. win : mimics HIS IJIEIK Marvelous and almost unprecedented mm the manner in which Dr. staiAey Uiene Krebvfaaclnatcd hia audienco last night In the public school auditorium. Be tltnp-7 held his hearers spoil-bound from begin nlug lu mid. ami espile Uis taut thai utes they hong Jest as eagerly upon hie words at the eloae ae at first. Hla subject waa suposed to be. "Suggestions oa Advertising. Salesmanship, and. Otty Expansion," but It might perhaps better have been named. "A Survey of Life in Qeneral and Hew to Make a Success at It." With the entire oousent and approbation of hla andlence. ho branched TIT Into auch topics aa tho proper raiting or children. "I had thought," aald Dr. Kreba, "that 1 waa to apeak eze'uslvely to a bualnese body. but alnoe I aee before me an audlenee rapreaentative of the whole community, and Juat about aa many women aa men, I ahall apeak accordingly." Hla' audlenee was only too g'ad to "* give Id ma free rein, and haOie not finally cal'ed a halt, they would probably be there yet drinking hla words about bow to raeeeed. It la to -he regretted that the nudlenee waa not larger, since the school auditorium could have very comfortably held a great many more. It waa, however, representative of .. _tbp bent dtleenship of Washington. Th9* object of Dr. Kreba'a talk wao, in brief, to teach bis bearers bow to influence any given Indtvidu&l. After an, the object of a!l advertising. i.nd for that matter, nearly all urit. log and conversation, is to bring tho other follow around to thinking our way. This can beat be done by hammering upon a few important points! Kv again and again. For ezamplo, a man picks up a paper and sees the words,, "Uneida Biscuit," he p'eks hp. an-! t other paper and-' sees Oneida Bisaud his eyes fal' upon "Oneida BlsI cult." Beforo long he resolves to , try a ho*, of those biscuits. I:..-. * - A. striking point made by.PrT Krebs waa In reference to the word, "don't." "Never, nevor" use the word 'don't,' " aald he. "unless yon seo somebody about to stick their lingers on a red hot stove, and then ! yell It at them. Always, tell people k something to do, rather than some- j thing not to do. This applies to raising a child, advertising a meet-! *?r "In - or selling shoes." ' ' 1 He illustrated hla meon'ng by te'l log of a secretary of a chamber of commerce who complained that in spite of the fact that he had sent out, ft* over u hundred cards advertising ej meeting, he could muster only* about siz members. "Let me see the card." asked Dr. Kreba. The card read "Don't forget the meet'rg tonight." What be shou'd have aa'd. declared * the speaker,' was "Femember." J Again, a teacher once knot a boy. In J. after school. and left him thereaUma, while she went down town a wh'le. -I telling htm ''Don't?ptar w<th th? Are." When she got back the boy had burnt no a lot of reographfo*. 71 histories, and other twrt-hobVe. Her forbldd'ng film bad reused h'm to dostray property Had ah* s?*'gn*d Ww V a positive task to occupy him, it wou'd never have occurred to "hitn to go near tho ????. Advertiser* war# warped by the speaker ***<nat Istn'tiPir the Intelligence of neonio. W>??n i store keen or advertises the yraatert. ost stupendous b*rr?'n sale ?f the flnopf 3 goods so'd at t*e ch?*n*st rcift"* ' 1 ever Vfiftwn n?or? th<? face of ,. ,^ ^ '* hard-Jtnlthtnh" ho orpoot* T " hhl P CUrT^T"*****??5?h1*? Btitoftort *s * ft ^ 1 better to ho In ot*r'"- i ^ statements. stick to thei-sctosMpith. | a * and mv thfnm wh'?h n?* opt to F yeake?^V ered-txrv .w't* sane ba1 , ?ltn beior*. WL Th* above hi ? f**W| eseinle of tho fracttont fti?? r?t vn suggestions ad* vanoed by Dr. Kerbs. \Xf;-cA' / '- '' " " - Tha condition of Mr. John Uooley. 1 who was operated on a ffw. days ago ! *.' at the Waahlngton Hospital for an acute attack of append dtla, continues to steadily Improve. OOTTON MARKET tm Lint Cotton, lie: l| Cotton Bead. 916 00. i m >/^r^|-"- T^Sj^kr gy^jB 1 .... I WJ.BGYAN -- '-'-' i g f Q ~~^j~ |f: HF j |jH ? - Postmaster General PRESIE NEW Gill ! CONVENES SI EARLY HOER Washington, March 7.?President Wilson's / Cabinet yo3tord*y broke somo of the records "^abllshcd bj\ Mr. Taft's ofl*c*a . Tho Taft advisers usually reached the White TTouso offices much aftor 11 o'clock, the hour set for the meeting. All Mr. Wilson's Cabinet wre in the of1lces within a" Jew minutes of "the meeting hour ifady lo alt for a dosen photographers and several moving plctnre men. scITnoTes the psst month. The three pupils making the highest averages were rrom f"?a? 1A "em ? NJaho'son 98.7^ Rnmier Arebbetl 97.9, Elisabeth Mell'henry 94 8. * - - ? The honor rol'e: From 1st Year 11 F&da Wrilima 94. Barbae] Tripp 91.5, Georgia Trlop 90 8. From 2nd Y*er. Margaret Handr 9* 8. G'adys Morghn 98.4, Francis Charles 98. From 1st Year A. Bern'ce Nlchel*o-. 9*7. Bonner Arch bell 97 9. Elisabeth McTllheany 96.8. From 4th Year. Marrle Snntn 94 *, Bruce Rodgee 95.1. Mabel Dalley 96. From 8H Year. JamesJEow'e 95 K. We'ter Warner 95 8. Margaret We'ls end Howard Bowen 93.6. eThere was he'd in Gr-d? Ore A an Interesting debate o? *?r 1913. the ouerr hc'er "Rcto'yed, That the United 8t**ra Rhon'd Adont fnha " The ?M?. renreeented by -^d Visa" Oral Wee^va -wen *#? d-hete. while the reeetlre '*??. -""' er-t^d hy The debate wee ho* w - -~?tcWrd and* tj?e speeches of all the l-t-ntere showed mnfh GOLF OOUKBB ?N A C11*C\CO "TrVQCR \FER. CMcam. March 7--^hn??ca B. Crane who m" he enn**1i??A| to a post In the diploma*'- eerriee by President Wilson, la a gnlf enthusiast to such an'eyteiit. th - he has Just htd ewreVtrd a n're h"'A course on the twelfth floor ef th? ^rane Build-Ing In the downtown distinct. TJie oourae was laid* out hy Tent Vardon. | of the Spring TjiVc *: i dab, who ts a'ao in cbrrae of ' The oouree re*e-"v*os outdoor links In that it haa ?*"1 rotered patting greens and haa*?*- *T"h?* foundation is of burlap carefully Joined to WASHINGTON. 1 V ; / JgHfc&Li , 1 \j 4B| )EHT W THE" SENATE KILLS f TWO BIG BILLS *3 - Raleigh, March 7.?Dcsplto a stir-! ring special menage from- Governor j Craig, vigorously urging the passage ! of the reassessment bill and almost 1 heroic efforts for its passage on the j pan of Chairman R. R. Williams of J the finance committee, .the.. House yesterday, after two two-hours' de1 bate killed tho measure on second T' T*ndihfc*by a vote of ninety-seven to ^ soventeen. 1 ?Anotllftf ?UfcSelal" mettago" Trora ? Governor Craig made a magnificent I plea ror a roaization by tho General 0 Assombly of tho importance to the i80 at the P?anafba Exposition at San a Francisco in 1915, this being a unlversal exposition representative) ofi" all States and nations, and perhaps,: the on'y exposition of itq class that j will be held in America during the r life time of the present generation. I n The Senate killed the State road' bond bill which had passed the j' House several days ago. The bill j provided for a semi-annual bond is-j sue by the State of $300,000, the pro- Jof | ceeda of which to be loaned to the th counties on their bonds for road- id building purposes. 4 sti The following bill of local Interest passed the Senate: Ratifying bond Issue for Belhaven. to Beaufort County. " ' _ The following bills passed the ~~ Rouse: To permit charging of_ license tax for sale of meats in Beaufort county. To empower commissioners of Beaufort county to appoint a standard keeper. LEADING noVKRY ACROSS CONTINENT TO PAY BET. Portland, Me., March 4.?Leading a donkey and intending to wa'k from Portland. Me, to Portland, Oregon. B. H. Anderson, former general secretary of the Butler, Pa., chamber of commerce, was ready to leave this city today on a long walk across the country in fuffiHment of the tm uis \>f a bet he lost on the prudential I election. Andftrsob, who was a page ] In the national iMms* of representativee in uai was a Xo'lower of Col. I" Roosevelt and laid a wsger oa his election~for president The distance he w'll lead the donkey Is estimated n? 4 .R00 ml'es and he exnects {o complete the Journey In oljrht months, i Tnilar (ha nrnvlflf/tKi nf the v*vnr he mn?t #11 at the White Houae end irreet the new president, and aleo ea'l uoon the goverwor of every 8tate through which ha paaeea. The many fr'ende of Mr. L. L, Bareare of the Worthy end Rtherldge ^tie To -rMT regret to learn thet he la 111 et hit home. gather to erold r'dgee. For the approach the player haa a poehet to ahoot for. the arrangement being men that a nerfeet shot! will eanae the haU .to reU out deadj to the hole. *V J ON E ,." 1 ..,.11, = 40RTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY AFT1 - i i Veathcf: J^'alr c iLoun HsTHI EOBISS GF mi Athens, Greece, March 7.?The irkish foruees of Janina, um-ikr' tho possession of tho province of k plrus, with Its garrison of 32,000 en* iwirreiMiefed to-tfro Greek uTmT~ sterday aftor a defense which? rms one of tho most brilliant epl- I des of the Balkan war. ~ The surrender was preceded by fierce bombardment, lasting wlthit cossation for.two days and two ghts. Every available gun Includg a number of heavy Howitzers nt by the Servian' artillery was ought to bear on the forts defendg the beleaguered city. ISSIONARY SOCIETY UUti AFTERNOOS*. The Woman's Missionary Society the FIret Methodist church meets is afternoon at 4 o'clock at the resonco of Mrs. W. B. Call on' Main reet. Mr. J. B. Mayo of South Creek is day in the city. : ?^ All the World Contributes to" ~ N Your Happiness The natives of Ceylon send their-choicest teas, the peasants of Switzerland supply the daintiest needlework, France i contributes marvellous silks, ' Ireland linens and Eng'and , suitings of wondrous texture. ( JTho products of the world are_ _ ^ brought by"boat" and rail to your very door. Merchants, eager to please, trtriS.Tbr "sbmStHing now,"Van-" ] J sack the earth to secure the things that will delight and j' captivate the hearts of * their customers. The new things for Spring i are budding out.- Evory day 1 from now on stories of new t millinery, new apparel and new fabrics will be told. Ib. Is the most interesting news of tfie T?ar. j Read the advertisements in The Defy News closely and ^ constantly every day, then you will be well Informed regard- , lng styles for Baster, the latest ( Importations from abroad and 11 the dewest Ideas for furnish- , lags In the home. Besides, you will; know of every opportunity to economise. )AfLY IRNOON, MARCH T. irid Colder m ^yypwi'.SQN gjpi__z= \^To^ ^NZSZIj miiu i isr ENDS HIS LfFE Grconville, March 7.?Like a bolt out of ft clear sky came the shucking announcement today that Ms. J. S. Mooring had killed himself. , Mr. Mooring was a member cf the Arm of G: M. Mcor 1 g and Son doing a general merchand.se bus nesa, in the two story store in the REnlto building. He went to dinner a.oat tho usual time yesterday, and ^ hen returned to the store cbout 12:30 o^etock. bis ralcaTnnn. MrrZeb Wt^ hurst, left for his d nner. When Mr. Whltehurst roluired to ttio stcro he found it locked up. As he a so had ? dteyto.tfee -stnrc he opened. lha front door end went in, think'np that Mr Mooring had stepped out 6ome-; where. A few minutes later Mr G. M. Mooring, father of the young man1 and senior member of tho ftr.i, who! had come in ?n tho 1:18 train from1 his home In the country, went to the Btore and asked for hi* bom. Mr. Whitehuret remarked that ho must have stepped out somewhere as he found tho store locked when he go* back from, dinner a few minutes before. The older Mr. Moorirg went down the street and "returned to tho stcre In a little while. Still nothing unusual was thought of the absence of tho young man. It was shortly after thip that what had really occurfod was d'sclosed". Mr. Whltehurst went to the-upperfloor of the store for something and. had scarce'y reached the top, ct thci stairs wnen ce saw Mr 3 8 Mooring lying dead upon the floor. The! Itody wa? flat on the bark, the-righthand still hold'ng a p'stol that w? pointed at the head. There was- one shot in the breast and another in the bead, indicating that he had shot) himself twice, the last phot in the head capping instant death. No causo is assigned for taking his life, unless it was some business trouble. a9 he 6oemed surrounded with such conditions as to make Iffo hapVT ? , ' ? Mr. Moorlng'was In his Sfth year. ?nd leaves a wife and two smsl- chl1dren, his wife being a daughter of Wf. Join - Mayo, of ^ethaJT Tf<T also Is survived by his father, six sisters and one brother. He was a member of the Knights: of Pvthias and was very ac*'ve lr th? lodge. He was a youne men of most exeel'ent character and he'd in high esteem by everybody. He cams to Greenville to serve as deenty sheriff when his father was sher'ff of the county, and afterward enrared tn mercantile bn?lne*s. his father later becoming partner In the bueine**. The funeral took ulaoe this afternoon. Great symnathv 1s ernresssfl for the father and eancclew for the w'f? srd lUtle ehl'dren In the great sorrow that has come to them In this tad tragedy. Mr. A. M WhlUhorrt of Pom,* was registered roster day at the Louise. \. y r, - - * N EW ' A L.z pjf]S%S pLFRibA REQUE W DANIEL CO.iL-. ! fitt BuiLililb ; iiUJAilL/ LHT TODAY; u" ? i"H ajKO:;.-. y c; A F yen of tho'w"* '? Th drnrfbeT ~r Commerce and Mr. J. G. Bragiw, .? . aro ,n Rocky Mount to-;.},, day tu i- -..or w.th L>r. Thotaas Nlch- bel J mTTTy cf the Hoard of Ed-(Cn uC;.u? ... tue .Victhou.ct Episcopal j C hurch i. iigurd to tho new college j ,.iii ?iu>i^-triW^A\ia8b.ngtont In the lo-f CAiity Kiiouu as Wush.ugton Park. (a The w. .erence is being held at the; ^ 01..00 o; uu architect for the first LJ(| bu.iu.ag, Mr. Stout. The plans andl sptciilca.. ?...? of the first* bulltjing j cci wHI Lu e uo over by lJr. N.cholson. | .'i, whore k.. u.juarters arc 150 Fifth |-ir:< iVvenuc. .>:w York C'.ty, and Mestfrs.jjr.r1 [that the contract for this dm bul ding is .ft be let. I Cn I Cert a i? it is that work is expected Wi i to beg n ;oon. so tha* the Washing- g<j\ ton Co lep>te Institute, ns the insti tution w 1* l-e known at lirnt, will b?* mci open for students by next fall. ; tri It 'b u'nnred to make this college do' evrntuVv one of tho greatest in the.- ' State. "While the beginnings wiIl?ofjG. course -humble. In comparison with whn* is finally to be achieved, g. -the new 'est'tntlon of learn'ng wt'l j tin be rearlv to take rare of all students ; who may como to it next fnlV Tbe hpc''T,'??? turn of the town wore.j ioa nulek to '-^"O'^n'ao the advantages which would nrcntn from \vpgftTrg- Ca ton's b^'or vndo nn educational cpti- go LCI, mr...we i UV7 "Bill uiirr im?|(ui college ond got tt. 1 Jol N0CR^rc"Hc'Y -U IN FOREIGN POLICY r,-_- . - - ' Y/aahTugloa, March 7?Indications I nn< 'hr.t no Immediate or sweeping] linages in the foreign policy of the rot wtro afforded today "ifhch "BPcrefar?' Bryan without much quaVflcatlon ap "nj proved the letters nnd Instruction by wiro that went out to the Ameri- \ j.j; can representatives abroad, ?n conn- j tries where stirring ov-nts are hap-J pening. } It became known todiy that with- be out abat'ng this government's cialm of to the ijjlght to maintain an efllclent wh army patrol along tl.I? Mexican bor- mil dor, the new sdtn'nlstratlon Intends car to use every proper means to avoid nu, friction with the MevWns across tlie atti line. > .. i In line with the disposition to sd- t, } vise President Wi'eon and Secretary a'di Bryan of the nreeise conditions alone Taf the border. Brigadier General Tasker sen H. Bliss, commanding the southern arn department of the armv with heed- in awarters at Fort flam Houston, was wil today ordered to make a tonr of in- the pecltlon. , his fS ? * vm 1 1 ==l9\ _^j ommerce ^Lgtxjr BINETi S'i'S AID S AND CRAIG . ' o with the r.ii Carol.ea naval reserves, Is round ;vi the Xovtli river light, crctary Tape . *. w ired for help Jsiy. Ylio Pa-ulica, revenue cutter, rtir!s near, w:io >? at to the rescue. ? 3 "E fr.'d.i," which ic- a converted tht, havlusy's??:? turned over to * * North .CaroUna envoi reserves. loi/gs to_ the . State. Governor. __J nip has been asked to help Iter SHIPPING NEWS the "Poadrcy" or Swan Quarter, Edmund Jarvis, is in port for : purpose o: fating on a load of le. tho "Lucl'Ic" of Locking, Hyde :?ty,* Capt Silvertlurue. is disirgir.g c. load of chickens, turkeys, t country prodwe, She will bo lea with snPeral merchandise for ? return trip. The "Nautilus" of Blounts Creek, pt. C. D. Edwards, bos at last left ishington, after remaining here eral weeks. Tlie "Elolse," Capt. Brooks, is ikiug ready to resume her regulur pa between Washington and points urn the river. The "Glide" of Lowland, Capt. J. Lupton, is in port today. The "Cecil" of Leechvllle, Capt. W. Klce, Is taking on-a cargo of fcrizer. The "Lorena D." of New Bern, pt. a. .1. my. pan brbUghiQiKa id of crushed shel's for Witt. The "Theresa" of Jlyde county, pt Midgott, lias discharged a carof country produce, and will re n laden with merchandise. The "Victor" of Ransomville. Cap*, in Bovd. Is ly'ng in port. The schooner ' Louise" of Virgin.!, nt Fle'ds. is port loading with lumber. The "C'nra" of Philadelphia, is 'I ?n pert discharging a cargo of tllizer preparatory to taking on -a ? of lumber. The "Ann'e P. Wahah" of Ocrae. Capt. Williams. Is still in port. Fh~ '-'V^rlwro o' T^rbnro.' 'nwrfed ~' - ? - tn<? nr it'ver wu 10, oi Tarooro. I>t. John Roberts, fa in port today SS GO 1<D LAC19 NKFT>ET> . BY NEW !<RK8IOFNT. XTnsiJln.Kton, March 7.?There will marked reduction In the amount sold lace to be Been around the lite Honse during the preaent ad listrailon, if President W11 eon riea ont his plan to reduce the nber of military -Met which have snded the two former President*^ t became known that Major Thos. Ftboads. U. 8. A., who was military e and med'eal adviser to President t, had recommended that the pre t corps of twelve officers of the ty, nary and marine corps be cu? half. Furthermore, President (son probab'y will dispense with presence of a uniformed aide In travels about th* country.

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