Dec. 1st, 191 i? - * ^ cis* oSL B. Ricks"' Commissions ".. o?ol a. Kicks, Texas O^l^ShJrt.'iioo'!" Ott |[ Ricks Tim J. A. A K, W. Wilkinson. For Cons Geo. XL Rinks. Commissions .... Goo. K. Risks. Foes Pitt OtlDftL* an f?l*rk Rridc.i ( ?MnI Ha?wry of Receipt* ud I to Febru Toul noMt vouchers ordered E Vouchers outstanding from Dec. Vowfheee ordered Dec. 3rd by No Poor tt* flowed Dm. Srd by Nee Vouch ere ordered Jan. 7th. IMS. v . S6.000 ? note of Mre. Fa ugh am ii Poor Hot allowed Jan. 7th. ltlJ Vouch ere ordered Feb. 4th. IMS. Poor Bat allowed Feb. 4th. Itl3 * Total dhabarsemente neidt fOel? AwUtml and Allowed W. B. Swindell, Chairman County ?_ k. W. A. Woolard. making cotBp at Worthy A Ht he ridge drugs for oui ' C. P. Anoek. County Commissi or W. 8. . born. County Commie W. H. Whitley. County Commie* H. C. Hnuicaw.. Copntr Comra'salot 0. B. Wraae. three dsy't work or ? F. 1* "Vohva Hardware Co., nalfa t^ Total . . . , r Calm* -Audited an W. B. Bwtadell, Chalrrpan CouhXy . Ayeock, County Comroleelor W. 8. D. born, County ComiflBB W. H. Whitley, County Commlse1 * H. C. Bragaw. County.Cpramlsstc Alfred Bailey, keeping M and B A. Toler, keeping ? brfirff Creek H. a. D. Hill, keeping Washlngtn v " J. W. Brantley, keeotnr-Atfrora h i J. B. Keech, keeping Belharen bri W. J. Harris, keening I-eechyWe h V. W. Darle. keening Pun go brld F. O. Bright, Superintendent Con Spencer Bros., mer^hand'se for C< Brown Drug Co.. drugs for Couav M. I*. Cherry, wood for County H Sam Whttaker. wood for County i T W M a Bn. wr>Am* tnm C wm 4mm* a rift (DinranM nr? M. ' w?vm1 Coweta Home 1. TkiW. ooal Connty Home ... Carotin* TdL Jt Tel Co . phone re* Purifeo Brick * TTe Co , brick C I.e. fcetham. labor and material Geo. A. Pa?1; C. 8. O.. o^oe eocneu - Oeo. A. Panl.,C . 8 C., ealary for E (1. RwmW. ?rwn? 0. Urabr, Re*l?ter. re'err for D (I, flJrlr *r> for J. HL Boon, dray*** on eoel to Co Rdwmnle A Bron***'"v for HOward* A. Bron^*"" ft 1. N. To*rhia, ribbon* Oeo. K. "Rloka, iher'f* <wirt co*t U Of. V IHekt, aheeHf; Geo. P R'ek*. *h*HW J*J1 f*** Oeo. P. B?ck?, eher?ff. raUry Dec. Oeo. P P*eV?. *b *> -?#* rbaln ren^ Oeo. P PfVj, roe " Oeo. P Rtc?m. eheHff. court cotti Boy4* Corn C'nb AnuronHatlon . J. R. O"*4*. CfttereHiif lnwtmf to c? J. A. l*e?irh. Rooorfler. court ooet J. A. Tie<eh. Recorder. court oo*t c W. ?. Bwrba**. Cc>i?*?ebV. nnnrejli Dr. Jar*"* Teyloe. poroeer H. P. Fe*d*i?*. oo^****** <"*7 ""? J. n >*?*nee*T. crtW)phr'? birr tw - I. M. R*dd. 'eordoorVtney two d*< , ?w. v p?VO? v C. I*. R^.Ve. ooroe*r'? bier two" da1 * A. 8. W*"*. PoroT>*?r'? tnrr two A Br. J. C. Rod|han, quarantine Dr. H. P Pneter. rot'*#* r?ti>rantii J. W Rerun. etewaM State Hoeplt? two . J. R; P?tt^rtjyir*De pn?w ^t.dn ? > Cow**4' T" eerrft. rr??<? ebefr r#m J- p. IPtRame. rti??* * ** * o?r i |m f Da*e rn*?* ?* '" * ? ?. ? F> J. 1* CTT**" *r'tRp(l tMr, I E8 S Wa*fee frt? r^nT? H Beeeee'1' e*d** r/>nric?* . Harr?? tTtordWara r^ntW* Aid** * MLIEd ** ? ?> eoorer'wr fr??i?n*r W w. s nwm. connr-wnnw,rf W. J. B^r coDTf^n* nrl"f?*r fo 1 W. A. ^v>nnt. for n?n n#R~fl W. A. B*^wnt, f?r n*e of i vj. Cn U C. W*?r*ta. Mrttfif* atto^nwr. dr Oeo. D TUmard A Co.. t'oporr i M. B. M*vtn?r. M. T>. ou*rn??r?p? i /Ti' W. B. Border, itfttloiu-t fo* To Harris Bard war* Co.. nftjmh'nr Co Dr. 15- M.. Brown, supt. health. < Wadd* Co.. i^iifonori for h. H. How, rnrreyor. frarreylni I M HaalHia t H. R. lCxop. lot?r*?t on !W B. *. M*v?mb. Mm. W. P Hauthart F B. R. Mtxon, bond interest ,.... B. R. Mix on, Interest B*nV of Wa Cbn tinned it of Receipts am 3 of County Frori 2 to Feb. 1st, 191; br FCllCnl ootintr fun,I Hlnr* (Wi^hi HSH >?r 1st. 1*11. . , . .^,-rrrf . .f 1.901.8 >tmy Fund December. .. ..110,810.7 8 66.50 117.40 H8?15 34.00 "Ml 1,880.00 ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i,i8o!oo H7 B&ugham note. 5,000.06 inty Fund January. 1618.... 8 4.014.8 ::?frw ? / * M?.?0 171.86 1,150.00 let Force .. 400.51 060.00 Wii 26.50 817,454.4 DUbanonmiU from l>Mwmhnp imt tai< MTJ l?t, ltlS. :~jr?? ?c. 3, 1912, by old $5,482.37 1. 1910, to Dec. 1. c" r Board 94.43 Board 305.25 ( * Hit) .10,350.41 icluded In tbe a bore. 198.35 (see lift) 3,328.23 (see llat) 198.75 i ?. f ? -.7 . .., .919.999,1 , $ 2,454.7 I Dec. M, 1919, by Near Hoard. Commissioners $ 16.$ i*d tmrytnjt pauper 7.3 erantlne officer 9.9 . 7.$ sinner 6.$ 'oner . 8.1 . . 6.3 i Oarlt Bridge ?.f i for bridge 1.0 frt. 1^- - - . ??-? . $ 84.4 id Allowed Jan. 7, 191S. Commissioners $ 16.6 199. . ' 71 loner 4 . . 5.4 loner 8 1 tier 5.1 at* Cieeh bridge ... 777 .'.77 1R f bridge 10.< n bridge ;.... 38.1 ridge 7 20 (i d?e 26.0 ridge .. 34.C lee 20(1 aty Rome . . 198.3 juniy noma 1.1 Poma 4.5 r**ne 51.5 'nme 28 E ommt* Vmmn -44 imlum rounty Home 117.9 f .. 22 E 218.8 it County Home .". 3.C onnty Home 5.1 eoutybiMcM 16.2 ee for Dee. 1211 6.0 tec. 1912 .. 175.0 e for rue. 1212 7.5 *c. 1211 2ft/>.0 of eonety 22.8 unty Home 2.0.8 C. B. C. office \i ir Register's office 10 5 : 4.1 ?r Dec. 1211 ... 70.4 Dee. ltlt ,J..i ....? 1211 20.8 1211 i 5881 TW. 1211 ...... ... 2" T?ty pVrnouM Doc. 1911 2* 4 i coroner's inquest 4.8 100 0 annty bridge .............. fT* . . 12* tne-belf 21.9 ag -prisoner to 1?11 l?-4i d*TB . . 3.* o dmys . , 3.0 N Ill .....u.,, ** re ian.?..v, 3.0 nr ' IX. n g* o^eor iS.fl ll. md?? and transportation of I i - ?*/fvi i 1? J iNry ...?t" "Urv TW? l*.fl TV?r 2* P r 1.* TVyj . 1*.F TW J1? i'?"? td 1* * ^rr.'",.Dec:.::::::::::: jfc! :. *v? flronvJctB 3* * ? t*H * K > ?%tl * ? latl ?.l raw . . ................. 10 fl ' V. .Tr .t*3 *w*r>* contract and tand .. - 10.c f*r O 8. O. . . ? .t'u... .? o^rar 'f<W t {wvMr d*r . f>OOr 7 1 n? Hmi. 7.1 mrt Hoosfl ;U Tg ?l?ry for Doc. 101J to Ju . i ' D/' .^W^io^-o^: Mrat'Duk Notai'.'.i "sit i nolo 5.oco.< hlOKton ot?' 1 J45< on Pax* Two ^ ; ' . ; . ^ Berlin, Feb 19.?Dr. Frtedrlch Fried men n, discoverer of the Intsr? jaUnntllT hnrnltlnd lies mm 1 tutu k* tQ9 - tuberculosis.1 Is on his wiy ta I America te take up ?the offerTfc 1 President Flnley of the Aetna National Bank of a million dollar fee It the German scientist em, when put to the test, cut nlnety-~I*e per cent of the cases he treats. Including that of Ray Paris, the banker's son-lnUnr. ?** .. *).v t--- ? Opposition from the Oerman gov9 ernraent to Dr. Frledmann's leaving the tountiybfraring the secret of his tuberculosis vaccine wss apparently wholly withdrawn from the physician a week ago surrendered to Prof. Ehrltch, head of the German bacteriological department, an allotment _ Of his livo-gcrnx vaccine, and the ? government having rejected a teota1 tive proposition that it purchase the ^ remedy, decided to transfer his field of experiments and treatments to America. Dr. Frledmann left Berlin last ? mtnt Aha win ne aboard the Kronprtnsessln Cectle when she leaves Bremen for New York tomorrow. But the young woman who has figured in the cable reports as a train _ has freeW said has been his able asg slstontvlf not. In fact. hia collabora8 tor. refused to accompany the physician Lo America. He thereupon re? talned pn American newspaper man Jft to act ak-flhrHnterpreter, packed up 10 his belonging including the tubes 0 of the remedy, which .he claims as 0 one of the greatest discoveries of the j* age, and left the capital. ,7 On his Journey to Ne* York he Is _ backed by the reports of Ufilted S States Consul-general Thackara or Berl'n, who has offldaHy expressed ^confidence in^the genuine eharacter 10 of the Frledmann remedy, and has 10 forwarded to the 8tate Department a !R paper prepared by the . jhysiclau himself setting forth the history of IK his experiments and exactly the rei0 suits he has achieved. i0 Meanwhile, however, the $1,000,10 000 offer of President Ptnlay is open 'q to all competitors and there are 0 three other candidates in the field ;n who believe that they have discovered a consumption care more efflcadoua than that of Dr. Friedtnann M- m? I?! T ,g uuitures rrom. tne laooratory 011 jj Dr. Piorkowski here have been for18 warded to scientists at Sar&nac >0 Laker N. Y., where experiments are now In progress, and Dr. Plorkow|(> ski Is soon to publish a full account i0 of turtle experiments since 1903. >0 As is generally known. Dr. JTried10 inann obtains hib tuberculosis Berum JjJ by -injecting SWan germs into tur|n ties and developing tuberculosis In 10 the turtles themselves, while Piorslkowski's theory requires merely the |Q passing of human germs through the |J|blod of the turtle. ,41 The claims of Dr. . Heath of Bt. 101 Louts to have lang ago secured a tuft berculosin serum from cold-blooded 0 animals Is attracting attention here. |n| And It Is further reported that Dr. |BjKarfunVel is conducting satisfactory 1 experiments along the uamt) lines ft withthe assistance of the public |J health authorities .of dermany. 0 I iA The "Arcardia," in charge of Capt. ie- J. C. Harris OTBdulh Creek, it at the 'ft wharf. .0 : 1 The Child ai >n . , ;? ft "Children!" exclaims theston Jldren. for they aire the buyers < J There are in all stores oertaft o specially devoted to children % 1# In tomee toree regular ehlldre 0 "tore hi given ever to their ent larly of their thlnte. other merchants make enter in prlcee ere given on many of thi |? Same tnhsnts even provide 10 drtro where they can havpthe t '? growa-QH shop. >0 It \feteh the advertlsementa la l# ||. stantly every day. Then yon v 11 | aren't wearables. All the mar [J || ly News ere eager to hove yen! her: Fair and W i I nfWgjBjr. ilahU 1 - Washington. PWL 19 ? A ?trang? light hu appeared\in the mountain! nf Mnlh QanllaifV UlUHlil Ui IW J on an Rid go ? tgjjgeho'od, nut fai from the Ooorge Vaaderbllt place a Ashevillo, are all wrought up. Col. Robfert T. Chid well, repre Bentlng the people o5t Jonas Ridge is here to get the government jo sent an expert to North dgfolina to set what's wrong. "The light rises up to the heigh of fifty feet and then settles dowt again." aald Mr. C?ld?a?ll to Oeorg? Otis Smith, ntr^tnr ndtthg cal BupW. yesterday. "It'hurts your eyes nke the sun We want to know what K Is." ' Through the efforts pf Senatoi Simmons and Representative Webb Mr. Claywell got Mr. Smith to detail rnmn to visit Jopfts Rfdge'to Inve* tigste the light. Immigration Bill Passed ? Over Veto. Washington, Fob. 19.?The Burnett-Dillingham Immigration bill, vetoed by President Tart because It imposed a literacy teat upon Immigrants. was passed over the President's veto la the Senate yesterday by a vote or 7*9 to IS. The^ overwhelming majority given at tho end of a abort dobate In which President Taft's attitude swas vigorousflk^ttaeked, has streMLhnned-tbeimmhTHlIty that the bill * will be passed over the veto In the house when It li called up today. MRS R. W. WINSTON _ JEAB FROM lEflt Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 19.?Mrs It. W. Winston, the wife of Judge Winston, of Raleigh, N. C., and the sister of an Episcopal bishop of thai State leaped from the eighth floor oi tiie Jefferson hospital in this cltj late yesterday afternoon and was in stantly killed. Mrs. Winston had boon a patient at the hospital here for severa weeks suffering from a nervous af fllctlon and according to the physicians at the hospital she was nevei left unguarded. 8he was subjected to periods of hallucinations and had frequently threatened to end het life and instructions were given t< the nurses never to leave her tfTonc for a gaoment. . ROME SURPRISED BHER0 WEftTBEH Rome, Feb. 19.?The exceptionally cold spell prevailing throughout Italy reached Its climax last night Id a snow storm after the temperature had fallen several dogrees below sero. In Meesina, the winter has been the severest in twenty years. Mount Etna is entirely white with snow and presents a magnificent spectacle at night. There Is much snow and Ice in Blcily and Calabria. id the Store. ?keeper; "yes. we welcome the )[ the future." i season* of the year which' are nd their Interests, n'i days are celebrated, the attainment and a sale particu,r Aay children's day, and speoial > thlnjy they need, special play rooma Cor the ehllIme of thetr Urea, while the the Dally Heirs closely and oonrffl find the best news about dill, ihants who advertise1 la The Dal"children start shopptnc at Chelr - i , .s.. f )AILY MC. FEBRUARY It. till. farmer IT t wm Izripill ! Superior Court was convened yos ' terday morning at 10 o'clock In f JUdfe B. F. Long, paly flre caaem be *" lug completely disposed or durinj 1 the day and night. The first case on docket wai Tracy Morris and Co. of Philadcl . phla, a clothing house, bringing sul 1 agafnst Mr. A. B. Jones' of Pantegt ' for 942. The defendant purcbaset some clothes from tho salesman o - the above-mentioned .honse In 1911 ' as stock for his store, but found th< 1 goods not as represented and return - ed them.?The clotfllbg house c'alm ed that six suits were short, foi which recompense was demanded t< ' the exten* of 942. Mr. Jones, how ' ever, took the stand that the rail roads, If anybody, were responsiblt | for any shortage, and received a ver diet bearing out ^la contention, noi a cent belnfe granted the clothing company. The plaintiffs were repre seated by Ward ft Qrttaqs, and th? defendants by Daniel ft Warren. Emma Cannon, colored, of Wash llugluu, mm ?KT ffW H H? from her husband, Walter Cannon upon scriptural gronnds. Mr. Norwood 8immons presented the case 01 the plaintiff, while tbe defendant hai ' not lately been in evidence anywhere around mis ncmuy. The euI of CoweU. Swan ind Mc Cotter Co. of Bayboro, Paml'co coon ty, against Mr. T. A. Ross, who onc< acted as agent for thla company, wa< comprised oul of court. The company claimed their was a balance due them from their ex-agent. Stow art and Thompson were Iho attor neya for the plaintiff, and Sma'l MocLean & Bryan those for the do fendant. In the case of Mr. H. 3. William: and others against Mr. W. A.' Lewis the plaintiff agreed to take nothing "wfiflo'tfie * defendant recovered hi: I costs. Both these men were 'armor: ' of the vicinity, and the case involv ed a boundary dispute. Rodman 1 Rodman represented the plaintiff and Ward ft Grimes the defendant. A case which started yesterda: morning and lasted all the aftemooi was that of the D. L. Arey Dlsttllini Co. of Baltimore against the Mutua Aid Banking Co. of Now Born. I' had been customary for the distill insr firm to shlD whiskey with th< Mil of ludiug, aiumima, WITH raw upon tho \^bove mentioned bank The bank w^uld collect the draft an< | turn the bllN of lading over to th? I person concerned. From time t< time the ban\ engaged tli sub! transactions, aggregating altogethei about $11,000. Tit August, 1910 however, a dispute Navoae, and th< 9 distillers claimed about $600. whicl the bank claimed It didn't owe. Th< plaintiffs were represent by Small MacLean & Bryan, while the defend ants had no attorney. Indeed,^ ii I prbbable that the defend an t^r wen 1 taken rather by surprise, eneclallj - as the action wgs brought in thli I court iustead of In New Bern. Th< l Jury did not agree till 8:40 las i night, when they awarded $108 tc r the plaintiffs. At the time of adjournment, yes [ terday, a jury was being se : lectod for the old and bitterly fought I case of Ida H. Reddltt, a widow re; siding at Edwgfd. and others, plain tiffs, against O. W. WJHlamrt and oth 'era, defendants. The case mvolvei a boundary dispute, and was tried . before In 1911, resulting In a mistrial. When tried before it lasted a whole week, beginning one Wednesray of legal talent Is mustered on both sides, the plaintiffs being represented by Ward ft Grimes and Small, MacLean ft Bryan; the defendant* by Daniel ft Warren, 8tewart & Thompson, and L. M. Scott. MEXICAN REBE.S STF.Hl mm cu* - SI Pud, T?e.. Fab. 1?.?A ma I ehln? fun iSf the Thirteenth Cm'n bhUoon at Hachlts, t N. If.. dltsppeered Burnley nlrt't, according to retlebte reports received here yesterday. ' *' " It la believed that Magical rebel) came over the border, end stole th< pleee. Dr. R. W. Carter left for Nortel) last night to stteed the Trl-8tsti 11edits] Society. VSr QERO J \NDS OF DIAZ. 1 5 Mexico Faces; All Horrors J o / W a r.; ? -I ?Moalm City. Full. II?(By bddfr- "7%SB !er to Vera Crus. Feb. 19.)?How - J] many have boon killed or wounded Is a question which none can answer definitely. From a source usually considered conservative it has been stated that the number of dead is not less than 2,000, while the total of the wounded amounts to from 8,000 to 10,000. The great majority of these are not soldiers but men, womta and clilldieu, umUHj tu OiC*po the lines of fire. It is a well known fact that detachments of 50 and 100 men have been mowed down by the machine guns here and there at various times when caught in the narrow .streets. Carta pltod high with corpses hare*been driven to the outskirts of the city and-buried. Every morning in the zone of the actual fight, piles of burning rubbish arc to be seen. These heaps are for , the tnoBt part rubbish, but the odor of tinning Hewli Leila munwr St*fSr camerTfpds s*** ^ PRESIDENT MA IN H, Mexico uitjr. Feb. 19.?President! | Madero has been arrested in the nah t'onii patera by Qeaerai Blaaqaet, hacked by his troops. OuesUvo Ma dero, brother of th> president. was arrested about the same time in a restaurant by Oeneral Huerta. While r Madero and the other members of r hll iminiiy nrc UBW arrest In the paleoe. the?creeds?aro?running' about the sterets crying "jlvas" for Huerta and Diss. Gen. Victorlano Huerta, the military commander of the federal troops, has been proclaimed president. This followed a conference botween represehtatives of Huerta and General Dlat. An official order was issued by thej aew gerernmeut upeulug thu CflPIM for regular service. The censor, however, refused to leave his post for a considerable ftfao after the Madero government bad been ousted. Huerta's attempt to communicate with Dlai this afternoon precipitated a sharp battle In which the rebels opened up with ALlerrlfic fire of small arms. At 4 o'clock the order to "cease firing" brought the battle to a close. * EilLlir BLY RATIFIES SCHOOL TAW ^ J'llttlirhi *?hr l*%^H?e biggest and most far-rcachlng achieve-, ment of tho General Assembly of 1913 will be tho ratification of the bill which passed the House last night, to provide a slx^months t^rm In.the public school* -throughout every county in the State. By the almost unanimous vote of nluetymight unftwrdT Ihe six months school term bill passed its second reading last night pust before 10:30 o'clock. The third reading was made a special order for the close of the morning hour today, on motion of Representative Justice, which motion also provided that there should be no further debate on the measure. The discussion of the bill 1W BJgnt consumed less than two hours time. In a four hours' session yesterday the Senate nssed a great many bills onthlrd reading, killed the Stewart Ifaml'y mileage bill recently passed 'i?y the House and finally disposed of me vexations bill to pay the old .dfsbts of the fish commission and tj, /ave the reputation, of the fiagsliTp of the State's piscatorial navy. The following bill of local interest was brought up In the House: Authorise road bonds by Beaufort cuumjr. The following bills of local interest have passed third reading: To amend the public local laws of , 1911, relative to a special criminal court In the town of Washington. To authorise tax collector of town of Belhaven to collect special school taxes. To appoint a court stenographer for Beaufort and Washington counties. TO SEE m HMCI IN WILSON PARADE Mr. E. W- Ayers left yesterday for Northern marketB to buy his stock 1 of spring and summer goods. Before returning home he will attend the Inauguration of President Wilson In the national capital, and will have the pleasure of seeing and hearing his son, Edward Ayenf, Jr., and his friend Jam e Stein, son of Captain A. W. 8te!n, play in one of the proces' sion bands. i ? These two boys are cadets in 8t. John's Military School. New York, whose band has the reputation of be' ing one of the very beat in the Unit. ed States. Still more |oeai internet attaches Itse'f to the musical success | of these young men by -reason of the tact that they were formerly taaght here by Prof. W. B. Smith I * . w. a. t. w. Tho Worn**'. TmperiBc* Union i will n?t tomorrow nt t o'clock with Mro.| O. B. Cuult. tit*? ANNOY MISS MORCAN "% Nrw Yon, Feb. 19.? Mis* Aunc Morgue, daughter of the financier, Plerpout Morgan, topk twenty-Eia ol he(r Vacation Fund girls up to Bronx jjjj Park Zoo_. yfigfarrtap -eHerlfron for what was originally intended to bo an uducatlonal visit to the anitnals. but turned out very early to be a four-hour game of hide and *e?k " with tbo photographers Mia Morgan herself reemetl ouly mildly annoyed at the persistence of Jh? knights jit the shutter. .but. aoiuo of her followers, particularly Miss Shippen, hated the very sight of a camera. Mlsa Bhlppen constituted herself Miss Morgan's personal bodyguard, and her keen eye time and again detected one of the wicked creatures skulking behind a tree or u bush just as he was about to accomplish his fell purpose. ? It was very trying Indeed for the ladles, but it was harder still on the poor man detailed by Director W. T. Hornaday to Bhow the party aronnd His efforts to impart information nsually resulted like this: "Now this is the Alaskan brownbear"? "OK, "there's another one!" (refer- ? t ring not to bears but to photographers), and then there would be a rush for Mlsa Morgan, whether to shield her from the lens's maleful glare or to get in the picture it was sometimes hard to tell. . # Finally Miss Morgan consented to pose for one group picture on condltlon that no more be attempted. For ?? a moment It looked as though peace would be attained. Then, just as the shutters were about to click, a yonng lady with a blue plume?it would be a Bhame to put her name in a horrid newspaper?was taken with a brilliant Idea. She rushed clear across the front of the group and took a position immediate1 y in front of Miss Morgan. . completely hiding that lady fror^ view?and. incidentally, giving the young lady with the plftme the mi -t prominent place in tpe picture. The peace conference broke up i then and there?each side blaming the other?and from then until 5 o'cloclj hostilities raged with renewud fury.?The phoiographers hung ~ on .the flanks of the party, trying ?erasiobal long-range shots. LEAYESFflR RICHMOND TO AM AUTO SHOW Mr. J. R. Mitchell, superintendent of the Mutual Machine Co., left yesterday for Richmond, Vato attencT the Automobile 8how. j ' 1 ? _ s Mr. Miicnen wniie tnerc will take special instructions In all automobile work, and the comjrffr will be better prepared than erer to glee quick and aklllfnl aerrlce to their coetnmera upon his return. Mr. J. C. Arrlngton of Rocky Mount >u m rl.ltor yatenltj. OOTTON HATtKVT Uat Cotton, II*. Bond Cotton, ? l lr.

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