There ere .oms Ideae embodied In the Good Road Bill (or Beaufort 4 1""" -h'eb ' -"oh' Hltr 111 not alwaya be plain arhat the eltecl. and operation will be unloea he un worked I. other teclltlM, or know, the condition# that .articular prorlnton. am Intended to meet. Ae one county 1 seek this opportunity to givevtolhe public sorfie of fhe ideas that underlay the bill. There Is nothing original in the act la all or its essential provisions It comes from statutes that hare been f^oand "workable" In different localities, being changed only when necessary to- meet our own conditions. We will therefor? be freed from the danger of experiment and have the confidence given us by knowing that all of Ideas of the bill have been tried and found to be satisfactory la their operation. Wo are'told by those in position to know that the^tnost essential thing to do li getting a system of good |&. Vv-~; roadsto bay? the thing, that Js equally' important to alt other enterprise?. and that is. management. Un-? *: - leas your road'work is going to have a responsible head to It. it can not be carried on successfully, s With the foregoing tdea in mind, the bill provides for the appointment of a Highway Superintendent for tho entire county. This man will have to give his entire time and attention tc the snpenrlBion of the road work 1n the ceaaty. If. the office in created this man will be lu position to do more for the County Of- Beaufort than any Individual, or body of men. r r la the eounty have #?er been given * onnnrtualtt tn. H4? will K#. in a WBf, similar to the Superintendent of Education. He will have, / the"position of seeing that the money | spent on the maintenance of the - rondo of the county is Judiciously 0Md: and not *n?ted. If .we get th. rieht kind or innn. anil wd ran got. hint, ha Kin ten that "tbla In done. Until you get a road superintendent. who is paid for his entire time, you will never get In operation a V * good system of roads. rav. - mis is the main reason why we hav? to have the road bur te spply to the whole county. By having the whole oohaty Included the services oi lue proper roan can De securod at n vrlce that we can afford to pay, fVT - : vhkfc. of course, would not be the coae If we were dealing for one or two townships. We now nave no <" ? nwM.lhlf hfart tn inrh mill won u li MU| a&aflR me con.t? The road work in the county la nobody's business and we all know how such enterprises as that "prosper." The Highway Superintendent will be under the supervision of the Good Hoad Commissioners, one from each t township and one frolfi thd county at large. They will see that he does his duty and keep in tou^h with the needs of their sections and see that the way. la equitably distributed. QpV The Good Roads Gemmiaalen?fW be'a non-political body. They should L fe?. <*9*rn lrr~Eect]??isLa*rtrjJBliatlons, with a view only as to their ' suitability to the office. I believe ( that we ean easily get a Good Road denes ol the people. - ' It will be noted from reading the aet that the funds derived from the sale of bonds, or from taxes, will be ... bandied by the Treasurer or the . County^ander the direction Df the Highway Superintendent, and Good Koad Commission, thereby amrlng 1 roper management of It, without additional expense to the county. The act provides that the maximum rate ot taxation shall be twenty cents an each hundred dollars' worth ot property and thirty cants I H on th? ??u. nui ta an towae ax wall aa the country. No one will he subject to road & , " duty, the roads belax maintained entirely by taxation. It the bond Issue is carried there V Will be a tend euffldent to construct two hundred IS lies of hl(h trade tj j . roads In the county, at one thousand dollars pet mile, itrlns us all of oer principal highways. f> f- The tax rate mentioned, at the present valuation of the property In the county, will provide a fund sumdent to letlre the bonds In forty years and furnish twenty-Bra dollars per mile, to be epent each year upon maintenance of ell the public roads In the county, Including tlieHmproved TOR IWYI.K, TRICE AMI l:m:(i In Easter Hats, at the fiaxaar, fey Pj Madam Littler , - 3-S0-?tc ' I v" fclghwa^. \ _ 1m irj* M Coplea of the bill will be distrlbuted^frwlr throughout the county. I have nlroady heard several statements made as to its provisions bfhlcb wars incorrect This, I believe, was due to lack, of information. .Every man *111 be given an opportunity to read the bill apd then he Will wrm position to fornrhla own opinion, baaed upon Information from the beat 'source. ,vn overwhelming majority of the people are for good roada. ' A- great \o whothea they will got them by adopting this act and putting in force this eyetem in the county. The thing that convinced mo\la favor of this measure eras that it bad been tried in numerous other places whore the results desired vrew secured. The experience of other cokntlea should afford us the best guide. ^ Beaufort la naturally a rich county. WO have wonderfully One op^ portunities In agrtWltural .. llpes. 'Vhlle wo stand greatly in need of miny things, I- regard the demand fcr pood roads as the most pressing. It ? ? ... I The flsh boat A. L. White of Hat-, terns, Capt. P??1, owned fey the here with a heavy load of Oeh. The large, schooner Pamlico of Philadelphia, owned by the Southern Transportation Co., Capt. Larktn, Is' still In port. The gas boat Annie S. Of Ctore Pond, Capt. Paol, is here today. The Lucille of Lake Dan ding, .Capt Sllverthorne, is in poH again today.' Thh Annie P. Wahab of Ocraooke, Capt. Williams, is lying in port. The Gold Mine of Lake Cumnock. Capt. Willis Pettit; la In port again today. GOLD MKDAL FLOUR, SNOWdrift Eayti, Armours Star . Hsai and Simon Pure Lard, the only > too per cent puge lqnf lard put up. At J. B. Adams, l?. M. Cartoy's Old Stand. Phone 07. .' J j 1-ll-ltc / . M y ' * 'C-V ' ' yJ'-, 'i-': $1 V ' ' . O - PP .??&?< -K'\ be compelled to come to the61 some day Advancing intelligence it complied to drive before-U the terribly high taxes of bad roads. The proposed measure, instead of adding to the taxee to tfc paid by oar poople. will make them leas. No man ought to let selfishness or partisanship influence him in decidy V _ . I S ? Logdou, March'21.-.-Lobdon has enough subjects of Importance to Interest the powers that be. if the ml 1 itant suffragettes.w111 on ly behave ibomsolvea. rMjfcorato preparations havo bden ma le for the oelebr^ttqn of, Eastertide, but there lists over the nation the threats of the workihing desperate to Easter pacaders. The anti-militants have lately tdken to. unusual methods also, but their operations are different "trdhi those of the militants, since their pranks are usually jokes upon their sisters fighting for the ballot. Recently the sntii raa&cd conaternation, at' the hoadque rters of the militants by ordering van loads of groceries to be enJarahclur, which* .of course., the suffragettes refused because they did not order them, although it was almost impossible to make the shopkeepers and dellverymen believe their protestations. Whether Gei^nany has a war with France or not, will make little difference to Oreat Britain Is concerned. although it,is not believed here that matte will comejto ao grave a grave a crisis. Tronble between France and Germany has been threatened at intervals for the past decade and there are some who believe that war must come to bring to an end the feeling existing between the two countries, which not even diplomacy has failed to Whatever happens England la determined not to be drawn into the Imbroglio and It Is believed that both Germany; aa4 Fraucv have-bees'given to understand as much. ?After ihr?? eoneeoutlvo yours when there, has been "something the mat1 tor" with London's social season from the hotel and steamship managers' point of view, the coming sum raer bids fair to broak^ Ute^hpttdoQ. ?od bcr'tho ^diit successful In many years. Three years ago the (\eath of King Edward put a blight on social activity and caused many Americana to go elsewhere. A year later similar conditions were caused, by the reports of the extravagant prices charged In' London at the time of the coronation of King George V. Last year the season was not up to the mark, so far as American visiters were concerned, because of the political Situation in the United States. Preparations for the marriage of the Princess Voctoria Louise, the only daughter ot the Kaiser, nnd Prince Ernst, son of tEe Duke "ot Cumberland, are in full awing. The court dressmakers are sitting up nights designing and making gowns for the bride. The Elm press and the Princess selected the goods and picked out the designs for the work, which has begun on the wedding gown. ^ The Court Marshal is busy making plans for the festivltlta and the various municipalities are appropriating funds for wedding gifts. Rooms at the Esplanade, the Kalserhof. ihe been reserved for nnmtrous visitors, < cHiDBuir iinifc -The gas bflKl Ellen C. of South Creek, CapL T. U.- Taylor, is in port today with a cargo of cattle, chickens, and country produce. The oyster boat Eula C. of lowland. Capt. Tolsr, is still in port, port. The oyster boml Nellie W'att. of Lowland. Capt. B. O. Rfoe, is here today. snu DUiGINO HONBft AT 8U8K|X AND BFIIUV S * 9MMf#hW,*3TT7 *tlll redely- <1 leg daily tsfcO*)|fe?a4s,V?f human ? hones, which are cb'eerfiWy exhibit- e Td to all Vho call. F Tho skull and aet of tifc* shovel- I ed up this morntng fcy tj| negroes T who are digging sand at Wm back of 8 the store for the purposlBf mixing 8 mortar for building oh Ui? extra 2 story contemplated by firm, d makes the fourth yet ua?Vered. s Clearly, the spot Is op qfe site of T some ancient graveyard. Otf possibly. ^ 'he diygere raayatc table tjfrhin the 2 next few days upon chest-frf burled d treasure. According to thi best tra- 1 d it ions, the pirates which 7;>rmerly S Infested the Carolina coast-were so- 2 customed to make half a dozen 1 blaves or so carry their weighty treasure chests to some kbcluded e spot, and bury it deep and Secure. V When the hole bad been dug and the c treasure deposited. It was sometimes 6 euatomary?says traditloH=~fot the 5 bloody pirate chiefs to make assur- 5 anco doubly sure by prudently knock- V ing all their assistants In the head, o and filling up excavation with their a own hands, in order that they alone fl might know the location. Thus, in o all first class stories of burled trees- b ure. a lot of human bones are In- s variably dug up before thn discovery c Is made. * c li VKATLRE 1MCTIKKS * HEAD LYRIC PROCllAM. d ? o Motton plcrare.? and good ones too t head the program at the Lyric :for v ui4ir onering eurlrtg this hteek. hhd "B as a picture offering they are uueur- ? passed in quality and present a a strong and pleasing bill. c Today'.a program at^ tfa* amnfdinetTt offer another strong bill t and a class that has full amusing a value.. -w A glance'through thdlr ad. t that appears elsewhere in today'B columns glvo you a full idea of It. e One of the greato9t Matures oh 8 motion pictures will be the great six t reel feature to be exhibited Batur- v day: "Deadwood Dick," a thrllltng i western drama and considered to be n one of the best western subjects ever shown. ' CARD OK THANKS. We wish to thank all the people who were ho kind and attentive In helping to nurse Miss Lizzie Daw daring bar doath-Biokaoos.?_ Sincerely, MR. ANu MRS. J. W. PAUL. MONEY YOU SAVE ON ONE PURchase helps to pay (or the next. Your moeny back if not satisfied, ""is my guarantee. J. E. Adams. 3-11-1tc _ ' . ; ft Were You Among the Fortunate Purchasers? jf Yesterday a local merchant published a very important announcement in The Dally^fows, which enabled a number of people to effect a great saving. Were you among tho fortunate? This splendjd opportunity was presented to all the readers of the Dally News but only those who- have ? formed 1, v i. . .. .. n ^aoiffroiTeaQiiyaogiflb- utx ' {Tiementic 1 osi 1 y and^conntant- * ly every day were able to grasp " * There are similar opportunl- I( ties presented In The Dally ?j News's ^advertising columns every day. Today It ntay be a ^ special sale^of furniture.' To- ' moVrow It may be an offering of EJaster Suits. Every* day ^ newohlngs are featured. Mer- u chants tell you their most 1m- u portent store news. T 80 you see it pays to read a The Daily News continuously, u By dolffg so you will always be j, well informed regarding the new arrivals, the latest and p most fashionable merchandise. - and never miss an opportunity to" save money. ^ , P\ r ' ' * >AILY >N. MARCH 2 2. 1113. Bin . 1 nR 8FFEH Ft! mri The State Board of Health. acting rltji Beaufort County, will establish nd treatment of bookworm and lspenaajries for the free examination nd treatment of hookworm and othr paraatfe diseases at the following laces under the direction of Dr. C. ?. Pridgen, of the State Board of le^lth, aaslated by MrsC.L.Priden: Aurora. Tuesday. March 25tli nd April 1st and 8th and 15th and 2nd and 29th; Belhaven, Wednesay, March 26th and April 2nd and th and 16th and 23rd and 30th; 'inetown, Thursday. March 27th and pril 3rd and 10th and 17th and 4th and May letr Chocowlulty. Priay. March 28th and April 4th and lth and 18th and 25th and May nd; Washington. Saturday. March 2th and April Cth and 12th ami 9th and 2Gth and May 3rd. In Lee county 2,100 people were xamined, in Tyreil county 2.500, in Vakc bounty 2.300, in Washington ounty 3,000, in New Hanover 2,500, tokes 3,300, Beaufort 4,500, Surry ,300. Yadkin 5,500, Columbus G,00. Pender 6,000, Onslow 7,500. Wilkes 8,000, and. over fifty per cent * ' - * ' tunc |rau|iia nonj iuuuu iiiiccivu nd were treated.. Similar work by ivo other (i|niU, bu been done in ver seventy-five countfes of the one itmdred in our State and similar reults obtained. There are . many ases of this disease in Beaufort ounty which can be made strong and lealthy in a very short time, with :o expense and little trouble. It Is a luty each citizen, young and old. iwcs his county and State to have Mb examination which has been proided and thus help rid tbo county Bd HT&te or this?devastating?JlUr" ase. We confidently expect to ex.mine 3,000 peoplo while In the ounty. Many of the ailments people complain of" have been found to iq due to hookworm, such as head,chcs, dizziness, indigestion, heart roubles, kidney troubles, sometimes pparent .consumption. rheumatism, itc. Nj one should consider themelves safe until the examination with he microscope proves negative, as ire fine red-faced men weighing 300 omuls, people from one- year to tinety-ofle years old and all condlions oftlmes infected. Remember hat no examination will be made exept by mlscroBcope. In order to do his each one should get a very small in box, such as a salve box, put a ery small amount of bowel move ntsni merein ana pui uie name ana o the dispensary. It la not necessary or all to come. One person can ome and bring the boxes from a vholo family or community. These rill be examined by microsope and t infected a treatment will be given vhich can be taken at home.. Horfes an bo obtained at the dispensary by Lstlng'for them. A very large number were found nfected and treated in Beaufort sounty last year but owing to the bad seather many.did not get full treatments nor returned to see If they vere cured. All these should bring [pectmens now to see If they are fuly rid of hookworm or it they havo lorome infected again. On account. if the severe weather last year the State is giving Beaufort county anither chance. Don't miss it as it is irobably last chance you will have. Everybody, whether they have- been xamined or not, should send specimens this time. Don't wait, send pe-clmens from the whole family rom one year old up now. Come and ee under the microscope the little Ivn worm that r.AtnuM Kmundltch. Come outa nd hear the illustrated tcturea, .and If yotK.know of a poor alefaced boy or girl bring them out i lnt iif IitIiii miT roioi'tianii to" heir cheeks. f Mrs. Prldgen will be present as asIs tan t to Doctor Pr?dgen, and the idles may come and consult with er. The State and county have one to the trouble and expense of ringing this treatment to you. Don't ut off coming until the crowds grow 9 large that you will have a long ime to wait or miss It It may mean He saving of many dollars, or even to Itself to yon or some loved one. he opportunity has been brought Imoet to your very door for a short ime; it ia yours tor the simple aakm 'A*CY CKLRRY, GRAPH FRUIT, Orinsee. Applet lad Buents, it J. E. Adami. D. li. Cirter'e Old Stand. Phone ST. N( ? ?? MRS. DUDLEY DIES AT ROME jF DAUGHTER mil HlgHR** kl 3:SO (be funeral rvtces over the. body _o* Jin. W. C. Dudley are being held at tho residence on the corner of Third and Piece streets, conducted Rev. H. B. I Bearisht. pastor of the. First Presbyterian church. For some time past, Mrs. .Dudley has been ill of a complication of dlseases. including heart trouble. She experienced a sudden turn for the worse lost Tuesday, and In spite of every possible effort to prolong her life, she. grc?.' rapidly worse until the end came yesterday morning. Mrs. Dudley was born July 13, 18G3, her maiden name being Lenura Forbes.?She was?born and raised in Pitt county, near Greenville. .About 30 years ago, she was married to Mr. W. C. Dudely, a prom4aent?business man- of the rectlon. The family moved to YTaSiiington 19 years ago, where Mrs. Dudley has resided since. About eight years ago her husband died. For sometime previous to her death sho had resided In the huu'tC of her daughter. Mrs. H. A. Watson, at the corner of Third and Pierce streets. She is survived by three sons, 1 Messrs. W. L. Dudley, W. C. Dudley, and Claude Dudley, all of Washington, and by-three' daughters, Mrs. Hugh A. Watson. Miss Pearl Dudley, and Miss lone Dudley, and by three sisters in the vicinity of Greenville. The pall-bearers are Messrs. O. M. Wlnfleld, T. J. Harding, W. B. Windlev, Z. N. Deggett. Kdward Hoyt. and Wilson Hush. n BIG FENCING TOUHNKY. New York. March 21.?The finals in we Tournament 6f tue mieptbilegiate Fencing Association will be played here during Cite next three doys^ bcgluttillK tonight-at the tlot d Aator. Representatives from the Navy, the University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburg, Harvard. Yalo, Cornell and Columbia are jo compete. BIG CROSS COUNTRY RACK. Chicago, March 21.?-Prominent* athletes from the Middle Wert "and East are arriving hero today to take part in the first race of the newly organized Midwestern Cross Country Association, to be held tomorrow. It will be a five-mile event anil is open to all registered athletes of the A. A U. 1 LAHUKll MAYV l)KI)ATti-&rThc John H. Small Debating Society met last evening and debated Should Enlarge Her Navy." The affirmative side was advanced by Messrs. Jesse Woolard, John Cotton Tayloe, William A. Blount, Jr.. I while the negative Vfas uphold by Messrs. Garland Baker, Howard iBowcn, Elbert Westeoc. The debate was unusually spirited, the Judges deciding in favor of the affirmative. - The dacjalmors were Ray Warron and Francis Charles, the decision for the best declamation going to Mr. Charles. | After the program had been carried out, the society adjourned until March 26. LITTLE BOY SHOWING PLUCK. The condition of little Matthew Harrington, brother of Mr. Harrington of the Harris Hardware Co. and son of Mr. W. H. Harrington. Sr.. of Greenville, who Is lying in the Fowle Memorial Hospital, continues to tmprofe. The little fellow, who Is suffering from a broqen hip, met with, his accident a few lays ago while visiting with his mother in toe cuuu- ] try about two miles from here. He was attempting to climb .a gate, which broke and fell upon him. Matthew, who is only three years old, is undergoing his suffering with admirable pluck. MTSRE8 BinuW.V VISIT I'AKKXTK. Washington, March 21.?Miss Lacy Burleson and Misa 8idney Burleson, daughters of Po4ttnaster-Qen- i oral and Mrs. Burleson arrived here i today to spend the Easter vacation i with their parents. They will receive i much social attention during their { ?tay. * J vol'K RASTER HATS BY MADAM I Littles embodies correct style and j beautiful effect. At thb Baaaar. I 3-20 2tc ;',* -tJ; j |c 'a t . i ' 1'' '' <3 7.... i , ? J '.i'f-unrigiirr'i y )W DISPLAYED ? A The weather bureau in Washing- M &BM ton. D. t\. haa .proclaimed & storm warning foy this coastal section. **3j$ The weather display man In Wash- # Ing ton. N. C.. has been instructed to* . .% hoist a south wt stsmi nuiulug fui I"J the territory between Hatteras and '^3 Eastport. A severe storm is on -4ts wtt to this section. It is ot present centered in lower Michigan, and the storm center is apparently due* to move northeastward down the St. lawrence valley to thfc coast, and thence dcwn tho Atlantic seaboard, accompanied by high sou (h-wh ii ting-towest winds, with rain. Decidedly colder weather will* be ' the result. Tl'ItRKV> at loss jjm of citizens. /^\ Constantinoplo. March 21.?The Turkish authorities are anxious to put a stop 10 ihe out do w or useful citizen. but - there are. auys azvd JjB means here by which officials may be * % 'J|I squared. Steamers have been in tbc bablt of stopping :it certain well a known points outside the harbor for the express purpose of taking on board emigrants who Join the ship from small Bailing boats. The government tried to stop this practice by inflicting heavy punishment on "careless" oflicials who per mitted Intending emigrants to slip through their fingers in this nianuer. and it also punched many other people who used tb make a very rood living by assisting army deserter* out of the country. As a last resort the authorities seized upon the plan of AiH arresting the nearest relatives of deserters. but all this does not stop the flow of emigration. i The only result has been that In?U-u4-l?The new epoch and sacred year of the Jews established. 1512?Juan Ponce de Leon landed '*' < In Florida ami claimed the honor of the discove rv ."'although Sebuthan sailed along the coaat in 14U7. : lUSnsTlia American? n>iniytwB? Franklin, Dean anji Lee. pub- . " ,7>8 licly received at the French court. 1801?Battle of Aboukir, or Alexandria. in Egypt, between the ^1 French, and the British and Turks. 1804?The House of Representatives passmt Tt till! imvU:nT1ir ^ the protection of American" seamen and ships by -arnied forces from the attacks of tho Barbary powers. 1815 ? Bonaparte entered Paris, tho % Bourbons having previously evacuated It. on the news of ? his landing from Elba. 1864?Nevada admitted as thirtysixth State. 1891?General Joseph E. Johnston died. * . ~73 1904?Free trade with Philippines urged by Secretary of War Taft by committees of C'oh g res%. 1912?By a coal mine explosion at McCurtaln. Qkla.. a2 _men . , were killed. ^ ? IIA\ SAYS ITS TOl'tiH. J London, March 21.?Robert Low Bacon, eldest son of United States Ambassador to France' is here today waiting to sail tomor- * ; row on the Mauretanla for New York,. - ; where he will rejoin his flance, Mia? Virginia Murray,- daughter of - '--4e and Mrs. Alexander Murray of New York. . ... "It is pretty tough for me to *? young Bacon, who used to pull a good oar in the Harvard varsity crew. "Two days before our engagement wan announced I had to sail from New York on business on the continent. Worse luck! I do njt know* -,i when the wedding will take place,, but I hope It will be soon." INSPBCTl.NIi THE CHURCHES. New tort, March 11.?Next Sun-- , iay the SooUltet pulpit of St. Mmrfc'e Church on .the Bowery will send out' j \ committee of ten men to visit ten y J churches and-report on the formons ) preached St. Mark's pastor deilsnu JW * ?w. jxn,,,* IB oeinr m- | * ipected in New York bat tbo mints. try, so tbo Socialists *r? trying to lad oat whotker tbo cbarche. sr. In J ymosth, With tkelr Brlnclple. or- jM sot.