larch ^ SSfS 4EtT?i c3niS"?tt< !? it -will be continued at rctular uub? i V? ocriplion rate* until notice to etot RT .u received. ? - If you do uot tet the DtlliKin eramptli telepbne or write thi manI i|9r, and the complaint will /eceive tsnmeQlate attention. It it Jur de tre to pleat* you. il articles icnt'to-tho"Dally"News Per publication mutt be tinned by I'1 otherwise they will not L 1 ^ TmtBnAY MAW mm - . THK I'.UWIMl OF HAZIM . ' Fran tlni? Immemorial 11 h?a tie?n .customary to haze at tho State, university. For the past ten years or so It has been an annual custom for the stu dent* to meet and voluntarily abolish baa .- f Is the trial just concluded at Hills* born, public sentiment was strongly ' ugaict the hazers. which probably accounts Tor the fact th3t they were ? _uot set free. Wet the public sentiment which dc;V?. sired, rightly or wrongfully, to inakc an example of those boys, is what will crentunlly stamp out hazing v Contrary to popular Impression, liai.rg cannot be stamped out In a da* Br: the fact remains tint' the big universities manage to gtT along without hazing. It I* n characteristic of the prep school and the very small college. May inir universities, and our -denominational institutions as wollsoor. gr,rw above such \;!|:IU1: practice*. TAI.kl >l.<tU I'irn iiK* ( ??mi?\^Vr * N-A York. March Iv - A dlafri of being the original home of talk nc movtes" ?s holiiu -frenwourl.v iJ'.spttted. the ilulmitnt for orfpihu'. hom.r* coming from France in ilie pcrsi ri of Leon Gantncnt. one of tin foremost French motion picture manufacturers. .Mr. Gaumotu has been jfe . runn'rg speaking F.ln::- in the G:iuJi?or.: I'alace Hippodrome Paris lor nearly two years. He declares he ha? excelled the Kdison pictures In many ways and he feels that the Wizard of Orange has usurped his thunder. He claims that the new speaking picjures were sprung sud ib-nly on the American market after ii became known that the t:i!l:;r.g film swere about to Invade the United States. In order to show the alleged superiority of tho Gnu. r.ont "talkies" Mr. Gaumont is com jjip to American early in April and liati arranged for a private demonstration under the auspices of the loreniost scientific organisation. This * <TdTrtoKSTKlttOTf "~W 111 OCCUT ltTX"l3TB'e theatre in the metropolitan district. Mr. tjuutnont also claims his talking tilinv ran he heard distinctly in all parts of the Metropolitan Opera JI mife. He is also an inventor of natural color pictures which are now on exhibition at the Coliseum In London "ml which will be exhibited here for the first time in April. He has overcome many of the defects generally found in natural color motion pictures as heretofore exhibited in America. TO HK.AK NON-PARTISAN 111 1.1.. Harrisburg. Pa.. Marrh 18?'-Thej dim wuirn provides lor non-partisan ballot for county and municipal elcc tions is scheduled for public hearing before the Elections Committee of the House today. This is the bill *'hich will conflict with Gov. Toner's non-partisan measure which has not et been introduced. ? <<)\(iKAT!"L\TK ^ ** MB. UTHKH MTARTHV Springfield. Mo., March 17.? Lath* er McCarthy, the most promlnent^pr America's "white hopciT^rcacIicshis"" majority today. McCarthy has been fighting professionally less than two 'years. He started to brighten his record last May. when he knocked out Carl Morris In six rounds. McCarty has never, been beaten. HAWAIAN "PAXR" (X)MIX(i. Honolulu, March 18.?The baseball team of the Chinese University of Hawaii, which toured the United t States a year ago, started on another visit to that country today, under th^ direction of Captiin Akana. They, expect to reach San Francisco about. March 26 A schedule of games has been arranged. AfteT a few coast matches. ! . the team wlH go east, ending Ito j schedule In this country- June 21. j 'Tbfl four will comprise approximate- ( jU;. iy 50.000 to lie# ( AMIMIKI.! IIHIK; *S T>> SI?kak. New York, Marrh IT.?Her. J. Campbell Morgan, the famous English preacher, will speak at Carnegie Hall tonight tor the Erpagollst Committee tn the interest of its nationwide campaign for church members. ILLINOIS LttMlKlMKX >111.1. Chicago, March 18.?The annual convention of the Illinois 8tsts Laundry men'a Convention met here tcday It ts said that nsw materials created by changing fashions will be , given much cnnsidafatlao at?the meeting. j CHOICE CUT FLOWERS I Hoses, Carnations and Violets I a specialty. Our artistic ar rangements in wedding outfits I are equal to the best. Nothing I finer in floral offerings than I nnr ni?A~l? ? B plants, palms and terna In great variety. Rose bushes, shruberrles, evergreens, hedgo plants and shade trees. Mali, telephone and telegraph order? promptly executed. J. t. G'QtllUN 4 CO.. RALEIGH. N. C. Phones 149 .xllTlt'K OF SA1.F. Cy virtue ?.r the power of sale contained in a mortgage deed to me executed by Altec T. r.nd Lucy Mat j WiiuHey, dated July 8th. 19'?s, and dulv recorded In the Register's office 4-fti.wir JUlCyrt.. ..Cuuniy in.._13ock 133. : page 1 . which is hereby referred to. 1 > *11 sell, at the Coun House door ,'tt Beaufort County, for cash n? the 'highest bidder, a! tiocn. on the 21st iday of Apirl. 1313. that certain lot joe parcel of land, lying and being In | the (V.'.inty -of Beaufort, State of I North Carolina. In the City of Washj it.sir:.. In that part thereof which is | mimed from the tract of land formerly known as the Pate land. 3ltuatcd Ion :ne west side of Market stftet, adi joining the lota of L. L. Davenport. W. H. Buss Brothers Company, and i. fit .'.its, ai d? latum?particularly described as follows: . MfKiiimni; at a point on" the wots vide ot Market street, fifty feel in a Southwest intersection of Market and Ninth streets, which said corner lot is the I?. U. Davenport lot. and runnine; thence in a southerly direction, with. Market street, a distance of Hfty-frnir feet a lid. two inches; thence, fnnr westerly direction, and parallel with Ninth tsreet. at right angles to ! .\ir.rket street, a distance of One Hun[drci and Fifty feet to the eastern l ino of the lot known as the W. H. I Kttss Brothers lot. which is lot No. 7 in ilie plot of the" Pate land recorded in Hook 01. at page 700 In the office of the Register cf Deeds, for. Beaufcrl County,; and running with the eastern line of said lot Xp. 7. n distance of fifty-four feet and two inches, in a northerly direction, to the DaveiTport line; thence, in an easterly direction, with the Davenport line, a distance of one hundred a:ei fifty feet to the beginning. This March 17th. 1913. ?IIT T.. BUSMAN. 3-18-4wc WMWmwm WebsterS WiNTERNATlONAlYj j/ DICTIONARY \ I THE MERR1AM WEBSTER? ff, it la t.VlW OK1A. TIOU, uuiwlm mrr field of the world's thought, action end culture. The only new unebrftdeed iHattonary in xneny yen. R*CiOU u d**1"? ow 400,000 ZZZZZOJ Werdm, more then erer core re #70# -Pajea. dooo UlaetrmlloMM. Iffmrmmmm tkUtkenrnty tmiemrj with the new dtrtded pace. A "Mrmte of Gestae" 1 aatnSa rSaMie"11" ** H ffuwn !! u autuUllJ'Jj' tie Hi court#, Boh00la ead H Pna aa the ore aajaa^a ? thorlty, FltZIZ> Hch^MPiuMat^paaf, - - -irrfcei 1? v.? ? H IIL' r V'""^"*** Wffm-' ? CEKTl KK ATK OF DISSOLITIOX. state of North Carolina. Department of 8Ute. To All to Whom Those Presents May Come?Greeting: WHEREAS, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntar: dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of alt the atodtholders. deposited in my .office, that the Southern Lime Company, a corporation of this 8tmte. whose prlneipal office Is situated at No. street, In the City of Washington, County of Beaufort. State of North Carolina (A. W. 8tyfon being the ajsent therein and in charge* thereof, upon whom process may be served)f has complied with the requirements of Chapter 21, Revisa] of 1906. entitled Corporations," preliminary to I ho iseutng of this Certificate of Dissolution: NOW THEREFORE. I. J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of State of the' State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did. on the 12 day of March, 1913. file In mjr office a duly executed and attoeted consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the jroceodingB aforesaid,are now on Ale In roy said* office as provided by law. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. I have he?vto set my hand and affixed my official seal, at Raleigh, this 12 day ot March. A. I)., 1913. ?Signed > J. BRYAN GRIMES. Secretary of State. I 3-18-4 wc TRY A NEWS WANT AD J NOTICE. j Under and by virtue of power of ;sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, dated September 4th, 1008. executed by John U. Boyd and Susan A. Boyd, his wife, to W. K. Bowen, which said mortgago deed is duly re'corded in the office of the Register ! of Heeds for 'Beaufort County in tUook 152. Page 158. thp underaignjed will, on Thursday.-the-10th day 'of April. 1913, at twelve (lp) {o'clock, noon, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Court I House door in Washington. N. C., the i following described real estate, towit; ? ? -A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Beaufort County [Long Acre Township, and described (and defined as follows, to-wit: j Adjoining the land? of the Jonathan Jarocks Patent and bounded as follows: Beginning in the first line of the running with the patent line northwardly to Martha F. n thence with her line east to the patent line; thence with the patent line to William E. Boyd's corner; thence with his line west to the beginning, containing ten (10) acres more or less. See deed from John R. Boyd, d-ted February 2nd, 1900, and recorded in the Register's Office of Bent:fort County, in Book 120, Page 2 j 2. This 10th day of March. 1913. W. 44. 4K>V?rENv Mortgagee. , William Bragaw & Company. Owners of the Debt. EDWARD E. STEWART. Attorney. j 3-11-4 wc NOTICE. There will he a meeting of the County Board of Elections on Mon day. March 17th. 1913. In Washington at 12 m., for the purpose of flxnp dates for municipal primaries. All municipalities holding eleetiona thjs Spring are hereby requested to notify the undersigned Immediately. Thcae? pElnftrlea will _ be conducted under the law of 1911. L.- H. REDDITT. t Secretary Board Flections. 3-19-3fc - v HOTEL RAYMOND 42 East 28th Street lAl Sahvaf ikatMa.1 New York City ' HUROPEAN PLAN Per Dsjr and Vp AMERICAN PLAN 2JI0 Per Day and Up Special rale? p? the week or month. Inspection invited. Reference eaehaored. A qnirt family hotel, recommended Jadics visiting New York City alone. Upon request by MUer or Telephone W Madiaoa Squanva mrwan? win meet >6u it Italian. MffflMircADWELL. ljo jou in.nK, mr. oe asvea. 'Look tiere, mw "> skipper ipj you^ great '?* / , Well |)i's tuv rich ninle ami all mj nr. I'HMJ. put MP v.?b UU cuwud cut?nk?ruuH.?pu. 'HM-iJt tha Jblrt KOliiB ao>vi. and tbcrw'a no bopa rd Ilka tlina to id, a Mm ooa sood. aound halting tn ~,mire tb. Iltlla accouot 1 o*. Mar Juot than n raacua ship appeared on the arena, and uboae the Jarful about the miK-mia voire gl.lM old man bj Iba rail won board, coouoaodln* bin dutiful uapbavr to fetch his bot water bottle from bla watarlocyvd atatrrooo. SHE BAKE UP ALL HOPE nqnUus Failed To Iklp Mrs. Green, Bat She Finally Farad Md^CuOt. Meetre. Tel?Mrs. J. C. Greed of this place, says: "I.suffered with wpmanly troubles so that I could hardly sit up. Tws of-tfce bast doctors la our tows treated me. and 1 tried different taedJ* class, until 1 care up all hops of am Setting well. # One day, I decided to try some Cap. dni. It dW so mtch.for me that I ordered somo more, and it cured me! rAl eel as well as 1 erer did Id The patus and the trouble 'are all gone. I feel like another person In every way. I wish every sufferer could know what Cardni will do for slek women." A few doses of Cirdul at the right time, will save many a big doctor bill* by preventing serious sickness. It tapes up the nervous system, and helps make pale cheeks fresh and rosy. Thousands or weak women have been restored to health and happiness by using Cardul. Suppose you try it It may bo just the medicine you need. N^a ? TTrite to: LniW*' Advbory Detrt.. Cbmti? | m.vnwfi .\OTlCE. I have this day qualified as AdCo well,. deceased ~ All persons holding claims against said estate are notified to present same to the undersigned within twelve months from the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. - . DR. JOHN O. BLOUNT. Administrator Polly Cowell, Deceased. Kdward L. Stewart, Attorney. This March 17th, 1?|3. / ?? 17-6wo ; ^ Brings Send |5 for The Ol est Model?No. 5?the "1 For the price of a writer. You can pay tb This Irresistible versa! typewriting is co: ink has been brought 1 >" ; This Is the typewri eat firms and corpora tic swiftest and by far .the meiai frame-work, maki feet upon It. NoE Most people prefet beautiful type is obtains It la the greet eat a ratlly read typo in.exia the world's printing pn ? y, The Oliver "Eypewr I * - ? . SON'S FAIR SKIN flOAp 23c JJ! *1 today At loMAmateur BU-1 "WI 3^ , ttard Clab The three cushion clnm "Wort!.. A Kth.rfctgr jpioii -lip I, I.M -k * - ? ? ; MADAME TpI']."!'! .TVR Wednesday, March 19th at the" j W'Jfe BAZAAR Market Street, W-?hlngton, N C. ; The Parcels Post ; Oa Im WMnridv. Ha. M. Ike F.iwH PM Mar weal* Inlo effect TW?? mea?? ? iKai a very -u~kf : I WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLANT I I : so V " j Oliver Typewriter Jver Typewrltter?tHfc machine .rill come a-flylhg. The neyr- " regular $100 machine?with no extra charge for Printype. . good; fountain pen you secure the World's Greatest Type e balance at the rate of 17 cents a day. 5 offer" ta sweeping everything before It The era of ?ni- ' ' mlng. The triumph of the typewriter-over primitive pen-andtbout b? the same machine that introduced visible writing. Hfcr a OLIVER Typavvritor rke Standard V itible Writer tor who* dicta eSclcticr tame made It the choice of the creatine. It to 'he simplest of all Stoddard typewriters, yet the _i. _ moot versatile. The marine porta work freely la a solid . np the maeblaa so strong that the hardest usees has- no ?t- . xtra Charge for "Printype" to have the machine equipped to write' Ip Rrlnlypc Thi? hie only on The O-1'er Typewriter. tyle Improvement erer evolred for typewriters?the molt Lance?the typo which oonforma to that In UDlrereal nee on ' mat i? Snowre with the Oliver ~ '?-?? ? ltar aids Kuccees-seekers In a multitude of ways. The reallife stories of acbfWemsftt that eeaiar around it k would ill rolamen. _ Ke matter what your wot* may he?In office. r* . .tore, .hop or home?The OUrcr Typewriter will Du ' ' prove lteelf a great convanleace and an actum Oa Jtirtand. [or order end ayataan end .access. It 2? is the risible evidence ot the progreeelreneas of It. owner. Yonna people with brain., ambition and ' 3hl '} Olirar Typewrotor. .re .ucceedlnc every where. '<&?'. Oei Can you afford to lot 15 stand between you and Lai accost? ^ p. / Mad For Spcchl Circular and Art Catalog. 71 nhl 'i'l jfVU dntall. retardfbg the OUrer Eeey-Purchaae- . P)nn. beautiful cut.log and a apeeltaen letter writt?i In Prtntype will he sent you on request. "Tj I' . ' l?t this 15 offer awaken you to your need of ,?*: Or] it th . rTffidflOwr'Typewrltrr and the ease with which yon <P ' o? * . may own It. .. ? RememUr?$5 only and on comes The Oliver Typewriter! 8e? v. PALM WITT Dot r-ue.o/ yoil?r<\ ^ VV " - Wf hyf arraa&eJ a special department that will attend to BHul orders and! forward them , t. ov c.iIimiiL .. ib m ?i fr?t ?a We Want \Your Business j n* null .? w*? ? tb?VmU..VW..MIWI.1IIO. cmln ??ckr^. fc in podltoa lo yoo betrt, lto? tay cmw, I, r?bw>T1i>iih (Prolix* ?xwin ok. V?.*r ~?T~? ?tHbb? Ui. h, P?i. Wu. .o.rorf. ; l?r Ihru-xb wlUo.dto vrrirf. Ihc pjrkxci^ou >nul. ... We will furnish YOU FREE a card giving; you th? rates of the netv Parcels Post Inw. 'At, Your Service." ! 1 Harris Hardware Co. ELECTRIC LIGHT L * Is' economical as well as convenient, clean, and safe. By using the Mazda lamp you now get three times as much for the same lighting _ ! bill as the old fashioned carbon light will give you. Spring. Is here. Why not let us wire your ? house for use of electric lights? ! A- vj* WMhlBfton. ft C. 3Bc. tnd Floor 8?rUB? and rrort Bbtldtng. Practieea la *11 * Kate Courta. . ? ' a. : 0- I A. D. VaeLm, ' WaahtDSton, N. C. I W. A. Thoaitoeo, * , . I Aurora. *. C. McU: lIt * THOMfflOS, A. lorneraot-Low, Aurora uad Waablnutoa, N. C. r rV a a ? . ? rnr daily SBwr WAX* AO. , "7^? LSHIKI.TOX PBODIIC* HARKBT monoat. mar. i*. im. m i? to m? ok Asia ??e 000 >? *dc lekenat, young . ID fo 10: V, < jj Ickoaa, grown. . I* la He Mrilngo 6a ??c sua, each I .fir. "eraSM mb aklna, each II to Hr W Wax ate I0F eh lea, each He Co lie Sow 4e r flint bldea. for lb Me f bldea, d ied, per lb ao to do wn Ballad Hldea l?e en Hideo ?e d Cotton ic. U4 1-4C W akin unit Ho E.Poai 1.6# to !.? bo. 4 WA?^ppP" - | Attorneys at Law tjFT V" c^nrt" '. 11 I, T*.?r?". H' ** 1ik{^ ' Waahlnstc. N. C. W? ?r?Uot :n tH. Court . FX^.D1,t,'M ?<??.. ***? ? . . . I I I ! . * 'una s. Bonim 1 _ wawbwokw.m.O. I ---* * * - ? -?-? - 1 L_ A* PBUJLIPS A "in FUW IKMJluS??" : wAranroroit. *. & I * ' ' ? ? ? . . . , * . . , . :y-^. W" O. CP1M38 I Waahlajton, Norm CaroLIaa. * traction ta all ika Oonrm. ; ?okn H. Small Vti *- T. FRAMK H BRYAN . Sm*1'. Miclrin A Bryaa a .wJ,hJn?to?iNo?oh CuMlu ' * ^ HARRY McIIVLLAN, Attorn?r-?t-L?w. Dr. Rodman Bldg.f R. Maln St, * Washington, Norik CaroBam*-! 3 KDWARO t. STEWART . Attornay-at-LaY. Washington. N. C. * . COLLUT H. HABDUt ! ? ! ~ NORWOOD U IDISOYS * Atlornay-at-Law I Washington, N. o I * ?, a w*. > LUM, ' ? ifw 11 .in - '

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