1 ' ? > bon'1 >-? : 'til! a water v rko d!m. ... d <* Th< 2 rero^hifct JSO.oou t? toMtc devoted R lo;?tte?Bas thh municipal elqctjSj J I ~~?~ I 1 rite Ala) Queen >! South I'roek }f* Capt. Oar. to ta port taklnn on a earThe Irian rackt Thetln, owned b; Mr. c B*. ?vu!er ot Pnwtuckett. R. 1. the shipping schooners; yhtoh'art A SlUerthoryS it in phfcpSKftrglni a. load ?t ooontiV produce propara tory to taking da one of general mer The largest now arrival tm thj . Laral?\ owned by Charles Grins* o Philadelphia. Cnjfrt. Windsor. whiel from Baltimore. This schooner wtl "?l probably bo hare sow? days, and ex I peels la be iri*n with hubhcf-afi:dt Li r t trie 1 WmKKBSSS I ter, Cm*. - n- Rtce. la-.till In por The larpa schooner Joseph W. Jan \ oy of Philadelphia. Cnpt William I ; I Joseph, la still In port discharging IBta-"" $? cargo of ferttthmr from Baltimore. L- ) The J. r. Morrla of O.ylord.'C.pi I George M. Sadler, la la port today. I The mm* aaasbar of oyater tfoat IT j an ta ha (aaad A the foot of Mail I - hot etna*. Us -Mr*. A. L. Batta. librarian ft til a Weehlngtoe Public Library J. not ffrj -i back at W Malt In the library roor PI In tbo Brawn Building |ira. liett pE 1 haa J oat returned from the Baptli E - coafaraaaa la Balelgh. and rtborta W aplendld mooting. , There Tea an attendance of ItH B at the Conference, which U n reeorifl frf i breaking number. One of the algnllH ?. . cant facta hrooght oat 1 thla meeiH ng, mporta Mrs. BetU, la that n -~~J j*w thgn It per cent of the ChriiH J&) , tlana ol Nprth Carolina of all denorrM kg ln?tJooe are Baptlats. I ;, V LABOR KKWH AND XOTE8. |1 There ere eeren alio factories I Ei I Ko* City. K " Waltham, i(e*a, he* e women n I'm S porlntendent of public but Idle en. Dearer wlu re*tore clubs to li a policemen, but It M demanding tot) fm . abstinence of It* police oflcen E , Reprenentutiree of the laedin H ? Chicago bakeries ere proteetln ? against the adoption of the propose E J eeebjoif Of broad in a germ-proc 1 ad by tbe Denvw etty government e r ; ?J ?S tor uunutUed labor end H.5 *1 ' Colorado Hone* of RepreeentetlT. I f hhe paeeed a bill providing far a ^ "ry 'Hl't-boor day tor employee of pol COAHT I.KAOHB BBOI.NH SKAHO! } Wgg flaa Francleco, April 1?Thot t , Mod* Of Impatient fane hall today1 ^ coming with delight because It opr.: p. . . ' MMOtt iMte thirty week. Today ncbadhl^ a?i*n? Portland for * gate 26th ?a 8 n *r> ^ nvctt ii op c p r* J U' n . u I Vi I ' E IhlTuld be given their l'ndapatidcncc ro rrtm the United autreTrinity up- b? held the atlnmttTo. The debate w*a po - reported M ol > high order. and Trln- Lit Itv bed no walk over, lor tho Judnt-a to Were divided in oplalbna Trtntty. fct . however, received -two out of the m l-three votee end, waa-tharaloro given |iol I the deddton. Nmt gear tSS third ol j thta aertee ot debwtde'taken place In or I The apeatere -who- repveaehied [to Trinity ao aucoaaatolly at Columbia fr,;| were Mem. h M. lUteUtte. J. R. U. ' Dana. Quia ten Holton. and B. W?|oil Ruark, alternate .[tnl Thta makes the second Inter-col- L leglate debate won this year by tol Trinity. Sometime ago the Trinity prl ? team defeated the representatives I from Bwarthmore in Durham, taking m ' that series of debates by winning two w[ out of three. * kj Professor- George Lyman Kitt-JiJ -v nf BwwH.h ut Hir. I. v I sti^G to come from larger %chools they pi * will ho taken care of a? long as there #, f la room. "? Collecea aad High schools can u lend two (or nteiy fifty im?iU lf All who expect to attend should p and their ietnea to the North Caro- K * L. C. McLean, chairman of Commit- , * tee on Entertainment, Greens boro. , N. On that homes mar ha provided j, aa early is possible. ,, ' Aa a specialty la to be made of the ? >" Secondary Division, there should 'he a nnmbsr ot dslsaatas from the teen c a tea, so send some brljht hoys and , {una. - . , n i- e? , ? CHANCE IUHNGINO TEAM HOME, j Hamilton, Bermuda, April 1.? 8 ' Frank Chance, manager of the New ? if York? of the American League, sail- a : * .'V - H Untied States' Offlca of Public * ?*d? after RDendlnir several veara gathering Stat l-tics here and 1 toad. UDoUDC?d thai lb* ?>? ? J st of marketing farm products ovar ? a mads ol* this country it 93 couts r ten por mile, ? against caat. par 'on par mile la those Bu- j, ES?S tountrles where the roeAe ! pro been improve** The further re- . irt that the average haul here end read is about Uh- sgpm. ar"ne end ? ui tenths miles, brings the matter " >m* i?/ *nr* i : ;?r or a 8tatr. and * akes^ possible tLo tumpoUften at ? inrttntlvf)! nets. j."- 'j Thfty-ttrce aim clu-thtrdboahOla^ pouu.-eg or vh?atir.ofce a ton. Ae. rtlini; to the yeoggates. thererty-ttw dttrcr- not >,til?Wui l?g * ninrketliig that t it-unt of prodeoe Jj mid ninouut** JS rmts per toh per Ue, or |I t 1 for the average die- ? nco: This to 1 LOW- In a triOe over 4 nts o bushel! en wheat end pota j TU on the cnmpuB a law Jays jt. 5: this weak, and while hate delitered a ' moat Interesting lecture-to the rol- ? ' legs studeau on Shakespeare's Mae tll * b(^h. Pre feasor Kittredge has the m r. reputation of being one at the most pl 1 learned men of the country and Is t) - Tory promlaeot In the lttdtary world ?, ? being-*, teagher of hstloiwl repute- J - -Uon and , wrll?r of no*L WLM Professor Kltf*edg? ??? to Dur- ^ * Ham prlmori^tu uo^piescm at the gj u of the Commonwealth Club In the a< 1 city, and a number of Harvard men kl from all parts of the State were prosr ?*?' m * ' h 1 PROGRAM BUNG ARRAKf.'KD Qj FOR SUNDAY 8CHOOl? MBKT1NG. J w * Greensboro. April 1.?The pro- Q] h tram for the North Carolina Sunday Ql . School Convention to be held In si Greensboro April 22-ft, uearlng ! s cbmpletion, and promises to be bno of much interest and helpfulness. P Thtws spsskars of international u , reputation have been booked for this ? a did array of home talent to be used, it w X Urge, aew warehouse with a h a seating capacity of three thonsand * * has been secared for the regular set R I slons and' a large platform will be ^ a built'to Beat a chorus choif of threw hundred voices."^ ^ y Messrs. Tullar andWredith. the ? well-known composers and publish- a ers of New Yojk City, will have p charge or Che music whTch Insure life 0 0 to this department. p II Wkfl u* delea&tea? The counties | J " can HQd two delegates for each j, township in the county, though they n do not Mod to be elected by town- ? ships, but tu come from any part of the county that seems most conven- ? " lent. a Each Sunday school of all denoml- ,, I" nations csn send two delegatee./yhey ? mi he pastors end Superintendents. s * or two othem volunteering, elected. J kt ..wnlittail mnrt ihoiiM mora dp- n a. nun imuiai- . w* jinn vii oupir cXnct.. , Without improved roods this oney.is wasted; sunk In ^he mud. ith^good roads this money Is saved id becomes distributed in the regur channels of commerce, adding to materl?I wealth of the coinmanatfd tfce State, and the N.itipix. In practically every instance where good rpad has been constructed Hough a section of country an l?j-? odlate Improvement has takeh dee all along the line. .Houses irns and out-buildings have been ted up and fainted; _ rickety and tuslgbtly fences have given place to tractive and well kept ones; fusty id dilapidated terming implements lve been removed from, sight of the. , ighwapt 4reee^?tyjtn'ca: rt1gimeili } was kept mowed, and the land- , :ape generally brightened up to , pep pace with the spirit of improve- ( tent. Schools hare improved because ( tore regular attendance became pos- , ble. Crops have increased because I more careful farming and because . p the accessibility of proper fertiliser*. Returns bare Improved because ( the possibility of marketing prod- , ets when prices were favorable inlead of only when roads were pass- 1 hie. , All these improvements contribute ) general commiercial progress. ] Whatever adds -to the prosperity of lie pre^ominsting~clses in any com- j lunity adds to the prosperity of the ] immunity as a whslo, sad to sack of j a varied Interests; and whatever finances the welfare of- communities, nd increases their material wealth, , nhances In similar ratio the welfare . nd prosperity of the State and the j lation. | The logical conclusion Is plain, j fhen the local section, the larger , [immunity, and the State as a whole, j II profit by the establishment of a ubllc improvement, all should eon perate in tfie payment for that lm- : rovement. The larger and more onrptete comprehension of *be sub-' j set includes the Federal Ootemsent ss a party/to the general plan f co-ops ration 7-H In good .read construction. co^ peration necessarily takes the form r State aid. the State, county, and ' >wnshlp each contributing Its anota f the amount as may be provided by us. Within the last twenty-one i earn thirty-four of the forty-eight tales of the Union have adopted thin Ian In different variations, and the tvorable results, in every case, have een tangible and reducible to fig- ' res. ~ I When one not accustomed to 1mroved highways travels over the ood roads of another State. and ulsnllm aitracilKoSiBi huhnes end ell kept farms, and the prosperous nd up to date villages and cities, he ? extremely likely to mistake the ef- ( Ml lor the cause More then one uch has been heard to remark that a prosperous community like this an build any kind of a read it. rants;" etc. There was the pai-e eke. It was the improved roads rhieh made the prosperity possible, iefore the roads were built, such ommunities were suffering from the ame disadvantages of?*-and nder profit tbg^ otlia. which re without good rosds are ..ow exerienctng. It was the improvement f the roads which came first, and nade the condition of prosperity posJble. The o pontes of improved roads. I A* I I W ^ "' ; '' fpjui Washington. April 1.?Walter H.. ^ge. of Qardep Qlty, |,. ggitQr u! be World's Work, and member ?1 >oubleday. Pago ft Co., publishers nu accepted Fresldwsrwnwrani offer o be ambassador to Qreat Britain Because Thomas Nelson Pace, the uthor, also waaslated tor A diplomatic post, a confusion of the t*o >ort in England that he had acceptWQffSff/lffi.t* >*. IALP MILLION FOR EMPLOYES. Jersey City. N. J.. April 1.?At the anual meeting of the Eastman Ko?k Company here today a fcesoluton trma prooeated authorising the ettlng aside of *000.000 of the Inn's profits for the payment of rags OMMdt to employes of cue ear or more service. The dividend, which is similar to hat paid last year, will represeut 85 ler cent, ot the oftra dividends over he usual 10 per cent paid the common stock holders. The dividends rill be paid to employes all over the rorld on Jnly 1. mCMO TO COAST?72 HOURS. Chicago. April 1?Both the Chi re looking for abort storho perfect I W ??P??Wng eohrtlfeti (Hum not e" pC"BremerkenT nn'tar.l' UU "t * ? * .... .'*2^, ' . ' I lot II yon ore Interested In obaarrlgg he early eugee ljj tio erolotlon of J hiraS nninVer'w^bo cieellence of *j t> rarer A, a rale, the poetry .In ? jgh-whool melaxfnes la .o eel dent- a iearly upon the arfcr of the "naar- * oetry" echcol ltiat;isl? beet puabd fay r a The throo seriotfs poems are aU ^ rom the glorification ot nature Id 1 eth the pro 9? and poetry making up IJ kink that whoever teaches English * the High School must bo no of Nature's dovout worshipers. Wtn n*m "Sprlof" by Margaret tfnile. la a eare-fre? aong of lor. rhe Pamlico." by JnMM Foala, It n ImaginatlTO reOafloa apon what i ww moat have o?ca looked apon ne waters of the Pamlico In ages one by, before the toot of a white ( ran had desecrated^t? |?la. For irlginalUy of exprefcion and aheer lvldness of word-pafttiiig, the Mt of egse by Oarid SmiweatkM "Sinn- f aer Evening,'* glvesa^promlse of ?n- y iraal poetic ability. j The reference to the linking ana- . ner tun as 'loitering!" and "casting { ; old en paths that Bhttakr" paints a ilcture which will appVal to the I mag- { lation of all who haw patched tho ^ inn. a great, red gloM d#p gradual- ( X below tho horlapa tn ths nmmorTfln . humoropa posifr ^ the .JSlz. J i?me; was doubtless suggested by 1 he analogy drawn in the Daily News Mtwen the tale ot the ancient mirln r and that of the "modern marines." Dne verse deserves Quoting: 'Wo stuck where we had landed, 1 She creaked In every Joint? rhe place we ran upon the sand 1 Waa known as Powell's Point." The beat proee composition In the 1 skagaxine is perhaps "Memories" by ? Dtvarlee Mepklns,' though we do not ' lonbt that thd author will be able ! Cp markedly Improve It by revision 1 when he la a year or so older. The rapid scanning of a tain's whole life. ^ with the running parallel of the coal In the grate, la impressive. A similar idea Is the theme of Arnold BenEfjt'p ftww tfter. "MtiMtoep." The* number contains ?tVo short "Tho fhrlv PhannA " h* Mgr. garet Weill and "Cleopatra." by rack Harris. While the latter story jumbles' together without compunction the religions of I sis, Buddha. |nd Moloch, it shows an imagination which, if cultivated, should pro re effect ire in the ahorf story Held. The flipping* from exchanges, I used to fill up little spaces, are carefully selected. EXCELLENT PROGRAM AT LYRIC THEATRE TONIGHT. Today's program ottered at the ( Lyric consists of one oft the beat pro- | prams -of motion pictures available, and ones that charm the many moLion picture lovers. , Among soma of the pictures mentioned on the bill is an excellent western drama, "Value Received," made among the mountain section with beautiful western scenery. ~For a real good ladgb and some more to take home Is another good me, "An Accidental Millionaire.V i This picture Is a good comedy. j For real Itve amusement tho bfflF? offered at the Lyric today will be found- up to the sUndatd and one well worth the price.' 0 ' , Mr. William Watson of Swan Quarter was a visitor yesterday. which State Aid makes poselblb. permits thd PBtabllshnUpjjgai jjffr ?jfc tries; ths utilisation of- natural resources; and the oonsequent creation of new markets, both for merchandise and farm products. And good roads, in combination with the telephone, the rurai mail carriers and the motor delivery system not only produces rural and therefore general prosperity, hut also ellmlw nates that laolaUon which, from time Immemorial, -on account of poor roads, has been the chief objection to rural existence. ^ ' " ~ . ^That Champ Clark la not the kind O. a man to sulk, and that he will not was borne home forcibly to every Democratic member of tbe new Hduse, at the fSCCnlcaucuB at which the speaker was unanimously reelected to preside over the Sixtyasjwspaper meneem put milled lo be present at this caucus, and tbe ringing speech made by Speaker Clark on behalf of party solidarity did not get into the newspapers to any appreciable extent. 1 have the conscrit of the speaker as well as the Democratic caucus to publish such parts of the speech as I desire. 8pace will not permit the printing oi| the complete remarks- of the Speaker, which 1b to be rcgrettpd, because the speech Is a complete refutation ot the intimations which have appeared in the press recently to tbe efTect that Mr. Clark la unfriendly to the new admin istratlnon. "Since the foundation of our government," declared m Clark, "no party ever had u fair prospect ol a long laa-.c ol" power or a better Skene# of rrwunt tli velfare and 9roepei4*^ oui- - than -the Demoer. 1c ptrty has /hat wll! we do/yltk our opjn Ity! Th? BCIIBn(lD5ns?rTTBi^^R tion. C'un we .ncUo i * Can w? ylndlr?;o tV.o \ast ?r:. voten who gave" ua the power . onduci the government? Undoi. .idly, wi can. How? By keeping 1 .?th witt the people. By religlousl> arryin( nut the promisee by reason f whicl we won. By transmitting n(o law our pledges to improve the < -adltiom under which we live. If a ; do thli the people will recognise It and ap prove our conduce" r polo players bkgin work. Lakewood, N. J., April 1.?Pole players and their pbnies who are t< defend the international cup again* the Englishmen during the seosoi began practice here today. Harr: T-ayhe Whitney is- captain of ? team and will have charge of th< practice, which will be held e^r: Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday uj to the time for the cup matches paptaln E. O. Miller, of the Engllsl players has arrived here to make ar rangements for the stabling of thi ponies of the English team. Taps for arkansaA guard. Little Rock. Ark.. April 1.?Be cause of the failure of the State b appropriate $25,000 for its mainten ance, the Arkansas National Guar' disbanded to&ay. The State Guari consisted of two regiments of In ' tintry, composed of 1,700 officer and men. Its arms and equipmen will .htnno/t tA Wuhinirinn af ar expense of $60,000 to the State. Ar kansas Is now the only State in th< Union without a military organize tlon, VIRGINIA PASTOR AT HAITI ST CHURCH HEXT SUNDAY Rev. W. P. Page of Danville, Va. la expected to fill the pulpit of th First Baptist church next Sunday a hot IP service* ? Mr. Page is well-$nown as a pal pit speaker, and ?arge congregation are expected to hear htm. AKRON'S CHARTER ELECTION. Akron, Ohio, April 1,?A specie election Is being held in this c)ty to day to decldft upon a new charter an a commit Ion of fifteen men to fram It ' OOTCH TO WMMHTLB AGAIN. kasw City, April 1.?Fran! Gotch, heavyweight wrestling cham plea of the world, to matched t meet George Lnrtah of Asrope, t this city tonight* It Is reported the OeUh pttl ratolH $$M00. He ex peots a hard match and has beei mi -i 1 Hilltville, Va., April 1.?The flna> , M chapter or \u? HMIflVMU- Uk<*6f wn? brought to a* close Sunday, when, in - . " ^ the preeonco of &tWh people, th*funeral services of Plo^d am! Claud* ' . '.3 Atlea wore held in the family plot. :.one mile from the home of Plbyd Al* ten. at the foot of the Btuo Ridge " lnnll,>tl*BI'1 ?: ??? In spite of the heavy clouds which continued all day and a slight rain which fell throughout the afternoon. **9 people traveled more than fhirty-Cve ' . jt miles to attend the dual funeral of the men who paid the death penalty $ for their part In the Hillsville tragedy. . . V-gJ The bodies arivt'd uf tli? late homo of Plcyd Allen Sunday afternoon at 6o'clock. A short while afterwarda r the caskets were ^opened and ^inetu- " . bers of the family viewed the face# of their loved ones. An early us 9 o'clock Monday . morning the crowds commenced to ?. .' tfu gather. They came in conveyv*c*s. stride and on foot. Many camo from Grayson. Wythe and Carroll counties, scores of them coming distances of twenty-five miles or more, lly noon the crowd was enormous. t 5,000. At 2 o'clock the casket* worn brought out of the home and placed In wagons to be conveyed to the burial plot. A few minutes later the long procession started the journey i to the last resting place of Floyd and ' Claude Allen, father and son. NKiHTLY SKKVH'KK AT ?? ? -t'HRlHTf.AS CHURCH. ? ? The nightly 8 o'clock services at -thw -chWsuan cnujTO. fftv ' ' " well attended last week. will contin- * ~ ue throughout tho present week. Last evening was a sort of special Baraccc * and Phllathea rally, aud much Inspiration was obtained by the'young' people present. ' . rfhcg The Christian church is growing so rapidly that the Initial stepB have already been taken towards the securing of a new edifice more sole to accommbdatc this congregation. WANT NKX1RO IN LKWI8' I'l-ACfj?. WaBhlnirtnn. Anril 1.?William ^ > H. Lewie, the Bfston Negro lawyer . J who was appointed Assistant Attor' ne>;-Oeneral of the United State? by v ^ 1 President Taft, severed hie Vonnecr tion with U^e Department of Justicetodayr^ Thg colored peo^e- want-iSn-^--? " B Negro. Democrat appointed-his sucf cessor. TO ADOPT BASEBALL CHARTS. New York, April 1.?RepresefltaB tivea of both the American and National Baseball Leagues meet hore today for the adoption of charts. , Owners of the big leagues say they are greatly in favor of the methods % " for rating the pitchers. 0 . . ?.t i-. FRisco'tf^irro snow: , . 1 v". "mj $ ^ San Francisco, April 1?San Fron" Cisco's first annual auto truck show * 5 8 opened in the Coll&eum Hall here to- " ? ~~7 f day and will keep open until the 26. 1 The fact that California stands * fourth among the States for the it?* e vestment in motor trnclts has added r great interest to the exhibit. ' .s APRIL 1 IN HISTORY. v ^ 1810?Napoleon married the Archduchess Maria Louisa. ?- -18i5- Prince?Otto?rou Bismark. ? German statesman, 'bora. Died July SO. 1888. , 1839?Ben jam la Pierce, governor of h New Hampshire and fattier of 8 . President - Franklin Piircec died. Born December 25v ' 1767. . j 1871?White Star steamer Atlantic wrecked off Neva Scotia. 481 > lives lost. H 1884?Louis Kossuth. Hungarian d patriot, burled in Badapest: 1808?The award of the Coal Strike Commission went into affect hr the anthracite region in , Pennsylvania. 1 .'04?Premier Comb* ordinal (ho raimoral of r?ll(k>uo otobiosis 0 tram the French charm of Jn.tlw 1 tlllll?White Star liner Titan fit " taakea trial trip In Hritlru it ?j trra, befor. roln, Into ?,n>