V Recorder W 0. Wlnilloy I. In re-Ml colpt ot i* offlclol copjr dl the new 1? 5, _ search aad ecUure law passed bj the t 1 legislature of North Carolina. This ! and^hVrefort* nTay b? act eMed'a. be, .1 * ollna do onset: \ w Section I That It .hall be unlaw- el ful for nay aeraon. firm, corporation, w uasooiptloe, or company, by whatever d< name cafied. other than druggllta of nod medical depoeltoiles dbly TV- lo - ccneed tharte, to aacaee In the bnel- n neee ol oedlar, exchanging. tartar- at Ing, glvheg anay for the purpoeo of ce ' direct or Indirect sain, or othtnrlaa re - handling aptrltnone. vlnoua or malt pc liquors ta the State of North Caro- or llna. Aay peraoo. firm or corpora- th -tlon or.aaeedatlon violating the pro- m , rtilona of thll act, ahfill be guilty of a misdemeanor. rn Sec. ?. That It ahall be unlawful pc for any peraoo. Inn. aaeodatlon or in corporation by whatever name call- ha ed. othar thaa drugfdat. and medical be depoajtortaa duly lloonaod thereto, to tb : have or heap In hie, their or Ita poe- en . acaaloa lor the purpoae of dale, any at and proof of any one of the follow- da Ing facte ahull oonetltnte prima tacio ya evidence of the violation of thta sec or tlon: ,, . U| Firm: The poaacaalon of n Ocenae 111 from tho government of the United ah Siatea to aad or manufacture intoal- of fastenegt^,-?pp.r.;.dr d, 5 second: Tho poootwelon of aeons w than one gallon of nplrttuouo liquors ep I . at any aaa time, whether In one or th more pteaae; or aij Third: The pnaaaaa Ion of more th thaa three gallons at vlnoua liquors be at any one time, whether In oaa or or i more placeo; or ha ) Fourth: Thp poeoctalon of more h( than five gnliona of molt-liquors at.ah any one time, whether tn one or mora of places; or m Fifth: The delivery to auch per- 81 sou, firm, association at corporation ra I of mora then five gallon* of aplrftu- t! ft ona or vinoss liquors, or mora than ni twenty gnliona of malt liquor, within ra jv any fonr eucceaalvo weeke, whether tli In one or mora plaoM; or ? ' ? 'Jf Sixth: The pnaeoaelon of lntoxl- ol f eating Uqeora a* samples to obtain th - orders thereon: Provided, that-Ibis re section ahall not prohibit any person al ( from kseptus In hie possession wines al :?? - ?tt ? auch Wloea find cldara have been TI manufactured from grapea or fruit to irown on the premise, of the person of - In whoeo poaaeoalon said wloea and at j? - cldera may be. . . hi T> Sec. I. TJpon the fiUng of com- al plaint, under oath, by a rapilable cltlten. or Information furnished on- ri dor ofeth by an officer charged with all the elocution of the law, before a os Justice ?f the peace, recorder, mpyor. vl or other oOcor nuthorlaed fey law to cl lecuo warrants, charging that any ill .. person, arm, corporation. asaoola)ion ! ?( or company, by whateyer name call- eJ I ed. baa la his. their or ltanwMrtja rt 1 at a place or places specified, more' if rben nai gallaa nr aplrllanf m-Tte-. ot ous llqnora or more than fire gallons stl ' of malt Honors for the purpose of it sale, a warrant shall fee Issnod com- c.r .mending the oSlCer to whom It Is dl- al , rented fe search the place or places dc described In stich complaint or Information. and If more than one gallon J of sptrituoas of vinous lieuorb or tl more tbao dye gallons of malt liquors at he found In any such pine or places, hi ?- to seize and take Into bis custody all st such intoxicating liquors described la lo aalae sad take into ble cuetody all In j glsssec, bottles, kegs, pumps, bars or dl may bo found at such pin-o of planes al r t;d nad safely keep tho . ..... subject to fc the orders of the cot Tbe com- h. '1 "j fy I be ?nw, ul shell J escribe the p loxicetinK liquors or other property I jy description, however matml. 01 tat will t nab It the <i?ct r eiocdtlng le warrant to Identify Ihe property it died ahal) be doomed afflcUnt. *11 u ilrituoul, . inoua or malt llquore N ilaod under this section shall be lid and upon acquittal ot the per- it n ao charaed, shall he roturneiTtg "1 luh parson and. upon conviction, or jon default of appearance, shall be M tatroyed 3e<TT If shall b* unlawful for ~ \y bank incorporated under the & ws of this State, or national bank, any individual, firm or associain. to present, collect or In any CI Ise hatyile any draft, bill ot ei- al tange. or order to pay money, to ? blch dfaft, bill of exchange, or or- *1 ir to pay mpney is attached a bill lading, *or order, or receipt for In xicattag lienors, or which draft If [Closed with, connected with, or in ty related to. directly or IndtApt for intoxicating liquors. Any ln ctly, aqy bill of lading order or re- c?| irson, Arm, corporation association 8? bank violating the provisions ot wl Is act shall be guilty of a miade- ul eanor. ..I " W Bee. 8. All express companies, llroad com pant ph. or other transtrtatlon companies doing business ot this fltutrrmrn required hereby to ~ ?W * eepdsats book In which shall i entnred Immediately won receipt _1 root tha name of the person to Itofn the lljoor la shipped. the " oount and kind repaired, aad the * lie when received." the date when f lllverod and by whom delivered and whom delivered. after which roc d eball be a blank speieelw-which *' e consignee shall be required to ? fa hie name, or If he cannot write, J*! *11 make hie mark la .the presence 11 a witness, before such llqnor la ^ action to any ofBcer or rltlsen of ^ a State, county or mnn'trfpaUty t time daring business hours el "T o company, and said hook ska1! > open for inspection to aev oSlcrr citizen of tite State, county or ulcipallty any time during bus!nags ' ?<? of u>J?sapsai, Aaa aadd book ? the facta therein aad will be ad- M laaable in any of tha conrta of thin " ate. Any hi press company, rail- c ad company, or other transports- j* do company or any employee or h lent ol nay express company, rail*d compaffy, or other traneporte- * on company rlolatlng the provlone of thle eectton eball be guilty e misdemeanor Provided, upon ie Bllng ol n certllcate signed by r putsble physlrlsn or two IS) repotlie citizens that ths consignee le untie, by reason of sickness or Inanities of ages, to appear In person, 0 ion the .aid cothpany Is aulWlze.1 ~ deliver any pnensge to the agant J said conslgaae and tha agent shall gn tha name of the oonalgnee and tl a own name, and the certificate oi *11 be Bled on record. Pi See. 8. That In IndlotmenU for ez nlutlng section one of this net it ha tall not be neeeeeary to allege a de to * particular person, and the pt olatlon of law may be proven by ia rcumstan tlal evidence SB well as by 1 sect evidence to Sec. 7. - That no person shall be A] icnaed from testifying on aay prose- ar it|on for vlflifUng thu.net. or any w against the sale or- manufacture th -intmtrathrg ttqmmi. hut no discor- ds j made by such person shall be ed against him in any penal or 'minal prevention. and he shall be P] together pardoned ror_lhe offense A >ne or participated ?n by him. c flfl 8ec. 8. That all laws or parts ot ) 'A ws in conlllet with this act be and st ie same are hereby to the extent of icfc conflict repealed: Provided, Jweeer. that nothlnf in tltfi ret j mil operate to repeal any or the St cai or npectal nets ot Uu Ucneral d> wtombly of >*jnh ( ( roltna proh.D. at t the nuuiei . litre or anie or other tr ispoeitlon >' try ot the Ut'ift- D( rationed in tWa cat. or any thai ,r the oUorcement of the namo. but to il aueh ecu a hall cnntlnua In full ? iron" and effect an)l In concurrence erewlth, and Indictment or proaec i dt on may b? had either under thir. act 11 r any apeolal or local act relating gton took the matter up. and a let- \ r written to the president of the The following letter was received t r1 Maroht 82. 1818. re. Henry Walton Carter. x President. The Wamnl ClvW Club. . ?^ WksHimtBg, "N. C. , I beg to acknowledge receipt of j" >ure 10th and I have asked our f tilef. Engineer to confer with you id ?e<> what PuggeRtion you have In % gard to beautifying the grounds at .. JS luure iruiy, C. H. HIX. p President. N This Booming, Mi*. H. W. Carter, resident of the Club. Mayor Hard- g K, and Mr. Harvey Myers, tbe !o- . 1 spent of tbo Norfolk Southern inlectedT the vicinity of tbo station Ith a view to form dinting some defl- 2 te plans to present to tbo Chief t, uglneer when he com^a. It la planned to make a_park at ?station. Suggestions from an}' J io are invited. :"v.& '/ V- 3 *8TKRN DO? SEEK ~r- ?""^"T WESTERN' HONORS. cmiago.- Mareh t?.?Till' mtlrili tnual bench show of tbe Chicago pniiAl'dnh whlrh nnonoil at fhp Ito Regiment Armory bore today 111 is been invaded by a number of fa- ^ oub Eastern dbgs. Chicago owners on many of the principal honors at e show of the Westminster Kennel !uj> in New York last month, carry- ... k off the laurels in two of the most A j port ant classes, English, bulldogs id Airedales. as well gjCZhe ap< cial r the best doiHn W shoWf" Thr M ssteraers hare an amWtfim~~t6 get" ~ en and hare sent some of their best >ge here to make another try for e honors In these classes. The club has been fortunate this isr in engaging for Judgea some of e best known men in dogdom Dudy E. Waters, the Grand Rapids inker, wltl pass on 8t Benncrds. Mr n . Palmer of Stamford, Conn-, rorm- ~ president of the American Collie lab. will rule on hla facorite breed, en. Roger D. Williams of Uotington. y., who frequently has Judged at ie Westminster shows In New York, _ ill have the bloodhounds and other >unda. T. A. Donoghue of La 8alle, I. .who haa a record of having atnded every dog shovV (n Chicago in >lnters and setters. y : ' The entire city will regret to learn ' th? lllnM! ot Rot. H. P. Dtlton pi~. p.ffirf >i.vtk He baa . sen Indisposed sincQ Sunday. * i I i . T is act shall not in any war repeal modify chapter seventy-one of the" iibllc Laws of North Carolina of- the tra, session of one thousand nine indred and eight. '$' &S ^ * Sec. 9. That this net Shall not apy to any act committed prior to Its till cation. V:1:* A'" 3 Sec. 10 That thla ant shall be in rcc from and after flrst day of prlj, one thousand nine hundred id thirteen. -'p J .In the General- Assembly read ttimes And ratified this Ahe/Tr^; \ tf uf ?aith. flln rrr; J H. N. PARR, v ' | H, H. PHARB, , resident pro tempore of the Senate. . OBO.JW. CONNOR, leaker of the House of Represonu?*ee. ate of North Carolina, j! \ 1 department of Stated : Raleigh, March 18, Iff3. I, J. Bryan Crimea, Secretary of ate of the ptate of North Carolina, > hereby certify the foregoing and tached (five <E> sheets) to 1>e a ee copy from the records oithia nee. Ih -witness whereof, I hare hereun set my hand and affixed my official Pone in office at Raleigh, this 18 J iy Of March in the year of our Lord ui U J. BRYAN GRIMES, \\ .. ThereIs a movementon fool * anion* the young men.of Washing ton for the establishment of a club J* where any young man In town cai obtain clean and wholesome amuse| ' tnent, as well as benefit from th? e high moral atmosphere which It 1 r ?he'club will be somewhat on thJ order of the various Y. M. C. A. as " soclationB scattered through th< towns and dtleo of the country, bui I not, however, affiliated with that orj f ganlzation. U- The young men Intended at first to f Wfythrough the- projectthemselves I 7 buTTbund the expense would he 'si _ gteat for each member that many dej . sirable members would be excluder ~ on account of not being financially ; able ro Join. It It also Impossible iu obtain suitable room^ without outside aid. For these reasons, they are asking - the business men of Washington to I. take oat memberships by pledging r f lfi-per year. In order to give assurk> once that quarters may b? maintainu ed, and in order that they, may make B club dues so low that no desirable I members will be excluded, especially u those still in school. I In addition to these .memberships r fo be taken out by business men. r a donation from anybody who deli aires to help the young men got started will be be thankfully accept1 ed 1 Following is a statement of their D aims and purposes: _ - ' A Statement of Plans.. 1 Every wido-a?wake business man is ? individually interested in and profits by any movement which benefits the T (nnrn au n wrinlo r**i *** ill n II nllm I hi LuvUu fil? moraine at 10 ' o'clock jS i warded tbe contract (or the mat Lsemant of one of tlte warobousi sess*wst - * Mr- UWW?<? la onpf, tt ton. fie baa boon la tbe buriaeaa I can. and managed a warabouie s Vllaon'laat aaaaoa which wai blgbl ucceeaf u!. Thla meeting wao arranged tx ween the truateee and Mr. Lorelac LCcordlng to Jn.truction. gttroa lal ngat at the atoomotaara mwtm n the Chamber of Commerce roomi 'he trustees of the Tobacco Waif flUtftAe+PClattoP as jmocud receni y are as foUows: Messrs. C. M krown. A. II Dumay"."^. F. Suck aan, Oeorgd*'L?acb>^-*^Beri:y, J Hoyt. sad J D. OrlAes. I!S? ROSE STOCK RETURNS FROM SISTER'S WEDDIXC Miss &ose Stock of ?the milliner; epaxtmOht- of the J. K. Ho*t stow iturned to the city yesterday fron ew Bern, where she attended th< fringe of her sister, Miss Don tock to Dr. Leroy Habenlcht of Ker haw. 8. C.. who'Is an expert cherois The wedding was quiet, the cere l^ny being performed by Futhe Hsgher at fhe -Catholic rectory li Se\resence of only ttore?-yrftnessea Tho bride was becomingly dressei i white accordion-pleated ehlffoi ver white mescaline over whit' barmeuse. She wore a small "1m otbed hat with French plumes, em arrted an immense bou quet.Vof wMt MK^tsoeSit's, <.% The engagement of Miss Stock au< t. Habenlcht was announced some me ago. [ON'OR ROLL OF HIGH SCHOOL hi (By i. C. Tayloe.) The three highest averages IjJtlv [igh School were Bernice Nl<?gEsoi 8.4, Elisabeth Mclllhenny . Jr.9 rchbell and Marjorie SpdwBacI 7.1 The following is thetwttko ?U iA> Ihd a.mar .]-.??>. 8.2, Georgia Tripp 81.8, Rache rlpp 91.2. Fourth Tear?Marjorie Spain 97.1 sna Harding 95.2, Bet tie Spenoe 4.9. First Tear A?Bernice Nicholsoi 2.4, Elisabeth Mclllhenny 97.9. Bon ttjysMMii, Somnd Year?Margarnt Hand: 6.6, Rose Orleans 98.2; Frand harles 93. Third Tear?James Fowle 96.1 largaret Wells 95.3. David Smltl 6-3. i "A Smiling ' Kitchen Makes a Happy Cook." This statement was made by a prominent Washington merchant a y?Sar ago upon the occasion of his March Houseware Sale. xy.;?f ' 1 r; A smiling kitchen Is one In which there la a place for everything and everything in Its'place. It la * also one la which yon will find a cQipptete outfit ot utensils and laborsaving and time-saving devices that have Ranged "poor lack" cooking Into assured success always. Every kitchen -should ha smiling because the'pmtle Is rafleeted itt the dishes that are prepared there. Every cook should be happy because happiness and contentment are essential to good eooktiifc*:Jv Put a smile In your kttchon that .won't eeme oft by replenishing yottr stock of utensils with bright new pans, kettles, baking tins, bread and cake mixers,. aj^ft the .numerous other. Reed the Advertisements in The Dally News closely and constantly every day and see how Washington merchants can help you to snake a ".SmllI^^Kltcben.'' this way you k A good citirenahip of upright, Industrious young men *4Atat asset to any town, and what helps them u to he good cltisens, benefits the town as a whole, a. SCany young men in this town are ? ruining their characters seeking V pleasure and means of spending their d leisure hours. r At present in this town, the forces I excess of those working for their uplifting but they alone offer to the , young man the amusements and paatr times which his nature craves. It is essential thftt he have legitimate and a interesting recreation. >- The business men of some towns of this sixe, and of a great many L mora town? and cltlra horincS Urna er population support expensive Y. 11. C. A. buildings or sidiilar inatitutlona. Ex This town la making great strides in pitogress and the business men are Z looking forward to great achieVeV ments In its upbuilding and this takes enthusiastic and indostrious work in that direction. _An enthud? aatlc and contented young manhood will surely help morq toward thli town's development than wilL a dissatiefled and discontented young manhood. It la proposed:?To fit up and . saatntsla suitable and aUractlsc-cluh rooms. These are to contain a reading room, a game room and a billiard or pool room. To in no way tolerate drinking nor gambling in theee rooms. To limit the membership to young men between the ages of 16 and 30 years, who are trying to live a moral life. to manage bo as to tetp up interest in the dub, that its usefulness may be maintained. To have Christian business men on onr executive committee and with ui in our rooms as much as possible. Three times to our knowledge, C _ organizations have been started here but in each case they failed to prosper. They were el! right for awhile hut interest soon vanished. The young men failed to avail themselves of the things offered them in the rooms which were fitted up for them. They loafed elsewhere. Why? Because the management did not take into consideration the incline? tions of young men or else did not understand human nature. .VCV?V. We believe the business men will admit that our alma sad the intact. plee Involved are alt right, aad will and back ot as if wa eao aire them ufllclaat aasaraaoa that our project can be made permanent. ' (>, f Something mast hare been wrona with the previoui attempts to solve this pro Mem: nome'fundnroentsl mistakes must hare been ma?e, else In tereet would hare been maintained. (Continued on Page Four) j?g|g|S>jM v. -r - , . 4 I K V' >? lyl 11\| fl _ I M LMt night from t o'clock till long.' after mfOninhtthw w?? * monnd ofl< rerelt* *;j*?*g from the KlkJ Home, i where the members of Washington r Lodge were entertaining at a banquet s " many visiting Lrotbers from ?ar " add hear, he well ?h a number of friends who ere sot yet Initiated into i the mysteries of the order. \ The large hall where the feast S took place contained three long F tables running the length of the o apartment; and. a email table run- F head of the long table in the center, F Congressman Jqhn H. Small presided w as toast-master in the same graceful J manner which baa caused Mr. 8mall V to be much sought-after in this cm- n pacity. E > "Life," began Mr. Small, when all E [had been comfortably seated, "Is in X 1 many respects kaleidoscopic. Today a " we are absorbed in the serious things li I ef llt?: tomorrow w? m?r b. u.H.rti the pleasure and joy or lire." He re- D 1 ferred to the passage in Ecclealastes ei to th*effect that tor everything there T 1e a season, there being a time for r< weeping and a time for laughter, a C, time fob mourning and a time for C> dancing. P The Elks, went on the speaker. hf- b ford an admirable opportunity for H touching elbows, for bringing mind te against mind to the end that rrallti^s K, may be recognised and virtues em- Hi phasixed. "There isn't a member Di who has not the blessed opportunity Jc to reel the touch or human sym- m psthy/' - te Aflof us owe a duty to our fol- W lows, declared the toad-master. We Pi all fnco the duty or ocr^ice, in an In- Di dividual capacity ard r i men in* re- be latter to a community. "Wbat first W attracted me to the Ell was the op- K< poituaity?for?tmi vice."'?said Mr. 8t Small. When liiiH.lodt' ~as first es- vi tablishcd some wevo in ..ed to look Ti askance at It, saying was to be G< devoted t?Heiy to^pfoase - But since M then the old prejudice been ellm- Gi inated hy tbo sight or u t'lsh aerv- N? Ice ronucroJ by Ito mcmU... lo their or fefiowr. W "There Is a time for danc *g and a bo time ior mourning." ho excluded. ?. ...jinapCIi r 7 III The Pungo of Lowland. Capt. Howerln, la in port with a car?o of country produce. When she leaves this port, it will he with a load of merchandise. The Victor of Ransomville, Capt. Capt. J. R. Paul, la in port discharging a cargo of country produce pre-i _J paratory -to taking -on ono of mer- _ chandlM. . The Arcadia, which llails from New Bern, but sails between Wash- s? ington and South Creek and Yeates- ai ville, la in port to take on a cargo of. q ( merchandise. ? The fish boat A. L. White, owned w by the Swindell-Fulford Fish Co.~~of c? , Washington, Capt. Luther, is in port , from Hatteras. tt The fleh boat Knox, owned by thef if, , Swindell-Fulford Fish Co., Capt. Le- 0i land Green, la fn port from Bath. a| The oyster boats: Casey Jones of ti ' Goose Creek Island, Pamlico county. cc . Capt.1 PopPWVlli: U1U Liuij Majref x Goose Creek Island, Capt. George p< Clark, aVe In part. . _ n The Otis D. Terrell of Swan Quar- tl ter, Capt. H. W. Mason, is still In ht , port. "* b. Capt. Carawan ^ here with his r [ oyster boat from 8wan Quarter. c< The Daniel Creasle of Swan Quarter, Capt. Thomas Credle, Is stllb ly- a , Ing In port taking on a cargo of fertl- si User. T! The Ida V. of Swan Quarter, Capt. Ci - Cleveland Sermons, is taking on a a< cargo of merchandise. vi The Joseph W. Janmy ofmPhlladel- Q phla, Capt. William P. Joseph, la dia chai glng a" cargcTef fertiliser fSOhfr nj Baltimore. ' to The Emma and Beasie of Philadel- a? phla, 6apt. Aelchner, is discharging a le cargo of fertiliser, preparatory to ti< taking on a load of lumber. J hi The W. B. Blades of Hyde county. Capt Edward Bed. hi still In port. The Roelyod of 8wan Quarter. Capt. Olbbs, expects to leave Wash- 11 In gton tomorrow. executive mrittei i tojieei ram ? Tile Klecatlre CommltlM of Jb, II Associated Charities meats tooirtt v In tha cltr hall at a o'clock. This ia an IfflqoTttnf mcatln*, and ji all qambcra are oraed to be present 1 :i f?, AIRSpfi ' _ ? "Of* ? ??-> '"j?r 'hi. b?" .3 | u?l. I hit It may b> to oocMlop o* ', in.I lowed fellowship sn<l thai It U.y be rtptaUd as often as la neccaary to maintain soodfellowhlp." -la ..Vkam J. K. Hoyt, T. J. Sugg. Dr. E. M ~i trown, A. L. Bowers, 8. R. V R Roberaon, A. C. Harrlaon. F. p! ' 1 I'oolard. J. T. Bland. L. B. Paul of V ~|S 'ungo. Geo. E. Ricks, j. D. Meredith f Tarboro, E. C. Marfleld, 1> 'r j 'owle. H. M. Stllley, J H. Bonner;8. Wear of Pinawwn, uao. T. tagar 'J Kurbank. George Paul, Wm. Lnlght, J. M. Hodges. D. U. Carter r , S. H. Williams. K. O. WlndOeld. k.J. Pippin. D. W. Bell, J. C. Buck ??, r. a. F icuiiut, v. u. LBIIll, Li. 'ufl Archer of New York City, Lieut. J. rfjH i. Coyle of Revenue Cutter Pamlico. Co?. d. tn jfortoa. Qi^t Horce B. Went, of Revenue Cutter Pamco, John H. Small, Baker, photo*tph?r. Ctaton Moon of -'"IB r. Joshue Tayloe. Brevard D. 8tepb~ uon, 8. J. Dunning, Dr. Armstead ay joe. Fred Malison, Hartey Sper>?r, ex-SberifT J. D. Biggs, J.-B. lark. Jr., J. F. Weathers lodge 111 Dlumbus, Ga.. Charles Little. Hugh aul. W T. Hudnell. J. ff. Bell of elhhven. C. A. Utile.', Dr. H. H. unter of Pinetovrn, Dr. W. Carr. Dr. N. M. GIbbs of New Bern, 8. Hcyt, O. Levy Keen of New even No. $27, Judge W. B. Windlej-,* ' r.. B- 8. Crcdle of Pantego, P. H. thnson of Pantego. Dr. John Rodan. Dr. L. H. Mann, Dr. H. C. Carr, Jr.," B. L. Susman, O. B. Wynn. . A. Chancey, Chas. Wright, Surry irker of Plnetown. Geo. T. Leacr, r. Ira Hardy of Klnston. J. D. Archill of Bath, Capt. C. H. Sterling, alter Credle, H. M. Jenkins. W. B. adman, Jr., B. W. Payton, C. H. erllng, Jr., F. R. Young of Tltua He, Pa., N. L. Bitmnons. Dr. O. T.? ? ^3 tyloe, A. M. Dumay, E. H. Jefferson, "M io. Hackney, John W. Smith,*}. w. iller of^?Hath, N. W. Outlaw of reenvllle, N. H. Cary of Pittsburg, 3d Laughingbouae, W. E. Proctor Urunesiand, Arthur 8. Cbeaeon, '. M. Cooper, J. P. Lovelace of Wll- . n, F. J. Berry, J. W. Oden, B. G. (Continued on Page Four.) sm= rTTHilll BBB BsllM 1 imimrut unit 4 ' me is 1 . "The last and best number of the>ason." Is the moat fitting way to> ifcounce the Fellows Grand Opera uartet, which comes to the public :hool auditorium tonight at 8:30 1th laurels won from highly .eritlil musical audiences. It is ony in the great cities that te public may have the pleasuYe of tteaing to grand opera with all it* . nbelltshments of a sumptuous the? :re and stage, a symphony orches-a, realistic scenery, and a larger impany of highly paid artists. But ncr all, It In iht ineledtoa the ?? ? , .Ji ?rb inspirations'of the mastere of t ionic?which make up the whole J ung. The very same music may be sard in Washington tonight as ir sing eung in New York, London, ome, Vienna, and other grand ope.'a inters. No education Is complete without realisatlohfl or the significance of ich names as Gounod and VerdL ne following is what the Louisville* aurltfr Journal, the paper of that ?an of American editors. Henry Patterson, has to say of the Fellows- ,-^S "n^eHows was heard in the aftaP- ^ irelli' and at night with the other B??r? in the qnartet from *Rlgo tto." His style and method are pareularly refined and artistic and ha is the vlroe of an 'express and adr irable* enunciation.'* MARCH a* IN HISTORY. ' I0??Hearts Hudson sailed' from V Amsterdam on ths TOyats that ?nd?d In the dtssoeety of ths t*s Hudson. lit?Printing ordered to be fntro- ' y^BU dueed In New'Yerfc. ft 1.?First tree cut towards cleer- lux land for oultWatloa In the town of BennVaston. vt. ??}\v Id!?Orange pree Bute was found- ] ' lug a goreis?V VsM UM~-*Ss?>?*tkin srrlres lo Wok^b le rs

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