W, j w fill 1?If*1 II lltl 14nir! .-v.-' ii Hi 11P TwWr^ FISl STILL i -T ?: According to authoritative infoi uiatlon received today, the "Eirrlda^ la badly damaged and still stuck fai The revenue cutter, "Pamlico, has palled out the mast and torn of the rail In an earnest endeavor to dls| 1 Raltii Uwi iuul Hum Urn Uwd. Only a faw of her original "ere* are toft on board, most of them hav j- tag toft for Norfolk or come on had . home to Washington, i The "Elfrida" sailed away dowi the river from here Friday aftornooi bearing the Sixth Dhrlalon of Nara Ueservee; Lieutenant Charles P. Ifor ton commanding. Before she wai scarcely oat of sight the ship wai {? aground, and was thus delayed Xm j about an hour and a half. Despltx this slight accident, the bftys kep< j up their spirits and the voyage wai pursued. But at BayBlde, she rai ;. aground again, and Monday news wai received that ahe was once more faai at Powell's Point, between the AI be marie and Currituck Sounds. Mis hap after mishap occurring in aucl ajfe1 rapid succession banished sll hope o: getting to the national capital li J - time to march in the parade, anc most of those on board left the ship as aforesaid. ELEPBAMT WWh GEISON fl SPREI ~,i V New -York, March 6.?Alice, a ga> ILL . .and giddy young 5,*00-pound Indlar ^ elephant at the Bronx Zoo, 1s tender ly cherishing an aching head thlt f .morning in the intervals of trump j etlng for Ice water' and wonderlnj . what caused the general grayne6s ol ^lhe diwii. ,s You see, Alice's corral mate ^ Khartum, has been suffering from red some medicine for him that con tains a large percentage of alcohol ^ Yesterday morning Keeper Dial Si . xicnaro* entered tile corral, carry i ' lng with him a quart bottle filled with Khartum's medicine. J net as he was about to administei a dose he was called away in such t ' i . hurry that he forgot the bottle and left it in the corral. When he re turned the bottle was empty, and AJiee,-a^Utan.unuBually,ayji?t_aac vlrtuons expression, was gazing pen sivelj at the sky. ..v . About half an hour later ther< I were doings in> the elephant house Richards was summoned by th< yi shouts' of spectators and, came running to And Alice bad gone on a rea old-fashioned tear. She was waltzing gayly around the inclosure swinging her ti%nk raklshly fron ? side to aide, and ever and anon stop -ping to arise hpoa her hind legs and address the multitude. 3T ?lHarshly smallerthan she is. ven lined Ui remonstrate with her on hei unseemly behavior, she smacked hln soundly and bullied him into a cor ^ Nner - , > Richards suggested that she retire to the small corral and sleep it off But Alice didn't want to go. 8b< was having too good a time. 8h? tore down part of the wire sereei around her pen, playfully snatche< off ki chard's cap and threw It ovei the roof of the elephant house, an< in general behaved aa no lady should It took her an hour to grow tired o the excitement, and when she wal prevailed upon to retire and take t iftft behind her rearetfu iifRr" ifirlatfrr*!' ' " i &T~ ' "':r r- --. Mrs. Adolph Stern of FayettevUli P U the guest of Miss Mary Tankar< at the home of the latter on Marke street . . ] '? -i COTTON MARK1T. Lint Cotton, lie; Seed Cotton, 4 1-lc. Cotton Bead, 916.00. I Bk A _ _ \ I n n II n I .r? /J IT T1 VV 11 1 Raleigh, March ??Senator Long bill providing for a State bond taau t of a million dolatrs to meet the d? belt 1b the twwry and to provid for permanent improvements at th r State institutions passed its dm . reading in the Senate yesterday an - mas s>at4s4he llsass. I Sbtani w the mow important hill - that have been ' before the Oenen i Assembly of 1918 were disposed o daring tbe morning session of th i Senate yesterday, which lasted ove i five hoars, breaking the Senate's re< I ord in this respect. The bill fixing the twenty jndlcU i districts of the State under the nei i scheme was disposed of and ord ere r- enrolled for ratification Aftor j lively scrimmage, the Senate concni t red in the House amendment] i changing districts In which the coun i ties of Onslow, Davidson and Ran s dolph are to be located, and no fui t tber amendments were adopted. The House child labor bill passe - Its final reading in the Senate afte i amendments had-been adopted elim f Inating tbe prohibition of wome: i Working in the mills at. night. A, I amended It was sent back to th . House for concurrence. The onl; real advance made in this matter 4 the prohibition of children worVin, in the mills at night, and it is up t the county superintendents'of oduca , tion to enforce this provision. | The following bills of local inter est -have now passed boil House an< Senate: To allow certain citixens of Lorn 1 Acre township. Beaufort county, t - vote upon a stock law territory. i To provide a farm chemist for th . county of Beaufort, and to levy a ta > on dogs for the county of Beaufort. ' For the protection of game 4a th f county of Beaufort. . To amend chapter 633, public iocs laws of 1911 relative to holding prl marie* In Beaufort. Pamlico and otb er counties. Representative Rodman of thi 4^atrlct brought up the folio win bWfrin the House: To ratify Isauance of bonds 1: town of Belhaven. k To remove certain dead bodle from a certain grave yard in Beau fdrt county. Passed third reading. | RESPECTABLE RUSSIAN TAKEN FOR NIHILIST St. Petersburg. March 6?The nex - -Hmo W/ Vla^lgiroir, -Jr., flirts-wit an attractive young woman on train, he will previously ascertal ' whether she is a member of the re* ' olutionaries. He is barely able t 5 be about today after a disa&reeabl ' experience with a bunch of secre ' service detectives of whom his fa ' ther Is chief. He met the girl while on hia wa 1 home from a visit in the country Before parting at the station she pin 1 ned a red rose in his lapel. Whil busying himself with his baggage h woe peueaod upon by the^lentbs an> put up snob a fight that In subduln, him they blacked both hia eyes, tor his clothings to tatters, and bruise* him up generally. Finally, tied ban and foot and still struggling, he wa thrown into h cell where two-boar ' later he was discovered and. identl lied by his father. The Plainclothes men had bee: told to watch for a dangerous revc lutlonary .who was to tcpvel on th same train and jvbo was to wear red rose. YladlmiroS himself is pillar of the Government League e Students, of St. Petersburg Unlvei stty, an organisation of eminent rc speetability and conservatism. WiAlMa < ! TOMORROW NIOH1 Cottage prayer meeting will b held at the Cooper House on Kai Water street tomorrow evening a 7: SO. o'clock. The meeting will b led by Rev. R. H. Broom, who woul be pleased to see a food attendant -r Mr. OUtot Lop ton of Bslbaven I among the day's visitors. >ar Dr. 1 ?WASHINGTO 1 IvwaavsMw mm ' Washington. D. C.. March 6.?Jo le sephus Daniels, of North Carolina was sworn in as secretary of th< e in the presence of a throng of promt tl ncnt people. d After Mr. Daniels took the oath ? a reuad apgUwa up, and fei hr a halt Adttr people Bled ItE to oon il gratu'ate Mr. and Mrs. Daniels. The >f reception to Washington official'lift e of Mr. Daniels was altogether brtl,r liant and cordial. Numbers of per> sons who are in no way connected with the State were there to aay s il good word. Former Governor Davit w R. Francis, of Missouri, was one ol d the distinguished callers., & ?PbptQgrapbcra of newspapers grouped Mrs. Daniels, the Daniels *. hoys, Mrs. Adolaide Worth Bagley i- and Miss Belle Bagley, about Mr. r Daniels as ho sat at his dosk*. As - the flash light report came and the smoke lifted, some one cried: "The d- first gun of the navy."" Tho photo-j r graphers also took a flash light rplo-' r ture of Secretary Daniels at woVfc. o As the visitors departed and the < uwni ciwocu, vuc ibbi giimpsa men as ? had of the secretary of ihie navy was y of him at his desk die tat let to his * stenographer. ??r?:?- :> \ SB!??!1CNEWS CI fixe gaa boat "Pearl," of Parker, Capt. Jerome Fulcber, ia in port toft day" o The "Nautiluo." or Blounts Creek. Capt. C. B. Edwards, is still in port, e Tho two oyster boats, "Irene," of x Lowland. Capt. J. P. Voliva and "Maod" of Lowland, Capt. Monroe e Williams, which hava been bare tor several days, left yesterday. [f The "Shlloh," of Tarboiro, Captain i- W?. A. Parvin, owned by the Tar Rlvt or Oil Co., is in port. The gas boat, "Ellen," of Norfolk, s Gapt. A BrTeler, la iaport g The schooper "Lonlae," of Virginla, Capt. Fields, is still In port leavd Ing a cargo of corn and taking on one of lumber, s The schooner, "Anna M. D. i- Roehle," of Virginia, Capt. Garrett, is discharging a cargo of corn, preparatory to taking on one of lum. bar. . ? \ The "Clara," of Philadelphia, Capt. Harvey Nlckerson, will remain t here about a week, discharging a h cargo of fertiliser. ShejwILLbe_lada en with lumber on tlje return trip, a The vessel is owned by Charles Gringo of Philadelphia, o The "Lillian," of Falkland, Capt, e Denpree (colored) is in port today. t The "Cecil," of Leech vine, Ctpt. W. a. Rice, Is In port. The "J. P. Morris," of Gaylord, y Capt. George N. Sadler, is again in r. port today. i- The "A. P. Wahab," of Oeracoke. e Capt. William*. 1* in port today. : amies K Tfl BE tm d a 8 Washington, March 6.?William Jennings Bryan, In addressing the asslstaht secretaries and heads of Q the various bureaus of the State DtK partment. yesterday declared': e *'1 am not prepared to discuss tenn ore in office. My own tenure Is, as l a was about to say, brief, but my tenore has not even begun. I am sure .. your tenure is. therefore, not more y. uncertain than mine. I have not had time to learn trocp the President tb<j * general policy that will be iororossed upon the various departments, but , it 1* "not necessary for us to discuss * the length of senrlce. It is sufllc'ent ? at this time to make each other's ac' qualntance, and 1 hope that when th" lt time come* for me to Introduce you * to my sneeessl ean look back unor as delightful associations aa the re** tiring secretary does." Mr. Bryan's words caused surprise, is but he followed them with no explanation. Crehs at T<might ia mnixni S!T ; mil: Tonight at 8:30 o'clock aharftd , the pubUc school nudltorlufc"lkr. ro i Stanley L. Krotos wUl lecture %p|n at vertlslng. Salesmanship, and Cltp Vk- pr pension.". This lecture is absolutely free, and tb ; mi? ! ?>! U<??p?ttin at ? W-kay tnsa w rcquhitedlo ,j nt for hla own profit, as wall as ac I every store owner, manufacturer, or Q{ employer or any kind. * 1 n Dr. Krebs will arrive in Washing* tl( ton this evonlng on tho 7:30 traitf p| , over the Norfolk Southern, coming tQ i direct from Ashevllle, where he huh er ' been speaking upon one of U>d C(J Phaser, of business efficiency and ar expansion. with which gaaprai topl^ jp i he is so familiar. m ch His lecture will be Illustrated with! ev charts, spiced with wit snd humor, [(t told Simply, eloquently, and^clesrly, Qv snd digntQed by science. Dr. Krebs ? II has the endorsement or the best bus* fao I loess men in the United Ststos. snd has received glowing reviews In leadj Ing metropolitan dailies. He le the * ' author of a number of volumes dealing with efficient business methods, * and Is everywhere recognised as an authority. * Jh He comes here under the auspices . of the Chamber of Commerce, who J? expect to be well.repaid for their expense by the Increased civic pride In the town, and in Increased business 101 efficiency. ' If n good audience la not ^ nresent, it will not bo Secretary * > ^'mn's fault, for he is soliciting ^ each man ho sees separately, and i?v^? not satisfTed till ho has obtained a tcl promise of his interlocutor's pros- j ecce. I ^ IUI.I.V ? PNconuw .|rf: ?j AT THK 1,1'RIC TOXtGHT. ju "Billy & Peggy Malln" In a new Qf comedy singing and talking act fea- ?eJ ture the program at the Lyric today. ge Their act l? jf good ono offering the fo] very latest song hits of the season j ( and a musical number beyond par. ^ ' * The motion pictures that appear on todqjjs bill also has all indication of ^ being a class that has the pleasing nlw-K col . For an hour's real high-class en- CO) tortainment the program -at the jg Lyric today will be sure to please. _ cui ? ~ Uo fr >" How You Can Be 6< ; : Mi An Easy Talker ? ~ an j Doubtless you have often en- ae, i vied the man or woman to bu 11 whom talking seemB.uo easy, " ? especially if you find It hard to ' UB j start a conversation. . ch You can make this art yours. <le j Th? Daily Ntiw, will hels yaa. Read Its pages close1 y and con- ^ fj stantly. You will find a hun- nj, dred subjects for conversation to ; ' ?the affairs of the nations, to great philanthropies, news of 1 1 .. * on literature, art, and sport. mi You will always be well In- CI formed, for the newest 1b ever w< presented in The Daily News. *7 pi. i Then there are the adver- ga i *t?aements.* Everybody is inter- ed csted in them?especially when all ! j the coat of living still soars. to: I. h They coqt^n the latest mar- tn ehandlse news from the modt [mi reliable merchants In Now .bo < * -TortfCitr. 1 it on ; j Read The Daily News close- ^ %~!y and constantly every day eg ( and you will never be at a losp e. j for Interesting conversation. cr Read its advertisements every and you -vrill always be posted on where to purchase-to lgj best advantage. th ^ i. the Public t at 8:30 ( rEKSOON. MARCH t. 1*11. id Colder war Id BUSED 1uhi Washington. March 6.?Fads and tbles of our revered and dignified atosmen In the senate are refiocted the painfully -frank--and fafghiy actlcal figures of. the secretary of io senate, in his annual report for e last fiscal year. bne secretary or the kdft&te. be H iowii. must report in detail, the oxt expenditures and disbursements articles from the "stationary om." The words are put in quota>n because a senator can purchase etty near everything from a rug a \>ox of pills through the statlony room. Each legfslator Is allowso much per month for "stationy" and he can use it up in actual Sttng supplios, draw it tn cash. or argo drugs and pretty nearly erything elBe to his account. The nate's secretary also must detail ery other expenditure out of the ontingent fund" of the upper, use. From a perusal of the report one sans that exactly 1.078.084 pounds ice were consumed during the last cal year?at a cost of $2,634.35. 'en In chilly February the solons Sded 25,695 pounds properly to 111 their drinking water while in mid July it took 147.945 pounds amolorate the heat. The statesmen are 'enormous wa-! : drinkers?and darn particular !At they drink too. ?4ot counting ?over?which prooaoiy is uisinod?the senators consumed 600 tea (all quarts) of lhe bottled waV which cost the government $4,7,7-3. That would mean Something a 7,000 gallons. A goodly part of | Is in the summer time at least, ga-Jnto the making of the famous iate lemonade. In July, for iuince, 69 cases, costing $3.11.83 TO consumed. When the cold and clammy days winter come there la a run on the I iate "drug store" for old remedies. cretary Bennett's list shows thj^ lowing purchases during the year: 100 five grain quinine tablets. 2,0 2 grain and 1,000 three grnin: 0 rhinitis tablets; 7 1-2 dozen xes of cough-drops; 6 pounds ofi rehound candy and plenty cf other id remedies. The drug list also ntains 50 pounds of gum camphor; big bottles of bromo seltzer; ree bottles of another hoadathe re; half a dozen boxes of indigVsm ffbtetfi; 6 boxes of salve, anu> eerest of all, one ounce of tumeric BT The two big snufT-boxes which 11 adorn one of the door frames tding to the floor were filled with e dozen packs of fine coponhagen uff. So far as known none of the. t the snuff boxes are a tradition d are kept filled and ready for e. When one sees the Hat of purasea for the barber &hop the wonr la that all the aen&tora haven't hleved reputations as new types of au Bruinmels. Beginning wltlf the thnralft senate?bathrooms, where ne sacks of salt were used in a year give a tonic effect and ruddy skins the senatorial exquisites, and wn through the massage creams d pomades and perfumes of the isseuse, the list sounds like that eopatra might have ordered. There ire twelve gallons of bay rum abed on after senatorial shaves or istered on senatorial locks; thirty lions of. witchhazel assuaged feverfaces or, mixed with 44 gallons of ;ohol and rubbed into the legislars' muscles by the cootlng twist of lined masseuses' hands aided tired uscles of the weark lawmakers, 21 tUaa of hair tonic stimulated hair owth on over-worked heads and and a half dozen bottles of brllmtlne helped senatorial moustachkeep up the dignlt>\^fthelr wearers. Two large Jars olT~ massage &am were used in helping out comsxlons. The list of BoapS is equally astonling for perfume and quality. Of e fancy lather-makers there were 1)36 cakee used?and that doesn't School y clock. -W * V'iU' - 'i'I ' Jti - -V m Iblmuiju tttu JUL Rev. E. M. Hoyle pleased hlh audience last night In the First Pi Methodist chufrch with his lecture on n< His humor was irresistible, and his W audience could not but remain in a cr continual state of laughter. His.dls1 tggtSgg DBlnwiii WgjfgW fin lit, w* with it a sting*, and humor, which ie o! kindly, was illustrated by apt exam- lo pies. He scored heavily church goerH cc who sit In their pews with long faces, th as if religion was a sad thing to have, ifc True religion, be said, should bring sunshine into one's life. th MRS. WILSON'S PAINTINGS |u| P() NOT SKLL. \v r~~ TiT Philadelphia, March 6.?Not one of twenty-six landscapes painted by ;8 Mrs. Wood row Wilson, wife of the p, President, have been Bold during the fl two weeks they have been on exhlbU eii tion at the Arts and Crafts Guild ci here, although during the past few Bei days the prices have been cut in | lialf. ' i w l Tho nulntinirs when xhibition i ? , |ur flret opened attracrtod wide attention. not only becahsc they were from tly>j0ri brush of the wHe of the then i'rosl-1 ^ dent-elect, but also trrrnu*e of t-hetr-jTh actual merit. The proceeds of the jjy sale It was announced were to po ?o;,j(r the Bo>a' School, at Rome, Ga N'jt Mrs. Wilson, today notified incjth. Arts and Crafts Guild that she will L.r remove the exhibition either to New ar< York or Washington at the end of I this week unless her production^ | have been disposed of by that time. jsj,; HKMlltK KEttlRDRIl. Recorder W ' "TV. ~\Vlndl*-y thi*ijut? morning fined Mr. G. A. Phillips onelter dolalr and costa for riding_a bicycle ja on the aide-walk. j Me Arthur Williams, colored, was fined the same amount for the ?uineL0| offense. Wl, I Ptdik Taal, white, wis fined (S and costs for being drunk. jj wl QUIRT MARRIAGE HOLEMM/.ED. af, ?lr. Miss Dawney V. Latham and Mr. J^. E. B. Ecklin were united in mur-| riage yesterday by Rev. R. V. Hope, j ^ 'pastor of the First Christian church. I The ceremony was performed at the homo of Mr. J. N. Yeates on Bridge I?treet' < mi p>_^Mr. and Mrs. Ecklin will make flQ 1 tliSir. home on Third street- . . _= a!i GERMAN TORPEDO IIOAT sti MEF.TH DISASTER. fl? Helgoland. Germany, March <5.? cj, Sixty-six of the crew of the German ra] torpedo boat destroyer "S-17S' were fo) drowned when the little vessel was ^ North Sea last night. Among the dead are the comiuan-1 Ufi jder or the torpedo boat. Lieutenant I Ti Kcch and his first officer. Mil ffr Hn-#i'rt ' "y attorm } " '' barter. Mr. Lindsay Warren, and spv- le( . eral others, are in Raleigh today in regard to v?ter bills. gu *" w t include the plain every-day Loap. or e<l the liquid sort, or the powdered pompound, or the supply used for wash- sl" rooms. The "fancy soap included glycerine, "Imported." lettuce, violet, unscented, rastile, "special" and a ^ certain popular brand useful in skin ne diseases. 0r Oh yes? there was some plain cologne. One gallon waif ordered n0 early in the fiscal year, and this had HS to be pieced out by a second order of three dozen bottles somewhat la- co ter, Speaking of scents?the report flc also shows that one bj^rei of formaldehyde was purchased for disinfectIng. tw Among the odds and ends to be ^ gleaned from the report is that one Bt< nocKmanor nere gels 54U a month cjt (or winding an?U^egalating all tbc senate time-piecesX also that ten p< dozen ctiapldorw were purchased for use of the tobacco chewing representatives. Auditorih ^ j Wf Washington, D. C.. March resident Wilson made formal an)un cement yesterday that he offer nn ambassadorship to Chairman ? ?: I illlam F. McCombs, of the Demonic national committee. "Mr. McCombs told me he did not mi a unuuiBi siipu!umn?FH. i navt' fored him one of the principal dlpmatic posts and hope he will acpt. 1 desire men of cabinet size for e chief foreign appointments," *ald e President. It is known thnt the ambassndortp to France lias been offered Particular significance was genery attached to the visit nt the hit? House oflicps of several el her in mentioned for diplomatic posts. * H Abram I. Elkun, of New York, who likely to go to Japan, caw the esldent for a few minute^ at, did _J lotnns Nelson Page, who may go :ber to Austria or Germany, and inrles R. Crane, of Chicago, who r?ntB certain to go to Russia. Richard Olnov. of MasarhiiKPtts. to was secretary of state ln~"Prcslnt Cleveland's cabinet, was said to slated" for Great Britain. Fredck ('. Pcnfield will either go to . istrsa or Italy, and Augustus omas. of Now York. Is declared oly for ne or these 'wo poets .lus- 1 > e J. W. Gerard, for Spain, William tirch Osborn. or ITenry Mnrganxu for Germany or Turkey, and ederick H. Allen: foe Switzerland, i considered likely to represent the . iv administration abroad. RVK'KK IX CX)IA>ttKI>" - ' '-?jLir."? MASONIC TKMI'I.K. Rev. A. L-Tolbtrt. colore<l< the ?tw minister of lumianuol Pr< sbyiiui Mission, will hold services all y Sunday. March 3, in the Colored sonic Temple. The members of is mission and its supporter*, very rdially invito strangers to worship a^i them. Wcrntngifrviewi will lie hold at o'clock in the morning, Sabbath tool will be held at 3:30 in the ernoon. at which a sermon to chili-it will be preached. Evening seres will be held at 7:30 p nt. Washington. March >.?The uanal capital, -with a 'next morn t" headache, awoke yesterday to* d streets littered with debris after ** >? inauguration parade-, worteMS* ? eady engaged in tearing down inds and ecorations and visitors :ering out like the sands in an hoar um. Thousands of weary celebnta already are homeward bound, r during the night train after trafn parted, filled to overfloowlng. for h north, south, east and west. Riotous scenes attended the exodin the early hours of the day. red and impatien^ travelers at the ikon station rushed the thin line police, brushed them aside and 1 to the train shetf and the long les of waiting railroad coaches, ibsequent efTorts to dislodge them ?re futile. As a result many hoaTdwrong trains. :X.\TK CONFIRMS WILSON'S CABTNBT. Washington, March J.?President ilson'sent the names of his Cablt to the Senate yesterday for conmation. As the nominations left e White House ft was officially anunced that the slate was exactly published yesterday. After a brief session the Senate nfirmed all the Cabinet nomina - ? 3 Mrs. F. H. von Eberateln and her o daughters, MIm Mabel von >erstein and Miss Julia-von Eberiin, of Ohocowlnity. were in the y yoaterday. >R HAI.G?QUICK BY D. T. TAYloe A* Co., 200 lba. Crosby'* extraearly Egyptian beet seed. 2-27-1 wp *<*}& ===========r=?~ " ^ im ' " >nH

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