> Four pullets lu II Fob. tnid 106 Who can I -? ! navy bi-j> with lvttors ?f. C. on ? sus . TUB WA10UNUTO9. belns roOmaiill&l ui' day one wlabhlK to Join, will loose giro 3ge thfllr to far Roy D. Koar. ?*. t-Hfc K FOR SALE Seed Peas $2.10 Per Bushel EKR.ii - K : <: - Cora 75c. f: Caiinlra-PrftJiu?e-(^^alL ; kinds bought andsoid. U?i Highest prires piftf, ?? See>Tand ]SAVE MONEY Cutler & Hudson, Water Si Op^mite A, J.iCoi Drtn Hfafc Hoadadx . Avar. *'< * .utactMa. aour u?y stoat- * ncn. m the aye rm. Try theai nd you'Wllt ?> well a. tlafled. Brrr pill help*: ever* tax guaranteed. Price ate. |l KeodBBocM. by HcM/a Drug . ? ; fir- Ttnrnmrw AgMUjiar^nQW- 1 Notice 1b hereby gltan that the en- , deralgned tuu thU ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. " I have this day , lulnlstrater o< the, aetata of Polly t'owell, deeeesed. All persons holding claims against said estate ate ootlUed to present I aamt to the - undersigned within I twelve months Irom the date hereof, r ttttjfg - wdbls eotlee will he pleaded In par of their recovery. I All porsoas .Indebted to aald estate I , ?? <9po bloow, AdaiInletrator Polly Cowetl, Decees & f:dward-D?fUewsrt, Attorney. ?oTttfii March ltth. 1?M. # 3-17-twc ' j jtMBsntAnn APPOINTHD: V1 ~At~an~ad4snraed?tn~eeUng~of"*th? Hoard of Alderman of the city of l?th, the utlowlac named person a were appelated Registrars for the I 3tilt lh? to Thrt Dull* vpffl Utterly Impossible t From This Gifted ' ; fr.tentircly satisfied wth life ?eiB&t to w: va yru uriat wttbuc'j er aiuCr;* your tu&incsa and ?cc al Ir you urj \riy. to achieve what yea a Btantly ? rjoroy of thooe,with than 70.1 r *?&-? Ponaaal magnctiai the worlJ. ? It triumphs over olmtac bu jin<-."M . - ) i ,1 ; i? oper.g to creta of life, tt .'.ti ilts.t marcel one, a ablos you to tana or v. :/roan r? -? f Wj&Ngha.- ylMi cumstancos; if yo . "..y; lor greater* not able to laflue..<; *hor.? to-the t y.jrfj vGytowie. the roaster ml:.d c?c?!t i; Uta hypnotism, now r a: rtally r ?hftflliig the alulT. Urnu. fj. ".u&i.'s1 anojr, aselstHifr tttt. those in qrr?-rt -of Mme. CfCNM^iU point out tl?> wa in bvslness, speculation, iaveatnjenls thip, divorce or anything you ni^y I lost and stolen article?, burled tr... -delays. .' " > Callers neod have no foor of unph their confidence betrayed. Busincs , 9 m. t? 8 f. m. ? hU? 13 Pn <>ni at ttic M ini PI of the (Totted Motes b Improted. w. 3r vKV MKafir. . VV : ? In the current Issue of Farm and Preside appears an article showing mi iqw explosives can be used in clearatUai. I&a jujthOT Mfn op atelHgeut handling there is prao- dii ically no danger, and excellent re- da ulta are secured after a little prac- tic Ice. 'Following la sn extract. rei "Only about twenty-fire per cent ?f the entihe land area of the United bu Rates la Improved farm land, yet wo eo 11 ready hear the wall of new settlers tnd would-be landowners, who find bll mproved farms too expensive for m' heir lifted capital. and Who dlaira hat unimproved farm land is mdrfe on ban scarce. Statistics, however. on >how that In-Mtchlgau sqd ^ftlaewr- ioj dn nearly 50 per cent of th$ land ir. ml itili in the unimproved state snd can * >e purchased at a tei y cheap rate. b? n?Ts unimproved land constats most- no 7 of cut-over timber lands' Jands S"rl containing a second growth of tlm- ro' w, snd rocky lands too rosgh to h? wl profitably worked. St "Only those who -have tried to rlear such land hy the om of eyplo- At dfes know how efficient the method -> a and whs^t afreet time and labor ?aver U Is compared to the primitive th mnn. bone ml machinery method. On rk? explosive method I. of eepeelet be Interest to now settlor*) and those of Is limited ospltsl because It requires no er Ihrgu tntttsl nuttar of money.- and to very cent In touted can be lmmedh ?l xtel'y used for the purpose of cleartau l? Op the fern) Besides this, K properIt handled explosives art) as sate as the mac binary method, xploslves fo will do as good work in during land a. as the most expensive maehtnery and m generally at lppn toUl cost." '1 / In ~ ? Roup is Commo ^_R?upCu jPlJ Vr R f ft | f\ ; if'jj ' HI Ui III yUlllI 11 11(1 &T?T ? I t* 'it rx to o Keep a Seeret Clairvoyant. ' ^ ? Are you as successful as you position of ipbobbm and pawlends? Are you able to have itart out to do, or are you cona stronger magnet personality " m Is the'magic wand that rules a< les and brings success li^yodr your vision the greatest seubtilo unseen power that en- ? tnd to bauleh 111 luck, your present condition end cir- an aueoeso Or money; if you arc \y? ixtent ycu desirn/.yon' are ad- *i'i ^ ' :50n*^.U|'iinr , i ' klilfog tUe mad leal world in ^ the puner uf Iranw eialrvuy- '? ;? knowledge--eE-the- future. \ y that W-ll ldad you to success Cl , mining, matrimony, courto in trcublo about. Locates ,n Ufes. etc..-no long waits and wi sosant surroundings or bi.vlng * Strictly confidential. Hcurs > at J (jNDBdKW HKLlt QaiKP CAU8B OF RXOK881VB TAXKR. ' Guthrie. Okla., April 2.?The Germ-American Association, represtlng about G 0,000 of Oklahoma's to nf numn iiuiTi i? pudir.?' posed -to prohibition,- A general ? tcusslon of existing political. In airiai, economic ana moral conui- f us in Oklahoma resulted In these lolutions: |Ul "Resolved, We recognise that the.?1 rdens of high taxation have heme almost unbearable to our clti-J**1 as. We further recognise that pro- ** bltion?the folly of ooereing a aC altitude of people and trying to rce them into habits which can ly be acquired by education?la e of the .causes of high taxation. ^ unities of the Income procured by N' license system, and instead imees the enormous cost of mostly V clean prosecutions upon tlie people, )p in return receive only the dears) lsed condition of 'bootJegglnfe dl thout license' throughout the w ate." , tli IK 1IKCEIVKB FOB -PHO\K OO. W Chicago. April 2.---The hearing in e light to apoint a receiver for the bi mtral Union Telephone Company tl gins hem today -TBe-application fj a step In the clforU of the petition-. u to prevent Bell telephone Inter- m is trem aeeulrlhe the ooanMsr at a ' ) tare which the complainants aver. " much lees then their value. , , % Mies Kettle Prabble left yesterday r Klnaton, whore a bah as, accepted 1 poelton with Or. I. M. Hydf Her A any friends with her mdfch success ; her new held. V n p r p t v till ? ? v/ x ju x x llll -. indorsed with the UtM and U- II publication. but u a matter of *11 PERSONALS, IttC CX H. Fuller of Pawtuckef, K. WW H4? 5*>fl 8t>?Um IM wlJUr Washington with t? yacht TUMIs. peels to leave in hla yacht for the 5rth on Friday. Mr. Fuller has as a cueat at present Mr. I. H Page Chlcopee Valla, Mass.. who to eaidont of the J. Stevens Arm and Pi Off. ;. ; - ' : . . . * Mrs. w. T. Bailey has as her guest her home on Fourth street Misd die Morgan, who la a trained nurse the I*awford Hospital of Norfolk. I Mr*. J. J. BatterUiv*ft* of Pactol- I i la In tbe city shopping toda> I Mr*. John H. Small has as h*r ieet Mr*. J. W. Ferrall of Gr**nBi.-' I ~ ? Tl: ? 9 Capt. and Mrs. Hill have returned om New Bern, where they have vis?d for some days. ' ^ } * Mr. W. H. Lilly has returned from sfrort visit to JametfvlUe. He \uune er witbm motoring party, of which ft Mffliatdlng mftffilM^"~fiiotorad ck to Jameavllle, namely, Mrs. irganua. Mr*. Edwards 'and her " uRhter, and Miss Kathefen Wales. "? Messrs. A. A. Hoitdia and R. Rowe ^ Small are In town today. ' ^ Hr. W. O. Lamb, Mr. Luke Lhmb, 1 id Dr. J. S. Rhodes of Wlllforaston ?ro here last ovcning to attend the nlcyon Club dance. . ? ? ' i Mr. W. R. Watts of Plymouth is a ashlngton visitor today. ' ' ' ; e 'e ? Mr. Wallace Springer jtf South reek is among the day's visitors. Mr. D. D. Bonner of Bonnerton Is the c'ty today. % Mr. J. A. Hooper of Elizabeth City w a visitor yesterday. _' , . Mr. D. T. Bell of New Bern was nong yesterday's visitors. j' Mr. W. H. Whitley of Bonnerton in town today. Mr. E. Lyman Scott of Greensboro Id the elty. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lovell of Bosn were Washington visitors yester' I ACRE NEWB. Mrs. C* C. Harriw and two sons, Dward and Ronel, attended the lion at No^i Creek Saturday and inday. Mlses Jennie Boyd. Mattte and aggie Wlndley were the guests of ra. B. F. Osborne 8undny after?on. Mrs. Hobart Latham spent Sunday ght wiyi Mrs. oaintnie Latham. Mr. Phelps of Columbia spent luraday - night with Mr. Luther arris on his way. to tq the Union at rrth Creek. . - . j Miss Ruth Harris was the guest of isa Maty Harris Saturday night and ?4>y. r?:_i Master Alton Harria spent Satur \y nigni wiiu ms grauupari-:iis. mr i, id Mrs. James Boyd. Mr. C. C. Harris has been working | io reads of his district the past : cck, which work is bs^ily needed. For Burns, Bruises and Mom. Tho quickest and surest cure for urns, bruises, bolls, sores. In flam maon and all skin diseases la Buck leu's trnkm Balte: in four d?H irWed Haflia, ? rraaen, Tax., '6f * >re on his ankle which lalned him > he oonld hardly, walk. Should be The law firm of Rodman Rod' tan is tbV- day by mutual consentIssolred. Wiley C. Rodman wilK continue He practice of l%wln the present ofcea occupied by the firm. William B. Rod than, Jr.", will eonloue the practiea of law and will poupy offices on the second floor of be Savings & Trust building.*/' f the body again. Bear's Emulsion lold by Worthy & Etheridgc. It is -eoommended to build up the system md lungs so as to fortify ub against ! his germ. And as I have read so naay testimonials from different teopie o'f Rockingham county I beleve this remedy 1s one of the best or--a--run duwn ayaLom?and.weak. _ ungs. * tt r JL V? JJ i Ice' Cream and ' COLD/STORAGE. PHONE 83.. Crystal Ice Co., Washington. .V. C. Wister In Land of "Tire Virginian.'* Owen Winter, whoso "Virginian" made this town famous, was the guest at the^lQwn. stopping here for a few hours before starting for the Jackson Hole country on i. hunt. While here Wister witnessed the dedication of the Virginian Hotel, Which stands on the site of the old Elk saloon. In which sppie of the*ecen Old Fashioned Blue Ridge p BUCKWHEAT "JUST ARRIVED 4c Pound A large bottle Buckwheat Byrup tor 25c. Phone us for 5 pounds the former and a large botle of the latter. You will like them line. nlTfin nt*A?w?w?.. runn ruuu i>KUl>tttii J. B. BONNER.|Pr?^ Phone 261 128 South|M?rket SL The Lowest Priced] Grocery House in the "CITY." A Large Can Tall SA-LrMON t- Or u Uliuc | The Kind You Hate Been Paying 15c For. N. CLAUD A, UTTLfe\ "The Store AnxmHhe Cower'(i \ ^ V . I-SON WOOD M u+m*'nm T?A C f- J. LEQN WC / RVKKLRSmd / HNKiU. 1Mb. Ollllb. S 0?T>M??| BaMlaf. ?MW>. Tb \ Mi? Wtn> b V rw Tut Bt? 5 ? Bxclup, CMm> bvT at > C ? ? Mb I ** ' A?o??y Olna Cw 's- "-' 4 VI % ' M9 ;s Club ! C~rr ..--^? .'-jfci;,:,t.r:jgJj ? IGTON J 1 ERTISEMENTS -3 . HOUSEWIVES. * V 1 AYLOE lio Market St. omplete Line of *oceries, ND RELIABLE 4 ks and fellvery. DRINK J Hall's "Java and Mocha" y '. \ COFFEE. - ' -S "The Taste Lingers." ? 0UA.UTY GROCERY WALTER CREOLE I Q. PtM M V 91. 4 Bicycles! Bicydes! How Btereteo 111 ?. Wo aro a*tts tor tko Itaijda. Roodlac. Bla?4ari. Ivor M?n. mil HB7 rr zzrz'zzz D. R. CUTLER ' '% WASHINGTON. N. C PhOMlH \ 1 ii piiim ihmi w. cm ' >0D & CO. MtOHOOl 1 i k ~ - i Km. M d? Mi ~l MW Mm mi mm. I iL : ' .,.' .' "I *i'. '. ..' *