No. 10? Boat Wotar Butt \ " " ~ Entered os secend-elees matter | August I, ISO*, ot the poteolloe ot Washington, N. C.. under the act ot Be -March S. 1470. m Month $ U Btj. -immf Mnhim . .r. :. .:.. 1.00 K ' 81* Month* . l.SO One Year ?.0? Sobacrlbera desiring the paper discontinued will please notify this ofr (Ice on ante ot expiration, otherwise fc. .it will be continued ot regular aubucrlpUon rotes until notice to stop ^ Ma received. ^ It you do not got the Dolly New* promptly telephne or write the mon.iger. and the complaint will receive aunedlate ottentlon. It 1* oar doure to please you. pr- n. , "All ortlclea sent to the Dally Newt Per publication must be algnod by the writer, otherwise they will not ht published. , TUESDAY. MAR. J. 1913. I"- liMtmrKKS .WD 1UH>KS, Next Thursday evening Dr. Stanley L. Krebe deliver* a free* lecture. "Suggestions on Advertising. Salesmanship. and City Expansion." It Is to tn tinnprf thi' nponli" will not hi- In-'. .! to uii<>r-?'htlinato the cater.Utnt^tnt. a:> well as the Instruction, afforded by this lecture which given every prospect. of being worth a good pr. of admission merely oerause h is lr??Let it be borne in niind that as a mutter of fact it costs a good deal to get T)r KnjJbs here. Th? Chamber of 'oaimerre bears the expense inst> -d <%f you paying your money lor tlit .'. Foard of School Trustees ha- i.rr.inget! an admirable system of '* lectures, comprising in the, IV -peafceia; i\>Jle?re professors, wv are Authorities in their reaper-J Kv> r. . be* . mi* h as l>r. K. *V. | <: >-? :t Wnke Kor-M. Proi. N. W.J \v : of ritl.'nsvorsit:'. and Prof. : :<vookH of Trinity. public men | .-a- r . - < .uiurossiiiau .'ohn H. Small i v Hubert Kui.soiv. Williams: u, fit r like Pushup Uolu-rt ?*!... '.ike t'lnrenee > or hers T!u? traveling ex" r-?ri :n'H' uf a. fvot (hHisiisttii from pub?; elTirvu* ami soe'e:Us. *- .* W drv.olr.v e\??njnc a free . 1,1 !o de!'V.-rr.l At the First , fhureli hv ilev. K. M.j He.', who is experienced in enter-j in n.n:. and comes with the express] pu*t"S?- of cheering us up. w ith pys-1 sih!y'u f*-w pills of morality skilfully ad. .jlist* rd now and then. ??. ?- Ji-n-uvo gjcat. ways of Jiraaiienius.' on- - -i\:t'.ook upon life are sitting at i th? .eet nf competent teach -rs and readies Tl?*- Washington Public Library provides rhe latter method, which is li> ,jr the luore general. No niniter how sveat the teacher, he can place ; his :??'uat presence in but one place at a nme, but through his books he may impart wisdom in a thousand nlrtces at once. In these free lectures and books may he discerned the beginning ot :?n era when everything educational ?whether Incidentally entertaining or no*?will be paid for by .society for ih? benefit of society. Til.* is not necessarily So'ialiam. hut merely the working our 01 that .'-.indadental principle of democracy, that the strong in a community j should help the weak, se as to pro-; vl?*e "*<tual opportunities for nib" basketmm" I IkP MFYIfSN NIFIFF imm-ummau mmim. Durham. March 1.?Tnnduy night Trinity defeated Wake Forest or the latter'.* floor in a same of hatchet ball i>y the store of 16 to IS. At this same the Trinity boys acre accorded the worst treatment ever iccelved by a Southern team from a rontem. porary Institution It seems that the naptipte had never lost a game to a North t'arolina college on their home floor, and they got rather sore over It A few minutes before the end of . ploy, the game was interrupted by a general rush of the spectators, who attacked several of the Trinity players, the referee and umpire. Order wm, however, reatore^^aitcr a few minute* of n life-aised imitation of a Mexican revolution in full sway, by the saner spectators and officials. r For Sale A Number One Lot of Second Crop Re_d Bliss I' Seed Potatoes Cheap to quick cash buyers. BAUGHAM FARMS V fet ' . | WORTI Springtime w hand. You should It in all its splendor ' ,The feeling oi ?j tcr consider the ad\ Numerous apologies were accorded ' the Trinity boys by the students o( Wake Forest for the unseemly treat?> o? Iks hands si ihs tengh ale ment or the college. an Invitation from the Odd Number Club of Sigma Upsilon, the literary club of the University of North Carolina. to Joiis In a prose-fiction contest, which is to be held In the spring by the general order of Sigma Upsilon. Sigma Upsilon is a national liter- ^ ary fraternity, holding chapters in ^ many colleges throughout the South ^ the local chapter of the order at Chapel 11111. The prose-Action' contest closes the first of April. Kach ' chapter nf Sigma Upsilon may send ' two manuscripts to contest for the ' prize. -*?htch will consist of a hand- ' some ring with a scarab setting. Following the recent revival serv- 1 Ices, an appropriate program was the 1 feature of the Y. M. ('. A. uiutee conducted last Wednesday nigln^Bb main thought of the evening, wnch w,i? expressed in talks by several of :!?? members, was Christian activity in relation with right living. Mr. Kemp 1*. Neal spoke on fie' subject. "Prayer, ami what it menus to the Christian " Mr. 11 W. Kuark diseased the importance of work in Christian living. Mr. T. 1). 1 layman spoke iv lengtli on the theme. "Christ ? " a Man ' Mr. H. U. Hill brought ilie meeting tc a close by emphasizing the Importance of a systematic llible study and by outlining a method of study to be'pursued. The preliminary for the coming debate with the I'niverlsty of South Carolina was hold Tuesday night in the Hesperian hall. Those who won out in the preliminary and who will represent Trinity in the debate, which will take place in Columbia, S. 1*7". March 25. are as follows: Quinton Holton. Durham: J. R. Davis. Shelby; H. M. Ratcliffe. MrFar-j land, and H W. Kuark. Soutliport. as | alternate ' ... Brings Send $5 for The Clb est Model?No. 5?the ri For the price of a s writer. You can pay the This irresistible "$5 versa} typewriting is com ink has been brought al ? T This ts the typewrite est firms and corporation: swiftest and by far the c metal frame-work, xnakln feet upon It. No Ex Most people prefer t beautiful type is obtainab It Is the greatest stj e&tily read type in exist* , the world's printing pre* : m The Oliver Typewrit r 4. AhA I* ? * \ WHILE THO lth alt its brightness an live where you are next as do those In Washingto freedom and freshness Is antagc and seeure the lot A. Throw Away Yoi ? Here'a a B Oh: What Joy!. C!a**weir s 111vcr-A Shape and Ends QoartlptioP or Money Back. Aal Yon don't want calomel: yon don" teed it. It shocks the liver. It's Ilk aklng a heavy club to get actio: Irom a horse when a gentle tap fror k_Rmall whip would do the wnrlt h?l :er. * You surely do need CARSWEM/: LIVBR-A ID because It not only put ictlon into your Hver, but strength lpalth and vigor Into the whole bod is well. It drives out the poisons from you jystem and does It quickly because I itomach all at once. The Par On lis! Wnlnevtjr. Jin. 1?t. the Pare? lhal a yrry Ijitf number ut.ilom. ,m t rate a I IKMIIS*. We havp arran&cil a sp aMond (n mail orilt Ta Oar CastomTS on I I IT w c ?ant i The ?mi!l wril a* (ho larsc item'.'an-l 3rr in p<i>il[on to vrvc yim belter thi Ciivo iii atria] mil'^r can luurr vou Nrailr rvprroni" ? ill Hjvc (omethio; l< for ihv scale you will arid lo weigh iht We will furnish YOU 1 rates of the new Parcels Po t'Al?Vou Harris Ha $5 Oliver Ty] tor Typewriter?the jnachine .rill pgnlar $100 machine?with no extT ;ood fountain pen you/WCUMi ^ho balance at the rate of 17 cents aS offer" is sweeping everything heft ling. The triumph' of tho typewrite >out by the same machine that int Ilv. a. ?XWL4VE11? TypeWri-tkr he Standard Visible Wriu r whose high efficiency has made it b. It is the simplest of *11 atandai lost versatile. The moving parte t g the machine so strong that the fe tra Charge for "Prin o have the machine equipped to si le only on The Oilver Typewriter. 1e Improvement ever evolved tor mee?the type which conforms to i roes! n Success with the (Hit er aids suceess-seekera la a mnltit life stories of achleremet would All ioIiuum. No matter what your i store, shop or hone?Tb? prove itaelf a groat cons money-maker. It stands for order and Is the risible evidence of C owner. Young people wll Ollror Typewrotern aro Can you afford to let $5 wucoeaa? Send For Special Circi Full details regarding tl Plan, beautiful catalog an< ten In Prlntype will be set I>et this $5 offer awak f The Oliver Typewriter and may own it. Remember?$5 only anc Typewriter I . , 5A LIS I ) THE OLIVER TYPEV Oliver Type writs r I w c UGHTS. ! ======= ?7- 1 d story ts near at to nature and see n Park. worth while. Betat jflaof, . | C HATHAWAY. _ i jr Calomel Rtfpr T ,ivpr Remedy \ ?? ? 4 id StaHa Lmij Urtr, Working in Mnr . IHnrinww and Birk Headache t Hardy'* .Drug .Htore. ?. : r It | It 1* guaranteed to be a purely v?f0 otable liquid remedy that will forever a end the misery of constipation, aiek a headaofce, dlssiness, malaria and oth- t - ?r ccBBOa ailments without the dia- ^ 1 ' tTSSs of nausea or griping. 5 , Throw - away calomel and get a s generous bottle of CARSWBLL'8 , L LIVER-AID today. It's a grand rem- . y edy, harmless and pleasant to. take 3 and children take It as freely as r grown nps. If it doesn't bring Joyful t satisfaction your raoeyn back. BOc. ? at Hardy's Drug Store. J s eels Post ftli Pot! liv* went Into rf'cct Th:? meant > be sent to you by Pjrcvls i'osI it a km* J pcial dppartmpnt that will * ?rs and forward them t!ir first oot ftoint mail. , four Business I wc 'o-rl tkKit with our comnl"tiV stock a say concern in K*?icrn North Carolina, wc will tike good celof your bu?inr*?. t ship by ParcelsPo?l. Send u> jour order packages you send. J FREE a card giving you the ist law. s r Service." i rdware Co. ii \ x 3e writer come a-flylii'g. The new- ^ a charge for Priatype. World's Greatest Typel^y tr The era of uni- 11 r overpfhsUtivc pen-*nd- ** roduced visible writing. ^ ! tr D( " * III Of ' in "" tr tb tr J-v Lv the choice of the greatrd typewriters, yet the rork freely in a solid at lardeat usage has no ef- ^ IU itype" ?r s rtlte in Mntyp?. Jhla " re typewriter!?the . most wi that In nnirersal uso on Ti w? -r ude of waji. The real- ? it that <*4Ut areuad U rork may be?In offlce. ? Oliver Typewriter win enlence and an aetual E > !?? and succesa. It P he progress* mm>*? of |u tl^ brains, ambition and CI succeeding" everywhere. C; stand between you and gl ilar and Art Catalog, le Oliver Easy-Purchasei a specimen letter writ- B it you on request. 81 en you to your need of T the ease with which you 0 I on . comes The Oliver ? a )I1T 0 HUTER .COMPANY * Wf.. Chicago. Ill ^ v H / " "und"l^U?T"lB^^rtMo tr?T LlTi ?ZK\ JnilleT lud.-mMofc Mmty S Ar*r*| turchased from her husband. David i lyera baton marriage, and ha. aeld I Lfan, pdrchaaed aald land from U II I. Britten and helrai aald land la ully daaeribed In a dead from John I. Bloom. Clark and Commtaaloner. o Elianbeth Dudley, dated Nonmber llth, 1?7?. dUd lenlatnrnd-tn booh4 S. pace P. In thd Reglater'a office of laaafort County. It being the aame and oonreyed to aald B.J. Ay era by I . _ m a - a - a T~| . . .,..1, -- aaat. IftAft I :e?a flitwl uecemtmr nrtn. isye.t rhich la recorded In Book 11?. pixel IS. containing 140 acres. bein$ an I indlrlded one-half interest therein. || telng the aame iaaa SWHM tt TUG II lnn?ta mortfff, 1 This February 20tli. Kit. HA88ELL SUPPLY CO. j larry McMullan. Attorney. 3-4-4wc NOTICE. All peraonB are hereby notified not o hire; habor or give credit to archie HardUon, a minor. J. R. HARDISON. ? R.T. D. No. S. Box 41. 2-26-1 vc iORKOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Route of the > "NIGHT EXPRESS." ichedule in Effect January 5. 19IS. N. B.?The following schedule figires published as lnformalion only nd are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON. North Bound. :35 a. m. Daily?Night Express. Pullman Bleeping Cars to Norfolk. 0:40 a. m. Daily?For Norfolk. Connects Tor all points north and west, Parlor Car Service. , :50 p. m,?Dally except Sunday for Belhaven. West Round. i:50 a. m.?Daily except Sunday for ureenvllle, Wilson and Raleigh. Connects North. South and West with all lines. !:20.p. m.?Daily for Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh. Droller Parlor Car 8ervlce. 1:27 a. m.?Daily. Pullman Sleep, ing Cars for Greenville, Wilson and Raleigh. Connects North, South and West. Soutii Bound. 1:27 a. in.?-"Daily for ^-Jew Bern, Kineton and Goldsboro. Pullman Sleeping Cars. :45 a. m.?Daily except Sunday for New Bern. 1:30 p. m.?Daily for New Bern, For further information and reser-* at Ion ofc Pullman Slcoplng Car pace, apply to'T. H. Myers, Wash In gon. N. C. W. W. CROXTON. Gen'l Passenger Agent. C. A WITT. Gen'l Supt , Norfolk. Va. XACGUKATIOX TKNSIDK^T WII/ROX.f INAUGURATION* SPECIAL TO WASHINGTON. D. C. VIA . SOUTHERN RAILWAY, Sunday. March 2nd. 1913. Special train consisting of Pulllan Sleeping Cars and Day Coaches ill leave Raleigh at 8:00 p. m.. iRhiay. March 2nd. 1913. Arrive rashingtort, D. C., 7:05 a. m.. Moniy. March Vd , Returning special 1 ain will leave Washington. D. C.. 1:10 p. m., Tuesday, March 4th, >13. Do not wait until Monday. March d to leave home, as account heavy J avol account this occasion you may >t arrive Washington in time for mugurai Parage. Take advantage this Special Train. Spend one day Washington seeing the many at~ actions and be there hi time fur " e Inauguration on the 4th. ' Individual Parti*-. 2S SCHEDULE Round TV Parr. More Raleitti tSrM $M> - 94.M Durfcam %. f M MS M Burtiastna 10.17 PM M0 S.H Rates from points Durham to reensboro will be same as quoted tove from Dprham. Tickets wtH *be on sale February tth, March 1st. 2nd and 3rd. Finel nit March 10th; 1913. Tickets ? 111 also be good on all tegular,' alns. For detailed' Information, special , arty arrangements. Sleeping Car nervations, etc., ask your sgent or? rite J. C. JONB8, raveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. ' . * > * A8HINOTON PRODUCE MARXKT TUESDAY," MAR 4. 1*13, ggs .... .? .. ., .. . . tie tick Eggs ... . .1?? *?? 40c hlckene, yoong. . ....... t* to hlckent, grown . 30 to S5c heorlfngs ... ..... . .5c to 25c eese. ea<;h . . ?0c. amb shlnf, etch 15 to 20c " cos Wax . . . . . 2?w beep sktna, each .. x. . . 30c to 50c allow .. . . 5c ry flint hides, per lb .14c ry hides, d'ged, per lb . . . . <c to ?c . reen salted Hides,. .. .... .. lie reen HldM. . 10c J ?ed Cotton Jc. to 4 l-4c i *r skin ?!t .. lie < . B Pen. l.l? to 1.10 bu>. ' cer Skin flint tfe ' ; lVjlti '---I " UOidAboro ,* . . 10.OS New BernTT?.*!'; 9.90 jR5 52221 i|g Plymouth " " * ' 7*tS 10-05 eXnotfc^l?Wl?c cv and atataroom Ti dataUad Information from "any W. W. CROXTON. (IwIPhmh linl. Norfolk, V. l-??-ood to M Chilly Mornings Cool Nights Rather difficult .to keep the house at the proper temperature. Can't Hght the furnace yet a3 it Is too warm during the middle of the day, but | some heat is needed In | the morning and after j auuuuwn. Use a Vulcan Odorless Gas Heater Makes a room comfortable in five minutes Poattivalr Odorless Absolutely Sanitary Hhaiqton m 8 Water Cn. trt a news want ad f| -WEBSTEICS fjlNTERNATlONAMn ' DlCTWHAFY \ THE MERR1AM WfflSTEK? I Because " *? hhw crea. tiqht, mrf HOTEL RAYMOND 42 -Cast 28tb'Street New York City EUROPEAN PLAN SI.BO Per Day and Up \MKR1CAX PLAN V yl I3JM Per Day and Up | prrij! ntn py tkr week or month. Jn.pedlca vited. Reference exchanccd. A Q?*f?t family o*rl. rr< ommood^l ladie. rWtf* New Vork If; *lon.-. Upon requcat by letter or Tetepb<*e M5 MaJUjo ^tiarc. a mc?cnrtT will meet ? u MARK A. CADWr.l I. { ?* ?? II.A. DuW Jr. k LtaterC. I OAMHL * WABXUHN I* I Hi!> ! ?t ?.nir - : -/ I * WMhlBftOBi North Osxdfeu * I iHf^'? tt . * I ?^?t?_ ! #,?? ?% ? lm JR. :?: ? ?-? It* ttiwt a Mau. _ I * ltfllMl MP & RODMAN * 1V . '? ;**^ttr>rii?f**t I Waahiagtoi,North Otfuttut. II * r * * II* AttVMVMhJtiMr I I f WMhtaitra. N. C. j We *r actio* 'J? tl* coiur * the Flm Judicial District *rd fih* " re"*rtl Celts. yi H i I * JOUli EL BOJQOBB * Attnr?| M 1mm ' I WAMHDfOTOW, *. C, m * fl.A.PHILLir8ABBOn | * ran lrouBAJKm H * * WASHIROTOH, *. a I I * WD. Qvaai I TTi I n,,Vn nth^Tl l lilhi II I * Practices In *11 the Courts. ? s John H. Small A. D. MacLaao ' FRANK H HRYA!*^ Small, Maclean A Bryan AttOTOoyo-at-Lnw Washington. Noi.Jj Carolina HARRY KcHIILLAK, Attorney-at-Lanr. " Dr. Rodman Bids., B. Mala St. Washington. North Carolina. " KI)WARD la STEWART Attarney-at-Law. Washington, N. C. a- a ? ? . m a count h. auuiM Auornayon-Uw . OflnhdsodfiMOaM^. a I *?" *?, a Washington. M. C. a *- NORWOOD L SIMMONS * Waahlngton. N. 0. * * TBOB. s. long, Attorney-at-Law. Waahlngton. N. c. Offleo and- Floor flartaca and . Treat B nil ding. PraotRan In all ? 8tata Conrta. a a o a a a . a : .* a 7 7 7' , A. D. ItaaLaan, ' Waahlngton. N. c. W. A. Thonsaaaa, Anaara. N. c. Mr J. BAN * TIWIhMWH. Attaraoyo-at-law, - Aurora and Washington, tt. C. -/ ? "u- >, i 1 1 nx , None*. ?&'' ., , . ^ ?* 1*11 Shut 'in ba introdnood M tfc. jgnt Oanoral AasamMj atlawMg Ihojrtrsi aptlat cbnroh, Wsshtagt?, R e., ramovo tka gram Dam "Its honada. g ~r T IN?III rah. l. ma. indfii i I-lJ-Jt a wh-s? days 1 THT DAII.Y NEWS WAWT AD. .Aft!* _ lilt * - <?& r.rniielnfl Trtek ef Meeeeogers. ? Tht itanp trick la a T#ry common on wtth meaMBgars beeauae of the amount of amusement derived from Itft eonslsta in sticking a new at amp oc a atep or some prominent place, and watching the various *t;ampta of jwaanMy to pkifc It up, which, of con ran, era unsuccessful.?Uoadipn uaiL . i ' :l *, > v/< IftvV " " '' ' ' '*?j^ /. '' '? . "X Suhacrlba to Tha Dally Newt.

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