31 .fc 11 -? - - ji witnn riwtoilxed na* " / <">" i viable* t? join will plim.y *!?< 1 their norne to Mr. Roy if Koo.-: r 4 . ' -?? eU? potatoes F. O. Paul * Bro **Pf: "I-" \ TRY 4 NEWS WANT AO : , !for sale ~|; Seed Peas : I' - $2.lO Per Bushel J 2J0& ' - 1 .Corn 75c. ; I . *," Country Produce of all , kinds bought and sold.' ? Highest jpriees-pmh jj A?> ami SAVE MONET- H Cutler & Hudson, ; Water 31 Oppoaitr A. JJCol < i "* J> KOnOE. A W'lMiUlc prin ry far the j noinlnatl a of munldpe . o?oer? trlU , Tn.Uw AwD.Utli, .Wit. OnnAl- , rtatoi tor Major are aa? nedtlE.tO. , and candidates tar sue-nnaa It.hO. , All ceadldahea are re. alma to lie , their notice and pay Utelr aaaaaa- , A.. ue*t to W. C. A TOTS: f!?t* fflfU>W. V? X Ic-aat aye An prior to the data at \ 1 tlrt Prlwrj. a : \ i ; A.-H. DDMAT, I ChalHnaa 1 L. H. lledditr. Secret.rr^ Tbt bulv hews want ad, 1 (, DUSOUlTIOK NOTMIK. I Notice la hereby (Iran that the I partnership heretofore conducted ,pt IB br E M shBMcn r* I * Tarkaalen. under the torn name ot K- M. Cheeeon A' dol. hae m ton dleeolved by mutual consent, a. X ,M. Cheneop baring ehtd hale tercet ^m.^nd'X^ o"jC T SnWn. fct ! an clalane again.! e?ld company , _ .r. mwaU by -w. Rrin?h?r?? j It Co? and should bb presented to M indebted tfral'd company win*make j .V/ payment to them, and aotlee W hare- , by (Wen that E. M. Cheeaoa. will be j in no Wiae reepoeelblo for any debte , 1913 1 - 7'Y.imw -??? ' : * fa numiuaii imrtuntn ^ H| DMmemiATpwa NOTIOK. P^the Clerk of the bu^erior .Court ' f yif Beaufort Oonnty u administrator ^of the aetata ef Margaret V. Robaxon. k JW deceased, late of Beaufort County, ? All peraoaa holding clhlma agalaxt aakfleHu will present Ahem to me duly veriflod on or before tba'flth day of'ttarefc, ~m?, or thte notice I <*M\ be pleadfd In bar of their recorI .-ry.^ All poraoim indebted to said I " "* o U 1 1 , jH ' rjftK?|,on fifry.l.t pH tiny Infanta, end yet It la so com- [ tuCitrlQS from the worst chronic con- i itlp.llon. In fact, mnong ^the^grdnt-j Win mnd^ foundjaoUjlng wo^benoflt .1 Ilea hare Syrup Pcpaln conUanlly In * the^oua^bomeo Uhc thoee^af 'M^- ^ * ?Sm U?t?h..t'MBotlcw5"JnV.Te<l ( >f it aum couch which bad trou- < Dlel her for m.ootha. The apodal t taluc of lb la grand laxatlvo tonic la i ~ ov mom ceduiic < Ul I utvLOI OUHIlli t a rginn, AprH 8.?The Forest J Servk j !uts Ju.it bag an .to advertise t the tv.V.lLh largo lot of National I c Pores t timber offcrtMl for aale within t iba pan 44na gsrBttm.-Altoghthaf-ff^ baa aity^UiXd-oiXtia-Jaly-.l, llH; t :he begin nctf of iho pr<?crot flacal r rear^abdut 0,000 foct, and t HU ctoaad ocj ^^^-qtor Hto gyta of f r,7oo;oo?;ow ic. "na iatcn ad- s rertlaed salo is , cf approximately J1 >J,000,000 feet of t tiizibor In the e llainler National Fc.~- nbovtf J3"'r aillcs from Tacoma. - jc . in offering National Vr/oe: ilnrksr j 'or ^alc-tho governmeut f.rt* 'tifefcera in estimate of the qaantlt; c. fr.zb-r . . ortn a single logging unit, aaJ r.JUch , iggra atfir?ethn> BMartmntt^ >r t I b.i nmharmari T?n pnohnbl.) m.ii j j it logging and manufacturing by p. ' apable' lumberman' Is then eat I mat ' id. On the basis of these estimates > 'cmPined with the figures for mar-1 tet values and freight charges the < :lmber la appraised and then _ndvwlaed for sale, with the appfalsed ralue as a minimum price. I The minimum prlees set for the < la^nler timber vary from 60 cents to j n-.SO per thousand feet, according to ' he kind of timber. These are stump-' , in ixima that la tha nnrrhciar i >?j? the trees om the stump and does I 01 the logging, but pays according ' ;o the board foot meaaure of the logs. 1 Ebe government alms to allow the | n&nutacturcr a liberal profit on th? Murta that lumbering Involves a good M?1 pfbusjssMp risk, and the mininam s^pmpagi. - prices are fixed ac ~ aocdlogly. Often, however, competlSvfi bide raise the price above the adrertlaed minimum. j. yT' f, pup of the pro via tons of theccmract which the successful bidder tor ;he Italnler timber will enter Into will be that It market prices advance naterially the government's chief Soraater may. after the sale has run 4ire? years require a reasonable reidjustmor.t of the stum page prices lo to en added SO cent* per tho'ulau.d. The object of thia-*tlpuUtloa a <o prevent loss to the government ?thcr is, to the public?and an unfa j j>.r<iflt* to the purchaser through ong-term contracts entered Into <on i rlflfig fiilfhef. Provision against rtich speculative profits U regarded. J is especially necessary in view of the , ong-term sales now sometimes tnade c :o gat poiphasers for large bodies of i naccesaibietlmber For the Rainier sale the cutting ' lertod allowed is only At* J wars. ( iloco.tho quantity of timber lovolv- , id?approximately. Sl.6M.gM board . foot?does not call tor an extended i kpptatlon. One National Forest sajo > node this year waa tor 660.406.660 1 Mart feet and the port lasers ware mown a eotnsi seHST ? twp?:wo yeara beafdaa a preliminary two rears in which to .build a railroad. , Usually purchasers must befln opor- , ting the rear of purchase and cut a , Kipnlated amount each yaar. I I J lj TW DAijLy^ NIWB Vu/to MtmuMUl. ?lnZ Hrt?" (Ml #a<J other M?t of gereoeaJ iuiereet. with the aeoiee of thOM " JHW?ill tor t|M '*8ocJ?t7 Newt' eoLumn The Heme .boa* to *\ dree. "of t*e MBdar?tot to publication, but a matter of - ' .P . e e PPtoOMALB. Mr.. C. A. Plyun 1. .lotting rein, ttim 14 bikimom * I M... B. g. LOBMIIHMtoO oTVlu.?M In the cttjr mopping ye?I uudnjr. ... -7T t' Mr. W. A. Tnnknrd of Both Mi l 1 vlgltor ye.terday. ( : !> * AI f^pt. and Ma. Whichord en Ttaltl?g for o tew dop IB Bethel. ' Mr ? ?- :?*w??oo Of Tenter! 11. i 5T-tordw.jp toe cl^r. 'l Mf?. Cjlen Wntew returned lut "" HBfcfBW &>r Bern., where .he ! -Mr.v H. Cetler of Jiw?ilie woe In . town reeUrdny. l.i .... r ? r'S. - '~^dran&lEBff^ hat It I. suited to th. nssds of every nember of the family. ItU pleasantgfljpf f'tf *?d non^Hpiug. Uni n rt >m " ir>da<l^y . V* can obtain bottle at any Iru. stors^for fifty cents or one d&tralue. Results are always gusran sod or money pglll be telundW^ If no member of your family ha, irer used. Syrup Pepsin add you rould like to make a personal (rial >f H More borp* Iffc tbi regnlat leello. HI., and a free sample bottle sill be mailed, you. The latter prorlalon Is simply ar .ppu^r^r^r^ Jcjbpr.nalpa Tko pt&asr oblect It Inscribed as. being sot profit for tbs lorernment but benefit to the pubic. Nowhere la the policy a strictly ommsrclnl one. The conditions ol uttlng are carefully prescribed from he a(yjp<rtnt o^prpsept M well as oture needy. Tfie Blgheet bid for he contract may be rejected, and H ejected If it appears that to g1re the ildder the contract would tend to hdlttate Umber monnopoly and so abject tho consumer to a hardship, n other *vords, the government foratets eons'der that they should not >uly uaie Lho forests grow as fast i possible hut also' make thenj as rcii^ M Possible to tho public. : > I-f 111 H 11 H-H tiHIll 1144 ! ilousohekl?] \WM.\t; FOR CHAIR. * LV.nt |.J tc Khicf t'rer Can lie AttnrUrtl to Doric. Snath ine has toon robbed of its terrors for the fair sex by the ingenuity of a Scotchman. This man Lis derlsod a chair canopy or awning that can be attached to the back of ?cy ordinary chair and put up or iown at .will. Tfce canopy, wbjcb is like an awning frame. Is pirotcd to the uprights of the chair back. At the top is a. roller, on which the awning folds, and the arms of the frame tan also be raided together gad Jet loon over the back at the chair NO SUNBURN UK RE r Itbcu not needed. The roller on ehkli the rsByjj folds works by a ibring. The roavenlence of raet^s anopy van bo readily eeen. Persons sko arc not so fortunato as to havo torches will be apte to >lt la Us ran. rlth'.ne .lear of Its effects, and colsptlblo pbalrs, equipped with these tetnlngs, trill sffd to the comfort of ratings.. For > at the seashore llone this contrivance should hare I big demand. Among Its other nerlta la that of being easy te *dest In Place. / dneen Alters Nome ledeetrlee. The lag main are making gieag crtdee In tbe eoolsst Industry, end ry Imparting ibn latest modsrs ms thiiry are strleing to mnsufneturs J] ofcmc of wooleo tcodr ?tel Ao> merlrat b. y? Misy Hens r profitable. They cannot lay -turad night and day by Ilea .. Ou.1 tils hens ?1U> ^ <r. Powdered Lice KiQer Sfte and fifie nlnate (he body Mce. and paint j ?,i tbo rooata and neeta with Liquid Lice Killer 1 M? and CI them up and destroy mltat. i blggor pponta. oacy-bnck If It fntla/? . ; /, ratta Booklet Taylor. Harrison * Phillips. A, J. Utlls. - ' { Mr. Samuel bT Btherldge has left | for Raletgb, where be expect* to remala peroral day*. . : I Mr. T. N." Tyre of Bath was among , yesterday!* rial tort. | * * 'J Mr. A. A. Jerry of Richmond, Va., : :4? registered at the Loutae. J Mr. Thomas D. Boris of Mlddleton I la !& the city. ' ~*Mr. O, Nan!IT of Monroe is a vis-1 itor today. 4> 0 . Mr..W. W. Mann of Elisabeth City I ~wna seen yesterday upon the streets .of Washington. I Mr. C. C, Chestney of Macon/ Ga., I r k I Vr. c. P. Arcocfc (if rlltlirltT ...1^ j * ,j Mr. tfc\ A. Buys of Belhaven is I here today. Mr. W. 8. McGregor of Goldsboro .was in town yesterday. , j Mr. P. H. Johnson of Pantego is among the day's visitors. Mr. J. I. Hill of Wilson was in Mrs. T. A. Brooks of Bath was in town shopping yesterday. a Mrh. George Tyson of Walton was ^a visitor in the city .yesterday. OH SAiB?A MCA liOT YAM PO: . taloea. Both planting and eating atoe. B. K. Willis. 4-5-tfc SHIPPING NEWS -The following are the ne^ir boats upon the river: The Pungo of Lowland, Capt. J. H.. Howerin. The Varina of 8wan Quarter, Capt. Brown, which la discharging a cargo of country produce preparatory to taking on one of merchandise. The G. H. Potter of Sladesville, Capt. Auderson, which is taking on a cargo or fertiliser. victims ot a rii'M mpatT ^ - ?wusc ueioruiue opeuiuR 01 lue i\auir rebellion In South Africa, about the middle of .the last century, the aootb j ayem bade the tribe* bill their cattle end ttiete imy ?rf.p*ln. The plrita of their 'ancestors were to urine and Help them to exterminate every white roan in the cuiwfry. The advice ; era* solemnly rircepted. When theday of the great uiHixthe arrived many of the rebel* w?re already starving. But there came no *bo*t?y herd* t?T ctmlej oqt of the earth, no Ao|m dcrvfeny with band*, -tirtrn. terrible famine we<* over the land, and la the luenth*. which toitow*.Nwi66?*h then, tie* dk) everything la Arlr poyrgtr to mitigate It* horrors. 8<\000 rktlrx* Qf a (hl*f nropbet Marred to dontu r 'Profaning Snergd Munc. 'M There I* not a rbafrh orgautat living who ba* not discovered the art of torni In* a ribald tune Into n devotional vol nttmry ??v a slight chnaire of tlinp Sim llNrm-liluWlf cbnrrh urpiulat turned the nn to ? vee||ent aernnnt irt'lfM opening ^itonw-wf "imiwr " kov tlie' fitdt Hnc at -Twenty | joY\ Mjjld eiisHW**#* fVm|4>' iitwther .rertinu "f 'Hnrk. My s.mi. 11 Is fim l.'ird'" Un*loo Chronicle. CASTOR 8 A ^ ^InhaU and Children. CITold storage Crystal Ice Cream StiS PKB GAL. Delivered at Your Hoxs*. PHONE S3. Crystal Ice Co., HOW ONE , ! WOMAN WOH Bar Wealth and StrendtA Back A|ain by The Use af CardnL *U wtnil and won M wtUi wo ulr troablM. My tunDud brought felt And looked like a new vomu. I think the remedy ts wonderful. I recommend It to my friends, for I hare received greet benefit (NO It." Cnrdul Acts wpeciflcelly on the weakthe muscles And nerves, And building them up to health. It helps to refreoh the worn-out ner> Youi system and relieves the effects of overwork, both mental and physical. .^oJ ??t*Sc?2,d,m2K. prove the merit of this purely vegetable, tonle remedy fbf women. DRIVING ORDINANCE. The Board of Aldermen do enact: 1. That all persons who shall drive any vehicle upon the streets of the city of Washington shall be required, at all times, to keep on the right side of said street; and all per? sons slopping vehicles upon said streets shall be required' to stop on the right side of the street, in the direction in which said vehicle Is goling. 2. It shall l?e unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to place upon any of the streets of said city [more than una of 2. All persons violating the provisions* of this nrrilnanrn shall hn guilty, nLjt rn';;dmne?nor am! uponconviction shall' bo fined <1.00. 4. This ordinance shall be in force jfrom and after the 17th day of April, 1913. This April 8th. 1913. W. C. AYER8. 4-8-iotc City CAeff Ifr.l / ' .. . I HJIflHMiiniw tsxrsTfsr-118 RIGHT DIRECTIi Movement To Check Tubeculosi* in fyp't. The following paragraph clipped from the Baltimore Sun: "Frederick, Md., February 3rd: Seventeen cattle out of a herd of 23 belonging to hfr.'E. D. DeLuughtor hear this city, were killed thia morning under the direction of Dr. W. G. tenner, an expert from the bureau of tnixnal Industry Washington. The cattle were tubercoline tested several days ago and the result of the test jdiowed- Indications of TubercjUoals." This is undoubtedly a motyk tight direction and our ^avornujc^t iliro that unloas liierp. in P^ed^fld to a minimum, i ImvlslOB.?that's all. Steamer Eloise SCHEDULE Beginning Monday, March 3rd. Leave Washington Mondays. Wednesday* and Fridays at 7 a in. for Batb. Bayside, Wtnsteadvtlle, Sladoevllle and Belhaven. Returning leave Bclhavaa 4; du m.. Tuesdays. Thursdays and aSturdaya fof Sladesvllle. W instead vHle. Bays!da, ' Bath and Washington. Freight received at warehouse foot of Oladden street. A. C L. wharf, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 1 to 6 p. ra. ig& " H. L. BROOKS, Tke ckief rwulFd ne? cf view in. dis soil ore vuKicft to of .harvest morrows better men Hie wise, plan tin surplus of dimes J hunk is rnukuuz virti Sujck pknfinq, til not merelu til econ the 'symbol a>uf Drisl ' uidepeiufenoe. Wt ofttr the seeur ince of-this bank, f: Bank of W Jonaibae Haves*, Ptw. GROCERY AD\ FOR ECONOMICA - : : JOS. F. 1 Phones 128 & 114. Carries the Most ( Family G ! ALWAYS FRESH Rolite Cle Quick E nifl FlUninnpn mimp Hirtgn I ^ BUCKWHEAT JUST ARRIVED 4c Round A large bottle Buckwheat Syrtflp for 25c. Phone us for 5 pounds the rormer nnd a large botle or the latter. Yuu will -BBRH5 One. PURE FOCTD GROCERY 3. E. BONNER.(l'rop. Phone 241 12S Sonth|Mmrket Si. The Lowest Priced Grocery House in the "CITY." ' r A. Large Can Tall SALMON For a Dime The Kind You Have Been Paying 15c For. CLAUD A. LITTLE, "The Store Around the Corner' ( . HON WOOD?Mnaken Nmr Y?k ? \ J. LEON WC / BANKERS and J Stock*, Bom*)*, Orate a V Ctqrate 111?r WocteIk. T*. I 'ortaoondfiifn BnttftfaafallT a.u, c ' a;- -- Bri" gfi daily WASHING! 1 pya ? EflCGI/U*SIVE^ IA>< ytiis RXIPI set axU* jWnr ruMCMi' of' iwA ] rtq and conxcn,r ifour afiryiftiior. ; ashington J. K. P.utl.., Caviar * ERTISEMENTS I. HOUSE WIVES. AYLOEI ?irj: ISO Market St. Complete Line of roceries. *ND RELIABLE rks and lellvery. ; DRINK I Hall's "Java and Modu" j COFFEE. , I "The Taste Lingers." ' * t I QUALITY GROCERY \ ? | WALTER CREOLE I Cfl. | Phomm SO *92. Bicycles! Bicycles! New BlcycJae 111 u4 #. ? We ere agents tor the Mamie. Reading. Rlaadard. Irer JOaaa Columbia, Rambler, Mm Mem National and Day tea Bteyelea Main tor caoh of an time. Wo aloe earr? a full lino of r*pa<M at all ttnw D.R. CUTLER 114 Market St WASHINGTON. N. C Phone ISS in 111-1 i < nnr* w, coo K)D & CO. BROKERS.| k iad PIIIIWW.. T> nwi M. 1 * mmmtmi. IN? >?*Lta?. .' ^ .'J-17~ itnd. to .1 ea? Mar. I * ' ,' . .^aji^aaf. ' ;" . V ' *4*'- . s* .: ^MAKDOCTUUKEINWaJ AJ. ix>uisva<ut^ar.iujL J i^n,vv^ |

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