n na ill 11111 Min in uui inn Tifiinnniv Ureat profcarationa'arc undar way 9 given by the Womaii'a Auxiliary ' tile Eptcsopa! Church. Thursdajr retting at the home of lln John lonnt. The date of this novel affair was lylnally set Iq/r Friday it It has sine? been thought advls>le to move It up tu Thursday. rhlle a silver offering will be'pt-rfctod ?t Cbe door, the purpose of to affair Is educational rather than oney-maXmpr, it beins plafl*d as a rt of wind-up to the course ?>r study i Japan Just completed by the laee. ' There will be abundaace_oI music, rgludlnK popular mejad^s from the >?ra "Mikado," and Japanese cosines, refreshments, a ad decora R|< Iff?" iljr . ?L_ Jo ia> & rn ?1 Rt-r 1W Ml B ?r?: oa tfW ^ ?. ?... ? ... pe- ' tlttob lor corn club prices until the " land has been under mitlratloa at m least fair years This (pad la almt- *" lay to the well-known wtlklnaon * land, only better. In that It la e? rich dl (rown upon It drat year with com parailrely MUM eBort. This stale ot ?' _ pit airs pro yoked protects from boy a " compound tor prttaa TO othsreec- Ul P tlons of the county. Superintendent W, t*. Vaughan took up thew com- nt plaints with Special Agent Schaub. bt with, the result that henceforth boyn ln will not be allowed to cultivate such virgin land ln competition lor prises until it has been under cultivation at ! ' ? ' least four jeanr. . ?" '] This rallng la baaed upon the contention that prises are awarded, not ^ for the richest land, but for tbo best " effort put forth ln raising crops. Fol- M lowing la the correspondence between ?! Superintendent Vaughan and Profes- at sor Schanb: __ * March 10. 1913 Prof, f. O. Schaub, 7. J* ; 3 7 Weat^[algb^liic_ ? ? - Dear Sir:? , Yoor letter of Feb. 23 received. ly _ Imk y? not answefegl promptly.b?-. "J W .?*use 1 wishod.to investigate before ? answering either way. i am familiar ^ ttfU SQTPg sort of raliaj^ 25 should be made. After a talk wl# Mr. jr. r9. Latham and some of the fanners of -the .section ln question, I tu t'.-. am of the opinion, we should require ?* that all boys entering the Corn Con* .test In this district and using the deep black, bottom lands, should be required to use land which has'" been under cultivation not less than at %-* four years. Otherwise, the amount 1111 of work and cultivation and brain *c power used amounts to nothing, nut yI would not be willing to eacludcMle hi boys of this county from this kind of ?? boll unlaw the requirement applies *1 'k to the whole district.\~ ' 3 I am returning the _ enclosure. | PIMM let ion hMT from TOO u nor. lyarpoerfbtr '* .5 >-. ? Sj- -W. I. VhPOtfiW. - ? Bupoi lOtodnnt. . 5f Haroh IS. 1?1?. . ? Prof. I. O. Sgiaab. ? > WMt Raleigh, N. C. I tear Mr. Schaub:? On March 10, 1 wrote you, answer- p Ing your letter in regard to a special | ruling eonrering certain eases In the "> Pungo section, this county, Boys Corn ? Clob work. i ^ >\ Mr. laHam and I hare been wait i T ' ing for a reply in order to know what . to aay to these boys. Unless'we can answer tbla case, certain boys Vill ^ _ refuse to go Into the work in compeSTT tltlon to the kfnd of land Bpokf?n tir Please let us hear from you so ^ jrf*'-' '."y'yv* -sw1 M Touts truly. - = W. L. VAUOHAN, rafet' ' fe' 4 Superlntedent. *? f ; - ' West Raleigh, N. (X, J* Mircl !?.' 1?1?. M To tfc* Com Club Boya of tho PI'rmt BjEC.-r - " District:? fcj St Mnaa M0MMT7 to make a ape- *? ^UK^v,., rial rating In ragard to certain kind. of liad which ara found In year tor- ? rlipry- Bpme of tbo boy? 1UI1M grown It thiflr erfrn on rich' bottom land which to haa Jn?t been bronght under rultl- I 77 neoeaaajryfoeultlrale"IBelr crop. In ha thin way tier bad an advantage over u tho other boya In that they could an J, produoa their corn at a very low ah 5.1 oo?L The boya who do not hare thla ye kind of land do noUblnk they ara lm naring a nur cnanco ana on no- on count Mm find It necessary to "make a~ " rule tHat no bpy ?an nee this kind of . , land to grow hia oom in Jtll, unless . - K;11 = Good Wate ' au. Everybody in in vrted to attend this >veT and instructive function, which Wins at 8 o'clock Thursday evenK SHOW A SUK'fcSH. .1 1*- ' ' ' rv ' ' < MBy Jotm Cotttm Taytoc.)' " " "Tile Afflicted Family/*, o children of the two sixth grades ider the careful supervision of las Flora Cooper and Miss -Unlr ibbs was a remarkable success out |50 being redjized from the tpw. which will go to the library nd. The children who took part the show did' remarkably well for tlldren of their ago- The ports of my and John Henry vera * ape cat we|! played by Mips Bertha, Su*an and Jack Qden The pupils o' e 'grammar tfflcTTkigli school wish thank these teachers and tho chilWho took paatin+Ttie piey. fm s are greatly benefited by ihe iec ha that hare been given. ' Wo an :ipato great benefits from tber ireres yet to come. ?4- vTRAMFN WILIi BR ACTORH. Chicago. April 2.?Hoboes who n sins a sons, dance a Us or tell a Dry will be able to set plenty to eat id a nice place to sleep will be able ' have a nloe time from now on ir iteaso. The international Brother>od Welfare ' Association today eiied Its new headquarters and JJje ent will be celebrated this evening Ith sn entertainment to be known the "hoboes ras time bcneat." James Eads How. who in In chars* the affair, will see to It that "ca?it workers" wbe-are possessed of iw. The proceeds are to be need employ a western labor agent, us ecsaplng the payment of $2 or fees to labor agencies ROGRE881VB8 FOR MURDOCH. * Washington. April 2.?At the caua of the Progressive Republicans ire today. Representative Victor unlock of Kansas will be choeen e candidate .of bin faction of the rty for Speaker. . Of conrse he tows that here is no hope of niacin alum thn honor will go to Kbp entatlvnXhamp Clark of Missouri, it the Progressives have decided, r the bake oftbepght which they peet to make during the special salon of Congress to stand by themIves. Hpnce today's actipn opt thp. Mr. J,.A. Street of Mew Barn was en upon tHe streets af Washington sterday. has been under cultivation at least or I hope .this ruling will not laterrtTwHh i&invirmiq: Jte? d If there are a number of you we all try to make a special prlsa for u. Wo ara simply making this rulS In ordnj to make It fair for evary ? *'' : S'i'l/JfyYours very truly, , >. I. O. 8CHAUB. Spaalai Agent in Etxtentlon. r and Plent . ' " WA8HINCTOM, HC ?~ 1 ' UvvULl 1 11 Li U ill tr, lDtvrt-si In thu routine production toot tehcuafil. UK nlsbt tpo Ithe muBlcal numbera with tho Tim o( [proreMMon^l* ul thu dime tor to much pluuued with thu progrew Urrady made. Thu hundred, of'uhlla fen who are rehearsing In the ?fter noons ut being taught Intripects are that Klumberlsnd hrlll be presented In a* fine aruj artistic a manner as it in given in-other larger cKles. . j Naturally one Imagines how three hundred people are to be gotten on n stags the sire of ths one at the As* "aitorfum, but tho" director Has told us that not over sixty persons are to be on the stage st ony one time, as the troops homo on la-sections, so to speak, and are kept In tho various 1 ' C lo gflLliUn ILcJD UftHlc; ?"~ 1jffihr ' Tbo big Ihsltr Halcyon Clut'gerth?lr rrigudg Kan long lZT" "r ward. made the ball worn hi thaKUu Home -laat ormxtag ? Me. at mated beauty auch a. Jms rarato, If erar. been .urpawd {? the court, of the many foatlrltleabf varlou. Irtede Which hare beam stogod witlfr It, The romni-ooloMd Row a. of the lawnrt and the imAfSMata full dress of their escorts^ aa they promenaded the boll room floor or glided about In the dignified valeoW wafted them80 v. :? sronnd In-tie wore lively twostep, tho pieturo p/saented to thuonlooker waa one of r*re beauty. The new dahoH. iidCh' afORT trot ''and tango. It may bo mentioned, were coqiyUiaoaa by their absence J* Tho marches wcrsf led by Mr. H. Harding, who. It "may bo mentionOH, i? secretary of this ehxb, with Miss Katie Bragaw as bis partner. ?Thw rnusit! a as rarnigfrea by th the evoitog. three orig'.rial ha is the Intention t'q secure ah o reheat raw ho will play all of tlfe music In the.play/ as the orchestra part* are carried, and the'singer's will be heard to better advantage. The great trunks of costumes and electrical effects have arrived, and will be given out to -participants next WMk. All the principals and adults lp the play aro requested to meet at the Audi tori tina^onlght at 8 o'clock. is AWnoi'VOKD. [T The following aian'ottnoemefat taken from Sunday's issue of the? Baltimore Sun will prove of interest to friends and relatives in Washington. N. C\, and.the Btate-of North Carolina: 'Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Stanton Mace of 582 North. Broad way. Baltimore, Md.. announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Belle, to Mr. CharleaLee Payne of Washington. N. l . "The wedding will take place In " v TO NAMK WKKM^SUCCKHSOR. Boston, Mass., April 1.?A primary | election Is being held in the thirteenth congressional district, today . to name candidates for the election 1 of a successor 4o John W. Weeks. | who ha* ben elevated to the United Senate. ,Republicans, Democrats and Progressives ard making a hard fight In the contest fc v What Kind of Spender Are You? "Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die/' causes more sufcerind and pain than the high cost of - living evcur. j will. j There- in a -world -of misery in this small nnnfjrfInn wV1?(i ' eiprresds the too frequent | opinion of' the uneertaiaty' of !i the "future end the needs of the present. ' - | Poor circumstances are frequently the reeutj pf ppo*. ! spending, In order t?s ??., you must spend four money wisely, making every penny. (fteep ~pbe^ tray1ng at "thl right pleee. This Is the sensible way to effective saving. Ton can buy wall and save , money by reading dally, and kfoutlng byt the advertisements' of merchants who advertise I*The Dally News. v: . ? 1 . ?y|' :y of Electri DO YOU ? i -s John D. Ca'ala. Mies Mary Be'l Bmall with Mr. Jay Hodges. MIm Kathrlne Small with Mr. William Knight. Miss Caddie Fowl? with Mr. Freeman, HIM J&net WotTnore with Mr. Bell of New Barm, MIm Mary Carter with air. Robert Small, Mi&a Isabel Carter with Mr. W. B. Rodman. Jr.. Miss Bessie Conoley with Mr. Jno. H. Bonner, Miss Rebecca Simmons with Mr. Charles Small wood, Miss Fan Lamb haughton with Mr. F. S. Worthy, MtswJnlta Mayo with Mr, Lee Davea Bnrbank.. Miss Mary Hill with-Mr William Blount, Miss Fuller.of Pawtucket, R. I., with Mr. Herman Carrow, Miss Chesson qf Roper with Mr. W. B. F. Patrick. Mtsr Hwtoert of Morebead with Mr. 8am Orlst, Miss Bailie Carrow with Mr. MoBwan of New Jersey, MIm Minnie Leary of Elisabeth Ctty with Mr. Baxter Bell of Shawboro, * Miss Brokonborough with Mr. Joseph F. Tayloe. Mrs. 8am Clark with Mr. Charles F.. Morton, Mr. and Mrs. John Oorhara, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Bragaw, Jr., Mr. and Mra.-Oaleb Belli Ds. end Mrs John Blount, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Carrow, Mr. and Mrs. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Clary, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. 81mmons. Mr. and Mrs. George Hackney; stags, Mr. William Watts Of Plymouth. Mr. W. G. Lamb and Mr. l.uko limd ana wr. james naoan of Wllllamston, Mr. Warreif Watson of %wan Quarter. Mr. Jack 8treet of New Bern, Mr. Henry Moore, Mr. Bam Williams, Mr. L. C. Warren. Mr. John O. Bragaw, 8r., Mr. W. H.. milton. Dr. A. C. Hoyt; chaperonea, Mrs. fc ||p|i 4?? 1. B. Powle. Mrs. D. T. Tafloe. Mexico City, April >.?The nnmr of Porflrlo D'a*. ex-President of Mexico, was heard ererrwhere' today Ln the oefebration of the ann!rersatlon of the taking of Puebla by the forces of Gen. Dtas In the French w?r at 1117. Omni Dl?? 1. .till Is Europe. although he keen* coditsntlr Is touch with home affair*. c Power is WANT \ . ' r;: ' ? :r.Ljj , "Srt whs N>w York. April 2?Estimates o the fortune left by J. P. Morgan, iu made la the financial district jreater day. range from $75,004.000 t< $300,000,900. tfcla cam including bit art collections. It la understood that the financier's will ia of comparatively recent date, but no Intimation hoa beet made aa to whan tt will he given to the public. Mr. Morgan's personal counsel declines to dlacuSa the mat ter. Those who shared Mr. Morgan'i friendship predict that there will be large charitable and public bequests although it Is conceded that the boo, mer^awtll danfatw c2l\j the bulk of the fortune. CUD CU13 SEUUEIEN flSKEO TO ASSEMBLE 11 Washington sportsmen who are Interested In the fdrmatlon of a gun club are requested to' meet at the store of Worthy and Etheridge tonight at 8 o'clock. It looks aatf the town must subsist without league ball during the coming summer, and those with sporting blood in their reins are turning to the guu club project. Tii" da ?..4 B.vuuuo u|-| cial and artistic feature of the win- i ter season in Paris will be the dedi- j cation and opening tonight of the Theatre doa Cham.v: Blysees. built > under the dlrec' or. 01 Gabriel As- ! true. The playh>*ifre mar' a record in ~ construct lor. for it ) i >d built within two years aiiti * as been financed almost roloiy b. r.ieric ans. On th-? TcScrrti" ionc. xnraittce of 1 . patronrye u pro in tar; ace is tak- > an b?T:i. .lan'fB of v ;V. K. Van- j derbil'. J. P. "!or~i )tto Kahn. and joines g; ! ..' . ether the|1 cepitf.l was diicfijly > ed by ! these la not given out, I it is acknowledged that nearly : 1 of the $700,000 Jifhich the ^btfrilc! /: haa.po. far coet" cpnips :7rc$tti t? Pnited SUtea. The brilliancy ot the sc al occa- 1 sion cf the opening iB Inc". -ated by ? the prominence of the int? -national ? vuuiiuiiivn; 01 patrons ana patronesses. Among the latter are the Queen 1 of tho Eelgians. the Crown Princess of Roumanin and Grand ImcbesH 1 Vladimir of Russia. \ Architecturally the theatre is an i Innovation fftr Paris. The new play- I house--built on modern Aiuerican ? lines, with roomy broad chairs and 1 tiers und aisles, smoking anil lounp-i! Ing oroms and boudoirs and twhaf* so many Parisian theatres utterly i lack) a system of ftro exits? will of- i fer a tremendous contrast to the old- I fashioned, and cramped playhouses i with which the public has hitherto | had toA^ntent itself. Thcr? lire no i interior posts or supports and a full, i fair v'? of the stage is thus accord- c ed from every one of the two thousand rents. * " F.ecoratlvely great "efforts have been made. The theatre resemble? a marble palace, and exterior and in^c- i rlor aculpturings^iave been made by J ' Bourdelle, apd mural paintings have i been contributed by the famous Mile. | Jacqueline Marval, the one-time t child of the streets, who has *o re- ] markably demonstrated lier genius. 1 The scenery for the theatre is the work of Van Dyck and Felix Weln- 1 gnrtnei -rill direct.the orchestra. The opening attraction will be the " Rrnvenuto Cellini" of Berlios. . ' r I A\VAlTlN(i FIREMK.N S 1 STRIKE DEtlSION. 1 New York, ApriMJ^Thp time glv- * en the arbitration committee bow "J taking teetimouy in the case betwen lhe_ Jfremen of fifty-four Eastern J railroads and their employers ex- ~ plres today. Members of the cotonilSHion. have been carefully considering all the testimony heard and the decision is awaited with interest. There will be no appeal from the decision resulting from this| investigation. If the railroads and their 35,000 firemen do not agree, then there will be- a strike. mmrnmrnammmmmmmmmmmm ire Asked to if?- ',#l- i**" V '%\,'k'}' t'"1 nfinnni n nn nnnn 1| L| 1 I 19 Bill:! iliuiiu uu 1 null DV PVDDCCf Tfl Dl CAI KDM 111 1 ~ SUFFERERS I The local office of the Southern $3 Kspre ?-Ow will be ft! to tr ? eelve any packages up t?TUG pounds ^ '.jffl In weight lor the flood sufferers in v f?j Ohio and the entire flooded district, and to transport such packages free of charge. This announcement is made In ac- |fl| cordance with a proclamation from ' ^ fQ the central oflice^of the "company to tho- affect that no charge shalj-tm?- ? made upon supplies shipped to the flood district for relief of the sictime. The entire country is responding wlththe same readiness to the call from the stricken center as wnt the earthquake, and of other great nattonal calamities The city of Chgf- , 1 lotte alone has raised ?ver $2,000. for the sufferers, and other North Carolina towns are doing as well In . proportion. * Any one in Washington who feels uic uuiy 01 orotjieriy aia to ni? reilow-Americans In tho flooded district in this time of calamity is thus encouraged to render substantia) aid * ^ by the express company. B1CJ (it'KSTK AT ... j 8)*OKTKMBN*A 1MNNKK. Washington. April 2.?The third annual sportsmen's dlnnefto bo giv- . en here tonight will attract some of t . the most prominent men In tho country. many boing millionaire business men "with sporting prc-li Motions. President Wilson has been invited but will bevunahle to attend. Among the specially invited ?re the members of the JocJcey club, the Polo association, American Kennel clnb, recognized hunts of America. Natrona! jtyjSH Remount association. Masters of Fox lioundR association and the National Steeplechase and Hunta aaPocTafTbhflLYMl'lt A NEW SHFIV Lopdo^i ..April 'r2.--t-The^rtl>ttllt White Star'Xrtper-.Oiyjn pic which has been practically rebuilt at a cost of over $300,000 left Southampton toiay for New York. The Ollmpic has an tner shin of Heavy steel plates, continuing. jn effect, the double-buttom well 'above the water-line and providing addfllnnal .,ni.?llnh Thrt l.nilrlo-o ara *' -Vifl also placing additional * watertight bulkhead? of great strength,"'several at them being carried through to the "B" deck, 40 feet above tbe\water- . ^8 These new bulkheads and the new nner Bkin will tncreqg^ the flotation capacity to the utmost and en- V 43J Hence the margin of safety beyond ill previous standards. Similar safeguards are-Being Introduced in the iawr Britannic, the 50,000-ton trlpleicrew steamer now in course of con- -^| itruction for the same MAKI.ROKO RACK MKRTIKU. Marlboro, Md . April 2.?The 1915 racing seasori in Maryland Rtarted Here today, which is a little earlier lhan usual, but there is promise oT g creat sport. The races are under the lirection of the Southern Maryland Racing and Fair Association and will * ^ - j lost until April 12. KXiiMSH ARMY BOXING CHAMPION8H1F. * ? , vyXSj Aldersboi, April - 2.?The second innual English army boxing ch^m- ~ >ionshlps will be held in the army gymnasium here tonight, tomoVrow ind Friday. The matches are exicctetl to Jwrtop one of two addl*?? -r^a iomjl fugillptic experts. 95 PER CENT " 9 FLIES I Bred in Manure. How , About Washington's j * Stables? V _ - <1 Vote Fori I