afternoon >.? robabiHty of the bill's finally be- 1 rating a lnw had bean seriously enangarad hw tbq unexpected and re ? rettable delay. They pointed out iat the p*-esldent, if be intends *to Mo the bill for constitutional reams as in reported from several mrces. could delay doing so until ? K'i riday. February Sgf for tbe reason iat Sundays are not Included in the mstftutional limit set up on effeere action by him. ???????A? y Ji OOfTRT OONVKNB8 TOD AT. Buperior Court was convened this orning by Judge B. F. Long at IS sleek. A number of fairly intsrting cases are scheduled to come ? this afternoon and tomorrow. " ' ' I Of>TTOW MARHT. u?? Cot tel. Me. . U Sood Cotton. 4 l-Io.