Bfy. I % .? /;, t, I HP #.; ^ P i" iMormce p|l| . High Cost SOL I- Cook ^ L^' I ' K P vrao xvaiig F i I Connect | Washington Lig WASHING! ?. AD3JIMSTK tTOItS NOTICE 1 have this day qualified as Ad nmiatxaier of the estate of Polly Caeell, deceased All peraons holding claims against ? ??*tit *r? notified to present to the undersigned within ^welre months from the date hereof, or thi* notice will be pleaded In bar of tfcvir recovery, Alf persons indebted to son) estate wri) please make immediate settleF'yo Selz Rc suit you today ^ proving satis! The makers | you and th SelzRqj are ufua This trade is-ikjw uicy win sac at is the reason v al Blue Sho< ranteed shot mark stands for good shoes. $150 $4.00 $5.00 Barrett & slz Royal tED 1 . ? fith Gas jj es at Cost ID ed Free, ht & Water Co. TON. N. C. ment. DR. JOHN O. BLOUNT, Administrator Polly Co well. Deceased. Edward t.. Stewart. Attorney. This Mareh 17th, 1913. The many friends of Mr. Walter Curganus w.ll resect to learu that he is seriously-lll-at lii* homo on Fourth street. .'ins rnsim?ni?tt ?i ? in 11 ii bb?nn?? u. knew th >yal Blue shoes wo , you would buy a j I on ran hr cnrp 1 vv* wuu %-/ v um v v* LI actory before you b i, -.1 :n There are three partner* (o ^hnat a YorksLirv tt-blnK village WTW wll ! too far iw*j They mr^ tire mile rd Only one of (he three In utile * rend nod write. and he draw* tbe feon ttdd Ifteh W Uinw alt at a tabi? and dlvMf IL.. "0r" ' * "V "? ?t?T-.r* ptHi-fi* a Hoiervtjm In front of nnr part eer "One for tbee" -aud another no* rHro H? pot In Mint of the ottaer port nor "And our for me" ao<1 ho Ptacv another at hh own ?*on?er And *o be cm* on "One for your, on for thee, nnd one for cue." until thi aoreroljma are equally ibomL Jbm lfc allver and even the prgrt are dirldec to the same war tendon Hall T<oo Kind* ot Inumma ? "Wbcn Nan *toH MnaieHi ?? Jar-t *t* didn't irrl enoiist! eleefi hmniim- Kb* rid to Ik* awake and lUinfe Boa uiurl >br loved hint ' -tVelir- "r^ ? "And now tlietr enaacement t* nro ken anrt now -he i cot euonet nleep i mi-a line Kile, nan ft? ?l* nWiiKe t? IN A LITTLE WATER ill'. ifl famot* tl-.i eM?, wtietbsr from |1^ ,T[JI f Oe^ 2*>o. ?rrd BOo. eoip at wcg.sTocxto drua stores ???????! I II J 1. ax uld >air uir ?y. ^ lsfylEifl ' hy BS ' V :: '% ' 7^' V'3V'r.^' ' 4 ;:?. ' .: / . ' j'.xj Turnage's Blue" Sto Ill ti nrtrtito??y V I -Ttinr p^n irt? ram# ' I flon. ' rrtimrktHl r.nm* wwmnn ?nn* ID? thronsn n *i?rtli?n with Kvtluv* I Smith ~, -Thru h* mv .(mq t? in. | p<?.-' *nl(1 hi* tfrtllntillv offprtnu o**r ?*? I m rm I j Not* V.tH , | wnnl "M.IIH* ?>? nt fl forsn voniiu, "<1* j ??# I4"*?" |.*r w i.? -?' Wttti'ft ?' I* I |-fI ^ p l- i ' l" M .. ' *f ' I I * . * il ? * fegj ^|:: 1 Always Bought jyArtme it. / X/6QXS 1H0 y For Over [. Thirty Years ^ASTORIA ? Mr. Kowrar laboat t? Mart aa Ma Srw trip la Ills racraHj pinmnl to*, tonar. to OU rhaaOaurt-Now. WUI Uatu. 1 waat U tbonnicblj aaderatoai I I trill Oot Kara fart (Irtrla*. Alwajf clou* to Una you can. Ten mile* en hour In faat euotueh for me. Whet 1 went Ih fonilOrt. not excitement Do you nodrnteod) Three day* later. "Er-er?William, I mu-t tw baeir to the boua? by 1 cUn k. Thta red aeema wjf atraljrbt end wide. I think you udubt go ju*t a j little r.ixter without dxflxerr | Two days* later "William, thlb duel in very uut?len*ant- tf you could (MM I tun ?wr ahead - It neeme to be golaj nitUMt ajutv ly^t Next auy' -|?ut on a little more Hjieod William There'a no uae Id bolius.a ruag. I'bia road h* too Rood to law I Ue luam-r f A week later "Ofien ber ap. Wll IHch- ?w> nn | mi I it within Art uVue-v I'll i?et. hihi it ihere hM1 WN ?nre*? I'm out fur fuu l<et her Hp l.ei np I'hiH ih uo steam roller. I.e. - nitve annie -<ne*nl I'hflldCthMl Id-Ultet Some Butehan* Name*. A Inn. net nn11 wuue apare time nu H- .. ?md> of i tie New York trtel.lfiie directory * for lumber* Wbone I . ea lire ont of the ordinary or At tie- hum*. Sain Kmukerfurter bea a Ml. Ml Jin Km k| Seventh at reel and a " I -I ?? ai 1*4* areniie e. jwbe \mw .? ..u rmrd avenue end Frank Amsterdam avenue. If tbey fi.ri.MMi *_ iwrtnenOitp Now ? Then wimimI -mud tniiiillnr Win* Hanu M In 11m* t?.i?ti?e*a and A. Fas la m vutile >i.*?iei laiHta Iticb ta on I'hinI avenue and Jobti Klcber ta In the |tr??iix Kmll Half la on Amater .inn. avenue tJeurtre Idler buatlea In n-Muu net?on \Yeltaler ttryoaf John ?; - ink.tie mine* enay in bi* abop ?e. >.ihI avenue Mas Warm ta on l mm. iluiiaton afreet ales Lrnt of \>.rr..m Mtreet^ never Keefia It Jotwpb tlirs .? We?i Fifteenth afreet abotpd le a ! ??..r?Te with ihe Kot itu- ) i. it..? aiioht JmUna flood by. of u-e?.... ? itnt?-hem Art voce ta. ' the Fiodlo Or.ll, [A " iimr j* one of the olttefl m. ..MM* II. extatet*-* It It > m.edilte freek *-ui|<ure and ie it. .M- <<*i:tiii iitN.ut the name form mm it i* ue j,ioi ?ear* hkii a* Ita nam* 4la-ju1iia?- reMeiiibteM a fiddtr J lie al-itt ta id i?n pteiea In ooe hand a iwrvet itoMir .ue drill tturtu wbicb in .Ike I. ar|M-i.ier* irnu-e rlrrpt (brtt ll i- airman, taateiui ..t haviuy a ?fank in tin- 'V" iiitiKi tie iioida the "bow' an ii o. ainitij wtitt'a iiraaii wire and Vlll li l? lilmli a luei* uriiunil fha drill ?.?#? \ | in*, lirin tb*? f*rvvi |iliiV?r> tin ?-k nk'iiliiH hh* hivilMt. IM??| ?M ! ft iiiiimI and with III- imimrtM m r iii?- ..iHii ?t?*'k and im- i.. .-in tn rttlor wmj , H .. Y... ?It- *mju IH ukwi in i torn.. ? ... - ? '|.wtirrr in* i .... i. ?iih tit* i'IiNh IIhii ? I* ^i^iHiiafnitK ttw *"" ' . ... C...M, -m~_ .Hillfarlf.a.' BBI >Y??. ,? <mif ihn> iti; m .? .-ii'?r uynvy. tin" HI . t-.ili'n'Hl ^ijll.MftjIl It will' *'-?i li -.V l?. I .IIBIMIHt ?M?? ?-?. ? ... . I * 111. I II* ii*M?lf>l?> UM ^ J ' \ ' y. . ntif* .ft t itmiM*rinnd thv KCVrlf fjftjjlfC**,T*?'1' ?tut '*|itttlt?ii. ...ii ;, , ii li.-' fflt told U?v i?T a ' ?|V/W'if- *?--? I-!..'iii*i|u?*ti wiM*npH. I '??. .o.if' an arpftar tn -tft, j i tIt SlH- HHKHt! tllni > iMiientna and < to | I'ii* v.^.H . .... ... IMf/ml . WW n. IMM I tilt Vf I.. . ' l"l' A .. ' '-MM I" II. > v; . . down, iind from the slop# of th*- roaoi flHu I-.v'i'J.-utiv it hud sot bseo HtrpI by 1t* murhty efforts td fcesp ahead of J nonw: op Ki.K<*rioN. i Lm.oI the City It Washington. that it a meeting of the Boar dot Altar- j in*V u election Tor the City or Vaahlngton, vaa ordered to be bald i. the rartoaa warda 04 aaicl City on 11 Monday, the 5th day of May. Ills, llor the pnrpose of yotlni on the bond I sane of flSO.000 dollars as | provided for In an act -of the Oen era! Aaeemhly of North Cfrollns. at Ita aeaalon or 1013, entitled "An Act I to aathorlse the City of Washington I to fhsae bonds"; II The fnndb arising from said bond j I Issue will he used for the following , purposes, to-erlt: l| (A) 1130.008 dollars will tin used , tor the purpose of buffer, butldtnr j I or constructing a water works plant and Installing In the city of Wnahlrg- J con a sewerage system. (B) $10,000 dollar* #111 be used j 'or the purpose of'building an extension to the present Electric bight Plant 1 ' At such election, those electors' faroripg the issue of bonds for the , purs?fee of establishing a sewer syatenf, and buying or building a watej t.orks plant, shall vdte a ballot on which shall be written or printed J the words: "For Sewerage, and | I WSter Wonts," and such of said oiectors as shall be opposed to'Issuing bonds tor tto purpose of establishing a sewer system and buying or { building a water works plant, shall 1 ote a ballot on which will be written or printed the words: "Against Sewerage and Water Works"; and 1 such electors as shall faror. the Issu; inn lit Wiaun ; . tending, increasing, or adding to the j present electric light plant, shall vote a ballot on which shall be srritten or printed the words "For Bxtension of Electric Light Plant," and such as shall oppose the Issuing of bonds for said purpose, shall rote a j ballot on which' shall be written or printed "Against Extension of Elee* ?* ? m 1 ? I UIV M>|Bl rwuu At Mid meeting ot the Board of Alder?a the? were appointed for the City, to Bt during said special election when the question of issuing bonds, as aforesaid, will be submitted to the citfFlret Ward?W. K. Jacobson. ' Beoond Ward; W. R. Bright. Third Ward: W. W. Leggett. - Fourth Ward: J. F. Fljmn. . The following places were designated as polling places for the respective wards: First Ward: * Hassell Supply Co. building. Second Ward: City Hall. Third Ward: Joe Harper's Market. . Fourth Ward: Paul's store oa Market street. This 31tt day o! March, 1313. W. C. AYER3. . City Clerk. 41-1CU 1?^1 i.Y-j' Renolatlon. Whereas the Qenerml Assembly of ' North Carolina, at 1U session of < 19IS. passed a law, authorising and empowering the Board of Aldermen < of the City of Washington to submit < to the qualified voters of said City the question ot issuing bonds for the ' f?i^w<n| p arp??f ta-wi*.: - \ (A) The buying, but.olcg and I constructing of a water Works plant, and a sewer system tor said city. (B) Adding an extension to the present Electric L ight Plant And whereas said Board oltAlderman In thdlr opinion think It for the nterest of said City that said ! fipf'non be called,, so ss to give the ' tr ntprasa thalr wishes Is regard U s* -1 questions above set out: , . Now, therefore, he It resolved *r ? d Hoard of Aldermen In regular adjourned session held oe the list |day of March. 1*1*; that an election be called In the said CltT of Wash lngton, and the same la hereby ordered to be he'd on the First Monday I May, seme betas the Mb day of 1 May. Tilt, for the parpoee of rot* amount end far the pnrpooe hereto declared, namely: tA) The laauaaoe of bondn la the som of $130,000 dollars, for the par|po?e of bny ng or botldign end con' atmrtlng e Water Work* Plant, en<* Sewer System ta seld City. > ..'j (B) The Issuance of bonds In the 'sum of ttd.OOO dollars for the purpose of balldios en extension to the ' E ectric Light Plant. {"O''' ' ' ' . ? . /? v- j. ' ?meLL. Daren pott lot, ani run iy-fQur feet an<? iwo inches; thane5 ... ... ?th Nlmr ttreet. at rJKht angle, to j ml ^and ni? feet to the eastern nt of the lot knorty an tho W. H. viw Brothers lot, rrhlch Is lot No. 7 n tha plot of tho Put load recorder! I i. Book 81, at pad* 700 111 tho offlre f Up Itegtater ot Decda for Baaucrt Count#; and ronalnff with (he taotern Uno of aaid Itt Ko. 7. a dl* anee of fllty-tour foot and two nctea. to a northerly direction, to ha Dayanpoit llr.r; thence. In on (.'* sa.terly direction, with tha Darenport Una, a dl.tanew of o?o hnhdyad aid fifty faat to tha haplaadap ThU March 17th, 1818. , B. U SUBKA* 3-18-fwe' NOTICE. forth Carolina?Beaufort County In th? Superior Coort^-Before <ho ? HnH U Stewart, Admlnletrntor,. of Dulal tlaaaell. deoanaad * ' -'r jV T" * I, Pannte llnaaaU, Honey Kin*. Ben " Bl**a, Camflltu BI**a. Nelaoi. Bl**a, William Hanry Bl*?a. and naarj uurgenus. _ '. Pursuant to oh order heretofore v^RbI Issued'In this sense s>herein Ue xidorsigued. administrator of Daniel . Hnssell, deceased' Is ordered ami dirested to expose tor sale the lands tad premises hereinafter described, the undersigned,will, In nudfUaaeo j rwitw.'ZSi dij!" nt^iii i? o'clock, noon, offer for ft*!* td th?- tJB 4 highest bidder for cases, at the Court House doer, Bs&ufort OoMrr*- 1 following described reel state ftoWili. tract of land in Beaefort County, North Carolina, adjoining Urn $ lands' of Nancy Jones sad others mm! bounded as follows: Beginning at a poet on Van Norden Btreot, the dlriftlon line between be and. Nancy Johntoo. renalngffft yarda Bona W?r": rr~ ?treet; thenco at right angles half way to Bridge street; tbenoe parallel with said street 7ft yards, and from tbenoe at right angles to the 'fegiBnlng, containing one acre more or : lesB. Baring and excepting from the "f. description Just afcove given that part of said land wblch was conveyed by Dtjilel Hamell W EnfdDeih Jbees on Jaanary 3rd, lift, and regfrtered in Book 17. page 101; also that port thereof which wm convave* v. M BimMI to Lamoe Black'edge so . January Srd, lilt, which 4eod la re- # rtrded In hook *7, pace 1M. \ Thla 10th day of March, tf If. . , x. - HDWARD U 8TWWART, . -A Admlnletrator of Daeiel Haaael, Or- , ? nan la Ul- day by mmteal ilaaolTod. . , . : * i: . ..Ml Wiley C. Rodman win ceutlnwr 1 ;> the practice of l?w la the preeent wf- ~ - \W aoee occupied by the tnc William 11 Rodman, Jr., will new tin no the practice of law and win vcupy once, on the eeeond door rt the Baelnae * Traet handler. WILEY C. RODMAN. ' WILLIAM B. RODHAM. Jh April let, lfll. - , "3 HSr; VAUDEVILLE f Granberry and La Moo \ The Sodety CooeA MOTION PICTURES POOTBAIJ, DAV AT OORJTBIA. ; 8. ?aa A. '| TH* BONO OP TUB MWMh Viu?ra?h Drama. ^ \dmission - - 10c tad zfc /H*?n Prom 7lM to II-ft# |

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