1 t I - *** IWWiBj aiace the orilea, and * hM beep doomed, advia? ' able to sake a statement of the work done by this organization j Fofty^wo families In fdl bare n> - t c4 for the alck. The doctors havo ,." ? / kindly fcWoe their sorrloos In one instance e?ly has a nurse been hired Of these i/ty-two families, only one haa received regular assistance: and this haily comitate of threo.women and one aaxall child Two of theeh an? afo cohflrmed Invalids and the ehfid la too round to work, which leerea hat one wage-earner In __ _ la ono caea It waa fonnd nocnaaary to par hartal szpaaaaa In manr raeos clothing and ah oca have boon provided, principally to ohlldren who would otherwlae have bean obliged to star a war from achooL In one or r* two cnaea faaalllea have been helped where otherwlee the children would have had to atop achcml and work for - the eappeit of the family. - Mr. NawJ? bold .thluke keeping theoe children In school le wortdl nomethtng to the ' * town. The Cryutal toe Co. kindly contrlhV nted an An too that haa been given S the aWfc. and Jaa B. Clark Co. ooe tribdted elothlag. which haa been a Mrf " great help. hid haa heea . given to famille* quarantined for a'taallpoa. In a few |T J eaaaa bonne rat haa bean paid. Of the attar-two families helped,, only fir* were colored ly The Chjeet of thla AaaoeiaUon being to help eolr the worthy poor, I have pereMeatty refuaed aasiatance has been of great benefit to the.elty I ' poor. tafV; The faahe ht areeaat are rerr low. she wejeat* of the meeabera hare Tailed to raw their mambereblp, bet * feel eeew they will do eo when they realtee the neoeeelty of continuing thta organlaatlcn. mad RACHEL nOMLET Superintendent. SHALL DEBATING S01IEIY ' BOLUS UKEIY MEETING i " > . - The Joke *. Smell Debating Society met Thnreday erenlng, April 3rd. S? 1*11. The euery for the pdbate wee, "ReeelTkd, Uet the Monroe Dootrlna fe. snoqhg he Cos tinned u e Permeeent Policy of the V. 8." The empmeUre wee ehly upheld by Jemee Fowle , v The negatlye wee bettled for by Sent Powle. Hebert ailu end Jeck Harrla The Jndgee decided le feror of the af" K firmatlro. There will be e public debute on commuaeeauat nl?ht et the echool I a! bulldle*. The query te, "Rewired. i |. thet the Vetted Stetea Should Enlarge Her Nery." Speekere on the afflrmetlre were Elbert Weeton, Jen. Fowle, Cher lee Machine, end Hubert - mnr j Tboee on the negatlre were: Jeck Harris. Fraaoee Charlee, end Cherlec PtAdmMrton free. pvunni sues uaywok. a al . New Tprk, April 6.?The eult lor libel Inetltuted agatnet Meyor Geynor of thle city by Ralph Pulltaer, owner of the New York World lascheduled tor e heerlng today, but It la bettered thet e delay will be lyfl granted to the dcfendknti. Mr. Pn- ' I rnayoc becai|?e ofj agatnat the name of hla father by Mr. 1 Jj* gaged" in Wore than one law" ault dur-l, log Ma adtnlnletratlon, having recently had one withdrawn by Alderman Cnrran, after withdrawing the Is Mrte Mary Tankard la eipeetqd j I borne wrom Norfolk today, fitae will ^ I * I IP V * -if.;.v The evening hour has been xn6vad up to 8 o'c'och, when services will be ' conducted by Rev. B. L. Moore of Lewlsburg. who la rson of Rev. C. D. . Malone of Chocowinity. The eollec- ]j tlon will go for the /ellef of the flood j sufferers In the Middle Weet. ' | L WASl for : ... ' . ^ f f*|fItill ~|i . n Washington. April 5.?tbfi United rtfntrs hss rosde if nmt timUr on the newly purchased Appalachian Forests, and the voucher that established the tact has been ah object oil interest In the hands ot the officials of the Department of Agriculture who have had occasion to hand^p It. The voucher Itself does hot show that the character of the sale was. hat Inquiry has drawn forth the information that the material AmMI of waa $7 worth of logs, bought by a Georgia farmer to"use in building a barn. This apparently insignificant ; transaction is regarded as a fore taste of the futurewhon the government *wlir~be taking in a tidy reveI 11 ue from the foreft lands which it is now buying in the East. These, lands are begin bought prinsartty to protect navigation Congress held, in providing for their purchase, that the Constitution prohibits the government from bnying lands for these eastern forests except at the headwaters of navigable rivers, and tor the purpose of regulating sireainflow and preventing the silting up of the channels of commerce. Yet the production of timber will also'be made one Of the objects of applied forestry as the government will practice it on these areas. The latest purchase, made last February, was of 75.060 acres In North and Sonth Carolina and Georgia, on the headwaters of the 8avannah River, and brought up the total which ha* been bou?ht to 400,000 acres. Of this 350,000 acres are In the 8onthern Appalachians, and 80,00 in the White Mountains. Not all of the land is well timberad^ n*Wv-for-the government in um'u> cases can not afford to pay the vahm of land and heavy timber together! r:daie?aeal)y meet of Uie'Tuinl mqulrod has been culled or cut over or ?dse la sold to the government with the reservation by the owner of the rfffbt to cut and remove the timber under methods^^resoribed by ^the ox material will doubtless be made from time to tithe, and will increase in number and value as Improved forests grow on these areas, under toe stimulus of proper forest management and protection fromflre. FUNERAL OF MB. CRUM^LER TOMORROW. The fune?-al of Mr. W. J. Crnmpler has been announced for tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the First Christian Church. - It-wilt be .fflNfcducted by the pastor, Rev. R. V. nope. ft Read What James J. Hill Says About Women Shoppers: ' Every woman tries to get | the best value for her money. That Is natural and proper, but the incHaertmU^te hunt oncci Tuesday evening, and although a few r.'nteuranti are trying to find ways to evade tile new order, they are. tame and lifeless. Every one who ever had a vrab ravigote or a Long laiand rarebit or a lobster Newberg, or some eggs imocriale, after gazing upon a musical comedy, a iob-show or a grand opera, ia wondering-just what will happen to the Great White Way. The order to close all places where drinks were served ht one o'clock, was bad enough. but now. Oh. how. could hip honor-say-that-folks-who frequented such places after midnight were, an 'a role, not decent and guttlers! Ah, it Is too much! Fbr the purpose of gaining a hearing tor "quiet plays which often fail before the public has loaned of the is unobstrusive merits, thp- Drama Society women anil .persons of literary distinction. The ?frectors are persons who have had some experience as actors, playwrights, critics or directors of welfare clubs. They will enlist an Initial'membership of about 500, who will pledge themselves to attend plays recommended bf the society and and to "boost" them to their friends if you please. The Incorporators are Mra?Angust Belmont. Mra. E. R. Hewitt, Mrs. , Philip Lydlg, Mrs. Frederick B. Piatt, Mra. W K. VanderbUt. Mrs. ; "figerton L. Wlnthrop. Jr.. Mra. Geo. T. Haven, Jr., John Corbln. Walter P. Eaton. Archer M. Huntington, Thomas W. Lamont and Robert Perkins. The newest thing next to the . School of Mother Craft is the Baby , Ohrden. The Idea is still In'Its swaddling clothes, but it is^gxpected , to grow and develop uptler the care- , ful guidance of Mrp/ Alvla Levitas, a graduate of Teachers' Colloge. The , baby garden la intended for-t&e baby , of the professional woman who must go to misimjw Bitiji nay. tflo wna * has no one to leave her children with except a nurse girl. It is to come between the day nursery and , the nursery of the rich who can em- , ploy a trained nurse. Mrs. Alvin Levitas. a eraduate ot Teachers' College, and she lives in the'model VanderbUt'apartments at 8eventy-elghth street and East River. . She says that .bef*-Idea selves a | long-Xelt want ambng business worn- ) en, for when u woman rAust vo to ] business, whether she Is a doctor, i lawyer, actress, teacher. ioamalist j< or private secretary and stenograph-11 er. if she baa children to sunpvt her days are Incessantly clouded with. anxiety about her children. ^ POdr Condy Island is to belreiorur=ed again. Not by _the missionaries and the sober-garbed ooterlos eg men and women who stand on the corners and sing hymns, deliver add roes j es and_nftaa.lhe... hat around. But Coney is going to be reformed by business men whose idea it Is to introduce amusement features of a . high class throughout the season, joined with special features from I N HAVj RPRISES LC >AIU OH. APB1L ?. 1?1J 1 d Cooler EXfifflsiycs BE USED IK London^ April 4.?Two girll it ypctma flt W1BI militant sugrggct1 about to commit an outrage were t rested before dawn yesterday mor in*. They carried bags contain!) paraffin, paper saturated with o candles, matches, etc. In each of tl bags waa a paper bearing the screw "Bewaru how you treat Mra. Pan . hum." The girls when brought up at tl police court gave their names Phyllis Brady and Milllcent Dea They explained to the policeman wl arrested them that they were retur tug from their Baster holidays. Warnings were seat out today ! the directorates 6f all the railroi systems in the United Kingdom the effect that militant auffrpgett had?threatened to hum stations I various parts of the country. Patro will be stationed at all stations an In tunnels. Some empty tralnajEMJCfi JShamite near. Stockport, Cheshire, In tl dourse of the night, and suffragett< are suspected of haying committe tho outrage. ' A canister of explosive had bee placed under a seat in one of the cai with a, quantity of lire lighters sati rated with resin and oil. The forcj of the exnldslon snllntered silver* cars. There was also an attcmi during the night to blow up Oxte station, in Surrey, on the Londoi Brighton and South Coast R&llwa: but the%damage caused by the explc slon was Inconsiderable. A* travel ng basket was found in lavatory containing an ?laborstel devised Infernal machine timed to g on at. 3 a. m. and explode a charg of gun-powder and several cans c gaf.oUmt, Ann?rnm,lr thr gtiTi-pnwrtr exploded without Igniting the petro A revolver waa found which appai ently ha?i been dropped during a hut HeT JUrfht T? CAftD PARTY GIVEN BY MOBC Mrs. Beveriy Me^Bdellghtfully en tertained the younger set at a can party last evening. The entire affai was moBt enjoyable, and every gues tiiaiikt^i their charming hoatess fo anVxceedlngly pleasant evening. time to time. They are also workin to improve the appearance of the re sort in decrstione and other wayi All of this is to take place before th ioimai opening aoxt month. It has been decided to open the Is land earlier than usual this seasoi and to put this through there*wil Ueva thite days spring carnival, run nlng from May 15 through May 17 This wll r.o-, resemble the Mard Urns. tc whK h many of the Island' busino2ii men are opposed on ac B .unt.rf rcatnres that aroused crltl clsm. i , It .Is planned to make Surf Ave nue a Great White Way by stiinglnj itlorfrl<> llvhli aprnua tha atroat ?rhli>' will probably be kept In portion al the year round. There "will be riora and other decorations and music. 0 Aeroplane flights, baby showc swimming contests and competition af other kinds will be weekly event In different parts of the resort. The change in the attitude of pub Lie Bentlment toward Dr. Friedman the German specialist on tubercu tosla, has been remarkable. Whei be Brst arrived In Nfew York he wa regarded with extreme skepticism, 1 not suspicion. He has worked unde great difficulty nad constant crlti dam; but phylsclaus who have beei following h'a treatment which hi >Wf? Vr~ tnh?rc^y4 tleclaro that be has won gresder cop 9denoe by his perslstance, than hi awikThave accomplished by answer mg the attacks against?him. I teems to be the general opinion tha tme who had not faith In hla reme lies would not have continued the* use so persistently. So New. Yorl ind the government of the Unltei States may, after all. accept Dr Friedman for what his friends say h< s worth, with proportionate esteen to? his discovery. E ELEC' 1CATING 1 ' J' 2 ^ % *' '5^* | I 1^1 |H V L JL JLM?r ~ ' . I LIFE m- Tb? Washington Qua Club took a cj new lease on life at ft meeting last ur- evening in the drug store of Worthy n- & Etheridge. jg Mr. P. 8. Worthy was elected presII, Ident, Mr. R. D. Kear secretary, and ^ Mr. P. P. Maxwell field manager A rj, prosperous future la predicted by all fe. the members. Shooting will bo confined exclude sively to'members of the club. The B8 only exception -to this rule is in reu. spect to the ministers of Washington. jo who were elected, as It were, honorQ. ary members of the club, and will be permitted, and cordially Invited, to ^ popie oiu and shoot as much aa they l(j desire vTlthont the payment of dues, to The old grounds will be used, but a Bg now trap has been ordered. \n It is planned to have a tournament le In the summer, and. negotiations will ld' be commenced with various trap shooting associations. d " BASKtlAI.I. JS j The "fans" can skip and about a roundelnr, with baseball just a few n short days away; r" ' Tlie. "frl-Statc League, now a bIx' club, has raised the salary limit from 91,600 to fl.SOO. The season will . open on April 30 and close on Labor , f I)av. Scott, a young shortstop of the ^ Boston Ited Sox, hoc *h ' f clnnati Uw:li? r.nU Ch* . Nichols. 'r lonpi' i "* ui i.hi"'"it vp opftiea ** a vaudeville-th-_trt? 1: hsas City. ^ Ijt fa cp.lled "T.i': D'.ainu. and fiaser" bell acto arc. featured. __ George Stovall, manage. the St. Louis Browns, says he w.l liave a time clock installed In ; i clubL house, and the players will '-rave to pinch tho time of their ai &1 and <- departure. 1 r - APRIL 3 IN HISTORY. * 1866?Constitution of the new Stato of Utah established. 1908?Sir Henry C&mpbell-Bcnner man resigned as Premier of ~ Great Britain. H 1910?Socialists carried the Milwau( kee Municipal election. Trane sandlne railway tunnel, link '__lng. ?'V?inw fin^ thp Arfl-cnHno k Republic, was formally opena ?d. f IX 1911?Message by President Taft urging the approval of Canadlan reciprocity was read in il both houses of Congress. 8 1912?Report eg In New York that i- Gen. Fr?d D. Grant was seriously ill of cancer of the throat, but rumor was denied. g FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TOh MdRROW. 1 ? 1 At 11 a. m the pastor will preach on "Charity," and administer the i, sacrament- of the Lord's Supper. The a monthly offering for the poor will be s made. , Sunday school will meet at 4 >- o'clock. i, "The Armored Christian" will be - the theme of the evening discourse at a 8 o'clock,-the usual spring and cums mer hour. The pastor especially def jsires to see a large attendance-of f cnurcn ana Sunday school members c - at all Of these services, and cordially t a Invites strangers and visitors. - , a ? . i I REPUBLICANS TO CAUCUS. t t 0 Washington, April S.?The Rcpub- ^ ~ Mean regulars In Congress bold ,their j t caucus today. They will select Rept reaentatlve .Mann Aof Illinois as the ] - choice of their faction for Speaker r . of the House, although thts is only a 1 'matter of form, since Chpmp Clark g 1 will be the 8peaker. The Republican "**,? Any newsgatherer can go to him. The Prelsdent his adopted die ~* plan of seeing the correspondents, about 260 of ihcnt, twice a week?. Monday morning and Thursday afternoon. : ? ? At two conferences Mr. Wlisou lectured the scribes as a school teacher Vfl would his class. That did not work wctr?nre?representatives iHo prcsR wanted news, of views. The President did not hit tb-; right lick with the newspaper men untlr - . yesterday^ when he saw them and announced that he was ready for all t romers w'ith questions. # . m "Who will shoot first?" said the President, ss the 260 or more press representatives gathered about him. "Don't all shoot at once.'* ? President Wilson was in a bantering mood; his face wore u mischievous smile. Tn y Charles Grlnge, Capt. Windsor, Is -*9 still In port. The Oregon of Witt, Capt. A. Lap- | on, is in port today with a cargo of I (Otatoes. The usuaL number of oyfeter boats ire offering oysters for sale at the | oot of Market street. j The William T. Parker of Philalelphla, Capt. Howard, Is still in p-prt. The Daniel Cressle of Swan Quar- j er, Capt. Tom Credle, is In port to- ! ?! IIS. HO IT OIVS8 BIUIX.K PARTY " M Mrs. J. K. tfoyt entertained delightfully last evening at bridge with Ive tables Delicious refreshments were served, consisting of ?alad. Team, and coffee. -'IR8T PKhhOIYTKIUAN CHI ItCH. There will bo divine services at II i. m. and 8 p. mV Preaching by the >astor, Rev. H. B. Searight^^t the morning service the . Sacrament or _ .he Lord's Supper will be observed- 4m fherR vill he iDM-ial minir at nicrtit ind an offering for Foreign Missions will be taken. Visitors and travelling men are :ordially invited to worship with us. Sunday school at 4 p. m.. C. M irown, Jr., superintendent. TO HONOft CON8TANTINE. Rome, April 6.?*he Vatican has' ordered all the CAtholic churches in he world to begin tomorrow a* reek's celebration in honor of Emteror Constantine's service to Chrisianity. At various time througbont he year it is planned to oelebrate the tvenibr epectal service tn-the f?athn- ' rqgjjB Ic church. V MILLIONS OF APPLES ON VIEW. Spokane, Washington. Apirl tpokane today is observing "apple ..$ Ay." The prospects are that the aire sales of apple* In tho hlatory . ;:'JH f th? dtyirflibe record?*. Million? \ f tb? fmtt'bav? bm Mat h?r? to )WER | a