row. - - ] ^ ? of brsn new feather bod?. SO lbs.. ?>acb with one pair of pUlowa for each t> !. wWch wi|1 & f9t $10.00 apiece All new feather* and beet tickin; If interested coll at my naldor: - and examine thorn So 01* r tlio "bOi. aee before you buy. ye W. Latbaai.-Cbocowlnuy..>$;vv'; ;v. > I?08T?IN JUVXBC THKATRJC OR between . 1 hoatre sad Bloont'e dreg store, t- pocketbook containing abont ill- i"6. Pindar feleeae |\fiL ' return to Dai I; New* cffice and receive reward -?-rSn^te B*a : . s-t 11 ?r"IVAHTKD - HAHM.'HV; ONK with erp.rionce prrf rrud Apply to J. F. Buckmso ? Crn. ly. trll-tle hit - ,? WHEN TOU TVA.VT PBItti MlMC that l? rt**n to drink. try I- n ik? 8btr Pulry. Ring J. B. Peed'. phone. : ? <11 TO TOHACOO TKVWT. Cologne, March 18?The first of tli'? meeting* which have been orderly*1 <'d to bo held In the principal cities of Germany to organise a concerted movement against the Anglo-American tobacco trust, was held here toj? flay_. Native Interests are putting pV great Interest ii\to the.fight. * , ; . ltUNTSKH TO orVlS A PUT. Milwaukee, Wis.. March 17i?Oil? or the mOpclpal features or annual meeting of the State Franklin club here this evening will be the presentation of the play, "The Revised ;>* Proof/* at the -Probst Theatre. The play was produced last year in Denver at the "National' Printers' Coat 7 Convention. - ? NOTIOB OF 8AI.E. "7". Beaufort County?Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Edmund Edwards x E. D. Gay lord et als hoii^-at-law of J. Lurana Gajlord, doe'd. Under and by virtue of the Order of Sale; mcde in the abo.e entitled proceeding, the undersigr J commissioner will on Monday. March list. 1913; at 12 m. at the < >urt House door of Beaufort County. N. C.. o*er for aale to "the blgtiast hh-' pubUe anctlor.7 for ensh, tiTo following V described tract of land: Beginning at the S. r corner of Annie lfcCullera lot <91 Y>irJ street. running with said Third street 52 1-9 tftt. thcn?y N. 105 feet, thenca W. 61 1-3 feet, tfceaee 106 feet to beginning. being Eastern one-fourth part Book 57, page 299. Register's office Beaufort County, N. C.,~ and being the same land conveyed by Wu. O. Telfair and others to Susana Gaylord. by deed recorded in Book 67. page* 499. Register Deed's office, | Beaufort County, N. C.. and being in | that pert ol the town of Washington. N C . called McKalr town. Of amount o( sate, 1(1 per cent mil V, be required aa deposit. ThU Feb. 18th. 1813.3 p " NORWOOD V. SIMMONS. Commissioner of Court. ""3-Vdwe"" r- - T . NOTICE. .. Under aad by virtue of the power of sale contained In a mortgage to " j the uuderaigned Haseell Supply Company from B. J. Aran and wife. -Donlae Ayera.- dated- May ?. 1*13. which la recorded In the Registrar's oOce of Beaufort' County. North Carolina, In Book lit Page 438. the underalga will on the 8th dey ot April, 11 o'clock aoon Mil for cagh before the Court Hooae door of Beaufort County. North Carolina. the following deeorlbcd tract of land, lying In Beuufort County, state of .North Carolina, aad in k half ot the lend known as the John b. Dudley lend, which Mary E. A rem 1 purchased from har huehand, Darld I A yarn before marriage, and he. said H Ayara, pnrchaeed said land from M. W (I BrlttO?.mtd heirs; said laud Is .fully described In e deed from John <3. Blount, Clerk aad Commissioner U to Elisabeth Dudley, dated Noreraber i 30th, 1373, aad registered In book L 5S, page P, la lb. Aegtamr's office of V Beaufort County, It being the same \ land centered to said B. J. Ayere by / deed dated December 29th, }?00. which 11 recorded In Book lid. page Ill, containing HO acres, being at unHiTidnii one-half interest therein, being the same land described in the o foresaid mortgage. . Thla February |0th. 1311 ' * k , HA8HKLI. SUPPLY CO. rsf^ Harry MeHollan, Attorney L. y 8Il%$*lQ^?*l! 1 P* t?" \ MIVlsFlWmal# I IIImImW MitRT TOOLS >W FEW MalUt, Pruning Knifa* Pat of Coal Tar and Paint Bruch tha Firatl BaaoaPlaU Larfdaia^Ba** CU* Are Convaniant Auxiliary Instruments. By ROY G. PIERCE, Trn Surgeon Pannaytvania Chaatnut Blight Commission. ' What (a to be done with diseased I,'tree* to bring tbefcri back to health or to prevent them from Infecting other her.lthjr trees near by? To bring the trees back to hmltk Implies tlwit dla c.i*e can be cored. This is not always true, for the tree many ba already nearly girdled wbau the disease U first noticed. A trse tnkeu in time, bow eer. uuty base Its life prolonged Indefinitely. though It may have the bUght lu *oini> poctlon of It every year. . Profit*!!- J Pmnklln. Colllna. forest pathologist In 4bo department of agriculture. In farmers* bulletin 4C7. on The Control of the Cltcalnut Bark Dis ease." sires the following: "The essentials for the work are a Rouge.'o mallet. a pruning knife. n pot of cool tar and a paint brush. In the case of a I tall tresis ladder or rope both ttafr I be oeceerasy. tmt uuder no olrcuoaKbutces should tree climbers be used, as they cause wounds which are very L (i v :U!M*l)ts. A!\ ? / fjie discolored diseased ureas In xtrw should bo remored. Small brum ho ?r tarts* nettrty girdled are hoi i off. Cankers in the main trunk or ??? limbs should be gouged out. Ciirefubui-s Is tlio'prime requisite aHLfekt" > SraaR^ -*S J&t-ia. B chxstsot ram akixr TmuTinsrr. lip this wort, tf the disease ha a completely killed the cambium the bark should b> eptlroly removed. as wall aa several layers of wood beneath the canker. By frequent examination, however, diseased spots may be found on the tree where the mycelium of the fungus is still in the upper layeH of the berks It la not naceaaarjr then to cut clear to the wood, but the discolored outer bark may be removed and a layer of healthy inner hark left beneath the cut. Jha sap may mil Cow through this layer The border of the diseased area is quite distinct, but cutting should not stop here, but should be continued beyond the discolored portion into healthy bark at least an Inch. Thn. tools should bo thoroughly sterilized by immersion into u solution of 1.1000 bichloride of mercury or/ft per cent solution of formaldehyde. It has been shown that a cut mode pointed at the top und bottom heals much faster than one minuted. The edges' of the cut should be made with care so ts not to Injure the cambium. The chips of dlseasuil bark and wood atould_r?ot be allowed to fwH on the I ground, then to be forgotten: i bag" fastened Just below tbo canker will collect (poet of this material as It 1* gouged out and prevent possible reinfection, which might take place If the the berk. Cntu or bnrtap spread round under a small orchard tree mlckt be eoRlclent to catch all of the illsuisii i! chips of bark and wood cut out ot the lower Infections.. This dls Newest Discovery Sick Liver Sick He: Everyone Feels Fine First Da1 er-Ald. No More Calomel to ey Beck If Not Satisfied Kick Your Calomel Have you lizard abont the naw User remedy that Hardy's Druf store ie Hellion to much oft Don't bother 'any more vflth eaKSSir th. new remedy Is safer, better, surer and no after m leery or Al St real ? And here's a statataant that aborts how rood CARSWBLL'8 LIVER-AID Is; If you buy It for any ailment for whfeta we recommend It and you ero aotMjtlattad with result, money hack twU?n.ov?l from tfe, u all <1*ml unhnrlwd furmlabe blight r.insu?.-Krom A.l!lr,^< at?.Mc<-l mu more emphatically are they aa caged to tlie great prublcma o( pratec tl>* uicdlclnti. Hating appreciated tfc viMSadlMH* of lower funna of 11/ (bacteria, protoaua, etc.l up. human life and bMltb, tbej ban on dearilred (o make tbla knowledge prac ttcul and bare aueteoded tutitrelou-lj aa la.ahowo In tbe biatorj of tbe Pan aula canal, tbe aaoltatlon of Cuba, tb ' nPililiiuiHnn nf a-ail Into /Man ?I. . '"'\?irv> yi j it'>T ic.rr .iniu* t I sou tit. the stumping out of huma Cgue oo tbe Pacific coant. and'Lbls I t n beginning. Parallel with thl greatly Increased work -la prerentiTi linen there has teen a leeaenlfe of dm J medication. Thau la not to say pbysl clnna hare discarded drug*. They hav. note and sum* are a a molded . | honor aud obey or something like that"?Washington Star. CONVICTS ON JERSEY ROADS, Fall to Work With a Win Their Fir* Day In Chill Wintar. For the first time In the history ol j Now Jersey public roads are being r* I paired by convict labor. Sixteen mer | from the state prison In Trohtnu. wen taken from the Institution and hauled in u stage to the White Horse road. a iew mlles distant Practically all of the prisoners bf^ been serving many years, and tliey were unused to the biting blasts ol winter, but they went'to work with r will, and the authorities were blghli tdessetl with the first day's experience The men were under twej. guards. and at noon a dinner was served tor then In u wayside bote*. They were sent back to the prison at nightfall. for , Constipation adache and Malaria T' A V After Taking Carswell's Liv r People of Washington. Mon Z Out the Back Door 'iv/ : , . < ; ly Vegetable; Is pleasant to lata (which makes it th? Idssi remedy U olean out the bowels of the llttla ones). it acts on tba liver wlthou haruljnesu gently but surely 1 Miu Pkarl iddrette or B.thl* 1m |: town today. Mr. T. M. Mldy^tte of Bath was here yesterday. vi-iiifc Vi 1 Mr. and Mrs,' Gurganus have rail turned from Plymouth, accompanied r by Mlai Annie G organ us. t ? r Mrs. PrOttor of brimeelafad was visiting In town yesterday. 1111 f Miss Maude Windlej' has returned I from visiting friends in Pantego and Beibaven. >* m '~" t Mrs. E. H. Shelburn and daughter 1 of Qreenville were here yesterday [ shopping. lj Miss Velma Venters, who teachers i in the vicinity of Washington, was i in the city yesterday. i * 1 Miss Love Edwards of Edward was here yesterday. Mr C. M. Caleb of Tarboro is in the city today. _ v. .* * " Mr. A. L. Mull of Richmond is registered at the Louise. i I Miss Myrtle Peacock of Roper is visiting friends in town. I . ! Mr. J. W. Joyner 6f FftTHIVlllB ft among the day'B visitors. , .... I Mr. W. J. Sims of Raleigh Is regis- j .teerd at the Louise. * ? I Messrs. C. K. Puiuphrey. L. L. Stancell, and N. E. Mohn of New r-Bern are here today. ? ? | Mr. A. H. Jurratt of Lexington la a I visitor today. e a V Mr? J. F. Spone of Charlotte Is registered at the Louise. * Mr. T. H. Olive of Apex is here to' (far. ' * r' Cumulative Value of Good Highways. Improved rotids nre breeders of trnft dc. Commerce Invariably follows the line of the lenst resistance. and ntrely I .s a good rua'd constructe voyage aboard the training ship Cum? bedand, arrived here today. He has t no special cabin nnr other luxuries^ I being treated as an ordinary cadet : CASTOR IT For tad Chlldroo. r Ths UmI Yia Hate Always Beagbt 1 Blgootur. of * ' ' IS I L. " M$-TO Christm Numb( ; every] RANK i I L ; B1 mT*! iiTai ilmTnTTrr^B Praise For Bear's Emulsion I! DID MBS. SIMMONS A WORLD OF IL. .. v..",k GOOD. J II<'ure START IN 1 as Savin . a. - --? ' v_-1 ? ' > '7,5> j v irs of People * day. QE WASHI Washington, N. C ... ' !" , 1 . ~ GROCERY AD1 FOR ECONOMIC/ JOS. F. PKcnes 129 & 124. ri .i ?? carries tne Most< Family G ALWAYS FRESK Polite Clc Quick I Old Fashioned Blue Ridge BUCKWHEAT JUST ARRIVED 4c Pound , A large bottle Buckwheat Syrup for 25c. Phoue us for 5 pounds the former und a large botle of the latter. You will like them fine. PUKE FOOD GROCERY J. E. BONNER. Prop. Phone 261 128 South|Market St. The Lowest Priced Grocery House in the "CnY." see: The Difference Let us send you one pound of Royal Scarlet Coffee Then you'll ask us to send It next time. CLAUD A. LITTLE, "The Store Around the Corner' C . LEO# WOOD?McMbcn New Y?4 \ I LEON W< / B ANKERS ant f Stock*, Bwta, OSMk Ma \ Ccrpeaacer SsSfMg, laMk, Vl 1 .PrinM ckaa to t^ uiiuj iiviu luyoiuPifl^^B ^.4 IIAiiiHttiM >/x MANUEACTUMKEKIMi uVJ. LOUISVILL&^MLSJL NEWS rON, N. c. CAlr AG?rNT3 - fflj?