} SessiOB. ^1 ^?o ?? - CMp? Kaooplfwo Baya Raoarrt EI?ctiona L.?l B?u Ih. pnrty no* hi ptftrrr At ttir recent election* which If -flight f? pieTufH> [II ii|IJ|iU.l iu Ortlwiv ttMf rtw kemteu curried by,the iieupl* under rabtlliiE law May Jw lightened *?. that the tmalacHM Interred of the country Wf mm* la* Veto Too u.iik lo *?? ?i' nfi uu ? What the Brail cbnugua - --? # ^ 1 re to b* to wbl.b llae> will br ixndr 4 U MUM II to rtrer to lb* trtoife rufimrj turn tto- urlS dutien mum la* altered. The) utunt oe changed to oh*** the radical aitemtiou * lo the coodiCioiiH of our economic life wtilrti the country baa witm aad within the Mat Nrwraih.a W h Mr ibe |T" aod method of our lodua changed beyond recognltloM da* tariff cbeJnlea have remained what they wdre lasfra* the change layout or bava inorad hi the dlrraloli tbey were gtv* en when Uo La nee clrvitun.tanre jjf our IihJ oat rial development wa* what It U* today. Our node I* ? ' -nmir* tbeut j&y v't ' wttb the actum fget* The awwf that la done the w*m*o we iIihII earojitj front miffetiojc ?n?oi the facta and the . r. sooner our men .of ouxineea will twi v", ! free to Ihrln* b> the law of nature (the nature of free inwlneea. Inatead Ejg^Jj^:- of by the law of hnrtHlatlho and artificial nrruwtemeutj i ' ' ^ H,v> T,r,ff H" Qro"n We hate aeeti tarW o-u'iHimlon wandor eery .far afleWt in dnr day eery fur indeed man the He'd In wnich onr -BfOMiHTtty might nave uml a mwmai growth and *ti tint la Hon. . No ?me w$> look* the farta M|ttaieiy in ibe'fure or known anything thai nee netieath the aorfuce ?f action can fall to nenvive "f Vv ?' tb# |irtiiH|Hee opon which renin tariff . lextalttrfciu hne. imh-il ? ?* !i. We. yftfr Ugh | Ml need twrond the incMleat "notion of '*|?n>te?^1n|r' the HidnMhe**wt the conntrv unci ctiovwt lendiy r-.rwahl lo the Idea that they were entitled to the direct patronage o| the government. Kor a iiaig iinie - a tnie ? ?? nbia mat the It?e?/i??w mtfee Iif fnilriic iwii-r haidlj/reinenilaw the .. miMtni* that '|C^|?a " "ff WO are Wnw in onr ].1^" . ; - , tufty aehedutea to in e e*.Mi nmuj. ?r ^d onu-r to mftforntn iimmiiniiV %?*. > Cfmdrr iwirfcpl H* rtpMimi '?* m?t nt Pjl'V*?'? %f'.J tbf fiifkl. i VmwiiHHi * 'ini"?iiiiiiinnii-| |Wv ]y vrn fwve lniut op*..**? ? (irlvitpuen ft and exemption* fmn> ^imi-e'itmn t*?, uj bind wtifeh u whk ??".? tiv miv -*en tlM? itihM*! forum ??i iMiilitimtfim hi orjrnnlw monopoly. onm Ht uixt ontti ln? I* mirmMi oottifciii ?* >?hiVn*t 'ty utatxl Hn? twts i?? * mut .? ?no my. In ?nr an*rm'??? tan ihihhi.??h. iwr TaryttilTiL' thrive ht no..-Mi-inn nr ranizeoieitt 7Zu?!,n (t I? Jnt I* development. a move 'free aud wbi.iMM.mt. development. uut iwolutSoo or *puet ttr MHirttxion We muHt build U|* trade. e*i*elaUy forclien trade. Wo need the out If t u till the pulareed Hold of fDfnc.v* iii'.n* than re 9t*r rttd oejKxr. \\> muat build up indnwtry a? wHI nod tnuMt a dot it freedom In the Hare fbr aalt will latfld. aut poll down. lu dealluc with tl?p tarlfT the method by rbli-h thU may bo done will" la* a mattor of Judgment, exercised ItvUi by Item To wmc nyt armatiKHod to tbo Mdlfwrat*. rod _ n^.mmtie? of greater fBeedom our method* may lu ' aooif reupeeta and at antae i*jlnta aoom 1 bemfe. but rempdlCB may bp bondc j nud yet bp remedies. It 1* dor bual. nee* to make sure that they are ceuuIup remedies*. Our object Ik clear. It our modvp U ?to??vp Juat challenge and uQly-.aa arr?Mliiaal error *>f Judsmont b? chargeable ngaiuat in* w**hall 4e fortunate ??_ Thorough* *?ut ModeniW. We are roiled upon t? render the country a grent wnk* Wt nw?n> matter* than one Our rptqwmsll.irUy obuold bf tueC and uur'nirtbods should bp thorough. a* thorough-mm moderate and wrll pouaMernd. baaed upon the fart* a* thpy ore. and not worked ou **\lf irp wptp begluiter* we ntv to deal with the fn?-ta of our own day. "With the fart* of tio utber. ntid to tonka law* whlrh * recent nee to prumlnetM-e lie. misc. wl the fact that tbe IviiHHTMtir party t* pmvuliug a cbunjre fiiwn iinwlMhmi inw ffir ttm Biai time In wtxteeu yenra great Interest la ceaterWl upon the doing* ??f .-niigres* . Virtually. a uew yiierntiou ?r legislator* ha* *i?run*np Wtth t*ui a- very few esreptloti* there are do men who figured hi iimgrejodonai doing* of! i tweutv year* ago who are sharing the r?M|HMmllilHtie* ot tbe bmtjr uow im only one fttfim ha* the public been ataartuteiy certain and that Is that the ' tartfl would lie tlrst and foremost aiming the Hitlfito'l* fo? work b> ihc legislator*. siulllul revision downward would lie rile nuriMMe. ( Tin* legislator* themselves nave no* ktimvti Juki how tfee. reVlsHin w to lie uiaipiged. find It ha* peei) ?vc' .ii'dheraWnl that they vrnii d uc' U. pleased ne'er all the -lei nits oi M- oltliiiiit" change* ' "rtl^ieei h s ?*eh tl'imidWd irver ao Mrtet. atvi ?Mi i'tim ith niifinu'ia* have he intie ?? " Tl?e kWi f iiienuK committee, which line inn) bisk ot drufttug the te>?rmive form > >le lie* tariff' men* Illetlun of It> work tn itrivMU h of tlH* ostro HTMitoiii Imi. itt*? tir*?l*ytilllry b* thnt tlto in???i' a. " III ji T| Pf. s 111 U If # . : ' Bsau/ort County Club ol Ut* Uulvev- " pity at North CoroUju hold U. Jnt * banquet Saturday night-April 5UCt* J" the dlnlnt hall of tbo T. M. C. A. ? This oraanlaatlon hat the dlitlnc- '. lion of bolus the 11 ret Beaufort Coin- ft tr Club oyer, orcanlied at the State University. Almost every county In ? the Stan has boon represented at Chapel Hill for several generation, 1 but Beaufort County; for .some unknown reason, has never had a Club. a The Officers of the c|ttb are: Allen jH. Moore, president: ;E. T. Campbell. vlpe-president, and Willlsm R rapip^ M bell, secretary-treasurer. Several snort speeches were made by the various members of the club at the JttAOlifit and jUns were formulated whefeby the olub could be of service ? to Beaufort'Couiity In any way concernlng the State's oldest institution u Of learning. Practically all of tbo 8 High 8ehools and County schools of the county VI11 be liberally supplied j with the University publications? ;11 The Tar Heel, and the University ^ I The secretary will endeavor to get ^ in communication with the High " School principals and urge them to uae their influence In sending the youths of Beaufort County to Chapel Hill. The club meets twice a month In the roome of the V. M. C. A. and n with the present enthusiasm among p the members a grept work. will be ro- 11 allied. u VAUlMtVILLK BlhL^LKAMgg^AT ? 4~ A plenty of fnn snd comedy. goodl" singing was the restore dtlrtriloh in 41 -vaudeville at the Lyric last evening. ? | " Cranberry ft Lamon" In an excel- H lent singing, talking and danc!ng act L opened the bill at the Lyric (or the T first half of the week. Their actjfras !11 very much enjoyed and furnished h many laughs for the amusement * seeker. 11 I Today these artists offer d change k In act that la fully as good as that h of yesterday offering new songs and * a new monologue. { For a real classy society coon act c these artist hare no equal, they an as good as the best and furnish, ptan p ty of amusement daring their number. MR. FLEMING NO BETTER. g] . Tk many friends of Mr. S. Ffem- g lng, who is lying dangerously ill at ? the Washington Hospital, will be p saddened by ttie news that his condl- t( tlon remains unimproved.. A change Q i for the better Is earnestly hoped for ( by those In attendance upon him at c the hospital, r n . RIVERS-CROSS BOUT. ? New York, April S.?Joe Rivers, J the Spanish boxer from' Los Angeled, Q who recently lulled "Kneckout . ' crown11 ta muau m ten iuuuJj mums Leach Cross here tonight before the I St. Nicholas Athletic Club. . Cross made , a great hit with the boxing "fans" of s New Orleans bf , whipping Mandot, and according to his manager the . Southerners want him bkck there. That Mandot had a little the better of the beodag up to the' time Cross landed the sle^produclng punch la not denied, bnt It U | the result that counts. Cross recelv|ea offers to box In St. "Louis, Kansas City, Memphis, New Haven and sevjSral ether clt.es, but he was forced I to decline in order to get ready for i Rivera. Riven un he Is very confident of bntUBg Cruna In fa" rbnnda and'la 1 rare that' Crota has nothing on him. amf?:--1* ? 'v VCHINESE NATIONAL ii.. V4 ASSEMBLY OPEN'S. Peking. April 8.?The new Chineee National Assembly opened today I being the firet Congreee under Republican government. There are about eight hundred metnbere In the lower houae find three hundred la the upper chamber, for the IIrat meeting the member* wUl naerotee a double function, being, In the firet ptnoe, practically delegate, to a eongtitntlonal convention, for the body ' In charged with drafting a eoaetltu- ' tion and the eatablahment of a-permanent form of government. After the function 1? over the member, wl'l resolve themrelven fhto legislator.. . A - , k uUnuIiOuu UNDER Ipl. Coimwed ?i noon * do*a?gl the Heptthlu-an ctlre tariff or 1POO. SR ?, " M?fi*riM cuio?u Writ nu 1 Philippine HOOP****. Smlon nillhu all abritiK and wfcablj >11 maimer. d3" ,W'? Makeupot Uto II n*, U nt8. ZWO; ltcpu^licsns, J JIB; Pw reesires, 90. iVihorratie majority. US. Make-ap of the fimmm'f. Demo ata, 51| Repnbliasns, 44* Progre*rae, 1. Democratic majority, fl. ' . . - jfiWE ILL Q1VR& MKMllKlia W CADIMICT KioiiTg TO ' OF HCHJHK. fr 1 Washington, April %?A resolut loo (tending the privilege* <*ff?e floor r the House to meii6ers^f &> Pm. tent's cabinet was latrochiced in the ouse shortly after the session bean yesterday by Representative [ontague, of Virgin**. Tbe bill would mflke ^oanpnlsory m attendance of- cabinet members a the floor of the House at least Bastions members of the Hoase may ish to ask. y I'st'i' ROWEN-OONGIJETON'. The parlor of the .Prdshyterian ian.se was the scene of a fillet and retty wedding last night. The con'actlng parties wens Mr. WIlLam W. owen and Miss L.nla O. Oongleton. oth of this city. Promptly at 9 le presence of a number of friends "^yreee^roe^ of tk ~wssks ad relatives were Jol*ad*ti?ether i Uoly wedioi^ ^T^s^^n^apd no were spoken by tbel^ pastor, let. H. B. Scartght. Mr. and Mrs. owen will reside In Washington, bis happy young couple Just ceteris upon thb Journey of life together, ate the congratulations and best 'lshes of their many friends. May tielr days be crowned *Uh loving Indnesa and tender mercies from on igh; and when thia pleasant pllrlmage is ended may tley inherit ternal life and lore In the golden Ity of God. ITT8BURG PASTOR WOULD BE MODERATOR. Pittsburg, Pa., April S.?In reponse to appeals that have come to is friends from all parta.ol_ thc ountry, the Pittsburg Presbytery rhlch meets here today will elect the lev. Maltland Alexander, D. D.,* paa>r of 'the First Presbyterian church f this city a commisftloqer to the eneral assembly of the Presbyterian hurch meeting in Atlanta, Qa., next lonth. Dr. Alexander will be one f the leading candidates for modertor. The Pittsburg Presbytery is ne of the largest in the church and ; has been thirty-nine years since ne of its ministers has filled the po[tioh . . ; . ^^ The- Dangers of Thoughtless Baying. The dangers to you of thoughtlees buying are many. 'A man' loses his time that comes early to a bad but?!n." ruMfn old Oormpn pror^.. Tou lose more than Vnnr mean* wasted money, effort, and thought. Poor q unllty la high at any price. V' "How can 1 avoid lit" you say, "I want the beat my money will odmmand. and I cannot know all onalluee." Barely you cannot know everything abont articles yea buy. bat ycl can trust safely to the honesty of merchants of known' worth. Boy the best your money will command In stores where yea can rely on those selling the coeds, with the help of 'The Deny NeehS Seed dally the advertisement* of the mer.. chants advertising la The Dally News and -profit by what yea read. /-,<>> v . MIV HPIH > IhY MEAN f|B IK Washington April 8 ?-Free trade M ? MOlUBal puliif of the United! BUte# |? Ut Sight ?| a result of the i adoption of the ponst.tutlonal amendmeat authorising a direct Income tax to produce Fedora] revenue. Whatever mar be eald to the contrary, whether aa to the meritf of the queetlon or ?a to the facta, this significance ia Irresistibly borne In upon the open-minded observer of developtnenta In connect.on with the fram- ; inn or thb new tariff bill. Now for the first time since the ' Constitution was ratified, the expenses of the government can be le- | are now met entu^ly by the indirect method, so It la inevitablo that the d.roct method, at last made possible, will ryrrin^ to tho ww mr> extreme, and that, in due course, we shall find ourselves raising practically all the national revenue by a graduated income tax. 1 1 This country la simply duplicating the experience of England with regard, to the tariff and the income| tax. 'MCbttpoly an England has taken the form ofland-ownerah p. where. In thl* country, it has taxen other forms. " We^have no vested nobility, and the vastnegs of our territory has saved us from the landlord-tenant problem as it has existed in the ! United Kingdom. But just at the time when tfce monopoly of the public domain has begun to be a aer.ous issue in the united States, we are switching to I the revenue-raising system wh.ch I .Great Britain, adopted after ceiuuilies of Buffering, as a means of tuakling land-monopoly unprofltab e. We l? llnar Uxee In ascending pronortion ac-1 cording to the extent of 1U aggregation. And wh.le this Ls being done in tbe' United 8tates, the tariff pendu- , lum will swiiVK at least as far to- 1 varda free trade with the reat of the world as It has swung in England. There seems to be a sort of tacit agreement among the spokesmen of ( the protection and antt-protectlop schools as represented in Washing- I ton that t|te advent of the Income-tax removes the "tariff for revenue'^ from the field as a necessity and a : compromise, and that the t:me has come to begin the absolute test which is certain to be made, sooner or later, of the effect of free markets mmmttr ? ? The theoretical free traders look vindication of their views and to a revi\ed national prosperity which shall be shared by a larger proportion of the populat.on than any ever enjoyed under the protective system. On the other hand, the protectionists profess eqnal confidence that the test will prove the correctness of their own reasoning that national prosperity la dependent upon a tariff wall. If we had In effect In the United States the same Income tax which Is now In effect in England, we'could pay b 1' of the present expenses of our government without raising" a cent "or revenue either from customs taxation or from what ls known as the -internal, revenue field. We ahould not need anything from Imports or from spirits or tobacco. But, of course, It Is not pioposed that we shall at one step go as far in our In* come taxation as Eng'and has gone. Norfolk Vlrglnlan-Pilot.. TO DISCUSS NEW YORK , CENTRAL'S FI/AN8. New York, April 8.?The Board of Estimate of $Jew York City meets toto' discuss the terms of settleipsot with the New York central Railroad ror tne organ in t'on of Its rail terminal facilities upon the west side of Manhattan island. The New York Central will have to buy over 87,0110,000 worth of property from the city to carry out Its plan of improvement. ran IS EXHIBITORS* DAY.** New York, April 8.?On the strength of a resolution recently aeopted by the national vloe-presldents of the Moving Picture KvfcM>'tors* League, exhibitors throughout [the United Statue are observing today as "Exhibitors' Dgy." * ,y I Pfve per cent of the gross receipts ! of moving picture shows w'll bo given to the proper State organisation and 6 per cent to the national organ ??= Subscriptions ore pouring luio the 4 bauds of Um cowlllw engaged la 1 soliciting s4i*j6mptlcms tor the new ' tobacco warehouse gad drying plant ' In order to make Washington a successful tobecoo market, it la neoes- J aery to rwtou shout glirUOU.- 1 amount. |*?9fco ltaa already booh ae- j cured, leaving only $4,160 lacking. >< t the enthusiastic toUacco meeting bold last evening In the Chamber of ( Commerce rooms, the original com- , mittee was instructed to continue the , receiving of subscriptions. After the meet ng was called to order by President C. M. Brown of the i Chamber of Commerce, Mr. J. D. ' Crimes stated the purposo of the , meeting: to get the people of the city behind the scheme for making Washington a leading tobacco market. The main a:gu neqt. stated Mr. J' crimes, whicn has oeen Q|R against bringing tobacco to Washington is , that we had hero only one warehouse pnd no drying plant. "Ttao city now, t6ff^ht,'r_he declared, in respect to the amount yet needed to complete . the $11,000, "Is facing tho greatest ' cViRla within my knowledge." The MIM1STEHS hXl'HESS REGRETT AT LOSING MR. DALTDN The following resolution of appreciation and regret were passed by the Min.sieis 'Union in rospect to loss of Rev. H. P. Dalton from the community. owing to h s acceptance of a call to'Willlameborr. Va., the seat of historto Willisi* and ^ try College: Whereas in the Pro. once of God, Rev. H. P. Dalton, tt secretary of our M.msura' Uu.on, * ? seen fit to roaign h a wcTiic- i:erc, .:d~acbspt a| call to vV.iliamsburg, be it re-1 mlrafr j, 1. fhzt we record ' sincore.ap- : prec.aticu of U-o fa Christian character, ho fai hiut w : ai pastor of tho tlapiisfchurch, an la broad spirit of fellowship and cc .peralion in the work of our One ord and , Master. X. That we sincerely rer 1 his de- ' parturo from our midst, an> feel tbat our Union surtains a se:lius loss,) our community loses an excellent' eitlsen and, the cause of Christ a 'loyal and devoted friend and fellowworker. I 3. That we heartily commend him to the confidence and affection of his new charge and humbly pray that the richest blessings of heaven may ! follow b.m and his family in all their , future life and work. - - R. H. BROOM, President^" , R. V. HOPE, H. E. 8EARIGHT. TODAY'S BIRTH HONORS. Congressman John W. Davis of West V.rginls is foVty. He was bom in West Virginia and is a graduate of Washington and Lee University. After bis graduation he taught school and re-entered the law department of Washington and Lee University; was graduated with degree of B. L. In iS95 and admitted to practice in September of that year;- acted as assistant professor of law at Washington and Lee University, session of 18S9-97, but resigned to resume practice; was ejected to the House of De'egatcs of West Virginia, secslon 1899; and made chairman of the Judiciary committee of that body; wai eaad'dats on?tks Democratic < ticket for elector at large in 1909; and a delegate to the Democratic na-Jj tlonal convention at St. Louis in { 19(H; was president of the West , Virginia Bar Association in 1909, and appointed in 1909 a member of the West Virgiq'a Commission on ; Uniform State Laws; was elected to'< toe B ity-second Congress, and was m re-elected to the Bisty-thlrd COB- ] gresa * WUODMKN'R CONVENTION ORKAT AFFAIR. Butler, Pa, April 8.?One of tbe largest conventions* of Its kind began a three-day .session nere today w.th : the meeting of the Jurisdiction camp of the Woodmen of the Wor*d. The Jurlsd'ctloa Is composed of the camps : of Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Delegates of the S6o camps represent \ 16.000 members. FIRE ALARM YESTERDAY. Late'yesterday, tyc local firemen : were celled oat to iAMngu'sh e biasing ch'mn?v In a nbrro komse on the oorner of Fourth And B lad den streets ksm manifest own could not. he said, afford to go teckwarda by'letting Ue morwzaant ^ JBM Xrop at this stage. Buck a oourse rould simply mean that Washington rould never hare a market. Mr. A. M. Dumaj asserted at this mint that the very center of the to me CO turn ru ail the Utah taA?tnfc iearer and naarar Washington, la its -.-ftM ont.nual progress eastward. In proof ^ >f this, tobacco Is now being grown >n land east of Washington which a '*< ow years ago produced no tobacco at ill. Capt. George T. Leach exhibited a diagrsm of the property, and took jceaalou to pay a warm tribute to the ireless diligence of the men constlutibg the exceedingly live tobacco rorumiitee. Before adjournment. Capt. Leach "*3 was iustructed to place en order for he machinery soon to be needed. The original*subscription commit- * bee, which was requested to contlnno Is work is coinposed of the follow- '$Vflfl itwi Messrs. J. K. Hoyt. chairman. T. F. Rucktuan. B. F. Bowers, George T. Leach, F. J. Berry, J. D. Grimes. k. M. Dumay, and George Hackney. KILLIIK FKt i in virinjii \ Ill TlUUllii BF AURORA J There was a heavy and killing frost Sunday night In the vicinity Aurora, which infl.cted fearful damage to crops, and means the* It-;*; UxaEyT the'fntraciu.. . of that section. .;**v .. _ ^ ,jfll Reliable information'rooolved this, morning shows that 'peas, potatoes^ tomatoes, and all other similar spring " Vfl irops which are above ground at this time of year were completely destroy Accurato a tat. sties as to the actual money loss are of course impossible to be compiled, but It may be safely . stated that this killing April frost has hit the farmers hard. The frost was felt around the im- i jj mediate vicinity of Washington, around Pantego, for Instance, it bos been estimated that the loss will amount to several thousand dollars. EPISCOPAL UK?TL\U ? IN ST. LOUIS. ? . m 8t.. Louis, Mo., April 8.?The annual natlonar meeting of the General Hoard of Religious Education of the Episcopal church began here today In 8L George's Chapel. W. E. Gardner, general secretary of the board, and Rev. Charles H... loung of Christ Church. Chicago. will be among the speakers. A striking feature of this meeting will be the conferences for Sundayaehool .teachers.- Experts will take charge of these conferences. BENEFIT FOR DOYLK'8 WIDOW. Chicago, April 8.?The Cubs and :'?fl White Sox play an exhibition game here today for the benefit of the widow and son of Jimmy Doyle, who played third base for the Cubs and ? died last year, after an operation for appendicitis. In case of rain tbe^*, game will bo played tomorrow Instead. ^ - >^0 Tho many young friends of Mis? Ella Mae Leonard, who has been oon- IK fined to her bed with measles Blnce la now well on the road to recovery. APRIL 8 FN HISTORY. 1812?Louisiana became a member of the Confederacy. ? 1818?King Christian IX., of Denmark born. 1854?The George canal, one of the IS rat great public works of India wan opened. 1896?Income tax declared unconstitutional. l?04? Anglo-French Colonial treaty covering all disputed qugattnna mim^A In IS 08?Henry H. Aequlth became Premier ef Oreet Britain, itll?Police ef Peril dlmeer plet of eeto bendlte to attempt the reeeue or their Imprisoned 'jj chief Carony.