_ -.v m ftnnfi '' ti?" irttM k??!r? trom Mr. 9M(? t sow miHi ?tet<4 that the cos c pie *<|(| ?l|il l?f pert* utioti ? lit. was farmerly of this g ?o?iMh i*1 tulaiir tm Hn 0 log laMtara Mas rooter tree b pop Jn tti Ul> Pf Weiss relet. I, Hot* It iee wera iiry tresacT e They gw test seem about .7:1* ? o'cltrth Mn btwIbi . Q mrs. imnrs : wot uub to best: K b The hf| of Mrs. Harriet B. Heri- 1 lit MM *S"P l?tt to rest la the * rhuteh flH of. Trtaity Chapel. c OhongU^r, wheace it-waa boors by M rrl I ill? ll, relaHras aid friteda ? Iter lis Mais >1 earn cos yesterday " inoratap 4 lllll o'clock la 81. Pe- 11 ter'a ^l,H cftjr^, this city. The MMre i* bursts vera 11 Meaata. Mnaley. 0. Ramley. H. T. * ArrUhft Baney Carras, Cotlle ? H?rVil?<W George Hill, mod the hoaoMW aMiam wars Hasan. Brl IglMHh ?. O. Bragav. Jr.. Dr. ? 8. T. NHBMa. aat Dr. J. G. Blount. Sides Mas birth, laly It, ltVMya. Hbjib a has brought Joy aad auaahlah MM the hearts of a^aey. Besides harhaabaad. tfr. H. W. Hard, lot of IBM air. her slater. Hn. K " B. Brtshl of Ratal ah. her brother. * Hr. V. m too feecateia of Chaoo- e wlolty, has aoa by bar 1 rat marrtace, " Hr. Baa Hall of Obmovtattr. and her aoa fey fear seooad marriage, Hr. * ? Gay II a I Mas of Wsahlagton. she ? than sWihaeerorth fee a rotd which eaa utIiMad. she was a dsroted Christian and a r faithful member of her efeareh. SUIT FOR FIRE BAMACE STILL OlFimsiED! i At tfc* k?ar mt adjournment jtsrh J terdujr, the Superior Court wua still J Kb: nil !> lift OC th? 8Ute Board of ? Education, 8. R. Fowle, W. B. "Whltfi' ami Athaes atralnaf Rflfennkfl d Railroad and Lumber Co. tympenu- 0 Hon for tflecM Are damage is asked J to tke extent of tlS.OOO. * x V. f < ' - " * ' j ?soisjoEwnai _i am DEW OFFICERS a - j?? - . . I The Morth Carolina Society of the t1 Sons of American Reyolution held U h nenol meeting in Weahington, N. C? Monday, February 14, ml. H The following odlcere were elected for the eaaulng rear: President?F. C. Kntler. Wash- Q tngtoo. t Vlee-Preeldent?J. G. Bragow,' Jr.. f Weahington. ? Secretary-Register?R. T Honner, ^ Aurora. 0 Treaaarer?W. B. Harding. Waah: Hletorlan?J A. Weddell, Tar- ? bora. c Chaplain?Rsr. -F B. Rankin, ? Hamlet ,, ' Board od-Tfanegement?Ma). York t Coleman, "Rutherfordton; B. A. Har- t rlngtdn, Oreeneboro; R. U'H. Boa- ( ner| Aurora Dr. J. C. Rodman, g Weahington; Henry C. Brtdgera, Tar- y horn, , , Trnatee to repreeent the North ? Carolina Society In the National Board of Management; daronee A. c Wyehe, Rneemary. , V The Boelety haa donated twenty- j Ore dollare as a aaah prlee for the , beat oaaey on tome Reyolntlonary t ^ charaefer at Worth Carolina. Any J??I OCT *r netloman .tt.ndln, ? 1 HlVfc. -' Colle?. In North <%??? ? rompete. V. Tho?'?tohhi? Information .boot J A. thin eosteat thooM write to F. 0. , 1 Kugler, wuhlnrton. N. C.. or *. t. ] .. Boom, Aaror., N. C. , 1 VOR MW-WmK B* ?. T. TAT- J \ loo * Co:. 200 lbe. Cro.br'. < <tr? ms ml ninmiTn ?: DISPUTE| ? ^ KhUlgl, r*5. 17.?rue Wgftt Of krth Caroline for better irelght 4 ate* to points In tills State, from the b mot. compared with Virginia rata?. ? domed a mock more satisfactory p eadltton this afternoon aa the oat- c ems of the second conference of the * Into eommfeelon with the railways 0 t North Carolina. There were a uge number of officials of railways, * Minding presidents. Interested cltl no and State officials present for * fee hcarina, which took place in T fovernor Craig's office. The railway officials assumed an 1 atlrely different attitude this afteroon from thst of the previous occakm, two weeks ago. At that time p fear argued how ruinous it would a o for them to abllsh the dlscrlmlna- a ary rates obtaining in this State ri rer Virginia cities. This afternoon t] opt. A. T. Thorn, chief counsel for ci le Southern, and Opokcsman for all u fee railway companies concerned, and n statement setting forth the at- j3 tads of the railroads, which open- p a up negotiations mat mar result in n Is mtIik of thousaads of dollars ci aasalty to North Carolina ship N IKES SIMPLICITY III BALL DRESSES S 1_ a London. Feb. 26.?To the relief of ^ Elooo whose pocket books are not o large as their ambitions, the c rord has gone around in the select ircle of society which regulates * uch functions, that this season's e aMe are to be of a simple character 0 nd without the slightest suggestion f " freak Inesa." "pie reason is that 0 hostess who encourages anything daring" In the way of costumes is tkely to receive Queen kCary's pat- fl onage. " ; ~ ll The queen has not issued any ofdal Instructions, but her comments ? n several recent extravagant cos- B Doe balls and other functions of an C nusual character have been duly * a seed on by the royal ladiee in wait- & ig. TTinsnlf si in |>l I iHWWI Qui G lary has the strongest possible ob- I action to extravagance and extreme e ashlons. For this reason the hobble. 3 irectoire and panler skirts are never J een in her entourage. She baa no real objection to fancy * ress balls, but the Queen's caustic * ommeokyon what stftovt* "! the ' ti modesty of the costumes worn by j * sneers at the recent Arabian Nights, j C ost-ImpreasioniBt, and Four Arts Z alls, gave .little pleasure to the h ulprlts but great Joy to the retailers , f Cpyt guspjp- "No Woman should * ress beyond the limits of her' bank- ~ oil. J-is Queen Mary's motto, and 1 though the dressmakers are by no ** iqans pTeased there has been a dieInct,stamp In costly entertainments h Rteiy. 5 v-r * ; * u BCHBf 8KBVICS CHIEF 8ECURE. ** 8 Washington, Feb. n.?There la , ne government official Is Washing- , in net worrying over hie lob be , ettee there vrttl be d change Iq, administrations on March 4. This man William ("Big Bill") Flymi. chief J r the ?eeret Service Flynn la safe for many reaaona. Trat, beconae the moment he la red. or. any of the other assistant : hlefa In the aervlee. the crooks ell ver the country would begin eoanovtelUng with a-roeh. while Flynn aa not held the olllce of "Chief of he Secevt Berrlce" very long, he'll be moat feared man In the Secret Service today, because hie record in few York ae head of the Secret Berice Bureau at that city made his in famous. Flynn hu an smaslog knowlrd gr f the counterfeiters, both those erring time and those-at liberty. Ie knows the reeords, ems, and dlalosttlons of all of the country's oeleirated crooks. ^ ' ; ' . . SMALL FIRE. \ -^ej . About one o'clock yesterday the Ire department was nailed oet tor a email blase at the house ot Mr. A. A flchols on Water street. Little demise was done. ~. .J, * , CAaoLDM; HSRSDAT aftmnc ilKefryatn audi i srsrEiad fwi LIS swws tooi wm In the recent annual meeiiag ei the library AittP^Utiun. one fact el aJHmportaat to eur .IUmbi was broniM Mbht. it M?mi that Washington fljifcr^done better work In her Public Library th&n any towa of oar Btnter SuMJ this proves thai doubter who ifatcbed for one afternoon the stream 9f people getting books. and the High School keys and girls doing reference work, must ta convinced. But Washington moat net be aatlafied with thie- reUrd Succeaa brings greater demahd*, more responsibility. Let every dtlaen rally to-the support of one of our moet important lnatltotlonav4nd what may we not accomplish in the future? And let everyo*^ who ia Interested in WashingtonVa growth and prosperity, remember Bat a good'Public Library, next to thEehuFchea, will de more tban any o^tt* one tbiag to to*V? wlde-awgke .Intelligent cmgem. t The Library and All it contains ars I free to be uead by Avery man, wornI an end child, of this town, whether I they have invented tat it or not. Let I everyone come aedgM. for himself that it is good. sniuflFfty rnMPraPhfP ..V . Wei I rflMPDccel^ At,?, y Of debate, accompanied at timet 7 scenes of disorder seldom wltneesd at the capitol, the house lest night wed the naval appropriation bill, erring approximately -fi88.ew.00Q nd authorising the construction of he battleship, six torpedo boat d* troyere Bnd four submarines. An mend men t to provide for one battlehip instead of too as recommended I the touiiuittee. was eairied by a ute of 174 to 16C. IKTHODIST ('HURCH WOHKKHii MAKE GOOD REPORTS. The First Methodist Church rsyer meeting last evening was irell ttended, and an encouraging Interest waa shown not only in the lesson yr the day, but also in the work of lie church, aa was brought out in the hurch- conference following the regIar prayer service. The pastor's report was exceedingr gratifying: the Sunday-school reort showed wonderful improvelent; the treasurer's showing was redltable. ICHOI.SOWILLK PRAYER , MEETING. Cottage prayer meeUag will be eld in Nicholsonvllle tmorrow evenlg at 7:30 in the home of Miss [amie tlailey? at" 222 East Fifth treat. The topic to>& discussion will e a- Bible study of the cuotom of hurch going. , A large attendance is desired, and II who may feel lnc\tned to he preset are cordially invited an dassured f spiritual inspiration. r UNCALLED FOR LETTERS. List of letters remaining uncalled :>r in this office for the week endig February 22, 1212: Men?O. R. Brown, Thomas H. loyd, J. R. Canady, Heber Cowell, I. B. Coven, Pamer Cobb. P. P. lax ton, Dave Clark, Charlos Gaa111, Jorge Hornhtne,M. Holland, Li chard Heabroum, Assle Johnson, fua Jefferson, Walter Lyles, H. L. ath&m (2), Aleas Mela, P. R. Powrs, Charlie Rone, W. D. Stell. A. D. wlndelt, A. M. Tuck, A. O. Thomas, oe Woraley, C. M. Wilson. Women?Mrs. Walter Pell, Mr.i faggie Barnett, Miss Ella Corbee, Use Lillle Clark, Mrs. Captain Eg era, Mrs. Linch. Miso Bertha Laget, llss Crecy Moore. Mrs. Nancy Mc'aller. Miss Katie Padgett. Mise earner Snencer. MIm T.mra A Vlolr liu Rom Yeth. IR. LAMB LEA\-ES FOR ?WILLIAM8TON: Ht. Luke Lamb of Williamston, rho for the put several days has an the guest or Lieutenant Charles "Morton, commanding officer of the IXlh. Division of Naval Reserves, bac 5ft for his home in Williamston. Mr. Lamb not long ago passed the tate bar examination in Raleigh, le bu not yet decided definitely rbere be will practice his pro feeIon. % . K. HOYT IB RKCEIYIN? DAILY the latest novelties in Dress Ooodc In the ne^ir Silks and Bordered Ratines and Crepes. _ Merchan r< lUUi VJ< The reputation of every me of hie customers. The real m advertises Is exactly as It is r establishes confidence In his st ments, and Increase bis busln H* knows that no woman i not set right treatment,, vrheth the service of the store. And her influence goes furtta Read the ^advertisements Jo stantly every day. They conU merchants who have the confld< They afe ready to eerre yea UUUIUUIII1 UUliI ullullULi JOB EDUCATION iUcbmond,' Fob.' 17.?Railroads, bankers, manufacturers and business men of every kind have a vital Interest In the coming Sixteenth Conference, for Education la the South, which meets at Richmond, Va.. April 16-18. For the fltaft tto* there . UM?ea QieaalMO. to I Business Hen. T?e purpose of thin Is to devise ways and means to make the Southern farmer more prosperous. The business men will first consider the reasons why the^ Southern farmer Is not getting rut the crops of which his soli la cipsble, and will then take np tho work which commercial bodlea can do to increase this yield, as viewed in the tight of thp results already obtained by such bodies as the Louisville Commercial Club, and the Commercial Clnb of Duluth. They will alao look Into the tenant evil, the extent of which is indicated by the fact that from one-third to two-thirds of the j farms In _lhfi_fiouthecn States are worked by tenants. The appalling fact that farmers have to pay twenty and sometimes forty per cent a year for their cash capital will also receive consideration. With all the facts tn hand* ^tlre business men will then proceed to the formnlation of?-a plan whereby these retarding factors In the South'a prosperity may be eliminated. The Conference has invited all interested firms, commercial bodies, boards of trade, towns and cities to send representatives to the Richmond meeting. The invitation is sIbo extended to individual merchants, bankers, manufacturers and railroad officials concerned with having a country filled with prosperous farm : DELIGHTFUL BIRD SUPPRR. Mrs. Henry Bridgeman entertained most delightffily Monday evening at a bird supper, those present being l^tsa Isabel lb Carter, Mlas Mary Carter, Miss Caddie Fowle, Miss Mary Clyde Haasell, Miss feanette i Whltmore, And Messrs. Roy Kear, J. D. Calais, Dave Carter and Herman |c?rw?w. _ ts Want ood Will. rchant depends on the good will erchant sees that everything he presented to be. In this way he ore. his goods, and his advertlseess steadily and surely, vin return to his store it she dofs er in the quality of the gx>ds or NJ er, for ehe can tell her friend. > The Daily Newt cicely end cooda timely eaaoaacmente of the taee ud goodwill oT the city, with the beet ot ererythlns at HH *' y j )A1LV ON. FIIKUART ft, IMS. Colder n i ttUISSB H alttoa iftrth moatioa. Ike J as 11 corrupt practical hill, which was 1 trodnced early la tko aodeloa, pas* Ita necoad and third readiaga la t) Heoee yeoterday. Net area ? ? U roil call demanded. Some mla amendments ware adopted, kat the were aot opponed by the anther ai friends of the hUJ. If the aeua become# law, end there 1# little den! greatly curtail the *46 el. aoae} ; effort# to aeonre nomiaatloma tor flee ini North Carolina mad It JM tond to parity the political at ate phere at the State. t C. WQOTEN DIES_ INFAYETIEViLL 61. Mr. T.iLH7?? Of ttila flaca, paw ad away this morning la Fayettevli] according to a message received i the home of Mr. Mrera, en Ba Main street today. For several days past, Mr. Mye has been la rfsyetteville at the he aide el hla brother-la-law. who hj been dangaroualy ill. The decent la survived by hia wife, hla mothe a aon 13 yeara of age, and two brotl - era. _ No definite funeral arranges*en hare yet been made. The body wl arri vadn -Washington torawrrovf Arei Ing, and after the wishes of tl atrickea relative* are aacertaine the funeral announcement will 1 made. Mr. J. F. Bishop of Beihaven is U guest of Mrs. D. F. Simmons ujk West Second street. SHIPPINGNEWS Tpe schooner, "Jennie Bell," fro Bethel. Delaware, Capt. James Wl llams, has discharged a cargo coi elstlng ofT 0,000 bushels of corn at 200 bushels of coal at the Havoi Drain Mill. The vessel, which la oi of the largest now lying In poi , comparing favorably In size with tl "Elfrlda." will take on a cargo i lumber for the return trip. It . rumored that another vessel is all Boon with a cargo of West lndl? The Relief," of Ocracolce, Cap W. P. Hal lance. is in port with cargo of shad. The "Maud~and "Reginald," Cap J. W. Dudley, la again in port. The "Marblehead," of Hatters 1 Capt. C. B. Ballance, ia in port wit a load of flflfh. The "Shlloh," of Tarboro, Cap W. A. Parvip. ia In port. The veas ia owned by "the Tar River Oil Co. The "Elfrida," which probably a tracts more attention than any othi boat on the river, ia Belhg thorougl ly overhauled for the trip to Was! ing(on, D. C., whore she will can the Sixth Division of Naval Reserv* to the Inauguration. The "Nautilus," of Blounta Cree The "Julia V.," an oyBter boi ' Capt. C. B. Edwards, ia still in poi from Vandemere, Capt. D. L. Vollv Is in port. The "Two 8isters." of Hyde Cout ' ty Capt. Waahlngtpn JohnsonT" ' again in port. The "Loulaa Watt," an oyator boi from Goose Creek, Capt. Martin M Kinnoy, is lying in port. The "Gold Mine," of Hyde Com tj, Capt. Willis Pettit, has discharj ed a cargo of country produce. The "C. H. Sterling," owned t the local flBh company of that nam Is again In port. ' The "Columbia," of Hattera Capt. Styron, la In port with a heai fcWa of floh. The "Jupiter," of Philadelphli Capt. B. H. Newton, owned by tb fr. W. Munn'Co., la still In port tal ing on a load of lumber. The "J. F. Morris." of Oaylor Capt. George N. Sadler, la In port. The "Annie Wahab," of Ocraook Capt Williams, has just brought \ some excellent clams. COTTON MARKET. | Lint Cotton, 18c vs 1 Ns. 149 ndents her Live Notes jnitur? Company, attended saif/fCea at - | ~~ the Christian church Sunday..' J Mr. and Mrs. M. M. ';/* child ran of Bonaerton -apeat ouaday D in lgdward. ? ? f Lj5S r. ^ There was a nice little eatertAln^ theat given Friday nighi aJt\k* /J HS3CE3EBBlE! jE G?p6 5535 Si e srhsol > 0 * | WIXDI.KV MHOOI. HOtftH. I t i j Mrs. En>ly?Ppyd and dauaAi?r._^_^_^=J i County Correspo ? Gat1 . MKWOWK. Mr. David Boyd had the misfoi ? tin it J>wt hie Bih lirt wsh.~ Mr. Telfair Waters, who has bee contned to hi* feed for the past set K?1 ???*> 'T?>old Bcuaoaii - is not aajr better at thla writing ce Mies See Sawyer attended th - teachers' meeUas at Waehftlgto sh Saturday 16 Mr. W. P Jeferaoa is very ill it M hie koae. tr Mr. sad Mrs. Qeo. V. Boyd wer 80 Waahlagtoa visitors .Monday 14 Mu*ra J. i. L. *. Hurria la ra business visitors la Washington Sat orday W . Mr. BtdWard WhUr* *UU cufclUiua 'D ?ery ill at his home with typboi lever. His mmny friends k>pe k " Will soon he oa the road to recot sry- % Mr. Qeerge p. Boyd was a busl sees ylhitor to Teateavllie Tuesda; afteraooa. % Mr. Them as J. Waters yasse< E array at his home Sunday night, Fel rsary 23. alter a long and lingerlni Illness The deceased was 74 year old at- the time of his death, am * was greatly Liked by all who knei ?- him, ftar. K, IL Harri&dh conduct e. ed the fnneral serrlcee. si Interment was in the old famll; t burvinr crouad. He will ha aadl' alaeed. r* Mr. H. H Waters is ou thv sicl i- Uat. a MIm Caaaie M. Waters returue< Ml feotM Monday after spending never* ? *?eXi awajfroa home It- 4 It. F. ?. Ne. 4. U Rev. J, M. Bribers .conduct services at Asbury Methodist churcl >e Sunday morning. At night Mr. M ' G. Singleton held services. Btot'l 10 services were well attended ant much enjoyed. The many friends of Mrs. Mar te garet A. Woolard will be sorry ti >n learn that ahe had the misfortune t< fall and break her aru Sunda; morning. lflr. John Fenner Cutler ot Je* an ma was here Sunday. Mrs. LUzle Woo lard speut Wed m nesday with Mrs. Cahe Cutler. Mrs. Dave Bennett and Mm. Jams Q_ Bennett were In our midet Wednee uJ day afternoon. 1B Miss Ella Mae Eboru was a gues ie of her couslna, dim Miaaes. Congle t ton, one evening last week. Mrs. Mamie G. Mixon and Misse of Stella and Annie Congleton visit jg Mr. and Mrs. Katie Woolard Wed J0 nesday afternoon. in Mr.4Jam??B E. Woolard was a gues at Mr. William A. Congleton's Fri day night. 1 ' Mrs. Maggie Cutler and Miss Don Congleton were gueets of Mrs. W. fl D. Eborn Thursday afternoon. The school at Piny Grove schoo house closed Friday. The man: 5j triads of Miss Braddyj_the efflclen teacher, regret to part with her an< trust she may teach for us a^ain ii >t. the future. el We are sorry to note the illness - of Miss Laura Bright, t- Mrs. C. A. flutter spent Ttteeda; Br with Mrs. Charlie Singleton. * b- There will be an entertainment a h- the C. B. H. hall Friday night Feb ry ru&ry 28, 1913. It la free and ever; ea body is Invited. Miss Fannie Congleton spent Sun fc, day with the Misses Congleton. at Mr. Wiley Dickinson was a gues t. of his sister, Mra. Cabe Cutler, Sat a, urday night. a- EDWARD. 18 Misses Love Gdvardx and Rutl it Bennett, who are teaching neai c- Washington, came home Friday at ternoon on the W. A V. train t< t?- spend a day or two. I- Mr. Cam Stlllcy. who has a posl tion at Oriental, is at home on t >y visit. s, Miss Maud Tuten and Mr. Johi Bland were married at the home ol b, the bride last Sunday morning, y Misses Harrison and 8tilley at tended the teachers' meeting at Ana, rora Friday. ? te Master Robert Kafer haa been a t- Washington the past week for treat ment for an absoess of the throat at Mltfa Lena Jones, who is teachiai at Bath, spent last Saturday aat e, Sunday with her parents. In Mesdames p. B. Latham and J W. Swindell spent Thursday befort last with Mrs.- H. D. BUI ley a Blounts Creak. Rev. Hudson filled Ms regular ap polntmeht at the Christian chord Mis* Joannie Boyd. were vii^Tlng. e friend* at this place Sunday. A crowd. or our young n tended Sunday school at Aj^t^Sel Sunday evening + A crowd attended the aie party Saturday night at the O.iiorno school house from this place.8 Mr-, Cleveland Harris and Mr. J. B. Osborne tnnde a business f?jp to Plymouth. M. t\, Thursday iatd>Mr. and Mrs. John Boyd wore the f guest* of her mother. Mrs. frrii. Harris. Sunday. Mr. J. Z. Bowen is repairing bin telephone line form this piaon t? Plnetown. N. C. . Mr Thadeug Wallace from Hodhaven mgde a business trip to thiu place Saturday. Miss Dora Bowen aud Mt?l T3fliw ' Latham were guests of Mr. aii Mrs. A. H Harris Saturday night. There will be a pie party Uare^^gpturdny nigiit. March >tli. The pipflkc. is invited to attend. ACHE. MTOT Elotsc Havenporftras-^rfmr ed' from Washington, where ajP%?h been spending a few days. She vffi* . accompanied home by Miss Maud Jlfwu.' T" '' Miss Odessa Crunipler spent Sat urdny with Mrs. C. Harris. 1 Mr. Joe Paul of l'ungo speat Saturday?titght ufftd Sunday -with bin- t f. uncle. Mr. L. H. Harris. liessr-. -J. .and .X,.il^_ijUj.rii? - ' ?. ? : rnatlt' a biKinH*? rrln tn w-ier, .nS>n.. a-Saturday. > * Miss Lizzi6 Latham of S)ate*u>ne was the guest of her cousins, Mfroon Mattle and Maggie Windley. Saturday night. j Misses Mattie Woolurd and Odussu Crurapler were visitors at Mr. J. T. B Boyd's Sunday. Mr. Fenner Paul of Washington was the guest or His grandmother. Mrs. Mary Harris, Sunday. The quill and pie party at Osborau school house Saturday night was a B great success. There was a largo crowd in attendance and $40.55 was raised which will go toward erecting: _ a new scliooL huildint whi< h is badly needed. Miss Bffie Latham. Miss Dora Bowen and Mr. and Mi's. Ah. Harris 11 were visitors at Mr. J. F. .Windley'? ? Sunday. ^ Miss Jennie and Miss Lula Boyd. Hgnry Newberry and Hasst-l Beyd * were the guests of Miss Maggie ^ Windley Sunday .evening. Mr. Hubert Bowen was an Acre visitor Saturday afternoon. 8 ZION. y There will be service at Zlon Subt day, March 2, at 11 o'clock. Also . Sunday night 7:30. y Miss Helen Harvey was the guest. of Miss Emma Cutler at Jessama . Sunday. ** Building tobacco- barns seaiua to t be all the go now. J ~\ Miss Georgia Marsh of Bath ! visiting her sinter, Mrs. E. G. Tankard. - Miss Olive Cutler and Miss Margaret Harvey visited at the home of i Mr. C. C. N. Cutler's Saturday night. ^ The Woman's Auxiliary will meet at Mrs. J. S. Cutler's Saturday af> ternoom Mr. Elbert Respess and sisters - were visitors at Mr. T. H. Harvey's i Sunday night. , * SINGLETON. Miss Znla Wtll&rd spent Saturday - night and Sunday with Miss Cdttle Singleton. Little Pearlie Ball, who met with t the misfortune to get badly burned - sometime ago. is lota better now, we are glad to aay. > I Mr. Asa Singleton. Misses Myrtle I ud Znlm Wlllwd W*N iMcti ?r Friend. at Swnln.Und Sunday BTM- ? rfn a ? . ' . . ; u>i nnn kuwii gwlting 01 J t IH, M wo tan good IttMdUM. l???n. Mid good collection nmtr J - inlti. Iwfliodr In Mrdln. i ItIKhI to attnad, 1:10 being tha

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