===== p.;- . niiw?i.uiw?tMi> Mlrini la koeplox with tbo stylo*. M6r*.?6 wn ?ar> la VMM te P.O. jrnmr Iwllui tor tfeot Euttr Ml lot u bore too laopoet oar P ^ ~ " ip??jl jlqyh ""increased dan W^~ '? ' Ones with this cold strap. B< 1} come to YOU at any th i INSURANCE. ' nose or 266 (or it today. >d ; ' ' Witt First Insurancej 1 Sel fc. as one usu ^Whene' name Selz i gree of sati For ins that repres be InteresteJ in this 'line. A1 styles. Every Shoe bearlni ara?a guarantee of your sal riking Models foi n Display Here. 7or Easter BARRETT & *] rqyali 1 , - - NOTICE OF SALE. ? ? ?j ? By virtue of a power of sale contajaed In a certain deed of trust , from D. D. Bonner to W, C. Rodman dated April 19, 1905, and recorded m Book 133. page 108, the under?iKM?d will on Wednesday ,\pril 2. ISIS, at noon, sell at the Court Hooes door in the town of Washington to the highest bidder for cash the property dcscrtbed tn said deed of ;'v . treat, being two tracts of land in Richmond Township.- described as rolfows: * Sat Tract: Rounded by the landsI of J. L Rhctu. Wm. Keys, and M. B. J Tftiuoaeun, located on the west side of Dnrhams Creek and containing SCI acres more or less. 2nd Tract: On the we.*-1 tide of . th? ma-n road leading from C. B. Banners store to B. B. ltoss' house and bounded by the lands of C. W. ? Bonner, containing 5 acres more or leas, which tract is located on the Bast aide of Uurhnms Creek. 3rd. A certain telephone line feeding from Washington by Edwards, Bonnerton and Aurora to Bayborn, with all tfri" poN^ond, ctlior! appar ted ft trees toKs:itd wsepbon'* Ijpc as described in said feed of trust. This March 1st. 1913 \V. r. KOI?MAN. Trtstee. | 3-3-4 wc j =zzz==z==zzzz==z==r=r=zriz:1 m<; haitixi. 1.1st. * ~~ Thousands upon thousands 01 per*' *uk in all parts of the country are wailing anxiously for their copier- of u*!*t Sunday's New Yorfc World. wbMh aside from its wonderful display of news from all over the earth, will comprise a 24-page illustrated Warraiine, a 16-page Joke Book full of Jrsrts. riddles, funny pictures.fbvefcs, puzzles, etc., the words and newaic af the great song hit: "Girl March" from the American Maid and nay other features of surpassing ueterest. Owing to its great demand the Sunday World should always be offered io advance. The La; price, you certainly will leathers; the very latest he name S E L Z h< is/action Some Very St Men Now o Shoes J y ^ ] n w persons holdlnx axainst I mU ? r*q?ir?d t. p??? w?lr? mootfca tram Ikte <Uu. or thla LOtlc. wlU fc. ?l.?dod in bar of thoirj J AJml.Utr.tor of jjJt*. Kto D* ceased. * GER FROM FIRES prepared for the low that. ne by having BRAGAW'S '. \ r r l o I* Bruguw & Co. Agents la Washington, N. C. t P ?w e \ . I Gallant Claud* Duval. " | Claude I hi vnI. the gallant robber ot l men's pursen nod ladles' (Marts, was of French extraction. DqtoI became go neb with his fll gotten gains that he was enabled to retire from the profcsslon nod return to France Bat a quiet life, free from the excitement of his old career, did not agree with his adventurous spirit Be returned P again to Engird and resumed bis arc- 1 cotton. At tcngfcb fa* waa eaptnred at -4 the Mole In the Wall. In Chandos 1 street: "" - 1 KLlIu i<> urban aaaltlaa hh many ladles uf posllivu visited Ulro ^ and endeavored lo obtain Uls release, ? but Justlct? was Inexorable., and be was hanged at Tyburu lu Jnnuory. 1GTO 111* epitaph in St. Paul's church. ^ Covent tiiirOrti. speaks of tilm a* "Old ^ ^rt\urn's uiury, England's illustrious ^ tbiel." niul tells us: A D Here lies Duval. Header. If male thou ^ art, b Look to tby purse; If female, to thy v heart. Much havoc has tie made or both B.ld. ? ftnicker?The snuwt ot aevenijr win- e tr* are on his lieiid Mo?fc?*r-Wetl, they mum have bttfii o|h*ii winters-? New York Sun The r?rnr?> man carves out hi* for- '' lnii" lino evert man In the sou of his ^ own works ?Vrvntitiss. ' v Good Roads Mean Money. tl The people need t?? be educated to c the t'.-ut tliiit iiiouey spent for good P ro-ds Is not money .thrown iiwny. C who reus niunoy spent for makeshift improvement* is worse lb no thrown nway. J GOOD ROAD GRIST. % \ J % I J A bad foundation insures a S. > bad road, no matter how much + * attention is paid to the surface. J J 'J Consider the traffic to go over + + the proposed road and then se- * j lect the material to he used. J 2 4. To make a split <03 drag use > J red c?nr. rec elm. oox elder. T T J soft maple 01 *11110*. +?T + The earth r0ao should have + j" j some friends who will drain it Tlx I and then drag it after every 4. A hard rain. , T J Every county that has in it an Ji 2 X active good roads organization < A is improving the roads. st Minute "xTto bard to raulixo how uiucb h*.l broufboot thlo Motion 4wta*"tI5rSii w jenrw lour ;oora ago It raqalrad torn ?ro to an boor, to tmrol a cvr ala road to > point rirtfp aiH?t <M| ant. using a two boras wagon. nn<? earn and carrying half a lodd. Noo W trip, can bo suds wit* tbs tan* OulpmsDt and load In thraA bours. Thus In one setae of U>e word tlx tstanca has been shortened about one alt.' Poor years ngo It was very a rely possible to bau) anything like a all load along this rond. and It ofter appennd In bad weqtbar that (t ?m at of the question to haul any load u. 11 and trot well nljkli impossible k Tirol It with od empty vehicle. Now 10 weather never gets so bad that tbb Md is not In fair condition, and great r loads ore belug hauled over It with as power and time, loss wear and >ar. less worry and bother,?Prank II lutts in Progroaalvy Parmer. TO NUMBER ROADS. ranch Highways Will Ba Divided Intc Four Classes. It Is reported tbat as the result of a etltion which baa been circulated 10 'ranee asking that automobile trave rough tbat couutry be alrbpliQed Py le numbering of all the roads It U " ulto likely that this system will be ? general use within n short time ix-Presldent Fallleres was stated tc are beeu the flrst signer of the petl on. according to tne pittos or me proino [>rs. all the roads In tbe country will e divided Into four classes? national, ep'nrtrueutnl. those or main commu leutloo and those of common entry. Illestones along the tray. Instead of earing the names of nearest towns, rill be marked with Initials showing o which chtss the road belongs nnd be number of the road itself In large gurus. These Hgii'-ea will also be pal p conspicuously along tie route wber vor needed. New Method of Road Maintenance. The road commissioners of n county n Georgia nre considering a new pbtr or maiutnltiing the highways The Sea Is to organize n gang of road ralkers, to be composed of free labor, bnt can be sent anywhere In tbe ounty on short notice and without the tpen?e of guardsr~as in tbe case ol onvlcta. Experiment In Dee Molnee/Tl. Des Molues, la.. Is to build h mile ol xperlmentnl roadway to determine be best method of construction. Oue ectlon will be of concrete, another of ug covered with broken stone, etc. ' WHERE THE OPPOSITION T STANDS. ? ^ There are plenty of people in t every town who have not the T ?alightaat interest in. tho im- X provement of the surrounding f highways and who ought to $ have none. Moreover, you will t find them in the moet exclusive T section of ?h? eit? th? ????- '* torv.?Southern Good Roads. J ! of Styl That is the Way to Charac z Royal Blu at $3.50 to $ j are not asked to pay eat ally connects with highgradi irer you put your money i you are sure beforehand of isfactlon. itance, at $3.00 we have a 11 ent the most unusual value. Bk i I ^ tURNAGE'S SLUE" S^ ; f.'W'Zfc A i. V. }' f ?. ' . jw K-t^v\;*H,4- >'! A'-jftJtC / ^1' '^'iW ttifcii "i - Vir tliii f I I VOT NlRCOflC. Hi B re^s?riLossora!n? W - ?gr^ H THK CXJTTAUH COHPAM; bbh pHHrrj Exact Copy of Wrxpper. Pointer on Roag Metsling. Hlllsboro county. Fla.. has a cousld era bio extent of good roads. Abont 100 miles approximately. most of which has been improved wltbln a few recent years. One of the county commissioners in an interview recently laid phr tlcular stress on the necessity for an miri|uaie ioicniit'? o? tnuiuiing. He | maintains that these should be of macntlatp construction. nt least eight luetics of stone on the sides and ten! Inches In the confer. Even more would | odd to tho longevity of the road. In his j Judgment. Tlf*'8tory Bumen Told. i Uunsen. the great German scientist, was extremely absentuiinded. He bad bud Ills evening clothes put out that be light attend a card paft/ fb which be bud been Invited, but forgot all about it until the next morning, when bis nianl pointed out that the evening, clothes! and not been worn. And then h? WM nmrked to hiinself, "I know what I'll do." 'J'hnt eveulug he put on bis dress clothes, went to the lady's bouse nt the appointed time and walked in aa if It were the day upon which he had been invited: The hostess, much tdb polite to tell him that he had mtatakcu the evening and that the party had taken place on the previous night, sent to ber friends asking them to come In to play a rubber again. They did so. In the course of tbe evening tho conversation turned on aliseutmlndedness. and Bon-| sen began to tell them what had hap-' pencd to him a long time ago?bow j ttmt tic had forgotten an lnvltatluu and how be bad made op hla mind to go tbe next night?and thus he told the party the whole atory, forgetting altogether that be was giving them an account of what was happening at the very moment. ? J&. : . n ishness terize the e Shoes 5.00 ravagaat - prices, -such- II s, stylish shoes, oto shoes bearing the I getting the fullest de- 11 ne of women's shoes 11 If $8.00 Is your shoe 11 ? ' I I - - - ' * ? rORE 1 -.'I ' . , ; s f%r* C5 * 4- jr JB a i n JEJfjp P'r'llir ' M iflSTORlI 1 ?++ ? ? ? I ? ? < I < | BOOMING BETTER ROADS. Good roads are a naeaulty ' | and will pay dividends on the H ] maway invaatad in their conI < ' at'wlM' - ^ }-v?v . fc>?o? am owing , organized in avary hamlet, vll- ? age. county and city in the ' land. \ Stir up road diacuaaion, (Or a a long fa tho road queatton ia' lot J alone there will bo no chance at , A public.discussion throughout any community ia bound to bring < soma improvement. * I J The road question ia mora im- < | O portent than tho tariff and other . f popular subjects of political ae- j ? tivlir. ' , J Our nation may claim to bo in * ? advance of European oivlliza- J + tion. but European roads put ^ T ours to shame. * 2 Never can we have excellent J J system for permanent main- J j Rainy, snowy and muddy < T weather, which'ia euro to come, J ! 4 will bring the road quostton to * j J every home. J The question of using convict 1 * labor on public roads should J | t have the attention of every state j ? legislature.?Bettor Roads. } j NORFOLK SOUTHERN KA11.ROAI Route of the "NIGHT EXPRE55K." r Schedule In Effect January e>. is 13 , N. B.?The following schedule fig ores published aa information onlj and are not guaranteed. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON. North Bond. 2:35 a. m. Bally*?Night Expreae j Pullman Sleeping Cars to Norfolk 10:40 a. m. Dally?For Norfolk. Com I nects for all points north and jgest 1:50 p. m.?Daily except Sunday foi Belhaven. ! West Bound. 6:50 a. m.?Daily except Sunday foi Greenville, Wilson and Raletgh Connects North, South and Weal with all llnea. 1:20 p. ra.?Dally for Greenville Wilson and Raleigh. Broiler Parlor Car Service. 2:27 a. m.?Daily. Pullman Sleeping Cars for Greenvffler Wilson and Raleigh. Connects North, South and West. - 7^" South Bound. 2:27 a. m.?Dally for New Bern, and Goldsboro. Pullman 9:45 a. m.?Daily except Sunday foi New Bern. 3:30 p. m.?Daily for New Bern, ?Goldsboro And Beaufort? For further Information and reservation of BqMm&n Sleeping Cat apace, apply to T. H. Myers, Washington, N. C. W. W. CROXTON. - CtonT Passenger Agent. W. A. WITT. v Gen'l Snpt., Norfolk, Va. How'd You To Get a C . i Juit in Time to I That's just 'hat you id ly realize where It came CHRLSTMAS I Join Monday by makli some one 'ijo bring It for II LEW IS & The Market Street Old aV WKU.-?Tb RKb Kpk Carolina?Beaufort County. - In the Superior Court?Before the Clerk. J Edward L. Stewart; Administrator, of Daniel Heeeell, deceased . . ,, ..'vs. - ; Fannie Heeeell, Nu?) King, Ben Biggs, Camillus Biggs, Nelson Biggs. William Henry Biggs, and Nanry Gurgsnus. Pursuant to on order heretofore ; Iseuod in this cause wherein tb? undersigned administrator of Daniel Hassell, deceased, Ib ordered and dlI rected tQ expose for sale the lands ; and premises hereinafter described, ; the undersigned will, in compHaaes > with.'the terms of said Hfaler/''' : Thursday, April 10th, 1913, at IS ; o'clock, noon, Offer for salo to the ; highest bidder for cases, at the Court > House door. In Beaufort County, the ? ' following described Veal estate ta! vlt: . | A tract of land in Beaufort i;oun- " l ty. North Carolina, adjoining the ! lands of Nancy Jones and others and Abounded as follows: Beginning at a ; post; on Van Norden street, the divls Ion line between he and Nancy John' eon. running 70 yards South on said ; street; thence at right angles half > 1 way to Bridge street; thence parallel ^ with said street 70 yards, sad from thence at right angles to.the begin- . ning. .containing one acre more or - description Just shore given that part r of said land which was convoyed hy Daniel Hassell to Elizabeth Jones on January 3rd, 1888. and registered In . Book 67, page 801; also that part . thereof which- was conveyed hJ Dan,' lei Hassell to Lomo* Qlackledge on " ' January 3rd, 1888, which deed Is re- 1 r This-10th day of Manch, 1818. EDWARD L. STEWART, r Administrator of Daniel Hassel, De- g erased. a 3-10-i wc c , -- 1 ? HOnCB. . t Having Jjnalifled as Administrator, C. T. A., of E. Stanley McCalloogh, h deceased, late of Beaufort County, North Carolina; t^ts Is topotlfy alt persons having claims against tfeS ee tate of said dedeased to exhibit them Q L AO the undersigned, on or before the ? . 15$h day of Msreh. 1914,~or thli^tF " tiee will he pleaded in har of their ^ , recovery. All persons indebted to c said estate will pleaaemnk^ Imme- ^ ' diate payment. b This March 15. 1813 nntuion a u?rinjoiinw Administrator. * Ward 4b Grlmaa, Attorneys 3-16-4 Wc l Like j A Couple of Weeks . Before Christmas? ' ?..? V..... D ... T *,,U1 i ivjciia I ' \ ; | rill do, ?nd you will hlrd I from, if you join oUf ti SAVINGS CLUB ? 18 tbe first weekly paye. send It by mall or get you. - *Washington. : ' 4P1 *:Lki - r-:j&r&z rm ^ Kather Affterft tp ket-p I the Knilfifk /it Antim** tsmperalure. Can't light tfvi furnace y6t as It 13 loo v. arm during the middle of the day, but some hedt Is needed In the morning and after sundown. ' Use a Vulcan Odorless Gas fe Heater '4 p.:.6; -VMakes a room comfortable in free minutes . _ . ' Pnsitisily QdOrt? ? Absolutely SanlUry I " Washington Ltflbt S Mater Gi. I1RTHDAY MHNKH New York, March 18.?Governor tnlaer will be the guest of honor at . dinner to he siren by leading Dee erata and other prominent citiaaa* t the State la honor o{ bin fiftieth Irthday, tonight. 1 TO TAX PAYERS. ?w*-?__ ; rl All peraoee owing taaee, who do ot wish to pur corn, win pleaae. DIM and aettlc at once. I am ?beUed to Mrpinaanfc; aai'dWy"? raet or parcel at land la Beaufort omnty will be levied on and tbo 7 March ISth. After lory la made', nd coat added the whole amoent Fill have to he paid. No coat will a tpken oft. ' Tbleath dap of March, this. . OHO. M. R1CK8. tfS -r . Sherl* Beaufort Cooatr. M-tdte " - ' ^ PB1CJHEAM j 10TI0N PICTORMS ? c . . HE BOHH UP THE MATY Midi. 9.and A Weatern Dnhmt. ; /.?| " V: , MKTHOPOI.K HOTKI. HAR, Roll* Comity ' ici/v"-- V' g*' i thk informer. A Ctrll W*T Drama?Blorrapby. ? * dmlaalon - - - Sc M lOcr ' " ' """

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