Mm%> - v- u,:-m ST #{: -. , * ) * ?1 v ? J'- - * I tip* i? - wn y.-'?" ' ~'~ - Men's Oxfords The above cut shows one ml our snappy style Oxhsb. Good range of ' sly lea In Patent Leather. CM Mi lal and Tmn J. K. "HOYT Washington, N. C. It's Too Late Whe You -cannot get insurai net property on fire or pr by?? Oct it today. none :>4? or ibb. Wl " First insurance I IT'S TIME *3 One Car Babcock Ip""-'- Fl.irrnagan Buggie; J JUST RI Come arou # Washington f JB L. SUSMAN, Pres. - ' '. Your do for Gi can ea; ar; "t art wc st> -i fee HI4 ^ Exclusively Shoes C y "Se [pSrr.Tbi^fcr it gapcrddsly: affdg&r." Bir with the fruit, * 1^ FOK MARKING UXKX. Hero is letter In croaa-stitch. suitable for marking houaohold linen and blankets. It may be worked with Ingrain cotton, mercerised COt) r??u o i washing silk. n the Fire Bell Rings. ice then if it happens to be operty near yours. Why den. Braguw & Co. r Agents tn Washington, N. C. TO RIDE ? Buggies, One Car k A * i K A'-j ECEIVED ""Jl nd ree them. W w lorse Exchange Co. S feet deserve them; they-s ve them shoes th sily do it with , Protect your pocket i car.y. Satisfy your ; modern, up-to-d? >rn in the princip des. We can have t in our towq as in Selz shoes $3.00 t Other good value! There d be but One Shot Barrett & lz Royal WASHING = Te ???? cl^kSSer ^'uT* ; I Mr - . r ^ TH? number of telephones In the whole world Is estimated at *,500.000. Of which T.OOd.OdO are said * *? Ir use la America and 2.000.000 In Ra- , rope. Tho tadfbtry of statisticians 1? so great'tfent possibly w.rae one will lorn his attention to the number of despairing entreaties made ' to the juimg wuiueu' at the eailuuge lu a leer t?$-. New Table Covers. % 2 The latast. touch hi embroidered i iunfch cloths is to form them of si- ] tarnate strips of lace and fine linen.. 4 Pilot, fine Cluny. and copies of thd 5 old Venetian laces are used for these J Insert!ess. and a border of laoe to h match completes the cover. v4 This is a change from tho squares of laoe and linen whioh bore been popular for some time. ^ ^ On the handsomest cloths the '.rips of linen are embroidered in a | ...nveutlonaMzed vine of satiu stitch CH| eyelet embroidery; and the cost^|t of all have stripe of retlcella, Hiving an open effect that la lovely . over polished mahogany. ' j Sometimes a lining of satin in the | pal^at ton* of H|i? Hural Hm-nifi lions is used under these ^acy- oovera. Coughs and Consumptloa. Coughs and colds, when neglectod. , always lead to serious trouble of thi lungs. The wisest thing to do wb'er you have a cold that troubles you is , to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis- | covery. You will get relief from the J first doao. and finally the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Musoa- ! dlno, Ala.', writes: "My wife war j down In bed with an obstinate cough, , and 1 honestly believe had It not , been for Dr. King's New Discovery, t she would not be living today." Known for forty-three years as the best remed/for conghs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00. Recommended i by Hardy's Drug Store. ' -V ... : the best yc erve you pat iat fit with comf< Selz Royal Blu book too; the prices 1 good taste; the st; ite such as are be al cities; metro poli just as stylish look Chicago or New Y< . . .. V .. ' o $5.00 3 at . '* . $2.50 t if everyone knew?Sell Turnage's Blue" St ITON, Psl. C. ===== ?*3^-593? ^8E3ffS 1 ' V*' ' i fog- ^ " ' a I His Rshing Trip IJ iiuii?ui11i-iiii?liVi">iT ' "Hen Bferrlam never would ?tvy c lust what the black baas weighed." t ir.ld a man from Monroe cbuuty. | anfl 1 guess kftrk Sullivan didn't know, but the hammer weighed five n pounds, y - V --V-I "It was a Sodas bar bsun. nud I rhffi n?n talked, aboutwacttng to c 50 out and get it or one something t Ilka Its else soma one told him tbo bass ran so largo In Sbdns that fish?rmerr who wanted to be on' the oaf# i tide took a big hammer along with 1 them to knock 'em in the head. So | the hammer Hen H^^am took; with ttim weighed almost as much *? tbo | L-edar boat bo rowed. / ? "Hen. being a railroad conductor. 1 scorned to expect the bass to ->e J right on schedule time In taking bis c hook after be had thrown in. and 1 bo when 15 ml notes had j}aSso4_and ; no baas had come doOdM 1 II was so far behind Ume that he Buesed It won Id have to be ab&ndon- I ed. and he was stalling up to go In t when the bass came -alorig and got the book. "v*v t ."Hen started right In to make up ? lost time and yanked .hat bass in 1 hand over hand. When the flsh'ff t head came In sight and within reach ; Hen .grabbed tys hammer, and belp* 1 t ?] >u can u iently. fjll\ ort; you J e shoes, p^ ll lere itan II, :ing ork. ' ? I .** m , p . . 7- /y j | a Exclusively r | Shoci ore i in .. .' : wholesome I 1 IwWwct made jpx .iMfc'CU. &?. 'IB eblhrt tTmo ho brought'the hemmer " o#? like he urns a blacksmith', milter ell on to hM Job. But Sod us bey bees ere vretch- " ul end eenr. end this one ducked * a^tesssrsctsri: omlng dtwn, though, and It had 10 w It something. and ao It whangnd m iito the aide of the light cedar boat. "It pgned rlgh' on through the tde of the boat, making a hole tolg. t( nough to above a stovepipe' In. The" t< olc being below the water lino of j onree tha wtlpr poured Into the ioIT ttko~E torrent, and Ken tregag " o yell. P " 'Hay!' he yelled. 'Somebody letter m: j'- cictra good time over- * ft-f Or there'll bo trouble on tbia ^ Inel' ,i. / . * "And that waa no Joke, for Hen t lad hardly yelled that much when lis boat sank and he was floundering f a the- water trying to keep from, ollowing It. He had the hammer lit * me hand and held fast to hts Hue * nth the other. Hark SuTTlvafi W** aklng out ham In a boat neat, I tnd be bnllea for Hen eigne away. jj " 'Don't stop for 'ilgtiaftV yelFed ( I?n. ' /nil her wide open, or this .ass wll. get away I' "Mark got there lust In time to * ug Hen Into hie boat, abd Hen ?ai < 10 eooner In than he began hauling \ way on hi* base, which was still on < he hook. When he got It along- l a the boat he handed tUo ham- | to Mark, and while Hen held the . Kiss with the top of fta bead oat of he water Mark used the sledge on 1 t. * "He tumbled the bass' skull In at i nto the boat and came ashore. No- | >ody has ever heard hew much it . mnlghert. tea HSa Mepslam dlUkh and 1 guess Mark Sullivan never 1 knew. When Hen told abont%tbe 1 bass be jost said It was so big It * tank the boat. t " 'But.if I find the man who told t tne to take that hammer along as part of my fishing tackle,' said be. . he'll know how much I weigh!' "Some say the boat cost Hen 140.*' 1 Air Consumed In a Minute. * * In one minute in a state cf rest the J tverajfe man takes into lis lungs , thout & liters or 48.8 cnb'.z -inches of j dr. In walking be needs t6 liters or >7.8 cubic Inches. In climbing 2'.? " iters or 140.8 cubic tafbes. In riding 1 it a trot 83 litem or 201.3 cubic inches ind In long distance running 27 liters >r 347.T cubic inches.?Sciencfic American. ^ r ; -rfi A Cantaloupe Train *of 130 Carr.. A' figntalmipft train htflevfd to',ha J be longest the world has ever seen 1 passed through this city yesterday * from the Xmperial valley. The train consigned of 130 cars, 1 was a mile and a half in length and ontolned more than 1.000,000 pounds it cantaloupes.?Tucson correr.pon- > fence Denver Post. Horses for German Army. 5 Germany's army in time of reac* requires 110.000 horses. A horse's :enn -of service Is about it pears. RESULTS TELL i then Cam lie Xov Dombt About the c Results In Waatifmgtou. c Results tell the tale. - t All doubt is removed. t The testimony cf a Washington t Itlsen Can be easily Investigated. ? What better proof can be had? a Mrs. Una Arthur, Sr., 288 W. Second St, Washington, N. C., says: p '1 suffered greatly from dull nagging tackaches. 1 could hardly get around n ? times, and was cfrald to niofe on t> iccount of the knifie-llke twinge* In ? njr loins. My kidney* were weak ej end na donbt earned all tbia tronWe:*? ?? Doti'i Kidney PUle advertised i ind getting a box from the Hoyt j >rux Co., I began their aae. They a ell evert every eymptom of my a rouble." (Statement given January d *. 1M1) . b CONFIRMED PROOF. ? On November It. ltl*. Mm d irthur tnldt "f am willing to odfc- ? irm my former endoraement of b loan's Kidney pills. Titer bam a nan of such gnat benefit to ma that m an always glad to mahe their t nertts known." ,-JB5 For sale by all OgUlirk. Pries S? onto. Foster-IdUbnro Or., BnSalo, lew York, sole agents tor the United ' Itatee. - - '.V'i ' W m Remember tbe ifame rvma1! , nd take no other. T* ' ' ' 1 ? a -v TV- n.nv ? P ? ^ x".( ashiagton, w ordered to be>eld ( the Various wards of said City on tos*?d In H u ut gt tl> <3?nil Asscmbl7 Of North Carollnn.fat s session of 1913, entitled "As Acl > authorise the city of Washington > Issue bonds"; The funds arising from said bond ana urUI he used tor thpToMowlog ' '' (A) *130.0(10 dollars will ha used* 1 ir the BSffDoee of buying, Jmllding. r construct tnc a watnr earns t>lae? nd installing In the city of Washing on a sewerage system. , nds for said purpose, shall rote a >allot on which shall be written -*>r trlnted "Against Bxtension of Bleoric Light plant." \ At said meeting of the Board or Udermen the -following Registrars rere appointed for the Cltyr to act luring said special election when tho ineetlon of teedlg bonds, as aforenld, will be Submitted to the eitlm*. ?}' & v-vi" '*>, First Ward?W. K. Jacobaon. Second Ward: W. R. Bright. Third Ward: W> W.LagvMt Fourth Ward: J. F. Fljron. The following placea were destg. in ted ai polling piACM for tho xnapee~ We wasds: First Ward: Haseell Supply Oo. inilding. "V Second Ward: City Hall. Third Ward: Joe Harper's Marie t. Fourth Ward Peal's store on ifarket street. This 31st day of March. 1913. X W C. AYERS, ~^"7~ 7 * CUT CtaA. 4-1-lOlr Wi, the G.ner.1 Auembl; of forth Carolina, at lta aeaatoa of 913. passed a law, authorising and mpowerlng the Board of Aldermen . >f the City of Weehington to submit t 6 the qualified voters of said Clfcr he question of issuing bdnde /or the ollowing p urposes, io-wit: (A) The baying, bnllding and onatructing of a water wocfia plant, ad a seWer system for said city. { m of 4130.0(10 dollars, for tho pursee of buying or bulldtgn and ?-onimttlng n Water Works Plant, sol ewer system In eaid City. ( } The issnanea of bondn la the srn of 4*0,000 dollars for tha pur- J ere of building an extension to tkr V?.'.-**- -y F eSordlrtg perfect fit. I j *- r:1 J I I IwteiMffi. 1 1 Vfcrket St. HahcnJi ehenu I ' I tHMaawJ SOTICJt ' * > forth Carolina?Beaofort Coonly a lie Superior Court?Before Urn Jtl ci?*. i.,.... Edward L. Stewart, Administrator, of Oaalal Haaaell, deceased fanole Haeeell. Naa'ry-King, Ben "Si ntgge, camlllua Blggt, Nelson Biggs. William Henrr Blfft ami NanfeOargaaoi Pursuant to an ordor heretofore Etiucd la this canto wherein, thm nn oral gnad', administrator of Daniel _ .H laaaaO, doceasodrtf ordered ana di- ' acted'.to expoae for ante tho laada art yifialaes hw uUiuflAl daiiirfllM. ~ j. he undersigned will. In compliance \ aith tho terms of said order, on iflf1 nratediy. April IStit. 1IU. at 11 'clock. aooo,' offer for -able to Uao ligheat bidder tor eeaee. at the Court sjSfoRl Ionae door. In Beaufort county, tho w ollowlng described real aetata toA tract of land In Beanlort .Conn- , ' r, North Carolina, adjoining the 'iWK ands of Nancy Jonea aad others and ipuaded aa follows: Beginning at a LI wst on Van Nordaa street, the dials- t on line botweon ho and Nancy John ,-iy| on, Tanning 70 yards Booth oa said tree:; thoaca at right angles half ray to Bridge street; thence parallel . rlth said street 70 yards aad 'from , > hence at right angina to tho beginting, containing one acre more or ens. Saving and sgbepttag from the . laacriptloa Jest above given that part I If said land which was convaywJ br - J harlot nssaan iu aiiebslb Juuemnr? ' ?' senary Ird. ll{l, aad regiatsred la look 07, page 101; also that part hereof which wan conveyed by Darnel Haaeell to UhM Blaektodge en ^ | UIUT 3rd. HIS. which dead If w crded la baah ST, pass SIS. t Thle ism day of Kerch, ills. EDWARD L. STEWART, dmloiatretor of DanM Tlimt. D?1 10-fec . ' '! i | ? ? ???- V [\ _fOTIClt- -j . ; /ja.. A Democratic primer/ for the ' omtnatlon of mcnlelpel oDeera will a held In the City of Weehlnston on -iMdey Apr* llth. 1313. Candletee for Mayor are iiieriiil $11. M. ad candidates for Alderman ?3.0? ill candidate* are regolred to lie . Self notice and pay their mascta , ion? V> W; C. Ayern. City OlaHt, at 3p*" feet lire days prior to the date of ' he Primary By order Board of Electkme. ,1 It*. A. M. DDMAY, Chairman. ,. H. Reddltt, Baeratary. .i-JtCSH -lt>4wa? ^ n* irpir' RTirjn pictures a rknoht Maw drama, . Sell* m BtMJGflW hdart, 3: i y i . i?wd dt?m?. nw aemrt or tm kajwr. .dmissio 1 Sc md 10c jJ i